T. WILLIAMS' CIGAR. IT BREEDS THOUOLE AT THE THOMPSON STREET POKER CLUB. Nee Utile Allotted Wlilrli Will Improve tho Moral Mini Plimiirlnl Coiullllon of tlie Member Itcimtlee Wlilili Attnn lilict tlio Mvntlui;. A brief but lurid meeting of tho Thomson iBtroct I'oker club win liclil lint Saturday evonlng, tho Rev Thankful Smith presiding In vlow of tho facts Hint tho Janitor hnd thoughtfully gnniUhocd tho chit in n gunr antoo of gooil fnlth In ivgnnl to tho Imt kero sono bill. Mint no light m furnNlicit tho club other than I ho flicker of tho olcctrle Inmpovor tho wny, nml Mint tho nvnllnhlo securities and cnth of tho wvornl numbers were temnornrllv tied tin III tho luaiHj of ball In JclTcrwon Mnrket, l'rofoor Ilrick moved that tho regular cxcrclics bo omlttcl ond thnt tho club go Into executive session in n camtnlttcoof thu whole. Mr. Cynnldo Whllltes seconded tho motion. In addition to tbo drnwbncks nlrcndy men tioned by his houombla collcngno, ho hnd Mm honor to lufonn tho club that ho had Just sorted tho only vcl of card found on tho premises and hail found tlnco Jacks, two nccs, two kings nud ono queen to bo missing, which nbntees would seriously malm tho chances of 0eulng a Juckot. Mr. Tootcr Willlaun moved to nmend tho motion. Ho hnd secured at auction tho pro vious ovcnlnp,n set of poker dice, nud In lieu of tho regular gumo it would bo pleasant and perhaps prolltnblo to Tho go vol fell. "Do motion nm cynrrled wlfoutdo mend wont," 6ald tho Rov Thankful Smith, " 'n Mlitah Toot Wlllyums nm outer ordah." "Kin I ipoho Jess n mlnnlti ' inquired mat gentleman "Yo' kin spoke Jcsi fo' sccons," retorted tho Rev Chairman, "'ndcy won't bo no dlcln' not chuckln' on do premesses to-night, Dat's settled, 'n now ef you'll trow dot punk outcn do wjtulah, 'u" - "Data n tnoimy cent clgynhl" nngrlly re torted Mr William. "lluy one fcr twonny cents 'n yo' gits do roster do box for n prlzol" queried tho Hov. Mr. Smith, sweetly "Yo" smokes dat brnu' on do bummyputh prlnsplo, Tootf "How how's dnt hummypnthr' scornfully inquired Mr Willlums, with rapidly rising wrath. "Bmlllycr smlllybuster," quoted tho learned cbalrranii, on which buret of classic erudition Professor Brick smiled vigorous approval. "Wha whad yo' mean by ilatf demanded Mr. Williams, hotly "Whad yo' mean by sayln' smlllyum snillllcus tcr mol Dnt'a an insulk, n" "Dat do clgynh, Toot," sweetly explained tbollev. Mr Smltli. "Doclgyahnm smlllyer smlllybus on do bummyimth prinsplo dnt ono stlnkab fcyores onnudder, 'n" Hero tho reverend chnlrmnii paused, locked his thumbs, leaned back nnd regarded .Mr. Williams with n sunny smile, Mr. Williams drow himself up to his full height, slow ly drow on ono yellow glove, adjusted tho cigar firmly In tho left coiner of his mouth, blow n denso cloud of smoko Into tho peaceful conn tcnanco of Elder Jublleo Anderson, who snt bcsldo lilm nnd who hnd taken no part what ever In tho hostilities, filliped tho hot nshos on tho kinks of Mr Otis Johnson, bestowed upon tho chairman u look of mingled defiance nnd ferocity, and, assuming his hat with grent hauteur, quitted the room. There wns a dark silence of several min utes, broken only by the rusplug rcsplrntlcn of tho elder, who wns Just recovering from tbo asphyxia conferred upon him, anil by tho smothered yell of Mr. Johusau when ho dls covered that his hair wus afire. Then tho Rov. Mr Smith snldt "Do Thoms'n Street P kah club 'II 'Journ stnny dyer Ef dar was mo' light; er if Iircr Whiffles kud go outcn borry a taller cundlo, wo'd set ynr 'n rnzzlo wlf our feclln's sonio mo', bud It's wnstln' timo ynr in de dark. At do nox' mectin' wo'll tako up do constitution n comb sonio obde kinks outcn do rules. Dor's something