Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 28, 1888, Image 3

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Drayage and Moving,
Desire to Inform the public that UN equip
ment for moving Household (iood,Pianos
Safes, M.trchandUc, Heavy M ichlncry.
tc, Is the best In the city. men
And wagon arc kest for the removnl of
Pianos and Houselt ild Goods,
Which arc nlwny handled by compctaul
jnd experienced help, nnd the latest appli
ances used for hindling Safes and other
heavy goods. Call, nddiess or telephone
Telephone 1 1 1 Ollicc 917 O
Fremont Elkhorn & Mo. Valley
Traias leave 10.15a. in nml 12:10
Tub Klkuoun Valmsy I.tNic
To frco homes in Northwestern Nebinskn nil
Southwestern Dakota.
To ttio Itlnck Hills mid thu Hot SprliiKS.
To Central Wjoinhur, eonl and " fields 1111
attle ranges.
To Chicago nnd tho Knst.
To St. Paul, tlie North and Northwest.
For further Information (nmtlru of
OKO. N. KOU1WMAN, Audit,
1 15 8011th 10th street, Lincoln
W. V. KlTO'l, J. It. lU'CHANAX,
Oeneral M'Ker. (len'l Pass, Aj't
Missouri Vnllev. Iowa.
(apitalHtiitk $JOO,000.
0. W Mosher, 1'rtwldv.nt W. .1 - Walsh, V- Pre
II. 0. OmcaIi, Caahler.
IturuT loaned on long or short time at Iowa
lies. Offlco In Richards' Ulock, room St.
Take elevator on Elaronth street entnaoa.
N. R. HOOK, M. D.,
diseases or womcn.
Urinary and Recta. Diseases a Specialty.
Treats reetaliltseasos by IlItlNICnitHOPK
PAINLESS 8Y8TRM Onieo, rooms Yii, hi and
12t Ilurr Ulock. Twelfth nml O sjreets. omec
telephone 6 14 Kesldenco IC'.NQ street ' Phone, BH
Ofllco hours, 0 2 to 0 and 'J to S l in
Sundays, 10 to 11 a in
HomoBopatlitst Physician,
Tili-jhoiie No 6S5.
16 South 1 1 th .Street, Lincoi.m
Steam Laundry
1117 P Street.
ytill in the front und absolutely lending all
competitors. Thoioughly equipped for tht
onest work, giving to each customer an un
qualified guarauteo for all v. ork done. AH of
our vtorkdono with neatness and dhqintch
Wo solicit orders for suburban villages and
neighboring towns, paying tho express on uil
orders one way. Respectfully,
Old dead teetr. nn'ain
, tho mlnU'., tire 01 tlni
IKIIfllUl Who (llll urt.illovv
it, eiHiIni; out of olil ice'li
at cum men nnd m
henlthvf Thoi led 1 1110
doad, ulcerated, mill aliliy
trcqucntly cnuc a u oiled
face. Hhould certiiliw o
extracted and rcplarcil with
Kood, artlllclni tit-th that
neoraclie, can bceitruct
cl without palu. No bum.
The above cut shows the teeth or a man i&
years of sge, from Dr. Bell In 18.11. We meet
with this affection In the teeth lu various forms
and degrees. The ends of the crowns seem
TY) soft, having a low degree of vitality and
wear down shoirlng a dark jtllowlth cupped
ipoMn tho center. Many are so foollih as to
" ht molar teeth aro of little account.
-,.i ret them go by default; after which all
the trcc of the muscles are extended to tht
front teeth, wearing them down rapidly.
The best, and orly rented), Is to cover and
buildup the euds with gold and platinum,
which wears like steel and saves them tuanj
years. We make a specialty of fine gold work
on building them up, contour tllllngs, etc
Cuts A and B are from John Tomps, of Eiie
A Two incisors with notches In the ends.
B shows the peg shaped teeth wltuy.UowUb
,ltalu the ends
For sucn teeth wo hare two remedies: First
To fill Iih pits hi the ends with gold Sec
ond Extract them and rtplace them with
artificial Uetli. But tho bones absorb awav
rapidly so that they will need resetting fre
We insko tho flneat artiaclal teeth In the
We use J us tics' and White's patent teeth
with long, heavy pins, mounted 011 atronir
.elattlo plates. Those who patmulze u- will
not bo troubled with broken teeth and cracked
plates, canuer sore mouths, etc.
