A-r' ? ' vf-Tyrr""! T r J T,TWgFwTw' wwr'r" "iPP,,T3fWW7" CAPITAL CITY COURIER & i .,"" ft Vol, O. No. HI Lincoln, Nijuhaska, Satijkday, July 14, 18&B PKICIC FlVIfi ClCNTS . r : a II sj -II" ft Iff AN OHSKIIVMKS THOUGHTS. COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. What lln Sees, Hears, Thinks anil itRliir. I iu A woo bogono s.iccimeii of tit gsmus tramp printer strayed Into one of tlie city ufllces tliln week, nml proceeded to "pniihnndlo" lb lxiyg for enough to get n drink. Finally lie tackled nu eMerly gentleman connected with tlio institution, who politely lint firmly informed him that if ho would npply to tlio vlty marshal ho could get both lodging mhI meal f i cc of charge. A flush of liullgiiatioii siversprcnil his countenance, iiml stopping Wk ho exclaimed, "What, sir, would Ben- JiiiiiIu Franklin nay werobo to know thnt I ( bad togntot no cooler ill mociiy in i.iuroiu to get something to sat. n Lincoln1 chances for obtaining ono or more railroads are very hrlghU Tho Hock lslnndniidHantn Foofllcials nro talking up mattens, and 1 liellovo It Is only a ipicstlon of time when lxVli roads will Ikj In hero. Tho fact of the matter h that they must couio to Lincoln. Tills city Is tho rail road center of tlii state, and always will Ik. The other 1-oad mvo always lieen jealous pf tho Bur lington hold on Nebraska and Lincoln busi ness, and -will lo tho very first opportunity tosecwetirlice tff It. In conversation with a leading democrat the other day, I was informed that there Is luit Iltflo prospect of a democratic dally lie ing started hero. Tho importance of luivlng a'licwspajicr for tho propagation of democrat ic, doctrine In Lincoln Is conceded, hut tho MUtalnlng of -such an organ is considered by n good many .as being too much of a drain mion'tho7"ckota of the tKirty, of whom there nro lurflly enough wealthy iiieiuliera to keep ilt moving. Tho Omaha Herald Is being gen- erallyclrculiitod in democratic homes in Lln (oln,.nnd.ns It Is a for abler paper ttran could lw bv nnv means sustnlned here, the general -tfontimout Pi to let it take the place of tho iJviifjcrtff. Tho Observer wishes to heartily commend ithe work of Pi csidcut McBride and Secretary 'Utt uf tho lioard of trade. During' their short term -of ofllce togother, 1 liellovo they havooourol more industries for Lincoln than f 11 any year of its existence. If every mem ber of the Iward would accomplish tho name ninountof work, in two) cam wo would liavo e. 'population of 1(K),()00. M The Cherrier directory company have coui meuoed the woik of compiling the now city directory. McKsrs. Cherrier and tawi-, tho genflinen now in the city, aro oxiierienced men in thin bushier, nnd promlso to give us a morn complete, handsomer and better dl i ectory than we have yet had. The now Uiok will contain at least 15,00(1 names, ami tho magnltnileof tho task is easier imagined than explained. (Cardinal Maxzofami, the. Iliigulst who Is wild to have known a hundred languages, do dure that ho never forgot a word he had onoe learned. This little instance brings to mind tlio subject how to obtain a good vo cabulary. Language to some fow (icoplo is a gift, nnd it is to thoe win are not so gifted whom wo refer. If we cannot find the proper words to express our ideas how are wo to go to work to learn a wordl We could sit down and study Webster's unabridged but still tho oonuection and association with other words would not bo there. It has couin to a -sad pass in this five America tliajt in order to xpreuour feelings wo must usoMnoro or loss fluug. Many jieoplo miy ''What could we do svltJwut the word 'crunk P' Now before Uiesv lind American people put this woul tq it preeiit use wo were sat lulled with the siord fuKsy, jiartlcular or disagreeable in lieu theuKif. In Knglaud, where slung is an nu linoun language, a ierson has no more idea what )ou intend to expns when you say "J should smile," than if you wero talking some dead language. Hut to our subject. We know of no better pluu of developing n good vocabulary than by careful reading. Many young jieoplo too many rend a liook just for the story, tho ex citement. You nsk them how thoy liked the book, nnd thuy s.iy "O, I think It was just horrid, I wantwl hor to marry tho first fel low." Thoy know nothing of the stylo of lan guage that has been used, and frequently do not know who tho author of tho lKok is Tho troublo with umiiy studeuU is tho simple fact that thoy do not know how to study, and some ono has ventured to assort that a person does not Kscs tho Kwor of absorption until after thoy