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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1888)
nwfTVWw'&, MgtHffpr"'? ' -''-,'S T1, AWJ'-,' Jv 'JpHlfSS ' i e?apHj3f 9fm'tmmw. Drayage and Moving, OL1VKII MAOOAU1) Desires to inform the public his equip ment for moving Household Goods, Pl.uio Safes, M.irultntiilloc, Heavy Mnclitnei etc., Is the bjt In the city. " Special men anil wagons uro kest for the removal of Pianos and Household Goods, Which are always handled by compi'tnnt nnd experleneed'hclp, and the' latest nppli nncca used for h nulling Safes and other heavy goods. Call, ad.lres or telephone OLIVF.R MAGGAUl) Telephone 1 1 1 Office y 1 7 () Fremont Elkhorn & Mo. Valley Trains leave 10: 1-'in. 111. and r.Mi p.m TlIK l:i.Klt()IIN VAM.I'A IilNK. To froo homes In NorthweMem Nebraska mi Southwestern Dakota. To tliu Hlnck II1IU and tho Hot Spi Intf. To Central Wjomlnt; coal niul on fields nil cattlo ranges. To Chicago and the Kt. To 8t. l'ntil, llio North and NorlhweU. For further Inrurinntlun Inquire of (IT.O. N. KOItl'.HMAN, AKt'llt. 1 13 South 10th sheet, Lincoln r. F. FlTCH, J. K. HlTIIANAN, (leiieinl Jl'Kor, (len'l Pass. Au't Missouri Valley, Iowa. C AriTAL NATIONAL BANK C AIMTAI. Hrocic S300.000. 0. W Moshrr, l'riwldont. V J' Walsh, V-Prs 11. u. union, wasnier. S. I-I. BUKNHAM, BROKER. MUn.y loaned on long or short time at Iowa ites. Ofllco In Illchards' Mock, room SB. Take elevator on Eleventh street entranoa. N. R. HOOK, M. DM niSKAMHS OK WOMEN. drinary and Recta; Diseases a Specialty. Treats roetal dlscnsoi liy IIIUNKI'.IUIOIT I'AMLKSS SYSTEM. Omeo, rooms l, l") and 121 Burr Illoek. TwelRh and O sirect. Office telephone fl8. Iteslilcnco 10?.l Q street. Thine, KU Office hoiini, 0 to 12 a.m. to 5 ami '1 to ft p in Sundays, 10 to It a in C.A.SHOEMAKER.M.D. Homtoopathist Physician, Telephone No 6S5. 163 South 1 tth .Street, Lincoi.m Ni.ii PEERLESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. Still in Ute front and absolutely leading nli nniiietltors. Thoroughly ciiilppctl for tl.t dnest work, giving to each customer on un qualified guarantee for all work done All ot our work dono with neatness nnd dispatch Wo solicit orders for suburban villngos and neighboring towns, paying the express on ad ardors one way. UospcctfuHy, C. J. PRATT. BLOOD POISON. Old (lnml tcelh rimtnln , tlio milnteuiico of IiIihhI I poison! Who ran sw dlmv f It, guttilng out of oiil ivuih At evi ry niu il niul bo hcnlthyf Then) teeth nro dead, ulcerated, unli althy trcquently rnusc n uwullod faco. Should ciTtuI". Ix extracted ami repln'cd ulllf pood, nrliflclsl teeth tint never ache, Can be 01 trad ed without pain. No hum. bug. ABRASION OF THE TEETH. The above cut shows the teeth ot a man 48 years'of sire, from Dr. licit In 1831. We meet with tills ulTi'ctlou In the teeth In various forms nd deKrrt-e, The ends ot the crowns seem TWJ soft, havlug a low degree of vitality snd wear down showing a dark yellowish cupped the center. Many are so foolUh to '" 'hat molar teeth aro of llttlo account. it them ko by default; after which all the force of the uius"les are extended to the front teeth, wearlm; them down rapidly. The best, and orly remedy, Is to cover and buildup the ends with gold and platinum, which wears like steel and saves them in any years. We make a specialty of fine gold work oa building them up, contour tilling, etc A. B Cuts A aud B aro from John Tomes, of Enr land. A Two Incisors with notches In the ends. 0 shows thepegchaped teeth wltbv. llowUb Its In the ends For such teeth we hare two remedies: First To till tin