Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 30, 1888, Image 6

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Fine Shoes
Fine Shoes
Fine Shoes
Perkins Bros.
1 1 29 O Street.
New Jewelry Store,
1019 O Street. Established 1874.
Desires to call the attention or ttio public to
Mm now ami elegant stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Having more room to nccommodnto tlio trade
nml show a larger lino tlum over. Ileforo pur
chasing, kWc us n call nml wo will show you
the rlnc-t lino nt lowest nosslhlo prices.
Watch Repairing and Engraving
Neatly Anne ami nil work warranted.
Not with
standing the
Tact that Pho
tographs havo
boon redu od
to about half
tho form or
price wo liavo
eiiifnod t li
services of ono
OftllOllCSt fin
ishers In Now
York to take
ohargoof that
dopnrtment of
the studio. Our
oirnrts shall ho
untiring to
Klvocach cus
tomor ontlru
HatUfaotlo n
and to produce
superior work
done before.
Cabinets, $3 per Dozen.
In thejelty ull conic from the
Graham Brick Stables
C7 P street, wharc all kinds of
Boggles, Carriages or Saddle Horsey
Can ho hadat any time, day
or night on short notice.
And veil taken euro of at reat.ouahlu nito.
Call and see us, 1U.7 U street, or kIvo
orders hy Telephone 117.
W. J. P. Lawton
D. D. S.
Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block.
levator on O St.. JTclephone628
Administered for painless extraction.
P MJJfclji'3K3tjClv J iVs' iJ'l fi&W.
The Kxtrciue Hut Wrnllier Theatrical
Tuples Pickups Atimit llir City,
iKtiiTouiAt. ConitKni-oNDKNcr..
Just now tho great inotroKi)U of America
Is not In its most Attractive splendor, nor do
tho denuens enjoy homo Urn any too well.
Tho weather, during my stay of a week has
boon excessively warm, iiueomfortatilo to live
by day, and tho heat hy ttl(ht Iwlng such as to
prevent sleep like unto our neiiraskn siumttcrH.
This Is certainly 0110 big advantage wo havo
over tho olToto cast. It may lx hot enough dur
ing tho day to roast a good dinner In tho sun,
hut nt 11 Iglit wo seldom fall to obtain n cool
nnd (pilot sleep. Tho atmosphere in tho city
hns Itccn so oppressive that during the at
few days, hundreds havo liecii stricken down
in tho streets, and n great many deaths havo
been reported lit tho daily (wilier. A fair Idea
of tho extent of heat may I hi formed from tho
fnct that n gentleman was prostrated In Ceil
trnl park yesterday, and this Is considered 11
very cool place.
Tlio seashore resorts uro Just opening for tho
season nnd It is at near by-jwlnU that tho
Now Yorker seeks frequent cool roiKwos from
tho city's mighty heat. Coney Island Is easily
nnd speedily reached hy several routes, of
which tho most popular is tho nil wnter route,
Thero nre no vera I ways to reach tho island hut
that of tho Iron Mtenmhoat Co,, is tho only 0110
that goes by wntor entire. This Isn U-nutlful
ride, affording tho plensuro seeker n lovely
view of tho bay mid hit; hnrlior, with such at
tractions along the route ns the famous Htntuo
of I.lliorty, Governors Island, Brooklyn
bridge, tho former nnd latter presenting par
ticularly handsome pictures on returning nt
night, lx)th being hriliniitly illuminatetl by
eloctriclty. Tho Iron steamboats nro largo
nnd commodious, having n capacity of from
1000 to 2200 pawtenger. They hnvo trlplo
decks and inako tho run In (lfty minutes, and
tho fnro Is very cheap, (fifty cents round trip)
thus affording everybody an opportunity to
go frequently. The other transportation Hues
go part by rail and tho balance by water.
