Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 14, 1888, Image 8

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Denier In
jDoigs ;ftnd iMedicines
127 N
Wanted ut oUCc 11
glXxl uddlC
icfpoiiflble iait
lo rcprciu
Iuw 'In ,rrrtrivn , I'ntlt) CompUaJan
' tlml'triPi of Nuiuiuur W'cethtr.
ThoMawn of nnur outing and trTtl
wet ti) lug for tlio fiouip!ei.lou, apd tuUm
iMtmeclnd wUhpieMirlng nod UniiUfjinc
it mo tin rrfniq if Intent t.
i-'lit inuv txi uotod Hio rUinclJvo llttlo
l lollcl Ijhk ttiatnionnovrilty of thii'won.
! Tlioy oio Ullifl Mitli liiniiijiniuptplho op
4iiil uliituiiu, und L iix; U1i)ik1 lu water lor
a jmouiiint nnd limit riiM I upon the akin,
glvo ,n Uollctilfvl laturwhlt,li MImv1 dir
with n of k tuwyL Tliuy tun n, tuut pleaimnt
whI urf ul toilet ertlok.
Of amnio, if lb" nklii in ttiLo Uplwhlto
autdftvft. clove inuat alwai Ln urn out of ,
down atul tun, Ham atnidnda niucl), jofliUo
tram iu Attn. mnuaiuon 10 uo piticau- i
Uuu pmyUo uiod.aluiopfl putdo, w hleh I
coiuldcrod .ouo of tlio tlurtt coiuioutid fur
bcuutif Ting tlio huiid. Ileal almond put
IU kind, luuaut und it 1m iiindq from tweet.
out, almonds poundnd In a. moi tar, and
ml .f latal . .Mi. faltlf ftlltif 11, ... .lllViul
MVVVI 'I TWIW IMIIJ nw Wi'Wi.n fr i
luwtKliKchtiTO.ouuco, jhiuikI to n iMfie,
uiwl work tin with half .un otiuoii of V liulftur
,k 3sr33"V7 vro;Ei;E op cut i iu tim!. to iuu ua tw
Jlv HON 'MIOS J IUIjI'. uvilhor p( dwun of wrHcrM ,aud half mi ouucnof
" Hill' lanml of f?PV l ami )Jtivl H of almond.; cdl o torgaiwl, twcho
c. Vorm,Jn drop. tfubJucUnKiliW,flir.wcll,,aivd
iLA'NCASITiER'COUNirY To ImiirovnhaudithaUin naturally couimi
An 'excellent opportunity U Muie a good imdiod.or twr an lruudy beautiful j trtlMjon,fln Diametrical Wij
wUlloli and ntike mono Sale tan le toilurn awl color fivui Jlw ITiivU uf wuyli Uuoliiilii. Th rMU h Imimi"! lllLllt 1) ttll M 1CII lltur , "' V'.wvi IT"'i " VVIK
?t1. )JrM,i for ten A"" JfrMUiHi
iHlLJi STANDARD iBOpK CO.. Publishers, .
.llulUluw vuiui4rUl or II i-uvhtw vf iwtlv
UiKJniVilutl ,(' K tiuiisoiuuy lliJiuixlN
lo .K t wviWUiuttlw . m uurs
JtwtaurttBtlpOW) 0 K MyotoiWr. Mwar
an ,rTiUcrarla.t.i,UwifUu!i
.lo 'TuiUtrJiaiiitUpi- , ,
Jo rVrt-i(l(lii. P bl Wli "" W i
du wul I ix-yniii'. " y' ""Hi wn
do t.ROiiiiirT'
lo pi KlUwI. M .P.jK WV JOUi ail JIMi
CbulUUijt ul Milfoixf. Nvl
: .t:- . . j -. jf . ! i ' ..