pits In the eads with gold. Sec ond KxtraU them and replace them with artificial teeth. Hut the hones absorb awai rapidly so that they will need resettlni; fre queutly. We make the Incst artificial teeth In the northwest We uso Justles' and White's pitent teeth, with loni;, Heavy plus, mounted on strouic elastic plates. Those who patr tilz us will not be troubled with broken teeth ind cracked plates, canxer sore mouths, etc. To looso tho front teeth, Is to looso hall the power of speech, and more than half the beauts Diseased Qumi. .J1?. th uni Waek and die, the smB Meed a. the illgbtwt Uracil, ulcerate, the teetb loosen ao4 fail out, too breath U horrible. DR. A. P. BURRUS. 1200 O Street, ' O UMlUptd Transit, coias up dlsaaaed t a makta tSM BiMSt gold and platinum aUlam. nlkS MM UmH lata that tobacco will not UnSk W 'tJJ I rwv.iEa 1 ALL AnOUND THE HOUSE. Btjdes of rurtilturo Now Popular In Fash ionable Country Mouses, French style n furniture nro becoming rapidly popular onco more, and for the sum mor season will bo In eejieclal favor, ns thoy nro light, dainty nnd cool of aoct. White nnd gold wis, nnd sou In delicate tints of rose pink, cream color, wtlo green nnd sky blue, nro not only In voguo for liedrooins, but nro quite tlio thing in imrlors, breakfast nnd dining rooms of country houses. In theso houses carets llnd no place, II tlio lloorsaro well finished and stained rttRii nro used Quito n now feature In these nro tha Japanese cotton tugs, which nro so light that thoy may Ito easily shaken and do not give the sensation of heat and dust that n number of woolen rugs In n room suggest. Thoy como In hlues and grnys, mid nro wild not to fndo. If tlio floor bo a roughly (In Ishcd 0110, umttiuge provido n suitable cov erlug, mid n choice tnay bo made liotween tlio plain straw color, plain blues, reds and an endless variety of fancy mattings In de signs combining n variety of color. For handsome rugs tho plain self colored matting provide the bent foil, All tlio drniierlesof tho country houo for tho summer nro light and cool In diameter, uothliiK being moro suitable than embroid ered muslins or muslin mid lnce, when white U liked, and Madras or gay India silks wheio It Is necessary to hrighteii up n dark room Cushions on bamboo, enameled wood nnd othor summer styles of furniture nro nlwnys movable and attached by ribbon bows. Cre tonnes or India silks represent tho coverings in voguo for these. Soiiirtliliic New In Needlework. A novel way of turning plush touceoutvlns n border for enrtntns or any largo ploco of work Is described ns follows: Cut tho plush Into 6trlis averaging Ave Inches In width and Join these strips neatly and strongly Into a sulllcient lungth, taking care that tho pile falls all tho snmo way. A design, ami It should be a very bold 0110, must bo traced on tlio wrong sldoof tho plush, and nil tho ma terial outsldo the design cut away, leaving only tho open work pattern. This Is to bo laid quite Hat on tho curtain or other article to bo ornamented, nnd kept In place by the help ot n little, veryilttlo, cmbroldory pasta When this Is quito dry, tho rnw edges of the plush nro traced out with a lino of narrow tinsel cord, held In placo by buttonhole, stitches, which nro carried far enough into the surfneo of the plush, and aro closo enough together to ofTcctually prevent It from fray ing. A tocond lino of cord or ot plain tinsel may bo carried round lioyond tho other, should one not Iw considered sulllcient. The rest of the plush may lo filled In with n variety of fancy stitches worked In various colors and materials, or