""V-"- "" "Tr r WmmMfi$ jf' " LADIES Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. MEN'S Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. CHILDREN'S Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. -A.T Perkins Bros. SPECIALTY SHOE EITTII& 'HOUSE 1 129 O Street. New Jewelry Store, L. BARR, 1019 O Street. Established 1874. Desires tocnll the intention of the public to lilt now nml vh-Kiint stock of DIAMONDS, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Hnviiig more room to accommodate I ho trade and nliow 11 luriter lino tlinn over Ilcforo pur chasing, ulve in n cull unit wo will show you tho llnost line 11 1 lowent possible prices. Watch Repairing and Engraving Neatly don nml nil work warranted. Notwith standing tho fact thnt I'lio tograpliH hnvo been rciluod to nhoiit hnlf tho former prleo we hnvo eiifriiKed tho services of one iff tho best lln lsbers In Now York to tuko ohurgo of thnt dopiirtinout of tho studio. Our efforts nIiiiII bo untiring to Ulvo each ens touior ontiro xutlsfnotto n and to produce superior work to any wo hnvo dnno boforo. Cabinets, $3 per Dozen. FINEST LIVERY RIGS In thc'ldty nil come from tlio Graham Brick Stables; 1027 l street, whoro all kinds of Baggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses, Can lio hail nt any tlmo, daj or night on short notlvo. HORSES BOARDED andwoll tnkon euro of nt rcnxonuhlo rntos. Call and see us, 1W7 tj, street, or ulvo ordors by Telephone 1 17. mw'deitai rooms. W. J. P. Lawton D. D. S. Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block. Elevator on O St.. Telephone.628 NITROS OXIDE GAS Administered for painless extraction. WHAT SHALL YE WEA1? STYLES, NEW AND PLEASING, THE WORLD OF FASHION. IN Timely HiiRRt-iittnii About AVkIiIIiirs In Inn Month of .luno llrlilon' unit tlrlili mnliU' Toilettes Wim1IIik 1'rriMMits nn Item of Intert-st to lrMiFOllv Hrhles. During tlio month of Juno tho fnshlonnhle world In In n Mnto of grent nctlvity. There nro bals blnne for young k'"1 nnd Iwls rose for tlio young married women, tosay nothing of tho quick succession of weddings that nro always, vulubrateit during tills season of roses. When tho ceremony is In church Juno flowers ilecornto chanced nml nliloj when nt j Home, tlio Mimo llowcm uocorato tno uottm. in uiu miici v.u 11. m n iivih uviiuiii. . sujrccsts n ennopy of llowors under which tho brlilo mid groom itntuL Wedding dresses soon recently nnd do signed for Juno weddings in Now York nre of light translucent mntorlnl, in which ap pears a grout dent of real lnco. Tlio thinnest of white crnpo or gnuco, associated with real lnco, makes npproprinto mid becoming gowns for youthful brides. WO. 1 rilKNCH BRIDAt. TOILKTTX. Ill tho accompanying cuU aro given two imported modols, showing diversobutoqually fnshlonnblo styles In bridnl toilettes. Fig. 1 represents a totlatto of whlto enti dusolo mid Alcncou lnce. Tho silk utidorsklrt is covered with it lxnutiful lnco llounco. Tho draierles, which aro (Minted, aro of jionu do solo, as is also tho square trnin. Tlio silk IkkIIco, which is pointed, has nn Aloncon lnco plastron, ornamented, like tho sides of tlio skirt nnd sleeve.-), with orango blossoms. Tho veil is of lace. Fig. 2 shows 11 trained rolra, which mny 1k in either IvoVy witin Duchesso or whlto fnlllo Frnucuibe. Tho long squnro tnbllur mid full bodico is of Chautilly lace, the girdlo. braco- FIO, 3 FRENCH BRIDAL TOILKTTE. lots mid epaulets nro composed of orango blossoms and lilies of the valley, to corre ipond with tho spray In tho hulr. Tho veil is of Mechlin net Both of tho French mod els described aro made with high bodico nnd long sleeves. Severul of tho dresses now be ing mado in Now York have lace elbow sleeves, which aro to be commended at this season. "When tho brido elect presents the brides maids with their dresses (which is, by tho by, optional), sho decides tho question as to the material nnd fashion of their dresses. For the Juno weddings whlto lace dresses will be most atTocted by tho attending bridesmaids. Tho groom's duty is toumkoeach bridesmaid and usher a small present of jowelry that may be worn 011 tho occasion and kept after as a souvenir. Lockets, broaches and bangles are appropriate gifs fot' tho bridesmaids, and a scarf pin the usual objects for ushers. The Illrnetolre MoiIhs. The empire fashions or they are rather called the directoiro modes nro coming back, and being adoptod with astonishing rapidity, and nro making quite a revolution In fashions. No one could have uppeared in the ark last year with tho following gown without being tho "oliserved of all observ ers," anil now the majority of best dresses will bo so made. A skirt of shot green and red silk, with a full gathered flounce and full horizontally gathered waistcoat to tho throat. Over this n light string colored woolen bordered with gold galon, mado skirt and bodico iu one, tho bodico crowing diagonally with but 0110 rovers. The sash of shot rib bon, coming from beneath tlio armpits, crossed tho bodice apparently twice, and foil in a long looped bow on tho skirt The sleeves wero wrinkled on tho arm, mid mntched tho petticoat; over them was a short elbow sleeve of wool, forming 11 point on tho outside of the