"fWPJFl'H '"" 'Vp"T ? -k T- v ' ,TiJ'7irr"V v f fnnjp' Ui".. Et -; k? B-Sf? 6 ,'. ', l" 1 f ' i I ! ,'. ' .. ; r 'if- i. . K- r w FOR THE SPRING TRADE SILK MADRAS ss CIIRNILLK CURTAINS Willi Swh Curtains lo mntcli. The Sobblest Lino ol C'trtalns ol nil kinds In both American mul Foreign Textures. 4 CURTAIN POLES AND RINGS i i 'hi l.ilest Novelties ol Woml and M Jtul. I'rlcis Rock Iloltotn. A. VI.. Davis & Soiv PEFFLEY & SONS, F. CASH SALE. EVERYTHING MUST GO! REGADDLESS OF COST. Iliiin: decided to go out of the dry goods business, under the hope ol' improving my health. I Will offer all goods at 25 per cent off the origina price, except "Domestics" which we.will close at cost O. R. OAKLEY &: CO. 1031 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB. FOR FINE TRADE. ED. CERF & CO., iliri O 8THKKT. 1 Hnvu jttst loeolvod n largo mul elegant lino of Ooltl and Silver headed ' Fine 8111: UMBRELLASANDCANES Of tbo latest designs. Also their new Invoice of STYLISH . SPRING : CLOTHING. Underwear, Soft and SUIT Huts, etc. (loto KdCerf & Co., for your Gent's FtirnMilngs mul AVOID PAYING FANCY 1'IUUKS. LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, est PURE 3 I ytyc-iynpnynixfis 2 '. 1040 1 JLOJcy O STUIiliT - . I J ft jit y.t.ii y.vz.if .tii: JCy Not cut fiom the l'ilthy Salt Creek --OAK CREEK- Delivered to all partB of the city at reasonable pi ices. JOYCE, 123 North 15th Street, For j3 vc w 'w03? ' .twes WW jL: Mustang kv O"' ttVBM' t4,UO 1"uu r ssr 4 ''J SWfi " 134 South LinsrooLnsr, usrimrB, J""" a;. .ry,T7;.r7vT4 A. J- TliLIU'HONK $ f? 118 -5 lA r Xl'.MIJKR Vi rCr trtr srftifr jrfii; but from the Clear and Pure Waters of CHOICE MILLINERY, OMAHA. For BEAST II : v. . -.p. wj ' Liniment a n4 nnarfWrV S3 v IW iV WHAT SHALL WIS WEAK? FASHIONS OF THE DAY AS REP RESENTED AT HOME AND ADROAD. All Atimtt eho Not lnrnnl4, Inohnlli'K TIiom Covered wllli HnmcJird Mlh, S!u. tin, tnee, tlrucailo mul MnxtrM A Vn rlrly or Sljlci In 8lltli mul llandlro. As to imrnxilf, iholr nnnio Is truly IcrIoii, for one fceari'oly hm tw o a I iki. 'l'ho now wt wliltn ours of nmot'kod silk, ilrnnu iinulln, laeo or bwendo, havo whlto cunuirliul ktlcks, with bnlla of rroniny Algrrlau onyx, it In gilt, 111 luruo heads of cm boswil Rold. A fnw (KtrnmiN nro ihiiu h)oiI of IniRO "let nls of muslin laid over i-ach oilier; others have n full friuctl ruehp round U10 edgo (tho kliPt cn-toui-eas and In dlnnnllU ones hao ibis iiKo), or a row W or ferns or leaves t..M .... l..Lt li.l.l.. iiii vii ju-.fc uiiitii: f.. Uio edge, on ilia lliiiue;, or n fprny of llowersor leaves Mjwnouat tho fer rule, and ngalu clow to Iho edge, lions of mimll ami most untunil look Iiir uliuinrock loaves, uestleil In lace, adorn tlio ex A K'.OIUL PAUAf-OU terior of Minio tmraeoN A row of shndcdrll.' 1kh Ioojw, laid partially over each oilier, ii Foinetiuus placed round the edge, cnrtvKpoud Iiir with thocoliirsiif thoKi'oupol' lloivcrs placed near tho ferrule. This l Ik'Iii doiioln nil slndet, but yellow, mmivo and pink look pari li'tilfi rly ell. SumoiuiHIu pnraiN havo odeslRii of eroised l.i'j overt hem; otheiNaro Kjuiuo hliiipc-d, but the generality nro round. Many nro lined with shut silk. Homo of tho floral piirnsuls bavu a eculiar elToct when carried eloseil. TIko look as if tho owner had been