jrw; iwpjiK wiureii. nfuwi
CCIlH'Utl ,
(OtU At
Hwhk 'ii iini;(4
Ollkut.urt. (Un fvlluiTiiiK tluit
uiout ii n iKiular wiutKivjtn iKit t 11 uo
uitiiiualjiuil 1'uir on oyiut.ljliiK tuml,
ulnlihut T,tHotinwl. yt, lilubt UMiiaUivr
naiuinalvr. upplyn UtMi ur unllunry null
brui All 0oi I ho Jiuud, mul, itWii l'HLo
" , ilry, apply alututul itutotlMtnl 1'J l)i tay
i In ito vf a)1 piiicuiiiuii, miiioihii,
I fiicl(lasuuilipun)ul,iii;iii)ii.lw fiivjuciitiw
wiiiimulnivnt ut Ui wujnin'i'n MJourn (n
fpuiitiy gr by w win, ami l wwy tUomuro
lx)llV)Jtl0Uinlhilt,tli0 JlliuCvpU'kMtl flVJJVVU-
ViiuiUvr 1' g.'iiuK fnuMblo ivputo a u
(iiutly fw jLk trvubliM. Tio uJco of
)i)lkowl lvi!iUoUtU"Uul of iipopnlar
fuitin iwju(Io for iuvjMK tuvn
V'hutvr lutiojw, viwiui or ollivr ioiii(IIc
(jyiy bo 1101, lUoio ii uun lnvirLiblo uilo
)ilcli l)m youun who ?Alucs Uvv liii will
uot.i)vks't,inil ,tlta UUi wuvli fuo-, msjl;
uuil Mnil" pvYSYytb' "W wMl nun,wlr
and pmounpamlliy tuv'HilboW'flli'ynlU1
fift ol lxffuro koIbr toUil. 'OiU o
liiovoA (bo IuipvVPIII'Ia iluit,iiud grinmjlut
i;)o;;H,(ltf.ori nuil vim iriiill, bbijk-
Utiail, U. 1K'H, irui luo luoo Ik ?Jaiidi1
aioUu.i;si oIqqIc
jKetttupor, ,iiiiiiirnt Coiirrruliii: Mu
vti tl'rit'iil Mit.ltiii.
Mr AVnltor lkuuth a iuuJ1RnliiiaUl,
bright i'l uii'l bluet liniinU niHti, fuml of
tUotliciUie, limit (uiC u iiK
KImz I'aMin, llm in it prlmo inlultJtr of
lXyit, Ihii Mtliuuiiiutlti, Jii pirilittfcM'r,
Iulr I'aulm, mnuii Vi iiii'iilmi CurifHun.
IonitfrlUMwl,wl1 nunniooti nimiili'
oUlioolil "lWlnMlKUWun.1 partulod I"
,a briUlnut grenn unirnii. lUit l.o mnhi
fnviiiiltbl)iltuialMH,MUunnu.i to Mnj,'
lutlmrtliiit light,
TUo rtli?i of ,Wr. Jllaukluiiup,tlioKit
ulitwn playfr, l ,n,piufe.Umt I'UmiKiloglkt,
nl irtfdlril of, til aoii, ylieitbi UUit wim
ii ililld Mint ho rvoaJ i lccvitio vkcoKJIutly
prollclfoit if uluw.
l'uvl HJv" tho voli' l( her, dlixl. in
iilicouulry Kitjt AuviRuiOIumiI
vrrtLi,aea ,Ho liiwl JuM ifLurm! fiouin
ory kuwcHfal lrP In vIumtIw, .nbfiiibo
bd rtrluj mny ivorfnJti', lurludjnetbttof
tin i;ioTfiini.
LaM,fUnlmi:lWrJiibomr of Hnury
Hoiiun, 9rit"indvrJcii).ownKbip, WoniKoinviy
i-ouuty, I'd., MwlcrM'biuMiutlnly dvaf on
flutKklo. A fovrilMjogfholUKdK'pjHl
out auduliboarii'K.nbuoft juumnlUlfly ro-
tUIUI'l. j
JCIiil'JOiUUhuh.iUo vcrialllu iihuiuuJi of
tbotsmlirivb lhluudfliu.iiiitvn Lmiuol
ViijMogiu'uiy or
oji obM'iva-
tlviiH of tlio o'oanlo pliwoon'iin fur vhl(Ji
tbo llmvollun Kivup l i.ulnl,
i;n?loj;iIuH,llurp-r,vf UUUtljVfSa.J-i 01
tarn ol I, but tll)l uitn bilo (nxf urth o. II
Isn tvun of tlmuMr of IfilUaml piv.viM:
uhii Luvpn.ik.0 n r?uniiJi Uollar, .itiintiil in
1717, ( Until ft, uiouvy ho ivccOiiUorhii M-r-Viiw.
Jlnyor J'itJvr, of I'lilUJvlphin, H a rvo
junCer, huiI ho KmriiiKM ojbibit lo 1)1
frlvudtnvurJouMoptuviblc tliat h Iwp In
JilMlUw. It In niaijn of hiiUK'nvn'a ivi10.
