CAPITAL CITY COURIER m: p w ttot. - -.- - .. you. o. wo. nu k-. Lincoln, Nisukaska, Sa.tuwday, .Itn.v y.l, 188 lnHIOIC KlVIC ClCNTS Bt t;f AN 0BSI2IIVKHS THOUGHTS. COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. What II Soc, Ileitis, Thinks mid nglucs. 1 .11 Tlmwnys of n paving contractor mvl jond understanding. Tnko for instance Houth Eleventh street. The lieulgn genius w ho presides over tlio work Iwlng oiio on that thoroughfare tore tip tho streot from O to J Htrect, ami then leisurely commenced putting down blocks from J street toO. There limy bosonto reason for this, but It is beyond lmnmiipcP6trntlon. Tho board of public works should have hnd something to nay while this thing wns going on, hut llioy do not haw np laired to hnro made any kick. It I nn in justice to tlie merchants on Eleventh is'twecn M nnd O streets, this blockin g of the thorough furo the. consequent cessation of their le gitimate trmlc. Thn paving contractor may own this city, but there nro a good ninny cit I wni w ho have not yet slgue J the deed. "There is one thing," says n gcntksmnu w ho rolls Don Molnc his home, "that no city In Nebraska touched our rlty, ami thnt is in tho matter of advertising. Every taper in l)ei Moines that lias any standing whatever, can show up more columns of real, live advci tlsc inentR than the best, paper In either Oiiutlin or Lincoln; and yet Oinaltn Is probably half again as largo a Des Motive, which Is nbout the sio of Lincoln. I mention this merely to show you that I consider lks Maine more of u business town than yours or Omnhn. I hnvunlsorevon to know that they charge .......... I .. ... TI... H....I..I.... 1 ,....l.t iit'U kh nurs i".. nivi.vfcisn.-i, ..vim.. mm rtewsimvcn largcuriirciruiuuve.-iisers, AT FUNKE'S- The I'.iiulco (liiodilrlt Cinimnv all Nevl Week at Popular I'rlrc. Lincoln amusement lovers w 111 ltc pleased to hear that tho iKiptilnr comedienne, Miss Kutttco Uoodrlch, will 1111 n I eturn engage ment nt Kunko'x next week, appearing In n dliTerent play each evening. Her rep?rtolro Is n very largu one, nnd Includes such opular plays an "Dad's Hoy," ".Id, the Actor' Daughter," "A Htrnw Man," and otheiH. Miss Ooodi Icli is n charming little soubrette, with prettv ti lok uf manner and n natural lies of acting that gain her many fiietuli nnd ad m Iron. The muiiaiiy linn Ikhmi con st lerably strengthened iilnce llsnpenrntieo heroin May, and tho entertainment ntronUsi will I hi well worth double the price of admis sion. Honieiuber every evening next w ek, with Saturday matinee, at popular pi lew. SHE DIDN'T SAY "NOl" ' fi!i illOn'j n.iy "j es," but a sof t color esma O'er her neck and her brow till her cheek wer aflame; And she shaded her eyes from the soft mellow llxht Of the star In tho sky that, so wickedly bright, Were peering wt us thro' tho si 111 auiiinier night I Andshodldu'tsy"no!" Hho didn't say "ye," but I knew that she heard, For tho rose she swro on her lmtoin were stirred, And the sweet eyes she tumrdlinlf away from my own Itsd woudrously lender and luminous grown As clear thro' llio sheen of tho starlight they shonoi Amlshedidti'lssy "no" L-tenl and Personal. Mr. A. Halter and family left Wednesday for Denver. M. Halter rotunis linnusllately, while tho "fiunily" will clijoy tho cool inntiti tain breeze for several weeks. Ono of tho city llro engine wns engaged nenrlvnll dav Kliiiday pumping out water from the iicademy of music cellar, which ran . In from tho overplus nt tho Oakley lire. Tl.ocltv wasoveiiun this week with prelly I school inarms wlioraino from nil twutsot the country to listen to tho Instructions given nt the Institute, which close next Saturday. Tho German Catholics have purchased ( grounds at tho corner of J and Eighteenth strce'.i, and will linnusllately couiinenct the i erection of n substantial house of worship. Messrs. II. II, King mid K. It. Wells of mrah AT Til K CITY IIYTIIK SKA CRABBING, 3AILIN0 AND DOATINQ. How Hume I u.liton and t'orlumilo Pleas me Seeker IliO")' huiiimer I.ITe, i Lilllorlal .'orrcspoudenei'. , Of th numerous seaside resort i on the At lantlo roast, Atlantic City holds ItsiHtpnlar Ity even with the ls.t mid stands f iiierlor to ninli.r. The Isiicli Is cousldensl the liest, il U'lugfrec liiiin danger nnd In u location w hire I he lixiial