Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 07, 1888, Image 6

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    ipilfBH IPSM "" ' "iwwwwtr pyiwy "t1 n "sm.- nHftij)iEi -
gwwnwtfBNW'1 '" - f'f-V,7,V i f ' ""j"
irivyi -v- - P"W'''Sf J1"1 tu'j yTgT "" - - jfr--?
rTf. '
Dealer In
Drugs and Medicines
Books, Stationery, etc.
137 S. Eleventh st.
Help Wanted!
Wanted nt once n responsible party
good address to represent
Hy HON. 1110S. 15. HILL, author of
Hill's Manual o( Social nml Hunt.
nes Forms. In
An excellent opportunity to secure n good
position nml make money. Sales onn lie
tundcon the Iustnlluicnl plan when desir
ed. Address (or terms mid particular,
103 Stnto St., CHICAGO, ILL.
IIuIUIIiir completed or In courw of erection
f com April 1, lHHrt;
lluslm-sa. block. 0 K niilgomery, Mill nml N.
ilo do I.WimimRslcy, llthnenrN.
llrtniirant ((Metis) 0 K MouiKonirry, N near
ltcsldrncc, J J linholT, J mid ISth.
do .1 1) Mnurarland. Q nml I llli.
tlo John ZehnuiK, timid llth.
do Albert Wntkiii. I let mil nml imli
do Win M liroiiaid, K 1st Hlh nml lOtli.
do K It (lullirle, STIli nndN.
do J K Itcwl, M II, V Ix-t Ifllli nml I'lh
do I. (I M ltaldwln. 0 Ix't 1Mb mid lHtli.
RAiiltnrlnin building nt Mllford, NVI),
Kirs i llnptlst church, I llli nml K street,
ortunry elivtal mi I reujlvln, tomb nt yulcn
ODlco . - Room !K1 nml 31
Rloliards "Bloolc
flnmtrohe nml Its Treatment Pnmitblna
lltcry Ono Should Lcam by Heart.
Tho usual symptomi indicating mi ntlnck
of sunstroke nrn dcMCrlbod as n full heavy
feeling In tho licnd, dlsslnc, ringing In tlio
mrs, deranged vision, fnlntncss nml dWIoult
breathing; but sometimes tlio patient fnlls
unconscious without nny of theso symptom
liclng present and without tho slightest warn
ing. In sovwro cases death nmy etisuo In n
fow Immii-k. Thoso who recover do so slowly
nml eotitlnim to lw greatly prostrated for
oiiio tlmo nftor, dizziness nml fulnluoss com.
lug on nftcr tho slightest mental effort,
w hllo tho full, distressed feeling In tho head
continues for tuoiilliH nftcrwnnl.
Hunstroko is liest nvohlcd hy Immediately
censing nil mental nml physical effort ns
soon ns tlio lltiit symptoms of pros'
trntlon nm felt, nml. nlxjvo nil, ly
avoiding (ho drinking uf leo water when
overheated. Tho hood should 1k pro
tooted by n sunshade, nml euro should lio
taken to keen tho dlgestlvo' organs healthy
liy using Unlit food. When tlio nttnek occur
tho imtlont should 1k rvinovi'd to n cool place
nml plnail In n lvcuiiioeut iiosltloui eold
water or Iro Ikirn should ho applied to tho
hend, niut iiiuslurd ite, eiilcmii or other
slImulantN to tho extiemltlcrt mid over tho
stomach. Hni Inborn should Ik) held to tho
itono, nml nit soon mi tho xitlent can swnllow,
nu ounco of Imimly, with ten dmin of en
roneo of kIiirit, should Ito swallowed. When
ImproveniPiit IhrIiii tho imtlont must ho
kept ns ipilet as Klhto nml nil orposurnto
tho heat avoided for tho hahitieo of tho sum
How to .Miihn nil Iro I'oiilltro.
Tho following way of making tho leo
poultltv, thntUnowilunhlo lu fovein, In ml
vised liy Technics1 1 Hpivnil n layer of linseed
meal ihrvo-fourths of an Inch deep on ncloth
of proper slro, and iut pUvenof leo tlioslro
of n imirblo on the imnl nt Inteivah of nu
Inch; tlu1)! sprlnklo lightly with tho meal;
cover w It li n cloth, nml turn over Iho edges;
apply tho thick surfneo to tho skin. Tho
meal protects tho skin nud exclude thonlr
from tho lee, Hum preventing melting.
