Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 23, 1888, Image 1

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Vol. 3. No. 28
Smnr "f the Homilies l I.nniloirs .-in-i
I'miiou Churoli. ;
Few Americans fall to vMl the Inner .
Temple Church, I.otidon, iissorlnttsl a It l
with tlm most Interesting ierlods of Kngllsh ,
history. During the Kllndiethan ago, nmny I
f Its dlstlnirulidicd lawyers, statesmen and
Tl Qnukrr !lt In .Nniiiliirrlliiii' Its
(JtiHlnt (.'nations, rte,
'l Mhmi ho linvii lived in Philadelphia .,,, llnm-rcd nlMMit Its precincts, or lived
for year, the pmgresHlvo stride nuido horn I j tlmchatnhoniof the ancient law courts,
awl Uicro srem nrirvolom, hut I" tho traveler j pri Johnson, (loldtu.lth mid hosts of others
whoBwnthw Improvementa made yearly in fmnod ns writers, roomed noarhy.nnd lunclt
our western cities, I.e., Chicago. Oniiilin, Mn- j in the eating-houses of the HI rami, mid
coin, etc., micIi progi-oss m this antique com t,.r, Dickens mid Thaekor.iy loved to dwell
monwoallh makes Is not overly iwtonlitliiiiK. !frH willu mid write, wlirix'Niimmiy of tho
Tlstrno Iho mm public liutMinK at llrimil Rrm,t mil Uolt. Tho induce or Henry III.
and Market Is a grand piece or nrchltcctui-n, WIIH ,,,. ,v al,( tliu attraction or his court
bnt oven so, oonipan"d with buildings In other ; ,i,,ubt loss drew nmny to thn 'iVniil' Court.
tuctroiHilttnn centers thiit in younger mid ! pU, old imliico U now 11 luilr-drcsslng saloon,
smaller, it l n fuet Hint Philadelphia Ik liy mil t, ,j Hiiiivt hull In the second story
no means lu keeping with tho average largo is n Indies hairdivsslng room. This morning
city. Ash plnoe of resldoiu o It Nil charming ,v invitntlon of Dr. Tomklns, whoso chum-
lesort, Isi'ng quiet and in nmny puns in mm- jwro nro t No. 4 linro Court, inner loinpio,
fill, with suirnundlngsnll thnt inoiial iniill ! u attended services at tliti Ti'inplo fhnifli.
could or should ask. The suburbs are easily Tho f'liiircli is over Hull )ciii-m old. The
roaoliodiindeoniprleomuor Phillies Ins the w.Vivm wore well midciisl. Tim singing
city is often called) llnest i-oddeuco, nmny ( MI HiaiitliiK l informed liy one of tlm licit
of her wnilthittit imsii1h residing In Heiiimu- i (.inrii In Wimlnii; U-ddes the reulMrclmutH,
loivn. Mniiiivunk. t;hcster. Chestiiut Hill, . tliu viiiii'ti-s niitl i-chihiiihcs are Mini; hy a
Norristown, etc.; trains riiiitihuitomiil from
thoclty houily. To the iiwldeiit hero, Fair
mount Kirk hoM out Millleieut iudueciucnt
for nrnjilo out iiMwir iihiiiiuii or every
hort. Ttie drics are delightful, tln rauihleH
thronuli the hlmdisl iivciiiicn or alon the
niowiV Hldosof the Hchuj kill ill that one could I iuditCH. law vein or HtiidcntH or law
... . . . ...i.i ,..,... i- i... .i... i
Wish IOi, llll' IH)tllUI, NniiiiiiiiUKi jaiciiiiiK, ( moil Mils JU'eaciusi y i;r. iiwkiiii, imm
yiKiloKlcal kiiiiIuiin ami we inlj;ht sny hull uud head iimttcr or theTemiile.
Dr. N'annhn is cry learned, clixiiunt iiinl
Hinitc Nnwpiy '( Aliout Itnllronit
liiU In ill") Alxnit l.liient.l.
Th lUnil.nmnt Hint t4iirl HiilliltiiB
tor (,'omriltliill l'lllinr III III" Conn
try I'liurlrrn Tiiii tif llitiillnx tUnt In
The Atidltorliiiii hulldinK. Hint wilt
coat fcI,'JW,000 when IIiiImIipiI: occupies
Atontrnlnof iwvont'oncnrinms.dniiiiiuli i ono-half the hlock iKitintlcil liy AilciUKan
the city Thumday. The II. it M., took the RVeiiuu on Ilia cat, CoiiKrcMs Htrcot on
train at Cheyenne and run her Chlciino , tj,0 hoiiHi and Wahaidi avenue on the
wanl at tho rato or thirty inlles an hour ! west. The hall In which the Kreat Ho-
Iast Haturday'M llyer eaxt, wmtUtcil of two publican convention Is held Is In the ecu
c..iimi nml unHiiiiiili tni nf Mivcii l'lilhimns ter of the xtnictuic. and has u lloor
The Union raelllc laud exclusion hi-ii cry
(Hipular and tralnn am well tilled.
