iliii,iLi).i...iiiil..iiit.'wiii'jiiii'iiiiii,iTiiawiiwWinnwf agpjpfw'tf'twiwwi'w W IOC If r i ? ? i f at4P!i, B Vv kji bt ys n B 5fe. IL--)r IPEBBSi raw Vw IT .u'. , ll'' "i- DR L. WENTE DENTIST. Mnkci the preservation of lite natunil tcclli n specialty by nil known approved methods. CJolil iintl porcelain crowns mounted on thu nntiirnl root. All operation performed without pain. Satisfaction Ktinrnntecil, TO Till) 1'nUI'I.K OK LINCOLN, NKIIHAHKA. We, llm undondgiied uio Itwinnlly no qunlnicd with Dr. I .'V'cnto, wlm I to leuvo tin soon nnd iik"K0 I" '''" piuetUo ' tlnlli trvln voureltv. "Wo mil unhiwIliitliiKly recommend lilm na a thorough master of liU piofeMdon, and wo tin) sure that nil work entrusted to lilm will bo skillfully Mrfirnnil. J. ITniiv.miiii.i., M. I). ;V W. MuMann. M. I). !l. K. MpAiiams.M.H. M. 1). .1. M. ClAi.i.t-.imnti, I). I). 8. Uaiidnkii, Illinois. .Inn. IS!, 1H&7. il5 North Eloventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Over HnJhilt'H Jewelry Worn. E. T. ROBERTS & SON, V A ":' - Undertakers andEmbalraers. 212 North nth Street, Windsor lintel Annex, Telephone, Ofllce 145. KcMdencc 156. Open Day nnd Night. Nut with standing tlio fact tlmt l-'ho-togrnphs hnvo liven rodii oil tu nhout half tlio form or price wo linvo engaged t h e services of 0110 of tlio licit 11 11 -Islier tu New York to taUo charge of Hint department of the studio. Our efTnrt shall tio untiring to give each cus tomer ontlro satisfaction and to produce superior work touny wolmvo &L j done before. Cabinets, $3 per Dozen. It has No Equal. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATORS, Finest and Best Made. Ladles arc Invited to call nnd tee these cummer commodities and also inspect our magnificent stock of Crockery, Lamps and Art &lasswaie C II and sec our Mock. Prices low and everything the very latest. S. C. Elliott. FINEST LIYERY RIGS In the'.clty all eoine from tlio Graham Brick Stables, lft.7 1 street, wliora nil kinds of Bi&les, Carrlates or Saddle Horsey Can be bnitut any time, day or nliii on suori nonce. HORSES BOARDED a4 well taken care of at reasonable rates - Call and sec us.KW U street, or give orders by Telephone 147. jmi u - r ui fLh fc ' .-. , 2gA WANTED, A BURGLAR. Mn. Nonms succeeds in finding ONE. Hut Unfortunately fur Itlin, (lie HurKlnr Was Trim In 111 Calling An Kinbitrriua tiilt Hcr-nr llut All's Well That Kn.! Well. Scene, tho dining room In Mr. Sutherland's country hnuio. Time, midnight. Enter Mr. John Norrls, n jruest nt tho houso. Ilo carries i comlli) In mm hand mid n tuiskot In tlio other, Mr. Norrls (placing tholmskoton tho table) This Is such n iK'cullnr situation Hint out of regard to my own self rcoct I nm run strained to olTor nil explanation to myself, Oh I Knto, ICntel Adorable cronturo Hint dud throwtny up tha wlmlow with a (mtitf. .roti nre, youllttlokuotv (clnsin his hand, nnd I n doliiR o drop tlio iMiskoU A lot of Mlvor itimhleti on tlio (loor. Ilimtlly lvcoverliiR lilinselOt'onfuslonl (LWcim nttontlvely.) After nil, no harm done. To contiiiiin, I mn deoralely In lovo with MIm Buthorliiiid, mid w, I Am norry to say, in Ilnrrett, nlno Jnrrett, llkuwlm) Onr rott, gueU with mo at Mr. Huthorlaud'M. Until now no olio of us could elaiiu any de cided udvnutngo over tho otlicnt. Hut day lieforo yesterday wo nil ro out for u nylvnn stroll. Miss Hutlicrlmid iuslsta on feeding tlio Nwmui, nnd whllodoiuKo falls Into tlm lond. I, who would dlo for her nnywhem mid on tlio slluhtest uotico, don't eo It. liut Barrett does and pulls her out. I point out. tlio fact Hint tlio pond is only two feet deep nt thnt vnrtieulnr plneo, hut llarrett, never tlielcss, lieconiM n hero, and Jnrrett, Onrrett mid myself go into tlio background. Then, yesterday wo goon a picnic. Miss Sutherland, whllo walking with Jnrrett, Is attacked by u snnko boa constrictor, according to Jarrott, who dispatches it and thereby wins her un dying gratitude. Onrrott mid myself go out to look for tlio monster nnd llnd u harmless llttlo gnrter snnko. Neither of them will ac