Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 07, 1888, Image 8

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    "fT Py'
-jt - r
Our Excellent Flavors
richest In the city;
Peaches and Cream,
Saturday Evening Jul; 7, '88
The Courier Van l round At
Windsor Hotel Now Htiintl,
Capital Hotel News Stand,
Odell's Dining 1111 News Htnml.
Clason A Fletcher's, 1110 O Htrcet.
A. T. Lemlng A Co'., 1100 O Street.
Theflothum NcwiBtam), 1IH Houth 11th St.
Keith llros., Ill Nuith Ulli Htrcet.
Kil. Youiib, 10W O Htreet.
Knton AHmltli, tZMOst.
J. Btrlnlw rg, O t. opp. poiitofllcr.
Drown' Cfe, near Windsor hotel.
Herpolsheimer & Co.,
Grand Bankrupt Sale of
1332 O Street.
All -other
drawn from
Popular Flavors
$2000 POTOTADf.
C n or about June First, we
will serve
jm as heretofore will furnish
our customers with the best
that can be made.
Children and Hoy's
Straw Hats.
Hatter and Furnisher.
Local ntul l'emounl.
I Ladies' & Gents'
At greatly reduced prices
1043 O Street.
Columbia lllcycles unit Tricycle.
8) Q St. R, I). ADDIS. AOT. WO O St.
It has No Equal.
Finest and Rest Made.
Ladles arc Invited to call and sec these
cummer commodities and also Inspect our
mngnmcent stock 01 Crockery, L.amps anil
Art Glassware,
11 and see our stock, Pi tecs low
everything the very latest.
S. C. Elliott.
1314 O street
Examine samples of our work before
ordering elsewhere.
Cabinet Photographs reduced from $4
to $3 per dozen.
Initio next thing to a Savings Dank. Tho only
iltilerenco Is m o gl e you
Real Leather Shoes
Instead of Paper Hole I Shoes, fur tho same
or rs dollar that theolhcrscnargo for hou
dies. Wo nil them on their merit. The
cheapest iiml best pUce In America for Heal
Leather Whccs for tin 101110 amount of money
Keiueinber tho plao s, 101V O street.
Toko Turkish at 1010 O street.
Lincoln Ico company, pure- It c.
Delicious lunches at Ilrown's Cafe'.
Call on Fred Schmidt for Dry Good.
Whltcbreast Coal and LI mo Company.
Oyster, fresh, fat and fine at Drown'.
Hallct, diamond and watches, 113 N ltth.
Sawyer & Mother, llorlsts, Masonic Temple.
Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O st.
Trlckey & Co. .wholesale and retail Jeweler.
L llarr, Jeweler, cstablisho-l 1674, lOldOst.
Don Cameron. 1020 O street, for lunches
Thourand mllo tickets for olo at 115 South
Tenth sticct.
Canon City Coal at tho Whltcbreast Coal
and Llmo Co.
Canon City Coal again at tho Whltobreast
Coal and Llmo Co.
After tho club parties, go 1 Drown' new
oafd for n delicious lunch.
Artificial teeth inserted without plate.
Kern & Roberts, Durr block.
Ladle should call and eo Fred Schmidt'
new drew goals, 017 O street.
Improved shower for Turkish Iwtlu at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Before Insuring look up tho Mutual Life
Insurance Company of Mew York.
Only place in Lincoln that uses mineral
water In baUit Is at 1010 O street. '
Roast Turkey, Doom and all kinds of meats
at Don Cameron's overy day for dinner.
Twenty flvo embroidered chambray suit,
$1.85, Oakley & Co.
For information concerning and rates to
western point apply at 115 8. Tenth street.
Doctor 11. F. Dulloy, ofllco and resldonco
or. of Thirteenth and O streets. Tel. 017.
Tho best flvo and ten cent cigars In tho city
can bo found at 0. D. Chapman's, 1123 O St.
Bedding plants, cut flower, etc, at Sawyer
& Monitor's, Masonic Templo. Telephone 101.
Lawn, zephyr ginghams and whlto cm
broldered flouncing reduced nt Oakley &
Hayden is now making cabinet photographs
for lil.00 n dozen. Thoy aro tho llnest In tho
Call at 112:1 O sticct for choice odors in
perfume and lino toilet soaps. O. U. Chap
man. Ask your iiolgldiors how thoy like their
Alaska refrigerators. There aro moro of
them In use in this city than all others. Sold
by S. G.EllloU.
Tako your lunches at Brown's restaurant,
In Windsor block, North Eleventh street.
Servico unequalled.