Mesus. Frank Hheldon, A. H IUiuoml and
. I). Mulr, acsniipaiil(sl hy their ivi, imiII
from New York on the nwlft t'uimnlr,
Ktruria July 7lh.
As mi evidence of the heavy trael mcr Hi"
lliirlington nvwl, WliusdnyV llyer came In nl
noon with imventeun iKiiwoiiger co.iches lllli-l
Ui tho iloors mid drawn hy two canines
tiou looking ilowti on Hie nmilelielil of
War. It Is n link hetwecii Hie hint run
'voiitlnii and this.
The decorative featurcH of the hall are
in harmony all thronuli. It I" the liar
many ol motive- or patriotic expression
through foi in mid color, the hariiiony of
untioual I'liihleuiH, of hauliers hiiiI llnnr,
and trim's and ulrlpcN, uraccfully coin
iiiIukIuiI Science Ims here luouglil In
thu aid of electricity, nml electric llwht
illumlimtcH with an unwonted halo this
uatlonal Republican convetitlou liall o(
'tJH. Over the HpivmlliiK cxpaiine ol
telllnu, over the far extruding lines ol
the gallery frontn, htnrs KlItlerliiK from
cfury Hide lu couutless nuiuli'irs ulimisl
peep out ftoin uuexit'otnd points from
ull around, and yet they tcotit no much
a part of thu hull, of the tout eiiHuuihle
mixed cli 'lr or invii and lxijs, the ictismses
in the litany aiv chanted and all the "alliens''
am miiik with orpin iicisiiiiimiiliuciit.
more Intelligent and dux nut wi vice we have
never atteudei. The woi-shliei-H are or the
most culnmsl d.ixs lu i;uiiinii; an or mem
I he M'i'-
drrds or other nltractive li-aturcs Isilnt; Mich
ns to rIvo Knit-mount the dlhtiiictlon or Ik'Iii
tho loveliest, Inrnest and llncHt natural pnik
devout. He ranks with the other mi'at
in-...icliiTH of London. Millions i.lildon mid
In Amerl(5t. Tliet.'elilral itark of ew i ork i i,',,,.,.,,,. ti,,.,-,, wns a lame cniimvaiitloiMif
pctHonUa few mori iitlrai'tlvi features, l'"t ' ,H,tliiKiiMiil ineiiilK-i-snf the hariind lllor.s
then) is about it miiilror artlllclallty liislrlk- fimi rureimi eountrles, with ipilte a hprlnk
inn eoiitni"! wlih Kiilrinount park, the liandi ' nK of AiucrlcmiH. Kvery et waslllliiland
work of nature alone, and thererore vastly I ,mny weruaccouuiKxhited in the nisles, Tho
yiiK'i-tor. I oldest iHiitlonof the church contains a nuui-
As ror tiu-lnci-j. on a wholcMile M'ale, riiun- K,r of uiailisl cIHkIch In lironwi or I'.iikImiiiI s
delphlulsno eiy Kieat market in coiiimrl- ,Wn hei-o, who in thu days lout; jinst nfjl-
isl hi defence of the kliiuiloiii or wciv ranious
foil with Itii iieniiny ueijjiiiMir, auw orK.
ItH tnwlo Is llmitisl, mik-l of it belli); in the
waitti with h fair Mhuivof ivchtem imtroiuiKP,
tho Now KiiRland stati-s generally favoring
Atnexlcn's metropolis. However, In lis retail
bi-awhiw this city prolxihly stnnilsiilireiiKt r
the tlmee with her many tine stores, promi
nent oinon;; them being .lolin Wanainakei-H
inunniiHO wtnbllslinicnt at Ilroud and Market
street, runntiiK Imck to Cliustnut and Thlr
UhmiUi, ocrtipyliiKim entire bWk, rourstorleH
high. Alohu Chchtnut, KlRlith and ntlier com
merciiil thnniUKlifarcH we ilnd nmny other
ma gnltlefiit places of busIiii's.s;althoiiKhMimll
er they uro tho more attractive.