ai o twenty. In speaking of w ords, w hy isn't It just as easy to s.iy "dllllcult" as "haidf" Wolmva heard it said that it N "hind" to learn lawn tennis. Wo didn't know nny thing about tennis was hard except, jM'rhaps, tho ground, tho net certainly is very soft and pliable, nnd should a ball hit jou you would scarcely know it. Whereas, it may ho a "dllllcult" task to learn tennis. No say ''A big collection ot littlo plonts." Would not a "vast collection of smaller plants" lie preferable f If wo would but study our choice of language, making tho best of what wo do know, many persons w ho pass as stupid would make a better impression. Wo do not mean to Bay that tho best writers must uso classical words, mi coiifcmVi', the finest expressions nro given to tho woild in the simplest language. When a writer bo comes labored in his language, put' ejnimjtlr, "He witnessed tlio Swiss Maiden extract the lacteal fluid from tho boviiies'1 it gives us tho impression that ho milked cows all his life. A certain friend attended college in one of our eastern schools, where, tho students were obliged to use n new word in conversation with somo member of tho faculty each day. Why could not this bo Instituted right in our homo clirlol Try each day to add some use ful word to our vocabulary, and In n mouth notice tho result. Mingling with the moio youthful visitors at the Cieto Chautauipia during the past week and noticing the ex tensive uso of slang nnd tho poverty ot col loqulnl language has led to these remaiks. I.. . T. CO. Will get your Sunday Mull from tho Post otllco and deliver at your house, or olllee. Telephone 100. Tho red mark sale logins today. Call nt Aehhy & MilUpaugh's and tee what it means. SPORTING NOTLS, Studding of Clubs In Hip A Kanrlitl loim. l.niKUft mill Following l tlio standing of clubs in tin Nntlonnl U'aguu tip to nnd including Thurs days gnmos: C'lllll Plajed Won Iwt Won 40 37 IB Itt no vt si IVr t't . I .Vrt ' 'w ' .km i ChlcSKO IH'troit New York... Ilostou ..... Philadelphia IndtnitniHiltn .. 01 t( VI ...an . K VI !fl as :n ,W ,M l'lUsbnrjt til Washington ill Following! t'liortMulhig of clubs In tho' Amorlenu association up to nnd Including , ThiinalnvVpnines- at to Thursday's games: Club Itrooklyn Plnved Won 87 87 2.H it 'J I III list 91 il 31 a? m u w IVr ft. .osv Mi .iKir .I.MI ..lit M Ailetio..V.V.V.V.V.V.V ni m. i.nius . Ml cinriniuiti.,., in ! Ilnltlmoru in I.nulvlllo. ('levrlnnil (it .:iii jjjjj Kansas ''lly AS Following is tho standing of clulii In the Western association up to and Including Thursday a games. dull j'la!el Won III S A SI 'J I SI IV 8 I.ol 17 IH Ji wi ri n ivrt't. .iii in IMM .Ml ..vm I Hit .ITU ,:i"iH Ht.l'iml I)es Moines.. Kansas City . Onialin . .. Ml'n-niikeo .. CliknRo .. Minneapolis. Hluiik city.... ...31 ...ll .. i' ...HI ,...W ,...47 ,.. M ...n 1IIAUOM) llUXT. Hurdlck, late of Omaha, Is playing wl ,!iln illanojKilU. St, Paul is holding onto llrst place with a strong grip. Tho Western Association Is said to bo all right financially. Under is showing Sioux City's opiwncnta how to rtoal buses. Shaffer of tho disbanded llinnlnghams, Is twirling for Omahn. Twenty-four hundred jicoplc saw the morn ing gamoat Dcs Moines on tho Fourth. Western association umpires rc-olvo &HX) moro tlui'i memlicrs of the league stall. Sullivan and Khret, two of Inst year's west em longuo pitchers, aio now with Kansas City. The Detroit! are not gaining very fast on CUilcago. Kaeh wins to win and lose on tho samo day.' Sllch, of last year's Denver team, Ims been releascil by Brooklyn and will lluMi the sea son with HulTnlo. Chicago 0, Washington :; that tells the talo of how young Hryimu is holding his ow n in the National league. SleOarr, formerly of the Athletics nnd lat terly with the SL Louis Brow ns, has signed to cover second for Omnha. It Is rather dllllcult to keep tho correct standing of tho vai loin clubs. Nearly every uowsiapcr lias a different one. Local cnthulasU are endeavoring to or ganize a city league, with good prospects of toucoess. Tho Domestics, Mutoona, O'Neills nnd Nationals stand ready to enter, r Tho Chicago Maroons are on their last lega. Lang and Long havo been Mid to Kanms City, and Sam Morton is apparently trying to get in dlit of tho ruin after Vod der Ahe's style. The Domostlcs and Nationals will play at Recreation iark, tho old ball grounds, this afternoon. Oo out and see tho gamo. It will bo very interesting. Only a small ad mission fee will bo charged. Attend the red mark sale at Ashby & Mill spaugh's. A Calf That Ucasoaad. Wa learn that an amusing