To loose tho front teeth, Is to loose half
the power of speech, and more than half Ur
Diseased Qums,
The teeth turn blsek and dls, ths &1.& Weed at
the illtthtent touch, ulccrato, tho toett Uosen ac4
fall eat, the breath It horrlblo.
1200 O Btroet,
On thelUpId Transit, cuius up dlr.-d rua.
"- m uuui.Kuu aim lunuuum HI IDRI,
-Um onset teeth that tobacco will not taisaw.
Why Homo People (let I.lttlo TlrnefU from
Summer Outing or Change of Air.
Dr. A. J. Crespl, of England, gives soma
valuable advice to both physicians nnd j
patient about tho profit to bo got out of n
change, of nlr. To tho latter ho says that in
order to bo lienoflted 0110 must not put ono'
worries In one's handbag and carry them i
about. Many poi-eons w ho are "ordered" to
tho nvoshoro or muuutalus go there grutu- 1
bling under protest, nnd spend tho precious (
da a of would bo recuperation lu longing to I
get back to tho duties that haunt them. This I
sort of a "chango" is a mere farce, but often
it is tho only kind that is obtainable. People ,
are too poor to count tho outing ns a picas
uroi it is an oxpouso over which they fret till
tho last vestlgo of benefit Is worn away. On I
this account, tho physician must beware of
flippant advice to try the seashore and '
mountains, when such a chango tuny involve ,
exienses which tiro hard to bear, nnd may ,
lead only to heavier burdens thereafter. Un
fortunately, tho people who are overworked I
tho tnlddlo classes who, with tho taste
and aspirations of tho rich, have only very
limited means at command, are tho very ones
who most need the change, and got it with 1
tho greatest dlfllculty. Ileforo prescribing a
chango of air, it is well to osthnato tho labor
involved in getting it aa to whether tho of
foot of tho tremondous elTort necessary may
not outweigh tho results of tho chango.
In ordering chango ofalr, it is wiso not to
promise too much. Do not pack peoplo off
to Komo distant clime, ns somo physicians do,
because they do nut know what to do with
them. Ono ought to consider noil lforo ad
vising climatic changes in tho case of n per
sou presumably incurable. Tho oxcitomont
of n Journey often hastens death lu ersons
whonro very low; and, if death ensues, it is
very sad und Inconvenient to the friends, and
very prejudicial to tho ph)siciau'8 fame. At
liost a change of nir ought only to bo sug
gested; coercion does no good.
ContaRlousiie-i-. of Consumption.
It is now generally accepted that pulmon
ary consumption is a contagious disease, that
it can Imj communicated from man to man,
nnd, according to Journal of Health, this
theory is to a cry great extent displacing
thnt of inheritance, or, nt least, it Is believed
by many that tho latter plas 11 much less
important part than is generally supjiased.
Its supporteis consider that children of con
sumptive, instead of being at birth tainted
with tho dlseoM) of their parent, acquire it
while In immediate contact with them, in
attendance during their, etc. Thus,
if n child has 11 consumptive mother or
father, tho germs of that disease are com
municated to it in tho breath or from tho
matters coughed up; and, consonant with
this theory, unless tho child of such parents
bo exposed to such poisonous Influence, it is
scarcely more likely to fall a victim to con
feumnttou than It would wero it Iwrn of com
paratively healthy parents. Years of patient
investigation will, of course, Imj needed to
jK-rfect this theory, which certainly has now
110 jucousiilciahlo Kiipiort
Vanilla J'oUonlnt;.
It Is asserted that poiouiug by vnnllla Ico
crenm has been frequently reported In Ku
roH?, where vanilla is reeognlred ns a dan
gerous toxic ngent, its iH-culinr twTcct being
Known tcicntlllcully as vuiiIIIImii. It is ex
plained that iuprepuiing tho vanilla Imuus
tor tho mniket thoy are classilled ncconling
to thclrsl.e nnd quality, the latter depend
lug upon an abundance of 11 substance which
exudes fiom tho pod and crhtalliAs uKn
tho surfneu in thushapoof white, frost llko
needles. In order to sec.iro theso needles,
tho jiods me coveted w it It 11 protective coat
ing of tho oil of cashew nut. Tills oil is a
most powerful irritant, simple contact with
tho skin causing vesicular erysipelatous and
other cutaneous eruptions, and this, it is
thought, is tho causo of tho tol soiling thnt
results from eating ico crenm.