Custmrw In most all cities chaniru with
for civic virtues. The grim looking heads in
stone hcrvliiK as tluial orimmelits to the deli
cate arches Termini; thu htono canopy in tills
ehureh-llke iiiaiisolcuiu weiu or a ery firm
tsipie character, Mime of them were lu agony
as If by the oppressive w ight of the suier
htructuru; others were grinning like demons,
to frighten nway inmglnary ghosts. All
ns'inlni: to indicate the nrrhltcctiiro or a
seven' ivleglou n-gn. j
It was in the midst or this strange can lug
or a iMist age, In this nioss-coverisl building
with Its outside stone tracery crumbling nway ,
ami needing continual renewals mid resilisii
rroin Denver, two from Lincoln, two from
Hastings, mm mini Howard, ami one mini
The Iliullngtoirs Lincoln hintlnessthls week
was Immense. There were sent riiun lieie
Hatmilny two le0H.'rH, tho HiiiiiuiiuniherHuu
day and one each Monday and Tuesday for
Never In the history or the 1, it M. has
travel lson so heavy as during the mst wisk
or ten days. On Huturdny last. Agent .eltuer
at the city ollksj .alone, sold fiMHl worth or
Mr. A. l Zelmcr tlekutisl ten issiplo ti
Kurois), Monday, nil or whom nail iroin New
York to day: Mr. W. .!. Ijimb and wire ror
l.iverjssil, Kugland., on tho steamer Umbrla,
Cunaiiler; Mr. Carl Kiinke and wife, Miss
Fannie Mooim, Miss Amvlla Rimsey, MlssCarl
Itvleliniiud wife, and Mr. Henry Keniicr for
iitvineii on thu Fulila, of thu North Herman
Lloyd, and Mr. C. D. Hyatt on thu City or
ChcMcrof thu luuuilt line.
At a meeting or Colorado delegates mid al
ternates or Colorado delegation to republican
national convention at Chicago, together
with friends who accompanied, it was unani
mously voted that cordial thanks be extend
ed to tho management or the ('., II, A: ().
company for tholr courtesy and ror thu ac
commodations all'oided ror tho journey.
Tho train cointlsUsl or ten loom-rs, with
'Jrawing risim and dining cam. Journey was
niiulo on time without accident or delay or
any kind. Kntlro delegations express them
selves delighted with tho trip.
J. C. Mo.vriiOMKHY, ror delegation.
Dated Ilurllugtoii, Juno 17.
incasuicineiit of t'.'tl.xaii'J feet It has two I
gHllerles and Is spanned hy arches Ml ret
clear of the tloor It Is supplied with 8,
lfiO chillis. Divide the hall lulu three
portions lengthwise, lu the middle third
lire the seats of thu delegates to the con
veiitiou. In front of them Is the speak
er'H platform, backed by far-reaching
tloi-H of Keats for spectatorH. Hack of the
delegates again stretch along to almost I
dim dlstiuici'H other tlorM of seals, nnd ,
vast giilleiles ascending one above mi i
other to almost dl..y heights On either
hand this sponker'n throne is bulwarked
by tho icpiesenlallvuHof the presH.whlle,
oroId, on either hand ol these are thu '
room. dovotcd to tho telegrailT oparif
torn. Iiotwfun this enthroned embodl
lluy corset tonight or Ashhy A: Mlllsinugli.
Mr. H. A. Hcnton and wire left Thursday
Tor HIoux Falls, Dak., over tho Klkhorn.
Ilrokeu lines of corsets at M ci'iits on the
dollar and less, to close. Hatmilny night fnun
(in' In nreservn Its iirlifimtl lealltv. that we
time, but unlike all others this ancient place i r.mii ,-,-,. ,ftl,ii, r I'liL-lMiidV nml Ame- dollar a
eliiiiM to tho olden ways. We still obwrve ..i..... )-M, i.i.wvi. l(,iLr ,l..voutellv in wr-! 7 to it o'clock. AmIUIY & Mlf.t.Hl'AUfm.
.-'..- .. . :. . . ...I--" - ?-. ...... .. ...
Mr. Milton M. Lyons returned Monuay mini
thu old fashioned market places in thu cento
of tlw streets and although lu many places
almost renly to take a tumble they are still
used, ami as ever we see the gissl housew ifu
going to iiuuket wltJi a large basket;
a change however, having Ixs-u jnado
from the time; instead or marketing in
tho oorlv morning as formerly, they go in
tho evening and It may Is' notlceablu that
hundreds or ladles, lioth rich and iioor, are
seen on the streets either with a load or going
for one In fact the ladles or this city have
licgnu to look uH)ii marketing as a duty and
pleasure. The country products niv all
brought into the city late In tho afternoon
and nlncsl in the market places and ulTercd
for sale frili mini Hie neii;iiiiO meais, iimi
vices rcudeied according to theinost erfcet J
U'slhetlo culture or tho present ago All the
llnest linihlc or our liest modern coinisiNers o
sacred song limy Iks hoard here, and the
grand organ recitals tell us that then) Is no
Visible dqoay in Aliglo-Haxou civillzullot
Cincinnati, accompanied liy his wife und child
who have Iswn sjieuding some time in that
, Anxious crowds Hiirroutidisl the lkniorrtit'A
bulletin Ixunl all yestcnlayafteniiKm watch-
&r TFT kv r Tff5) 1 1 i nl .