wrong, 'n It's been gittin' wronger all do timo." Hero tho rovcrcud gontleman drow out a sheet of paper and waved It ominously. "1 hev writ out sonio now rules for do club, wlch do kemmitteo on ways 'n mcans'll parso on, n I'll read 'em." Rule One. A flab dls dato no membah 'II lnterjooco no cussln'cr unclocr pardncrin do game, ccptln' ho puts up slxty-fo' dollalis wlf tho bank tcr pervldo ngln loss, Rulo Two. No membah Ml bo allowed ter como ter do club rooms befo' do gamo 'n put fly specks on do kyards. Rule Tree. No checks Ml bo cashed by do bankir, 'u bean pokab am at do risk of do niombahs wen Toot's In do gnmo. Rul6 Fo. No membah kin fo'co no othah membah tir 'cept his 10U, 'ceptln' ho put up do clattcrIL Rulo Five, No raisin' do llmmick, 'n no opcnln' Jackers wlf a bustcn strako cr fllsk'll bo allowed. Rulo Six. Rnzzers 'n gnsplpo clubs must lx checked In do coat room, 'it do mombah wat rlugs In a shootah In do reg'lar gamo Ml bo 'spended treo niouU. Rulo Sov. No membah Ml pass kyards undab do tablo tcr no othah membah, 'u no cross HIT, er playln' from a bug, er waksln wlf six kyards, cr fllllu' lltsks from do dls kyards, er deal In' from do bottom, cr niun kyln' wlf do deal, er borvyln' chips wlfout do ownah's consent, er be In shy six dollalis In do pot, er rlngin' In green goods In de jackcr will lo allowed In do reg'lar gamo. Thci-o were several bursts of approval dur ing tho rending of this paper, which grati fied tho reverend chairman nnd augured a favorable report by the committee. Tho club then adjourned. Now York World. Ilo Wunted Due. " A small boy was following and nagging a big boy on Columbia street the other day when the ble bov baited and saldt "Bay, boy, If you f oiler me any further I'll black your eyol" "Will you!" "Youbetr "Real black r "Awful blackl" ivtais. "Then I'll roller. If I got a tlacVeydl won't havo to go t school for a vock" De troit Free Pvcsu. Couldn't Startle Mm. City noWApnpcrs linvo nioro trouble In (mining country correspondent not to semi In trivial news Minn In urging themtoMiid 1 1 mom Minn they do. Onoof tho ncntu ! r of Mils tow n, however, hns r. correspond out whom nothing stnrtloH. Tho nmnnging editor tell the following about him. There i.'inonrlngnt tho telenhono which tho rd for nnawered. It was t lie correspondent out nt UumpUlle. "Hello! U Mint tho offlcor' "Yen" "Will, mj', Joiim U ileml. Clood-by." "Holdonl Who wns Jonc! Wlmtdldhe dlo off "Killcil lilnnolf. Clood-by.'' "Hold ons hold on. What did ho kill lilnv iclf forP "Murdered his wife nnd thrco children. Good-by." Illllll-Dctrolt Kroo Trcsn. f.n i:xil mint Ion. Mr. 8. I wouder why those pcoplo oppo site utaro over hero m inuclif Mr. 8. I supposo thoy nro trying tollnd out why you btnru over there. Life. Tho l.tnio Kiln Cluli. "If Hi-udder Hocratei Shellbnrk nr' In do hall dls onvonlu' ho will plenso stop dls wny," said Brother CJardiicr as tho meeting was called to order uf ter tho rules laid down by CtiMilug. Socrates had Just settled himself down In tho southeast corner to brng to Pickles Smith about tho sire of thocnibuucloou his neck, and bo slowly responded to the invitation. "Brudder Shellbnik,"snld tho president, "I ur' pained to obscrvo n persistent dlspo shun on your part to tncklo do big words In do English language. I war' In do rear end of Johnson's grocory Saturday night when you cum' Into do front, pint nnd said you wanted linlf a peck of esculents, two pounds of sacchariiio solid, nud a paekngo of tho dry extract of corn. Artor Mirco hours' flggerln' I cum to do conclusion dat you intaut 'latere, sugar nn' co'n Btarch." "Yes, sab." "You ar' in do dally habit of win' slch words as 'port-pleuble,' 'mnstlgopherous,' legatary' and 