Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 07, 1888, Image 5

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    "f9"Vp -
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Fine Shoes
Fine Shoes
Fine Shoes
Perkins Bros.
1 1 29 O Street.
New Jewelry Store,
10:9 O Street. Established 1S74.
Desires to cull tho attention of tlio public to
hi new and elegant slock of
Watches, ".Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Havinc more room to accommodate I ho tnulo
nml show a larger lino Hum over. Ilcforo pur
chanlntr, clvo us a cult unit wo will show yon
the rtnet lino at lowest possible prices.
Watch Repairing and Engraving
Neatly done nml nil work warranted.
standing the
fact that I'ho
togrnplm luvvo
boon ro.ln od
to about hnlf
tlio former
prleo wo lmvo
CIIKUKCd t h o
services of one
of tlio best fin
ishers In New
York to take
chnrgonf that
dcpnrttiiunt of
tlio studio. Our
0 Hurts sliall bo
untlrl 11 g to
Klvo each cus
tomer entire
and to produce
superior work
to any wo lmvo
dono before.
Cabinets, $3 per Dozen.
In thcclty all como from tlio
Graham Brick Stables,
He; V street, whoro nil kinds of
Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses,
Can bo hud at any tlmo, day
or nltfht on short notice.
and well taken enro of nt reasonable ratos.
Call nnd seo us, ltt.7 (i street, or i?lvo
orders by Tuluplmno 1 17.
W. J. P. Lawton
D. D. S.
Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block.
levator on O St.. Tclephone.628
Administered .for painless extraction.
Hoots itut Shoe for Minijr Orcnsliiii..
M)les for Wearlw- with 1'ull IIivm
Toilet ten Novelties 111 Hetlroom Kip
per-, New Model". Ill Tennis Sliors.
llronro boot nnd shoes will bo morn or lew
worn this season. Abroad tho vomit; prln
cesses of Wales ore Retting the fashion Willi
boots high In tho nnklo and ImvIiik buttons
ntul IiiuiVj i mntnli In enlnt. Hluu ffirnvnll.
Iir wnni tutvn uti iiiltntnntltnt loll of limil-.e. I
. .w.... -.,.... .. ... .. ,
Rold, nud clear, dark umber Iteods on tho too
In various designs; whllon few lmvo the too
of thu slipper out In n deep olut, nud ll lied
In with II vo graduated liars of Iteadcd leather,
tho tipjier and longest one resting high tip on
tlio Instep, nud tho Inst Wing n inert) button,
fixed Into tho point of tho cut kid. Other,
called "Queen Anne,'' lmvo nnklo straps liko
n child's shoo, covered w ith ImvuIs. Hteel on
black Is to bo seen lit tho wmio styles, also
lenrls and crystal lieods on the w hlto slip
lers, or delicate colored ticads, sioclally or
dered to wear with particular costumes.
Black satin Bllppcraaro also beaded on tho
toos -in Chlncso style, m many as sis nud
toren colon being blended.
Tlio Antoinette shoo, Illustrated in tlio cut,
has tho high Louis XVI heel nnd pointed
toe. It can bo mndo of intent orghicokld,
with a pieco of colored morocco nppllipicd to
tho top nil round, except across tho too piece,
whero it becomes distinct nud forma n baud
nbovo tho instep. Ily means of n cunningly
inserted clastic, this exactly fits tho foot, nud
even whero tho instep Is not high, it give)
tho appearance of height by n dip in tho last,
It is peculiarly comfortable, nud shows oir
tho foot 16 tho bast advantage. Tho baud Is
hidden by n largo Ikmv of shaded, striped and
shot ribbon, two nml n half inches wide,
matching tho kid baud, nud cnpablo of end
lew variety to suit nny dress. Tho remain
ing flguro In the samo cut shows a graceful
form of shoo known to sonto as tho Wash
ington. Bomo dellcalo slippers of striped whlto
Suede and galon had Buedo heels nud n cut
steel button. On (lit, theso slippers may bo
cleaned by powdered chalk; otherwiso they
would bo costly wear, l'nlo grnySuedo i"s
also used, nud grny nnd pnlo fawn in onllnnry
glovo kid, with somo ornamental button.
