tfc-. ipiM3t-'ifcN--r-vqr'f' .,. j.i, JIi.vMfVf"- I' - En 3 Be Sure It you luwc inane v;i your mlml to tny llootl st 8.ti.ttntllU lo not bo liulueetl to tnko nny oilier. Hood's B.trfipnrlll.t Is rt iiecutlnr medicine, .vases lii,:,lyiituotf eonitilnntlou, proportion, nutt preparation, rurnllvo power enpetlor to nny oilier article. A lku'en ) uly vlio wltnt slio wanted, nu I .tiv m example Is wottliy Imitation, tclM kcr ixpitience I'elmw Fo Get "In cue More liero I wenttoluiy Homl'H i tlio clerk Weil to liulnco mutiny thclrownliiMentluf Uootl's) liotoMmotliotr's would l.nt Ikiiroi i that I iiiIrM InUo It on ten tt.i, If l illil not HUolt 1 need not p.ty ftiOt'iloc. et Hit ho ctmlil not provnll on tno to clinne. I toM Itlm I knew what Hood's S.iMaparllla wna. I hail taken It, wns Mlncd with It, nuil did not want nny other. Hood's nUMMMHMM When I heuan taUiiR Hood's Barsap"!" 1 wns IccIIiir teal ml'criililo, sultorlnc n deal with dyspepsia, nnd no wrak that nt tlniei 1 could hardly idan I. I looked, nnd had for somo time, Ilka n person In con sumption, Hood's Barsitparlll.i did mo so much Rood that I wonder nt myself sometimes, nnd my friends frequently speak of It." Mini. A. UoiT, 01 Terraco Htroet, IloMon. Sarsaparilla HnMtjsllilroiwUt. llxforfV Prepared onlr be l 1 IIOOI) A CO., AK)Uitcirli, IaiwoII, M.u. 00 Dosos Ono Dollar THE COURIER A l)tmir li)it'of Mm1m 7'iinr. l-'UUMaillSD 9ATUUDAY , .ii'imiiii'TioX! On Year ly Mall or Carrier $siV t Kl 1110111)14, !,(, Ttiri-o months M C'tnts, One month W Cents lnvnrnliiy In Adisnce. XuVraiiumiiwrs: Halt furnished on iipplliMtMi ut tho ullleo. Hpevlal rates on Tlmo eontrncls. Coxtmiuvtioks: Hlmit spiny sketches, ioeine, and etniiossotlelted, IVrNoiml itnd Social noles mo especially tliHlntlile. I'ntvmu: V"e nukon specialty of Hue rilnllnx innlliMbriu't'i. ln wri n m'l.ttr AdilreiH nil mmniunlontlons illreettn tlio nllloe. wicmsiu- it DonuiNS, kmitiiiih ami enoriiiircoits. New lliirr llloak. Cor. I'.'th nnd n H,reii. Tiii.ur-uiixn iWI. TilK city nttorney linn rvcotninintletl Hint the Inlnn of soinn llvo or six inoreliitnls Tor ilnniitKo ly ietiin of n Hooding of their eel tors sniiin veel since, I) not allowed for tho tliuclt) is tint Untile. It does seem thnt u nierelmnl should Imvo ronm re ill i In n rittto of that kind, hut tho pnyinont of one or two clulnn would lay tho city oiou tothoiliuiKeriif fiiiudulent o tiutiiiN-dup rluliiH T Tin: Call wiys It Is not iippowd to Tom lleutou for niidllor liwninw h Is n jnimic iniiii. llMilsnllllliitlonsIt Iskleklnj; nlxmt. 1 ho Cull hhoulil Imvo snld nt hi tli llrst plniv, nnd thus kept our ho'K'' '" " Tliuro tiro too iiuny win thy yoiuiK mcti In tho country to nllow tho luipulntlon tlio Cull In I'.'i Hot ur tide put lliwui theul. LADIES SPRING SEASON 1888, TAKENOTICEI The Couitinu will not Ihi iwKnsillo for nly doliti mt le by nny nmi In Itsiuune, tut loi n written omlor ntiiiiiinlos tho mio, Iiroiorly nIkiuhI, of eouni?. W'HsMKt.A: Doiiui.nh, I'liiji'm. TO SUUSCniBERO. Corumii ivndors koIhk nwny fur tho mini uior nin Imvo tho pinier -Mint to their now nit ilniw, without extm rt.nrgo, ly nollfylni; tho ollloo. ANtiTliKitiiuiiivlilst euro 1ms hi okon loo in Chli'tio. Tlio invii uritHied nti) nil HohO' niloin, mill tho t'iwjc.'lH of llieli' tieiulliiK In tho footsteps of Hpk'H, I'oiwjii". et very lirliflit. Ono winning HCeiiis IiimiIIIi for tho red ll'ijc ndvoenlen. Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. MEN'S " i ii'iidlii;lii' ir- C t iMillUlei.t L lllO OllOCO Tin: l'hlliiilolphhi l'rens Rttn olf Ihu follow Ins : Tho lirlllliuit .lolm H. Wise, of VIikIiiIii, wIIIkIo UiiiiImhi olid Mortoiwui em nest nnd uufnllliiR supjiort h) thnt Ntnto. All of which reminds us to wiy to Wlllliiin Miilmue: do thou nnd do IIUo Wire. Oi'H I'stvomctl (ontinip)rnry, tho Cull, Is puttluKuii im'tmpnlllitn frills. It now innKis ma of tlio elrculiitlou nllldnvtt. i Omaiia'is proud liimst thnt nono of In r Imnksover fulled Is no longer true. Tho HtiitoNntlounl lunik of that city has luen forced to go Into llipililmloii. Tun do'mta lietweon Nyo nnd Morrlsoy has iviu'lrsl such u iti'Krro of lutcull.v thitllhe liluesM uinuni'i' Imsluein'ouipellisl tolmy u new imiIi pipe for sopamto usi. raiE- House. Globe One-Price Clothing' Is now showing an elegant line of New Spring Styles IN- AND SLIPPERS. DR. L. WENTE DENTIST. Make. the iirei-crvnllon of the nntuml teeth n specialty by nil known npproved methods. Gold nnd porcelain crowns mounted on the natural root. All operations performed without pain. Satisfaction guaranteed. TOTiinneorMc ok lincoi.n, kkiikaska. Wo. tho undeil)jnel nro jierMUinlty ac quainted with Ur. U Vonto, who Is to lenvo us soon nnd eiiKHRO in tho prnetlis) of ilentls trr l vourcltv. Wo can unhe.sltntlnj'ly rwomniend him ns n Uiorq.iRli iiuistor of his prorrt'ilon, and wo sro suro thnt nil work entruMed to htm w III bo skillfully perfornusl, J. Undkiiiiiu., M. 1). W W. MoMann, M. 1). J. K. McAdamh, M. H. !. I). J. M. (lAU.Kiiunii. I). 1). H. Gaud.vkii, Illinois, Jan. '-,'. 18S7. 115 North Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Over Ilnllott's Jewelry Hto'. Lea lei? in Photography. Riley's flEU ff$ $tddios. We make n specialty of the celebrated BROMIDE Life tlml picture nnd furnish the flneit work nt lowest prices. Best Cabinets $3.00 Elegant line of Plctuic Frames In tock nnd made to order. Cnll nnd see ut. H. W. KELLEY A CO. 1026 O Street, LINCOLN, NKI1. O.MIof tho Oiiiulin o'.ub'n llo'ders N wif ferlnj fitmi n Hovel o oold, nnd nineorous lies Mo'iiiw nowsuiu rs mo Nirenstieully lniulr hi; how ho lunutiKii I to e itch It. Apti:h wltnemliiK n leeeiit bull unnioln tho inetsopolls, tin editor of tho CoriilKit Is eon xlrnhied to 1 elicvo thnt tho Omniums uro uu- nrcblhtn. At nny rnto they mv bum throw- Jt'lxilNO fiom tin iMHltlon.the Mluuenpolls bnsn I n'l club oetMp'oi in tilts AVestorn nsso- . .. .4 . . ... l .. I...I eliilion, mo msj;s o i or mo .wiiiiieHoiu juuku thnt tho club eoul I yi play pby bMl on Holi day apiK'nii emlnon'tiy curioet. TilK Omnhn World iviiinrkii thnt ono of tho most nuuubiK thinus In llbi Is to note the