Scribnersmagazlnoaud tho Couiueii' will
bo sent to any address onejyeor for 1.25. Let
us hear from you.
Tho Mutual Llfo Insurance Co. of New
York. W. D. Hastings, District Manager,
room 53, Burr block.
Brown's restaurant, In Windsor Block,
North Eleventh street, is tho neatest and nolc
blest resort In tho city.
Drop in and see our elegant lino of corres
pondence papers, wedding statloncry,engrav
cd calling canls, ball programs, menus, etc.
Ofllco, 1200 O street, Bun- block.
Tho many remarkablo euros Hood's Barm
parllla accomplixhes aro Buftlciout proof that
It does jtosess peculiar curative powers.
Smoke TnnslU's Club House and Roquet
brands of cigars, Hupert & Cummlugs, 1120
O street, solo agents. Finest 5 and 10 cent
cigars In tho market.
Beautify your lawns by using tho celebrated
Pennsylvania lawn mower, mado in two sizes
to cut cither long or short grass. Large line.
Zehrung & Hor.kles solo agents, 1217 O street.
Hupeit it Cummlugs, still continues to
handle the old rcllablo Monarch brand canned
fruits and vegetables. Also all the fresh fruits
and vegetables to bo had In market, 1120 O
street. Telephone 20.
What gasoline stovo dull wo buy I Tho
Quick Meal, of courw. It has been sold hern
oer since gasollno stovos wcro made, and
Uicro am more Quick Meals in uso today than
all otlter gasollno stoves made.
Bemuaiits of dress goods, remnants of silks,
remnants of velvets, remnants of sateens,
remnants of ginghams, remnants of white
goods, remnants of embroi lories; in fact
remnants in overy department nt less than
half price. Sale to begin Monday morning
at 8 o'clock. Ashby & Mlllspaugh.
Wo aro Indebted to Cen antes for tho prov
erb: ''Tiioro Is but Htllo in woman's advice,
yoj he c'lat won't take it Is not ovcrwU."
Romentber this when your wlfo advises you
to tako Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
euro your cold. It is always dangerous ti
neglect a cold. Sold by AV. .1. Turner.
It is rather hot to iIIscumi mnltors of busi
ness nt thU season of tho year, but as there
nranuiny pooploulio aro in search of bar
gains, tho CouniBU dooms It necessary that
all enlightenment possible MioiiM bo given
them. Tho reputation of Hallett'sas a store
wherugood goods can bo obtained for fair
pi Ices has nover been better sustained. His
rooms aro tho coolest in tho city, and his
stock of jewelrynf all Miidi, silverware, etc.,
one of tho largest and II no it in the state
lUppllr Married.
Tho many friends of Mr. Oliver Maggard
will Ins pleasml to hear that on Sunday last
ho took unto himself a wlfo in the poison of
Mis Adtlla Cox, of St Paid, Minn , but for
merly of this city.
Tho happy young couplo will return today,
and tako up their residence In ft cozy llttlo
homo already prepared on North Tsnth
street. The Co I) III It H extends Its congratula
tions to Mr. and Mr. Maggard, and welcomes
tho bride to our midst.
luteal unit I'rssnnal.
Klng'Steear's, fine boots and shoes, 1010 O st.
Perfection wire buMle at Herpolsheimer &
llnj remnants next week of Ashby & Mill
Mr. Elmer E. llenklo spent Sunday In
Capt-n. O. Phillips Isoff.oii a rfp through I
tho state, .
Mr. 0. 4. Bobbin left Saturday on an
Iowa trip.
Forty Inch fast bluck satteen at Herohhel
mer & Co,
Herpolsheimer K Co, bankrupt salo still
Miss Bertlo Hyers is visiting friends at
Mrs. 1). L Pockham returned home this
week from tho oast.
Shcrirf Mellck took his vacation at Crete a
part of tho week.
Mr. and Mr. Ed II. Hydo spout Independ
ence day at McCook.
Spring wraps and Jacket at reduced fig
ure at Oakley & Co.
Mr. Ocoigo W. Fawell visited relatives In
Greenwood this week.
Fine Henrietta finished sateen reducer to 12
cents at Oakley oS Co.
Iocol matter is 11 llttlo scarce this week.
Every body celebrated.
Mrs. D. It. Mlllbrldge Is visiting at herold
homo In Davenport, la.
Tho man who can keep cool in this weather
Is deserving of a medal.
Mr. Aloxls Halter paid Kansas City a
business visit this week.
HerjsilHhcliner and Co. are headquarters
for best lilting silk mitt.
Hon. Allort Watklns delivered tho oration
at tho Val-wtralso celebration.