I'M'ful SiiKKe-tlons.
Dr. Iiornbeck rccomii-euds tho application
ot (lexiblo collodion containing thfrty-llvo
grains to the fluid otinco of salicylic acid, for
tho cuie of Insect stings.
A foreign physician suggests thut ox
curslonlsts should sulistltuto for tho bluo
veil, usually worn nsa protection from tho
Eilil, n 1 ed 0110, since bluo ulTords tho very
least protection against tho chemicnl rays of
tho sun.
To make a mustard plaster that will remain
flexible and not dry out, molasses is used for
mixing, instead of water; spread a lino cloth
over tho plaster, so that it may heul without
Temper and Want of Cowries", In Home
Life a I'requent Cause of Kail Planners.
Peoplo err very often 111 society from not
knowing what good manners arc, nfllrms
excellent social authority. Something or
bomobody annoys them, und they have not
themselves under sulllciout control not to
show It, nnd so they aio brusquo and abrupt,
and sometimes distinctly rudo to thoir guests
or usRocIates. To havo really good manners,
great fcolf control Is necessary. Ono must
learn not to show all 0110 feels, so that If any
thing disagreeablo occurs, or riomo ono np
Ioars whom wo dislike, wo must still prcservo
a calm, aifable demeanor, and lm at least
courteous in our maimer. Hut amongst tho
"upper ten" It is often tho case now thnt thoy
douottryto lo courteous, but show au In
truder (or any ono thoy look upon in that
light) nt once that Ids room would bo
preferred to his company, and make
lilm fool most awkward and confused,
though at tho samo tlmo ho may bo quite
worthy of a w oleomo as far as birth and po-d-,11011
are concerned; but hois not in their
"sot," so must keep himself nt a respectful
distance At tho same timo, somo one born
in a far lower Bphoro receives adulation, and
his conversation Is lUtcuod to, and sometimes
Ids manners are copied, all that is needed to
lo welcome being to belong in somo mys
terious way to thut "set."
It is curious how somo peoplo imagine thnt
thoy can lohavo Just as they like in tho homo
circle, but that in society of course thoy are
nnd must Im quito different, put on a com
pany nir, nnd fancy It takes and scorns nat
ural. Hut It is not ho at nil; unless peoplo
aro habitually polito and umiablo and cour
teous in their homo life, they will not lu so
when thoy nro out, however much they nro
under control littlo tricks of manner, slung
words, etc., will come out, and if mothers
and fathers nlm nt their sons nnd daughters
being refined nnd ngreeablo in society, thoy
must begin by lubi.tiug on their being at
homo ns courteous, us obliging and mi per
fectly polito to each other us they would bo
to strangers. Freedom of intercourse should
never produco rudeness, mid Hio-mj families
ngiTO best who make a point of treating each
other with uniform polltcnesti and courtesy.
Then when they go out all is cosy mid nat
ural. letter Paper.
Letter paper should be lino nnd plalu, nnd
for ordinary notes neither ciet nor mono
gram bhould lo upon It, though the, latter or
naments may lo used fur such letters ns nre
ceremonious or nro of such a friendly natur
thut thoy mo likely to bo preserved.
Preparing llittierlllm In n Cabinet -Two
I'mr-Mri Uliutrntril nml lrcrlleil by
Wlileh Hprelmen No Ixmgor Mny
Ho Muile rirxlble.
Collectors of butterflies nro frequently
obliged to defer spreading tho tiles until the
leclmcns nro no longer floxlble. In order to
restore their former flexibility It Is necessary
to test them to n soolnl process, that of
softening. This softening process render
Insects that havo been dried for a considerable
timo fresh and flexible,
fiu. 1 BorrieNifio dhikd uurrxnri.iK3.
Thero is nothing complicated aliout this
operation, nnd tho apparatus itself is simple.