Un Friday I vlsitod Coney Island and yes
terday, which wns renlly ooiiliig dny, for It
was tho first very largo gathering tho now
bench has had this Rummer. I visited Brigh
ton nnd Manhattan bench, on both occasions
accepting tho opportunity to dnuivn my i
son in tho waters of tho mighty deep; music
filled tho nlr, and bathers by tho hundred
filled tho beach, nnd it was altogether very
elegant. Notwithstanding tho fact that It was
Sunday, tho hctel.i nnd other seaside resorts,
ns well ns Manhattan ImnicIi, wns visited by
Now York's host element and oftentimes while
waiting for n breaker to coma thundering
nlong, an acquaintance who seemed to know,
or know hy sight, most ovorj prominent per
sou, would from time to time point out various
looplo of prominence both In and out of tho
wnter; mid the fair sox wero thero too in
great uumheiH nnd in fact I might say there
wore 111 reality onccthinl more ladles than
gentlemen Manhattan bench, as every out.
hero knows, is for tho refined clement, wlillo
Coney Island is visited by all classes, the for
mer, howover, havl ig njliotter bcach.and su
perlor accomodations.
I visited Buffalo Bill's Wild West, on Frl.
day and from what I had hoard of it, expect
ed much, and it Is but Just to say that my ex
pectations were more than realized. Tho
show consists of fancy riding, oxcrt marks
mntislilp, exhibit showing various modes of
life on the plains in tho early history of tho
west, etc. The attraction Is located at Eras
tlno on Htaton Island and is doing big business.
To reach tho pliico It is necessary to tnko the
lioats nnd trains of tho Slaten Island llnplri
Transit Co; boats leaving here overy twenty
minutes, tho rido Mug about half hy wnter
nnd half by rail.
Met Manager Crawford, of Crawford & Mo
lteynolds, nt Taylor's Theatrical Exchange
todny. Ho arrived hero a fow dnys ngo nnd
will remain until tho latter part of next week.
Ho s)ea! r well of tho coming Reason's pros
lects nnd has Invoked n great mnny line com
wml(n. In fact, Just before I met him ho
closed tho fifth contract of thnt doy. Follow
ing are a fow of tho contracts ho has already
made since he reached here: Dark Secret,
Little Tycoon, Margaret Mather, okes Co.,
Ivy Leaf, Kriuliilo, Thatcher, Prlmrow fie
West's Minstrels, Fanny Da vciqiort, Shadows
of a Great City, Lottn and others Mr.
Crawford said "Wo nro fixed to glyo Lincoln
better attractions uoxtfccnsou than they hnvo
over had." "You see," continued tho man
of theatricals, "in hooking a big nttrnctiou
suy for Omaha or Kansas City, wo mnko n
contract including Lincoln also, thereby giv
ing it as good ns tho larger towns got."
"Nero, or tho Fall of Home," Klrnlfy's
great sjioctnculiimt St. Ooorge, Btaten Island,
received its drat presentation last night and
having Ih-cii favored with nit Invitation to
join tho New York press gang who wero
taken over by secliil bout, I had tho pleas
ure ot witnessing tho great 8ieetueular.
Nothing that I havo over seen in any way
approaches it. in the cast there is '.'(WO peo
ple, a chorus of 10(H), and an orchestra of 100
The scenery Is iiiiiksIvc and very lino and thu
IsMformnneo is given in tho ojien air on n
large plot of laud. Tho cost of presenting
tho piece is said to bo ovr $75,000. Kiral
fy's "Fall ofjliahylon," 11 similar production,
hut summer was in 11 lluaneial point of view,
a 11111111-0, and It is to bo hoped bis present ef
fort will bo more successful.
Today Is "Slaughter Day" in Now York
wholesale houses and it is an iiitorehtlng sight
to observe the array of resident and visiting
buyers Jumping hi for bargains. All goods
are sold at n big discount for two reasons,
viz.: to make room for winter goods and
secondly, most all the larger houses invoice
this mouth, It takes but little time to clear
out 1111 cntlro Moor of tho oxtensive Jobbing
houses, 11 half day ImjIiik tho usual timo .lleii-
ular huyorp, of course, know the exact value
of goods, mid a sulllcient discount Is offered
to move tho goods ami they move rapidly.