It may bo left en tlrely plain, according to fancy. Tho plush In tho latter enso must exhibit n strong con trnst of color or slmdo of color to that of tho foundation material, or tho work will give disappointment by not being sufficiently eireetivu An Old Mirror Mud New. Tho pretty French mirror shown in tho cut represents n useful stylo. By taking It as n model, n worn frame may bo hidden nnd nn old looking glass converted Into something fresh nnd attractive. VUKNCII L00K1.N0 GI.AKW, Tho draping blends plain plush or Roman sheeting with cither cretonne, ait muslin, or ngnin with figured silk, which is edged with a ball fringe. Trails of flowers are grace fully scattered over tho soft folds, whllo a stuffed bird appears busily engaged chasing a bright butterfly painted 011 tho mirror. Uonny Clubber. This wholesome dish can bo bad in perfec tion Insummor, w hen milk soursaud thickens very quickly, often without becoming ncld in taste. It is a good plan to pour tho milk, before it has thickened, into a glus3 dish, and when it is thick sot It on the loo for an hour or two, or until needed. It should nlwnys bo served very cold, nnd caro taken in dishing it that tho curd Is not broken auy more than Is absolutely necessary. It may be eaten with sugar and nutmeg. Sheep's Klndoys with Wine. Clean and cut in small pieces. Melt a table-spoonful of butter, adding a toaspoonful of chopixxl parsloy ami one of mushrooms, a little salt, pep)er and nutmeg. Htlr tho kid neys In this uutil they begin to harden, when drodgo them with a little flour and it wine glass of whlto wine. Stir with a wooden spoon aud simmer slowly till done. Tako off and add a tablespoonf ul of butter aud a table spoonful of lemon Juice, Bcorchwl Cream. The following Is said to bo very nlcc-to eat with rlpo currants or any small fruit: Bring one quart of milk to a boll and stir in three eggs, six ounces of sugar and three tablo spoonfuls of flour. Boll all together two or three minutes. Tour Into a deep dish and spriuklo sugar over tho top, aud scorch with a very hot flat iron. To be eaten cold. A dood IMnln IMddliiB. Ono cupful ot sugar mixed with three table tpoonfuUof melted butter, one well lieaton egg, ono pint of flour, ono cup of sweet milk, ono teaspooiiful of soda and two touspooufuU ot cream of tartar. Beat well and bako 0110 half hour. To bo enteu hot with sauce Ono Thing nml Auiither. Bamboo furniture has its turn ngnln now, und dealei'4 say theio U unumal demand tor it for country houses. A pretty plan of hU1iiij tho tea tablo Is to plu napkins on the bare polished wood un der tho principal dishes. This reduces the amount of linen for tlio and U an agrco- 1 able chance. Among moth preventative that nro popu lar is oil of cedar, tho odorof which is said to drive tho lay moth or minor from a room. Cloths saturated with the oil are laid around the room, which Is kept closed for several hours, then ulrod thoroughly. SCIKNCK AND 1M.0GKKSS. POPULAR SCIENCE NEWS FOR ALL CLASSES OF READERS. A 1'irtty Ktporlmmil Upon the Denxlty ot l.liillil Thnt. with n l.lltlo llextrrlt). Can Un Performed Without Appui ittur liy Any Onn An Interesting experiment tqion tho denslt) "f liquids can lie iMirformcd by taking two oi lets or gliiKScnof equal stromal filling Ixttli tn the brim, one with water and nuewltl " Ino Cover the glass containing water w Ith 1 piece of writing puH'i, as In tho llrat cut NO I DKNHITV OF LIQUIDS Now, with 0 llttlo dexterity, says n Nature, tho glass covered by tho jmper may bo I placed over the glass of wine, na In Fig. 1 1 hi the second cut, without