Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 07, 1888, Image 3

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Drayage and Moviog,
Dcdres to Inform the public that his equip
incut (or moving Household (Joadt, Plana
Sales, M.irchandlss, Heavy Machinery,
etc., It the bitt In the city. .Special men
and wagon are kest for the removal of
Pianos and Household Goods,
Which arc always handled by competant
and experienced help, and the latest appli
ances used for handling Safes and other
licav good. Call, address or telephone
Telephone 1 i 1 Ollice 917 0
Fremont Elkhorn & Mo. Valley
Trains leave 10:13a. in, and 12: lo
To frvo homes In Northwestern Nebraska an
Southwestern Dakota.
To tho lllark Hill nnd tliu Hut Spring.
To Central Wyoming ronl and on fields nn
cattle ranges.
To Chicago nml tlic Kast.
To Ht. Paul, tlio North nml Northwest.
For further Information Inquire of
OHO. N. KOlll.SMAN, Agent.
J 15 South 10th street, Lincoln
General M'ger. flen't Pa. Ag't
Missouri Valley. Iowa
( .pitai. Stock S300.000.
a W Moaner. riwhUiit, W. .1 Walsh, V- Ir
It. C. OutcAli, Counter.
L'oiwy loaned on lone or hort time at loweM
tfes. Ofllce In Richards' Block, room S3.
Take elerator on Eleventh street entrance.
N. R. HOOK, M. D.,
uisKAHi:3or vomi:n.
drlnary ani Rectaj Diseases a Specialty.
"Traits rcctnl diseases by IIUINKKIMIOFP
PAINI.KSS 8YHTBM. Ortlco, rooms 111, LT1 nml
121 llilrr Ulouk. Twelfth nnl O sirvtfs. Office
tetcrihotioBIS. Residence 1021 QMrvel. 'I'lione, G.
Oftlco hours, 0 to U 0.111. 2 to 6 nml'Jtu S ) in
bundays, 10 to 11 iv. in
HomcBopatliist Physician,
Telephone No 6S5.
16. South titli Street, Lincolm
Steam Laundry
1117 P Street
Still In tho front and absolutely leading all
xunpetitora. Thoroughly equipped for tht
Anest work, giving to each customer an un
qualified guarantee for all work done. All of
our work dono with neatness and dispatch.
We solicit orders for suburban villages and
neighboring towns, paying Ums express on all
orders ona way, Uectfully,
01(1 dead (colli rnnlnln
. tho quintessence of blnod
liolronl Who run nn allow
I It, glutting out of 0I1I 1 colli
at omry moil and bo
hcAlthjrf Tlieo teeth nro
dead, ulcerated, inili-nUliy
Ireqtiently caitso n swelled
face, bhoulil ccrtal". bo
extracted andrciitarcdnltri
good, artificial teeth that
ncvcrachc. Can bo ei tract
ed without pain. Nu hum
The above cut shows tho teeth of a man 15
years of ago, from Dr. Hell in 1831. Wo meet
with this affection In tho teeth In various forms
and degrci s. The ends of the crowns seem
rev; soft, having a low derrcoof vitality and
wear down shotting a dark jcllowlfh cupped
spotjn tho center. Many are so foollih as to
" ,hat molar teeth aro of llttlu account.
.i fit tlirm goby default; after which all
the force of the muscles aro extended to the
front tcclb, wearing them down rapidly.
The best, and orly remedy, Is to cover and
buildup the ends Mill) gold and platinum,
which wears llko ttccl and isves them manj
years. We make n specialty of line gold work
on building them up, contour fllltngi, etc
a. n
Cuts A and I) aro from John Tomes, of Enr
A Two lucUors with notches lo the ends.
U alow thopegihaped teeth wlthytllowlib
tits In the euda
For such teeth we bare two remedlea : First
To fill lha pits In the eadi with gold. 8ec
ond Extract them and replaco them with
artlnci.l tieth. But the bouca absorb awaj
rapidly so that they will need reiettlug fre
We mako the floest artl3clal teeth In the
We use Justlca' and White's patent teeth,
with long, heavy pins, mounted on itrons
elaatla plates. Thoiu who patronize us will
not be troubled with broken teeth knd cracked
plates, canker tore mouth", etc.
To loose the front teeth, Is to loose ball
the power of speech, and more than half U
Diseased Qumi.