Now nml llrnutlfnl N'rrdlrwork Thst 1i
imim Atlrnllnii.
Whlto nml gold nro Jint now tho favorlto
inlxtiuesln fancy work, hut dainty nrtlelen
nindo of such delicately tinted nintcrlals n
whlto satin and tlusol rctpilro not only tho
cleanest hut ilryest of hands for their work
ing, hut nu ntinoihem frco from smoko mid
In short, they nre only fit for "high days
anil holidays, " A tcacloth of whito satin, or
lamented solely with ndellcnto tracery of
flno Japaneso tliiM'l and edged with shoit
gold frlngo, Is Indeed pleasing; n hllo n very
popular design nt tho present day consists
simply of n series of very conventional
"suns" with outstanding rays, which arc
dotted or powdeied nppnrently nt random
over tho Riirfneo of tho material. Tiny gold
tassels, sown along tho hem nn huh npait,
form n lighter nud prettier ornamentation
than does n gold fringe. For smaller artl
eles, such ns handkerchiefs or glovo sachet,
Molting hooks, etc., designs of spiders' wchs,
dcllcnto grasses, sprays of trailing Ivy,
mosscH or heather, aro far prettier than li
tho "sun" pattern, nml n good design once
chosen Is not mora dldlcult to woi k.
Embroidery In whlto on auceiu founda
tion looks hamlaomo If tho design nftcr it is
worked bo outlined with red Ingrain cotton,
BomooCtlio thicker knots nml smaller solid
poi (Ions of the pattern Mug put In with th?
A beautiful toilet set, consisting of brush,
comb nnd night drcs sachets, may lio wot ked
on brown hollaml, n lino quality U-Ing
chosen. Tho design Is traced In n scries of
doublo lines, tho material between which Is
llllcil In with white (lax thread workeil in n
series of close herring bono stitches, which
form n sort of nctwoilc between tho lines. Tlio
design Is traced out on each side of this net
work of Turkish st Itches with n lino of Hue
tinsel, which Is caught down nt quarter Inch
Intervals by n stitch of lino whlto llax thread.
Whlto Inco mixed with tinsel serves well nt
n finish to thc-c cam.
Monarch of the Dailies I
Omaha Bee!
Delivered to any part of the
city for 20 cents a week, every
clay in the year Leave sub
scriptions nt Lincoln bureau,
I027 P street.
('.iron 11 Nutrition Arllilr.
Asnn intleloof diet cocoa has been com
)nrcd to milk. It contains n largo quantity
of fat and other nutritive properties', which
render it very nourishing, nnd therefore use
ful In debilitated states of tho system, nml
for healthy men whllo undergoing great
muscular exertion.
Itelli'f from Kur Ai-lte.
A slinplo method which, It is claimed, will
give Instant relief to car ncho Isns follows:
L'ut llvo ilrops of chloroform on n llttlo cot
ton or wool iutliobonl of n clay pipe, then
blow tho vapor through tho stem out into tho
A Dmlruble Traveling Cushion.
A traveling cuOilon Is ono of thoso appli
ances for comfort which tho cxerlcnced
tourist will not neglect. An especially do
sirablo model is furnished by tho lmmlsomo
nml serviceable cushion shown in tho cut.
J! ,
'h j4I-IP0Qb
Tho llrlglit nud Tretty l'lunlo That May
Conclude the Kiileiim Chill eh Wedding.
Among blight nud pleiiMnit variations to
tho solemn pompof u cliurcli wedding, social
cthpictto of New York heartily approves of,
though it does not prescribe, the straw Ing of
flowers lu the path of n young couple ns they
go nway from tho nltnr. Llttlo girls cos
tumed in white, with luiskets of blossoms,
rlso up liko unsuspected fairies whllo tho
clergyman is congratulating tho bride, nnd
slowly drop roses down tho nlslo to tho car
riage. Sometimes garlands of Howcra that
havo been bidden somewhere arc suddenly
seen stretched ncross tho nlslo at brief Inter
vals by little maidens who stand on tho seats
nt tho end of tliopon, nml lift their pretty
nnns high in nlr to swing their roses over tho
pathway of tho bridal party.