" "" .T 1 : I ' 1 1 1 1 M It ' '
i I. L rvll i
J I "il h,l ii aii L-J UB I
II 1 1 iJ STl F"i f i
IrsaiisijnnriR'ir I
ai izzimmxzzjuLjzi ijsi i i Ai n
.- 1 1' 1 1; I iwl Lai 4il J
-nlftl..i- rsdft 11 ni &1 M
j.milo.UMU: It 1j ir ifeM
Hm 1 1 in iiimm lwirwysiwpT(pilWMJf'l
Kiighuid may w ujsm her decline, but there I1R tjm varying fortune of thu different can
are no visune signs, u measures uy ner pies-, dldates.
ent Nbiniliinl or intellectual culturoiind cluirch i ,oV c c j,(,1Y0 oft ytwiluy for Jack-
worship. .... soiivlllo. III., on his way homo. Mr. 1'lerce
As wo pawxsi out me sexton uieiv uie nuge ,.. ..r,.,,.. i statlonwl at Omalm lu the
key from the ponderous door or the vestibule.
It might have answered lor the stair or a
glnut oru weasiti or defence against all sac
riliglous Intruders
The KtksIiiou 01 American Ait and Me
chanical Inventions is now open In Imdon
und all other dalntlesund substantlals for the I n1(1 1, 0jw jy MI()UK ni wmt (-.s'ts Aiueri
tublo are to Isi had at the Nunc place. The nnls C.XLV tho KuglMi. Here me placed side
Pennsylvania and New Jersey fannois' pro- j ((y M(U, tlc lNU.y ht,KK,, f our Kngllsh an
dlicts are sot side by side and tho Delaware , (VMorH) tho very modern beside this old cm
vcgetablo Is also lisiktsl for, tomatis's mid J ,,,Vt hi,Wng how much inoiv rapidly u high
corn lioitig the principal piislucts. The l'hl I Mllteor civiliiition anil reltnoinont has Imvii
adelphla housewife N generallj econoinlcal, , ,t,.i, ftt New World Our piogre.v,has
as is evinced by the fact Hint rags, rat, etc. I 1mi(. nm,., ,,,,,(,1 m Kngland's. We
arousuallv liaihsl to gissl advantage. liitlioNtml, the race Tor einplm lu the iOMsIon
alleys (and nearly all houses have a paved , ))f ,,( ,.1, nheritnnci'or Kngland's thous
idloy) Iho huckster is lieunl to yell "soap fat' ! ll( y,., r culture. The rights ot man
and soon after a female's head apis-ars with I m) K,tteruu.lei-.tMid by oiiriincestorri. We
it few wa-aiw of fat fiom meat, etc., ami in wt.,.t, not ml,K.,. with the old and cumber-
return gets a loco of soup. Rags, old paper,
old iron, etc. tire also called out ilia like man
ner und from one to four cents u miiiiiI is
given for Mich material, All day long the
stentorian voice of tlie liult and vegetable
vender is lieurd calling out "Htruwls'irlos,
strawlMvrries.six cents u iimitl" and diverse
other saleables he may have; each vender
usually carrying but one kind of stuir and
this in n push cm t.
Tho hiiiutnor season is just opening at thu
seashore rebuts near by and from this on
surf lsithlng will Is' ery popular. Atlantic
City, Cajio May, Coney Island and Manhat
tan liench liotcls and places of amusement
havo nearly all opi'iieil and the resells are
lieginning to be thickly peopled. Many from
the city havo ipiit house and home, closed up
for tho summer and hinl thunisolvcsthlther,
and during 'iinu and early July the balance
of washoru rri'ipienters will geek the ocean's
shore to remain till the liiht of tho hot weath
er. Accordingly tho Imdiiouuhlo inn-tics, re
ceptions, etc., attending will soon ho agog
and society will bu ga and festive.
(u our walks and dri es alsuit the city wu
still sisi the goisi old ipiaker who is easily
distinguished by his conventional stylo of
dress. The (pinker element in Philadelphia
Mill seems to flourish and in seeing them wo
ii iti lemiiided that these ipmkers, or rather
their anoestois, wem the founders or this city
and to tho tpiukeis i'hiliulelphla owes Its existence.
some institutions ot a past age; Is'sides, we
swept awaj the oxismsivo ceremonies and
traditions or monarchy, and wcnuimuuccd to
all the world that all men were entitled by
noir fiitun.
Ask your neighbor how thej like their
Alaska ivfrlgerntoi-H. Theiv are inure ot
them in use in this city Hum all others. Hold
byH. CKIIIoU. -
Two prisoners csc.issl fiom the gu-iiils
while working in tho Holds Monday Kiich
hud but four mouths to serve. They haxe not
yet been captured.