(uiliftiuiid luiYlu'U'li Ukon fiojn f ix
by oulcli imui ovr vrininnl neck was
Uoinitiliiurioo UunUn mtun
dvi')iuiiilliiilil(lQ?bi;k Ills nud iijinu
Kuiiuo, 1Ihoi)i, Civo iind cluii' of iuvuui
Uninwm, liioiotbiili !Xl,0(Ou,'ius of Lmd in
Hiingnryi nudum twnol in n nii)it lino
lUQiotUiiiiitlfty iiillti ttboit fiuittiiiK 111
Btbrln BlorWi". nti.tvcviiUI old wbblvr In
4t,'ffviop, tin,, tbotlll Uvyiw t ,liti trudv.
nltbongji H jwiwold, Un t-)in of tlnv
wnitt. iltrUvitnilnnn li JucUonVuniy (it
tbo Undo of fittw tlrKviiui, founlit In tbo
31.wloii wnrnud H'lXil Tltb;uiIHliiou!li
tbo Mnr of tbo leUllion. Uumllo liU ud-
ft Lr.wjUVililuiio n( l'nUi. DUlnn Markml
nHli tlio ikiK ii .IUI'.
Muuy liimi Ikiiii tlio pluun ndutl by ro'
ulty toiivoM tjtjiitlH't'V In tlo uso of lnw.
In tbo invnli bniucbt lo table, Minh ui buvlns
(Bhiriijof thuUhlunui tboy uio (ilTfiiid to
tint nipniluuiMvii s-moii, but tlio uiurUujt of
UihlK'H III) llio iiuiik-( of tbo iiioksulio liuldo
tlimii M niiitniniiid fvr n nnotlivr iuy, JCInp;
tMlgu II, It HfiAliyl, iini.iifUKtoiiiod vvrry
Altvi iiaIii wi in IMt liii Ui-niiail doiniiiioni
itb tlio k'irttr putt of tbo otlU-vrt of til
bntiMibdlil, uimI tfiwolollv tlioito Uilongln U
tlio kilt linn Uiuii IiIh llrst root m no Ma
kiuk I lint ho txmld nvt Oivri liii nmJirtyN din
ncr- Tliln Inlnff told to tlio Uti bo wu
yn:)(iiiily Miiiy for it, m tlio uook km
fuiiuius fvr (iiatnn; Jtluininli Miup, of n bibb
llm kiiiK tin try fund. Ho tlinrfoio
urdi'iinl liciulry to 1j mado uiihhi tho
uw.lf.tunt ixioknlf tjty of lUfui could niUo
Hliriilhli .Miup. Uno imtnixl UVtUm (tho
UlliiT of TouiWton, tho UujIIhIi uctuii
undi'i look (It und Jt w) plotiMl tbo LI nt; that
hodfclariyl It wan unooil us lliat,jumdti by
tbo flint iiook BKn ,aftr tlmkinft'a if turn
tn England i thujlrtt 0(k dlod. vWht'il the
king bouil of.ibbohakl that, reJthoub tbo
Kyvvmtl vf lli"luUM'liolI alivAyip)ioliilxl
lboxx)kvbo nuukl now namo unq for lilui
M'lf, und thvtWoro ukil f onoiWeftun wn
rdjl n tho kllchiui, und IkIiir anniTt-iiil that
ho una, "That man," Mid bo, ''hliall Uiuiy
Ui ft cook, fyr tin mako niont mccllvnt Itliou
ifb m.up." TIiIh oauxnl rnvy ainun tho
M'lvanU, kI list uliwi any dinli una fiximl
fault with lliy iiNil In wiy It vns Witton'a
dlotiiib' Thnking took notion of tbKand
soiu tnlho trantiit n very fjliuvmi
nary that tu iy dnJi ImdliJiUil fbvuld liai
IKii lo lw U'wtonV. "In fotur','" Mid tbo
kliif;. "lt uvvry lit-li Umiarkul lyitli the
nainuof tho viKikdluit nwlkm it." Ity thi
tholiini; Uflccil tbciract, and fivin that
liimi N lonSd'i'beH plfttMil blnv uiont.
Omaha BeeJ
tqiLy i(or ZQAXMi $ xv,qck.,.wcr
027 P t,wt.
tbo iMirca oih.ii. vduitowr nrviMmtioii I
fiillil ii utllt 1u.t ( rlltnltiul
Allitnpplicidoi,of MllnownpvKOtHl I wwl nKo b ;iiUw ns Kood n abvc ns nny
poldciortintn tlmfuos byforo ko!ii out on ! "ofiiwW l?i tbnawit"
iiiiiinvrosciilpn., r(lw or wnlU In fiptvx
plloit p-oyUvn ofitbo 1)1 ojTwl ot botuu
nud Yml; fifil, unless oiiiijtliliJf,' 1m Initio
icrrcil, vnfli0a0iilflnA)lo ubbqi on
,(jo fncont iilaht. It lubirda tlio voiulnp of
rfuklvKniid U, pdcoil, tbowifvtt nud ''bwip
(,of cointftlc li seni;r,d iim.
' a1aHaiaiHaVBI
t amllu Jtnbbcr Mn;ijtliif.