A concave dish fllled with wot sandy loam,
and covered with a liell glass fltted hermeti
cally to lta rim (see Fig l);or, for want of
this, a well closed pot or any other wldo and
hallow vessel. Such Is tho apparatus. The
butterfly is plnnod to tho loam, caro being
taken to prevent tho body from touching tho
latter, and tho Insect Is left to itself In tho
damp vessel. From time to time n littlo
carbolic acid should Iks sprinkled upon the
loam to prevent tho formation of mold. Ono
or two days sufllco to restore flexibility to
secies of medium size, Imt a littlo longer
tlmo is necessary for largo buttcrlllc-i,
especially if thoy havo been dry for somo
Bcrco, tho distinguished lopldoptorlst, hav
ing observiMl that certain butterflies of u
dellcnto bluo or bright green lost their fresh
colors lu damp vnpois, several years ago
pointed out a method of softening such in
sects without nny danger of destroying their
colors. It consists, explains Nature, in
spreading somo cherry laurel leaves, that
have lieen chopped up line, over tho bottom
of a glass or earthen Jar (Fig. 2) to n depth
of about nn inch nnd closing tho vessel her
metically with (i cork Btopiwr. Ileforo Insert
ing tho latter, tho butterflies to bo softened
or pi cserved fresh nre pinned to tho under
id of It
lu this way all species of butterflies can Iw
softened nnd preserved for a length of tlmo
mi) mg from fifteen to twenty days. Tho
only precautious to bo taken aro tho follow
1 ; The cherry laurel leaves selected must
he verj mature, nnd, If damp, must lie wiped
dry, the Jar must Ik) kept cool and In a dark
place, nnd must Im) often examined, and if
anytiacuof dampness Is observed, must bo
uncorked and dried, and tho leaves must t
renowed when it is observed that thoy ore
turning yellow or that thoy show any sigti9
of moldiness. Tills process Is nn excellent
0110, nnd in nowiso alters tho most delicate
Speed of Trains.
Inquiry Is frequently mado ns to how tho
speed of a train may Imj estimated. Railway
lloviow suggests throo methods, as follows:
1. Wntcli for tho passago of the train by
tho largo white mllo posts with black figures
upon them, and divido 8,000 by tho tlmo in
seconds between posts. Tho result is tho
speed lu miles per hour.
2. Listen attentively until tho car distin
guishes tho click, click, click of tho wheel ns
it passes n rail Joint. The number of clicks
upon ono side of the car in twenty seconds
is tho speed in miles per hour, where tho
rnils nro thirty feet lu length, nnd this is tho
enso generally.
!J. Count tho number of telegraph poles
passed in two minutes, if there aro four or
flvo wires to a ioIe, and In two minutes nnd
twenty seconds if there aro only ono or two
lines per iolo. Tho number of poles passed
is tho number of miles per hour at which the
train is traveling.
Telegraphing by the Clouds.
A scientific French Journal tolls tho fol-
lowing: Admiral C. W. Hunt Orubbo has
rnrvnriVm,lnmn lnrmH,- nrnm-lmnn,,
at tho Cniio of Good Hopo on the sending of
signals by means of the' rays of an aro lamp
reflected from tho clouds. Tho luminous fai
ciclo from n 100,000 cnndlo nro lamp was di
rected against the clouds by means of a to
Hector, nnd interrupted uccordingtotho hcli
ogrnphio code. '1 he dispatch could Im read
w ith oaso nt Capo Town. Other experiments
wero mudo by 11 vessel of tho navy sent out
to sea, und tho signals could bo rend from n
distance of fifty miles. This method ulTonls
a possibility of sonding signals nt sen, and
might prove useful in favorable weather for
ships in danger. I rirst 1'nrrbnieiit.