Mr. A I. U. Kwmi willsucctssl II. M. Itusl.
nell ns repivM'iitiitive or Hi? Oiimlm at
this Milnt. Mr. ICwan Is well Known ns mi
able uewspaH'r man.
Hon I. O. C'nssidy 1ms ret in ned li-otu Km
tucttshurg, Iiumi, with bis family, and Is now
rull eurolliil as a citlj'ii or this gleat and
glorious coiniunnweallh.
Mr. ami Mrs. W.J. Lmuh, left Tuesday fin
Kuroie. Their last year's tour was so pleasant
and the time so profitably spout, that it was
decided to again isit the continent
Dining I In1 sale WisIiicm
moat of thn convention those reconlcm
of events, and its magic messengers on
either hand are the seats of the national
committee. Above this central point ot
the ton vent Ion, this seat of the presiding
genlus.dependont from thu felling Itnelf
aviwtHcuil-domuiuade up of harmonious
arrangements of thu sister colors ot thu
great republic, led, while, ami blue, and
of the ureal Intel lor, as hardly to lie no
ttccnbteal III it
Around the gallery frontu that look
I down upon this electric lighted sennn
aire, lu thu upper tier, tho shields of thu
v. rlous stales nml on the fronts of the
lower galleries portraits ot ull ol C'olitm
bin's uilulil sous, Hut two of these
portraits stand out with forceful promt-
1 nence Lincoln and (Irtiut -the great
civilian tilled with thu spirit of Inspired
Htutcsinntishlp, tho grout witrrlm whose
military Inspiration (tiltllled thu others
nnd saved a nation. A galaxy of stars,
a robe ot red, white ami blue tlltlugly
nurroumlB these portraits of the nation's
great men
The vast bIzo of the galleries In the
rear of the hall it once atrlkes the spec
tator hh he enters the hull. Thee ilse
tier above Her, each of them capable of
seating ns nmny people an the whole of
Hit ortlluitiy hall, even of the larger ill
meuslons, the largest of this pyramid of
galleries being capable of seating i!,'.'lO
The iron columns which support tbeso
Immense and nlnioM distinct, auditori
ums, when t lowed from a distance seem
llkogossumei thicads The uullt-iles In
ratline the permanent, galleries of the
nudum linn building, nml not giillelies
'81, the present hull hiiNiin net mil greater
sealing ciipuclly than thu Kxposltlonhnll
of "I It will be seen that the present
hall will neat almost as many as did the
old hall, anil scat them moreroinfortably
ami enable them to hear better than
could the most distant, spectator In the
old hall for while In the latter
the most distant, spectator was ?H0
feet (rum the iliaiiimin'N neat, the
most distant spectator In the now hull
will only be li reel from tho npoHkor'
stand The acoustics of the present hull
are undoubtedly much supplier lo those
of the Imposition hull In every rettKct.
The conveniences for entering nml u.ill
are iiImi much unite tiuiiii'ioiis.nnd much
belter arranged than those of the old
Thu tin orations of the Audltoiliitii
appear bewildering at (list the exterior
ami Interior being covered with Hags nml
bunting It icqitlrcd fourteen tons of
red, white and blue bunting to ilccniuto
the building as It. now Is Mltcinueis In
various artistic designs nml colors, und
partialis und paintings of historic scenes
meet the eye o very where A great, aheot
of terra rottu bunting hangs tw u roof
between tho sunlight which nours thro'
It fiom the great open space Just above
the great gallery, und relieves thu other
wise monotony of so prodigal n display
of national cohuu
The Alllon badge wart of natln und
gold with Uiu loitering, "For Presi
dent, William II. Allison, 1888."
. Thu Sherman men woro plnlu Imtlges of
I fringed satin. All thu Indiana delegates
wore red willu und gold badges, with
Harrison's natno. Thu divided dologa
Hons woro badges without i. nines, Now
York had n plain hluo satin badge, with
"Delegate!" across the top nnd "Chicago,
Juno ID, 1888," In tho center. Miihhu
chtinottH showed it modest wulto willu
badgo, with thu Mluglu word '.MnHsachu-
Tho handsomest hadgcH of all were
those of Colorado and California. The
Colorado badge is a silver dollar, lu the
contor it set of miner's tools, consisting
of pick, shovel and hammer, and nl the
bottom a bucket of silver ore, the last
two being wrought In sliver Tho Cali
fornia badgo In wrought lu gold, the top
being i medal, thu center a Ix'iir and
stripes with the word "California,' nnd
the bottom thu coal ot-urum ot Uiu .statu.
