Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 28, 1888, Image 4

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"WMAT xm
It U thai Impurity In tlio Mood, which, ac
cumulation In tlio RlaiuM ol tho neck, pro.
duces unsightly lumps or dwellings) which
cauc painful running mrm on tho arms,
leg, or feet, which dcvclope. ulcers In the
rye, cam, or none, often canting Mlmtneis or
deafness which I tho origin of pimples, can
rcrous growths, or tho many other manifesta
tions usually ascribed to "Immoral" which,
fastcnlnit upon tho lungs, cansei consumption
nml death. Ilclng tho most ancient, It Is tho
most general of nil dlscnsea or affections, lor
very low persons nio entirely freo from It.
lly taxing llood'n Barsaparllla, which, by
tho remarkable cures It has accomplished,
often when other medicines havo failed, has
proven Itself to bo a potent and peculiar
medicine for this disease Bomo of theso
cures aro really wonderful. If you suffer from
acrofula, bo auro to try llood'i Baraaparllla.
"Every spring my wlfo and children havo
been troubled with scrofula, sores breaking
out on them In various places. My llttlo boy,
thrco years old, has been a terrible sufferer.
La t spring ho was ono mass of aorca from head
to feet. I was advlicd to uso Hood's Barsapa
rllta, nud wo havo nil taken It. Tho result
la that all havo been cured of tho scrofula,
my llttlo boy being entirely frco from sores,
and all tour ot my children look bright and
healthy." W. a AmnnTOK, rassalo City, N. J.
Mdbjallitrugttiti. Histiforf. rrepatedonlr
by 0, 1. HOOD A CO., Arothecarlei, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Philharmonic Orchestra
Ofllcc,Kooms 139 and 140 llurr Mock.
Telephone 133.
Leaders in Photography.
flEU fffi
We make ft specialty of the celebrated
Lite sited pictures Mid furnish the finest
work at lowest prices.
Beat Cabinets $3.00
Elegant line of Picture Frames In stock
and made to order. Call and sec us.
1016 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB.
New Jewelry Store,
1019 O Street. Established 1874.
Desires to rail tlio attention of tlio publlo to
ht now and elegant stock of
Iitcta, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Having more room to accommodate tho trudo
and show n larger lino than over. Dororo jnir-
chMlnf , give us a call ami wo will show you
the finest lino at lowest possible prices.
Watch Repairing and Engraving
Neatly dne nnd alt work warranted.
W. J. P. Lawton, D.D.S.
Rooms 43, 43, 44, Burr Block.
levator on O St. Telephone 638
Artificial Teeth Inserted without plates.
Administered for painless extraction.
Ladies' & Gents'
At greatly reduced prices
1043 O Street.
1214 O street.
Examine samples of our work before
wsWring elsewhere.
CaWnet Photographs
to ti per dosen.
reduced from $4
A ltular ltir of Almtrrn Tintrf.
PuMMSittcD Saturday
Hoimcriitioni One Year by Mall or Carrier $3,00
HI x months, 91,00, Thno liioultia M CnnU, Ono
month 80 Cent Invaratily In Advance.
lnrimTlaitwtrm.1 Hatea, hindahnlon application
at tho office. Bxolal rate on Ttmn Contract.
CoifrniBirrioKS! Hliort aplcy akotchca, imvui, and
stories solicited. lVntonal and Hoclal note nro
especially dralratile.
PaiKTito! Wo mako a specialty of Kino PrlntltiK
InalllUbrAtiolm. H)jtr wrk aapidlalty
Addrcua all communications direct io tho office.
EOtToaa Attn raoraiaToa.
Now llurr Illook, Cor. 12th mid U HtrerU
Tho CountKii will not lw rejonllhi for
nny dehto mado by nuy 0110 In It imnio, mi
low n written order nocoiniwnlos tho wins,
properly algnod, of coil w.
w kukri, k DonntNM, rrop'ro.
Tiik prohibit lonlt aro running a candidate
for governor In Kansas, but for whot object
It. U dlfllcult to any,
Tiik Excelsior dotuniuU that n chancellor
lo delected for tho unlvemlty whoaholl plenio
Omaha. Wo had supiKmod thnt Omaha poo
plo had learned before this that thnt city Is
not tho stnUi of Nobrnakn.
l i
Tun CouniKii auonis to follow moat every
ono to tho Hiiiiuner not fa nnd It la w lth plena
lire that wo ran chronicle tho fnct that if nil
tho Lincoln ladlen nnd gentlemen uoy at tho
watering place, over one-half of thcui rural vo
tho Hr regularly whllo nbrood.