KxcrcUo of Hiding . Trlcyclo for Women. . l'arcbmont was Invented for writing books
English women nro as famous for propel. , h' Ennn" (,i0mo 8y by Attnlus) 0 I'er
ling theso throo wheeled vehicles ns they nro 1 "" tho founder of tho celebrated library
fnmnus ns tv!otrinn Vmv Pninti.i IimHim ot I orBn"i formed on tho model of Alox
famous as pedestrians. .Now England ladles ' n(rfl," nbout ,w 0 Parchment book
in this couutry seem to bo formost in thU , fiom t Ids Umobecnmo most um1.
kind of oxcrcUo, believing that it is not only ,
an economical moans of rapid transit, but it
insures health and spirits. In Chicago, as
well ns in Boston nnd Washington, tho trl
cyclo is finding moro und more favor with
woman, and every w hero und in every in
stance where nothing unreasonable Is at
tempted to bo done, tho testimony is u most
positive commendation of tho exercise ns a
means, not only of building up the health of
women, but of contributing to their enjoy
ment and happiness of mind and body.
Tho ryramld of Kgypt.
A paragraph Is going tho rounds of the
press, Willi what truth wo know not, to the
effect thnt n couiuuy was recently started
in Philadelphia for tho purpose of Investi
gating tho pyramids of Egypt by boring Into
thorn with diamond drills, thereby penetrat
ing into somu of tho mysteries which havo so
successfully hafllod tho Investigators of con
"Unity In
Our Alley" How tlm Author
dime lo Write II.
ITenry Carey, tho author of "Bnlly In Our
Alley," was an liugll-h poet who died lu
1711. Thodate of his birth Is doubtful, Tho
J went npivnrcd early this year lu Unr-wr'
dunthly, and wns nitlsllcnlly and rofusely
Illustrated The occasion of the wt King of
tho linos wns thought to have Iteen Infatua
tion for ono Hally Hull-bury, This "vulgar
error" tho author Indignantly denied, nnd
offered the following explanation In tho third
edition of "Carey's l'oemsi" "A shoemaker's
'prentice, making holiday with his sweet
heart, treated her with a sight of Iledtam,tli
puppet shows, the flying chairs and nil tho
olegancen of Moorflelds. From w hence, pro
ceeding to the Farthing Flo House, ho gave
her a collation of buns, cheese, cakes, gam
man of bacon, Muffed beef and bottled ale;
through nil which scene the author dodged
them, ohnrmed with the simplicity of their
courtship, from whence he drew his littlo
tkotch of nature. Hut being then young nml
Obscure, he was veiy much ridiculed bysoinn
u his acquaintances for this performance,
which, nevertheless, made Its way Into the
jMillts world, and amply recomHinsed him by
tho applause of tho dlvlno Addison, who was
pleased mure than once to mention it with
An anachronism Is an error In chronology,
by which events are m(spluccd In the order
of their occurrence. A countless tmmW
haro boon made by prominent nrtlstn and
nut bora, among which am that of Tlntoret,
whoso picture of tho Urnelltes gathering
manna In the wilderness represents the men
armed with guns, llrenghell, tho Dutch
painter, in a picture of the "Wixo Men of tho
Hast," repre-wit one of them dressed lu a
largo white surplice, Iniotisl and srurred, hold
ingnsan offering tho model of n Dutch sev-onty-four
gun frigate. Schiller, in his "l'lc
uolouilul," seaks of lightning conductors,
tho tlmo nt which they wern referred total
ing somo 150 yeats ta'fnrn they wero lu
venhxl. Shakespeare, In "Julius Ciesnr,"
make Brutus say to Casslus: "i'ence, count
tho clock," to which Cnsaius leplhsl: "The
clock has stricken three," whereaa clocks
wero not known to the Homaus, nnd striking
clocks wero not Invented till somo 1,400 years
after Crcsnr died.
Hlnvery In Ilratll.
A law for tho gradual abolition of slavery
In iliazll was enacted Sept. 28, 1871. It pro
vides that children henceforth born of slavo
mothers shall be of frco condition, though
IkjuihI to servo tho owners of their mothers
for n term of twenty-ono years as ap
prentices. Refusal to work for their bored
itary taskmasters Is punished by sovero ion
nltlos; but the apiinuitlces, If cruelly treated,
can optical to 11 criminal court, which can do
claru them free. The same net emancipated
tho slaves that wero tho proHrty of the gov
ernment; but they nioioquiied to hlro thorn
selves out, In default of which, If found liv
ing in vagrancy, they can lie compelled to
labor in public establishments. Largu mini
Imts of private individuals followed tho ox
ample of tlio crown 11 ml sot their slaves nt
liberty, and others by will set them free,
leaving them land for thoir maintenance.