f inn tie vlTortM or tho nvornKo hotel waiter to look llko it mnii. The writer 1ms uvldontly never taken n uiciil ut tlio Cnpltnl hotel hi this elty riiiiiiiu unit Viinililtl Hueh nro the titles of two fertile scctlni s of Orenou, whleh nre lllustrntcd In tho July number of Tin' H'rst SIhhc, for tholx'nellt of tho thoiisiudi who ore ciintemptntluKiunkliiK their hiiiui'M In thnt region of IiIk eropx nnd eipuihle cllnmlo 'I ho lililnl or In ulso full of Infill iihIIoii nbout ninny other polutH of the liortliwcht. ns wult ns ill ill ii lletlou, jxH'try, etc. The iiuiulnr Is neeompanlisl by u InrRo eoloied Hiippleineut nf the plain ikII town of Itoii'burK, the coiiiineis'lnl point of fie fee- tlloumppiii vnllev i:n(h iiumlirol tho Went Hhoioeonuiliis ninny ciiki nvliifpi of pla ces nnd scenery In the northwest, nnd Is u borfo t mine of Information nbout thrt prom Islnn relou tow mils which io niiiiiy eyeisniii .Subscript Ion price, 9i.M poc yeurj sIiirIo copy, !W cts. Addiiss I.. Himuelt I'lihlUhce, I'mtland, Oivgon. Soliie Clifiip rinp'it.V. A lino realdoneo lot on Tweuty-llrst street near J? for snlo nt it rciisonnbli) price. Also one In Mechunlcs nddltlon, Ilydo l'lO'knnd Klmwood.Wilt sell chcui if Mild liumcillutcly Cnllonornddns LWeswl, Jr., chid this olllee. &Y.nfL:o ibn'S Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. AT- COR. O AND TKNTII STS. liffAArt. Rioter Perkins Bros. l.i'Kiil Niillci', David A. Smith. rinintiir. VM. Maikiii: Smith, In the District Court of . Jnnmiter County, NebruHkii. TilK IlurlhiKtonV tnetles nnd method of prosecution of IhonllcKcd bmtlierhoiKl dyun intti m nro not of a chnrnctec to w In tho n prolwtlon ot tho public. The discovery that nil tho "Informant" nro htrod I'hkeitin men miikcH their testimony npKar of llttlo Imtwr tnueo In (lost lint; tho Riillt of tho accused In tho publlo mind. Tho l'lukcrtou men Imvo lent themselves toso tunny despl'.ablowheines thnt they enjoy no one's confidence- It mny bj true thnt somo of tho men nro Ritllty.there nrotlisiernto men In every orKnulratiou, but monolielloves tho lirotherhooil ever snne tlonetl such piveiHsllngs. And i Ight lien In vhero tliornllroud ollhdnls Imvo inndothu crnnd mlsUtke In endeavoring, on npimreutly slight gmunils, to connect so ii'imy proutU nent men of tho brothorhooil, w Ith this dyun. utitoploU It Is straining tho belief of tho public, nnd Is thereforu prejudlclul to tho comiwny's enso, v It Is too Imil nliotit iioor, denr Kniiny Dnv- enKirt, Sho Is liiivnig great troublo nlwiit gottlug n illvorco front her whilom liusbniul, rlon. Indeed, it U s tld thnt she wits sum of getting tho coveted decree that sho Hindu tho join ney from Now York to h'nn l'mnclsco without tho wntehfuleyo of n cluiperoiie, In tho eomiwtny of her lending mini nnd prospec. tlvo hulnud, Mclbouriio McDowell. It Is ludeod ten bud to seo Dnvouport tcMut to the tnnntory devices of Itngtry, . NOTICK t.V I'KTITION KOIt lltVUIUjr. To Maggie Smith, noil icsldent, ilefeuiliuit: You nru heii'by notillisl thntou tho litis dny of July, I8.SM, David