CAPITAL CITY COURIER Voi,.3. No. 33 Lincoln, Nicouasica, Saturday, July ao, 1H8W Pkioic Fivic Oicntb AN OBSERVERS THOUGHTS. COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. 1711111 lln Scon, Hears, Thinks mill Im agines. It In casually rcnmrkail nbotit tow n Hint n number of young men of this city will organ Iio thoinsolvos Into a minstrel company mid go on tho road tho coming season, nnd I nm told that n certain gentleman who foriuarlly was a wholosulo inorchnnt will preside ns ono of tho end men, nnd with n gentleman con nected with oun of the theatres will put tho show on tho road and manage it. Tho other day when nt Cincinnati I met n gentleman from Springfield, Ohio, w ho ngree ably surprised mo with tho nous Mint Lincoln now posossod n talented nnd clopueut Shakos peorlan reader in the person of Airs. W. S. Huffman. "Why," said tho gentleman, "at homo Mrs. Huffman was nlwnys sought for and it was seldom that n lino e cnt took place but what tho lady was honnl. AVo consider ed her tho best in Ohio, nnd I nm sure you would enjoy hearing her recite." Tho Ob server was pleased to learn nil this ami trusts that during tho coming hcason wo may have the pleasure of hearing her quite frequently. Thoro is a long, loud kick going on among tho business men ot O street where tho street is in such deplorable condition. It seems thnt nil tho paving contractors wont is to tear up the streets, grndo thorn nnd then let the vehicles go through tho best they enn In tho slush nnd mud. Fnrtlculaily nro the merchants on O between Eleventh nnd Thir teenth anxious to have the work proceed, so it may lie completed lieforo tho oenlng of tho stnto fair, nnd it has been suggested that a petition bo circulated in tho vicinity named asking tho council to wake up in the matter and push things a little. Cortnlnly tho present condition of O street east of Twelfth Is deplorable nnd should lio remedied. Street car service on the rapid transit and O street lines is brokou. Ditches nnd holes in most every part of tho Btreet mnko it dnngorous for teams, and to say tho least, thoroughly uncomfortable for tho rider. Tho stnto fair U near us and wo must hao tho streets In good condition by nil means. Last year's strocts were a disgrace to tho city and I sincerely hope Lincoln will show ierself to better advantage this fall. Tniowehave several miles of nicely iwvcd streets, but Jii9t now several of tho most prominent thorough fares are in tho worst condition. Fix tip the afreet i. The Mayor Assaulted. Mayor Sawyer was made the victim of an unprovoked assault Monday evening nt tho corner of Tenth nnd F streets by ono J. H. Porter. Tho assailant had been an nppllcni.t for a position on tho jkiIIco force, and hod been refused because of the hard uaiiio ho Imm Mr. Hmvvor Is u sllirhtlv-bullt man. and for a long time wasasulfercr from white swelling, his illness being such ns to necessi tate tho use of crutches for ten J ears. Foi ter is a tall, muscular Individual, ami tho mayor was but a child in his hands. Mr. Sawjer suffered novoro liijui lis about the face, back nnd limbs, mid has been lying In a critical condition over since. Several times it was rumored that tho injuries would result fatally but happily that is not feared. Mr. Sawyer's courso during hU tviui of ofllco has been such as to call down upon him the malice of tho evil-doers with which tho city Is infested, nnd this assault by ono of their number should meet with severe punish ment. An Important Klniiient Of tho success of Hood's Snrsainrlltu Is the fact that every purchaser receives a fair equivalent for his money. The faniiliurliend line "100 Doses One Dollar," stolen by imita tors, Is oi Iglnal w 1th and truo only of Hood's Sarsauurlllii. This can easily lo proven by any one who desiies to tost tho matter. For real economy, buy only Hood's Sainaparllla. Sold by all druggists. To Our Lawyer Friends, During tho past week Thk Couhikh ofllco has turned out some elegant socimeiis In law briefs, ono numbering nearly a hundred pages. We would like our friends of tho legal fraternity to remember that in this class of work wo excel! all others and that our prices areas low as the lowest. Culls by tele phone, No. Ii5y, promptly answered nnd nil work left at our otllco in Burr block dono nent, quick