Slavery has recently lieon totally nbollsluxl
In thnt country.
A Spider nml n Ilertle.
A hie spider was placed on a rock lu tho
center of nu nquarium lu a recent experi
ment, and a larva of 11 water beetle put near.
Tho beetle promptly seized tho spider and
pulled It into tho water, but after a sharp
struggle tho spider broko nwny nnd cscuikmI.
Tho beetle soon nfterwnril renowed the at
tack, and fastened Itself on tho spider by Its
pincers. The spider also got u good hold,
and tho duel rcsulU-d 1 1 the death of loth.
It Is said thnt If two rf tho larva) nrc placed
inthowimo aquarium they will light until
ono or tho other Is dead, and tho victor will
decapitate the dead one.
Itupldlty In Tideip-uplilng.
When tho first electric telegraph was estab
lished tho fqicod of transmission wns from
four to ilvo words n uilnuto with tho flvo
nccdlo instruments; in I til!) tho uverago rate
for nowspajier messages was sovonteen words
a mlnuto; tho present pace of tho electrlo
telegraph between Lulldouaud Dublin, where
the Wheatstono instrument Is omplo)tl,
reaches -itt'l words; and thus what was regard
ed as miraculous sixty years ago has multi
plied n hundred fold In half n century.
Hair Mn-t.
Tho custom of placing flags nt hnlf mast ns
a sign of sorrow is as old us tho use of flags
themselves. The sign of victory nnd rojolc
ing is signified by the floating of tho stand
ard from tho highest point available. Tho
signal of defeat was the trailing of them lu
tho dust, or over the ste'ii of captured ves
sels. Sorrow for a leader's death was ex
picssod by raising tho flag hulf way up the
Itome'n Population.
Tho population of Imiierlnl Rome at tho
timo of Its siego by tho Ooths, during the
reign ot Honorlous, is given by Oiblxm at
1,200,000. Tho statistics bearing ou tho sub
ject, together with tho facts of history which
might lend circumstantial weight, aro de
cidedly rneagor.
. . . . , , '
""'""" " 'u"" '"""" w, t"r
,naS about C- l ""V "'' 8ciPlo
Africanus was tho fir jB01.m11 who shaved
Uy- Subsoquently the first day of
, I,"w"""7i!J "IS!." !
with great festivities.
The Long ami the Short of It.
A wedding took plsco at St, Paul, Minn.,
last weok, whore the groom was over six feet
tall nnd tho bride, a littlo over two feet in
height. During tho ceremony the girl stood
on a chair, her head Just reaching to the
groom's Bhouldor.
WeU Van! llHtlon.
1 Wells should be ventilntod, as the water It
thereby kept frosh and free from bad odor.
Tho absorption of air by water renders it
pleaMiuter to tho taste, and purifies it to
somo extent; but the rlTect is not a very
' marked one,
Crovieil lmipcror.
It wai nt the jiolitlcnl capital of Frnnco
that the late Kntser Wllhelm, after his tri
umphant march through 1'nrK with not a
1 bluglo Parisian lu sii;ht, was declared em
iieror of Germany. Puor to that event of
1871 ho was simply king of Prussia.
Tho wonl "lmulanu.i" comes from the
Ilindostaui, nnd signifies u motlu of dyeing in
which hard knots are tied In tho cloth before
it Is dipped. When those; are oimned the
fabric has a speckled upenranco, tho d)e
having left t lie tied put ts tieo fiom color.
And now muly for inspection nt
John Morrison's
All the Finest Qualities and Latost I 'ill terns in slock. I have
the finest cutter in the cit) and guarantee - satisfaction. Cal
and see my goods and woi k.
121 North Eleventh street.
JftWT vsxja aL
Fine Driving and Riding Livery,
Always ready lor service, day or night.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1 1 it), 1 121 and 1 1 27 N Street.
Meals 25 cts.
Union - Pacific - Railway,
The Overland Route.
Shortest and Safest Route to all points in
'lake the overland flyer und siivoiiuiHluy lo nil Pacific coast points.
ltiiiinlnir Into t'nlon DepolH nu. I coiinei'lluu with the lust limited trains of nil lines for 11
points ennt, north and south, through Hi kits 011 iiiodiin ua) eoaches. Hiikkiiiio chcoko
tlirouuli InilcMlniitlon from all point cast In the t'nlteil Kind's and Canada.