incident occur red at tbo homo of Mr. S. M. Jones, near Itethcl, last frock. Among the cattlo was a calf that seemed to possess a very great dls liko to being roped at milking time and always made quite a to do when the rope was adjusted. One morning Mrs. Jones went out to attend the milking and upon looking in fho accustomed place for tbo rope failed to And it Whilo tho search for It was going on the calf thought, perhaps, to get moro than his share of tbo milk, but something seemed to interfere with tho imbibing process, and bis peculiar actions attracted attention to him. Whereupon it was discovered that tho calf had iwallowed tho ropo, but failed to muko a complete Job of it, as tho nooso was hanging from ono corner of his month. Tho nooso was laid hold of and a steady pull brought tho ropo to light. Tho calf is suf flccntly amused and doesn't swallow any moro ropos to ovado being tied. Greenville (N. C.) Itcttector. Ixivo's Young Dream, 'Birdie,'' whispered a happy young Chi cago lover, "now that wo are engaged you mustn't call mo Mr. Porcine any more," "Ab, no, darling," responded tho glrl.wlth a algh and a sniggle, "you must always call mo 'Birdie' nud I will always call you Butch.' "-New York Bun. 1'opular with Everybody. "Mr. Bcrapom," said the hostess to an una teur violinist at an evening gathering, "you inV,"t"U:rj " .... modest reply. "How nicer murmured halt the company, "Did you bring your violin with youf "No, 1 did not." "How nlcel" murmured tha half of tho company iu fervent unison. Merchant Trav eler. Lincoln -Oniuliu, A touch will hero after bo attached to II, & M. train No. a (tho flyer) for tho convenience cf Lincoln-Omaha passengers. Local tickets w ill Ikj accepted on this train, A. C, Xkimku, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. vrwr&lf sad yrwrfia iT ritOYHl,lWNY, SARATOGA A TRIP UP THE HUDSON RIVER. llltmtlii llllt'n Willi Went l.liicolnllns III New Vork A Oosslpy l.rltrr In (lenrrnl. lMltorlnl Correspondence. V''','V0 lioniil ntnl ivntl fretpiclitly of tho licautles ot tho charming Hudson, Imvo In- teres! ed ourselves in descriptive articled of .J.1!! tho castles and iwlatlal residence tliAt Huo 'iiiHha river on cither side, and of tho lovely '"';l't oxounlons up this famous stream. W ,nv f , ' 'M .1 Y,l,u n11 t,", pleasure attending such a trip there comet even now n better and more nttrnctlvn tlmo to view tlio Hudson. 'TMtruoa moonlight excursion Is delightful, but of the many who make such a tilpcompiratlvi'ly few see the liest scenery, for sleep overtake tho sight seer when tlio mldulgnt hour Is nigh and re- . poso in tho arms of Morpheus Is moro pious- nut. it was uicreioro aiicr lino cousiiioniiiou thnt I selected tho new day lino stcamboatr to viow nature nnd It lioautlos. Couseipicnl ly on Wednesday last I boarded tho now nnd elegant steamer Allwny nnd liegnii a very pleasant trip up the Hudson by dnyllglit. The InkiU nf this lino carry n lino orchestra, which during tho trip furnish delightful con cert music, rendering new nud iiopulnr airs and much of it being selections from the latest operatic succes'e. Tho l Ido is n mng ulllceut oho, commencing at tl n. m. and reaching Albany at (I o'eloslt for Hiippor; din ner lieiug sumptuously sorveil on boarxl tho ImniL On tho way up wo stop at arIoui K)lnts, t. i West Point, Nowliui gh, Pough kcesIo, Catsklll, Hudson and Ilhtiiebock, tho latter licing tho homo of lovl P. Morton, the ropubllran candllato for tho vice presidency. Mr. Morton's beautiful summer icsldencois to lw seen near tho river and affords n lovely view of tho entire surroundings. Tho house and grounds aro lieautifully located on an eminence, with a largo lawn Inclining to ward tho river's front. When told of his nomination Mr. Morton was at homo and Just previous to tho an ivnl of tho lioat had re ceived many congratulations by telegraph, not only fioni American honorables but frjm onesnbrond na well, including tho messago from the Plumed Knight. Arriving ot Albany we ato a hearty supier and began to seo what could lie Hceu nf New York's festlvo capital. Tho stato houso Is located in tho immediate, business vicinity nnd Is an Imposing structure built on a hill, tho highest portion of tho city. It was during tho ovenlng, whilo standing near the hotel wniting for n friend, that the llrst Llncolnlte I had seen since leaving home, met my gaze, and this was nono less than Mr. A. S. Ray mond. Ho wnsaei-ompnnled by his brother, Itev. Mr. Raymond of Albany. Mr, A. H. sal's Saturday for Euroto. Can't say that I am particularly infatuated