Ttu teeth turn blaekaud die, th iraiMeedai
Um sllfhtcat touch, ulcerate, the teetS l30ten aa4
fall eat, to breath la horrible.
1200 O Street.
tOm tt Rapid Tranalt, ernes np dUtrjad
f Biakta tha Bnest gold and platinum nl Iocs.
MM toast stta that tobacco will not tai afik
I'M LsiH.
'j, T,J.a!iri.i'Tit,"i"'iiiaMlnsii iri.frli&:u&Aifc
What ttio I'rem Rajs Concerning Men
Whom tlio World litis Heard of. used to write I) lug naked on tho
Dr. Lyman Abbott has uovcr n vaca
teon. .. .
Tho Hurl of Derby is n pronounced klepto
maniac. I.x-Scmitor Tabor uses n bar of gold worth
12,000 for n paper weight.
Tho lata Col. Klng-IInrman on nod an
cstato of -14,000 acres in Ireland.
Mr. Franklin Simmon, tlio sculptor, Is
nbout tooxecuton bustof tho lion, llauulbnl
Andrew Itng, thonngllth lnllnillt, timkea
pat t of hln Ineomo by writing verses for a
soap manufacturer.
A bill ''to prevent tho gathering of wild
flowers" has, forfomo unknown reason, been
introduced Into parliament by Mr. Slmw
Tlio gravo of Hcury-Knwcctt Is at Trump
itigtou, Ungland, innikcd with only a plain
tablet bearing tho word", "8(cuk to tho lco
plo that they go forward."
Mr. 8ato, secretary of tho Jnpnneso lega
tion at Wnshlugtoii, l-i not n stranger to this
country. Ho was educated at n collego in
Indiana, and Ih not in tho leait Oriental in
his iqiccch or modo of thought.
Kyt lo Hollow took n naphtha launch to Hug
land with him Inst year. Ho thus Introduced
to his countrymen n kind of boat which lm-i
slnco liocomo very popular In Orcat llrltnln.
Kaplitha lauuclieit aro now uinnufiicturcd In
Professor Donders, tho great oculist of
Utrecht, has attained his 71st )enr, nnd re
tired from his university clialr ninlil n regu
lar shower of testimonial funds, medals, nd
ill .( 9 and decorations from varlom Hiiro
pcun fioverolgin.
CtMigressinnii Dreeklnrltlgo, of Kentucky,
who is noted for hi eloquence as an orator.
iHthat his favoiito books nro tho lllblo,
.ShakcFicaronnil "Don Quixote." It it Ida
custom licforo making n S)cech to read n
chapter in tho Illblc, and ho usually choo-cd
tho book of Iwiiali.
Speaking of J. II. Illackburne, tho fmnous
Cngllsh elx-si player, who will make 11 tour
of tho country next kt.roii, Vanity Fair,
of Iondon, says: "Ho Is tho quietest nml
most unassuming of men. livery 0110 who
knows him likes him, ond noono evcrsiild an
unkind word of him. Whllo at tho boatd
his diet li colleo nnd tobacco, and lid takett a
littlo whisky beforu going lo bed."
J. C. Flood, tho Han Francisco mllllonahc,
may safely bo wild to lmvo tlio most dazzling
country placo in America. Tho estate Ih at
Mrulo Park, CuL, and covers 1,000 acres; mid
U under tlio constant caro of n laudsciqio
gardener nml lao nsslstnuw. Tho (lines,
which aro wvcrjl mile.sln length, nro made
of whito gravel; thohousols white, with gold
trimming's lot!i iiiiido nnd out; nnd gold and
whlto nre tlio decorations of tho fctaliliii nnd
nil tho buildings on tho place
Francois, n dwmf at tho Paris Winter cir
cus, bus fallen head over heels In lovo with
Viratun, n pigmy Ciugnkso who ucts In tho
pantomime at tlio kiiiio place. Unfoitu
natcly sho Is luairicd to Appoo, another
dwarf nearly doiiblo her ago. Novel tho
Icm sho wears tho ring of Francois tion her
big too, tho only apiicudngo nho has largo
enough to 1111 it, nnd has put ko much life
into tho lovo parsnges between herself and
Francois in tho pautomlmo that Appoo is
dreadfully jealoun, and tho clicus authorities
have to kocp Francois constantly under
guard for fear of a duel.