In caM pf brokun ll)iilx, bmns or nny
,koiiuiU for vrliici damp ill cm I np mint bo
iiicd ppou n iUeiit In bwl, iwpiivoof tludla
;i ubbcr ahwUtig U ludllQuwibki forjkwpIiiK
itlu,iiiAUn!wi dry. A'Vdf ibo fcof t tfillcd
Rubber o. (uto tnpUof covonlout altf.
lOuodinU alwuld bo (oldcl dp n plcoo of ,)iii
,old"lioot ami tlnfd ppdir tlionfroqtodMrt.
ilf ,n about ,folilcd iluptlidDoJailnco)! nuiow
tbo inlddlo of 1j ibctl nnd tbo .oudMucked
u,,ll llH.trr .ftltf, liifii(rija if. ivlll iLaju, liu,1i
,ni)dAn ibo changed ,vltli1KM,ilfllculty.tlmn
,' , wholo alwqt.
, ,0U uf npiicriiiitn ,(, IUitlon.
I ,pii of wppiiqliit,! the luteit mo uuvo"
l,(or cputpuiptloii, novordliiK ito np Kin;lW
ct".oo' ilP (ulijdisr, tho chnrKO bulng '
',tvpucjl .oyqry Uitvo diourc.nml tho itrwt-1
1 muiit conlliiuop tarU vooU. At.lsclidmed
tluitlt orka.QU.lnnU cn&os nud otfoota a
inuy m to cttrlqr,fctftKoa,of tbo djwsc Tlio
ii-oiuedyjaxorth (telug op tbla nldoof tbo
tV mv Jfo .C'pio ,fpr .Cpina-
Another a(o nud wo euro (or com tr ixv
tioit.eAl ,to .hAvp bonti .(oppd ,U V vlKpUlw
,priucd of ntntoihrouu.Roaked in tou vino
car. it aliouid 00 uiuillcd nt .unjht on i-o-
I ttrlui;. Jtp tb.o ,iporpmg tbo60iimovdl ,bo
eotw, nd tho corn um bo plokwl .opt. 0b-
I thmto cQrut tpny nxiptio to or, more pppli
I cntlopH.
t --
' tciM'PUi JiuayAUtw ,(! kiuvt Ulic
))r XAervdtflti tbntyig iucQpvonlouce
ixsuUiukO-viu UiUbyniUputoojiiuid Kimti,
.cApcclally ytlca accent, niny bo filmed by
ttbVUHt Aw blttcii pot cldoioforip.
bo f V nUluijC yutolJy diO' cam), -nud the jhuu
Ad jtc.bUiff dbAiwar.
AtcbUou, caniortli, ijt.Jcpb.Konfaf
jpfty, t. ful wj4 ,"M WW $9M
Jiant apd Vit.
The direct l)ne u pjt. yoti, J'aron.
Vjehlta, Jfwtcjdnon and ul principal
TMe fluly foad f9 the frcat Jot wrig
j:: IXixWfSH pJM fcApt, an all
Wi JfH Agcl. ficn'l Aifent
f r.f) and pt $1.
.Tphfl"'''' M"1V If!'"-'! H? nt iwainna
frtiElii. tic. linnTy tn neuialit oiu Ion uuvnt m
llumUu. HiYM-Aistcvu-X r UVJ U I
i un uwifin.
A jouKaut y .v f'oy fltui?r tv u K-MChl
,91- 0 inrduoo u Wfumcir.
f.uelwon am m blgb uor jvJItU iUomi
Vbo VnU'i lulu eituuijvojy una yrulHla nAwt
ngi ,ibto ;noUod of JU-iag JUo)i twble, a m vl)
uf a nlofuaut xny jto juiy honor to a guut ,vr
to a stranger. According Jo ho
)cial Atfijijioito of New yok, tbo Lucboou
iqui- i fiom bolf prt j to " oVock, on
fdlcf only receive nvjtatloja. A ;j
luuobcon 0 thirty oi- 00 guoU hi arranged
,vr both .diaWfUjj and ,dbjng fow, wbi'jo
MnaljlaUc for four jxyuont ,iucb uio cuio
fully roMpcd.
tiuuaj preicut hcouele n bandioino is
itiutc tpilcU um) ai 0 Jn their bouiut. 'hoy
fimovi) jheU' glpvenut table. l'pr tbo fa
vor! I o Drocrewdvo lunebcou fcovei ul iJiuKruiuj
of hubk and ther plaaa, vilhiboiiawwi
of tbo gncfcJaupon thcm.oplaccj )n tho
drwlugjoonj. W fUt " got wy 'ly
Undbxroiyi ocatio. 9net aro jccciyul
by Jbo fioMosa und VP-wnl&l M Jir frjend w
fepbi In Jlbrory of ptherjcpUPil rn.
b-T9 twy wait for fba nuiPmiceinen of
juucbuAu. 'J'bot'iwjt of hopor, jf tbeto fx)
fim, bJ fatci) oi o f4blo ficap I bo mUf, oiw
lttpcn )iq povcMPP' tw)adc mq
srpsvatei at ho 6do uftl jnrapd iobot
f.M ))W am) fcluipKO feat lb plbei
j.lfowj painctlja iioktec piepliona fotbrnt.