spilling a drop of ' the liquid. Next draw tho irKrn llttlo to 0110 sldo, ns In Fig. 3 of tho last cut, nnd tho , lighter u'luo will rise and tho heavier will I fall, causing two opposite currents between tho glasses, until thoy hnvo changed places ' with each other. Tho movements will bo I very evident from tho difference In color of '.ho two liquids. NO 'A OBNKITV OF LIQUID. If wlnocnnuot bo obtained, a mixture of ono part nlcohol to ten of water, colored with a llttlo Ink, may ho used Instead. Wear nnd Tcui of the Alrillrul I'rnfrsnlon. Dr John 11 itaucli, secrctnry of tin stato board of health of Illinois, who had liccomo impressed with n conviction that tht practice of mcdiclno Is not so conducive to longovlty as Is popularly supposed, has for ten years been accumulating data bearing on tho wear nnd tear of tho medical profession of his stato. An oxamluntlon of this data lends to the Inferenco that physicians, on entering prnc tiqo, form a class of selected lives, slnco thoy hava an advautaKO of nearly U per cent, as compared with all tho males of tho mine ages, that Is from SI to 40, and of over 60 per cent, as compared with tho total populu lion, both saxes, at tho samo nges; this later great disparity being no doubt largely due to the casualties among woman during tho child bearing period. As tho wear nnd tear of practlco begins to tell, this ndvnutngo ! soon lost; so thnt during tho ierIod from 30 to 70 tho death rato of physicians Is 8 pet cent, greater than that of all males, nnd dur ing tho period from 40 to TO It Is moro than 1 1 ier cent, greater than thnt of both sexes. An examination of tho cause of death 10 veals tho result of the exjiosuro irregular hours, broken rcstnud mental anxiety, which aro the lot of tho average practitioner. Tho A(o of tho Ktan. In nn address delivered by M. Jnr.nson, nt Metidou, France, and published in L'Asti-ono mlo, the principal thought Is that tho idea of evolution may bo applied to the stars its well as to torrcbtrlal tilings. Tho stars nro not fixed nnd eternal, but aro subject to chnngo and time. Thoy have a beginning, a period of activity, adccllno nnd nn end By recent advances In tho study of celestial physics, especially with tho spectroseoio, we aro en abled to know something of tho actual con ditlon nnd relative ago of some of the stars. Wo may assume that tho ago of stars, other things being equal, will depend Uxu their temperature, nnd thnt their temperatures nro higher In proxitlou as their sjicctrn aro richer In vlolot rays. Tho mnjority of tho stars which aro visible to tho naked oyo nro white or bluish, and therefore at a high teuqieraturu, but many aro yellow or orange, llko our suu, showing that they liavo passed their youth, while others are from dork orange to dark rod, showing that their ilderonl evolution Is fur advanced. Sltupln Hrlantlllc Experiments. A correspondent of Hcienco News furnished tho following: Wrap up a round bullet In n thin paper ns smoothly as oMdblo, aud hold it over a flame; tho bullet will melt beforo tho aper will burn. This is duo to tho fact thnt tho load is a good conductor of heat, nnd con ducts It nwny from tlio iaper so rapidly that It cannot lie heated to tlio igniting point. Tblsoxieriiueiit h rather a dilllcult one, but can bo accomplished with a llttlo enro. Tho paper must bo smoothly and closely wrapped around tho bullet, nnd thoflamo must not be allowed to touch any part of the paper not in contact with it. Honk a thread in salt water, nnd dry. Tlo a cent at ono end, and suspend it by tho other Burn tliu thread, and tho cent