and cheap. The Zodiac. The Zodiac club was delightfully entertain ed last Saturday evening by Miss Minnio Gaylord nt her home, Seventeenth nnd Q streets. Tho lawn wns hung with brilliant colored lights, where tho refreshments were served also. Miss Helen Gregory rendered an instrumental solo, Miss Helen Hoover a vocal solo, while Misses Jackson and Olovor delighted the company with well-rendered recitations. Those present were: Misses Free man, Jackson, Mny nnd Minnie Mellck, Olo vor, Hoover, Gregory, Shaw, Eddy, DoWitt, Graham nnd Gaylord, and Messrs. Rolierts, Heaton, Kdmliiston, Hoover, Kllck, Melone, Woods, Eddy, Deweeso, Blecker, Woods nnd Ilydo. Miss Cnrrie Dennis, who has lieen viiltlng Miss Grace Halo during tho jwst two weeks, returned to her homo lit Lincoln, Neb., Thurs day. Topthu Lmue. For Kent, Furnished room for rent, ono block from University. Reasonable rates. Call ntlW7 North Eleventh street. If you will take tho tioublo to itiestlgnto the subject for yourself, jou will find Ht. rntiick's Pills to bo tho most perfect cathar tic nnd liver pills in use. Thoy not only physio but cleanse tho entire system and reg ulate the liver and bowels. Sold by W. J, Turner. When in need of Indies Furnishing Goods Fine Shoes, etc., glo Fred Schmidt u call. tl7 0 street, They know Just how to pleas.) you with oysters In every stylo nt Brown's New Vienna Cnfd. For Kent, Fine sultos of rooms In tho Webster block, furnished nnd unfurnished. Enquire at room 1, HOT WEATHER ITEMS. Notes l'ertntulng to the Hummer Season nnd Summer Movement. Llncoliiltc in largo uumlH.rnroitistlcatlug at Manntoii. Ijikn (lenevn seems to !) Chlc.igo'i Ideal summer rt soi t, MosqiioUxs are snld to bo worse this sea sou nt the Atlantic seashore lesoit than for ninny years past, Horselmck i Iders may lie seen In large num bers every ewnlng while "biiggy-rlden." nre equally ns numerous. Everybody is away from home, society is in a teirihle lull, uoliows locally is heard, jet our renders oxccl a livu nowg'xtpor. The several amateur base ball teams have their occasional combats nnd already some half-n-dozcn organized teams enjoy tho mi tloniil game, among them being homo very good players. Manhattan nnd Long llrnuch nre New York's most popular near-by summer resorts, while Atlantic City and Cajw .May are tho fnvorlio seaside pleasure grounds for Phila delphia and Ilaltlmoiv. Lnwn tenuis Is the opuUr pnsttime in Lincoln nnd seems to satisfy tho many who cannot or do not feel Inclined to seek cooler llelds. Kvoi y evening nt dusk tho ii.nuy ten nls courts nbotit the city lire In general use. "Isn't this Jolly" says the fair ono while bathing on tho ocean's beach. "Isn't this beastly" sa8 tho tortured stoy-nt-homo pat ent as ho gazes upon tho thermometer at W degrees. Strange what change, wo find a short distance away, nnd no wondert "ills tuuco lends enchantment. Only four theatres urn now oH)ii In Chicago, viz.: The Grand opora house where "A Noble Rogue" Is being played, at Hoolev's Rico's "Corsair" is drawing well, whllo MeVicker's Is well iHitrouizcd to see "Speed the Plow," and "Tho Crystal Slipper" Isthenttrnctlonnt the Opei a House. Notwithstanding tho hent, nil tho houses ure playing to wi) ing busiucrH. 'Tis a fact Nebraska takes tho cake for cool comfortable nights. Seldom mo they too warm for a delightful sleep and ofttmlus con siderable covciing Is requited. As long ns such is the enso wo have no lensou to grumble for even though it lo warm dtirlug the day, ufter sunset tired and weary moitnl enjoys a cool, pleasant evening and revels in lot fill sleep at night. A Hiicc-ful Season. First Theatrical Managor You had a bad season, I hear. Second Manager Oh, jes, frightful. Did not piny to a u) lug house during tho trip. Made money out of it, though. First Manager How in tho world could you do that? Second Manager Oh, I always put up the company at hotels with lire escapes. Boston Post. Incline tllilo. Thompklns Hello, old boy! I hear you have married a lltorary woman. Mend your own stockings and all that sort of thing, I supposol Bmlthkins Yo-cs. But that isn't tho worst of it Sho sometimes misluvs her poems in tho bread, and they are opt to make it a trlllo heavy, don't you know. Judge. All In tho Accent. A FELLOW. A FELLAH; AND A FELLEIU