Tha.li8ii6il npi oMvera tlM)c4duiinirtui
fnipijalinncpt. aic ptpthir a(li jio
uxcjfiipg j)ai-c, f Iboyllkc, ijutliigtlio p
iuqyupf p:ilM, eptj opo cm) ryll)?f Ifcp-J)n(-MHPllllI'M-.
Wlillo tbo oiutwiiw nf dlmzll vni IU In
.Mibip iU uinit,il p,ue-i vyro -KX01K)
(rpiioA. 'fbo reHUlnr liotdl bill vmls l.OCO
frnuu (Vibtv-, but 011 mvojiiiLof ,bU llueu
ptber nucta had to lonyo. nud ifnr,tlirtyUo
bj llio vuvtwofiiiLXUa) (rune. , plo'bin
fiuiu .i'urwt iiuiilo tn trM to 'Mlnu for
',10,000 fruuex, tmi dtnlinu ilootons vio puld
1 iktMi f rniiui a u.iy, nml 110 linil tulou lot
of feeo.
KorMino tliiiojNUit JJr. V'.)D. HnivolUbiu
obnudoneil )n'npdil!P,5l ll bl" liUrmy
coiniMxfHloiui, UJpg tiotvpo trltMr luitead.
Mr.,HoolUU bnck i'luii!ly In bUclmlr,
,tlipks opt dil trnii of thouBlit, cmifply
ifiuliiotuiiirt wutupvo lipid H,ii;li In voiii'
pleUd rpumulw It toiqiKjr.ntrlklug tbokn
vwitli nuoiluuMl. .Mnny mUu" ontliun pi fol
,l(vi)g Mr. JHuqlU' tgiipiipli',,bpt for n.loug
tlpio ttlioto vah p iiirojpdJvo niiKiUKilitmniy
.peopliinK'd'tboit.vptv.nrlUir. 1'lioj IprnKJucil
,tb.a workdopo.vHu txp atilted mid J01 pud.
Thin ojilplop ban kIuvo Uipi uhiiudouvd iby
,inlV vrjtuiT.
A cprloiw nlpry ,nnuit lio , Jnpnieo ui-
poi-orV oplpiou ,f tU'UllPg bi told iby A bo
.VkloJUiuppo. ?;imt jupinnliiolntos tbnt -c-ccptly
n.tidMUtor uf,KtiUvvhllo In ippliunw,
vtouoliediiiKHithoMilJetttof ,dm;iliig. wlmiw
.npouJiU inpjity vtpi.'ditbo opiiuon tbnt
tboj luvnloueo nf Miitli p Aoliipluoui r.iwtvm
tah ,p jnro ,luikntlop nf tbo deeny of tbo
,upt)on. il'boittnto iuluUtir,lpwn.'Ui,p,.hw
,tugiliia tuojoity ofpictaMWb utioug a,ch,u
,thoplJ.MtnPpopiri!trIiiK1fi,-om ,hi putxiiw
Ipunodbdoly BPojinntooidi' to.tho&o 'U
gugoditu tbo'copU nqtiou uf ,tbo .irnw ,p;il;n.o
to dlMtiinitlo tlio pjumpig xiIooti In itlio uuyi
.bplldtug, vWhluli m iuj plmrtdje.ouipUiUd.
Mr.V. Ii. JI, Mprrpy Iiob Mtin-tod .on nn
exploring nud buutpig ivtpod,itlop ,lu the
,mot iolpdod nud Iowt vetted iolout of itbv
Jtt9cl;o0, .north of tho tjnundiuti ,Uni. Jio 111
ibo gpno (ibopt aIx inoutbH nnd .Intend M
.cover nbout U.iAWnllo M .tbo Middle, v UUlug
region nn v,t ,uoxploioil. TUo .C'ntindlnu
Kovoiuiiuiut.liiuigi'iiiitol.liiiu the piotoutiou
nud iWhtnugo.of fivf niopplud iwliw nud -the
jiudM'u jivy cotupivuy lw KM AU .citiwdl
tlou it hupport. An oxiAiiomxd ni-lUt will
H0VAUi him or ,tho puijwm) of ocpilug
jUuntrutjQim ,to nwO'U.ipaiiy JiUi luttfo fw
t ho ui ohti aid ''li nuiKoriuo urtU-lu. A gi ut
tim..f.vf JUuj.oxplvintwiui vill .Ua.Ui tho vulloy
,vf tlio j'oacA'rfwu'j yf wbtejj .even ttbo XAntt
,dluu govtunuient ,no ubpojit jiothjug.