knowledge it, however, mid Uarrett and I linvo to apologize. This morning wo try a llttlo target shooting. Garrett goes blunder ing nrouiul ind gets shot in tlio leg by Miss Sutherland. I'd linvo shot lilm myself with pleasure. Miss Sutherland Is tenderly re proachful all day, mid I om voted n brute for saying it served lilm rleht, I enn't stand this nny longer. Not to bo a hero argues that 1 cannot bo one. I therefore. proOM) to nuiko my own oprtimity. At great jier soual discomfort I linvo succeeded In keeping awnko until every ono olso Is asleep. I hnvo Keen red tlio bucket of family jilato and am now about to matorializo a burglar. (Gathers up thu silver and ties it up inn tablecloth.) There. Now for my pistols. (Cautiously leaves tho room. Tho cfoor of tho butler's pantry opons nnd Mr, Wllllo Vilter, profos siounl burglar, stops into tho room.) Mr. Vilter (artistically hefting tho bundle) Wotwlllany this is. Ohl My eyes, Wil liam, but 'era's richness! (Shoulders tht swag mid is about 'to depart. Tho door opens nnd Mr. Vilter has just tinio to reach tho pantry again when Mr. Norrls rushes in, fires both pistols, and throwing up tho win dow with n twuig that takes nil tho glass out of it, begins an indiscriminate fusillade. Tho household In various stages of undress ruth in and contemplate, tho sceno of car nage.) Mr. Sutherland (excitedly) What has hap pened! I insist iiK)ii knowing. Mr. Norrls (sciitentlously) Burglars! (Miss Sutherland screams mid is simultaneously supported by Barrett, Jarrett mid Uarrett.) Mr. Norrls Fact, I nssuro you. Heard n noiso don u hero and resolved to investigate. Caught tho fellow doiiiR up tho plato aud and went for him. Ho broko away and Jumped through tho window. Must apolo gise for shooting in tho house. Scared you all awfully, I'm afraid. Shouldn't havo dono it. Mr. Sutherland (ruefully contemplating tho fragments of a Sovrcs vase) Well, per haps not. Mr. Norrls (cheerfully) Anyhow tho silver Is safe. Miss Sutherland Yes, but whero is ttf (Looks around fearfully.) Garrett J - Huow-tuP- Mr. Norris (slightly rattled)-Oh, the why er I put it there that is to say, tho burglar, (Breaks off abruptly and begins to polish his brow with a huklkerchief.) Barrett ) Jarrett Humph I "Garrett) I u' U i Itrerly itopptd ly Norri$. Mr. Sutherland (gravely) The silver i eeitslnly gono. I looked for the plato tht trst thliii;. Mr, Norris (wildly) I'll swear it was en tho table when I jumped for him. Mlsa Sutherland Perhaps the burglar did take It. I should think ba would, since that U hat he came for. llarrett (i.i a half aside that everybody hear) By the way, Norrls, what woro you down Lalrt for half mi hour ngol Mr, Norrls (confusedly)!. Why, whst nru you talking nltoutt Barrett (jerslstently) Voti wero not In your room, imyhow, for I wont In for nintch, Jnrrrtt (with nu nlrof hesitation Per Imps I ought not to sny nnytlilng nlxuit It, but I saw Mr. Norris coming out of tho but ler'n nxiiii with n buiidlo of somothlng under his nrm. I don't know Mr. Sutherland (gravely) By nil menus. This must Ik, cleared up. Mr. Noiris (desperately) Miss Sutherland. Air. Sutherland, is it ioll)l( Mr, Sutheilaud I shouldn't, Mr. Norrls, hnvo lielloved - Mlm Hiitlioilniul (warmly) Whnt jierfect uonsyiiw you aro talking. Mr. Norrls, you must tnko homo brandy ( you really must. (Sho runs to tho butler's pnntry nnd throws open tho door. Mr, Vilter, with tho pinto under his nriin, makes ndnth, but in cloverly stopped by Norrls. A torrlllo stmgglo en sues, which ends hi tho burglar escaping through tho window, but leaving tho silver In tho xMeftlon of Norrls. There nro n few moment of universal stu-icfacUoii.) Air. Sutherland (warmly ombrncinghltn) My nohlo followl What can 1 say? Mr. Norrls (breathing very hard) Oh, N nothing nothing, I owniro you. I ofton do this kind of thing. (Looks unuttcrnblo things nt Miss Sutherland). Barrett (asldo to Garrott) Too often. Miss Sutherland (with lively warmth) And to think that ho actually cauio back ngnln nfter that terrible struggle. Why In