Tho Duko of J fail bo rough Is profoundly
interested In everything of 11 mechanical or
electrical nature. Uno of tho first things hodid
on arriving in this country was to go up tho
Hudson to seo tho Poughkeepslo bridge. On
his last visit hero ho had n long talk with Dl
Uoii about his Inventions, nml will mnkohlui
another Islt lieforo ho goes homo this time.
Ho conducts all his concspoiulonco on an
American typo liter, which ho handles
with considerable skill, carrying tho machino
around with him wherever ho goes, precisely
as ho doe his hat box or his valiso. He is u
rapid and brilliant talker, mid tliornuglily
familiar with tlio merits or nil tho leading
questions of the day. Ills lauguago Is pecu
liarly apt and incitto), and his conversation
abounds In nphorisms and picturcsquo
phrascj. Ho will probably remain In tlii
country nil summer, uulevi tlio weather be
comes unliearably warm.
Julian Ralph is 0110 of that eastern syndi
cate wliit'h makes tho eastern press blossom
now and then, nnd which occasionally brush
es alongside tho local press. .Mr. Itnlph is an
emliclllslier. Ho is, theieforo, 11 pleasing
writer. Ouo of tho tilings with which ho has
been charged is tho authorship of tho Clara
Dclio letters. If Mr. Italph Is Clam Hollo ho
w 111 scttlo a good deal of siicculation by guy
ing so. Peoplo hnvo lieon told that Clarn
Hello was Franklin File. Then, again, they
liavo been told that Clara llello "as Mr.s.
Franklin File, and again that sho was Mrs.
Lord, wife of tho managing editor of Tho
Now Voi k Sun. Two years ngo or moron
woman dropped dead in a St, Paul hotel.
Sho was a ttmngcr. A Now York man
happened to see the body, nnd ho exclaimed:
"Orcat Ood, that is Clara liellol" Mr. Ralph
may liavo occasion to unravel tlio mystery
surrounding tho Identity of tho facetious cor
respondent. If ho will bo so kind.
Mrsllclno for tho Uniperor.
Among tho packages brought In from
Mexico recently by tho WclU-Furgo express
company was a cubical box about 0110 foot
each way, weighing thirty ouiids, and ad
dressed, "His Majesty, Fiedcrlck III, Km
jicror of Germany, King of Prussia, Berlin,
Germany." When ojiened by tho customs
ofllcluls tho box was found to contain four
quart bottles, carefully packed In chairs and
containing n dark colored liquid. Each
bottlo was wrapped in red, whlto and green
tissue paper, tho Mexican national colors, and
a piece of ribbon of tho samo patriotic colors
covered tho cork of each bottle. On each
bottlo was n printed label containing a mes
sage to Emperor Frederick and a description
of thb contents of tho bottles, with direc
tions for uilng. Tho liquid was stated to bo
an Indian vegctablo julco, prepared by tho
discoverer and sent from an interior city of
Mexico to insure a speedy euro of tho sick
monarclu If takeil according to directions
tha Julco is guaranteed to annlbilato any
discaso of tho lungs and throat. Tho sender
pays all express charges and customs duo on
tho box. Ht, Louis Ilcpubllcau.
1'erlU of Ilurdlo Ilucea.
Threo jocko' lives nro a pretty heavy
penalty to pay for tho excitement of seeing
horses go over a fence. Of all obstructions
tho hiirdlo is tho most useless and dangerous.
If put up sufllciently strong, so that n horse
cannot go through, it is tho most murderous
fenco a man can faco A horse striking such
u hurdle, or "chesting the hurdle," as riders
say, is almost ccrtal to turn a complete
somersault, and in 11I110 cr-scs out of ten tlo
rider Is caught uuder him, or rolled over,
and the fall Is generally fatal. I lmvo rarely
seen a man who has been throw 11 in this way
escauo with life. Brooklyn Kilo.
- --''l -
A New Invention In Which Ale Comlilnrd
i Stennirr Clmlr nml n Life ltii--rr
foi-Whlrli .Mitiiy Merita Aro Clnliiird All
1.tirrlineiit In Alilnml MitKiU'tUui,
NuinlHUvd with oilier now Invention I.
that of n llfo pnwrvlug chair unvutly jwt
cntel by n New Yink genius, nnd dcNCillied
as follows In Tlio lllc Amei leant
" rr aS
A I. IKK I'llKSKIlVlNa ClIAllt.