will remain hanging, as tho salt in tho thread gives the nsh sulliciuut coherency tc sup port the coin without breaking. Of General Interest. The mean height of tho land nbovo sen level, according to Mr. John Murray, is 2,'iVl feet, and tho menu depth of the ocean is lU,4bO feet. Only S ier cent, or tho sea is Included Inside a depth of 500 fathoms, w Idle 75 or cent, lies between 600 and !l,(XXi fathoms. If tho land should bo filled into tho hollows, tho sen would roll over the earth's crust ton uniform depth of two miles. A Bocletj Cow. A lady In St, Nicholas tells about a little curly black cow that her grandfather brought from Hushla. ThisHiihual would hae dlisl of homo slckuusa If she had not formed i friendship with a pig on Uiard ship; so grandfather bought the pig, nml they weir comrades for a long lima Tho cow wu. named Bess, was very attoctiouato, and sho called on tho neighbors every day. She always knocked nt their kitchen doom, and never went in unless sho was Invited. The) wcro fond of her. One day grandfather hud an Informal dinner urty. Tho guests In sisted on having Boss, so grandfather asked the man "tending tablo" to 0111 the doors leaning out upon tho lawn, aud called, "Bcssl Bessl" Urnudmotlier was quite shocked, but Bcks soon walked In, She be haved charmingly, walked up to each one, put down her head for a put and walked out ugain. IN THE QRAND STAND. A Iow liiteroMliijj I'olnts on tho Natl sunt (liiinr. They Just filled two nice, ilmdy seats In the grand Maud, and it was evidently Dip llrst hull gaino h had seen. With lover like kindness henfln-ed to explain the gnnn to horns It pnvieil, UioukIi sho Insisted, with that ptvtt little childlike manner which was so ileal- to him, that she feared ho would find It hard to mako her understand on ne count of her ilullu(s. "Now, If 1 hem's anything you don't tmilei Maud, Just ask me, won't you, iloarl'Min mid, ns ho bought two olllelnl scoro cards, nnd lookid over the nnav of talent, "All light," she Ri'irghil. "What has that boy got In thnt sort of a tin basket ho Is ear rylng aromiiU" "Whntbi.vr ()h, yes. He's Rot 'Iamiioi imilctciici-KlaiMoiiit.' Ill, boyl" And the Ikiv hied. "Now, nii ni, dear, tho game Is about to commence. You rro thnt man stnndlug with the club in hl hnnd, Iio'h tho sliiker, nnd the other man In tint renter throws 11 ball to tho other inn'i with the mittens on, and tho man with thofcilcli tiles (o strike It ns It goon by. and if ho hits It he runs" "What did that limn with every din clothes 011 iitnp eo foi f "IIo's the ti'nplro, nnd ho decides when a hall Is fair nnd has to"-v "Why Hie man didn't hit the ball nt all Whnt did lie strike ut It for If ho couldn't hltltl" "Never mind, dear. Hen Iio'h out nnd' - "What iiimle him oiitf" "Ilecatinllii umpire In a great big" "What 1110 thosouipii standing 011 IIiomi wichels for.'' "Oh, their other elotlnH aro hi them mid they nro afraid wimo of the other men will steal them " "Oh, see. that poor man fell right down and got all iiiiismmI up. How did It happen?" "Well, miii see, ho tried to steal that other man's Miehi 1, hut the other man caught him at It," "Did he wnut tho other 1110 ii'h tiothesr' "No, tlint'i, the gmmi of IL" "Whnt does 1 hat mnu stand nwny off by tho stove polndi advert hniiont fori" "He's the mark. Tho mnu with the club tries to strike the bull m that It will ro and hit him." "I should think It would bo awful hot away out their," "H ii Munetimes, when n liner comes along." "What N a liner, Oeorgof "lie's tho mnu that draws rhoso white lines on tho ground. Iiok out for thnt foul