tho world should ho want tot Mr. Norrls I'm suro I don't know, and ho Isn't hero to telL Garrett (gloomily to Jarrett) Yesj and Norrls Isn't likely to. Mls Sutherland (timidly) Why, ho might oven tnko it into his head to try it ngnln. Mr. Norrls (crossing over to her side) Don't you think thnt in view of tho ixxsllilllty of such un event, that you ought to provldo yourself with an efficient burglar nlarml AUks Htilliorlaud (blushing) Well, yes. (Mr. Sutherland smiles bcnlgnnntly, picks up tho plato banket nnd given tlio signal for a general departure.) Barrett (lingering behind, mid sotto voce to Onrrott ami Jarrett) That burglar must havo wanted tremendously for something. Jnrrett (MMitoiitlouidy) Not half as much as Norrls wanted a burglar. (Curtain.) Time, Tlit'to Is n niflVri'nri). At tho club tho other night n group of western men wero telling anecdotes of fron tier lifo. Hero is ono which struck mo ns bo lug particularly good. Those who hnvo been in tho "Fur West" nnd hnvo lived niuong frontier men will nppruciuUi U, I daro ny. In tlio coiimo of tho Indian war of 18813, 'it seems, Gen. Sherman iniil n visit to Camp A'ttche, in Arizona. U'hllo thcro n htigo redskin, who wna captulnof tho scouts, fol lowed tho general wherover ho went, and frequently beggel as a present ono of tho small camions standing on thu parade ground. Finally tho general impatiently turned to tho Indian, oxclalmlugt "What do you want with tho cannon, any way! Do you want to kill my soldiers with UP "No," replied tho Indian in his guttural voice; "want to kill cowlioys with it. Kill soldiers with n club." New York Tribune, A llonton Introduction. Miss South Church (to Mix Beacon Hill) My dear, let mo present Mr, Scolopax, presi dent of tho Yala Boat club. Tho Presented Beg pardon nh, Miss Church, but my nnmo is Bnipo. Miss South Church I know, sir; but you will pardon mo if I think tho Latin prefer able Life, A Condemned Murderer's Joke. A young lawyer called on Deacons ono day with n bovy of young ladies, aud, peering between tho bars of tho cell door, ho said: "Ah, Deacons, if I had had your caso six months ago, you would not 1 whero you are now behind tho bars of a prison cell." "Yes, Mr. , I bellovo that. If I hod you for a lawyer Pd been hanged six mouths ago." Deacons chuckled for a fow minutes over tho discomfiture- and hasty retreat of tho legal gentleman and tho ill concealed mirth of tho ladles, and thou went on talking to the reporter. Rochester Post-Express. A Peculiar Misfortune. First Belle Miss Smith met with a pecu liarly unfortunate accident this morning. Did you hear about Itl Second Uelle No! What was it! First Bollo Why, she was down at the beach liathlng, when sho Inadvertently slipped off n rock and fell into tho water. Second Uello Was it deep! Did she take cold! First Bello Oh, no; I guess not. She scrambled out easily enough. But tho bath lug dress is irretrievably sjioiled. Life, No rteanon to Repine. Clerk (to employer) Mr. Lowberry, 1 would Ilka to be excused from work this afternoon. "What's tho matter nowP "A beloved mint is dead and I would like to attend tho funeral." "Lot's see you'vo lost four beloved nunU this year. Havo you any mora of themP "No, sir; but I have five uncles." Lincoln Journal. How Ho Achieved Wealth. "I understand that CoL Blear Is very wealthy." "Yes, bo's worth about $100,000." "How did bo make UP "Ho mado It out of coal oil." "Indeed P "Yes, his wifo lit the fire with kerosene, and he got all her money," Lincoln Jour iuU. I'rompt Acquiescence. Young Wifo Henry, I want to ask a favor of you. Young Husband All light; go ahead. "Do quit smoking that beastly pipe," "Certainly. Hand me the other on," Detroit Free Press. Truth to Metaphor, Al Charlie says ha Is buffeting; bis way through life. What does be meant Ed He's a free luucb fiend. Time. fXf rescuing done. I do It when R falls to my lot, but my henrt Is not in tho work. Homo tlmoa tho horrlblo thought conies over ma thnt I inny lx too late Sovornl timea I hnvo tried to In) too tato, but I haven't