Till- chair, which, when unfolded, ran bo
used on n vessel or steamer as an oidlnnry
chair, can, In enso of accident, 1 hi folded up
and employed iih 11 life prowrver, lxing ho
constructed that It will siipxit sev eral Hr
sons In tho water. The back and sent of Iho
chair ni-o formed of 11 single phnv, prefer
ably of water pi oof material, In one or mora
lKK'ketsof which 11 buovnnt subtnuiv, usu
ally coik, U eonllmsl and smil. This
water pi oof cover is seemed around the lop
cross bar of the frame of the clialr back by n
double low of stitchej,aiid buoyant umtetlal
is secured within this cnvei lug to Iho lower
end of tho bail: of tho chair frame, where
rows of ktltche aro placed each sldo of tho
crossbar mid atoiind the lilugo pott lou sulll
cientlyto glvo great strength with lloxibll
ity, tho covering being enrried forwnnland
firmly stitched mound tho forward cross
bur of the sent, and similar buoyant iniito
tlnl being secured In 0110 or moro orketH in
tho Ixxly of tint seat Kirtiou of tlio covering
material. To tho outer sldo of one of tho
lmck rails, near its center, I plvolnlly se
cured ouo end of ustrnpoi bund, which when
not III 110 Is passed loosely over tho chair
back and hooked by 11 loop or 1 ing over 11
button on tlio other back mil. lit case- of ac
cident tlio chair is made into 11 life preserver
by folding tho cork lmck forwnid over tho
cork sent, the hinge spaces nt the rear end of
tho bent criniUlng this, nnd the clialr 1 then
(Irmly secured in Ita folded position by means
of the strap attached to ono of its lmck rails,
theso 1 alls and tho legs nlToi ding 11 conveni
ent grnp or hold for persons In tho water.
Thc-o chairs can also Isi ron-di acted without
the hick, In tho form of n folding stool, as
shown in one of tlio small ,icws.
Will Tills Hi" 11 Hot hummer''
Indiana Pharmacist predicts that this will
prove 11 hot summer upon tnn following
theory, which h.ii Ix-cn advanced by others:
Tlio weather mems to run in cycles of nlKiut
seven j ears; that Is, when wo lmvo 11 hot
summer, it is alwajs followed by n cold ono,
nnd it takes nlxiut mvcii j ears to reach an
other equally hot. It will bo remembered by
many that the summer of 1HU7 wns very hot,
and so dry that during August tho grass
crumbled under tho foot when trod titKiii,
Tho 81111111101' of 1808 was noted for Its cool
ness, the thermometer very seldom getting
nbovo Kldegs., nnd wo did not reach tho top
wavuof thermnlity again until 1871, when it
iviib extremely hot, Tho following summer
was cold to u remarkable degree. From
tla'ii 011 tho summers grow gradually
warmer until 18SI, which wns excessively
hot and very dry, no rain falling for over
11I110 weeks, nnd theru wen mora sunstrokes
that summer than thero has boon in all tho
summers since. The summer or IfcVW wns
quite cold; 11 few flakes of snow fell on tho
morning of Jul) I, followed bj hall in tho
nftci 10011, nnd during tho 1 est of the iiiout)
nud through tho month of August tho tcir,
pernturo was so low that overcoats vvc0
necessary for comfort, particularly at night,
ThOMimmcrA since 1KXJ have urowu wanner
and warmer, nml last summer was n moder
ntely hot ouo, but utile nil signs full, the
coming summer will Ih) tho climax of tho
cycle, and n hot, drj season may bo expected.
An Kxpcrlmi nt In Animal Miif;uvtlm.
A mysterious cxjierimcut In "animal mag
netlsiu," rciyu m Nature, may bo crformod
by taking a piece of paper two or three
Inches long nnd half an inch wide, mid turn
ing tho opposite corners iqi in id down, as
shown in the cut
Balauco it carefully on tho point of ft needle
which may lm supported by a cork, nnd wo
liavo n littlo wind mi 1 which, when the hand
Is brought near it, will evolvo with moroor
lem rapidity. Tho motion, of course, is duo
to the cmieutM of alrarislng from tho warm
hand; nml the varying rapidity of intation
v ith diirercnt ihm-soiih is not duo to any oc
cult "magnetic" influence, but simply to tlio
degrees of warmth in their hands. Tho
movcmiiit Is more rapid if both hands nro
placed around the iipurattis Instead of one.
Kleetrle l.lulit In Medlrul Invettlgntloiia.