Bomctlinex, Instead of garlands, thoy toss
rot leaves In crimson, gold and white, from
tho samo high positions, nil over tho out
going procession. Jinny other device, fan
ciful nml charming, may bo added to the
brief brightness of tho moment.
This cushion h filled with older don n, tho
rim nud center being covered with bronzo
plush which has been embroidered with n
floral design in sniu, of which Fig. SMioxvs
tho constituent flowers, carried out In red,
lilac and olive silk.
AtcbUon, Leavenworth, St.Joscpli,Knnas
City, St. Louis nnd nil points South,
East nnd West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, l'arsons,
Wichita, Hutchinson nnd all principal
points In Kansas.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and
Free Ukchninq Ciiaik Cars an nil
City Tkt Agent, Gen'l Agent.
Cor. O and s -tit Sts.
Owns nnd operate 5X00 miles or thoroughly
quipped rood In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa,
Missouri, Minnesota nnd Dakota.
It Is the Host Direct Uonto botwo-sn nil the
Principal Tolnts In the Northwest, Boulhwwl
and fur West.
For maps, tlmo tallies, rotes of passago nud
irclsht, etc., apply to nearest station agent ol
Chicago, Milwaukkk A. Mr. 1'aui. Hail
way, or to any Ilallroad Agent unywhero la
the world.
General MWr. Oon'l Pass. AT'kt Agt.
uAhU Qoii'I Mgr. AssU O. V, A T. Agt,
Miiwuuuee, v ucoutin.
'lii Wiito I'relty Note."
Ituled iwiwr Is never used for note or cor
TOponileiicv. It Is considered Inelegant nnd
Squara enrds nro employed for giving 01
answering Invitations, nnd tho tqunro envel
ope, iletl w Ith wnx, of coin-so ncconuvmlvj
Abmvvlnt Ions nro nhnost entirely avoided
In ceremonious notes, ns they savor of hnste,
ami nro hardly resneetful.
With n fortunalo fow "to write n pretty
noto" seems to bosomonlintof nglft, whllo
others find It n hnrd task. Tho latter w 111 Ixs
helped by approaching tho duty lu n bhslness
liko manner.
First try to nrrango your Ideas nnd know
exnetly what meaning you want to convey;
then conccntrnto the mind upon expressing
your thoughts Intelligibly, briefly and grace
When Women Aro Host Dressed.
Women nro snld to bo best dressed w hen It
Is most dirtleult to deerlbowlmt thoy wenr,
nnd v gown which has created a sensation nt
a recent ball may not nssert Its singular
grnco of arrangement In description. Tho
bodlcaund skirt were entirely whlto moire,
iho skirt vtldo nud full, drned with soft fnll
Ing crepo do Chine, blended nml w)f tenod by
tullo nnd bunches of May blooms, nil cnught
up with bows of tonder green rlblwn. A
mnrrlixl woman, who Is celebrnted for her
toilettes, npjiearod lu n gown of tho richest
falllo nouvclle, which nhnost stands by itself.
Thogown has elbow sleoyw, nnd n pointed
bodice, tho skirt was vo!ld with Chantllly
lace, which Incnseil tho bustuiul ras caiTletl
down tho Kick of tho bodlco, meeting tho
bracca on tho skirt. As tho wearer advanced
you noticed that tho front of tho gown wa
north ml with o heavy garnlturo of tullo, on
which tholaco rested. It so exnetly suited
Its owner that every lino In It seemed to orlg
luato In somo tmlt of flgrtre, nnd to develop
some latent grace.
Dcllclons lee Creams.
Among nil delicious leo creams none ex
ceed In delicacy that prepared with candied
fruit. Candlod nprlcoU, clicrrlorf nud pine
apple, cut flno and soaked in sherry wlno,
give, when added to plain cream, a flavor
Tho best -that r" l- served with loo
cream is spongo cako, being neither too rich
nor pronounced In uavor.
To many tastes, plain cream, sweetened,
flavored nud froien, Is ho finest ico cream,
as It Is tho slrilest. Many eggs and much
corn starch glvo n custard which, frozen, Is
Yery Inferior to the pure cream.
7 flielm'
no. 2-KVinnoiocnv op tiiavklino ccshion
Tho part of tho cushion Iwtwcen thorltu
and center Ismadoof brown silk, nml tho
Warns nro coveixnl with silk cord, which nlto
forms tho handles.
Salmon F-nndwIclit'S.