Tho races and huso bull uro attracting con
blderahlo uttentlon Just now, tho Brighton
and Hhocpihcnd courses being very opu
lar. Just saw largo drny loads of boxes uro go
ing down Broadway inurkod "Ashby & Mill
spatigh, Lincoln, Neb."
Jack roses in 0 selling on Broadway at one
cent each, mid In souo places ten cents ier
The trains of tho olovalod stivet railways
nro Jaiiuued overy night uud iiioriiliig.anilall'
nay long tho beating capucity of each car h
taxed to its utmost. It is said that the earn
ings of the several linos, which have nil Iteen
pooled, nro enormous,
Now York now has a fencing school for
ladles near Union square.
Nearly nil the theatres uro closed, there be
ing only uliout six of tho llrst-class houses
ojien. After tho Mat week in July there
will lio hut two open fur tlio Miniuivr, name
ly. The Casino mid Mtullsou Sipiure.
Walking along Fifth avenue on most nny
nice day, Mm. Liumtry mid Freddie (1. can
bo seen either promeuadliig or driving.
Nadjy, the new oKru at tho Casino is prov
ing a big success. It Is a charming compo
sition and received nightly with applauso.
Tho roof gunlen und oon air concerts after
the iHtrformanco nro a great drawing card
for tho Casino, Between tho nets I mot Mr.
ltarler, nmiiager of the Casino company
that goo wost next Nwisoti, and ho Informed
mo that hlscouiMtny was Itookod nt (ho Fimkn
early in Fetirnarv.
Corlno is now playing In osra nnd Is
making qulto a hit at tho Thalia InUtthof
lior now phivs, "Monte. Crlsto, Jr." and "Ar
cadia." I hud 11 pleasant chat with tho little
lady and sho expressed herself as being well
satlstltsl with liar mtcvww. Corlno will play
n two nights' engagement In Lincoln, com
mencing January illst.
It Is rumored In new simper circles that tho
vim utter Is to Imi rovlvwl by Mr Dalell.
Tho AVirs Lrltri' wns a good panr nnd with
good maiingemeut would wy,
Mr. Jacob Mahler, wlfo and daughter
havo engaged n hiindsomo suit of rtHinis nt
the Hotel (lleiihnm which they will invupy
during their atny In tho city. They have
not arrlvixj as yet but nro nxpectod dally.
Business In all llnwls said to bu very dull.
MoivhnnU claim they have had no spring
trade whntcver mid that summer trade is
also very light, I nave boon In ninny of thn
largest place and overyUxly has the same
Politics nro the nll-alworhliig topic nnd on
tho corner of Broadway merchants nnd pro
fesslonal men nrose!n discussing the situation.
I lie democratic lxindanna hniidkerchlef Is
son overy whero and within tho last fow days
tho republicans ling hmulkerchlof has made
It npiiearanco. It lnm the national color
and has in words on It "l'rotectlon to Homo
industries." f.oi' W.
New York, Juno Wth.
i:njyalila Ihitnrtuliinient,
Tliominunlentertnlninnnt of tho scholars
or the convent of the Holy Child Jesus took
place Monday afternoon, and was attended
by a largo number of prominent Catholics,
among them Bishop lioiiiieum, Hevs. St.
Uwremv, Shaft. Ivennedv nnd Dunnhv.
Muster l'aul Fltr.gorald. son of John Kltmr.
aid, dellveml tho ad(lnss of welwiuo, after
which 1110 ioys' oH'iiing chonis, "Krln, My
Country." "Musen, or tho Discontented
Fly," was presented with a full cast. Muslo
was noxt. 11 order mid tho following seloo
tieiis wcre,(lveii:
rinno solo, "01 1 Black Joe" by Miss Neillo
Chonistn(, "O'er tho Hill," "Beautiful Islo
of tho Sen," nccomxiulinent hy Miss Blrdlo
Biuum, nun "We nro Fairies," nmiuimnl
men t by Miss Alma Has".
yuark'ttc, "Silver Tnimiicta" by Mlssos
lllrdlo Sutton, Anna Hass, Mary Medium
ami Maggie McitoWts.