cutting for herself n largo K)..y nnd llxcd It on a slick, In Iho Ptylo of n .May day poy of Ion;; ago. The Impression Is still further carried out when n Homily trimmed hat to match Is worn as Is often tlm cnsi. Tho parnool repifwnted In thocut Is nmdoof very pale niru t;iveu sills or satin, and tho handle of Ivory or silver Is finely cii;rued with 11 floral design. Tho ribs uroimrtly covered with rows of a dell cato llosli tint, producing nu exipilillo and harmonious color cITect on tho silk fouiula tiou. Tho long walking stick Imndles, with solid silver heads, nro very fashionable, and so nro tho plnlu, dark varnished bamboo ttlcks, with jilain tojH. Homo cceentrio sticks have lately npiH'nrcd. Tliey. nro of uuvnruished wood, and thcro aro thrvo horses' heads Issuing fi om tho stick and standing out in proud nnd indeculent couscIousucm, or two or only one. Then thcro nro tliroo dogs' heads cut out In tho saino way, two orono. Tliey nro generally of tho same class, but ono stick has 11 greyhound and u pug's head, cob larcd together with a metal band, nhllo nn other has a spaniel and pug. A climbing l)car, carved in tho brown wood of tho stick, Is another design, whllo n dlircrent ono has thrco distinct sticks of two Inches or so, capiml with silver, blanching from tho pa rent stick, in tho same style as tho horses' and dogs' heads. A handlo of carved Ivory, tipped with gold, held n lieautlful uhlto silk parasol, with painted sections, and a whito ostrich feather carried down each rib of tho frame. " 1'nsliloiis In llools nnd Mioei. Tho fnshlonnblo evening shoes do not neces sarily havo very high heels, but thoy nil havo pointed too. Tho now bows nro inado sliujilo and very close to tho foot. Botno of tbo bows ai-o entirely covered with spangles In silver nnd gold, somo with tiny diamonds, which sjwrkled and bad a good effect. Tho shoes can 1h beaded to copy tho color or de sign of any brocade, and iridescent beads and metallic, threads of many tones aro em ployed, liridnl shoes havo diamonds, or tho semblance of diamonds, Intermixed with pearls, or nro worked in silver with designs such as llllui of tho valley. For bourn) shoes IluKsinu leather in all its colors is worn so that tbeso shoes can match tho dresses. Numbered with novelties in out door shoes aro thoso mado of glazed kid nnd patent leather toes. Tho goloshcd Oxford tio is also worn. A decided novelty is tho shoo mado in patent black leather and whito buckskin brogued. With regard to boots, thoso with kid lip pel's and patent leather vniups nro much worn; tho toes must bo pointed. Iluttoned cloth boots, with kid or patent leather rn 1118, nro also in fashion, especially if tho cloth up er8 match in color tho gown with which tho boots nro worn. Hut thcro Is nnothcr kind of boot for which women havo n demand vis., riding boots. For tho park, high Wellington patent leather nro worn; for hunting, tho IJodford cord tops, as then tho habit will not rido up on their account. Trawling Costumes. Tho traveling season being at hand, our readers are presented in this issue with a stylish London garment, cqur.lly adapted for rain and dust. As will be obserrod in study ing tbo cut, this vrap is not only an ad mirable protector of tho dress worn under neath It, but it U aa exceedingly grocotul affair. IuLond,:nh:;r:;r.. ,,n EN-aMSlI TltAVnUXO WltAP. ji.vorr.cr. j 9,,nn .:;;;: ",.'