The electric light, snj'd Hclenlillc Ameri
can, is getting to play an Inqxirtant juit in
medical iuvi-stlgations. With n littlo "jiea
light" nttachod to tho cud of n slender rod,
Sir Morel 1 Mnckenzlo examined tho throat of
tho German emperor. Tho littlo battery
that supplies tho electricity hangs nrouiid
tho surgeon's neck. Thaso llttloclcctrio lights
nro becoming dally of inoro practical use.
I)y their aid the surgeon ixiki-s mid Heks
into places ho otherwlso wculd have to ma
lilpulato In "bj the fecl,"nud aehluves results
heretofore impossible.
Toipedo 1'lred by LlghtnlnGr.
A letter from n siK'clal corresjiondent w 1th
tho Italian forces iu Ah sslnia contains an
account of an explosion of a torixshi by light
ning. Tho tot ks1o conshteil of n glass liottlo
charged with jiowder and scrap Iron, lit ted
with n detonator to 'vhicli a wiro was at
tached. Several of thcio wcro scat tcred for
purposes of dcfeiuo in front of tho batteiy of
guns, tho discharging wires Mug nt tho bat
tery. It was found, so It Is said, that light
ning (Missing along tho wire had p roth cod
tho explosion.
.jff - mtsASM.A
Wr "-
..-'' 1"
Chicago has about 2,000 Chinamen.
A Now London (Conn,) family own a par
rot said to Iki IX) years old.
It It expected Hint a thousand Icelander
will mrho In Manitoba dm Ing tlio summer.
Cntllo raising and milk farming aro re
ceiving increased ntlcntlou In Mlssourlovery
A lat go (m tie was caught In tlio IiuClnlro
river In Wisconsin, with tho date ItJIO cut In
tho shell on Its tuck.
An ounce of silver may now Iki purchased
In l'tiglatid for 4)( Knoo, the lowest prlco
of tho present century.
Boston pui Ists nro wrathy over tho advent
of a new word, "sololttlo." Next thing, limy
say, wo shnll liavo "chorolttlc," mid "duo
Istlc." A man iu Akron, O., burst a blood vessel
tho other evening whllo laughing at ono of This is the height of self np
Grand Rapid, Mich., I Iho great furni
ture making center of the United State, It
has 4J (uiiiltiiio factories, which employ
I '.',000 men.
A copy of "Pickwick" In thoorlglniil parti
has Just Ix-en sold In liiidim fei (2.V). It
was tho first from tlio pi ess, mid was pro
scuted b) Dickens to Mary llogaith.
Tho Aiiieilcnu ColoulMittnii society con
tinues (o send colored K-oplo lo Liberia,
Thhtceii families front Oeoiglu rail is I from
Now York for .Monrovia tlio other day.
A heavy mlnfuM lias vlsllctl Colorado this
season, extending lliiouglioiit Hie state, and
tho legion formerly know 11 iih Hio gient
Amei lean desei t Is blooming like a gaixlcli
Recently, ut 11 Moscow sunset, tho raja of
tho sun wciti Intciccpted by n cloud, nnd
through some iK-culiar ptoiieitv' In tlm nt-
inosphero tho cutlio city wnscoloicd a vivid
pin phi hue. This strango eflict lasted for
eight minutes.
For tlio past ten year the ow ner of a Hour
lug mill nt Dubuque has had 11 sign on his
11 ro proof safe rending: "No money In hero.
Please call at tlio house," It was Intended
for bmglnrs, and tliu other night ouo called
ut the house and seemed 4 I ,M. 0.
Tlionow calliedial nt Albany piomlscsto
ho eminent among cathedrals for Its memo
I Inl character. Not only will theio Imi ten
stained glass mciuinia! windows, but tlio
twent) four main pillars, no two of whoso
capitals will lw ullkc, aro lo bo memorials,
smaller pillars to commemorate dead chil
dren, niueiOOstalls, the altar, altar rail, font,
retort and other pints of the auditniiuui will
bo gifts In memorlnm.
Tlio average price luld tho nvciago Iowa
"school nml in" by tho year Is Wli-lS. Pre
suming that her hoard mid washing costs
her about 1 per week, and her clothing and
Incidentals ,V) more, sho will then liavo n
surplus of Just (!. I" 0 cur to build up 11 bank
account, which in twenty 'cirsof hind woik
would amount to mot u than fllK), Tnilj it
has liecu said that It is the honor that fount
tho chief leu aid of a literal y life.