"Onlop Trio" hy Misses Anna Flligornld
Mary Haborlln nnd Mary Mcluuhlin.
IteclUitlon, -A Little dirl" by JIIss Mngglo
llistiumeiitnl (puirtette, by Jllsses Ada
Butler, JIary Mcflllnn, Blnllo Sutton nnd
lU-cIUitlon, "Tho Tusstry "Weavom," by
iuiss jmisy 1 otvin.
l'lano Solo, "Iji Sonnmhiiln," by Miss
IVaoml Weaver.
1 uo entertainment concluih-d with "Ici 011
I nrlo Irancais," the several mrts being very
well taken.
The scholamXallJsliowed tho good results
of excollont training, and placiw the convont
Bciiooi in mo iroiit ranks or jwroclilal cdu
Itnveiitlon to Kldnr Johnson.
Klder J. B. JoIiiihoii mid family wero given
a farewell roceptlon Saturday evening by the
iiii-imwrn in me iviirisiimi cliuix'h of which
no iiim noon pastor f jr some yearn. The
senU wero removed from the auditorium of
1110 cmircli, while Mowers everywhere adorn
ed tho edlllco .'3Two mottoes' luinkml will.
benutirul buds and blossoms were suspended
from tho wnll, bouri..;, tho words "God Bless
ou" and "A Lovlnir Farewell." Thn vn
lug was siient In social conversation, and at
mo cioso 1110 liiiior anil .Mrs. Johnson wore
called forwnrd, nnd Mr. J. Z. Briwoo in an
npproprlntely-woi-iled address.
them with a lieautlfiil sliver Uasotand water
tervlco from the congregation ami mi album
from Mr. Wright's class. Tho worthy couple
miLTuiKcii uy surprise, nut .Mr. Johnson re
covered milllelently to thank them wnrmlv
for their kind remembrance. Klder Johnson
severs his connection with tho Chrlsihir.
church with regret from nil; und ho carries
wiin mm to his now Meld of Inlw tho well
wlshei and hopeful prnyeruof tho entire mem
Caned hj- in rrlmid.
Mr. Thos K, Berry, for some time connect
ed wttn .Mr. John Fltrgornld, left Thursday
for Butte City, Montana, whero ho has se
cured n lucnitlvo wsltlon. Tuesday evening
a iiiimW of his friends gathertsl at his rooms
nt tho Transit, mid presented him with nn
elegant gold-hendod enne, sulhibly InscrlUsl.
Mr. Berry's sin prise was further Increased
when his presence was requested in the din.
Ing rooms, whero bis friends quickly gather
ed, mid proceeded to discuss a recherche
banquet in bU honor. Toasts, iosionsos mid
songs enlivened the gathering. TIiomi parti
cipating were: Mofjsrs. John Fitgerald, J.
I'. Sutton, II. J. Co,grovo, Frank V. iCgnn,
David Fitgerald, IM Caguoy, (1. W. ICidd,
I. M. Hnydcn. Jniuo Condon. William Cn.i-
uelly, I'. (). Unssldy, T. A. Hlonlun, J. A.
O'Shen, Will O'Shen, IM J. Coylo, 1). J.J.
Fitzgerald, James Farrell, and J. S. Mac
I'.ir (r.HTi's.
Tho following Is said to have Mrst made Its
apiH'aranco in the .Montreal Uutrlte, but it
has a iiertliiunt application to this city that
wo reproduce It by request:
Mr. Kdltor: A lady wants to say a fow
words to tho grocery merchants, mid really It
Isn delicate subject to handle. You know it
is near the timo when our groceryincu set their
vegetables out on tho jMivement, and do you
know there nro many tall dogs in town, and
and It ojieratos 011 them us though they drank
from Saratoga medical springs. Now, M,.