."c ;!:,"','!::,!"! -- - "i' v-w " Uaildj fJi' U Lcv-n Uin u-inra frrt., fl.... ,... Fix ,:m M I 1 m u Limit mitt I'lirsiiiiiil, UeneinlMi'llillownsliiOinahaWislnesihiy. Mr. N V lliwk sK'iil Huuday nt Nebraska City. Mi ml" P. Hi ow 11 siuttslTuiMlny for Hy in cuse, N. Y. Mrs.Fnsl I'unkeleft Tlituvilny for 11 immthV slay In Coloi ado Mr. N. ('. Abbott Is s ending tho heated term at .Maultnu. Mr. M. II. Cheney Isi'wiitlliign few weeks at Clu I. ike, Iowa. H. H. llurnhain nnd wife left yesterday for a six wonks I tip to Poitlaud Mr. Mr. W It. Kulley left Wisln.vsday for Halt Lukonnd oilier western points. Mls May Hiullhof Howard was tho guest over HuiiduN of Mlsi Klll I,etse. .). I Duly and wlfo left yesterday for Col orado Springs fur a llneo weeks tilp. Mr. John Zehniug mado 11 Dying trip to liCuVcnwoith tho foiii part of tho week. Mr. Ch'is, Clarke u as cndeavoil"g lo Hud out tho beauties of Kans:is City this week. Mr. (I. M. Uiiuln'it-ou and wlfo staited Huuday for a lummerV stay lif Wisconsin. Mis August llagi'iiow left Tlurnlay for Otis, IihI., In U' nlwnt 11 ni'iiilb or six weeks. Mr. .1. 1.. Doty and Mis. C. A.Atkinson nudson left ycsteidny lor Colorado Hpilugs, Mr. M II. Tiltou of tho Wisconsin Fund turc eo upauy, has loluined from nu eastern hip. Mi. U. P.. Finney and family left Wtsliusi day for the Mlnnerota lakes, for tho sum iner. Hyde l'nik linsMK'iired tho new paMiinilll, and ground Is being staltisl oir for tho build !"? Woik has been commeuecil on Iho new Presbyterian chuii'hnt Tneiily-slxlliiiiul P sheets. Mis. A M. Davis left Monday afternoon on a two mouths' visit lo lulatlvcH in Hoodriih Canada, Mrs. Ma Carter of Council llluIVs Is vIhIk her sister, Mm. ,1. C. Mcllrlde, Twnlflh mid P streets. Mosm ItobeitMelteyimMsniid Frrd I'u'nko leluriKslHuiidny night from 11 hip through tho northwest. Mr. J. T. Mas! In and wlfo will spend tho next month or so in tho iwky fast noses of the mountains. Mr Frank It. Miirrtaay, 0110 of Nebraska's, most brilliant joung newspaper men, was In tho city Wedrcday. Mis. (I. M. lsaulsof New York, who has Is-en visiting relatives In the city, returned to her hiiiim ciluodiiy. Mrs. Wiv, mother of tho Wlso biotlieisof this city Is pailng them n visit, stopping wllh her Mn lald, 1528 K street. A cable iiiewagu Hatiinbiy fiom I'rank Sholi'on statin that their pally nrriwdlu l,lveiKsil all right after 11 smooth pacsagc. Mr. (leo. N. Poiismuu, tho gentlemanly agent, of the hlMioiu at this slnt,, lssnil lug his vni'uhnu at his old homo in Mudisjii, Wis. Mi. H K Nnblo and family returmd to Iho eity Thuisiliiy, lielng calleil back by a lele grumaii.iouucing tho ilesleuetlou of his gal cry. W. K. Clarke, Fiank llurr and Holt Mulr aro sH!iidiug a few- wis'ks In Iho cool shades of tbo woods mound Hplrlt Uiko nnd Arnolds park. J. It. Icinit and la other stalled Tuesday for Minnesota, w hem they will h-huhI n month lulling-, hunting and otherwise enjoying tlicin selves. Hon. Allrt Wntklns left Haluiday for Madison, Wis., to accompany Ids family, who Imvo Ik.s-11 visiting there, back lo their Lincoln home, Tho republicans hold a grand rally at Cash-man-park Wodnenduy. Klm-uunt sik-ccIips by Lincoln orators wore llstcneil