tho henrt to do IU Ho then walked up to n spirrow thnt re fused to keep off tho grnis nnd brained It with Ids club. Hill Nyo In Now York Sun day World. Will Need l'olntor. Ilsfe If gentlemen's trousers keep ou growing wider, thofo wishing to keep abreast of the fashions will havo to tako the abovo hint from tho ladles when going upstairs. Drako's Magazine, Arizona "I'rrsonnls." On several different occasions wo hnvo urged thnt Jnck Crosby, proprietor of tho Blue Front saloon, nnd better known to our pooplo ns "Privnto Jack," Imj taken to tho lono tree behind tho court houso mid hauled up to a limb. Wo havo given tho names of cloven men who hnvo leen robbed and bru tally beaten In his plnco, or who so stated to us, mid wo hnvo incidentally referred to Jack I as a trnln robber, burglar, horso thlof and 1 Incendiary. In the next Isstiot "Mr. Crosby dropped In to sea us last Saturday. Ho did not como in with n bludgeon or a rovolver, but as a frtond mid gentleman. Ho also brought threo tattle of rare old Hennessey, for which ho will nccept our thnnkH. Mr. Crosby con vinced us tlmt wo wero entirely mistaken in our estimate of him. He is no rough or touglu On tho contrary, ho was educated for tho ministry, and his nnturo is enceful. Ho has nover struck n man except in solf defouso, and has been bnsoly maligned by rivals in biiilneos. Beforo concluding his pleasant call ho cubocrlbcd for two copies of Tho Howler, aud wo suggest that it, v,uad ho .1 uood idea to make him sheriff uoxt term." Arizona Howler. How They Do It In Arlsona. 1 no show of llvonds. which Tho Kicker Is now making hurts somo of tho nowspn)crs In this locality awful bail Tho Bullwhacker aud others aro charging us with procuring our ads. by threats aud Intimidation. It is a monstrous lie, Busiuoss mou advertise, with us because thoy know that wo nro reaching out after n circulation of 100,000 copies, mid thnt wo havo nlready booked 11 names to ward it. Wo drop into n business houso in n business way, explain tho advantages of ad vertising in a paper Ilko Tho Kicker, mid seldom go nwny empty handed. Whllo It tuny havo happened that non-advertisers Ilko old Cobb, tho grocer, and Dend Bent Smith, tho druggist havo had their recordv published nnd been shown up for what they were, it was only a coincidence. Let tho Jackals howll Wo know our gait, and wo prdposo to keep right along. Arizona Kicker. Tho Other Hide. Fnshiounblo Mother What! Do you mean to say you won't rent mo ono of thoso elegant flaw iHMiujio I havo n child! Flat Owner No, madam, I won't. Thoso flats havo gilded cornices, frescoed walls, Eastlako dados, Mavilaud fireplaces, French plate windows "Ohl And you're afraid my darling llttlo cherub will tear them all to pieces, I sup posoP "No, madam, but thoso flats nro utterly lacking In grass, Hovers, trees, birds, swings nnd hammocks; and I'll not allow any ono to pen up poor llttlo children in any such glided cages. No, madam, I may bo n llttlo grasp ing, but I don't want any blood money," Omaha World. A Rank Avis, Indeed, "Pa," sho murmured archly, "I am en gaged." "Engaged, tho dov tho dickens you say! To whom!" "0!" tho went on rapturously, "Just think! ho nover drinks nor smokes, nor belongs to a dreadful lodge, loads a class at Sunday school and" "Humph! Member of tho Salvation Army, I suppose P Ironically, "No, bo's a drummer," "A drummer! Great heavens! Evelyn, you" "From Philadelphia, pal" "Ohl" said tho old man, with a sigh of re lief. "Bless you, my children, blesa youP Southern Criterion. Unpleasant Reflections. Jones bod Just been getting married. As thoy wero leariug the church ho began to cry. "Whatever can bo tho matter with you, BarunelP asked tho bride anxiously. "My darling," exclaimed Jones, between his sobs, "you behold in me tho wretched victim of superstition." "A victlmP "Yes, my lifo; you must know that I was once so foolish as to havo my fortune told by a gypsy. Tho old hag told mo that I should marry a second time, and ohl darling, it wrings my heart to think of losing you." Judge. Mlwcd