with Albany. It Is not by any means a slow town, but Its old eastern ways and the staid customs of tho ooplo remind mo much of Philadelphia. There are two opera housed here, neither ono being as nloo as the cosy Funke in Lincoln. Next day about noon I left for Troy and spept but a'fow hours there," ItTlsbutsovdii miles distant nnd considerably smaller than Al bany, but in general appttaraurcs, forllfeand enterprise, I prefer it to tho capital city. The streets are wider and liettcr paved, they have excellent street railway facilities nnd a very commodious railroad station. Tho stoamer lines on the Hudson aro a great factor in the transportation of goods to and from tho city. Tho principal manufactures of Troy arethoso of shirts, collars and cuffs; this in fact bcii'g the largest market for this kind of goods in America. Tho well known " K. & W.' col lars and cuffs aro tnado here, also tho Crown In and of shirts, cuffs nnd '-ollnrs. Aside from these, numerous other similar and smaller ex tabllshmciits of lesser popularity nre scatter ed about Troy, and it is here also that tho finest laundries of tho land nro located. The Troy laundries aro known tho world over and no other city has tho rcputntiuii-for such excellent work. Tho headepmrters, for Jaun dry machinery is also located iwtv. IjitoJn the afternoon via tho Delaware fc Hudson cunnl company's Saratoga limited, I left Troy to pay a short visit to America's foremost watering place nud summer resort. It w us my llrst tlmo in Saratoga and from tho time of my an ival until I reluctantly do parted I had nothing but n pleasant time. Tho city hns a very refined npiiearance, tho structures aro generally grand nnd ImjiosiiiB, tho principal buildings lieiug tho hotels. These In huge numbers ndorn the piinclal portion of tho city. Tho season which hns just oened promises to lie the Inrgest ever experienced by Santoglaus nnd ' nhvudy Ithousnnds of plea&uto seekers nro on thu I ground, although tho summer festivities will not begin far a week yet. Saratoga dm lug tho olf season (w inter time) has it population of about l!l,000 nud nt the helghth of thu sea son at least 40,000 visitor? from all part of the worm are in tlio city. I lie spi lugs mo our ing out their usual quantity of excellent mill oral waters and thu liottllug establishments aro busily engaged shipping orders to all parts of tlio country. Leaving Saratoga I returned to Troy via rail and at night took tho steamer. City of Troy, for Now York, arriving there next morning. Tho rido from tho Springs to Ti oy h n very inteiestingone. Tho lino winds through u thickly settled and very pretty country, affording a pleasant viow of nature's own work, about which so much hns lieon written. Tho tlmo between Troy and Sam toga is just ono hour and thu train being mado up of jmrlor and day coaches makes tho trip not only comfortable but luxurious ami interesting. Arrived in Now Yoi k Saturday morning and today, Monday, flud myself again in the City of Brotherly Love, where after several days recreation w ill leave with n party for Atlantic City tobathoacain in tho . briny deep and upend n few days at tho re- Lorta near by.' ! After the performance of tho Wild West show in Now York the other day, I had tho pleasure or being In Mr. Cody's comjiany for a short time. He has a ploasaut and neatly furnishod tent on the grounds, for uso while at Krastiua boforo and after tho performau ces, and it Is hero ho receives many of his fi lends. Ho crosses thu ferry every day and is luxuriously quaitered at tho Hoffman House in Now York. Jlr. Cody has had much hard work in tho last few years and says that after his season In Philadelphia, which commences next month, he will take tlmo to recuperate. He is looking as healthy and hearty as ever but the work shows on him. Co ly is n Jolly good fellow nnd e ery- Insly llkea him. Ho ivcelxes them coiillnlly mVl tiiMitn them pleasantly, mid esisnlally when n Nebuiskmi or westerner ln for ml mlttniKvnt his tent or nt tho Hoirninu House, thoy never fall to go away without saying or thinking "that follow Cody Is n clover mail and descries siieeess." In his tent nio seen plctuivs of Mrs. Cody, Ihn family nnd fi lends, among them Mu,r u Wnutlful plioto of Ins neiimipllslusl dnughtcr, Miss Artn, who Is so well mid fnvorihly known In Lincoln And, by tho way, I hnvo been told seeml tlnus hero that tho chnriiilng Miss Cody Is engagisl to an I will iukiii weil n prominent Chlung) rlgagH- """ Jlr, J. J, Imhoff was III ,ow Milk this week. I did not wni lilni but a friend told inu . rrin.i i..i,i ho saw him (lying down Broadway yesterday. Al Hnrgreavos was also hero for a fow days this wo.'k. Met Mr. Ljslo Hopkins on lower Bninlnny the other day, Hi has b.H'ii hern since thu (lm nt Hamilton n few mouths a,fo nnd Is In tho KrloexpicM oflliv as his father's light iKiwer, nud Is doln well, HtopfsI In tosc tho corpulent John L. Ilopklm but his smiling face was no: visible Ilowover, Lyrlo irsirts both Mr nud Mrs. II in excellent health nnd well pleased with theli new homo, but Lyslo says ho never will like any place as welt as Lincoln. The young pinn his cliangisl con, ' slderalily and 1 doubt whelhor his friends v i - I " would nil i.