amount of w.s drift Is not floated nshoie. It Usotdoiu Hint the water are ro heavy as topreieiit Iwithrr fiom enjoy' ng their I THE UNIVERSITY MUDDLE Denied up liy the llcjimlii. ('hiiiiiellur Alaualt lleposeil. l-'or Ihn past two wovki the chief topln of luteirst in iMlucntloiial cliT'le has been tho in vestigatlon of uirmis ul tho state university. At tho last meeting of the alumni charges weie fmmulntcd by memlHi-s, ngniost Chan cellor Mmiatl, which weie piewnhsl to tho regents. It has Ihs'U an omii seciet for the (si'l two year that tho faculty and chancel lor hnn been mrnyed one ugalnst the other, which state of affair haiiullisl In lax ills elpllun among the studeulK Tho alumni wns rciircsenlivl nt the Investigation by Mr. IL II. Wiliviu. while JiiiIko Mason looked after the vw as topreunujainrr no... enjoj. ,(ww, )lf , ,.,ww.,lir, A ,,,, v f sK.rL Iho 1-cnch, "" lu,,.,i,, weie put upon the stand, as well as lasfarnslhiiaverniro bather eiitiHTH, Is of smooth white sand, and many aro they who atthUtliiiKllndplisiiuniliinullngtliemvlves on the shore until covered with tho glistening sin id. while othciw delkht to nap on tho shores This place Is known to visitors mid by lepulntlon In this section ns "Thu City by thoHra,"foi; I is not only a summer icmu I .,,,,, ,y,on ,IM.r lMrutlioms.lnrur tl1r thickly ilnrliiK Hie hot ;"., . , ,.huivh to h III, all dlireivnce In a poptilatisl In winter as well. It ln heiltl. r,n.Utnll M,,rlt ,, lncorii,IK to Christian city, Willi uimieunpn vemem 01 noun ...-,. k, , ( , , VowlH, l0(,tini, I nearly the enllro faculty. Tim Investigation I hns Ihs'U long and tedious, unit ilisclovil n do ' plorable statu of nlTnlr In tho university. 'I Thu charge weie nine In iuiiiiIk'I'; three weredisini4is, niiuoima'd unsustalntsl, ami thiee sustained, These werei I'mulli-'rimt while nsklug a n.emlH'i' of tan life and has a populitlon of alsiut in.lHHt all the year, with, of course, mi liniueiis.) In crease In the summer, when about '.11,(10(1 visitor seek this gixnt irnirt to pas Un healed term Many have their neat, and Home erv eleualit tntlaues here, most of which iieusl but about three months out ' of twelve; while Hum visit tho seashore in SPORTING NOTCO, Sla.idl.iK "' Clubs In the League iiml . ns-M'lllt loim. I'ollowliiglstlie slandlng of club in th National l'iiguo up to and including Tliiir. days game: Chili l'lne,l Wfli It Pern, ( 'hUvwo if: II Mi iMrelf ihI 12 Jl ,(UI .New York ml ;m '.7 ,VII l'hiliuieiiiia m iii nt r,zi lioxion iia :n in ,vn liiitiauailis in 'i m .:: 1'IIMiiirg i ai if.i .mti Wnnl.lnglon l vi II .ail lollowiuif Is tho slandlng of clubi III the Amei lean nsMh'Iathm Thmiilsy'Ngiimesi Club l'ln-,., llnaiklyn '1 HI. la.h A Clnelnnill nn Athletic (17 llAltlliloni IIS I-oiiIhvIIIo mi Cli'M'Inti'l .11 Knnsas'Mlj ll up to and Im hiding Won 1 it it :t'i ill St H Ul tint Si Sll -SI Jl .w II II w TCI. .ILV'I .U'll .lUI fiW .r-o .aw ,:r Nlssley Co. , left Tursdny for ew Noik. Hcforo returninc they will cadi spend some iindtiiesnmclhinclitiuoof U.e Mall. Must Hum at tlielrom Homes m i emmyivnuia. no ImsliuwriRiirtfcxiK'iteucoJuilsoof the com- foiinr.t Jjincasti-i- anil iiieiauerui lic.i.i inercml standing of n city by tlit-J)oks of the "'K- mh-crttslng eolunmsof Its pajioi-H nt any Lincoln people nro warned to look out fo rate I .k-nnd If I didn't know of myself ' ti total ecllpso or H'" moon which (h-ciii to that Uiicxtlii wns n Uistllng liltlucity, the . morrow (Sunday) evening, beginning at III looks of your dally paper would not lominec o'clock. The moon will Ihi totally olwuml K,ts. fiom lt-.VIto l:!lil, mid lirteis should govern 4 themselves nccoidlngly, Tl.ercnmiknuotsl ure pretty true, tro M. M R KUlg ,tl , c.msol or tlio hundnslsof buslm-s Ikhim-h in this T(() JIm ,M)l.Kmyi ,V11S ,lwl.,Ul i-vitlny city tbeienru not more than 10 ijor cent, of ,)Vl;,llg h.t lo M, Animltllandat Dubuque, iiiem imio mivcni-. Hon u. uunirauK . I(UU j,,. Kig-8 mrnry fi lends will bojileas-1 m-niperalwitly. And these meiiij names i ,0 Im,.nof lN matrimonial ventiuv, mull yw will find in eon' pair in tl.e vlty, nnd wW ,,,, n 1U j fo nttonU if you walk .lownour principal strctts jr,u , T,loll-,M)1,. .. nllMer t wml; . tl.e . III iui 41itu kiitiii itititiii initltlnvciliiHl fill Il'.n ..'