Kdltor, you know what 1 mean to sny, mid If
you will help me out you w ill do tho public n
groat favor, What we want Is the vegetables
ill boxes, or, In other words, "nbovo high
water mark." For the good of tlio woman
und mankind, tlio grocers will pleaso attend
uttoiid to It. Those wire screens they use
over liasketsmul barrelsaro not 'wnter tight '
This is 11 delicnto matter, but von know uln.ii
a lady goon shopping for cnbbugo mid beets
sho doesn't like to lo obliged to get mih also,
l'louso put It in shnHi so ns to offend noUnly
In tho combination, pro(ortion, mid prepara
tion of its Ingredients, Hood'H Sarsaixirilla
accomplishes cures w hero other preimrations
entirely fall. 1'eculltir In its good iimno at
home, which Is a "tower of strength abroad,'
peculiuriii tho pheiioineiml sales It has at
taiuml, Hood's Saisnpurlllu is the most suc
cessful inwllcino for purifying tho blood,
giving strength, ami creating nn nppetlto.
I lA Mouth Tenth Street.
For tickets to Dakota, Minnesota, Montana.
Oregon, Washington territory or California
iwliits, call nt the above place.
Lively sale of ladle muslin underwear,
Drawers and chemise at M cents. Skills mid
night-dresses ut -IS cents.
Oaklev & Co.
Spring wraus and JackeUi at reduced 11
urtii nt Onkluy ,"t Co.
Diverse filylin of FaslilonatiU Mlltlntry,
Hats anil llonnitta Hultd to Rvnry Ag
ml Orratlou A l'lrtnrqiia Ijtrgs Hat
Ilttutratril mill Draorlbeil.
Never wns thero a aeanon when tho atylca
of fashionable millinery wero moro dlronm.
No particular ilylo pixHlomlnntea cither in
bonneU or In gowns. Ouo nooi tollottMof
alleisxhs, tlmesiiiuUtylca. Knch lady wears
what aulU her twsU
For young girls there are round hat very
much turned up nnd trimmed with bunchc
of Mowers or ribbons.
Hata Rultablo foi the races and coaching
parties nro of coarse, oen itraw, black, whit
or colored, and trimmed with ribbon and
Small tulle bonnoU, trimmed with dowers,
nro popular. 80 arocapotos mode entirely
of flowers. A decided novelty in floral bon
neU ii ono mado of a largo Iris flower, around
which I twisted a largo lllao colored tulle
scarf, crossed at the back of the hood, com
ing round to tie under tho chin, and fastened
with pearl plna.
In tho cut Is represented a unique model In
way of a largo hat. Tho soft brim of this
model Is of green velvet and the crown Is of
black tulle, tho long tullo veil, fastened at
the back, is brought forwnrd and carelessly
tied at ono side. This simple hat is exceed.
Ingly cffcctlvo and becoming to most fresh
young fncca.
For mldiummer wear are In preparation
airy but costly affairs, built on tho slightest
of frame and covered with tullo, crar, laoo
or any other translucent material that lm
prU a setao of summer These fragilo af
fairs are usually trimmed with Mower.
BonneU now worn nro, some of them, of
white chip mid black velvet, with garniture
of roses. This combination It a becoming
om and consequently qulto popular,
How Men Dress at Weddings.