I'asto ornaments adorn many of tho full
dress slipiiers. Bomo uncommon bedroom
slippers nro of Chinese brocado and em
broidery, corrcsiwnding but not exactly
Tho tenuis shoes of tho reason nro of soft,
good wearing leather, with nnklo straps.
But for those who do not fancy tho straps
thero nro tho liiml one. There nro two spo
clal styles of shoe, which nro adapted for
both outdoor nnd indoor wenr. Ono is tho
"Langtry," which is pointed n la ltaleigu,
has n flap on tho instep nnd n particularly
well tied bow of wide ribbon, which gives n
smart look and is Incoming to a neat foot.
Tho heels nro tho Louis XV high nnd
rather small. This slmio is carried out for
wearing with light drones nt fetes, etc., in ft
cream colored morocco, with a fancy
"wafer " surface, td w ith ribbon exactly
matching; nlso in n darker shado called
"Russet," which is more fcervlceable. The
other stylo is tho "Cromwell," n modified re
production of tho tan colored leather that
was nITocted by Cromwell's followers in tho
commonwealth dayj, nud nlso n modified
copy of tho style. It Is neat looking, nnd
tho sldo pieces, whlehjoomo up over tho high
flap, meet on tho instep in n hnndsonio
buckle of old oxidized bilver. This fashion
is nlso carried out in a novel embossed
leather, such ns dark brown on a palo
ground, or dark blue on a light one. Tho
"Leander" is an Oxford shoo in patent
leather, perforated In nn clfcctiro way to
show n red or pale Uuo leather which forma
the top of tho bhoo, and shows nil round ntul
on tho too enp through the perforation.
A Silk IVltlroat.
Bilk petticoats nro numbered with popular
garments, nud there nro nu innumerable va
riety of patterns. In tho cut is shown nn at
tractive stylo of petticoat.
Tho model i"ii!. i d Is of turquols blue
surah silk, enh .m-, 1 w 'i tlouures consisting
alternately of -nts oUju plaiting with laco
Insertions or iiuuiptiduiu ribbon. Tho thrco
flounces nro od0'' 1 . kt loivil lace.
1'lower Jewelry.
Elslo Beo, ot Tho Jev iliiV Circular, writ
ing roccntly on tho ulji . of (lower jowelry,
says; Much of tho llu.wr jewelry is Mlvcr,
enameled to exactly simulate nature's pro
duction as regards color. Too much p nil so
cannot be awarded to tho designers nnd man
ufacturers of this enamel flower jowelry,
which represents, in overything but fra
grance, tho blooms Imitated. Tho primrose,
cowslip, morning glory and tho dandelion
nro favor! to models in Jowelry. Perhaps tho
most popular of all tho llower jowelry is that
which represents npplo blossoms, tho wild
rose, tho Hold daisy nnd sweet was.
Primrose day, which win kept with duo
honor in Loudon, was tho occasion not only
of uu immense quantity of perlslmblo prim
roses in tho llorisU1 shoji, hut gold mid silver
prlniroso brooches nud bracelets In tho jew
elers' show eases. At tho several "prlmroso
weddings'' that mnrkod the day, tho bride
groom's present to tho attending bridesmaids
was cither it primrose brooch, bracelet or
pendant to wear uloii' with 11 primrose col
ored co-tume. Tiie?o precious posies en sulto
aro designed nssouvniiiraof thoall liuporlant
occasion on which they wero originally worn
nnd olTord uu circctlvo ornamont for biiuiuicr
MMliMMM lliillBr
ti trimimirt-., nj tatl&u.jL.i. -
The poet In front ot tho editor stood
AndsaM, wtthnllttlocotiRlu
"1 thought I would lirlnsyon a little thin)
A Uilng I lno Jut do-iliol off."
Tim editor rose from hi Irory ch.tlr,
With ivwiloii his fo.d ures wnniKlitt
"t want no things Hint nro "Just diishedoff,'
I wnnt the results of IIioiirIiI."