A. Kmltli lllcd it etltiou ngiiluxtyou lit the Dlstrlctcouitof Lnucnstcr county, Nebniskn, tho object nnd prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the (rounds of adultery without tho consent in concurrence of the plidutilf. You itrorciiuired tounswersald petition on or befoii) Monday tho l"th dnv of August, ISS8. Da viP A. Smith, l'litlutlir. lly A. K, IIovvaiip, his Attorney. Go east by theSt. hcul. nnd tho MIksourl I'mlllo rnilrond and nvold nil omnibus trans fers; nil chnuges inado in Union depots vlu this route. Chnlr ennt fron. Tho Klkhoin Vnlloy Lines nro now selling tickets of tho nbovo class to the following jwliitsj Long l'ine, Nebr., Douglas, AVyo., Dakota Hot Springs and llupld City, Dak., Spirit Luke, In., Minueniolls, St. l'nul, Du lutli, SuKrior, Ashland, llaylleld, nnd Wush liurn, and via St. l'nul to Portland, Oregon, Tucomn, W. T., nnd Victoria, 11. C. For full particulars of routes, rates, etc.. call on or write Geo. It. Forvsumn, Agt., 115 H 10 st. IJncoln, Nebraska. SPECIALTY SBOE.EITTIK HOUSE 1 129 O Street. E. T. ROBERTS & SON, ilM DENTISTRY W. J. P. Lawton, D.D.8. Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block. levator on O St.. Telephone 628 Teeth Inserted without plates. R13I S Q NOBBl; r NITROS OXIDE GAS Administered for painless extraction. New Jewelry Store, L. BARR, Spring Suits 1019 O Street. Established 1S74. Desires to call tlio attention of tho putdlo to his now and oleunut stock of Undertakers anMmbalmers, 212 North nth Street, Windsor Hotel Annex, Telephones, Office 145. Residence Open Day and Night. !5. HMEHOW&ASCHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Officc,Uoom8 139 and 140 Ilttrr Ulock. Telephone 133' TilK mntter of railway regulation Is a (pies. tiou thnt hits given more ttoublo in tho west limit utmost nny other (mention of econom ic. It Is, indeed, n mot complex problem, looked ut in tho senso of iuimrt!nllty. No bnnkn enn linrdly cxjiect to hvciiro tho wtmo f relght rates ns reimsylvanla or New York, for obvious reasons. If rates aro bated on an equality ns regards length of haul, then tho morchnnts throughout the ntnto suffer no hnrashlp. Thoy get better prices for their gooils In moat instances than eastern morch nnts, nnd ns labor Is paid proportionately let ter hero than in tho cast, laboring men nre not placed nt a disadvantage Hut there is ona class that does suffer, and thnt Is tho far mer. Thoy pny more for necessaries and get but tho amo price for what they produce than eoxtorn tillers of tho soil. This Is mani festly unfair j but bow to rectify It is where tho troublo comes in. Many ot tho branch lines In tlio state do not iay expenses, and n reduction of tho tarilT would cnim still great er loss. It Is n dltllciilt matter to get at the uctttnl earnings of Nebraska roads. The rnilwuy otlleluls say stockholders do not make fair interest on their Investment, while, antl- monopollitU assert that theirdemands nre ex tortionate, and tlio jieoplo aro compolled to tiny a big Interest on fictitious capital. The best endoavotn of