'This Mjfion lo nbout ,0 .degf. iiorth.of .tho
jCaniun Jino load ust ,vf iUw .Selkirk.
On lenvlng Cmnbriilsninilveiiity, Harvey,
thndlKinviv of IhiKlieiilitionof tlwblol, 1
Hrllt'to I'uilun to nil mil tbo lectuitsuf n
pi-ofeefor gf Anatomy, who taught tbo
iikuonof ynlvvi In nil tho sciimof tho body
Itvyniu tryiuplndlix-nvw tbo uko uf mcli
ynlveHtbrtt Ihiney illKiiveml tho ;ivillu
tlou of tho blood, Ho found that by placlns
p llgiitum upon nil rlerv ft Uvtiun illn
tvuiltnl itUIi bkx.1 on tbo lido lutnont the
henrt. but Ity pluming wuo upon n vein it bo
oniundlfteudedoii tliondo furtliett from tho
benrt, vfbeiion bo provoil tbo eourw) of tbo
blovd from tho hoort thHigh tho arteri).
nud it return to tbo httirt by tho iu.
HnrvnyV norl: coit him tnetity-4ix juirsto
bring lo nuiturit . bti dlvuvry iw coldly
u-celvil; nioit pvioiLsoppoKfUt;othr!iKllil
ltAiold, Mbilo wry frtwiigrwd rlth him.
Tnnii liitiuuto friend Unrny vonipbtluvtl,
nftor Ills book on tbo circulation was pub
Ufbeil, bo fell comiilernbly In Ins practice,
nud It nam b.'lkl by tbo vulgar that ho
HUKcrack builued.or what in thoo tiuios I
wo would call n craul;. Tweutyllvo ,wia
cbild nftcr tho implication of tho book ,
wjttlug forth IiIh hy.U;in before it was iw
ccivvti iunll tbooollig4 nud iiuUoraiilosof
tho world.
;rho hItory of tho coruiuitioti (or destiny),
touobiAlittlo curloim, nnd iprlini mytlil-'
crd. JCnylor, in iliUMi(Uur.- of illegality,"
,Klv :1ns logmid eoucoiulug It: lit la wild to
ibctho v;i-y atouo on wblclMtbopntrini'cli
Jacnbjnld his bead on tbojtlainsof daw, that
it was bi-ougbt ifi-oin iKgjpt into Spnluiby
vOiitboliw, tbo founder of stbo Scot
.tinli nation; that it .was tlwuco (transported
into iliolnnd iby Hlmon .lia-oli, who wim
crowned niwu ,it .about-'JOO yeni U C; tlint
dt.was tlnjuco curried Into Seotland by ICIiik
.mii-BIW iwu,u.(u - 4 no rciiMiiatory in that it
.was tianifened (roiii.Iialnntl toSvutlnml nt
nu wly iwriod, nnd plncvd lit itho nbboy '
,churi;h.uf Soono lu KXi. 'J'hu Scottinh king I
wuiocivwind. Intro In rnn!, wliun Kdwnnl 'I
enrried It to hjughiml. ,It was agieed by the
.twuty of Noi-thauiptou, lu illWtf, that the
htouo should drti joiuuii.d lo Kootlautl, but
.this ,wa8 not done. Jt U called the Htouo of (
doHtluy, and ,l .llud inulor tho Mnt of the
.coronntlon.cliuir, which is uiido of oak. nud
iiiowJ,opt lu thoAUU-y of Vt-itiuliwter.
Adttnl tu ,(liu JUl,-tt,imi-j.
A .now woid. "ntldi ,," 1ms bcou umiiu
.(mitpied 1n tbo iHwtotllco dttpnituuiut. The
jxtotutlleo clerks hove conituutly to ivfer to
poiMitui to W'liom lotteiii, ptiHirs, etc., tiro nd I
,UiTsM,d nud It being nltogotber too txliou
,to k'p writing, "Tho mii,ou lo whom tho
'hitler la nddM!,'' "Tho jiersou to whom
.tho juvix'r Is r.dtli ohsed," nud w ou. they
coined tbo woid ',' Jt hi nucb o
,eou oulout noil that It 1 coming luto gen
oral um, nud tho dictionary inukcjv will be
obllgod to rowgulio It nud luiy-t itlu futui
editioim of tl.oii woi ks.