Tiik unprovoked iirwault on Mayor Hawyer
Monday evening la nil outrngo thnt should
uieet with Htccily imiilshiuont Mr. Kitwyor
has proven himself nnnlilomul foarletwofllclnl,
and such cowardly tough n tho man who
ivwaultcd lilm ahould las taught n aovcro left
son. Tiik Omnlia llepubllcnn announce ns a
p'ecoof new that Mr. J. D, Calhoun of this
;lty will shortly tnko editorial charge of th
Herald or that city. If tho editor of tho lle
publlcnn hail noticed tho Couiiikh of four
weeks agoho would hnvo found thowimo Item
of utws.
KtJiKWliKUK in this lmue will lo found n
very interesting letter written fiom Dublin,
Ireland, by our well kliown townsman Mr. C.
D, Hyatt of tho firm ot IluU'hliis Si Hyatt.
Mr, Hyatt is n fluent and cutertaluli.g writer
and Hh wutrltytltfon In this lw will prove
good Sunday reading.
The Cougrfgntlonallsta havo decided to lo
0 (e their college at Chadron. Two or three
earaagoChadron was ono of tho toughest
towns In tho west, a rendervous for cowboys
and toughs, nnd It is indlentivo of tho great
progress made by Nebraska to noto tho fact
that a denominational collego lias been estab
lished there.
THE dear, old Journal Is developing Into a
sensational newspaper. Anothor city paper
which Is nameless hore has probably cut Into
It Bubwriptlon list badly. Dy tho way, a a
pleco ot now, it might lie mentioned that on
Monday next the Journal will put on a new
dress of type, brevier and nompnreil, instead
of minion and uomparcll as how.
It was rumored laatoronlng that the Even
ing News of this city had been sued for llliel
in tho sum ot f50,000 by Mr. nnd Mrs. a E.
Hoge, the latter chairman of tho grlovance
committee of tho brotherhood men lately on
the Burlington. Tho action is based on an
Item printed sometime ago connecting Mr.
I logo and his wife in an nllegod blackmailing
.scheme. Detective Plnneo who furnished
the item to tho News, has been sued for a llko
AN ovident sign that the CouniEn is In a
prosporoua condition and enjoying the favors
ot fortune may be olwervod by scanning
our advertising columns. The Coumcn has
today the largest and best advertising patron
age of any paiier in Lincoln, a fact which wo
feel proud of and appreciate. Business men
ot Lincoln realizo the fact that announce
ments made In rt clean, spicy family paper
which reaches peoplo 'at the most opportune
time (Sunday) Is tho paper to advertise In and
we feel grateful for their generous favors. It
Is oIko to bo noticed that In these columns
will ho found only tho advertisement ot tho
lending houses of tho city, When placing
such business kindly bear this In mind.
TK Call is making a brilliant light for the
selection of business men to represent Lan
caster county in the .ioxt legislature. It is
stieeringly opposed by tho Journal and Now,
who have Job olllco attachments patronized
by tho Burlington. If tho present railroad
law covers every question of rnt&t and dis
crimination, as claimed by these two paer8,
why does tho board of trndo contlnuo spend
ing money togot n fair ahowf If tho present
law Is faultier, why do tho railroads not tho
comnilNslon at defiance and pay no attention
to its last manifesto regarding rotettf Tho
Burlington luvs not treated Lincoln rlghf,
and It nover will ao long ns there is no press
ure brought to bear uon It to coinjiel recog
nition. This city must send n delegation to
our legislative halls who know whnt they
want and nro not pfrnld tonsk for It.
Tiik color question app;a to bo a leading
ojioln Lincoln nowadays. There 010 somo
few of tho African race who do not kmw
their place in society, or If thoy do, hi vo not
tho ceiiM) to keep it. It Is a manifest injury
to a man whetlur he conducts nn ojier hou e,
a hotel or a barlwr shop, Inasmuch as it de
tracts from his custom, to allow n ctlonl
man, it ho be n Chinaman, a Negro or a Hin
doo, to mingle with his audience, his guest
or his customers. Wo do not bolleve tho con
tltutlonid amondment was intended to work
hardship to anyone, but if tho Interpretation
commonly put uioii it U according to law
then It does. Wo do not core to and would
not sit by the side of a negro during u per
forinance or a meal, nnd wero wo running an.
opera house or a hotel would shut it up soon
er than compel others to do so. It may bo
good law but It Is mighty )oor Justice.