The I'nloti club of Colorado uUo linn a
handsome badge
Thu decoration-nit thu various head
quartets were (asterul The Pacific
coast delegates made I he most elnborate
display The Calilornla headquarters, at
thu Lulnnd were crowded with admlriug
visitors, Hcnttercd around was. u profu
sion of potted plants, and the walls were
covered with state and national emblem.
Thu most prominent portrait was that of
Hlnlue. and thu smaller pictures of the
Plumed Kulght were almost without
intermingling electric stars of Hht, ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,-iiy constructed for the pin poses
proudly stands forth the great shield of I o) ,,. (.(iu.ioi,. stieiiuth and safety
tlm united states, this suiom, us Hori
zon of stars, Its stripes of union all are
pictured out, put In a basso relievo of
light made up of variously coloicd elec
tric Jets. From the sid.'sof this, extend
as with us, Tho Kuglish language, except
among theislucnttsl .-'asslsnnt so well spoken
as In America.
Their cmnhcrsnmo and complicated system
of education is partly rcsisMixlhle; and rc-
foinislu Knglaud do not pi ogress so rupidlj
1 as with us, Novell heless wo have received
t much from Kugland and she limy have yet
much to learn from us.
Mr, Mahler's Orimd Outing.
I The oicursion, headed by Prof. Jacob Mah
ler, gi en for the uiemlH-rs of his class mid
their friends on Tuesday, was a grand success
in every tmitictil.u-, as IseverythlugMr. Mah
ler undertakes. Tho train left the It, & M.
dcsit at til a. m. enroilto to Cushmiili. There
were about .'UNI children in all, and one can
Imagine, from the uuiuls'i- that the) must
have had a jolly Hino, The lHys iiiiiiis'
themselves during the II 1st pint of the uiorn
inir at Iibm) hall, after which lunch was served.
Miavo today ror New Vork mid ti-omthero i)am.ij, mi boating pmlomluiitisl after
will muko in'ilodlcal trips to Manhattan lunch, tho music Is-lng furnished lij Miss
llcachf Baratigu, iiji Hie Iliutsui liy moon-1 WillouKli'O'-
light, take a dip III the ocean's salty water I At slxo'cliick a train was sent outandall le
and ctulcimir to rcmh Lincoln by tho llrst. tnu.,i to tho city without tlm sign of an nc
A)V W. i t.,ient with exception of black eye
... .... . . . ... V ...
the laws or i list ami nature m tun iigm oi i hlock, Hcrisilshcliucr tc uo, weiecoun
life, lllH'i'ty and the pursuit ot' knowledge, to close the door seven tunes to ktrp nut s-o-Olirtlrst
piinciplu was that all thu children or I pie uhilo those Inside could Isi walUsI on.
Hie republic should have a common school i si. I satmday night Nile of corsets. We hae
ueiitlon-thut every child should have an (homo i,,,,!;,.,, n,,,- tocloso which will be -,ld
ispml chaiicoin the battle of life. Tho masses lt ks , mniirnctun'is' cost.
..r l..t lriKtllli twkiiitlit t i'ii lint wit twill lulimtitiul '
111 lilt; itlllinil J" WJIH' IIIU lllll .Wf L IMIIIIIIIM
Mllidii) Kxcursloli to .MIIIoKl
A Kpccial tinill will lease the II. & M. ilrisit
at 10:65 Sunday morning, for Miirord, return
ing snmo evening. Hhogo Isliind is without
doubt the llnest pleasure resort in Nebraska,
surioumlrd asit is with about hair a mile or
water spine, making it delightfully cool mid
pUisant, with an abimdauco of swings, hum
mocks, etc., and the finest of nuislo, boating
iu,(f tubing. Take your lunch baskets ami
sinnd tluul'O in the uikhU. ltouuil tliptick-
ets only Oil cents at thu II. iV M. ilejHit or at . en-iall
vuy umee corner i nun lemii sii-euis.
A. C. ZlKMKtl,
City i'liss. and Ticket gt.
I ll.'l. CO.
Will get jour .Sunday Mail fiom thu i'ost
otllcu and deliver at jour house, or olllcu
Teloplmno Its),
I'lensiint lloui- .li.'s Plenle.
I'leiisjiiit Hour Juuinr's, held a
" tir. i
al Ciisliuiau Pnik on lut-sdny ovoning. It; ",..., :..... ,
was stiipo.sisl to have boon a "moou-llght"
atl'alr but alas, thotciu)est ragisl, which tilled
their hh'I leal ideas with stern reality. Miss
ljitta, wo are griovisl to say, received more
than her share of water by falling Into the
clock, but as sliooscaMd without serious dam
age, she should Is) thankful.
The Juniors aie a gay cnmhliiatl'iu mid
me a goisl time ulieiover tho)
I Monster Nile or dry goods at about half
price. llerjsiMielinui'iV: Co,
I 1.1 Milllll Tenth Mleet.