The Liiisnr llpu. Sunday night w as a most delightful one and lovers genornlly took advnutagoof tho excuse of being out a little later than usual "Just to see tho eclipse." Tho night wus n lovely cno, clear, cool and refreshing nnd Just such u night ns n Romeo and Juliet pines for. Palo Lumislol its brightest rnjs until ten o'clock mid after that tho curtain was slowly drawn across its face, leaving iart!i In darknesz:, in many instances much to tho delight of ho nnd she. About eleven o'clock littlo whnt vor could lie scon of tho moon and by half past cloven tho oclltHo wns total, however, sloping tho nighttime stm, through glass, in a most lieautlful copttcr color of redlsh tlngo and thus It lemalued until war into the wee small hours of Monday morning. It was a very pretty sight and was as interesting as the nppearnncowns pleasing to tho thousands who were nut to witness the eclipse, Zehrmig, llurimX Hutikln. It Is not generally known ns yet, but tho CouuiKii this morning is pleased to chronicle the fact that Messrs. Zehrung tic Heuklo, the hardw mo merchants, have added to their firm Hon. Mm tin Bums, lute of York, Neb., but now a staunch citizen of this thriving young commonwealth, nnd tho Hi in unmo as given abovo will 1ms Helming, Bums & Hvukle. Mr. Burns was one of Yoik'smost prominent business men, and in 1871) N)Jre icsented that dlRtilct lit tho stnto senate. Tills addition to tho firm adds considerable finan cial backing, and tho scope will bo consider ably extended, Tho flim if ouo of the most promliiont In the hardware lino in this city, nnd with such promising outlook ns now looms up ahead, they should cei talnly meet with abundant success. The CouiUKH extends the fiUndly hand of welcome to Mr, Bums and titiats hisiesl donee nnd business life in Lincoln will nl wnys lie pleasant nnd prolltnble. Mr. Burns has bought a building site near the new mil verslty, und will commence tho erection of a handsome resldeiico thereon at an oni ly data. Huiiduy nt Cimhiiiiin. Tomorrow will lie the last grand Sunday concert at Ciishninn jmrk tinder tho auspices of Mrs. Cropper of Rock Island, mid all should manage to go out and hear the very Intel est Ing program. The finest mindo of tho season will lie hoard, Train leaves at !i;!U) p, m, iiudietiirulng leaves the jxirkat 7:!iO p, in. 1 i l Y 1 "H i j o. jUL -I rJL " 11 S-v "-SjiIS A LETTER PROM IRELAND. A LINCOLNITE WRITES FROM DUBLIN Arrival ut t)"centnin The Hlnrnny Stone Irlh ('tmtnui nnd Notrn of (imittrnl Intercut. Written for the CotmiKii. Duiimn, Ireland, July oth, 1888. It Is dllllcult to find time for letter on n sight seeing trip, but I will try, however, to fulfill my premise. On July second wo came In sight of tho const of Kerry, Ireland, and soon after uvwcd tho Fastuet light, where the ship signalled and her an ival wns cabled to Now York nnd o'sowhetv. The weather wns what nn Englishman would call "lently" and the son rough; tho Inst day tielug the worst of the voyage. We found smoother water as wo came near the QuneiisUiwii luti hr which Is said to lie one of tho finest on the British const. The Irish const nt Hint sight looks ban en nnd forbidding, but on landing we Hud venture mid foliage In abun dance. From tho transfer lioat we go to the station wheto wo are con ailed by Her Mnjiwty's custom ollleors and usked to open tipour bag gago, which we do promptly. The olllclnl wlio began excavating Into my "grip" en countered nothing but mi accumulation of soiled linen and gave It up ill disgust. I wns then solemnly asked If I had firearms or spirits nnd tobacco, more thr.u the law allow ed, nnd on replying In the negative was allow ed to pass. Ono passenger having a pistol was obliged to loavo it in the hands of tho olllclal. After trying our "sea legs" n little nliout tho lioautiful ipinys we took the first train for tho city of Cork, sixteen miles distant, where wo arrived In time to walk uliout ii little and attract the nttentlou of the natives, who everywhere sK)t tisntoncons Yankees, nnd while we are observing what appears odd and quaint in the surroundings, and their speech nnd milliners, I think we npMinr Just as ludi crous to them. In fact, I caught the hotel porter laughing nt me when I was puzzling over shillings nud pence In trying to count my change. We