The poawHigcr tlenrtinont of tho Union
lVlflc, "Tho Overland Itouto," baa laaued n
neat llttlo pamphlet, potkot slto, entitled
"National I'latform Hook," containing tho
Democratic, llepubllcnn and 1'iohlbltlon plat
forms, together with the nddroMtwj of Accept
aliro of drover Cleveland, llenjnmin Har
rison nud Clinton II. Fisk; also talmlatul
fable allowing tho plurality vote, tho olecto
rnl vote nnd nil nnnijitlri of tho vote, as cast
for C arulnnd nud Illaluo In IctfM,
This liook Is Just what Is neodoil ntthis tlmo
and should Ihj In tho bands of every voter. It
plainly sot forth whnt each party has to of
fer nud overy rcodor can draw Ida own com
iwirisona Hunt to nny addms on applica
tion. AddruM J H. Tkiiiikth,
Oencrnl Varaonger Agent,
Union i"aclflo Itailway,
Omnlia, Neli.
Honm Cheap I'roperty,
A fine rraldenco lot on Twenty-flrat street
near N for snlo at n rciutoiinblo prico. Also
ono in Mechanics addition, Hydo l'ark and
Klmwood.WIH soil clump if nold Immediately
Calltmornddm. L. Wceael, Jr., raru this
Legal Not ten,
David A. Hmith. ) In tho
I'l.ilntlir. District Court
vh. of
Mauoik Hhitii, Lancaster County,
Defendant, J Nebraska.
To Mngglo Hinith,Jioii.naldeiit, defendant:
you nro hcivny iioiiikhi inaiou 1110 iithiiny
of July, I HNS, David A. Hmitb lllwl n otltioil
against you In tlio District court of IancaNtcr
county. Nebraska, tho object nnd projer of
wldch is to obtain n divorce from you 011 tho
grounds of adultery without the consent or
concurrvneo of tho plalutilT,
You nro required to niiawuraalil petition on
or Iraforo Monday tho tilth dnv of August,
1888. Davhi A. Bmith,
lly A. K. IIowAiin, his Attorney.
Go oast lit tlioHt. I-ouU. nnd tho Munourl
1'ntlllo ruilrood nnd avoid nil omulbiu trnim
fern, nil changed mndo In Union deitota via
tuts route. Cliulr cars fre.
Tho Klkhorn Valley Lines nro now milling
ticket ot the nbovo claxn to tho following
(Kilnta; Ixiug I'iuo, Nubr., Doughu, Wyo.,
uakotultot Hprlnganiui luplil City, Dnk.
Hplrit Iike, In., Miuneaolls, Ht, i'nul, D11
luth, Hiiierlor, Ashland, Itayfleld, nnd Wash
burn, and via Ht, 1'nul to rortlnnd, Uregon,
Tnconm, W. T., nnd Victoria, 11. C. For full
particulars of routes, rntiw, etc.. rail on or
wrlU Ooa 11, ForcHinati, Agt., 116 b . t.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
tVo are iudobU-d to Cei nntea for tho prov
oib: "Therein but little in w oiiiauV ndvlco,
yet ha that won't tnko It is not over wie."
lteniember this when your wlfo advhes yen
to tnko Chamberlain's Cougli, Ilometly and
euro your cold. It Is always dangerous to
neglect n cold. Bold by W, J. Turner.
115 Houtli Tenth Htroot.
For tlckcta to Dakota, Minnesota, Montana,
Oregon, 'Wasbliigtou territory or California
point, call at tho above place.
Lincoln Hack and luggage Line.
Telephone. No. 1201, meal market, 037 O
street, or No. SOI livery barn. Order slates
at some placca and U. P. ticket ofllce, comer
Kloventh and O street. Hack stands, Capi
tal hotel and meat market.
IIoiianon DnoR.
Before storting 011 your trip let us repair
your old trunk. We can make it as good as
new, or we will take it in trade for a new one,
or soil you ono at prices below what a dealer
can afford to sell at and give bettor satisfac
tion. Qlvo us a call and we will convince
you that it pays to buy direct ot tlio manu
facturers, Lincoln Trunk Factory.
Wiiiick & IIOlTEIt, Prop'.
Telephone W, SCO Bouth 11th atreet.
Ilurimlshelmer & Co, this wook offer a cor
set at 25 cents, worth double the print.