For tickets to Dakota, Minnesota, .Montana,
Oregon, Washington tcnitoi-y or Cnlit'oiuia
points, call at the above place.
Lively sale of ladles muslin underwear.
Draw cts mid chemise at :.','i cents. Skiitsiiud
night diesso, nt l,'i cents.
Oaki.i'a - Co.
Ahiiiiv A'Ariiu Iinholl and Aikhisou ar- In Ito-ton
closing the contract for the election of Iho
steel car works. They will be Its'iitcd near
ICeiiiliill it Hmilh's mills, north-east of the
Dr. ami Mrs, l,our) cuterlainrd u few
friends at 7 o'clock tea, on Haturday evening
I last. Knowing Mrs. Iiwry'scuinh I ties us a
, hostess it is uuucccssniy to sa)' that all had a
delightful time.
liriul Hlaughter, sts'ivtary of rtciiinsKa con
vention of republican leagues, was In theclt
this week making arrangeiuents for a big
ratillcatiou mis'ting in this city on next
Thursday. It promises to Isi a ver) large
gathering, with a torchlight pioccssion at
tuchiueiit, ulispieiit ss'akels and eiitlmliini
Mr W. T. Hcott, owner ol tbeCr)stal liiuu
dry building at Tw cut) fourth mid Ostiivts,
lias M'cuiisl an iiijuiictioii against the gulden
cutting away alMiut twehc fwl or grjuud oil'
his property to make tho guide -it that tiiul
It Is rather "cheeky" lot r Inisliiev, to do,
but the grader apis-ar to be no respis-teis of
IH'i-sous or property.
The lurgo patronage of thu Klkhorn Itiieb)
issjplu k, went from Lincoln to Chicago i c
coiitly on thu low rate iiiiuU to the National
Republican convention must have Urn crv
the ticket eiiiiilines of that
road hero, showing as it dis.'s thegrowiug
I Mipuliirity of their lino. Thev had no polm
nil friends to lssmi Hieir route but its real
merit was sulilcictit to attract more Hum its
' natural proiNiition ot the business. We an
glad of it.
In tlm excitement ol thu jHitit li-al cmiteM
that is about to Isi thrust uhhi us, (ssipl
should rciueuilH'r that theie mo other thtng
Jusl as desirable asolllce Take for install. .
, some of tlnwi Is'aiititul watches, rings, hun
llettcs, etc., that llallett, the Jeweler, is show
lug at his store, 11:1 Noith Kleentli sticet
His stock Is one of the haudsomesi in the
west A kH'clnlt) Just now which is meeting
with much favor, isitu elegant silk iimlnella
1 with elmsod or plain gold handle, engniMsl
'asinnchasordcslies. Call and OMiiullie hl
lug over the whole hall.widthwlso of tho
platform front, are the national colors,
ranged lu a fretwork of stripes the em
hodlmeiit of the nation reposing lu thu
luxury of peace. The great space of tho
platform, with Its gallerled tear, It?
stretching canopy of colors, Its groat
shield, ItH roof illumined with hundreds
of electric spots of lights, is the altar
scene or the panoramic distance that
ilrst strikes the eye of the spectator us
hu emerges from the dimly lighted,
simply llnlshod, modest corridor that
,,,,., I leads him Into the convention hall.
rfi we!: 'St. 'k .! 'iL,.!::j!I.!f !::: .j"?!-
nil ill inn :ufi) i;uiiii:in, iin'inn i i-nrv, nt-
lected points of spectacular deslie big
in fact, hut small In comparison with
their expansive surroundings.
These are the boxes for thu lucky ones,
i the wives nnd daughters of the delegates,
and are fragrant w I tit beaut) 'h presence.
All these vantage grounds of sight are
niiulu snug by u wealth of diapery Ue
ueuth the lower one ol these snug cor
ners on the light Is uu open compart
inent occupied by the Postal Telegraph
company, convenient to the delegates.
Looking down on this acenc of the pres
ent is a scene ot the past -a painting of
Guu. John A. Logan on tho battle
field of Atlanta, the battlefield ot thu uu-
weiu the pioliiluetil Ideas kept lu Mew
und no safer gallciles can bo found in
nu building lu the I ll They aie fall)
like in look Hut this Is a laui char
iietci.stic ol I he whole Interior Ills a
tain liituiioi Lightness mid guice of
etlci have been sought lather than thu
glooui iiingulltcf ncc ot the great halts
ol the middle ages
Theie aie mall) detached portions of
the hall and Us furnishings that are
well worthy nl special mention The
spciikci s desk Is one of these It Is a
tunnel ol cinblemati.ed patriotism At
the apc. ot the flout of It is tin- hint of
freedom In all the richness ot gilt He
I&Z3? d
, IC3
I Hid
cri' tKSjl .-rr.3 T rjL A . f T
. ffKa.-mHat TnLL
WtSiai PMUTl1 I . H i
EST .,.