man aro devoted to getting as much as be can, and this applies to rail roads as well. It is true enough that rail n a Is have dona much for this state, and they imvo also liecn granted many favors In the shape ot valuable land grants and non-lnUr-ferenco with tliolr tariffs until of lato years. Tho sentiment ot tho publlo Is that they have been well paid, nnd thnt the tint has come when eipiltablo rates ot transportation must bo given. To further contlnuo tho prosent tariff will throttlo our infant Industries, and in tho end bo disastrous to the railways. It rail way otllcials would look carefully on this phnsoof tlw questim, wo Lfllevo that, as buslnew men lit a nislnets enterprise, they would not choke tho lifo out ot industrial progrets ineiely for obtaining present gnln. Tho itim Ktnis to bo to roll upgood dividends now, with Jiillo tliovgbt for llty future.. OHAMBEBIAIN'B Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In ulmot every neighborhood lhriiiii;li(iiit tho North ffest there l.sfomo p'H'dim whoso llfo 1ms toon Mivcd by this Kiviit temcily, such porsons loose no opportunity In speaking of its good mmlitlct ami what it lias done for thorn, there nre nlso it groat many who have been en red of chronic diarrhoea b. it uuil enn not nay enough in prnlso of It. Such pci'Miiis It U who have moit nil-verli.-eil thu remedy, and brought it in :o geuei'itl 11 mi, until It has become the main reliance for liowel complaint in nil lU. forms, throughout tho west. No ono who needs such a remedy can use It without great benelit. As .1 safe guard many famHIe always Keep a bottlo at hand for hmj whon needed, and by doing so, save much millcring and not nufrciiiently tho life of home purlin suddenly attitokeil with ernnlpH, eoll 1 or cholera morbus. Physicians who liuve seen Its good work and been told by their patients what a splendid ineillelno it Is, have tried It, nnd as one of them says; "I found it ns good or belter than anything I could propnro" and now tio and prescribe it with the best rcMilts. Unliko most other pre parations in nso for the snmc purposes It Is rather plonsant to tnko especially when reduced with wnter and sweeten ed. Children do not object to taking it after thoy hnvo onco tasted of It. It cures pain in tho stomach, colic, crnmps,.choler.t morbus, dysentery, ill- arrhocit, chronic dlnrrhooa, bloody flux, cholera Infnntum and cholera. Tho following testimonials will give tho reader an idea of what people think of thu preparation after using it: Yon can sny thnt tho bottlo of Cham bo rls ill's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Uumcdy left mo by your, agent two yours ago, proved to bo tho best remedy I have ever used, I have no doubt but it saved my eldest son's lifo. (ir.o. 11. HitoiiiiKitK, Editor Ton gnuoxie, Kim. Mirror. I was suffering with a Mjvoro attack of diarrhoea and got a small bottlo of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Di arrhoea Hemcdy, ono nuloted nnd eased mo and tno second do&o cured itiu entirely. 