-ognUi! him now 1 it hns taller nnd Is I think somewhat hen stature. Shaking of Buffalo Bill's success nt I'.ras tlna, Jlr. lillnek, th) piswigor agent of the SUten Island rapid transit company said: "Hts business Is oii'irnnui, for by our ticket snloH wo can tell, and on ono day last week wo carried mora luiueiigcrs over than wo over havo before on any onn day." Thu Sta ten Island rapid transit company inn Ixmts from tho Imttcry to St. Ooorge, nud trains from St. (leorgu to F.rastlm, making tho round trip entire for twenty cents. It Is n lovely ride, the nun half by wntei'lfordlng a pleasant vluw nt tho bay and harbor nud tho part by rail Mug nlong tho shore, where tho ocean's cool bnvzn Is always enjoyed. Tho comuiny also has trains to or connecting with other llues for all surrounding resident jioliits on the Island. While talking ton uowly formed ncipialnt nnce at tho Astor house n fow days rg aliout thobenutlcsof the west nnd tho attractions of Lincoln, several iiersouswhohml passed by and casually luanl me sjieak of Lincoln stop- liedtoask: "Do ) on know Jlr. f Howls the climate out there;" and then would wait in Iwrn- ), 1 i.,i w ...! ...i.i.i ,..i,...i.h. i i..,i ....,. .. I . n . l,l.t ll,ll u lllinil 1.IUU...1 IIII-. Wl course I told them nil I know and answered their questions with pleasure. "How long have you lived out west'' "Aro there many Indians there!" "Is it so that thoy lynch u iniu tor lllrtlng." ami dozens of other re mat ks w ere hurled nt mo for ro; seoniod deeply Interisted and we know about the west. They aske large Lincoln was and I told guosti tliafs near enough, though I may Ifave inlswl a fev in my counting. "How largo isuiiiauar was i oxt askeii, and "as near as 1 conld remember" I snl.l "it wns lUO.tNXP nnd that cei tiiiuly does ample Justice to the No lirnska metropiIls. It has become iKipulnr now with western pap,.Ts to have a Now York olll-e where mi eastern agent attends U) ad vei Using from this flco In thu Tribune building under chnrgo of mi cxHjricncod and courteous gentlemen. In woi Id. l,oi- W. Ask Frank Zulinm hummocks. how lie likes sleeping in Will Smith how hu liippmud to Io-mi his ticket. Will Htull if he likes to go licntlug. Jllss I "Which shall It iHif KoinelKsly if they llulsheil Ben llur. A Chautauqua young lady which kind of meat sho likes ln-st nud sis if she doesn't say ham Tho Beatrice gills If they had a gay tlmo regardless of jenlou-. old innlds hi tho next tent. C T B. how he got the bo it on tho Sab lot dm. The brido and giooin. .anything on plimse. But don't ask us If we onjujed our meals at then-stiiuinut at tho assembly grounds. Dakota Hot siini;. These spiiugsuiv in tnni-uuoiM which i-ume together forming one in tho shaim of a Y hu intsllntely west of Batik) mountain In tho southern Black RUN Tho mountain scenery all aliout tho springs N not only grand but Is exceptionally beautiful, whilo tho curative projH'i ties of thu waters surpisi tho) of thu fainous Hot Springs of i kiiiisns. Tho above is n railroad advertisement but itlsns surely one In wlih-h many .mxijiIo us hwilth and pleasure seekei-sshoulil Lo inter. ested, Round trip tickets for IWI..VI. cood for 00 dii)s, iiroonsnloat the Klkliorn olllco at IIS South 10th Street. Now that thuseaMjn for Using Ico has com ineiirtil It U'liooviM consumoni to lw verv careful what thoy use. Jlueh of thu ico now ndays uicil Is liupuro nnd conducivo of Iwd itwults to good health. Thu k-e sild by thu Lincoln Ico company cut from Oak creek is st i icily pure and healthy and will bo deliver til tour.y pm t of tho city Iavo order nt HHO () stix-et or telephono No. 1 1. The ivikii t of thu German nhvslclan on the death of Kmporor Frslcric ceiisuro the Kng llsh doctor, Mackenzie, for his alleged faulty treatment of the case. How over this may bo' no ono has ever accused Hnllet of keeping anything but the liest goods in tho Jewelry llnu. His stock is large, his rooms cool and fresh, nndlf you dent want to buy conio iu and look anyhow. Remember the place, 113 North Eleventh street. The red mark sale begins today. Call at Ashby; Jllllspnugh's and see what it means. ' : V"" "" " "" ' '" "' """'? """ , a .... u i ,. i u.i in nut ., mil It u.i ..li I journal oi mat place. I,J!"