. fismt-of the largest bnslncs hou'c. Bhe didn't sny "yes," hut I he luce on her gown Bhe knotted and pulled nnd smoothed csrefnlly down, And I'KjKeil, altogether, to loirly and svseet That I knelt, In the light of her eyes, nt her feot And tagged her Hint one little wont to repent And she didn't say "no!" Klie wouldn't say "es," and she couldn't say "no" . Uut she nhlsiwreil my uniiie. ns I Lent my head ' low And told her Hint she or my life wns a lurt With tho word on her tips Rnd n thrill In my henrt, When a 6leo ('Iwa her hrolhei-'s) Imiko In with a start, And the wretch Jut jelled "lints'" the winter season, for Atlantic City lias or Into Uvuiiio it M'ty popular winter icsoit. The stris-U running sist and west are iiaincd after thestnttwof the Union, while tltosu tun uing uoitiiuniiw.uin, in nice.. . ... ,,,.,, ,, ,,u nsHOclalc iIvl las t ho ctv on n oug narrow Island) ,..,....,., , ....i I.' Inteiitiou toopH)M with alt his powur the election of a tutor uunuliuoiisly rcrommcudiMl by the faculty, solely because of the candl 1 .Into' family relations to such meml er of the family. Hlxlh That lilscoitiliicllownrdlhestiidents has Ims-ii such for the last thi-co yeai as lo render them nliun-t miauiinously hostile to lilsnilmliiltratloii. Klghll. That he has n linbll of using sar casm nnd irony to such an extent a tunrfond his lutimnte ft lends nnd to In lug him into Tlio True Male of I lie Cue. The determination of I he icgentaof a iii Aillc, Atlantic, I'uclllc, Ocean and Halt If nvenucH. The senso u has Just fairly oH-ncd mid Hie merry voice or the exrui-slonlsl Is heard lit the hotel corridor, at IIioIh-.icIi and nt the l.o.i: while the gayety of tho suiuuter sojourner Is nihnlilo with mole rruulnlltv. Whilotho 1 1'xi'iindniiist who ninics down for a few hour 'bliuvliignll the enjoyment Hint it limited I time will allow, he Is lienril nnd, 'and Isntoi.'c known fiom tho guest of the Isouxon, who gently icpos1 nnd takes life I easy on the wrmnlii overliaiiglng Hi.' laiieli, nolovliiL' lime little by little nnd iluy by day. , Tho Imtl.lmr. of couitK. N tho most prominent mud to the university mid lo the liiqioitnnt Iho rciture of life heivnnd it is with clockwork public Interest nt Make, I cannot w It It my At the Tlmisdny morning session the hoard of regents adopted the following I esolutlon: rVsiiiW. That after Inquiring Into iiirnliN existing in the university, it In the sentiment or this bo ird lint it change of udinliilHtrntloti Is necess.n.v, ami that the chiiuccllor lie n iiui'hlitl In icsli;n, tho same to tukecll'cct 1au liar) I. I'.i, with full Niy to that ditto and ho lo littu'U l.'itveof absence from Ihe pi csunt .Into. 'lotl.Ncommmii'tillim tl liaucellor light ly iiiisweiid: ' To tl.e board of icgcnts: Yourcoiuniuulcu lion of this date iccelxcd, I fully nppl e ciate the gravity of the sluatloii. In Mew, howeler, ot my lesponsiuiniy u ine siuii ters in this fity, was among the missing cuurso. ull kinds of ruinorM are abroad ns the cause of his disappearance, but front nn intimate ucijunllitnncc w illi Mr. Hustings, tho Observer 1s Inclined to lielievn that ho has either been foully dealt with or has been sud denly stricken with Illness. Ho leaves u wife mul family Jn this city, nnd Ido not Mlevu hint to bo a man to basely devert them, ns some oi er-otHciou iicnplo endeavor to mnko itupptinr. Mr. Hastings left somo two weeks mko for Omaha with i)(H) in inoiiy, slnco which tlmu nothing lias boon heard of lilm. , An Interesting sight, which few were per niilteil to we, at the llurlingtou depot Wed neduy iiiornlug was tliitt of live ilcuil Clilnnuien, carefully scraped and c'eatied, nnd t ... ft i I.. ..I. ...... oncnMl ill uu ioxc. inry wuix-jii nunnrui ilninniti' ilin stntt riiitilol. was thrown U in i ... i i,..i ' . r t.,.t 1...1 .....1 1 m'ini ofilittv nt tlil tl.iin enuiiMV with vom ,......-, ... . . . -- -T uiiirit liiii vi"itii.v 111 iii'iii 1'inii i.ini inn iiviiiiitl . I'liiriiin I'll v. linn iiiii in r fin iiius tinv itm imci - i - - ilhescairoldingbya rope l..nklng, ',y ( ,.,,.,. ,; , ,,., llll( for ! hR., Ikmiux and sweetheart, man m.d r" ' IIIT.!.! II,,,! V"? ..uuH-nt 1 VlT-lm-nt o" il.t, ,, ami died sl.or ly afterward, fho , ,., ,.,,,,,. ,,, the found- i ;. together fenrU-ssly dashing Into the ' '" ,"' " ' in . I I m' ,,t ,c h (lllll WasniUIIII- . ., ,i. ,,,.11-.. ,u luum lint wnlili.i.t of ...I .I l.. 1 luin-lntr llin n,.vvi.