Wo buy our refrigerators from manufac
turers in car lota, and will gtvo our custo
mers the benefit of car load prices. Havo the
largest and moot complete stock In the city.
Wo would bo pleased to show these goods and
quote prices. Hudgo & Morris, llii N street.
Can it be Cured!
Thoro aro n groat many persons
throughout tho country who have
chronic diarrhoea, nnd havo boon led to
bolloTO that It can not bo cured. It
matters not how many physicians baro
told you your caso was hopeless, nor
bow many different modlclnus you
baro tried, without any permanent
bcnollt, we claim thnt the disease can
bo cured, nnd ns ovldonoo of it rofor
to tho following chbcs:
Wtamdottb, Kan., June 15, 1887.
Uno of my custotuors had boon troub
led for yours with ohronlo diarrhoea, I
Eominded hliu to uso abottloof Ghniu
orlaln's Collu, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Ktmiodv. it comnlotelv cured him. nnd
ho to day enn not say onough In praise
of it. This cubo cited is only ono of
many that hnvo bcou cured by it hero.
I can further sny that I rucommond it
nil tho tlmo, as I know it is as rupresen
tod, nnd will do tho work, I hnvo been
bulling it for several years, und have
nuvur hoard of Its fulling in a singlo
caso. In fnot, every ono who uses It
spunks in tlio highest -irntsoof its work.
Uit. S. x. Matiikr, Druggist.
I have cured n inoht persistant nnd
aggravating caio of chronic diarrhoea
with four or llvo bottles of Chamber
luln's Colic, Cholorn nud Diarrhoea
Homudy, after tho unity had used nil
other iiropiirntlous In vain. I consldor
it the host iiuuln. V. A. McGuniqlk,
iMononn, Clio ton (Jo., lown.
I nm just recovering from a long
spell of Hlckness, und was given up to
ilte by everyone who saw mo. 1 hud
been sulVcriiig from chionlo diarrhoea
nml hud doctored with uuiirly nil tho
phytdcintis In Clark und Union counties.
I laid in bed for three months nnd bov
en dnys, and could not move until I
tried Chnmboiiuin's Colio, Cholorn nnd
DiurrluuM Itemudy. It has cured me
nnd 1 now um in my atom nltemliug to
my business. I now soil Chnmburluin's
Colio, Cholorn nnd Ditirrhoon llemudy
to my customers nnd toll thorn it is tho
greatest modiulno ever made. All of
tlio people in America could not now
break my faith In your medioino. I
would risk my llfoon it doing for others
what it has done for mo. J. C, Stout,
Thayer, Union Co., lown.
Aro tho most porfoct physio in uso.
They nro vigorous but gontlo in their
operation, thoy cloanso tho system,
stimulate tho liver to a hoalthy notion,
nid digestion nnd purify tho blood.
When you noed a good physio try there
and thoy will mako you fool liko a now
Sold by W, J. Turner.
Attractive Presses for Mttle Girls' Wear
During; the HntRunitner Dnys A French
Frock Dencrlbeil, Also 1'retty English
Children of both soxes are, as a rulo, very
becomingly dressed nowadays. Not a fow of
tho frocks designed for llttlo girls are deci
dedly picturesque in effect, such, for instance,
a the oni depleted In .the accompanying
m. 1 rnicircii rnooK for girl or foot.
In tho first cut is shown a French dress for
n llttlo girl of throo or four years of age. it
Is mado of cream colored lawn, sprinkled
with dots In two shaded of pink. Tlio baby
bodice is bound with shaded pink silk, to
harmon'zo with tho braces, belt, loops and
ends, which droop on tho short skirt. Large
Tujcnu lint, surrounded nltli a pufllug in
pink muslin, and an mulch feather which
droops fnTront over the brim.
no. 2 run. noniot mocx.
In the second cut is represented a fall
bodloe and sleeves in biscuit colored nun's
veiling, trimmed with ajiolntod yoko, com
posed of tucks and outlined with lace plait
ing. A similar trimming adorns the cuffs
and collar, as well as tho top of tho skirt,
which Is finished off with lace flounce. Dolt
and shoulder knots In blue volvet or moire
silk. This dress is suited to llttlo girls from
five years to nine years of age.
Uinta to Amateur Dressmakers.
Draperies becomo lwa bouffant and more
nearly straight as tho season advances. The
Dlrectolro styles find favor because Uiey are
so easily arranged, tho wide, soft sash con
cealing many defects of fitting, and tha long
full skirt being so generally becoming.