Af Mm IUpip-f TubV.
Nfiwnnwjon'' " ! w ih"fo
WM)(m Alteitf lipvlipi'plji
iiiiKfyNfi wiifHit
i.r. !.'::
tn ruforttlll l In
V WDil
fb-'yailJ. K pnu aliHb! W iPbQ bMped
h(cptpwn). Atdewmt t pudd!igMltd
pk !)fl Mlei! Infiiiu llm k-ea npi Jtlllc.
V'r ft fV' PkgQlH, n wiblpot iiipMIpjj
njihwpicu, tumm dy irt!, i.iqrioUu ruu
Ptl'l Mlk'Sj Hwdd ba III Plikr, but u IioiJim
U miltonjllkiily toplFironlv n fmit luo or
fflHH Pf V.inJIIrt pr f)0Cfiaq PIMIIP, bu U
nlmoif i!l mm -nn i-fj'fjr after illninr of
) lu .',! it in rvUAi A"t,
yiiOiCirflwivico utt, otherwise J:uown nf 1
tl.o J'oudliTton bill, vns jmukakI ou Juu. y, I
JbiS, ond JnU-vduced .tho piineljilo of cow
lmjwy compoUtlvo MuuuinaUou juto tJiei
el!J Mjvice of tbo UiUt d Stale. The ciril
M'.MJ QOUIUltliMOIl Ut WoiUJllgtOll 1IUUH
il.gdjtohut which cxfuuitiatiougof c-undtdatef ,
for jHjtiijjiKlu jho jottotllcti tluill bo held.
Appk-ut for fxaininatiou luust bo citlwui
nf the United tituUi", oud nblo to put an vx
jtuuiuHtlou biorJtJimetic, tjx-Jliiig, googrupby,
idietation and w-jth'g. IJoikU to the amount 4
of f',tm fyr WW) must U gl en. '
Tb Vhlt Cre. ,
Th WbilaOosa army, which ff rel6rUd !
to havo a ineiuU-;tUp of 2XW lu Kew Voi-k I
oily, ha for (l piiucipUft 'to titat all
women wth rcjioc-t, and to erdxavor to pro-
fix. t tluM from wioug and degiadatioo. to,
tndiuvor to frown down Indecent language '
und foorui Jt; to uialntaiu that the law of
pinjty iinjuuJIy binding on men ami norneu,
and top'a ihft piinclple among rom-,
panloiw and youuger brothei, William!
Illuikle, tho luvtuj utliki, Is un, aotlvo mil
dkr In tbo IVbila Crowi bi my, I
. mi 1 1,
A Mauir Wuni,
'To fuU"' l to uttror wiitufcomthlna
whffli ban no foumlution III futt, IVlvu au
ALtor fulleil to memo) l-o bin lines and nip
piled llm (Ullclenoy y woid of bUowti b:i
mdfata rieatlon Imwun diiblxil bylifuftb
low ffll er,H Tlia Utiii wiindeiot Jnlo the
l iipk nf tbo iiewtpaiiei men, and w ben ono cf
tin-m W(p)u oiii tiling wlikb puipoited lo
bo now, but which wn boluly tbo offtpiliig
of bin Imagination, it ( called u faku,
l.llllu iilimly ami lliu t'lit Kw hlulc
Itliotlu Mnud wna odq of lliu original
ilililecii coloiiloa, nud wim 0110 of Ibamlgliuil
A jtowboj' Jut; f JI.ko.
7ie wilon do ballar, a joom ."ttxJO, wjtjb it
hard mud floor, i irrigated to in ov ent dut
and cleaiod (Ofjov cry thing ut a few be.iu.-ho.
Candle oio fctuck along and ou .the wuii, the
women huddle toguthor ut one ud of (lie
room awl tbo wvu ktund and fco.uat about at
Jho .Other, .oyer) body -oll(ug und smoking
ligsiotte. 7'h band of four piece tui u it
u'lt lootound Joy J unooullnul. Men and
woinen uro uppk'd wih a judiciou amount
fif ;neca y.ry jarcly J ajtbug ut)tA fo
cat tW duylgbt, 'i'lw fdeica ate boiw
duiicen, and numy nf lbt(r graciful, i-taUly
llgui w plight w 1 I bo copkd by wr A inertoan
niatUr. )ancug i)ttjAr&ui by yolun
teev Upgiug, aocouijMiuiol by tNguJtar w bn
tbo fcopg ujo y npukp. fbe wng pf tho
pup wo fit vh borwr Ibat thy pannot
hao ior pcjuj at)y acujpijiunlinent, nery
lino eiiijlpji will) a f bniu, lu WlMl oytry'
lly Join, oiul nt, time tine hoMoy i eu
dw)f AC- 3 o'clock . m. irjoly I M'
ink jolly; at ') In n llgbllng moxl; at i
i.0ck pily )o kpber ppe orJ darning, tif tho i)yefk at ft, a Uiobt glimpur of
dawn popiu cieepfpg per the mountain, Ilia
hand wind P will) lliu oyei' "ilnuw."