-r..l WIIVCS ! i ,iiit,uiiiuuiiiiuniV ..,.....-. jy ... , uiiM.j l i' ,....... , your ..anus. similar ciinrgcH, viu.: 11m ui'saiisiaciiou 01 .ami incnuciii. iiinimi.i. .ma.natt, young mul iiioxiwririieiil students nnd tench- The bathing suit li'lng woiu thlsscmnii Chancellor, era Istration of tl.e iliscliilln 1 1 ,-. inoll.-iil.iiH- sti-lklnir and linbby. mid it. After the rcailliii: nnd disi'ilssloil ot tie - -"---- - , ...w...... ..... ---j --- n w . - - ' . . . . 1 t.w.ft.lit.r tilt.l utiil'tlv flfllil'lVfU'il Cfiiisldornblo surprise w n occasioned Tlnirs-1 - j ,;,,,,. )(,0 Tmlway mi ns f 1 jv liv the nnifunccineiil tiuiLir. v ii. 1 . . ... ,,,., ,!, u.ui,..m. ! ilv llnsUiigs, district agent of the Mutual Life , ' haamlcnsl lutia:t IiiMirnneo On. of Xew orlt, with hendquar- j ,.'" ' ' . ' ,. , , limL Tlin-. w ,,'.,. Qf j imi.-imj. i,,, 1, ...-. ...u.. .v., - ,,. 1 is a rustier, mm iiih uuiuiimnnu nawmiu '" 1 ..1 : ... 1.1 ..t,....i 'r... 1. nn 01 measure .11 111" inuu imwi., ..u ...... of tho university. No eastern university or college would for thx- Unit each successive senton Intro-1 Idler Mm board aihiplid 11 resolution iIIsih-ii-tiiei more urettv vciium.- than tho previous , Ring wltli Iho sen Ire of Inlng J. Jlnnatt n moment listen to ex-iwuty complaint of I ,. ''o Ihj sealed on the lion pier nnd look , after January 1, 1'., and that he he relieved studentsor teacher. Only for the grnct jt tho charming city Iwllo ns she goon In for lof any f 111 thcr duty fiom the present date. the Initial dip Is certainly 11 pretty picture. The Cm UIKII iHs.- not tn-heve tiiairroi. IicMMea Is-lng ciiciimhI In a neat, che-IHtliig Mniiati has Imx-ii given 11 fair deal by tho costume, n pretty silk or rublicr cap envoi ' newspapeiKof thu city. Kveiy report of pi o hcrdpliiU beail, wlillst nbout her lovely neck codings In tho dally paiwix has Ih-cii w rltten has clevatoiH all along Iho dlirereut lines of railroad in Nebraska, nnd transact a largo buslnusH. emtio would accusation bo allowed In roino Mr. A. C. Cass, formerly sales agent for iM.foru tnintee nnd bo listened to by tho old tlio Whltebreastccnl company In till city, nul well organized alumni soclutic. Till lint who iix-entlv to Denver, wn I lin-.tlL'iillou is unwise for several reason. greeting his nunieiou friends thin week. Mr. viz.: . ntiiHsirS a silk handkerchief neatly tied into it . In a vein unfair lo tho chancellor, nnd preju C. looks as though mountain air agreed with I j.'it, Tho tinlverslly under Chancellor , sniior'Hkiiot. CnuHoiHyshegm-stoihe watei ' d rial in thepulilic mind to bis stdu of the him, and pronounce IHMiwr a great plac-o 1 .Muuatt was novcr in a more llourislilng iin- .sice and as her liny feet touch the water her ciisc Wedo not IHIovo that ins ntiosiiioti wherein to reside. Verv l-ufe. Grace (at Iiko Chautauqua) Such a com fort, you know, Chnrley, to liavo a thought. fill cousin to look after me I Did you bring my jewelry front Pitbburgf f'iulii Clin, W-Vn.v. 1 fnl irof. If. ni. llin an intelligent-locking countryman, who was , ,ast moment lVa m Ul0 now safe, nt my taking them to Hun rrnuclseo. and from , ofllcft ut l'vo got tlio combination on u tlienco to China via steamship, file expres cco of j,.,,,., s)iupanj bad ihargo of the bodies. Much (irncoAnd whero is Iti You must tele- nniueiiient was crca en ny tne lea.iing Krn,,h them to send mo my thlngR nt oniv. lltton. Tl.e msmlu of thu whole state arc .,.i... i.K- ti iI.I.m mul with unotlier dash will iiiend matleiH ureatlv. Many iksmiIo in well please.) with the manner in w filch ho lms'()f f- steps into the lulny lluld the fair 1 the city and state 1110 uiodlssaiMIisl wllli the tuillledour IiIkIi school studies with the re- ...Tnlnrn slmids surrounded by several Inches nctlon'of Iho regent, mil It will result ill imireineiit for entering the university. He ,, WnUr. fairly shivering with cold nnd nt liaim lo the Interest of the unlvcislly one of the blinds, which is said to have been ; follows.: "The blessed bones of Ling C him. Martian- rest In peace. They nro tho bone of an honest man. His reward is sure. CO. I Pjitgi,urir llullctiit I. yiiiliO. , (iii.iil Appetite Is