At noou weddings tho ushers, especially if
tboy are very young men, wear cutaway
ooata of flne black diagonal cloth, with white
plquo vests and very dark strlpod trousers,
tnoro bluo than gray in tone, Tholr scarfs
are of whlto China crupo, or of white Bon
gallne, In which, stuck In one corner, is n
scarf pin, the gift of tho groom, their glovos
nre pearl colored, with blnck cording or
stitching on tho back; their shoes are of pat
ent leather, with dull kid uppers, and tholr
very largo boutoiinlcresaroof tho whlto rosos
of Juno, with a littlo sprig of tho cultivated
nspnrngus amid tho row leaves; whlto ribbon
loops sometimes show conspicuously In those
wedding favors, but are moro often conflnod
to tho coachman nnd footman of tho carrlngo
in which tho brldo is taken away from the
churcli. At afternoon weddings tho frock
coat with black vest Is most generally
worn, yet tho cutaway coat Is by no means
limited to morning weddings. Tho groom
nnd his best man, as thoy appear together at
tho altar to await tho bridal procession, must
bo dressed alike In frock coat and vest of
supernno blncli cloth, with dark striped
trousers, whlto silk or crepo do chlno scarf
and j)oarl colored gloves stitched with jionrl,
not with black, llko thoso of tho ushors. This
is tho groom's dress for dny weddings nt any
hour, and does not prevent tlio ushers from
wenrlng cutaway morning coats with whlto
vest. After 7 o'clock, nt evening weddings,
nil gentlemen groom, host man, ushers nnd
guests wear evening dress, with swnllow
tall coat, low cut vest nnd trousers of black
west of Knglnnd cloth plain or clso slightly
embroidered shirt bosoms, folded whlto lawn
nocktn-i and whlto kid gloves, with silk socks
and patent leather shoes. Harper's Bazar
llmitln;; anil Tenuis llnu.
In tho illustration nro given two modols.
Ono represents n hat much affected by Kng
llsb w onion both for IxMitlug and tenuis, and
is variomly trimmed. Sometimes thero is
only n plain baud around tho crown, and yot
again tho waterproof riblion is massed in
high standing Ioum at tho front. This llguro
also shows 0110 of several stylos of boating
and tenuis shiit or blouso so much worn
abroad, and providing moro comfort to tho
wearer than perhaps any othor form of waist.
TJl.NNIB hats.
Tho remaining ilguro shows a hat recently
deecrilxx! in Harper's Baxar along with othor
tennis fashions. It is known ns th., nlmtn
hat and Is of Bailor shape, with the brim cov
erod with whlto serge, and the crown with a
fislurmnn's cap of spotted silk. It maybe
of Interest to our readers to learn that the
hat Inst described Is somotlmw worn with a
suit, tho ldousonnd lower skirt of which is
mado of spotted twillod silk, while tho apron
mid bolt aro of whlto sorgo.
Dinner Gowns.
Blnck nnd white aro much worn for dlnnor
gowns, nnd a good examplo wns a black and
whlto strljMHl broendo, tho front nil cream
lnco and heavy pearl embroidery! the bodice
also all ponrlod. Tho backs of nil gowns
seem to fnll In graceful straight folds, caught
up ot tho waist In a sort of buttertly bow;
tho sides and fronts show the variations of
style. Fichus of soft lace are tied grace
fully over eomo of tho bodices, nnd largo and
bold IMttcrus In Veuetlan brocade are well
Special iittontion i. paid to
Stock Large.
Assortment Complete.
All the New Shades.
All the New Fabrics.
145 South Tenth Street.
That wc keep a general assortment (
And Gents'
j All the Latest styles in Collars, and the
MNhrs UUM.AKt), 12'A cts, Unll nml sec us if you want to get goods In our Hi t
just ten per cent cheaper limn ut any other lunuc In town.
BAKER, The Clothier,
1125 O STREET.
This is the only mower made that will cut high grass. Guar
anteed to give satisfaction. Call and see it.
Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc.
123 North 15th Street,
Antique Finish.
X mKf ,v's. m f- vHv
And the largest assortment in the city at lowest prices may
be found at
RUDGE & MORRIS, 1122 N Street.
Celebrated Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves.
AT -
1 ' 1 j u a
season's novelties In Ncckwcnr. FINE
-4' '
ON -
Best Construction.
Now Used.