rart of It. Mrs. U. (a brilliant amateur) Charley, what did you think of the style in which I opened tbo second act !at night I Mr. IL (who bate the whole business) I missed the opening of tha ootid act Mrs. H How unfortunate I Yougottaart too late! Mr. II. No; went away too soon. Life. rrHl 1 ja a'elHBI Opera Glnase. on a New Plan. A company has been formed, In which Manager VA Gilniaro Is said to bo largely Interested, for tho novel enterprise of supply ing opera glasses to theatregoers on somo thlng of tho drop-n-nlckcMmthodiox plan. Only in this cae It Is n quarter luttend of a nickel that is to liu dropod. A box contain ing nu ox'rn glass nnd sumo hidden machin ery, with a slot In tho lid, Is to bo attached to every chair back In tho auditorium, nnd nil ono will hnvutodo to get nn ocrn gl.ns t III Ikj to drop in n quarter, when n door will open automatically, revealing tho glaw. An order bin !eou Mint to Paris for 8,000 opera glnes for tho exierimcntnl start on tho new system, It has heou suggested that tho ar rangement would bo Imticrfect without tho attachment f n iKV.verful mechanlciil claw to mIzo tho temporary lessee of a glass and hold him firmly until tho glass is replaced in tho box and tlio lid rioted upon It, but Mr. Ollmoro does not think thnt will bo abso lutely necessary. Every part of each glass will bo so effec tually stamped with nlllrmatlons that it bo longs to tho company, moving appeals to tho public to respect proprietary rights, threats of condign punishment if tho nrtlcle 1m stolen, argumentative representations that it cannot bo pawned, sold or used clMmhcro without recognition of stolen goxxls, scrip tural quotations demonstrating tlio nlistrnct wickedness of theft and choice excerpts from tho onnl codo rcseetlng Infractions of tho law of ineuni nnd ttiuin thut it is lcliovod iioImhIj will tlaro to steal ono of those glasses. Now York Sun. Ohio's Largest I'opliir Tree. What is said to havo been tho largest pop lar tree in Ohio recently went down before thu woodman's relentless ax to add, if all goes well, to tho contents of n capitalist's purse. Tills monarch of tho forest had a traditional ago, covering sovernl centuries. Tho oldest inhabitant of Tnylorvllle, near whero it stood, could not lecull u tlmo when Its majestic crown had not outshonu thoso of nil thu other woodlnwii figures, and when It was not looked upon as tho intriarch of tho forest. A trunk measuring 1 1 feet H inches in diameter proudly supported nn upper growth whoso topmost point reached n height of more than 'J 10 feet. Tlio hollow nt thu bnso widened Into n cozy chamber, whose dlnmrtvr was 7 feet, and whoso odd nooks and corners had afforded shelter to genera tions of prattling children and echoed tho sighs of a thousand lovers. No bough pro jected from Its trunk lielow n height of CO feet, but from thciico upward It spread its majestic shoots in every imngluablo direc tion. Plainly it was too noblo a tree to stand, ns tho arguments of our times run, anil when it was learned that it would yield lcrhaps 20.000 feet of excellent lumber, of emiro it had lo come diw-i. Knmo pr-rtiotiB of It will lie 1-i.lnt i t.-i ut tho Cincmuuti ox . ositton. Uiolnj-Democrnt Tho Cowardice of Suicide. Now York city was shocked n fow days ngo by n strange suicide In ono of our lending hotels, tho motivo assigned being tho inability of tho ono who took his own lifo to provide for his family. Aud vet ho killed himself rather than stay by li loved ones nnd do what ho could for the I This Is so illogical tha tho temptation Is to cxpluln thu deed on tho theory tlmt ttio suicide is uecessarlly in sane. But wo doubt If it ii just to tnko such n charitablo view of tho ease. Tho less subtle explanation Is more jbnbly tho truo one. In almost every ins. ioo suicldo springs from cowardice. Tho elf murderer dares not fnco tho consequences of his own faults or ho shrinks from tho ird duties that ac company his life. Tl ioIco ho makes may bo tmrcasounblo to tho liolut of absurdity mid even madness, bu - need