He clowM w Ith a simp I1I1 olsiny desk,
Tho HHt he rudely grlpil.
And bearing his load, to lint vttvrt belonr
Tim editor tillthely irlpinM.
He MnRgentl lienealli the weight he bore,
lint limu'ly Kept hi feet!
Ho carried tliu tmrd to tlu loner door
And duslied liltu Into Itio street.
A stranger ruisslnpr, tho net observed;
"Why, what I the ruwt" said lie;
Tho editor wild, "Tl a lltlUi thing
1 lio Just dnshed nlT, you sihj "
Tim Jtcvr Tlilnl Header.
"Do wo tool''
"Ye, woseo,"
"What do woseoP
"A snow drift n mllo long and twenty ftot
"What else r
"A photographer taking vlowi of tho
"Aro they to bo hung up with the works of
'.ho old masters?"
"Oh, no. Thoy nro to bo engraved nnd
hung up in the newspapers to boom the town
this spring."
"Isn't thnt rather oddl"
"Yes, nnd rnther cold, too."
"Do woseo the innnr "
"Yw, wo soo 1dm."
"Iln's lion buudlel''
"But why does ho ring tho door bell of tho
'That ho mny call the lady."
"Does tho lady know him!"
"Oh. no. sho never saw him liefore."
"Why doe ho hand her tho cnrdl''
"Because ho Is deaf nud dumb, nnd the
cant explains tho fact nnd asks for assist
nneo." "And why does tho lndy whistle"
"Sho is whistling for tho family bull dog."
"And is that tho reason tho denf and
dumb man skips tho gutterl"
"It is. Ill desire is to lo far nway lofore
the dog gets around tho corner."
"How sad It is to lie nlHletodf"
"Yos, It is occasionally w hen the woman
won't scare and the dog is a big 0110." De
troit Kreo Press.
A AVagn Worker' Trust.
Employer Ah, By tho wny, Mr.
Bmallwago, you nimciulier I said I would not
iil-.h1 your valuable nud highly appreciated
sflrvices after this week I
Bocrctary Yes, sir; you said you hnd found
by advertising that you could get n femnlo
ecretnry just as coiniietent for less wage.
"Truo. I found n young lady so highly'
recommended that I engaged her, but this
moral 11 j I recotVed a hoto from her declining
tho placo "
"Yes I know about it. Bho nnd I hnvo
formed a trust to lesson tho supply of labor
and keep up wages."
"I havo marrieil her." Omaha World.
Highly Colored Testimony.
"You sny you heard lioth shots fired!"
Mkd an Austin lawyer, who was cross-ox
aming a witness in a murder case.
"Yw, sah heard Iwfo shots. Dey was
flred simontaneously, sah."
"Aro you sure of that!"
"Yes, soli; bofoob 'em was fired simonta
neously. I wasn't tnoro than forty feet off
at do tlmo."
"But on tho direct examination you nworo
tho shots were flred ono nfter the other, nnd
now you sny they were flred simultaneously,"
"Jos what I said, sah. llofo shoU wero
Orod slmoiitaueous like, ono after auuddor."
Texas Biftlngs.
Innoronee Impoaetl Upon.
Caller (to Bobby, In his first trousers)
Thosq nro nice trousors, Bobby, for n llttlo
Bobby (proudly) Thoy ain't boy's trousers.
Ma says thoy nro regular meni'i trousers.
Caller Are they?
Bobby Yes, indeed; thoy'ro niado over
from an old pair of jmiV Now York Bun.
Nothing Dolnc at All.
Brown How is business with you, Dumleyf
Dumley Slow, very slow; nothing doing
at nil.
Brown How nlKiut that llttlo bill I sent
you thrco months ago!
Dumley Well, to tell tho truth, I haven't
bad tlmo to look it over. Epoch.
Fud and Foolish.
.$Ss ,
Edwin (suddenly, after a long pause)
Angelica Yes, Darllngl
Edwin Nothing Darling. Only darling,
darllngl (Bilious old gentleman feels qulto
sick. London Punch.