ball theiv, dear!" (Shriek.) "Did It hint you much, denii"' "I I-I guess not. Is my bonnet crooked P "That stuffed bird on tho sldo Is sort of groggy, nnd them's n dctit near thnt blue bow on top, otlienvii-o Hvorything seems to Imj nil right." "Oh, tliero comet thnt hoy with thnt tin basket nualii." "Er-wherot Oh, yes; hi, boy." "I don't think bnll is a very scientific game, do you, dear; Just hitting a ball and then trying to stenl each other's sachols. Shan't wo go now?" "Yes, I guess so." And they wandered out Just nfter tho first inning, and liefnro ICuockkueed O'Finnlgnu bnd mado his great left handed catch and su perli double play. Tid Illtx. On llio Itncl.uwiiy Sands. Ty-'-i. Mr. Meadow Brooks Why, Clarence, old boy, l'vo been looking everywhere for you. You've been nway from tho piazza for three hours. Mr. Mlcl:askel-Ohl Dicky, you really don't know! Whllo I Mat In tho wntnh some hor rid thief came Into tho bathing house nnd stolo mo necktie, nnd I've been confined henli ever since, Judge. Hanking; Intelligence. Ho wanted n position hi tho bank. Tho president was satisfied with his credentials, but lcforo engaging him put him through a little civil servleo cross-examination. "Suppose, now, a man was to como In hero and deposit $i!0 in $1 bills, how would you count thcinf ' "I'd wet my fingers and lift up each bill until I got to tho hist one." "Why would you not lift up tho last 01101" "Becnuo there might osibJy bo ono moro bill under it, and if tho deiiosltor was to see it ho would want it back, butif the twentieth bill is not lifted up, aud there should bo an other bill In tho pllo, tho bank makes it, don't you seol" "You will do," Bald the bank president, "You have been in the business before, but 1 didn't suppose you know that trick." Texas Blftings. Getting Kven. Ell Perkins, the alleged humorist, was lately jmld In his own coin, according to Tho Albany Journal Ho wrote to Mr. Caldwell, tho general manager of tho Michigan Cen tral railroad, for a pass over tho Nickel Plato road Caldwell is a dignified gentleman, who seldom condescends to a Joke, l'erkius wrote , what was intended to be a funny letter, clos ing with: "Inclosed And 15 If you can." Mr. Caldwell's reply acknowledged tho re ceipt ot tho letter briefly, and closed by say- ' Ing: "Inclosed And puts as requested If you cnnl" Mr, l'erkius paid his fare. Tim Only .tllsoliit; Link. Sentimental Jail Visitor Of what wcro you accused! Interesting Bird Stealing a watch, sir. I proved nn alibi with nine w It n esses and had cloven witnesses for character, but they gave mo four years all tho same S J. V. (amazed) I don't seo why you wcro not acquitted. I. B. Well, sir, there was ono weak point in my defense. S. J. V. And that was I. B, Thoy found the wntch in my pocket. Detroit Free Press. A Itcst-mblitnro Noted. A London Jouninl nsserts thnt the emperor of China lias a warm direction for his aunt, lie resembVvi the king of Hawaii in this, who is extremely fond of his auto. New York World NEW SPING STYLES I JUST ARRIVED. And now h;h1 d i u -poctim m John Morrison's All tin: Finest Qualities niul Lni.-M I 'an mis in stock. I !uv the finest cutler in tlio city and u.ininlec satisfaction'. C ' il and see my oods and work. 121 North Eleventh street. & -"- y ' u.- t-i.i Fine Driving and Riding Livery, Always ready Ibi service, day or night. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODEI.L'S DINING HALL, MON'HiOMKUYm.OCK, 1 1 it). Mil and ii- N Street. Meals 25 cts. $..50 per week. Union - Pacific - Railway, The Overland Route. Shortest and Safest Route to all points in Colorado, Utah, California, Montana. 