esseiitiul to good health; but nt tins season it is niton lost, owing to tho poverty .or .uipii rlty of tho blood, derangement of tho dlges tire orgntift, and the weakening ufTcct of thu changing season. Hood' Bnrsnparilla is a woudertul medicine for civatlug nuZapiiutltu, toning tbo digestion, nud giving strength to the whole ytem. Xow is the time to take It, He suit, to get Hood's Harsaparllla. Cousin Charley To lio sure, yes. You ks 1'iu.vcwy forgetful of combinations. I put it good gracious! It' locked in tlio safe, too! A Scandal oil JUinems II. baa lalHireil hard, in comicctioii with his thellrt wave sending In It fiMiiilngbituker, other duties, to arrange a completer grudo of ttnv ci-y of ih-p'ilr Is utleiisl nnd she makes high school studies, such as has Ikhmi so sii-- a ), ,'no ,iui for shore. Finally the litlludcnr cessful tn Michigan and oilier slates, so that j-o.- it again with the renin 1. "I'll go in if I pupils who ib-sirc to continue their education ,i,,t" and make it sctsiml nnd more successful nt the university could after completing a attempt. The yelling that Is heaid when a 1 p.-osciilHslcurrlcllum of studies bu llttcil to bculici-coiiu-s in and the sci.iinble Is nn In- enler without iiililitioiial examination. 1110 ' teicstlug siiectacle. university lias Just begun to reap tin aiivitn tngo of tills system in tlio Increase ot students. (Second. Lincoln Is nsplring to 1' a greet muneious a they me luxurious m.d exiii-u oducntioual center, nnd already two other N ve to ittntlcate lit. I haw been stopping at universities have Ikhmi located and there Is jn jr(,tL.i Stockton, one of the l-st on tho every prosin-ct that both will 1h sucirssfully isian,i and together with relative from Mil'- oKMied during tho present year. v lillst ,uleliihla , hnvo Imhmi enjoving n 11 oit dellght- DaiiKerons In Trllle Willi. I The hotels of Atlantic City foim a greater , norlioii of the Hue buildlnus nnd they me as ' A portrait of ltmueses Ilapiicnii lit a num- 1 there are thousand of jkmsoiis J11 the stnte fi m.son, At our hotel', ns well us all other J'.irlteut. FU10 suite of looms in tl.e Welnter block, furnished mid uniurnlshed. Knquire at room 1. ClllCMCU-UllColll, Tlio Chicago flyor on the Elkliorn line, C. A; N. IF. route, leave Llncolu daily cjcactly at l'JMOp. m. All tliingi considered, this i tho best train running between Lincoln nnd Chicago. Its feature ore, superb pala?o sloepeiv, dining cars nul prompt nnd ivguhir service. Ticket oflUv, US south Tenth UreoL When lu ueod of Lidlus Furiiisbing (JooJs Fine Klioeu, eta, give Fred Schmidt u call. UI7 0 street, Tltey know Jast bow to please j-u wjtlt oystei-s in every stylo at Brown's Vienna Cafe. Wo buy our refrigerators from manufac turers in car lots, and will give our custo mers the licneflt of car load prices. Have tlio largest and most complete stock in .tin? city. Wo would bo pleased to show those good mid quoto prices, lludge & Morris, 1 183 N street. Lincoln Hack unit lUgcugn Telephone N 201, meat market, U)7 O street, or No. 301 livery barn. Order slates at same place and U, 1. ticket oilloe, corner Eleventh nnd O streets. Hack stands, Capi tal hotel and meat market. liOIIAKON IlllOK. Hcforo starting 011 your trip let us rcjutlr your old ti link. Wo can make it as gmsl us ue w, or wo will tnku It in trndo for a jiew one, or sell you one nt price below what a dealer can afford to sell at and give Inrtter satisfac tion. Give us a call and we will convince you thnt it pays to buy direct of the innuu riictnrers, Lincoln Trunk Factory. WmicK & Hoitkii, l'rop's., Telephono (SCI. '5! Houth llth street. HememWr that vlgllanco is tho prli-o of life as well as of liberty. Only those who lako good enro of their health enjoy u ripo old ago. Those who wish to, should keep their lira nnd bowels regular by nn occa sional doso of Kt. li trick's Fills, thu best imi'U. Hold by W. J. Turner tljvftt corset salo ut HerjioMileiner .t Co. ber of our exchanges. Wo don't know w hat olliceho is running for, mid alt hough ho look as if ho had been through wveral campaigns, and lost considerable llesli, his portrait is less homely than tho pictures of fcomoof tlio other cnndldntes. It will not bo long before some of our contemporaries discover that Mr.ltamctes wns involved lu several