Sleeper accommodations reserved In through I'ullimin I'alncc cars fiom the Miss u
liici to the I'nclllc contt
IS. H. SLOSSON, Agent.
Acting (icucinl Manager
TryLW 1 if. rsfts QW && eJk
I' IM.IIMM ! !!.! ! - "WW WW
k ir ba . s. 7i2yfr. Jibe. Wvna.vli T .ak&ifXLl''nmcifa&-J?2.
Its contrnl position und closi oomtoctlon with Eastern linos at Chicago
and continuous linos nt terminal points, Wost, Northwout, and South
wont, mako It tho truo nild-linU In that triiiiHcoiitlnentul cluiln of stool which
unites tho Atlantic und Pnclllo Itu muln linos nnd brnnchos includo Cht
cucro, Joliot, Ottawa. LuSallo, Poorlu, Oonosoo, Mollno und Hock Island, hi
IllhiolB; Davonnort, Muscntlno, Vushlnprton, Falriloltl, Ottumwn, Oskaloosa,
WtistLlborty, Iowa City. Pot, Molnos, Incllnnoln, Whitorsot, Atlantic, Knox
vllle, Audubon, Uurlan, Quthrl Contra und Council Blutls, In Iowa; Cfallatln,
Tronton, Catnori. M.St Jojoph nnd Knneas City, In Mlosouri , Loavonworth
nnd Atohlson, In Kansaa, Mlnnoupolis nnd St. 1 ..til, In Mlnnesotn ; Water
town nnd Sioux Fulls In Dakota, una nmny other prosporotiB towns and cltlos.
It also otloru iv OHUIOU OF HOUTQS to nnd fom tho Pucltlo Coast mid intor
modlato placos, mukhiff all trunsfors In Union dopots. Fast TrainB or lino
8LKKP1NO CAHS. nnd (botwoon Chicago, St. Josoph. AtchU n und Kansaa
Gltj'i roBttMl HEOLININa CHAIH OAnS, Boats FIIKU tc holdoru of through
first-cIubb tlckotu
Extends west and oouthwost from Kwib.-s dty and St Josoph to Fair,
bury, Noltion, Horton, Top ku, Horitifftou, Ilutchliition, Wichita, CaldwoU,
and all points in Southern fl Ur -!:a Irt .lot " uiuao and boyond. Kntlr
paasongor oqtiipmont of th colobrntod Pullman ran.nufiicturo. Solidly bal
Inntod track of heavy eto 1 rail Iron nnd mono brkltroo All safoty npnllancoa
and modorn hnprovomonts Commodious, woll-bullt tUivilonu, Colority, cor
tiilnty, comfort and luxury assurod
Is tho favorite botwon Chtoiwr.i, Hock Isltmd, Atchison, KatiBns City, and
Minnoapolluand " T'nil TH. t m.-i ,v rout) to all rlorthorn Sutnmor RoBortB.
ltd Wutortown Hnvnoh utiv - i'u tvounctlvo landa of tho groat
"wheat and dairy holt or ortht-rn Iowa, Southwontorn Minnesota, and EaBt
Contrnl Dakota
Tho Short Line via Ronecu and K..ukalcoo otloro ouporlor fuolUtlus to travel
botwoon Cincinnati, Iiuiiuuupohs, Uirnyotto, 1 -nt Council Blutls, St. Josoph,
Atchison, Ijoavua orth, K intns Ol v, MinnoapoHs, end 8t. Paul
For Tlckots, Maps. Folders, or n.y dwdirod Information, apply to any Con
pon Ticket Otuoo In tho United Suitou or Canada, or address
Osneral Muia'ier.
fine (J'
12th St., bet. Pand Q.
Calls for Halls, Parties, etc., Promptly
Made, with Stylish Rigs, Coupes
1111(1 I Illl'l.-C
$..50 per week.
Washing 'n
1011 O Sheet, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Ass fien I 'ass nnd Ticket Agt lien. Pass and Ticket Agt.
Oea'l Ticket & l'ass'r Agent.
. 11. 1.