'lake tho uMirlaml llyi r and sum uiiiuliiy to all I'm llio coast points. Till-: UNION PACIFIC IS Illh FUM. CHAIR CAR LINK Ituiiiilug Into IT11I011 Depots anil eoiiuei-lliii: with the fimt limited trains of nil limn f'jr a points east, north and soutli. Through Held lit on modem day coaches. IIiikuiico clieeko tbioiigh tDilcHtlnntlDii from all polntst-axl In the lulled Htntes and L'nimdn. Sleeper accommodations reserved in through Pullman Palace cars from the Miss u rlcr to the Pacific const. ID. 15. SLOSSON, Agent. Kill O Htieet, Lincoln, Nubrmkn. T. J. POTTKR, K. I I.OMAX, J. H. TKBBKTH, First Vleo-Prc-ddont. Ass. (ien Pass, and Ticket A t (Jen. Pass and Ticket Ag A jSq AH UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOOnArilV Or THE OOUNTnY, WILL OBT.UN MUCH VALUADLE INFORMATION TltOM A STUDY Or THIS MAP Or THE v-ZfiMTs:wijn500"" WSJ CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its contral position and oloa eonnoctton with Eastern llnoa at Chicago und oontlntioua llnoe ut ter.xiinul polnt3, Wout, Northwest, and South west, mako It tho truo mld-llnU In Unit transcontinental chain of Btool wbtcb unltoB tho Atlantic and Imclflc Ito main lines and branches lncludo Chi cairo. Jollot, Ottawa. Ln8allo, I'euiin, Qonosoo, Mollnu and Ilock Island, hi IllliiolBi Diwonport, Muscntino, Witohimrton, Falrilold, Ottumwa, Oukalooso, WoBtUtiorty, Iowtv City, Dol Mol icb, Indlnnola, Wlntorsot, Atlantic, Knox- vino, AUiuiuoii, iiiinan. umiirio i. cmro imu iuuucu uiiiim, u tuwu; uuuuiiii, Tronton, Cumorci.Qt Josoph und Kansas City. In Missouri; Loavonworth and Atchison, In Kunsasi Minneapolis and St . ol, In Minnesota; Water- ItnlsoorlorBivOHOICBOFHOUTE3toaiidf nt vho Paolflo Coast and lnter mortlato placoH, mnklng all trunorors In Union dopots. FiiHt TralnB or line DAY COACHES, oloomnt DININQ CABS, mnfirnlllcont PULLMAN PALACE HLEEPINO OAH8, and (botwoon C hlcnrro, St. Joseph. Atchk n and Kansas City) rostfnl REULININO CHAIR CABS, uoata FREE tc holdora of through llrst-clasu tickets THE CKECAQO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLAt'O RO TF Extonds wm, ami s . 'thwoet from Knnsi Ity and fit. Josoph to Falr bury, Nolson, H jr'.u, I -n Uu, H-.ii'rt . Ili.tohlimi n, Wlchltu, Caldwoll, nndull points In South-. , N 'u- ! lit nor I'noua and boyond. Entire piu-dnnGror uciulpmont 1 t'. colobratod Pullnmu mnmnlicturo. Solidly bal Uutod trnck ot h-'n v nto, 1 roll Iron and utono btidKoa. All anfoty appllunces and modoi-n Imiirovi-'iciij Commodloua, woll-bullt ftatlons. Colortty, cer tainty, comfortund inwir" uniiurod THE FAIWO'US A.LBERT LEA ROUTE In tho favorlto btv"on Clnonf.), Rook I hind, Atchison, Kuusna Cltv, und Minn upolli.iuu! I' i i"n)iri rout i.. ull Northoi 11 Piinmoi Rosorta. Ita Wiitortown lii inii uu - ti mom prodiuilv lij.h 01 tho jrroiiE "whoutund dulrv belt' 01 Northern Iowa, SontUwvuturu Mtnnoso'n, and East Coalnil Dukoiu Th Short Ltu vni.'iiocu and K..nk ikocollor miporlorfacllitlodtt) travel botwoon Clncinnut . IndiuimpolU, Lnfuyotto 1 nd Council Bhitta, St. Josoph, Atchison, Ixiavon ortlt, Kansua City, Mlnnoup u, and Qt. Paul For TioKut-s, M.pi. Foldora, or any cloalrod tntornmtion, apply to uny Cot: pon Ticket OlU jo In tho United Htatou or Canada, oradtlruss E. ST. JOHN, General Munaer. t : lie .i' Skinner'sSta'bles 12th St., bet. P and Q. (.'alls for Halls, Parties, etc., Promptly Made, with Stylish Uitfs, Coupes and Hacks. 1 1-) jru.u.VwUi -tu usj-JLtri- Idaho, Oregon, Washing 'n Territory. E. A. HOLBROOK, Ooa'l Ticket ftl'oM'r Agent 11. 1. - i '1 41