'paleogrnphlst,' nro you not!" "Yo, Bali." "II'iul Ycsl You couldn't walk Into a butcher shop nn' nsk for a soup bono In plain English, could you You'd feel compelled to put it "Sub boo slgno vlnces,1 1 reckon." ''Zactly, Nib." "Y-o-sl Well, Brudilcr Shellbnrk, I'zo sorry ynr J'incd to dls club. Wo nr' a plain, iiuprotonsliU3 pcoplo. When wo want to say ono boss wogiu wo donn' spend thrco hours lookln' for tho woitl Iwirouche. I'm nfeared you can't tnko comfort with i-ucb people. You lelong to sonio Shakcsjicaro club, whar, when a chap wants n chaw of plug terbneker ho turns on you and: 'Ego spem prctlo non cmo.' Did you wish to resign, Bruddcr Shell- bark!' "No, sah. I w tsli to stay right yero." "An speak plain English!" "Yes, snh." 'An' let till do big words bo tied up in a bag on' sunk in do rllwrf "Yes, 8nh." "Dnt's curus, but wo'll gin you n trinl fnrn month. If you cum out uxporlmentla docot stultos, ull right, but if you supus pilum mutnt, non mentcm, and obllgo us to omiic solcm fortl patrin, wo slmll certainly qui tacit consontit. You kin now'sot down." Urother Shellhark returned to his corner nnd snt down with n Jnr which loosened thirteen yards of plaster, nnd when Pickles Smltli nskod him to hoc saxum posult, ho grew so faint that ho had tobracohlsbackto tho walL Detroit Ereo Pros Important. Wo Invito such of our northern contempo raries ns aro dissatisfied with tho complex ' Ions of their girls to como out to Kentucky, whero tho ro. .s of our sweethearts' check! aro perennial bloomers, nlways warranted to wash, and, paradoxical as it may sound, whllo their tints cauuot bo extracted, nlbolt they somohow rush over him whoso lips como lu contact with them as though thoy woro a wholo summer rainbow twining about him and making a May polo of his spinal column a rainbow, in sooth, ono end of which rests In tho gai lens of Ilespcrides and tho other in a Jug of sugar houso molasses. Louis ville Courier-Journal. Tlio New First Header. "Is tho boy In tho fleldl1 "Yos, ho is In tho flold." "What is tho boy doing in tbo lleldr "Stealing cucumbers." "Docs tho man see hi ml" "Ho does." "But why doei ho chucklo and grin instend of driving tho boy outl" "Hist! Ho is tho man who keeps tho drug store on tbo corner I" Dotroit Free Press. lie Lllcoit Cold Iloiut Dcef. Yoang Housekeeper (to butcher) Havo you roast beef I Butcher Yes, ina'nm. "Do you keep It on lcof ' "Oh, yes, ma'am." "Then you mnysond mo somo. My hus band told 1110 onlv this inornlnrr thnt tin I i-ery fond of cold roast beef." Texas Sift togs. Logical. Twvo fellows stoppod beforo tho window of n hat storo and vlowed with admiration a Vt having a llttlo mirror at tho lwttom. "Why do thoy put n looking glass at tho bottom of tho hatr1 askod ono. "So tho man who buys it can see whothcr it flta him," replied tho other.-St. Louis Humorist. What Canio rirst. Anxious Father You aro of ago now, nnd I want to glvo you a little pointed advlco as to how to keep tnonoy. You Matter of Fact Bon But wouldn't it bo proper first to udvUo mo bow to get HI llai'ier'a llazar. Tlio Old Order Chansrth." "By tho by, I wish you would get mo n card for tho Duchess of Beaumorriss' donco." "I'll try. But you'll have to get a cost umo from her, or a bonnet, or something, as she only asks her customers I" London lunch. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. T1iM Hie lre Buys rtl Men Wliom Nw piipcr Itemlar ll Often tlcnd About. Roliert Uarrctt Is In IMrK In better health than ho has enjoyed foT years. Mr tllndxtouo says lir will never sit for an other iwrtwlu Judgo Kelley, "Mm fnther of tho hotrw." wns n Jeweler iwforo lin tunied his nttcutlon to KlltlL"1. Vlctorlcn Bnnlou's chlrogrnphy Is more indecipherable Mint the Into ilornco Urtv ley's. II Rider llnggnrd, In splloof his succom nun novel writer, considers tho practice of Inw his chief occupation. The Into Chlof Juttlco Wnlto had four mes sengers during his fifteen years on tho su premo bench. Tin eo of them wont mad. I'nrUlnnsnre talking of erecting n monu ment to Jnquea Dnvlel, tho lint oi-ullit to prnctlco excision of cataracts, Ilo defcrllictl his inclliod In I7.'A Mr Ruskln Is figuring In n now direction. Tho most populnr drink In London nt present Is milk nud soda wntor linlf nnd halt. Tho grent nrtcrltlo Is tho Inventor of this bover nge. It Is denied that tho emperor of Oermnny is Impatiently longing for death. Tho story nbout his having asked tho chaplain to pray fcr his rcloiiso wns the product of somebody's Imagination. (leu. lw Wnllnro Is passionately fond of tho gentlo sport which Iznnk Walton mndn lininoitnL Ho was cspeclnlly nctlvo In the recent fly casting tournnmeut of tho Ihher men of tho stnto of Indiana. Paul Dfogrnngrs, of I'hllndelphln, has col looted 1,000,000 eniiceled xwtago slnmpK. Ilo tins put them up In imcknges of '0,)00 stnmps each, tho imcknges weighing over five pounds each. It hns taken him six years to matin this iimiIcsi collectloiu Itinscll Sngo Is tho director of thrco bntilts, and It Is very seldom that ho ever misses a meeting For ench meeting that ho nltends ho receives f 10. Mr Sngo. It la snld, cnlcu Intes thnt tho money ho earns ns n bank director will pay tils butcher and vegetable bilk A few ycai-s ago Roliert A. McCarthy held tho position of murine rcortor on a Detroit uowspr.pcr at a modernto salary. In n spnro moment ho conceived tho Idea of n cash rnll wny for umj In stores, scoured a patent on It. and has slnca madon fortuno from tilslnvcn tloiu Sir Edward Dallies Is snld to be tho oldou nctlvo Journnllst In Eurape, Hu Is S3 years old, nnd his iper Is Tho lyeds Mercury Ho begnn his career ns n Journalist three years after the bnttlo of Waterloo, but wns present ns n reporter for Tho Morcury at tho battle of Pctcrloo In lSI'J, nnd has been con tlmiously lu nowspnper llfo over tlnco. Sarasntc, tho grent violinist, Is making his annual vNIt to London. Un his drat appear nnco n few oveuings ngo tho hull wns densely crowded, and grent cnthuslnsm prcvnllod Snmtato's thick hair, It Is said, Is getting tinged with gray ho looks thinner and n little worn nbout tho fnco, but tho lire In hl eyo Is uudlmmcd, nnd his hand has lost non of Its marvelous cunning. Senator Voorhecs recently visited the pen sion olllco, Washington, and was astonished to rccognizo In a man hauling a truck filled with documents nn cx-Judgo onco prominent in Indiana. Stopping him tho senator ox claimed: "Thunder und lightnlngl A Judge In Indiana a horso In Washington I" The next dny tho "horso" wns promoted to a place mora befitting his former dignity. Senator Quay, of Pennsylvniiln, bos been very quiet since ho entered the seiinto chain bcr, but In u sub rosa wny ho hns nccom pllshod n triumph of statesmanship. Ilo hai Obtained tho photographs and autographs ot his sevcnty-flvu senatorial colleagues. It took u good deal of diplomacy to do this, ns cor tnln senators nucr give their pictures tonny one. How Mr Quay nbtnl-vd somo of the photogtaphs Ij a mystery When ho first enmo forward, under Mr Butt's pntronnge, as cnndlduto'for parlln ment, Mr. Pnrncll wns warmly recommended to tho public by tho parish priest of Avon dale, who wrotoi "Mr I'nmell, though n young man, has much talent nud much prac tical ucqualntunco with country llfo. Though ho Is tho youngest lu his bench of magistrate, his opinion is much respected, and when ho Is not sitting dllllcult rases