Five hundred yards crinkled seersucker, 5
cents per yard at Oakley & Co.
Pattern suits 20 reduced to 10 Monday,
July 0th. Ashby & Mlllipsugh.
In jerseys Hcrpolsheiinor & Co. make a
specialty In fluo lilting garment.
Ex-Oovornor David llutler was n familiar,
flguraon our streets yesterday,
Mr. C. B. Allen of tho stato treasurer's of
fice, sM.ut tho Fourth In Omaha.
For extra fluo tablo linens call at tho bank
rupt sale of Herpolsheimer & Co.
Mr. Henry Atkins has gono ,to England to
spend tho summer in his old haunts.
The best French Satteens Her-oUheImor
& Co. havo reduced to 22 cenU a yard.
Pror. E. O. Bchwogorl and wlfo loftThurs
day for Tacoma, Washington territory.
Pattern suits at M cents on tho dollar and
loss next week at Ashby & Mlllspaugh.
Two young men were stunned by lightning
at Garfield park on tho evening of the 4th.
John M. and Oorham F. Betts were among
tho Lincoln visitors to Omaha Wednesday.
Judge Knelling was the "young man elo
quent" at Raymond on tho glorious Fourth.
Tho Catholics of tho city are preparing for
a grand fair and bazaar to be held in Octo
ber, Buttons and trimmings for less than onoa
half price at Herpolsheimer & Co's. bankrupt
Pattern suits 115.00 reduced to 7.00. Sale
begins Monday July 0th. Ashby & Mill-
Mrs. T. O. Hawes of Omaha has been tho
guoxt tho past week of Mr. and Mrs. K. K.
Moxdamcs Weber and Baker and Mr. E. II,
Eddy took part In tho concert nt Crete lust
Embroidered liangellno cloths and brocade
linen chambrays for 15 cents per yard at Oak
ley & Co.
Mr. Will McArthur Is m Memphis, Mo.,
looking up old acquaintances and a rojl
place to rest,
Hon. T. M. Cooley and wlfo stopped over
In tho city 011 Monday on their way to tho
Crete Chautauqua.
Mr. Geo. N. Foresman, tho Elkhorn repre
sentative, mingled with tho gay throng at
Omaha Wednesday.
Mr. A. II Mendeuhallot tho .oiinicif, re
turned Saturday night from an outing in tho
Black Hills country.
Messrs Harry SchaiTer and A. A. Lnseh
weru overcome by tho heat at Crete on tiio
4th, but have recovered.
The Uniformed Bank K. of P. and Patri
aichs Militant, I, O. O. F. visited Creto In
full utufoi in Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Giegg and daughter
accomNinicd tho McMurtry party on their
summer's trip to tho Rockies.
Twenty-six-inch silk umbrella, gold tipped,
f 1.75 and f 2. Twenty-four Inch sun umbiclla,
plain tip, 1.60rnt Oakley & Co.
Rev. L. L. Llpo, for several years jwistor
of tho Lutheran church in this city, has taken
charge of a church at West Point.
Miss Frltia Barnard loft Thursday for
Lako Mlnnetonka where sho will s-cnd tho
summer with relatives and friends.
Mr. F. W. Walker, for some years' right
hand lwer for Mr. J. A. Keith, has return
ei to his old homo In Cleveland, Ohio.
Herpolsheimer & Co. havo combined their
stocks of lace flounciugs and aro closing at
half and loss than half of former pi Ice.
Mr. J. A. Biickstalf had an exciting runa
way Monday evening. Ho escaped with but
a slight bruising, and a broken buggy.
For all kind of society stationery, such as
Invitations, programs, cards, menus etc. call
at the Couuikii ofllco in tho now Burr block,
Mr. Everett II. Eddy, a member of the
class of '87, U. of N., who has tieen attending
tho Chicago Nodical collego, Is enjoying his
summer vacation at his home in this city,
Mr. W. B. Huirmau left Thursday for
New York, where as a delegate from Lincoln
Lodge No. SO, ho will attend th o annual meet
ing of tho grand lodge of Elks to bo held on
Tuesday and Wedncuday of next week. Be
fore returning ho w 111 pay a visit to tho sca
shoro and take a look at llfo in tho
famous resorts of tho cast,
A purtv consisting of Mr. and Mrs, J. D.
Parish, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Orr, Miss Alice
Orr, MissLutio PailshMiss Molilo Wade,
Mls' lu Simmons, and Mesirs. 11. W.
Orr, V. C. Hay-den, alter Hammond, J. L
The Fourth In Lincoln.
There was little to Indicate that Wfltlnu-.