not refer tho act to insanity, nor (s so regarded In law unless thero Is ovldenei it rod need to prove unsoundness of mind. Very projierly tho law regards tho suicide as a criminal, anil it may bo added that generally ho Is a very mean ono. Now York Commercial Adver tiser. How Elephant Illnport Themselves. Tim elephants had their bath and n game of ball ut tho Zoological garden tho other day. Empress mid Jennie with shrill trum pet lugs dashed into tho big pool mid enjoyed themselves Ilko two schoolboys out for mi afternoon's swim. Empress wns first in tbo water, and Jounlo soon Jumied in after her companion. Thoy rolled over nnd oyer, climbed ou each other's backs and plunged together lielow tho surface, coming to tho top with snorts of delight nnd shooting out from their long trunks great streams of water. Keeper Pendergnst stimulated the sport by casting two inflated bladders into tho pool, with which tho elephants sported for a long time, catching (hem mid throwing them at each other's heads. When the keecr thought that tho fun had continued long enough ho prodded tho unwilling beasts out with u long pole. Then ho throw n scoro of Inflated bladders on tho brick pavement surrounding tho pool, which tho elephants pounded with their feet until nil of them had been exploded, a proceeding in which thoy appeared to seo almost as much sport as in their bath. Philadelphia Ilecord. A rccullur financial Operation. A newly arrived Immigrant from Ireland had saved enough money to buy n good silver watch, but Imd not acquired sulllclcut dexterity to take care of It. Ilo let it fall ono day, nnd damaged it so seriously that it would not run. Therefore, ho took tho watch to a Jeweler, and asked him how much it would cost to hnvo it repaired. Tho Jeweler put his glnra on his eye, looked into tho interior of the watch somo seconds, turned it over several times, and said: "It'll cost you five dollars to put it in order." "Fivo dollars! An' sure, I haven't a dol lar." "Then you can't get It repaired." Pat scratched his head awhile in perplexity as to how ho was to obtain tho means. Sud denly he exclaimed: "Arrnhl I havo it PUshtcp over to the pawnbroker's wid tho watch, and lavo it wid him for tho money to vi tho rcimlrs. Ilould on to yerself I'll lo back to yez directly." Youth's Companion. An Amateur Trlescnpo Maker. Somo tinio ngo a young man, who had but recently graduated from tho Pittsburg high school, called uKn Mr. Brashear (maker of tlio siwctroscojMj for tlio Lick obsorvatory for some information In regard to tbo con struction of a telescope. His name is Sher nun Buviuger, nnd ho was at that tlmo a machinist in Mcintosh, Hemphill & Co. 's iron woiks. In his spare moments ho engaged in tho sclentlllo work of iiiaiug a telescoio as largo as thoso in use by the majority of as stroiiomers. It took him a lougtlmotodo it. Tho first lenses ho ground were failures. He tries! it nguiu, and thu result was success ful Ho manufactured complete a six inch telescope. When it is remembered that a four inch Instrument will give a wonderful glimpse of the heavens, the (ower of young Buviugcr's telescope can bo comprehended With it ho was able to seo all tho moons of Saturn, and Ids glass resolved many nebula, which bother! nstrouomers with smaller telescopes. Pittsburg Commercial Gazette. TRAVEL VIA THE 't In thu jiIv tine riuinliiu dlrnetlv l!irtii:l IVnvur nn I Halt Luke t'Hy, eiuoiito toHaiv htiiueUee and other Ciilirnrnhi points, and Is known ns Iho "Heeino I.llio" to tin; PiicHlcr coast. The lliiillugtou Itoute runs over lt imii tmelt every day In tlio year. Complete trains of Pullman Palace ( ars ntW Kleuniit Iiny Conches between Denver and Chicago, Denver nnd Knti. City, Denver and Omaha, Knnsns City and Peoria, Kansas City nnd Chicago, Lincoln and Chicago, Lincoln nnd St. Louis, Lincoln nnd Peoria, Lincoln and Kan. Cltyr Making direct connection In Union Depots for nil pun. tH North. Knsi, South nnd West, It Is the I'loncor liliilnit Cur Lino between Mls-oun river aud ChleiiKH, Meals nnlv 