aro frequently put oil" until ho can nttotuL" Dr. Prince, of Wales, a vcncrnblo Arch Druid, S3 years old, a notable (Iguro among his countrymen, has madu all arrangements for tho disposition of his body when the vital spark shall havo Hod. Ho wants tho body burned, and has written out 12.) sound rea sons why cremation Is deslrabla Ho has chosen n spot whero It Is to bo burned, an historical Druldlcal pile, and has specified tho fuel to bo used In tho paper containing these Instructions tho voucrablo man goes on to denounce vaccination and thu wearing of stockings, and concludes with n protest against matrimony, wbl"a ho thinks is de grading to women. The Alta California tells that not long ngo some tourists from tho ease culled to u man who was digging In Joaquin Miller's garden, near Fruit Valo, and desired to bo shown over Mia place. Tbo man dropped his pick and very patiently showed the garrulous party tho crematory, tho water works, tho wolf den, and ull thoy desired to seo. But thoy expressed dreadful disappointment at not having found thu poet at homo. "Now, look hero, old follow," tuld tho leader of tho party, as they were going, to tho man, who was nbout to resume his pick, "what -ort of a looking man Is Joaquin Miller, an) howl" "Well, ho looks like me," was tho qulto an swer. "LIkoyoul l,ooks Uko youl" "Yos; 1 am Joaquin Miller." An L'DRruver anil III I'lctuie. "Theioismoro valuo In lliesa engravings than people think." said a dealer iu he fondled over a collection of prints of Sin donnas and other heavenly beings. "Copies of somo such engravings are worth $1,(100 each, and can scarcely bo found even at that price. Thero Is Muller's 'Slstlno Uudomui,' for Instance, Ho was a German artist, and put his wholo soul Into a reproduction of that Madonna for a wealthy put ion. When ho had dono, his work was tho most dolicnto, faithful and sympathetic pieco of engraving that was over produced. He struck olf a few copies, and then his patron decided that It wus too dolicato, that tho lines must bo deep ened a little. Mullcr carrlod out the order, and died soon afterwards of a broken heart.'' The dealer seemed to share tho grief of the unfortunuto Muller, and dm ho finished the llttlo tale his voice fell In a manner that sug gostod that bis own heart had never been wholly well since thoso linos were deepened. It Is a pity to havo to add that the cold and un romautla oucyclopaxlla records that Johaun Friedrlcb Wllhelm Muller died In lSlu of overwork, but it U set down that tils woudor ful Slstlno Madonna was his life work, and that ho died soon nfter completing It, so the dealer's ktory muy be true after alL Now York Sun. Seals nro ravaging tlmsalmon In Fonobseot buy, und fishermen In turn are ravaging the seals. Thus far ten of tho lattor have been killed. rtntlnnntlty of Tarter Ttrnployrs. A recent nnuoimcomcnt as to tho national ity of the emplous of n cotton munufactur lu'g minpnny Illustrates Mm chniigu which bait lakeii place lu the diameter of mill oper ative In this country Muco manufacturing was lu IU Infancy. In thoso days factory employes lu such plan ns Manchester, !w ell, Lawrence nnd Worcester woro recruited mostly from fnimllc In Mm country ttiwin. Ho far from tho lot of a mill o erntlvo being looknl down Ukhi, It wns then considered honorable, and for u immW of yenrt natlvn American girls undo up Mm great body of Mm working form lu the mnmifnctorles (Irndunlly tho foreign clement win Intrn duwd, nnd ns thexo peotiln could llvo cheaper and eonvquoiitly work for less wages, tho natlvo American, in tho courso uf n few yearn, wero Hourly nil displaced by foreign ers. Tim French Cnnndlam now form u Inrgo proportion of tho employes In