look around the city nnd find It much larger than we expected nnd many costly nnd elegant buildings, both an cient nnd modsrii. From here tourists go out about eight miles to the villngeof Blarney nnd Blnrnoy castle; its history you doubtlcs know liettcr than I do. The celebrated blar ney stone, ns shown to visitors, Is nt tho sum mit of tho ruin, nnd is the lower stone of n piojectlpg portion of tho outer wull. It Is a dlzry hightli up there and I hurried back, down the spiral stone stall case which seemed to me n triumph of architectural skill, nl though tough in iliilsh,and worn by countless footsteps forcentuilos. On the route from Cork to Dublin at Mal low, a thriving town, wo change cars for a visit to Klllainoy, n point much frequented by tourists. On the way we ate on tho look out for ancient ruins. I caught sight of n dilapidated structure not far from the road side w hlch I thought liore the marks of an tiquity, and hurrldly called the Attention of tho party to It; hut my illusion wus dispelled by a native fellow-jtassonger who replied to my Inqufiy, in a bioguo more gutteral than tho average, "YIs, it's mi old lime kiln." After thut I was rather sensitive nud skepti cal ulMHitold ruins, mid waited for others of tho party to discover und Identify them. Atiivlug nt Killainey no found It to lie n haudsomo town with picturesque, surround ings. In the early morning no mounted n wagounetto for a drivo to the Gan of Dunloe, some eight miles distant. Tho air wus ex hlleiating. tho scenery beautiful If not suls lime, the roads smooth und w ell macadamized, as evry where in Ireland. Ah wo leavo the town tho count i y is fertile and piodtictivo, but as wo approach tho mountain pass there are only patches of tillable soil. Along tho roadside is tho usual stono fence or what ap pears to ben ridge of earth with hedge glow lug on its top. The fields nre fenced in the satno way. Tho hoy harvest Is In progress and the air is tilled with the odors of new mown hay nud the innumerable wild (lowers that dot the fields nud hedges. The chief ngilcultutnl products and industries so far ns I hnvu observed seem to bo hay, stock mid dallying. It is mm ket duy in Kllhirney mid we are met by numerous small lieids of sheep and tho small Keny cattle; sometimes twoor threo sheep would lie seen in a donkey cm t, one of them diivoii by a lioy contained n slnglo sheep held by a littlo gill, noth stand ing In the cart. The Bhoop was a U-autlful, meek eyed creature, a household pet no doubt, but must Ikj sold to iy tho rent. The sight wos a pretty nnd pathetic one. Tho donkey is a feature of Ireland, and with his clumsy little cart, patitmtly bears his part of the bur dens of the Irish tenantry Some of us alighted nud looked into n thatched cottage by the roadside and weie conuniiy to enter ny an old man whose jiollto nnd almost couitly manner and speech seemed not in keeping with his sur roundings. Wo found ono or the cows tethei -ed to tho leg of the table in the principal room of tho house. The floor wns paved with pebbles; fire smouldored on the hearth, over w hlch hung the pot hook, nnd tho kettle stood near tho cow. We weie nsked to drink milk, but in viow of tin surroundings declined. As we nemed the cud of our trip u man rodo swiftly nfter us und soon others joined him: a woman nnd then n joung girl came Into tho road, barefoot and bareheaded, ami followed us and soon we hail uu escort of half a-dozen of men, women nud Iniys run nlngnftor us, riding alongside, nnd holding on t tho end of our wagon. We soon found out their object They offered their sei v ici s in various capacities. The woman, who claimed to tie a decendnnt of the Uolleen llawn. had her photos and conrso home knit socks to sell us. Tho men skillfully waked tho echoes botw ecu tho hills by means of shout Ing und tiring small camion, and ns it wns tho -1th of July, it sci vil us ns a celebration. The Ii isb hiMiie can led a liottlo each of goats milk mid "mountain dew," which last in a liquid more fiery than Ita name Indicates 1 e did not try the goat's milk. These iieople do not show nbject siverty by their dress, they me fairly well clad except their feet which am bare. They mo bright, intelligent and loquacious; aie neeompllslied nud imrsls tent In their mithods of