to by largo crowds. Mr. Ii. Jleycr, wlfo and sUtor-in-lan-, left Monday for Maiiltou. Mr. Meyer returucsl after seeing them snugly ensconctsl for 11 sum iner's stay. TI10 military baud gavo a delightful concert at Iho capltol graunils last evening, (loveru mentsuare will resound with their melody this evening. Mr. J. D. Hpcnccr, fnthur of tho HMncer I sty s, who has been In Chicago undergoing medical treatment, has returned homo much Improved In health. TI10 ladies of draco M. K. church held a very plea-ant sociable at Twenty-seventh and II slroetsj Wednesday evening. It was n suc cess in every particular. Dr. II. F. Hulloy and wlfo havo returned from an eastern trip. Tho Doctor s-H-nt the gi eater (sirt of the tliuo in his old homo in .Manchester, X. II., nnd repot ts having en joyed the tiip immensely. "iVorsliloeil liy 11 Certulu Set. lloston Maiden (to young man from Now Jersey) In New Jersey, .Mr. Hcdumd, blood, I understand, Is not considered of tho Hr&t lniortancel Mr. Itcdmud It Is among tho skectcrs. Miss Waldo. New York Hun. In Ills Own Coin. "Well, Janet," nsked n, facetious husband whoso wlfo had just discharged tho hired girl, "aro you going f bravely breast tho waves of tho domestic sen of troubles'" "No." she nnswered demurely; "I nm only going to stem tho currants." Judge. A Htudeiit of the flame "Well, young mail," said a sporting good dealer, "what can wo do for youf "Havo you books on baseball f "Yes." "GP mo 'Tho Rise an' Fall of tho Roman Uroplro.' "Now York 8un. Verily It Is. Our friends havo dejKUted to spend tbo summer by tho seaside. We havo gono us far as our means would allow, and rented a cabin in front of Ililly Well's mlllpond. Cheapness with cheerfulness is great gain. Smlthvlllo lOa.) News. Go One rye on It. "How much to peep through your tel AAruit I "Ten cents." "There's fire, Pvo only ono oye." Time. Itumotlo Pabulum. "Bridget," inquired tho lady of tho house of Iter adjutant genera), "en n't wo havo hash forbrcakfastP "If yo chows, mum,-1 was tho frightfully suggestlvo answer. Detroit Froo Press. Ho Could Draw All Illcht. "Do you draw nt all, Mr. Fuugsloy i" ".My patrons say I draw very well." "So you're an nrtiktl" "o. You misunderstand mo. I'm a don list." Lincoln Journal. On Homo Occasion. .,JI" ..n--WUt nvo tho most ;'T,B,r um ,cftturw ttbo' , oiiiiniur Jlmn!o-Tbo t,cber'.-IIarvan, U,. PWU. AT- MILLER'S Special attention h paid to ODRESSGOODS Stock Large, Assortment Complete. All the New Shades, All the New Fabrics. J. E. MILLER'S 145 South Tenth Street. EVERY BODY KNOWS Tlint wc keep a general nsiorlmcnl ol CLOTHING ! And Gents' Furnishings. All llit: Latest styles in Collars, and the season's novelties In Neckwear. FINK LINKS COLLARS, 12' t vs. Call and sec us If vou want to get goods lit our 111 ,0 just ten per cent cheaper than at imy other bouse In town. BAKER, The Clothier, 1125 O STREET. IT'S THE THE PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. This is the only mower made that will cut high grass. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Call and see it. ZEHRUNG 8c HENKLE, Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc. Quick Meal Stove. BUDGE & MORRIS, 1 122 N Street. pB8iM5jBsBBBE55ic ifc 1 m-lRr m m B isbtf BEST MADE. f t : 1 . . . .,t r,w .lgWMW(ll J U VfJVIIl