tho mills of Now England, though Micro am ulso many Scotch, English, Irish, French, (lermaii, nud mio Itnllnn operatives. Of the Armory company's 800 employes, one-third nro French Canadians nnd tho ro.it nro of various nation alities, only eight, or ouo-tonth of tlio wholo, Itelng native American. What Is true of this comimuy U aUo nubntaiitlnlly trim of nil tlio grent manufacturing companies lu New England. Nor Is It nen-ssnry to go to Mm cities to see tho change Mint several decades havo wrought lu tho character nt tho factory population It miiybosccu lu tho smaller towns ns well, The Piuitnu stock of Now England, which bin boon thu subject of no much pride among tho native residents, Is fust yielding to tho Hood of Immigration from Europe nud Cuiindn. Now York Sun. Tim Don Win Not ('ununited. A curious medical expciluu-nt wus mndont Portland Me., during tho session of tho Btute Medical association. It wns designed to II lustrato a lecture by Dr. H. II. Weeks on tho subject of "lVuetrntlng Wounds of tho Ab domen." A Inrgo coach cog, utter being etherized, win shot by ono of tho Union, who displayed much gionter nccuiiioy of nlin than tho nverngo policeman shows In his pistol pracl loo on nibld ouulues. Tho wonp on wns ro leveled Mint thu ball Minuld plcrco tho IntostliiiM. After Mm wound had been lulltctod, nud uhilotho utilunl was uncon scious of the hUh honor douo him, it quantity of cnrbonlo neld ga wns Injected Into tho syd tern. Tho point of iutorcol win to nscerlnln what would becoinoot the gin. If tho Intestines had been perforated tho theory was (hut tho ens would cionio from tho wound. If Micro wns no esciqio by thnt outlet tho presumption would Ik) that the Intestines had not been perforated. As Is usual lu Mich enf-e-i tho operation wns pronounced "u perfect suu ccs," nlthough thu hcntlmcntH of tho dog nro not reported, it is well u know ot tuo ro milt of tlilsoxor!uiout, ulnco nny ono who has reason to supposo that I1I1 nbtlomlnnl do main hns lioen rudely liivudcil by n knlfo or ball can ncttlo tho question for himself with out Incurring tho expense of tho services of a doctor. Brooklyn Eagle. Tho MIkIiI f Ilellliemtluu. "What thou doext.Mint do with nil thy might," Hut not with tho might ot auger, liasto or Impatience. Not the "might" that grabs tlio door knob nud tries to wrench it on If tho door doesn't oen rendlly. Not tho might thnt is always breathless, In n hurry, "rushing things" and trying to do n dozen things lu a minute. That Is not "might" nt all. It Is a wnstcful expenditure of might of your force, your vitality, to storo tip which you hnvo slept nnd enten. Tho "might" Mint accomplishes tho great est and most prolltnblo result is tho might ot coolness and deliberation; the mlglitthntwtll do und think of but ono thing nt atlma; tho might Mint will not allow Itself to lie occu pied by other things, thoughts or ollorta until Mint ono thing Is done; tho might that, having forty things to do, immediately ftopi nud thinks, sits down nud dots nothing for n. timo but tUluk .T let the thought como of What Is Ibo best thiug to do to bring nlwut tho most prolltnblo result. l'rontlco Mulford lu New York Star. BucerMliilly Transplanting an llje. It is said Mint tho operation of transplant ing n clear piece ot n rabbit's cornea Into tho blind eyo of n patient, performed ton dnya ngo nt tho Presbyterian Eyo and Ear Charity hospital, ot Baltimore, has proved a succct. At tho end of n week tho bandages wero re moved nud the oyo exposed to tho light, Tho pieco of tin rabbit's cornea win completely united to tho human eye nud hnd grown to tho edge of thu holo mndo In tho blind oyo opposite tho pupil. Tho clear graft had bo como cloudy