'i'bu )t wtnii( io vil)crMl III Ibo
uimrlta' f-'nr, ptwf Ilia imiifMinylkjieiwi for
ail lioip' eep,
fjjx nVJocI, fctsp ifiipifou nf Ibo coHlHiicb
m, Imavy pywl and bit Milky, A io
Mwwlng HP fltllmtliniirMPoicfully poei,
niu n Mid (ithin' io lU'llippiont I will
nn duly nigliD liei'dliig, Kotpiuuh woik I
iloiiu (hat day, Tbo ! who lido tho llpe
pin mil, mt luvklblo-oikuii inbably fill tlilil"ii Mulw, Hbo rntllkd tlio coiiktltiitlon
U 4
V-- 1
a N
2 w
K 0
w 0
Jarvis California Pear Cider.
TliU dcllclouk MJininer befiage Junadc in California, fioiu irn ripe tncllow
JJunktt I'ear. in the height of the ilpming -eatm mam ton of pear bet ome loo
1X for kblpplng or canning purpoc. tlieji c an then be ntali;d bj prtiiijj U.em inkT
elder. 'I'lie frekh juke 1 boiled down two gallotih intoone.and i then drained through
pulvciid char coal. 'I'hi luatlng, ooudciiking and -trining completely detlro. fcr
mentatlonind the elder cer afterward icmain meet and good and i a mo-! healthy
and nutiltiouk article for family ux-.
Knowing there arc many purlou cider wold in thi market vc offer the atov
iincnt tcuinonui 01 itoi. j. 11. uong. cr icejH-ciiuiiy.
explanation with the em
ban J ow?, Calilornlj
Till: d. M. JAKVIS CO., Sole Proprietors
y N. State Street Chicaj;.
Chicago, 1 111. 71I1, 1&S7.
Till: (,. M. JAKVIS CO., Ociitlemciu
I liae made made a chemical exaiiilnalloii of the tamplc of JarvU' I'cnr Cider
Mibmlttcd to me a few da ago, and would rcjiort tluc points among other noted.
'I lie llipild U non-alcoholic and lu a peclfic gravity of 10.O5. The total extrso
live matter uinwinta to 10,25 Ptr tc'bi containing only .025 per cent of free acid. The
et tliow tlil uihl In be malicacid an iiMiutlv found In fruit juke.. I find no other
acid or foreign kiibUancc added for color or llavor.
I believe it, ilicrcmic, to comUt dmply of the juice ol the Tear at rep-evented.
Votirt truly,
J. II. I.ONO, Analytical ClicmUt,
Chicago Medical College.
cnii"lit'hiuihiiu. tJor, KvVmK
u fptir coiff.i 'llP prnpi-T lr i(M Willi
4 U l bPikut r J p-,k; mid MlHHl'WllMor
(i-T lipjl IM III aPawij.
PliQiry IcmiU ftofftw nru
brapl llll kilt PFJllVt-F.
uf nh'to ucrgu
A Miiijw WIimi
rpa ww Von li)Bn)Pogy Ciunlllu I'lunv
PIHIIcill ilcoldi llm ufinnsniru lo 1 10 i lingo
Ipiiuhlno, on uhkliovury living thing fiio
k!iuDi(, TlieiPiirolnlbU liineliliia pellher
HliEulwoik, Plln imreog. iiuu'ilhukMit
ilmistliu wpilfof MVd'fll mllllQii oflmi-bc,
Hiidtliwoik Imsfoi'H rod nnd tll'wUbe
pieMintop of Ufa. AiMilxtw Trayukr, ,
nn liiy tt, ITbO (nccoidlng to tbo II, II, II, H
but uVOelaatvliort), Thu llrit new ttatu wot
Veiiiiout, 111I111IIU1I by CongruM IVb, 17,
1701, "nn a now uud until 0 member of the
Vnlfwl HtntM,"
An Old Hung,
"Clod flavo tint King" wm written In ICS7,
Ibo woi tin by Mino, do llildou mid thominlo
by l.ulll, Tbo liiiBlMi literal trnulutloii
wn lli'U iiindo lu 170 nud tho 11 1 r wn ktoleu
San Jose, Oil. 39 N. State St. Chicago.
W, B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman.
Druggist and Leading Wine Merchants.
c- $
: i
p "94
' ft'n
AjO. u.iw.1
JiivJiSi.w I,