1 had tt chance, to try it in a hail caso of Bloody Flux, It cased, checked and cured it. I think it a good remedy and will contlnuo to test it as DIAMONDS, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware 1 Havlnijniororoouitoneeommoilntfl tho trade niul show u larger line limit ever Before pur- chitHlnir, kIvo iisacall and wo will show you tho ilncst lino ut lowest possible prices. Watch Repairing; and Engraving Neatly done and all work wurranted. $20 AND $25. MADE TO ORDER IN LATE STYLES, DAVID MAY, OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE. Notwith standing the fact Unit I'lio tographs Imvo lieon rcdu oil to nbout half tho former price w e hnvo enguged tho services of ono of tho best fin ishers lit Now York to take chnrgoof thnt department of tho studio. Our ellorts shall bo tl it 1 1 r 1 11 g to glvo cnclt cus tomer entire sutlsfnotlon nnd to produce superior work to nny wo hnvo do no before. Holbrook & Bonbright BOOKS, STATIONERY, Wall Paper and Window Shades, Special Attention givou to Designing, which wo do free. 234 So. Eleventh St. Samples and Specifications without Clinrgo. Cabinets, $3 per Dozen. FINEST LIVERY RIGS the In thoclty all come from Graham Brick StaWes 1027 I street, whoro nil khuls of f99SIBP9St. "" I BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! Tbt following booki are pibllihej In neat rtmplilet form, printed from Rood resdibkt Upo od rood u. i ney re wuuoui exception mi eneipoii uwiks eter pao- ir .( tli. uoit trifling idi Umii the rile st wbtcli titer re tier oriereJ. paper, snd tnsuy of them haoUtomelr IUa"trate lliluJ In inr Una or liniuege, soil lu lllerstutt or Hit fl Unit or liniuese. soil .1 in. nioet innini mliti lo th iniim or tli people an opportunity to secure In beta in nny inner lenea inet great woiaa wuuia coil naajr opportunity oftura until tho bottle is us ed up. A. Fini.ev, Ualubriilgo, Ind. Sold by W.J. Turusr. Buffos, Carriages or Saddle Horses. Can bo hndnt nny tlmo, tiny or itlslit on short notice. HORSES BOARDED and well taken euro of at rcasoni bo ra of Call and seo us, 1(27 i street, orglvo orders by Telephone 117, CTaSra mt tk. W.rlJ. N4T0aiL AID OTflKB. Cnn lelbe S.terlplluiie eu4 lllutlrttloni .( the tnol wenderlul werkeelael.i enaolmen. Very liiUrtfllif ent litilmelUf. V.'er r tb . A dMerlpllen el lb metiy wondar. ful n4 ueailliil inlnie luiinj et tat Ixnteu el lUe oie, with rorui llU.lrelteni. "K IMe.e.r. Kierll..." .4 tllber Hi -if um liien'e Wire." X cullMlleii f( (eeay trlie by ll.e motl popnler burnoreue writer el (he .ley. Tho A. I Keet.h lper. by CLa Auever, enlber f "lb. lluis IXKHiueou ' a ninei rbllculouely lunpy bovk tDeeeryweyeqnell. 