A Mother's Anxiety.
Thoy wero sleigh riding.
"Can you drive with one hand, Mr. Samp
soul" she nsUed, nud sho asked it very
"Oh. yes," ho replied, "but I think it looks
better to drlvo with both "
"Perhaps it does," she said, in n cold, con
vinced touo of volco, nnd then ndded:
"We mustn't lw gone too long, Air. Samp
son; inuuiiiiu will bo unxious." New York
A Wlfn'e Sharp llyes.
First Damo How is your husband' busi
ness prosiK'iingf
Second D.inio Ho doesn't liko mo to ask
him questions about his affairs, but I know
ho's r.cttlug awfully rich.
"Think so r
"Yes indeed Ho's got so now that ho
wears one suit of clothes nil tlio yenr 'round."
Omaha World.
tin Will Sao It Later.
Clerk I worked olT so;no of that packed
butter today.
Grocer tn.leed! Whom did you send It. to,
CI01 k Mrs Blank, around on D.uli street.
Grocer Orcut guusl Why I boanl wltli
licr. Dftroit Tree Press.
H011111 nf the Mummy Mine of Kgypt Are
Nearly Kihntinled MiiminU of Amrrl
ran Mniiurnetiire Not lip to the Hluiul
anl Kmbalmlnir Iidurloiu.
Among tho ninny letters of Inquiry ro
wired during tho palt week is tlio following!
"Last year I mndo n trip abroad, and among
other trophies of my visit to tho Old World
I secured a lino specimen of n, mummy, for
which I paid soventy-flvo seudl. While
showing It to a friend last week I discovered
thnt tho nlrof Illinois is detrimental to it
and that disintegration Is taking place. Can
you tell me what is Hie can,-? and ittiat I had
better do In order to preaenru the specimen
You havo no doubt paid ut least reventy
four scudl too much for your mummy, m
mummies go. Nothing Is more dishearten
ing than tho discovery that one's mummy Is
not standing our harsh American cllmato.
But tho chances nro that you lmvo tho
modern stylo ot mummy, mndo psieclally
for Americans by the trade. Ho is not an
antique, and before August you will havo to
decide- whether to cast lilm nsldo or let him
run the house. The gonulno ninuimy hu
looii ground up for fcrtllltlng purHMca dur
ing tho Mst twenty years to such an extent
that wo nro running short, nnd spurious
mummies mndo ol coarso people, who havo
died recently aro flooding tho niaiket, A
friond of initio purchased a varnished king,
supposed to lie over!),000 years old, for which
ho gave 1,V) scudl nnd n silk umbrella. In
May of last year ho legan to assort hliniolf .
tho king did and to outer moro nnd mors
Into tho homo llfo of lit owner till it was de
cided to havo n coat of shellno put on him. A
house, sign nud enrringo painter camo up to
tho liouso, and whllo rellttlng nud refurnish
lug tho royal relics discovered on tho forearm
a dark blue Goddess of Liberty In India ink
and tho legend, "Itlchnnl Mngiuuls, Valpa
raiso, Iud., 18.VI." A mummy thnt has to !o
kept in the refrigerator Is a bitter, bitter dis
appointment, nnd no doubt yoiurs Is of thnt
class, Tho modern methods of preserving
people do not in nil cases provo satisfactory,
nud I do not know of anything moro pitiful
or moro humiliating than whllo explaining
your mummy to n coterio of friends tu tho
library to hnvo him explode oil your hands
and rovenl his true Identity. Should disin
tegration continue. In tho ratio of your own
mummy, a privato funeral is the Lest thing I
could suggest. Let It be n plain nffnir, open
ing with n select rending or recitation, fol
lowed by n vocnl solo nud ft set-to betwoen
somo good artist nud tho piano. You could
chnrgo n small admission fee, perhaps, which
would go toward defraying expenses, nnd
close with a parade, nnd torrent of grief at the
Tho wanton destruction of inummlea and
and their wholesale importation to this coun
try whero thoy havo been ground up and
used ns fertilizers,
Is going to mako
good mummies
scarce and high.