..!-nr',,?,.,.l".Ke ' '."J r..T l. . . y::"Swlteilan,l. Wo isim llnden-lladmi, the I . M Wl wns ...,.. t .....,,., . -.,u,o u,u ..... anatMi I1i,.lillir,1inrt,,,f ii mnv.hnt we J'Miia.ieipiiin, having i '"S"''..?. :,.1n:!..rr'::"'..,!.t .rn.r r,r!" 'V.1 HIM ml Mop. l.l limnl of another nnd , li?nnil llw; gone. . .... , ....s ,,.i,pi..mi iLiviosaiiisciiiii ,.., , ,....,.... . Wl. . llllf i1,,,1 ' MUllsH Himself for life tol inortcaKH r he has I iKirtlon of the c.imtry, receives subscriptions, ! "'" ,"",""T1 '"""''K " u,.,..t N- vrt- i..tt..JL -u.... ti. i..t.t i. i we,lt " r''o Industry of this jioople i "- - -'-" -..v,.vit., nuwiivn s-isw mivnv III i, ,.,, ., . . . .!. t. artistic u.igravlngs mid keep tbo ii,ier on 7. """K ni.. fn,- vi.itr. .?.. u.....f . .i.r..' ...,-.. trom tho land or water is done. riiTvfWiittrn'iiiir ..I...I...I-.... v-. v, l. r. ' ow " "i'l as IhmisU of burden. tills llllMllillt? flt.l livt'l ...... Im.iilr.ul rtfll.w f.ir I ! western iiorsand on each f thewln.lowsof I "wlr, , Mirlas." Hero the Danube winds I tho huge ten story building may U Mtn the i"0""1 i1""' '"MB'' '" m-adows WOO ; signs of tho vailous pron.lnont Luimmn of I fcct ''B1' war ImiwiiillijBere. AV o notlctsl a America, nud In fact several from the oil ""'-"" liAKK (WSTANCK. FROM STRASDURQ OVER THE BAVA RIAN ALPS. An IlilrlrstliiK Title nf 'l'rui'l In n I'or 'Irii I.iiihI Ii) ii Clllrrii or Lincoln, Written rurllie I'm mi u. I'dvlng Htrasburg Its gieat cathedral -ttscliK'k, iUipialnt old castles, nnd foitllhsl wnlls-wo Jrtirueyeil by rail all day tlunugh thn passes null gorges of tlio Alsiitliiii inouii talus, They are but Ilia sillies of the hlul Tilbtiiir. HVXI ft i.llllii.l.!. th.! .iiinlnt ll i , ,.?'.,... .,. .... ..... ... ,,.. ,.... "" " "" ii-i.ji " . nie.ji " turcisSwlHS-liutsool.l, hut all neat and In igiuHl lepalr, wo pass hup yards, miuieioiis IniidwclleuUlwitislllelilsofi'riilnnndtobnceo. The suirnr ls-.t on everv snnro Inch of land, ry spare Inch of laud, in to)s of tho highest here, woio Inej nids. nsl to stikes not more I .. . . . - I I Hiit eviT.yuiie.n to tho mllM. onllcd iuoihiImIiik ! Tim tfiniuii niit triifiii' jthan six feet high, and alsiul lour f.it each 1 1,,c",,l,'0. M""? rtjrl,u'K. Salllo Htcrnboift, way, nnd nt n distnucu resemble Holds of ,)nl"y l-IPIn. Beilhn Wlnklestelii, Clara corn. Whon'er tho miiuutains uru not cov , Hhinienthnl, Delia Fleshinnn nnd Lena (Inst, end with lno)iird tho (leimnns plant ( M"rs. Max Riinenaii, 13. Illrsh, N. Wlnklo Hprtici) nnd plno gloves. Sumo of this giimtli Mn " Wnsscrinnii, Ben Hnuers, Homy lis nnliiiiil nud of n loely gns'ii. Thu soil ''",,''. Harry Sllbflnumi, Jiw Kppiteln, AVIIIIo must lie very ilch In all thulthiuu viillov- , this Is accounted for tnrtinlly owing to thv I 'ne'' "'"l 'H' "'""utnlns nra couiK)ssl of Hi no 1 ,0'k m"1 """i two li"xirtaut Ingiisllenis of a fei tllo will, after !iW)0 years of i-ulth atlon - It Is still a gni.len rldi in corn nrtd wlna and sugar. As wo passed on we went through ."'N' j""s. A. Mrslimau. luunerous tunnels and over deopchasms, then rl"' "''' thoevcnliig'H pleasures consist suddenly thu sceno would chaiigu nud there i """'' "insio and dancing nnd tlio wrrlng nf woulil burst Uwn tho sight long vnlloys and ,lnll,,y nlM' appropriate refiithmenls. The pretly vlllngrs, and quaint old churches- 1""l wnK furnished by incmlior or tho Ocr sonietlines the houm were moto iiKsIcrn nnd i '"lllft Quartet, nnd during tho tlmo of n. rcmlndnl )ou of n Now F.ngland village. The aoiublv nlwut tlio bibles in thu dining room, hnr est season hero for grain-wheat, oats ''' m-miI was iiiadn thu recipient of n and hay is in August, ami we raw on oery , bandsomo and weighty gold watch charm, tho sldu tho harvesters, not men, as with us, but K'ftof thu ladles present, on which was in ncnrlynll women and children. The ahlu i aiTllied upon ono sldn, "L. Weisel, Jr., July liodled men nro all in tho nrmy, In ferts, , " ltw,i" while tho nucrsoboro the inscription, castles nnd burrncks-nllgunnlliig the border i '" roiiimnbrnnco of his Indy friends in Phil, from the hated Fi ench. nJelphla." The roof of tlio houses nro of rod slate; a i ' "cssel, in iccelvliig tho gift, spr.ke fowaruthntched-pnlntod of u light