., . .! ti.w4t. ,. III.. tww,li....T
ll WH HIU ruuilll, imi-w mu iiviamwiK"
bursting of llrecracker. Iirge delegations
wore sent to Crete, Omaha, Beatrice, WaV'
crly, Orcenwod, Cerci,o, Davoy, Hickman
and surrounding towns. Custuuan park
was visited by olxmt 2,000 -teoplo, while large
numbers (Missed the afternoon at Garfleld
larks. It was apparently Lincoln's day out,
and was taken advantage of,
Mr. J. C. Seacrcst, for nearly a year con
nected with the city department of tho .our
unf, ha taken charge of tho circulation of the
I-adlrs wishing to get a flue silk warp or all
wool bla:k dress can And a nice assortment
at much let than real value at Herolsheliner
The remnant salo Monday morning at Ash
bv&.MIllspaugh'H will 'be a grand time to
Wo have a few combination suits which we
proxxo to close at a great discount. If you
want a bargain see them. Ashby & Mill-s-mugh.
Mr. Harry Hauua, city agent of the Mis
souri Paciflc, left Sunday on a months' trip
to Oregon, California and Washington ter
ritory. Mr. N. '.. Suell and wife left Sunday for
Kan Francisco. Thny will ieiid several
months Inhaling the glorious climate of Cal
ifornia. Mr. W. M. Hicks, formerly n Lincoln resi
dent, but now traveling for tho National
Mluoral Water company of Salt take, Is in
the city.
Messrs. Cassell and Mooro of the Sterling
I'i tts, made us a brief call Tuesday. They
aro members of tho Sterling band which 'was
curoiito to Crete.
HcrpoNhcimcr & Co. bought tho Hornoflus
stock at less than llfty cents on tho dollar and
can alTonl to givo their many friends and 1 Nit
rons a grand bencflt.
Prof. A. II. Edgreu nnd family left this
week for the east. The professor wll' be In
attendance nt tho National Chautauqua as
sembly and teach his usual class.
Tho German Catholics of the city will
shortly begin tho erection of a church at Six
teenth ami J streets. Father Roth has lteen
called to tako charge of tho parish.
Mr. John Dow den has returned home, hav
ing cancelled his engagement with tho Las
chellcr, Wertr Dios. & Co. show. He reports
tho show as having a Inml timo of It.
Mr. J. II. McMurtry and family and Miss
Minnie Latta left Thursday for tho moun
tains of Colorado, wjicpo thoy.projKwOi catch
ing all tho stray breezes of the summer.
Mr. W. R Derrick, tho retiring cashier of
LomtMtrd'tf, was presented with a beautiful
gold-headed cano yesterday by tho L. I. Co.
boys on his severance from the institution.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L Sheldon and Mr. and
Mrs. D. D. Mulr left Monday afternoon for
New York, sailing today for Europe. They
oxpect to return homo by September 12th.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Hayden will leave the
first of next week, Intending to spend tho
summer in tho lako region of Northern Iowa.
They will probably bo absent until Soj tern
bcr. Mr. Klrby Hammond, accompanied by his
wife, arrived In tho city Monday. Mrs. 11.
will remain for several weeks. Klrby Is look
ing w ell and reports banking business at Law
rence as booming.
Mr. Harry Heffelflnger, who for 'nearly
thrco years past been been with Chapman,
tho druggist leaves today for Omaha to tako a
position in Hughes' drug store, Sixteenth and
Webster streets.
D. Pitcher left Thursday for Os
wego, N. Y., on a visit to his patents. Ho
will be absent about two months, and wilt
accompany homo Mrs. Pitcher, who has been
enjoying an extended visit there.
Govenor Thayer and staff, consisting of
Adjutant General Cole, Colonel Hotchklss,
Captain Palmer, Surgeon Genet al Stone,
Colonel Correll and Mnjor Watson, left in a
secial cur Sunday for Cincinnati.
Mr. J. D. Calhoun was presented wUh a
gold-headed cano Saturday celling on haver
ing his connection with tho ofllco, by tho
boys. Mr. Cotton made tho presentation
sK-eclt, Mr. Calhoun feelingly responding.
If you will tako tho trouble to Iuvctl;ato
tho subject for yourself, you will find St.
Patrick's Pills to bo tho most perfect cathar
tic and liver pills in use. Thoy not only
physic but cleanse tho entire system and reg
ulato tho liver and bowels. Sold by W. J.
With Sash Curtains to match. The Nobbiest Line of Curtains of all kinds In both.
American and Foreign Textures.
In the Latest Novelties of Wood and Metal. Prices Rock Bottom.