extracling inonev from touilsts, but nlwayB polite nnd good humored. Tho mountains In this region in o hereof trees nnd but green with vet dure to their summits oxcept on tho sulfate of rocks, where gouts nud sheen graze tilnjut their Bides. Ono of the olevntlons, a double jK-ak called "Cnrantule," Is said to lw the highest In Ireland, 4500 feet nliovo sen level Y tint of time compells mo to close abi uptly, guess tho letter is long enough nnv way. Re gards to till. Yours truly, C. D. Hyatt. JAMES WHITCOMD RILCY. (VTrthout ary apology) r' ' " Tl a (10T to thlnkln' of hlm-as sometimes a teller wlll Of the night lie glrn a leo- tur to the folks In Hlielliyvllle, An' wis net mi nnlll itv- light, as them loeterers sometimes do A-Ulkhi" of a tniiiilred tilings that mightn't In- t'ltistjou; I mind tho tlilugs he rattled off Hint night, In boyish glee, Itecltatloni he recltetl to a audleuco of mo; How I laughed oatll tho Inn'lnnl come an' ant us to to Mill So I got to tlilukln' or him an thnt night nt fihel hyvllle. Then he'd kind o' ipilt hlsnoiisensoan' vro'd settle (lonasell, Tell J I in 'ml turn iqioii ine ' begin ngln "Der tell 'Dout Uio time I vent to Franklin rcr tho IlaptUt college rolkst" An I'd stretch my mouth ncroat my fnco, all ready rcr tho Jokes; Hut he'd hrniich off In a story 'bout the "Slcrry Workers" Imnd, That, 'nless jou knewed the "Workers," you o'd hardly understand; I c'd hear la) svir a swallcrla', the room 'ud soem ostlll Bo I got to thlnkln' of him an' thnt night at Hliel hyvllle, I got to thlnkln' of hlm-llko 'twas Just a year ngo Fertlme, that lllosso roat In dreams, Innhulnlcks Is slow ; lie was workln' llkoabeavor, levturn' hero an' lecturn' there, An' a vrrltln' en tho railroad cars, In taverns ever'where, lYtntla' oeiiis In tho papers, iqicAkln' pieces at tho fairs', An' him an' mo a travrlln', bow an' then, around lu alrs; An' ho seemed to think 'at ho was no account at all-hut still, I got to thlnHlu' ot htm, an' that night nt Shelby Tlllo. I got to thlnkln' of him an' tho luippy "Days gono by," Tell tho sweet "Old fmliloned Roses" neeniLsl to hlooni agin ni Idlo; An' I hear him talk agin about "My brldothntls to Ih," When hn'il come to "(Irlgshy station" Jest to fiave aulghtwcthme; I kin see him settlu' down ngtn, to give tho I'rince a rock, When "Tho frost wns on tho pumpkin an' tho corn was lu tho shock;" An' I hear a laughing voloo I loved, with iiiuhIo In Its trill Bo I got to thlnkln' or him, an that ulght In Shelbyvlllo. Bo Iwt lieroan' I uouderet Ikuuwjust what It means, When I soo 'cm print hU poetry In alt tho maga zines; An' I see him on tho platform with tho James and How el Is set, An' hear the ieoplo an) In', "IIo's tho best ono of era yet;" An' I keep a w lukln' bock the tears that mako my roolcjoH shine, For I couldn't reel no prouder or he'd ben boy or mine; Fer he's Jest tho saino old Riley, an' ho'll be the same Jim still, As ho w as the night 'at him an' mo set up at 8hol- hyvllle. Rolicrt J. Ilurdutto In Ilmokljn Eagle. Iloimrliiir a (lnet, Wislnesdny evening the pleasant home of Mr, nud Mrs. S. E, More on M street was the scene of u very enjoyable gatheilng, given In honor of their guest, Mr, Jise R Sutton of Nowark, Ohio, Tho huge i nrlnrri were taste fully urrnuged for the occasion nud the Moors canvassed for dancing. During the evening cards wero also enjoved by those who pre feted this sort ot amusement to dancing, and at eleven o'clock refreshments wore served in Mis. Moore's own p.culliii ly haudsomo stj le. The spread wasn sumptuous one nnd lellshed by nil present, n lift of tho invited guests be ing given Iwlow. Messrs. Fiinke, Hammond, Stout, Houtz, Jnnsen, Audrus, Young, St iceter, Wockhnch, Maxwell, Kdwnnls, Nlssley, Clnrke, Hath away, Burr, Welsh, Forry Moore, Hlggeii iKithum, Kerman, McArthur, McClay nnd Fred VmU Mlsncs Lllllbridge, Nellie nnd Brewule Ilium, Hammond, Alleeii nud Bell Oakley, .Mainland lleitleilurr, (Hie, Gertie nud Theo Ijiu, Hattle nud Cm rle Iceland, Oilln Lotto, Andnis, Montrose, Hooper, Funke, Snolllug, Brown, Mnnpiette, Hathaway and Mny Moore But few regrets were rctelvednnd the end cuino only tx) soon to thoroughly plenso tho guesw. anisic was excellently niiuished by Miss Wllloughby. Tho Howard houso was 1 1 uost entirely d'-strovi-d by (Ire