Totted meats, rolled tonguo or ham cut
very thin nnd In small pieces, with n very
llttlo touch of mustard, make excellent sand
wiches. Tinned salmon sandwiches, if prop
erly made, ulnnys meet with great approval,
and havo tho charm of novelty. Proeuro a
good brand of tho salmon, drniu off tho
liquor, turn tho contents of tho tin Into n
mortar, add n small lump of butter, n llttlo
lcpicr nud salt. Pound It well nud spread
it over tho buttered bread.
Former Ilinperors of Germany A Haps
tttirg 1111 tlio Austrlnn Throne.
Rudolph of Hamburg, born Mny 1, 1218,
was tho founder of tlio houso of llapshurg.
For MX) years his descendants weio eniMrors
of (lermony nnd mm of them Is now eniieror
of Austria. Itudolph was chosen emKror In
n tlmo of gl eat lawlessness, nutbecntiso ho
wns n great lord, but lieeauso hownsnu ti
tlght nnd brnvo man. It Isielatcdof hlui
that once, when ho was hunting In tho moun
tain, he found n pi lest, who was carrying tho
sacrament to n dying person, stopped by n
swollen throok, Itudolph dismounted and
mailo tho pi lest llilo his horso ncross tho
brook nnd to his destination. When tho
pi lest sent tho horse back Itudolph would not
tnko It, saying that tho horso that had carried
hlsliord was too good for hlmtotldo nny
Tlio Story nf llorntlun.
Tho cities of Homo nnd Albn lielng nt war
It was agreed that tho thrro Itoman brothers,
Ilorntll, nud tho threo Albnn brothers, Curl
ntll, should decldo tho quarrel by n combat
In sight of tho twonrmles. Two of tho Ilo
rntll wcio soon slain nnd tho threo Curl
ntll wounded. Tho last ono of tho Ilorntll
pretended to fly nml tho threo Curlntll fol
lowed ns enrh wns nble. Wlien Ilorntlus
saw that thoy wero pursuing apart from each
other ho turned upon them nud slow them
ono hy one. I loin tins marched back to
Rome at tho hend of tho army, nud w hen his
sister, who wns tho bct.'othcd of ono of tlio
Curlntll, saw tho lntter's cloak iqion her
brother's shoulder sho wept nt his death.
Horatio, in linger, draw his sword nud
stabbed her to tho heai t, saying: "Ho perish
tho Homaii maiden who shall weep for her
country's enemy!" For this ho was con
demned to death, b'-t was afterward par
doned on account of tho Kcrvlco ho had ten
dered to Home.
Tho Right Author.
Tho poem called "There Is No Death" was
written by J. L. McCrenry, of Washington.
D. C, fonneily of thoodltorJolstnlT of Tho
Duhuquo Times. Ono 15. lluliucr stole the
jioeni outright nud published It In Tlio Farm
cm' Advocato, Chicago. In copying It somo
pntior, naturally supjioslng tho "in" to bo n
tyogiophlcal crror,ncci-edlted it to Ilulwcr,
nnd so It has gono around tho world, Tho
Horjiers, nt tho request of tho nuthor, wroto
to"Oncn Mcivditir' concerning tlio nuthor
ship of tho poem. Ho responded thnt It was
not among his father's works, published or
uupublMicd, nud tho Harpers prouiised to
glvo credit to tho nuthor lu nny subsequent
edition of their scries of "Uendem" in which
it was oi ighutlly accredited to Ilulwcr. Tho
original poem contains sixteen vemrs.
A 1'lllhustvrliig llxpcdltlon.
flcn. Lojiez, with 1JXI men, sailed from New
Oi leans for Cuba ou'board tho steamer Pam
pero, Aug. S, 1S.M. Tiioforco consisted chiefly
of Americans, but embraced foi (y-nlno Cu
bans in its ranks, with so vera I German nnd
Hungarian olllccrs. Among tho latter wat
Gen. Prngay, ono of tho heroes of tho Hun
garian revolution, ami ho was second in com
mand to LoH.-z on this occasion. Tho party
landed at Carinas, nt midnight, between tho
Uth nnd l!!tu of August. Crittenden, Kerr
and eighty men Ikvoiiio separated from tho
main body nnd attempted to leavo tho island
lu launches, but were captured by a Kpaulsh
man of wnr. Thoywiro taken to Ilnvani
and shot nt tho cnstlo of Atains, on tho
morning of Aug. 1 1. Lojiez was garroted
tho 1st of September following.
i Voter's IYiicc.