A. t. Da,vi & Son,..
Hot Weather Goods
Silk Sun Umbrellas from $1.50 to $12.50.
Embroidered" Swiss, Escurial, Chnntilla nnd Guipur Flounc-
ings. Also Laces, Albntros, Challics, Gingham, French
Sateen, Indian Linen and Pique at Low Prices.
1031 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB.
P. S. Our Fancy Department contains nil the latest Novelties at low prices.
Weather Goods
Double Store Under Opera House.
Tho II. & M. will sell tickets Juno 28 to
July 10, limited for return to July 12, to
those desiring to visit tho Nebraska Chautau
qua assembly at Ci etc. Trains will leave Lin
coln nt 0 a. in., 1:110 p. in., 2 p. in., 6:45 p. m
and 10:15 p. m. Returning, leavu Creto at
Q'AO a. m., T u. m., 12:53 p. in., 2:25 p. m., and
10 p. m. Round trip tickets, Including admis
sion to tho grounds, only 85 cents. Camp
eipiippago proicrly wicked nnd tagged will be
forwarded In baggage cars free of charge.
A. C. Zeimku,
City Pass, anil Ticket Agent.
Legal Not Ire
David A. Smith.
Maooii: Smith,
In tho
District Coutt
Lancaster County,
Ha e Jutt received a large and elegant lino of Gold and Silver headed
Fine Silk
Of tho latest designs. Also their now invoice of
Undcmcnr, Soft nnd SHU Hats, etc.'
GotoEdCerf&Co., for your Gent's Furnishings and AVOID
Flowers Bedding Plants
Large Variety at Low Prices.
- Cut Flowers and Designs a Specialty.
Nebraska Floral Company,
12; North 12th Street. Telephone 6S2.
Smock and C. W. Sholes spent tho Fouith
vo,y pleasantly ut tho home of Mr. Edmund
lialtluiu, soutn or tiio city.
Mr. Putrick Egan returned Wednes lay f i om
tho cast, where ho has been soudlug tho
lust montli. While r.lteent, besides repi esont-
ing Nebraska In tho Chicago comontloii, ho
attended tho Irish National League con veil
tlon at Cloveluud and ulso visited Now York.
Ho reports u delightful trip, but is not much
. ..I., ..t .-
I impressed wu:i imuigu ciamis as a summer
To Maggie Smith, turn-resident, defendant:
You nro hereby uotillcd thaton the lith day
of July, 1888, David A, Suiltb Hied u etitiou
against you In tho District court of Lancaster
county, "Nebraskn, tho object and prayer of
which is to obtain a divorce from you on the
grounds of adultery uliliout the consent or
concurrence of the plulntllf.
You nro required to answer said Htitlon on
or before Monday tho i:ith dav of August,
18S8. David A. Smitu.
Dy A. E. HowAim, his Attorney,
I.. 1). T. CO.
Delivers trunks to any rt of tho city or to
any depot for 25 cents each. Claim checks
given. Telephone 100,
Furnished room for tent, one block from
UnUeroity. Reasonable rato. Call utC27
North Eleveuth street.
Of liiltivr.t to All.
Tho Union Pacific Railway. "The Over
land Route" Hao Just iMied very complete
and comprehensive pamphlets on Coloindo,
Utah, Idaho, Oregon, nnd Washington Terri
tory, descriptive of tho ngricultmal, stock
lading and mineral resources, the climate,
and health resorts of thosostntos and ten itoi ies
compiled fjom tho latest repot ts of 1887. Send
to J. S. Tebbetts G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
for one.
115 Honth Tenth Ml rot.
For tickets to Dakota, Minnesota, Montana,
Oregon, Wnshiugtoii territory or California
oluts, cull nt tho nbovo place.
Lively sale of ladlei muslin underwear.
Draw ciu and chctnho ut 25 cent i. Skirts and
night dresses at 15 cents.
Oakley & Co.
Holbrook& Bonbright
Wall Paper & Window Shades,
H.i.'sial Attention given to Designing, which wo do free.
234 So. Eleventh. St.
Samples and 8ieclllcatlons without Clinrgo,
& IO.JO $
ViiLxii-ittjAtj6i tftjl
ttjvj vS-rT-rM
f '
Not cut fiom the Filthy Salt Cicck hut from the Clear and I'ure'Watcisof
Delhcicd to all parts of the city at reasonable prices,
;utia tost.iw, A!sni;il.vyA..-i)i, ,,. u A"i.Mfeu.,i
.k JH. XMdiuUAL1 JA Jk.4.
j & .
Ha-Mki,i teinti V-,, J1-...J... J.M.-ri.A ttf , ,