Thursday night It was ouo of the old londmirksof the city and would shortly hnvo lieen coiuiwlleil to give way lie ftre the marth of progioss,. Now thnt the season for using lee has com inenced it lohoovea eonsumors to 1k verj careful what thoy use. Much of the Ice now ndayNuscdU Impure nud conducive of bnd results to good health. The Ico sold by the l.'ncoln Ico coiiiiiiiiy cut from Oak creek Is strictly pure and healthy and will iHjdelivei isl tonny pni t of the city Iave onlers at KHO O street or telephone No. 1 18. I.lueolii Omaliii, A coach will here nfter Iwnttached to H & M. train No. a (the llvei) for the couvenloiiie of Lincoln-Omaha imssvngcrs. Ux-nl tickets will bo accepted mi this tinln, A. C. kimku. City Pnssiiiger nnd Ticket Agent. IMIIUDEMMIIATO LINCOLN ACCOUNT OF A PLEASANT TRIP. Tim CiMirlrr Hi rlbe Heturns lliinio After n Neven Week' Vacation, lldllorlal Correspmdeuce,l There Is probably no season lu the) ear when travel Is so unlTnrsally etijoyisl ns It now is, and for (he socially Inclined the sum mer mouths has always In store many pleas ant aiitleiatloiis. It Is then nfter n' guy festivity that the city Isdlo nud the town dude makes a Join ney here, there or rise where to recreate, and It Is nt this time that the merchant nud clerk peek nqsm, nfter n long season of steady attention to hindiics, nt tho summer resort. Homo go east, some west, some north nud others south, nud thus It Is thnt nt this tlmu of the year the city llnds Its Inhabitant scattered to the four winds. Thoy go to the seashore, the mountains or to the country, while others go to cltleN equally us warm ns nt home to visit relatives nud thru return content and Imagine they feel Isit ternud have been much Ix'nelltisl by the trip, nud thus It gisM. We till our wants nud sat isfy our fancies and fisd better thwiefor. Tim wrlUr nfter having mHcd seven weeks very pleasantly away from home, In the mountains, at Amm lea's iuetioMills nud nt the seashore, returns home once more with renew is 1 energy end vim to "tucklo" nnd con quer Uio lalsirs of the hereof ter, nud having Just returned gives u resume of the trip fiom Philadelphia to Lincoln, describing a very attractive trip, which It will bo well for our renders contemplating u similar trip to make n note of, Philadelphia Is noted for Its many elegant structures, Its enlei prlso and the cleanliness of ever) tiling lu und nlsiut the city. It Is nlso noted for It several very elegnnt nud costly railway stations, pi eminent nmoii them Isilng the very handsome new deHit of the Baltlmme& Ohio railway which hut re cently opened its line Into this city. This structure which Is locntisl In one of tho finest portions of Philadelphia Is built on the very lotfst style of nahllis-ture nnd Is n spacious station having nil the modern Improvements nud facilities for conveniently handling nn Immense buslneKH. All tho Mulshing ale of the very finest, the art gloss used lu windows nud aUiut the place lHtiug the mint eiieusive ever put Into n railway cdllleo, Vailous apartments, such ns lodlof toilet rooms wl'h coin toons attendants, rcficshmout looms, waiting rooms with novel apNiliitments und Hue furnishings, gentlemen's smoking roo ns, teh graph olllces, n place where pal eels may lie left, n lefieshmeut nud news stand, etc , nre ell found lu convenient locations fu the huge building. It Is u model inllwuy struc ture nnd Is certainly u ci edit to the (,luaker city ns well ns the picturesque Baltimore & Ohio. HK"oklngof the "Picturesque B fc O." re minds me of the man) pleasant Inelih nts noticed along the lino nnd It struck me more thnn once that n more appropriate name would be hold to Hud. We leave Philadel phia nt 11 () lu the morning and from the time the wheels first turn until the end of our Join ney much to interest the mind nud at tract tho eye Is enjoyed. Within two hours after leaving we have hod a I Ida In time states, viz.: Pennsylvania, Delaware mid Mmylaud. We leave the Pennsylvania lino shortly nfter leaving Philadelphia and arrive In Wilmington ut u little lieforo twelve und Baltimore shortly nfter one o'i lock, arriving less tlriuali hour later in Washington, I). C This line Is certainly a most pleasant ono, for as tho "limited" nishes Into mid out of the many Intermediate points we notice