According to tradition, Peter pence, or
Peter's jience, wero first presented to tho ikijhj
or bishop of Homo by Inn, king of tho Wct
Baxous, nbout tho year 1?J.A. D. It was
tho lesultof n collection taken nt thomnss
on St. Peter's day, Aug. 1, nnd wns devoted
to tho establishment of a Saxon col lego at
Rome. It wns then mado a tax of ono penny
on each family posseted of thirty pence,
yearly rent lu land. Iu England It lasted
down to lf.'H, when Henry VIII ulwllshed it.
Tlio term Is now applied to any genei nl vol
untary contribution in lichnlf of tho pope.
Iu lfcOO ho received 62,000,000.
MiiMin and Dixon's Line.
".Mason nnd Dixon's lino" derived Its nnmo
from tho surveyor, Charles .Mason and Jere
miah Dixoo. Tho "lino" wnsiXX) miles long
and marked tho boundary between Peun
sylvnnln nud Maryland nud VIrglnln. It was
maikcd by xtono iiots at Intervals of ono
fitrult or llhcr?
East river is tho geographical namo by
which tho strait dividing Long Island and
Manhattan Island is known. Tlieio is no
doubt but It is a strait, but for nil tho pur
jwses of commerce, Htemturo nud geography
It is tho East ri or.
Finest : Production
Almond fipoiiRo Cake.
Tako one-half iwund of loaf sugar, rub tho
rind of n lemon on to somo of it, then thor
oughly cnnli It all. Tnko llvo eggs, separata
tho whites from tho yolks, nnd bent tho lat
ter for soldo minutes; shako in tho sugar
gradually nud bent well together; stir iu six
ounces of flour, with twenty drops of essence
otiihuonds; lieat tho whites of tho eggs ton
froth. and ndd them; half llli a well oiled tin,
amtluiko In n quick oven for nbout an hour.
Illiubiirb Jam.
Rhubarb Jam furnishes nn ngreenblo
cbango from tho ordinary stowed rhubarb.
An English cook gives tho following reciio
for It: Peel nnd cut up tho rhubarb, lioil till
reduced to npulp with very llttlo water;
nilow ono pound of sugar, ono ounco of sweet
almonds, blanched nnd chopicd, nnd half n
lemon, cut in slices, to every pouud of pulp;
boll for three-quarters of nu hour or nu hour,
remove tho lemon peel ami put into pots.
MF'Kor Information lu reference to Tnd
wsi Towns owned by the Chicago, Mllwau
et A Ht, Paul Hallway Company,wrlto to II.
O. HADaAM,Ind Commissioner, Mllwaukc
Klectlon of President.
Tho person having tho greatest number of
Totes for president is duly olocted, If such
number bo a majority of tho wholo number
of electors appointed. It no person has such
majority, then, from tho persons having tho
blghcst number, not exceeding threo In tho
list of those voted for, tho houso of repre
sentatives shall choooo Immediately, nnd by
ballot, tho president, Should they neglect to
do this before tho 4ih of March following,
then tho vico president shall uct ns president,
as ho would iucaso of the death or other con
stitutional disability of tho president.
Fxrellent for Washing Window.
A cheap chamois skin for washing win
dows will soon repay its cost iu tlmo nud
labor saved, nnd mthlng mnkes glass look
lietter. To cleanso tho skin nfter uso rub
plenty of soft soap Into it, let it Ho ait hour
or, two In a warm solution of soda water, rub
clean nnd rlnso in warm wnter iu which soda
and Irani soap havo beeu dissolved.
The Kmprror of China.
KunngHsuls tho namo of tho emperor of
China. On id accession ho ulwnys selects n
now namo, or Kwo Hao; so his former namo,
Tonl t'leu, wns oxchanged for Kuaug Hsu.
Ho was born Aug. 15, 1871, nud succeeded
Jan. 13, 1673.
I'lectom nt Laige.
Electors nt largo represent tho electoral
representation given to each stnto regardless
of tho number of representative' districts it
contains. Each state has two electors nt
largo, Justus It has two senators.
(Irass niul
Tho lato James Freeman Clarko is tho
author of tho iocm called "Tho Grass nud
tho Roses."