When a nation be
comes so haughty
and exacting that
it demands rhu
barb pies, stimu
lated by tho gentlo
man who furnished
corn to Joseph dur
ing tho dry spell,
and ozpocta to pro
mote ita asparagus BPOntouu MtJMMT.
by means of dead inonarohs and the dust ot
heirs presumptuous to tho throno of Egypt,
you can safely predict that mummies will be
mummies before snow files again. You
can't cat your cake and keep it, too. Neither
can you turn out a mummy in Connecti
cut in two days which will tako the
placo of tho real thing. A judge of
thoso things will toll you at once that
tho bouquet is different. There is
not tho samo nut brown flavor and odor
of poorly ventilated Hncngo about tho Con
necticut mndo mummy that thero is about
tho Egyptian Job. Tho Egyptians had a way
of curing tboir.peoplo a good deal tho samo
as our physician 1 havo now, viz.! by filling
them with high priced drugs. Our physi
cians, however, begin on a man before lie
dies, while tho Egyptians, Instead of printing
bulletins about thin people, showing what
their respiration and tomjieraturo were, and
a largo amount ot sick room gossip, which a
man hates to read after he has recovered,
just waited around until the gentleman had
been pcrmittod to dlo quietly in his own way,
surrounded by his family, and then they
came in and cured him, so that 011 tho morn
ing of tho resurrection a tooth brush and a
Turkish bath would makebim look like a nsw
The American bison and tho Egyptian
mummy aro fading away. The day will soon
como when thoso who havo slaughtered
wholo herds of buffalo for their tongues and
fertilized their timothy sod with the dust of
dynasties will go hungry. Wo may think
that an Egyptian cemetery has no bottom to
it and that a true fUsuro vein ot theso peoplo
is practically inoxbausttblo, but some day tho
foreman working on tho lower lorel will
como to tho surfaco and state in hoarse ac
cents that tho pay streak has pinched out
Tho differenco between a gas well, for in
stance, and a deposit of emperors, is that tho
latter is not scL-sustalning. A gas well
may contlnuo to givodown or give up, as the
caso may be, for hundreds of years, but you
cannot dig up kings and queens forever.
Bomo day you aro certain to dig below their
set and strlko another strata of society.
Embalming is a process worthy of tho dark
ages. It is expensive, foolish, useless and
highly injurious to tho comploxlon. I am
bitterly opposed to it. My own notion about
it is that tho man whoombalms mo will havo
to climb over my dead body to do bo. Bill
Nyo in Ifow York World.
At the Club.
"Baby, how do you keep your oyeglasa in
so wollf"
"You must clip your eyelashes, Dolly."
A Wrong Tltlo.
"Ask Ilcrl Maul Ask Herr Is tho tltlo of
atiow novel written by n Now Yorker. Bomo
ono should tell tho author that this is leap
year, nnd tho title of his novel, to lw oppor
tune, should have been "Ask Html Womanl
Ask Iliml" NorrUtown Herald.
MtJkjt, Ztj '.
AT -
Special attention b paid to
Stock Large.
Assortment Complete.
. All the New Shades.
All the New Fabrics.
145 South Tenth Street!
That wc keep n general nssortment of
And Gents' Furnishings.
All the Latest styles 111 Collars, nnd the season's novelties In Neckwear. FINE
LINEN COLLARS, ixA cts. Call and sec u l( you want to get goods In our Hi
just ten per cent cheaper than nt any other home in town.
BAKER, The Clothier,
1125 O STREET.
This is the only mower made
. "1 . ... At.t..
aniecti 10 give sausiacuun. -.wi .uiu stu u.
Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc.
123 North 15th Street,
Quick Meal Stove.
1 122 N Street.
CiCIt El 5jrBBsfcsssyssssBsssssWsfcssBfsBst
t tts&Tffyffifi tSMssssTffssSsssBrTfrvii Jm
H-.Lwx ttJ''1- astii. -aft.-. -
a . .J i
that wilt cut high grass. Guar-
!. -n i - :- 91
- iAJfcit iu-ftju.