scandnls, nnd voted in favor of tho ndmission of the Clilneso, or something that way. Xorristown Herald. Tlie Jlrobcti One. JJsl t ' il I : 1 idy What's tho matter, my littlo maul Boy Lcnnder Iiinks glv my girl half an orange, an' she's run off with him. Lady Oh, never mind, you can soon And another flwret heart. Hoy "ay, nay, sweet lady. Wedlock is not for me; my only hopo is to till an curly grave, Life. w'ho prefer undenominational hcIiooIs, II will im !0telH, It Is customary to have u hop lie no recommendation to ourstnto university )ivi,,.y evening, dancing ikivIHoiis Is'lng 1111 should jealousies and coiuplulnt becomo 1 aeconiuiiHliitloii thut adjoins tho hostelery, chronic. The university of Iowa Is suffering 1 ,i ,hiuclng Is duly enjoyed, while 11 brece ' from thu same cause, nnd even Christian wo-1 called from the ocean cool, the evening nt- 1 pie whouro iKirtlzeus of their own school osliere. In case of 111I11 the oivhestin, ! will take no spjclnl pilns ti quiet thes d't'- illicit nt tliu Htccktnn is an elegant one 1 turbnnces. , ..n,,,,,,,-,.,! ,.f ten ldin-cs. renders excellent con- I Third. Th' trial so far N limit undlgulllcd ,mHc in one of the largo parlors, nnd 1 ! tho charge trUlal, and some wltnessi 1 K,s,t, hpeud tho time in piomenudlngnlsmt voting and uuoxH?rlenccd graduates and it t, h,,j,(.uUs MMundasortlioparloi-s. Orchi in 11UIU11UM.-1 iiiui. riiiuLin.s i 11 i-t-i Mm, nn... (rll music is niso lciiilenst ecry nay uu.iiig in all institutions have a "grievance'- against dinner time. I sow.clKHly. Wo hare always noticed, howu or, k lsipular sihiiI now, and Iii fact nt most 1 that a student who enter an institution, with ,ullV time, I the m t of crabbing, and it Is I a burning desire for knowledijo and a pro-; tv;talnlr 11 nu.t Inteix-sting pleasure. Yes j found conviction of Ids own iguoiaiiiv, never tenlay we rorinisl 11 irt or six mid went , i has n grlovunce against nuvlxsly but him- nut. mi an HxiHilltlou uf 'ew hour lu 11 ' I self; fornotlxiuKablotoavailliiinseirofnll ww H4ii nUt MKiu bad tw entj -live large ( mo advantage airoiiusi mm, ami ue eagerly lively crab as our reward. Tlio sjsirt is I ts'ek aid from any profesMir or tutor who I HinilL(ii- to fishing, but instead of using n j can guide him Into tho light. Ho will not Ihj al )HM)k, 11 piece of meat I tic) to the I disturbed by the inrlrmltie of chancclloi-s or I ii,u,f et to the liottom, which I not oer I prnfossors who may bo perpluxcil with their I m. to eight feet diH-p. A mhui us Mr. dnllydutles-liohusnotlmo to gossip nttout Crnlt bltts he i wry slow Ir nnd iimtiotisly the order and dlK-lpliiio of tho university. pulle.1 up until within al-out six ineliefrom J Fourth. If tlie compLIut Is mainly that 1 the top when a small net i put under him 1 tho chancellor Is InitnMe on account of tick- j and ho is caged, placed into a lmsket and iiern or over work, which we think I much ! permitted to enjoy himself, kicking to his uxaggeratisi, it iHkiuipi)ruis);nictMiii lor pro-1 heart content. ressors or Mtuieiits to piwi UU charge as 11 ' Sailing on the Inlet is also a popular imst sulllclent ground of liiTestlgatlon, whilst ig- tluui nmlbumlmU enjoy tho sail hugely. It norlng his shining abilities in nil oilier re-'cents but a tritlo to enjoy these little pleas, sjiocts. ! ure and uitsinllngly ererytsHly rustles for 4- iiiii j ! U Deacon Lukers (entering crowded car) R.y, you! Hur you paid fer that young one' seat iJXtsu iTT M-. 1 1 ''1 ilX-sliV IvWthi II -Wk. luttJUrAC-w il ri 1 iPNfi Following I tho stnndliig of cluhi In the' Western itHHK'Intlou up to nnd including Thursday's games, (-'lub i'IbwmI Won Lrst Peril, Kt.l'aul M .'IN IS ,tA lie Moines (VI . no ill .,Vi (Imnlia At '.il it .MU KnlinnsClty .V! 1 '.il .WW Chicago (.1 '.si 1T.I .ITS H.Mit city to " 1 ,W2 .MlJiMinkie .VI '.11 IV) KM MliicnNH M PI HI .ivsl IIIAHOM) IIUHT. lnveiiMirl will likely sucretsl Mlmienll lu Hid Western AssiMiatlou, Fred OolilHinlth, tho old Chicago pitcher, Is now 1111 nssoeiatloit umpire. Tho fenco mid grnnd stand of the old ball grounds 111 e Mug torn dow n. HIoux City I surprising herself even by thu groat game thu Corn Htiskur are putting up. Maxey Cobb won tints1 straight h-iitn from Fnsl V. in 11 nice at the fair grounds Tuej day Lincoln-will Ik' lu