drab or fw' 'y 't hU former plensniit associations cream color. The romU nro finely graded ' '" t,,ll y " "' N plcnsure It gave him nud nro white with tho pulvorlrcd llmo i-ock nud the drives inn splendid. At noon wo readied l'eterrell anil Koniugsbimd '""X) feet) Here thu valley spread out ami nu harvesters w ere busy. Tho eon s nro used for benstsot burden, doing nil kinds of farm work. Wn have now- reached the highest poim.ui iiieronu. iiugeii (-.ss; i.ei) wns 'or next stop. Hero wo found an elevated plateau covered with villages, farms nnd fluids of waving grain In tho liny fluids the laborers were still women, ihllilren and old men. Patches of clover were seen. Hciu the road changed to another vallo), "'"'"V" ,vou1n,,, ,tor, ,n lo"K wy .yr ,,'oa,, "?'; "hiul hero some iral ration of 1 o,..,,"" ., 'ff;,. I"' V ,; ' " " . ti"t . ''" "l" ' ' ?. . '" "' s s sisil nss Sriss' i iiii;i t "i rsninm nw srw roi ducks and geesof Thu geso were in large Hock, and t.nde.1 by a herdsman in thu , ' ove' tuummT. V'" wr "" "re,'i " "!'rwl,U ut, nanJi land, and h-ro ii !C1 -i iiere nivi , I , Old came to a cross road whero there was an i ... ..... tfi ... ,.. . iikmiiiiiii-iii iu inu iikiii mm a erueiiix un- ., i .. ...... ,., der a rustic canopy, where the faithful said I .,.,.,. ,. tl... Virgin n..,l n nrnnllW ..... iiirius, i-uiii- inising In all aliout KM) acies, I thirty women nt work nnd only fho men t This Is nliout tho proM)rt(on in (Jermnny An Intelligent (terman olllcer said to (Jen i was not for too work of tho women In tier jnte'iy today tho nation would In) liaukrupt ) with .VW.OOO men taken from productive labor all supportisl by taxing tho remainder, thu I situation, olltlcally, Is not encouraging. At last we reach Alleushtirg, tho last sta tion befoie loelyCoustnuce, the gem ot nil tho lakes. Heie tho sight that suddenly comes III vti.w Vlll'linuu). l.l liiillltf mil'l l.li.i. ..f lot... " -.. ..v.....j ....,,. h ... iftnu i scenery wo have ever seen, The only one equalling Ills L-iko Ooorge, Now Yotk But hero thu shoies are moru beautiful nnd slopo gradually from the distant Alps- all under n , high stato of cultivation Hcsidci over two' thousand years of occupation nud of art, man i has built up a sceno of uiral giaudeur and dotted tho shores of a lake oer thlrt) seen ' miles iu extent, with villages, ancient churches and monasteries, and ciumbliug castles nud princely lesideuces, nil covcicd I over with the moss of agi. The Ithfnu nnd a hundred other mountain streams from the ' BuMirinu nnd Swiss Alps pour their blue ' cr) stul wntois Into this lake, neatly a thous and fwt deep. Tho ruins of fortifications on the hill tops were built In tho thhteeutli nud fourteenth centuries, and some of a much older date. The old and tho now are so near each other tuat )ou can almost read their ages in the dlfferuut styles of architecture tho old Roman lieiug overlaid by tha (lothic, and this in turn giWng way lioforu the Inter I medlmvat styles, ' Here it was that tho famous (ouncll of I Comtanco was held, iu Hit, and lasted four years. Over 400 urchh!shos, piiiu-es nud kings assembled for tho purpose, llrst, of electing ono pow nnd deioslng another, who had assumed unlawful authoi ity j sucouil, for ridding tho church of lienuy ; thlnl, for unit ing tho whole western Roman woild, fourth, tourrest John Hum and Jerome of Prague, whom they Imprisoned for a year and dually burned them at tho stake near this town, Tho hottd iu which wo slept lust night was then n Roman convent, whore tho monks Imprisoned Huss. It has since lieen lontlscatod and Is now a hotel our dlnlutr hull was a art of thu old cloister where the monks met to drink thu Rhine wine which they mado from the nmplo vineyard which thuy cult-hated- now It is n garden where thu unMIevlug (leriuaiisdiiuk their w ine and lieer. Times have wonderfully changed since then. Htrasburg, which was wholly Roman Catholic in thoso days, has at present S'J.OOO Protestants. M.OOO Catholics, 10OO Jews and many uiiMfevers. This is tho place of all others to study eccle siastical history, especially the facts of tho Herman raforniatlon, ...,...,. ,.. .... .- .,.' .... . .. ' V cssi'l. ii xoiimrer In other nf Mr. I.. Umvl. il- TI...I- ..ii 'which uruuiiiu us ui inu nisiu wmers in mo . ,,; ",, ,, . . .; ... ! ,.,'nnJ . il iDnnulie-atDiiiiiibo-Slngere. ho old Dan Jr' Miss Paulino nud Mr. Henry esscl 10 atlXIOUS MJ ,. .. , . , . , . uuio called IUKIII to lni- n rons lilnrnl.l,, tnr. ,1 i,i l.ntv uih, wim lis iiiousiiiius oi years oi nisiory. ., ., ,,',; ', ---: 1 . il Ilie HOW .,,.'