A railroad 1 mining tlimugli Duniiuf!
county, Oa., ivcently killed 11 mror back hug
belonging ton widow, nml alio enteird n suit
for damages for the vnluo of It, Tho t ciil
rond won thoense, It being shown that tlio
projier signals were blown and Iho precau
tions taken, nml tho plaintiff was soicly dis
tressed about tho 1 csult, Sho had converted
tho pig into lard, and as tho road would not
pay for killing him she bestowed what iv
maliicd of the oikct'on the eoniutiy. On a
dark night she took tlio ot of gieaso and
proceeding to tho track of tho company
contctl tho rails with n liberal daub of gieaso
for 11 quarter of a mile. It took nil tho sand
that tho engines could bring to bear on tho
track for two days to tldo over tho spot,
which crippled trafllc. Now tho widow Is
thiealrned with n law-suit.
Tlio ".Money In Itun" Sharks.
"Do j on know what manner of shaiks nd
vcrtjso under tho department of 'Money to
loan' and 'Financial' hi some New Yoik
ptqiersr" asked a prominent business man on
Thursday. "No! Well, I do. Ono of my
cmplojes, whoso wlfo had been sick and who
needed n loan, fell into the hands of ouo of
these men who money on iersouiI
projicrty, furniture mid soon. Ho was going
lo squeeze tlio poor fellow out of everything
ho had, when I stcpcd Iu anil stopiied
it, Tho umjoilty of these bloodsuckers without souls or hcnit or con
science. They rcfuso to loan over
&100 to any iwrsoii, no matter how
great tho security oirci ed. They let j oti linv o
frIOOfor sixty da s on your signing a nolo
for $1-10, payable at tho cud of that criod
They ovado tho usury law by legally loaning
you fHO und charging joii flO discount.
Just think what n skin that is, with millions
lying Idle iu Wall rtrcot which would lie
gladly Invested at 4 per tent, or cveullier
cent. cr annum. With this note my m-iu
gave a chattel mo: tgngo on household fin ui
turo worth ei.OOO toei.OOa When his uoto
enmo duo ho couldn't quite pay up. The shark
who held it refused to renew it, but ntfered
to take n new uoto for CM) nt thirty dayi. iu
placo of it,
"My innn foolishly consented. In fact, ho
was given no chance to do nnj thing else,
file money lonner was In tho house and
threatening to forcck as on (ho furniture.
Just before tho thlity das wcro up I wns
told of tho transaction. When Mr. Shark
found ho had somebody to bump up against
that could light him he became- as abject and
servile as n cornered confidence man, Nono
of thoso fellows wants to light, because that
means cxposuro, loss of reputation and dum
ngo to their business. I settled that claim
for12.". And tho money grabber was glad
to get that. If oor tieoplo w ho get bard up
falls Into such hands as theso I don't wonder
they curso tho rich, knowing no other typo
than theso ugly usurers." New Yoik Tri
bune. A Miudoir on tho Title.
When tho west sldo was farms (ho country
roads ran every which way across them, and
many wero really private lanes, although
open for public use. In some coses the origi
nal owners gave deeds leaving theso roads
out on tho supposition that somo day thoy
would bo streets. When tho city camo along
and laid tho farms out Into rectangular city
blocks, tho old lanes reverted to their owners,
who wcro tho heirs of the original fanners,
tho lanes not having been included iu tho
deeds from them.
These holm hnvo multiplied and scattered
over tho country In somo instances, nnd In
other cases tho families liavo died out com
pletely In either case It is practically Im
possible for present purchasers to get a iicr
feet tltlototho parts of tho lots covered by
tho lines of tho ancient lanes, so that acros
frequent blocks run diagonally, wlndlngly,
dgag, and every other way strljis fifteen or
twenty feet broad, upou which people nro
afraid to build lest somo heir should turn up
afterward and demand couqicnsation for his
Interest or tho removal of tho urt of the
house upon his land. Short houses are
erected on many of thew blocks, and tho old
lano part is Isft for a back yard until somo
one comes along to claim It. Somo blocks
are entirely vacant soicly on account of this
shadow upou tho title of a part of them.
New York Bun.
-1'HllsM'tfkHstii titBsifft,.,iaWssrV -
And now ready for inspection at
John Morrison's
All the Finest Qualities and Latnst Patterns in stock. I
the finest cutter in the city and guarantee satisfaction,
and see my goods and work.
121 North Eleventh street.
Fine Driving and Riding Livery,
Always ready for
Most Popular Resort in the City.
i iiy, 1121 and
s 25 cts.