the Wiwleru Asmi ltd Ion text year. The pi 1 sent oiguiilatlon ciiiumt Li- maliitiiiiusl, Tho Do Mollies team Isloihu ltgrip. And yet Ihe.v have tho finest nggieiitlnu of talent in tin assiK'iatluu. Chicago Is playing 11 terrible game of bull, mil will soon bo by Detroit mid New York if shu don't liruco up. Htnley litis becomo the Iiohi of tin? Fills burghei, while Iks'kley iilwuy gets in III one, two or three lilts 11 game. Weiilen nud Fuller hnvo Ihi 11 bought fioui New Orleans by Washington. The Crescent City I now In tho Texas league. The Inmctic pounded the Nationals way into the gi omul last Hitiirday, At thu close of the fl'iughter tho scoio wus soiii'-'w hero nbout Wl to I. "'boon tern sjiortliig Juuruuls are still talk lug of Von dec Alio selling Mctlniv to lou vllle. That player has Iksjh with Omttliu for ulsmt two weeks. Thu O'Neills and Lincoln Mm oons played 11 game nt Athletic jsirk Thursilay afternoon. Heveu Innings were plnyisl, the scotestuiiding 18 to In favor of the O'Neills, lloth clubs nrj neatly uniformed, nud piny with 11 vim. Tlio iMMtollIco iilno wlK'd the ground out on the Mlssotui 1'aclllc groiiuils with thu li'iuk cliM'ks Tlmisilny nveultig. JCaton nud Komeiladd K-cuplsl the Kiluts for the sM otlliotMiysnud Maxwell and Wed b icli for thu hunkers, Ijiton struck out twelve men nnd Maxwell six. Tho scorn was id to '.'. Tin most disastrous lire Hint hits liapiH'iiod in Lincoln in yeur wn the Oakley lire Hun day morning. Mr. Oakley had one of tlio I (bust store in the west, nud nearly every I thing wi.s a complete loss, The Hock wns in j volets) at nliotit iS.OOO. tho lnm mice nmotint ( Ingto sim.ikhi. Tin) III in wns (tlK)iit to t'loio out, owing lo Mr. Oakley' issir health. Mix ' Foreiiiau, who hnd a stock of Indies goods In. ' thu store, lost nearly everything Shu will I shortly rcoi'ii husines, liowever. Tlio pho I toginph gallery of II. K. Noble mul thu dental tools nud furniture of Dr. IjhuIkm tson were nisodestroKsl. Mr. Noble is iH-cullnrly uu furltiuate, tills In'lng his fourth destructive lire. Ilakoti. Hot SprliiK. Theso spting lire lit two canons which come together forming one lu thnslinHjof 11 Y Im misllntcly west of Ilattle mountain in tho soullierit Illack IIIIN. Tho mountain scenery all ntHiiit thu springs is not. only grand but is exceptionally beautiful, wlillo the curative prois'rtle of the wuterssurpisithoio of tho ' famous Hot Springs of Arkansas, j The olsive is a railroad advertisement but , it Is as surely 0110 In which many wplo as . health and pleasure Makers should be Inter ! estisl. , Hound trip tickets for IfJ..'s, gtssl for J0 1 days, nro on snio ot the Klkhorn oilK" at I IS I Houth 10th Htrect. The Answer Ilotlureil III. 11. Friend II iw did you pass your civil scr vlco cxainluatloii) Alplicuut-To tell tho truth, I didn't get a very good mm k. I don't know, hut I expect l'vo slipped up. "Thu questions bothered you, didn't they i" "Not u lilt, it was thu answers that wor ried 1110." Texas Hlftlngs. Wc are unite wttUlled In plats' the honor of the university as well as chan cellor In tho hands of our aduiinihlo Itoard of regents, who are equal to the emergency mid the HH)ple of thu state will say "well done, good and faithful tenants." .It'hTIIK. (uu. Twenty-live cents, when with a sailing party, 'ty for seveiul hour sail nud tho enjoyment derived from it together with the fresh ?a air does the pleasure eker a world Of glMSl. Very reluctantly I leave Atlantic City to morrow, nud nfter a short stop nt I'liilndel pbln start for the west, thus bringing to a close ono of the most enjoyable trip the' wiiter lias ever had. To my trieiids nnd I H..1ll..... I.. 11...... ,!..!. .1.1.. I l..H I I I t'Klll.i s 111 iiiiniii-'mil I lllll llllML-i lllllll,, obligations fornmo.t delightful visit and to Impiiilant Oiin.tlon. "Do you iiiiilci'atiind uiucli ubout nrbor cuHmoi' askeil Li butt of u friend. "Ye-i, I thiol. I do." "Well, I want to nsk you a question. Art nil forest lives seeders"--Texas Hittvugn. Mr. Fred (iarduer nud Miss Ida Watkhii weie marriis) nt three o'clock Wednesday uftermxm nt tho residence of the bride, on L street between Tenth and Eleventh. Only in- I..n. ..!.....!,. -. l... ..... it il ... r ... t i v, n T,,,B'",,l"1,ero,llifm am I grnteful for the many kindness ." rf -.l-l WVLIIJIJ 11. H 71ir Count FillippKwhobas left bis organ in the baggage cur) -Sicca him, 11 ppo!