.,.. ,, ... .."'.. ill II of looklllL' nftr tlin ineuls' rmnfori an, I tl...,,. iiiiixi I me imuo iBiiuiK! oi lKieiry mm song, imsi . ,, : . .7 . . WELCOMED BY FRIENDS, IMIIni- I.. M'l I, ,lr,, the llerlpleut nf .Mini) riensniil Alteulloiis, from Hie Philadelphia CnlV Ail tinununlly plensniit gnthnrlugof )oung lnople wns that of last ovenlng nt the real iliHiMif Mr, nud Mis (loldsmllli, nt lil'JI l'liinklln strict. Tho occasion win that of tho visit of Mr, L. Wissel, Jr., n iiep'imv of Mr. tlolilsmlthV, nowKimanenlly lojalodnt Lin coln, Nelnnika, ns nlltor nud prnpiletor of mo uiiiiiiKti, n gi owing ami lirlllluiit society fonnerly n ic I lent of omplelid h!si'dii?ntlcii Into thu great west to ef- He issucceist nir nil- inlrnbly, and now occut (es a position of In- illiieni-oniiil tirnllthi tl... i-llvnf hi n,l..il..,. i,i. :..: '' ... ;....: ' . : "" ""'nisiiu'i lonuer nssiK-iaics turned out i "i forcotogreetnndcongintulntohlm. Among ',l' K"csts jinwut worn thu Misses Mnmlo i Ht'w "A'? ,,,,r," Kn,r. Hordlo HIIIhtiiiihi, Km i'1""". iwmio nair, neiiiio muihtiuiiii, Kin- 1 1,m Hlllwriim, i, Paulli o Ilhiiiumlh I, Kinma Myers. Joe Smith, Flora Hllheimaii, Hettlo HoMUihurgli, C irrlu Mendelshoii, Ileiillo lchellmuiu, H. lh-uhlor, JI. Mnnko, Slnik . 'acs, tlura Id Hosenlieig nud Jloses Roser.- .-...,, ..,,,,,,, i.um.i.ruilt Mill. IIIIIKII. V lls'rg niiiipilsed thu gentlemen present ' ,K'rl I n'1'1 "Juf in Hamuli to thesu other gursts went prewnt, innnif wlioni wein Me. nml Mm llliiiinwillinl ......... ""., "? ' Meyer, Mrs, Weuer of Now oik ! lo K'm "'' lomemlierisl, Ho proinlstst to endeavor to still bo worthy to retain that re gard, and hn assured all that they would ever holdn piominent place In his iccollwtlons nndesU-em. After again rciilrlng to thu nkii'Ious par lors, Jllss Sllbcriuau gave a dramatic leclta tlouwllh mi excellence of rendering tliat stauim her as itososnod of unusual abilities-asiiuehK-utlotilst; ufter which dnticliig waa. resumed. Mr. (loldsmlth's household, besides hiii.MC and wife, consists of Jllss Paulino (loldHmlth, Liasur ueulwn Holdsmltli nml Mr. Henry N. resiiects mado uKin them. Jlr. Henry Wctsol Is studying Ijw in ' "nlc" of c- Ht," Patterson, Ksq., and Miss ' Paulino Holdsmltli is an unusually charmlmr m s t . and vivacious hostcs. ,T Wn't Bake IHmaii-Iii other wonls. " Harsa,urlll will not do im wsslbllll . Urtt pr0 ' eUlnl n )Iun, ,,3't t , tnereni uii resiiecis eniiai 10 ine (leinnnus. h I done, submit proofs from sources of umiuts-won-. ,i,.i ,iui.iiiiv ..... i ..b ,... ...i.i.. i. ...... I ". .....w...v., H.i.a m, juu IIMIIkM 1 JUU nro u""rlng from anydlsoaio or affection ,... ,. .,..,,,i i. i. .,... i.i.i .. , state of the system, to try Hocsl's Sarsapa- i P. .......l..,. f .... I m, ... """ "" l"' " UHICI1H. ,,,.,, ,.,. in ..... in , . , assuraui-e that you will not be il vipik) ntisl in .i. r(...it J " Jlr. K. Hnllet, Prof. 0. K. Bailwr and Mr. J. F. Jlorris, with their familses. are iiasslnir t,10 HllllllR.r nt Milford Vamping out. They and bathing lieiug tho principal iimuxiineuts. An Intimate Acquaintance. Bplndel I lent young Overdue a littlo monoy lost night, Jack, Do you know him! Jack Do I know blml 1 wish I bad as manv dollars as I know him. The Epoch. A Wonderful i:Tect. Ho takes n long smell at tho wrong bottle, with this result the next morning Life. T.mi Muili for tha Hub. Customer (to Boston barber) What has become of that Now York man you had last week I Ho was the best barber I ever saw. Boston Barlior Yes, ho was an artist; but ho icrs!stcd In saying "nex gent" for "noxt gentleman," ard I had to let him go. New York Buu. On tlio Ileurti, "I say, Jack, old man," rcmaiked the Yale, sophomore, "deuced pretty girl, that one with you yesterday. Do me the honorl" "Why, of course But seo hero, she's Miss Concord, of Boston goes In heavy for phi losophy and that sort of thing. Rather steep for you, ehP "Oh, no, that's all right. We'll get along. I've got a lot of bully gags on Plato and Aristotle and those old duffers." Life. Fresh lluttrrmllk. (Near tho Ferry Dock.) Dealer Hero's your uico, fresh buttermilk; a great, big. Urge glass only five cents. Customer Is it really freshl "Yes, mum; just milked two hours ago. Had to put ico in it, to cool It," Customer buys. Detroit Free Press, Two Good Thing. Proprietor Havo n good dinner, sirl Quest-Can't say I did; but you have two things on that bill as fluo as anyw hero In tbo United States. Proprietor (flattered) Ah I and thoy are! Ooest The salt and tha Ico water. Time. ' f fcsVnl fStt