In tho process of uniting to tho human eyo. Alrendy, however, it has begun to clear up, nnd tho man U beginning to en joy the prlvllego of seeing. This he has not dono for three years, when his eyes woro de stroyed by lime. The operation of trans planting in tho left eyo wns so satisfactory that two days since Dr. Chisolm made n simi lar operation on tho right eo Philadelphia Times. l'u t nro Commercial 1'rogrets. Incomparably tho most magnificent nnd beneficent scheme of commercial nud econo mlo progress now on foot Is tho llusslnn Bchoino of connecting Europo with tho l'ncltlo and with tho Indian ocean by trans-aslatlo railroads. This must ultimate In tbo opening of nit central Asia to mora humanizing influ ences, as well as Immensely advantaging in tercontinental trade. Associato with this project tho opening of Africa, by means ot free states, nrtlHoial seas nnd European col onics, and thu uulon of tho Atlantic with tho l'ncltlo by means of a canal, and wo havo enough to immortnllzo the close of tho Nine teenth century. But then what shall the dawn of tho Twentieth century be) Doubt less social advances, and inventions in tho 1 calms of solar physics, and electricity vast enough to shadow all Mint goes before. Ulobo-Dcmocrat. Tlio famous Kudlcolt IYnr Irre. Tho world famous Eudlcott pear troo, planted by Governor John Eudlcott on the undent orchard farm nt Dauvem New Mills In llKM) or 1C3J, is dead. Tradition has it that lftJO was tho dato when the eiiernhh) treo was planted, but there is also ovldeucu that Governor Eudlcott did not break up th ground for Ills orchard until 1031. Thero is 110 doubt, however, of the great antiquity of tho pear troo and thnt it was from ') to 200 years old w hen Its last vital spark went out. The treo stood on tho north hank of tho river, about half way between the Mills and tho railroad track. It had but ono rival an ancient peir treo at Truro, on the sands of Cape Cod, planted prior to Kill. Boston Journal. Gnthnm's Moonlight I'lrulr. Tho moonlight picnics aro announced, as usual, by poktcru on nil tho blank walls. They nro to bo tho rage this year, It seems. Every bargu and steamer in tho moonlight plcule biuluess Is engaged for weeks ahead, regardless of tho moon nud thu almanacs. The moonlight picnic is 11 near approach to pagou license. A promiscuous crowd of roughs nr.d toughs of both u?r.v buy tickets and fill tho Inrgo und tho ktc.tuier. Then follows n night of revelry mid riot. Tho moonlight plcnlu ought to be wiped out of oxiitcuiv, Now York Freomau'i Journal. LEAI BALL-PROGRAMS;, AND INVITATIONS ' A With Illumination designs appropriate for thu occasion,. Printed in finest style of the art at ' ' COURIER : OFFICE. ALSO K . x ), LEAP YEAR RECEPTION CARDS, GRAND BANKRUPT SALE ! THE BEE HIVE STOCK Is now on sale' for what it will brin. It eomprises one of the FINEST LINES OF DRY GOODS ever brought to the city, and must he closed out at once. 5000 PAIRS of SHOES For Ladies, Gents and Misses. Call in and see for yourself. The goods must be sold, so come and get them. JBREX I-I1VR.95 and 917 o St. The Season Has opened and we have just Goods and a -at j Bvk Bv I llswi!S'vS555ifSSmH 9HtWi Grey Horse Harness Emporium, 1020 O Street. Garfield Addition On Seventeenth street ear line of Lincoln Street Railway, lots front'ng on GARFIELD PARK. ow on sale. Inquire Wesscl & Dobbirjs, &rt "Printers,. New Burr Block. Wedding Invitations, Engraved Calling Cards, Box Station ery, Fine Printing of all Kinds. Give Us ei YEAR for Driving received a line line of Turf great variety of Whips, Saddles, FANCY DUSTERS LAP ROBES -AN'D Ladies ; Fine : Saddles, thu- at Room 3.J Riehards Block. Cor. L2th and O Sts. Trieil Order.