- -A They Have No l'rrsprrtl.e. An American writer says tho wealthy Japanese picture owner keqw bis art treas ures stowisl away in what Is called a "go down," or storehouse, and Ids Miiitfngs are brought up 0110 at a time if uny visitor is present, in order that a single picture may bo seen by Itself. Wo should think that 01.0 at a tlmu would bo about as numy as an American could stand, if they are tho work of Ju)kuicmj artists. Jnixiuesti art is cceutrio nnd mystifying, nud half a dozen at a time would 11111L0 thu visitor think bo bad what in Volnpuk language is called the"juuiesjams." Norr.stown Herald. Mimical Item. Visitor Do you lovo tho piano! Lady No, I prefer death by electricity. TesMHIftlni. Attend tho red murk ialo nt As hby & Mul sji nigh'. siblo jKisltion with Jeweler O'Neill, mid the bride a young lady of ninny accomplishments nud grnt es of diameter, A party of jovln) youth eoiupor) of Uco McArthur, Will .Maxwell, John Htout and one or two otlieis leave August fifth for a few months vacation in tho mountains of Colorado. They go to Denver for 11 few days then to Lyons. From tho latter )K)iut they Mat ton 11 trail to bunt tho festive deer nnd if unolwerved will run down the liear. How ever It Is not assured that any In-ar will l brought home, but tho boys guariiiitee 11 good rwpply of deer. Hiicooh to thorn. Onnker city, but at the seashore as well, nud I sincerely trust that It may be my pleasure in tho nrnr future to luiwaii oiKu-ttmity to rcclnrtH'ilto and show mv mi.iiiih tatlon of their very gelierom Im.pitalitv, and It Is ! luckv," slid Hobby thus with reluctance after ha lug pnssist so pleasant 11 lime tint I return to owry day business life, wishing those I leavo here ut the scene of guyely continued pleasures nnd gjHsl health. Lou W. I'lifoitiimttely, Too Often the t'u.e. Tho minister sought to improvo tho thus by giving Hobby a lesson in mornlity. "My boy," ho said, "I have lived forty-Ill ey cart and have nover used tolmcco in any form, uor told a lie, nor swore, nor play is) turnkey, nor" "Have you got any littlo bojsl"' in terrnpttsl Hobby. "No, I have never had any little Iwys." "Well, they aro mighty Sun l- rancisco asp. Old Papers I'or .Side. Houso cltsuiing time is here, mid old iHrs will como In handy. The CoritiKit ollliv has a good supply at VO cents 11 hundred. love Ten lle.n t Thut Heat ns One. Mormon Youth Mr. Ulder, I um in with your daughters. Mr. Elder Which oncsl Mormon Youth Misses Amy, Clariliel, Mumie, Jennie, F.miiia, 1'olly, lindgLt, Ami nnd Jastqihliie. Mr. Elder Tnko them, my loy ; tnko thcin jjul try to make koir.o of them happy. JJEfr Now thut the season for using lev Iris com mcuccd it tahoovc consumers to Is? vry careful what they use. Much of the Ice now inlays used 1 impure and conducive of lnd results to gol health. The Ice sold by tht L'ncolit Ico coiiqiany cut front Oak ens-k is strictly pure, and healthy and w 111 Ik deliver ed to any xirt of tho city. Iave orders ut 1040 O street or telephone No. 1 In 1-adlm, it is almost an inducement for you to get iiuirritHl to soo those new wedding invi tations iccclred at Wesscl A: Dobbin's, Cufll icnotllce, this witk. "They are jierfi-ctly grand" is what ono of our reader said yetter day, and so they ure. The assortment com prises all the novelties Just introduced, and a look at them will convince every one that they are tho prcttlst ever seen. A line of party invitations, ImiII programs, leap yeur amiotiiiccmcuts nud programs were also re ceived with this invoice. Call and sv tbeiil. t Lincoln ( A coach will here after bo attached to II. it M. train No. ',' (tho flyer) for tlie convenience cf Lincoln-Omaha jxissongors. Local tickets w ill Ihi accepted on this train, A C. .KlMKll, I City lWengcr and Ticket Agent. I j I. kill Colored Prince Alberts. Tho season for light summer attire being at hand, tl' OIoIh) Clothing house hits just 1 reived a very lino lino of spting and sunuuer I suits lu light colored Prince Ulvits of the la test cut, nud made up with (litest trimmings, lined and faced in Satin. To is lliein is to llko them, nud to like them is to buy u suit. You know the test, o come around nnd look nt them.