Union - Pacific - Railway,
The Overland Route.
Shortest and Safest Route to all points in
Takn tlienverliiinl lljer anil snvuonodiiy to all l'neltlc const olnts.
ItunnliiK Into Union I)ohiIh nml (-(inueclliu wllb tlio fast limited trains of nil lines for a
points enst, norlli mid south, 'Iliroinjli lleldls on moilirii dny couches. IIiikimiro clircko
IIiioiikIi lo destination from nil points oust in Iho United HI nil n unit Canada.
Sleeper accommodations icscrvcd In through Piiilmati Palace cars from the Miss u
river lo the Pacific coast
i. 13. SLOSSON, Agent.
T. J. POTTKll.
First Vlco-Pieslileiit.
I 'pi2i&i
fiAi x V-iyrVTiOswvW'j'y. Vl? ZSriw1! fMfuSjSi.
Its oontral position nnd cloai oonnoctlon with Eastern linen ut Ghlcaxro
and continuous linos nt tormlnnl polnta, Wont, Northwost, and South
woBt, mnlco it tho tmo mid-link: In that transcontlnontal chain of steel which
unites tho Atlantic and Pivclllc. Its main linos and bronchos lncludo Chl
cacro, Jollot, Ottuwa. LaSnllo, Poorln, Oonosoo, Mollno and Hock Island, ta
Illinois: Dnvonnort, Muscatlno, Waahlnerton, Falrflold. Ottumwa, Oskaloosa,
Woat Liberty, Iown City. Don Moines, Indlnnola, Wlntcreot, Atlantic, Knox
vlllo, Audubon, Unrlan, duthrlo Controand Council Uluflu, lnlowa; Gallatin,
Tronton, Ciimoroi. 8t, JOHoph and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth
end Atohloon, In Kansas; Minneapolis and St., ln2tlnnosota; Water
town and Sioux Fulls in Dakota,, nnd many other prosperous towns and ctUoa.
It also otTors a OHOIOE OF ROUTES to and from tho Pacific Coast and Inter-
all trunsfors
HLEEPINO CAUS. nnd (betwoon Chlcngo, St, Josoph. Atchla,n and Kansas
City) restful rtEOLINlNu CHAIR OARS, seats FREE tc holrfors of through
first-class tickets.
Extonds woe. and southwest from Kansr.o City nnd St. Josoph to Fair
bury, Nolson, Horton, Topoka, Horlnrjton, Hutchinson, Wichita, OoldweU,
and nil points In Southern Nobrr.sUtv Intorlor Kansas and boyond. Entlt
pacsoneor oqulpmont of tho colobratod Pullman mnnumcturo. Solidly bal
hiutod track of hoavy stool rull. Iron and stono brldpros. All safety appliances
and modern improvements. Commodious, wollbullt t'Uitlons. Colurlty, cor
tulnty, comfort und luxury assured.
Is tho fnvortto botwnon Chlcnrjro, Rook Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and
Mlnnoupollu und St, Paul Tho tourist routo to till Northern Sumnior Resorts.
Its Wutortown Brnnoh travorsus tho most product I vo lands of tho crroab
"whontend dairy bolt" or Northern lowu, Southwestern Mlnnosotu, und East
Contrul Dakota,
Tho Short Lino via Sonociv and Knnkakooottoronuporlormcllltlos to travel
botwoon Cincinnati, Indiiiniipolls, Uifuyotto, and Council Illutls, St. Josoph,
Atchison, Lioivvotvnorth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, und St. Paul.
For Tlckots, MapH, Foldors, or uny doslrod Information, upply to any Cou
pon Ticket Ottluo In tho United Stutos or Cunadu, oruddross
Oaneral Mtaaer.
ciiicwiD, iu..
" - iilitraiAtt? -'ti itiif'-r 'JUt
12th St., bet. PandQ.
Calls for Halls, Parties, etc., Promptly
Made, with Stylish Rigs, Coupes
and Hacks.
service, day or
1123 N Street.
$.1.50 per week. 1
KM I U Htiict, Uncoln, Nebraska,
H. L. LOMAX, J. h TKiinirrs,
Ahs. (Jt'ii. Puss, and Ticket A't. (leu. Pass and Ticket Ag
ePjfr iEdprpi
in union dopots. Fast Trains of nn
Oen'l TiektPass'r Agtmt
' JUtM,9i' "llSlU