lioth do K)t nud gioundsnre In flue style nnd nicely kept, most of the stations being of brick mid the uichltecture Wilt! ing uiotroolltnu cen ters. The road on each side Is kept clvati nnd well lwilastcd nnd the traveler wonders how so long n sti etch of ground can Ikj kept In such attractive nppearance. Wo siieedsw ift ly onward, too pioud torocoghlotho various villages nnd stop nt nothing short of uu im ortant city. Time from Baltimore to Wash ington forty miles In foity-flve minutes. leaving tho National Capitol we me given a view of tho bigcopitol building nud many of her pretty residences. Along the line ot intervals many old landmarks and historical points nie seen, pinmluoutamoiig them Isdng llurisrs Ferry with its picltireviue surround lugs, the lofty mountains, the beautiful Po tomac, oddlug additional charm U the scenes of antiquity. Here John Biown's fort is jet to 1st seen ami scattered aliout the place are yetHoiuour the old time relics or the war Wo follow the river on lis south shore nud just at this season of the )ear whii nature is in its loveliest gam the trip is a veiy enjoy able ouo. Our tinlu is made no of day catches, luxu rious sleeping and drawing room enrs mid the usual Isigguge olid expnwts cms ami little dirfereiiot Is noticed in the timu made in go Ing up or down grade, for with tho pow erf ill Tl, A: O," engiuoti grades make no difference. The sleeiMirs, wliich by the way, have lately eono Into tho hands of the Pullman comnan v. are of tho finest make, affording the traveler on easy and enjoyable trip across the moot tains rrom tne eastern to westei u trade center , At I'muberlund we toko supper at about sun set nnd of ter relishing ono of the best men I have ever eaten at o hotel a shout of "A 1 Alsnrd" by tho conductor brings all hands balk to tho train mid we are off again west wnnl bound. As the shades of night over takes us and ni tu re's dark mantle covers earth's lieautio' from sight we soon feel the want of sleep and after isslug Deer Purk and Mountain IjiUo Pork (two prominent summer resoits), shortly nfter ulght, we re pov In a refreshing sleep ft uwnke next morning in Cincinnati, the centennial city. Kaily in the morning whllu fast in Hm arms of morpheiis our train leave tho "II : 0."trncks to enter the Cincinnati, Washing ton iV Baltimore Hue at I'm kersburg, this rood, however, being under tho fnmo man agement, and it is here that we change time, from eastern to central time. Arriving at Paikcrshurg, Vn. ot'Jilun. m. and leaving nt 1 'JO n. in, the ihaiigo in time making our dcurturaenilier thou our ai rival At T 15 a. m. wearrlve ot the large central station lu Cincinnati nud nfter sK'ndlng Sunday and Mondav there viewing the lull top and tak ing in the centennial cxxxitlon, I loft on the evening of tho latter day via the t' II & I) line mid "Mouon Route' for Chicago, arriv ing there early next morning I uisscd the day very plcnoantlv time and left that ulght via the Rock Island vestibule route fji Oma ha mid thence home to Lincoln by the Bur lington, so that after a v million of utuily two mouths I am once more "at heme' lu the toils of every ilii) life. Should mi) of o ir readers Im contemplating n trip east they will find the route as doci IKslnlsiv eu very plena out one, or in going directly cost tho ltnltl more mid Ohio Inn may lx tisol without change trom St. I-ouls or Chiuigo to Phila delphia nud the east without cluing" LOU W. AMUSEMENTS AT FUNKE'8. Ml (liinilrleli Tonlglil, Ihielialadnr'a JVIIn- alrela anil Mnnuuer Mnlteyuolda llenellt. THK tllHIDIlKlll KKOAIIKMRMT. This evening nt Funkn's tho Eunice Good rich eombliintloti give thrlr Inat tM'rforiiinnen of the engngemoiit whloh has been n veiy successful one, The vat Ions plnys presenfil during the week have lieen well put on niul riH-eivisi with general satisfaction by large houaes nightly. For u isipular price combi nation this company undoubtedly leads any thing we have ever hod lu Lincoln. Each piece is put on with its much core to every de toll ns though tho price were Wl.Tfl and HI. 00. The iswtumlng nud stage N'dtlngs were ex cellent and the company a very good one. At tfslny's matinee "Cinderella" will be stnged nud tonight the now piny entitled "Ono Lie I'iuls to Another' will I si the closing pur formniice. It Is mi luterentimr niece and should lie seen by nil. Pi Ices same ns usual. 