1 looked where tlio roes were blowing;
They stood niuoug crosses and reeds;
I said, "Where such beauties nro grow biff,
Why suffer tbeso paltry weeds!"
Weeping, tlio poor things faltered,
"Wo have neither beauty uor bloom
Wo aro grass In tlio rohcs' garden
Dut our Master glres us this room
"Tlio slate? of a generous Master,
Homo from a world alxc,
We came to this placo in his n imlom-
Wo stay to this hour from his lova.
"We have fed his humblest crenture.
Wo have served him truly and long;
He gat uo grace to our featun-s-Wo
have neither color uor song
"Yet ho who has mado tho roses
Placed us on tho self samo sod;
He knows our reason for lielng
We are grass lu the garden of God
ColurliiK for au Kant Itooiu.
A bright, nttrnctl vo scheme of coloring for
an eait room, suggested by nn expert iu dec
oration, is ft yellow iwper, which nlwnys
gives a sunshiny look, or n soft salmon pink,
with a rich toucd floral frieze, such' as bold
carnation, nut browu paint and red and gold
paneling, delicate pink and whito celling
paper. Slatting for tho floor, If preferred.
To Hlalu a ficrcen l'nmi.
A well recommended process for ebon I ring
ascrecn framo consists in washing tho wood
repeatedly with a solution of sulphnto of iron
made by dissolving two ounces of sulphate in
a pint of hot water. When dry apply a hot
decoction of logwood end nutgalls two or
threo times. Afterward clean with wet
spongo and then polish.
A Strawberry Jelly Dessert.
Ono of tho most delicious methods of serv
ing strawberries, according to an adept in
good housekeeping, is with gelotlno and
whipped cream. Directions for plain Jelly
accompany each Imx of gelatine. When tho
Jelly Is made, but not stiffened, pour a por
tion of it into n smooth, deep bowl with n
fow lurries. Placo this on ico nnd when It Is
hnid, pour iu moro liquid nud berries, placo
on the Ico nud prfltrcd ns before, until all tho
r -
- )
O .
Jarvis' California Pear Cider.
This delicious summer bet ci age Is made in Cnllfomla, fiom very ripe mellow
Uartlett Pears. In the height of the ripening seaion many tons of pears become too
ripe for shipping or canning purposes, they can then be utnllzed ly pressing them into
elder. The fresh juice Is boiled down two gallons Into one, anil Is then strained through
pulverized char coal. This heating, condensing nnd straining completely destroys fcr
mcntatlon,and the elder ever afterwards lemalns sweet and good and Is .1 most healthy
and nutritious article for family use.
Knowing there nre many spurious ciders sold In this market wo offer the abov
explanation with the eminent testimonial of Prof. J. II. Long. Very Respectfully,
THE G. M. JARVIS CO., Sole Proprietors,
San Jose, California. 39 N- Slate Sticet Cblcog.
Chicago, Jui i 7th, 1887.
THE G. M. JARVIS CO., Gentlemen:
I have made made a chemical examination of the sample of Jan Is Pear Cider
submitted to me n few days ago, and would report these points among others noted.
Ihe ltnutd Is nnn.nlcohollcand has a sncclflc irravltv of lu.6s. The total extrac
tive matter amounts to 10.25 per cent., containing only .025 per cento! free acid. The
tests show this acid to be malic acid as usually found In fruit juices. I find no other
acid or foreign substance added for color or flavor.
I believe It, therefore, to consist simply of the juice of the Pear as represented.
Yours truly,
J. 11. LONG, Analytical Chemist,
Chicago Medical College.
San Jose, Cal.
39 N. State St. Chicago.
Jelly Is used.
way In which
'ling by layers U tho only
tho Jelly will ho distributed
evenly through tho muss. Any fruit may bo
used In thu way. When ready to servo,
turn out on n platter and garnish with
whipped criom with vauilla for flavoring.
This makes u palatable and very ornamental
W. B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman.
Druggist and Leading Wine Merchants.
mm,, m if liwiw.s,snisJt,Wsiii imtii 0mh
.. V
. v,irfin). mif m,yt yllhttiiiihilfiutiii jW4lAti
H "HHUMsWiis, iw'q PTM-sTgi.aww is wij . 1 fcj lywuasMJU-iii maMW jaay
t .Jh-JiKMLI1-S-41