; -1, r.- rlfc'J t-
r p7vA-ViuismiSKr
fi.iinit pi v of rosviiviU' pm.i..
neath Is a portrait ol 'The Father
or Ills Cii'intry." Again Ikj
ueath Hits and on cither hand are rl.ii
silken draperies or the national (olors,
while stamhiids rear themselves at each
comer of the table, standing erect Uku
sentinels at their posts around tin fluotio
of the convention. The great lion glulera
that form the strengthening supports of
tlie roof aie another feature worthv of
special mention These glrdcis are
iitllleil in the scheme of elicit .iiidinado
use of as i enters for electric licht dls-
i phi) lu the foi in of great stais ot glory
above the del"gates beuc.itli
The conxeuttoii nail in ibe Imposition
'building .iiiuiigcil for the Hopubllcan
uatlonal conxciiilou of 1l was I.V) feet
lu width and ITO feet In leiigih The
distance fiom the cluni man's phitfoini to
the must distant low of seals at the
i south end of the hall was '.'Ml led. and
the hall bad . i total capacity lor seating
: U, I'll 7 pel soli- t M lllslveol iimiiiiII private
gulleix en i led hv the dlieilois of tho
I Kxposftion liiiibllug The dimension-of
tlie (oiiM'iilioli hall in the tiditot iiuu
building aie P.HI feer Ui'i leel I'he
dlsl:inic tlom the seat to hr tcupied lV
the ili'sldllig olllier of the loinehlloli 10
till' most distant low of seal-- in the gen
end spcctaiois t ml f tin- hall is 175
These lluu res show thai I hough thu
siipoi-tlctnl measurement u Hie ground
(loot of tin present hall la soiiiowhnt
le th.n thai of the hall in thu Kxiuisl
lion building during the conveutlon of
number. On one of the wall.? waa as
allegorical picture of an Oregon hull, rep
resenting ''protection," chasing 0 rover
Cleveland, who represents "rreo trudo,"
Into the Puollle ocean. Tha California
delegation gave it reception to thu dele
gates of other states, and entertained
their visitors with the music of u splen
did band. At the rear of tho headqimr-
I lets the most Interesting decorations
wcie hugu cases of California winu which
reached nearly to the celling, uud sur
mounted with Hags.
Hum ('Icm'IiiiiiI Could Win.
Colonel Tom Ochiltree thinks that among;
picstdeutlal candidates Hheridnu would have
had the strongest pull In thu south. Houth
in men like a gallant foldier. Hhcridnn was
brac enough to light thu south, and hu was
bruvo enough to protect them tho people.
-'Resides, ' said the festive Tom, with nsmile,
"you know Phil Shcrldiin has twin?. Start
tho gallant general with those two twins
down south mid he would heat his Shenan
doah time."
"Hut suppose Mis. Cleveland should '
"llrent Hcott!" said Oihiltree, "in that
cam there would bo no show for Hhcridnn "
.Wit- 1'nr.' iituo'.
Cloning Party.
Pror. Mahler gave his closing j arty at Ma
sonic Temple Inst oM'iiing. A largo mi in her
wem in attendance, and the nlfalr was us usual
a grand siicccns. The music was furnished hy
the Phllluuinonic orchestra. Mr. Mahler du
serves much piniso for tho pheuomeiml ad
Miiiceiuent of Ids pujiils in so short a time In
deportment, his students show good and cme
ful training. It Is hosil to Ih hoH-d that Mr
Mahler w ill isit us again next siiison. .
At its lixetlng n Pi May oM-iung last,
Court Ti;o, A. O. P , thitid the follow lug of
lli-ers: W C. II., K A Hte Inns, HuhC It,
(i. It KiiiiwIik, TuiiMiicr, II A. Htuphi'iis.
Kinmn-iiil m en tin) Kieck Cnlbii , nxiidlug
steietiiiy, (ieoige Uaitt. S W , Mnitill
Seiel. J. W, John I.oisioi . S. It, Mr
Htner;J. II. ltobt. Kheipce HoMial of the
nwly clcitidi lilt els iuvltid the minibeisof
Hu- couii out rm lefitshiiuiits. and tl,) pns
ei tied 111 a bid) lo Hie fistlval giMiih) the
V iiinuis Relief Coips held ill the slut orcein.
-,'lo O sticet. It wiisu vciy cnjowihlciHv
casioii. The iiistallatiiii ot (tllurs takes
place on I'rldu) evening next, the .'ilh ust
(iriind coiHl iiilu turn toUo'i'i
night. Odd slws ut less tluin half pi n
Asitu A Mu.isi'vi