Double skirts, as thoy were formerly called,
aro again seen, and aro merely two straight
flounces covering the foundation skirt all
around; theso are used for tall figures that
nood to bo shortened apparently, but tho sin
glo skirt full and round is much used for
thin summer fabrics, especially for wash
When drapery is considered essential, the
amateur dressmaker is reminded that this
draping must not bo low down on tho skirt,
as that gives a most dowdy effect. While
fullness is mostly massed behind, tho ama
teur must not fall to mako aprons fuller ot
tho top than thy formerly were; Indeed
many draperies aro not sloped at tho top,
being made up of straight breadths adjusted
to suit tho wearer's figure, with fullness here
and scant there, as tho modisto finds most
becoming. Longthwlso tucks aro pretty in
tho upper part of apron draperies, and shir
rings done on cords iu two clusters of only
throo or four cords in each are stylish for the
fullness on each sldo of tho skirt. Harper's
jtluterluU Kinployctl for Underwear.
jLxcluslvo, fashlonabio women use Fronch
nainsooks, linen cambrio nud percales for
underwear. There is less of Imported cam
brio used than formerly, owing to the supe
riority ot our own domestic cambrics. Tho
Wainsutta, Lonsdalo and especially tho
Bcrkcloy mills all mako cambrics which
rival tho bsst imported goods, and nro sold
at less than one-half. Modopolalno is a
heavy quality of percale which sells at about
tweuty-flvo cents per yard, and is especially
recommended as durablo goods for under
wear. Nearly oil tho shops now keep Ham
burgs worked on modopolalne, for uso on
garments mado of this material. Theso em
broidered bands are finished without dress
ing, and nro fur superior to all Hamburg,
oven French Hamhurg, which has been con
sidered tho best of all. Unfortunately thoy
are sold only lu four and a half yard lengths
in all widths, a length which does not always
cut to advantage.
Fashion In Hosiery,
Black silk and black cotton hosiery ore the
regulation choice for summer. A few suede
colored silk hose aro worn with suede colored
slippers for dressy occasions. Black cotton
hosiery Is tlio choice for genoral wear, and is
now dyed by several processus which guaran
tee a fast color without tho use of any un
wholesome Ingredients in tho coloring matter.
Globe One-Price
Is now showing
New Spring Styles
Mens, Youths, Boys and
All the Latest Novelties and Nobby Designs arc included
in our Complete Assortment, to which wc invite an early in
spection. THE GLOBE
One-Price Clothing House.
E. M. EISFELD & CO., Proprs.
yivTrrfm-i-ra-iriTVi 1 1 rr i n-m-ri . . n rjrrri
til nvB mKmmmmmmmammmmmmm -
Spring Suits
$20 AND $25.
Holbrook& Bonbrierht
Wall Paper and Window Shades,
Sjieelal Attention given to Designing, which wo do free.
S3 4 So. Eleventh. St.
Samples and Specifications without Clinrgo.
Tbt followloit book! r publlihed In Dtat ptmphlat form, printed from Rood readable trr on
r. and inanj of them haudiotnelr IlluitrateJ. Thej are without exception the cheapeit booYi tin
literature of the dar at the utoit trifllnir nn
.. .-M . ,-.r-., ...w ..,....., ,u tun
'. lue.aar. ai tne utoit trininn uptuw.
timet the price at which they are bere odered. Ktch
Wonder el tha World, niTceii up Otvii. Con.
Uloe dertptlont tod llluetrattob .r tht mol woodtrful
vciki.l n.tur. mi .1 mn, V.rr Int.r.illof tat Inittucll.i.
Wonden r tho Hea. A diMrlptlon of IK. mnf woodtr.
hi .nl U.atK.I IUIoj, Iood4 t th, Uiltoiii ol Hi. vcug, with
orofu llluitr.lloDi.
"A I'lMinr. Kxtrtlm.- and Other Skrlehea. Bf
"Joim AtL'e mm." i rullKllon l trrulallbly rigor
Ik.ttiit. by tht tnoit roputor hnraorout wrlitr ol lit. d.jr.
The Aunt KcbUIi Taper., trCLAi Ad.uita, .nlhor
er ' To. Huff locuin.nti ' a mml rldlculouitr fuuor Utvk
toTry w.r..iiulto '-Widow luduit.'
tihrUimae Storle., lr Cuiiti Piciem. CooUtm a
BomUrul tli. roottcbarmlnB CltrHlmt. ttorlrf vr wrlllto
t7 wrlttrwho.TtrllT.d. r.rhon.ifcoinplttf.