7"c. Tim llurlluut'in Illiilinr Cars wero built ox pniHly fur lheervlee ami me managed on" 1 1 rely In Iho Interest ofour pillions. IT IS TIll-IdllOUT LINi: IlKTWIOKN LINCOLyN AND 01VIA.I-IA. Via tho Ashland Cut-oft, innalng direct con nections with trains for Ht.l'aul, Mlnm apolls Chlemionud nil points Knt mid Northeast. The (lliiuniiiiMof tlio Llueoln-Clilengo sleep its ln this iKiptilnrruut nre nt City Ollleu.cor. O nnd 10th Ms., w here berths may be secured at any time. A KiK'clnlly Is made of Ocean Steamship Tick el", and pat ties conteuiplutiue a trip to tlio old country or di-sli lug to send for their friends should not fall lo eorresisitid wllli us Our rules are tho lowest, anil our facilities unequaled, as wo repre sent eneh and eiei line eroding the Atlantic. A. C. ZIKMEIt, City l'nm. Agt , Lincoln, r fuancib ii.V!ioiimr.(iR, (ten. Pa nndT'kt gt., General M'ger, Oinnliii. Omaha THE WestShore StfA-Ava;tr m pdnTtAND'oncGbliOl The Wct Bhoro Is the only Illustrated uiaja zlno published on tho Pacific coait, and aside from Its cxcellont literary features, Its object Is to convey information, by both pen and icncll, of tho great resources of this region, and the projres of their development. Special lllujtratcd articles appear In each Issuu ; also, rcvcral pages of notes of tho pro press being mado In every section. Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Utah, California, llritiih Columbia, and tho Pacific Norttmcft In general, are lieing Illustrated. The subscription prlco Is only $2J0. It Is aot only the cheapest Illustrated magazine In the United States, bnt contains articles and en gravings of great Interest to every resident of ibis region, which can not be found In any other publication. Subscribers for 1888 receive a largo supple ment every month. Tho flret one Is a beauti ful oleograph of tha " Entrance to tho Colum bia Ithcr.'' printed In nlno colors, and each of the others represents somo feature of onr luMlmo scenery. Tho supplements arc alone worth more than tho price of the magazine. Iry It for 1W8, and after reading, send It to your friends elsewhere. You will find It both entertaining and Instructive. L. SAMUEL, Publisher, 171-173 Second St., Portland, Oregon, TAKE THE Missouri Pacific Railway The Shortest, Quickest and Best Route to Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington, Baltimore, New York and Boston, RECLINING CHAIRS FREE ON ALL TRAINS. fSTTor further Information Folders, otc, ca on or address II. (1, HANNA. City Ticket Avtent. Cor. O nnd 12th sis, D MAIJCOCK, Depot Ticket Agent. WONDERFUL SUCCESS. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. All tho PATTERNS you with to uu during tho year, for nothing, (u saving of from $3.00 lo $4.00;, by subscribing for THE CAPITOL CIT? COURIER ANO Oemorest i5t mtbttf Vlagagine With Twelve Orders for Cut Psper Patterns of your own selection and of sny list, BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAR, ros $3.25 (THREE TWENTY-FIVE), D EMOREST'S .T THE BBS a or nil tlio 3Inn:zIiioH. ' CONTAININU SmntES, PoEMS, AND OTIIKII I.ITXKAIIT ATTIUCTIOKS, COMUIMINa AUTISTIC, SclIN- TlriC, AND llOUIKIIOUl MATT I Itl. IlluMtrntril with Original Uteri Knnrnv tngt, I'tiotoftrnvuret, Oil l'trturr irf fine trooileutt, making it the Model Maga, wine of .tmerleti. Each Masuzlno contains a coupon order entitling ho holder 1 1 tho selection of any pattern llluKratcd ti the fashion department In that number, and In ny of thu (l7.c manufactured, making patterns Ijrins Iho year of tho value of over threo dollars. DRMOItlfSTS MONTHLY Is justly entitled Iho IVorld's Model Magazine. Tbo Largest In Form, tha Largest In Circulation, and tho best TWO Dollar Family Magazine lued. 1888 will be the Twenty, fourth year f Its publication, and It stands at tho head of Family Periodicals, it contains Ti pages, tarco quarto, BxllW Inches, elegantly printed and fully illustrated. PuWlihcd by W, Jennings Demorest, New York And by Special Afrrteeaae-t Com bleed with the Capitol Cily Courier at $3,25 Per Year.