111. '.M nud ,'U) cents THK NKXT ATTIlAtrnoff. Tuesday evening next DockslnCor's Min strels will hold the lioards nt the Funke and It Is scarcely necesaarv for us to dwell on tin. mcrllsor iutioduco the company toourreud ers, nil nmuseineiit lover nud isfpeclnlly those who delight In the burnt cork porformnnco know full well the capabilities of IhUorgoiil Mtloii to enteitiiln Uiw Doekstoder, I he great and only Um, who has caused many n laugh and met ry roar to metroMilltnu iiudl eiices, Is nt tho head of the company and with such aiixlllailes as Billy Hweatnam. Itlllv Rice nnd a colerlo of other nromlueiit inlii- stielltes the program will tindoiibUslly 1st n oriiiinm, one. no orciiestra, wlileli by tho wny Is n superb ouo from Mr. Do.'katml r's New York theatre, is n gruit nttiactldi. l he company Unow on iti return to New York from San Francisco where they closed the summer senmm lust wis'k, hov lug hail the loigeat nuiof any minstrel company on the coast this season. Reserved seats on sole .Monday evening at the oivra house ticket olllce. MANAIIKIt MCllRy.NOI.n'H IIKNKKIT. On Tuesday, August seventh, the Barry tic Fay combination will give n iM-neilt to ili.n nger McReyuolds, on w lilch iKftision will be priwiitisl the new comedy entitled "McKen nan's Flirtation," conceded to l Barry tic I a) s grealiwt play nud one lu which they hnvotii deupioiiouncislhlluviryMhtre. The company Is known to the patrons of amuse- incut as one or the stiougest attractions on the load and iiotbulug new by any means to Lincoln niiilloneos will certainly 1111 the house. The beuellt teiideiisl Mr Mclteynold Is a woithy compliment to'uu enterprising nud hard winking malinger und It Is but right nud pioisir that our tlcotrlcally Inclined fi lends should tin ii out mid nock the house to show their appreciation ut the genial Bob's elfoits to prisjiiro tho In-st lu tho land for their oumsiiuient. Homeiiitx.T the Isjnellt Tuesday, August seventh, for which seat are now on snle. Ilaliiita Hot Spring. Tlue springs are in tw o unions w hlch come together I'm miiig one in tho shape of n Y im tmsllaiely west of Battle mountain in the southern Black Hills. The mountain scenery oil olsjut tho springs is not only grand but is exceptionally ls-autlful, while the curntivo iroM'rtles of tho wnters surpass those of tho famous Hot Springs of Arkansas. Tho nlKive is u railroad advertisement but it is a surely one lu which many eople ns health and pleasure seekers should bo Inter ested, Round trip tickets for 11. M), good for VO days, me on snle nt the Elkhoru olllce nt 115 South 10th Street Catch Tliem on the Fly. Sho Oh, Arthur, whui do the poor cow bo)sin Texas do when thoy want a girl to talk to) Ho Give It up, Uso their lassos, prob ably. New Haven News. , KouKul Music A now song is called "My Molhor's IInrL', We suspect it Is a sequel to "Mamma's Sllp or;" and w lion Introduced among tho clill ilron "there's muslo lu the heir." Norrl town Herald. Serlniuly Slalmad. Cordley How do, cUummle, old boyl Blandloy For mercy's snkel What's the mattah with your hand! Cordley Did it carrying this beastly buck born umbnella handle. Truo to III Colors. "There vvux Bill Now toil, Lln' Bill, we all called trim. Never wax near water all hi life, vet ho wax olwavs tellln' nbout tho fish he'd caught. Once when he war sick with tho jnuuders his father sa)s to him: 'Bill, how ure )ou feelluT 'Fintr 'n a flddlo,' sea BUI 'That settle it,' rx tho old man, and ho started off for the undertaker. HU con furdonco vvux not misplaced. When ho coma back with tho undertaker Bill was a corpse." Of 1 rest to All. The I'nlon Pacific Railway. "Tho Over land Route" Have Just Issued very complete and comprehensive pamphlets on Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, nnd Washington Terri tory, descriptive of the ngi (cultural, stock raising and nilunnil resources, the climate und health resortsot these sin tea und tei i itot ics compiled fjom the latest reports of lb7. Send to J. S. TvbbetU G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. for one. Old 1'npcra For Snip. House cleaning time l here, and edd apcr will come In haudv. The Couiuui olllce has a good supply at 'JO cents o hundred. 1 1