Ilouadlhs Kventnc Lamp. A tock uliloiln.iilcUrM,
pntiLi .nd Kim., for tit. Hill. lolk. .1 hont.
l'opular lie Itatlon. and IHalofruefc homoronf, dr.m
tl.nd nthlle, lacl.dlBf .11 lb. Ulcltbti.n4 mot popular,
TheNcir-raadeUen or MederaTlmea. CouUl.ipor.
Ir.tu .ad blot r.phlt . of famou. .ill mad. AuitrlcaDf , Iron lb.
Ilm.or Franklin to th.
Familiar Quotation.. OonttlnlDilh.orlila.Bd talbor.
ehtp el maor phtai.t fc.oo.nllr rutt la rtadlpt and ma
Hod, A v alaabl. work of rtfertnc
.Low Lira In Kt Tub A ttrlttel tlTllMaplctnrtt
ekowloi In. dark tlJ. ol III. la tht mat cltjr. lllmtrafd.
Tho lload to Wealth. Not a tdr.rlliloc clrcnlar,
I a thorouiklr piaclkal work, polnllot ool war br
wMtktllmafniaktnionty, tatllr.rtpldlr and bontillr.
Ona Uainilrod I'opNlar aenca, ttullrainlal,talbiUe
aad.oml,luclalln( nio.l ol lb. (arorlut. a.w .0 1 old,
A Hart red Lire. A No.l, Hi Mitioa litai tnu.
Maa'e Bacrlllco. a riottl. By tin. Aaa I.
mm IS V '. "ul nrronnaooTe uooiKDy roan pott pant upon race ptof only 18 f'cnlai anrlrn lo.
Saf2T".1?.,uJr i'!'!' "." ,or " I ' entire Hit (Jl.ooki) for 1R rente 1 tl Te utlr "llt bound In board
Clothing House.
an elegant line of
Children's Fine Suits.
erer pub-
muni tu .u. icumo in pDpariumiy 10 ..cure tn
in anr other lerlt. theie men rrofki m m.t m.n.
one U complete In Itielf:
Tho Porrrlllnl llublea. A Kottl. By V. T. CilDta.
'I hoOld OuLtitChr.U Ahot.l, DyBlbTaavt Coat, Jr.
'I lie 1'farl nrtlirtOrtan. A HotiI. lly CLaaa AvaviT..
Hollow Ath llalL A Nonl. lly Uiautaat ULevaT.
C'lllTo llou.e. A Mortl. ay Krri W. riiaca.
Under the Lilac. A Keral. Dy tbt autuor or "Dor
Tho lllamond llracelct. A Kortl, By tin. llntr
Wood. Iluilr.lli.
The Lawyer' Heerel. A Not.l, nyUliiU.K.narD.i.
'1 ho tttranue ('ate or r. JeLyll und Mr. Hyde. A
Nottli lly II 1. Kttio,
A Wjekcl Ulrl. A No.. I. Br Uiar C.cil liar.
Lnd tnlworth'a lllamondt. A honl. lly "T.
lletween Two Slnt, A JJotiI. By tb author ol ' Dor
Tborut," UuilraKd.
Tho Nine or Heart. A Notit. By B.L. rauioa,
Horla'a Fortune. AotiI. ItyPboatMca Wiipii.
Al.ote Murrluar. A Nonl. lly llln Muloci, Uu.
'Ihedullty lllver. A hortl. By WiuiiCouim.
J hel'ol.on or A Nonl. By ri.OB.MCa Ui
jy wiiiiauobiim.
Ur fi.oi)ca Uiaaitr,
Alout l.ruiige. A NoTtl,
Br Mrt. Uanae Wood.
rurarln; Ilia rttlrr A M
A I'lay wilaht. Iluutfhtar.
KnwiBDB. ifJu.rrafKl.
a now.
Uv lira. iLiiiin...
ASotil, By Mrt. Aia
l-'olr Ltil Kula. A NotiI. It th. .nlkr.p .f ItrL...
Tliornt." itlu.lraliJ.
. Laneatltr'a Cablib A KertL By lire. M.V. Vicro.
rlorene Ielnctou' Oath. A Xo'tl. By Mrt. klitf
Tho IVomMU llMt.p.
A Kortl, By Dr.J.II.iati,
'I he I'alirorula Cabin.
A Not.l. By M. T. Oilbea.
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