'WIJow He.lotl." I'hrietm.e en.rle, by CHietee Picie. Coelelae aemUr.l Hie nMtchernilnf ChiStlmee elorlre ercr wrlttau by Iheireetiet writer wlto erer llt4. Kerlmnelecempltle. ILu.dtke Kee.Ue; l.erap. A booke(elgtlie,plclrfe, peril .n.1 Kimri. fur ll.e lllll et bom. r.itnl.r Iteeltall.. unit lll.losvif. huntorona, dreme. lie end ptlitlr(lurlH.tln( ell ll.e UUclJi! n4 wot popular. Mr. or JloJeruTlwe. Conulne por. trail en4 lb.craplite( fmnuMlf wetUAlutrlreBareta lb llmb( rrlikllil In lit prfnl. KamllUr Ou.lnll.n. CeeUlntnilbeerliln o. enlbnr. Iblpel ineor pliraaa lraunlly ral I. re4la( .4 eeuvvr. Ibin, A wnrk ol ralarrbr. Low Ufa la Nevr Vara.. A eattaeer illlpiilrluri bowl.f IDe dark elda ct lUe lu lb (real rtly. iU.llraKU, The Itoad l Wraith. Nut eel 4trllala tlrruler, bet . tlioroufhly pracllr! work, polnlloc out a way by wKlcr, ell may make money eaelly, rapUly einl bouralty. (la Hundred I'.pnlar Son, nllmenial,pellle ee4cemle, luclH.IInc pioal ullbe Itee iiw en I rM, Sir Neel'a llrlr. A Moral, lly Uia alt Auai nulla A ll.rtere.l Life. A Neral. lly Maeioe lltataeu, An Old M.a'e SaerlSre. A Nenl, lly Ure. Am S. iTVeena. eiDeuae. Eacli one la coiuplets lu llaelii N..l Tho r.reelUal It.Utea. A Kor.l. Sy U. T. Cileea. TkaOUOabealhreU A Xo..l. llySneteueOoee, Jr. Tkal'rarlarthrlteeaa. A Nuial, HyCiaea Avauie. 11.11. r Aeh Uall. A Nual. y UtajaaaT ilieea. IlHJIr.laU -tltra ll.aaes A et. trr Tr. rnce. Under Ike IJtaea. A K.l. y lb. eaiuor ef "IWra Tl.oree." Tho IttaMMed Braeclet. A Keeel. By Ur. Ilaaat Wood. IllUilraliJ. Thal.awirr'.Mrerel. A Worati Sr 111. all K. Iteaeaea. Tkohlraaue'ear lr. Jckjll aad Mr. llyd. A inTKTK)iaoe. A A Noaal. By Maat Cent liar. I.ody alwortk'e lllaenaail. A here). Vf "Tan Dl'lHKB.' Iltltreea Two A Xor.l. Dy lha eelber et Dera Tboriie," l.tuilralij, Tho Nine or Heart. A Not.!. Py n, I Kjio. Ilurle'e K.irllnu'. A.Vor.l, lly rioKca WaeoeB, A Low Mnrrluee. A Snrl. lly ll .Mi loci. ffe. Tho (lullly lllvrr. A hotel lly Wit.aiaCoi.tiii. 'i'hol'alaon ar Aapa. A Nelal. Ut Kl-oaaeca UaaalaT. Moat (Iranar. A Noral. Ur Mr. Ilat Wool), t'orrlnu (ha I'rtlere. A Soal. lly Mi. Alaitaeaa. A n.yiTrlirhl'a lluuahter. A Moral. Iiyllr. abbu CriwARu. r'alr but A Nor.l, ly Ike eetbor or "Dora Tliorii,' itluttrntiJ. Lurienaler'a Cabin. X NeL By Uri, M.V. Victo. Iliutirtiiil riorrnee I.l.atoi.'a Oath. AKoeal, lly kin, A. DiNiaoM JlNllralla,. 'lha Wuiaun llultr. A Sorrl. lly lr. J.ll. Ueaiaiee. lluifraf'J. 'I be t'alirurnla t'uliln. A Noitl. lly U, T. Oaioea. a-W will aen.l any-"Krnr the shore hnnVa lr mail pot paM unon receipt of only 15! Vnle any (en for -..... .raivr ttu i rural l'iq riium ii.ii.'.vii...ri iv. .... v.. ..... uu.n. n.. uimiimi in iiuarue lll II. I Itli cloth liitk, for Mi.lO, Till la the iirnteillnrfalii l.l book err;iMrr(.il pevrepaper publlali l()irlloni;u(irunlrr.prmonrvrrunil.l. I'iita(. atamp taken fur iraoUnnaiifn dollar. AatoiiurrUIlllly, ny, iiewpa.r publlllie.l in iti'W TorK. neewiai in mv i "imiiaroi'i Aueueiea. All OrtltrelMleil bS AJJrtM all letter: '.M. JLUrTO.,riil.llb...r,.u,l.i aitniiiy Nlrcei.hcw Ysrlu refer to snjr raniaiL Do not fall tntebiiailt Aiitai-fliir ir All iir.lfrelUUJ by .'to'! tj m Mens, Youths, Boys and Children's Fine Suits. t All the Latest Novelties and Nobby Designs are included in our Complete Assortment, to which we invite an early in spection. aaalltjBtaaaATaenMetaBlSMMe THE GLOBE One-Price Clothing House. E. M. EISFELD & CO., Proprs. .- ffl 'J -i -t3 a I' At i i ' Ji 6, t ' 1 , .