elbow. With this stylo of drwss the (luring crowned bonnets aro worn in Paris, but havo not as yet found much favor in England or tho United States. Ono innilo iu black crinoline hnd a largo green satin bow of tho pontine green on tho outsido, and boneath the brim three largo green ostrich feathers, tipjicd with white. Liko many others, tho strings cmno only from tho center of tho crown, and wore not attached nt nil to tho sides. A black open worked crinoline lint had u wide brim iu front, diminishing to nothing at tho back, trimmed with red and I oiuo. KiirIUU llloiua WuUt. Thoro up-iears to Imj no doubt nlmut tho adoption of tlio Kugllsh blouse waist for summer dresses. These blouses nro simply gathered basques without linings, mid bolted in. Sometimes thoy ore shirred around tho top next to tho standing collar thivo or mro rows. Theso blouses may bo made of tho amo material as the dress, or of soma cou touting fabric. ifhmr . f Kxgk tkmWM THE VOUNQ PEOPLE. "Llttlo Wy,' said n gentleman, "why do you carry thnt umbnlln over your head I It's not mining." "No." "And tho nun Is not shining." "No." "Then why do you carry Itr " 'Cnuys when It rnlns pn want It, mi' It's only thl kinder weather thnt 1 kin fill tor tio It nt nil." A bright llttlo !l-yonr-old wnnted hlsnuntto to play with lilin. Hlw wild sho win too old. Ito hunted nrouud until ho found tho inn clilun oil cnu, thru brought it to her nml Midi "Now I'll oil up tho old mnchlno no thnt It win go," A llttlo girl while on n visit to horgrnnd mother had lieen seriously III, nml, ns sho grow lietter, wns sjioken of ns eonvnlescont. Thinking It wo!ild lm very smnrt to uso n long word. hIio wroto home, "l)enr nminiun, 1 nui happy to say thnt I mil convulsive," My llltlo 4-ycnr-otd Mnliel came toinotlio ntupr iiinriiliifr In lintloii lire iinmii w i f i la Ingeniously fontrivwl to fnsten lelilnd for somo unknown fenilnlno ivnxou nnd thoughtfully remnrkedi "If I could get lo hitid myself I could do It," 1 snld to my llttlo son, ilVf yenrs oldi "Thnt Is nil tho jelly you rnn hnvo, denr; mnko it go as fnr as you can." Quick ai a Hash cmnn tho nuswort "I'll mnko It go as far ns my stomach." Llttlo 3-ycnr-old Arthur was pulling the cat's tnll, when n gentleman visiting there snld: "You musttit do that; iho will bite." To this ho replied: "Cats don't blto nt this end." "You don't mean to say thnt you under stand French, Tommyl" "Olil yes, I do. Whim ma mid pn senk French nt tea, I know I'm to hnvo a powdw." Unbyhood. Tlui Mmn Kiln Cluti. When tlio meeting hnd ocnnd In duo mid nuclcnt form llrother (Innlner looked up mid down tho nMes ami snldi "Dnr' nr' mnuy strnngo things about ills yero thing railed huniim nntur'. I'ny 11 bar lier double jirlco fur a slmvo toilny nn' fo' weeks heuco ho will liev do cheek to usk fur n cash loan. "If I loud Pickles .Smith n dollar mi' ho kin conveniently y it buck ho nr' grateful. If ho wants touno tint dollar fur sunthlu' else ho looks iiK)ii mo as mi opjirossor. "Chip in nn' feed and clotho a poor family outer charity nn' doy nt ouco Jump to do con cIihIuiii dnt do world owes 'em a lililu'. "A citizen wid a thousand dollars In lilt ockct won't wnlk two squares wldout hovln' his I100U blncked. A citizen wld n f 10,000 house will keep mi olo picket fonco Atnntllu' in front of it yenr nrtcr year im mi ornnmeiit. n"You'll find do clinp who wnnts sunthiii' to keep olT do cold iu Jlntmry ealllu' fur sun thin' to ward olf do heat In July, mi' du curui part of it nm dnt he calls fur do snmo sort of whisky. "When n ninn hns slandered or lied nbout you, you kin an' do forgive him. Whou you hov slnuderod or lletl about Homebody else, you wouldn't ferglvo 'cm if doy cum to yer on tallied knees. "Woargy dot it makes no difference to our jiocket whnt our nnybur nlrns, but if wo I'nm at his salary nr' greater dnn old's, do least wo klti wish lilin ur' tin eo tnontlis' Hlckness. "Do howliii' of my dog nelier illxtiirbs tno in do slightest, but let my naybur's cat utter 0110 'yeow' nn' I'm right on eand in bed un' flghtin' mail." Detroit Freo I'ross. Creillt In the Went. There nro different kinds of pluck. They don't always lusplro tho Kama respect and confidence. A man In Arizona scut up to a llrm In San Frnnclsco for somo goods. Thoy wero to Ito furnished on credit, mid ho gave arofeieuco in town. Tlio llrm called uon tho reference. "Do you know this man in Arizonaf "Know him? Certainly; know him well." "What kind of a man is her' "Ilo's a splendid fellow; a good follow." "He's iu business there, isn't hof "Why, yes. Ilo's mi enterprising chap: got lots of push mid pluck." "He's written to us." "What does ho wantl" , "Credit." "That's nil right." "Well, we'd liko to know what kind of a man ho is." "What kind of a man hoi?? Grit! That's whnt ho is. Ilo's tho kind of a mmi who'd put up (1,000 on a pair of deuces nml nover wink." "Thnnk you." Snu Frnuclsco Chronicle, Tlio Tallies Turned. Tho Into Hov. Rural Dean Smlthell, of Omemeo, Out., wroto a very Illegible, band. On 0110 occasion ho sent u letter to the bishop of Nlagura. who returnod it with this in dorsement: Duaii Sihtiiell Impossible to rend it. Yours, Fum.k. Tho bishop wrote the namo and titlo of his reverend friend 011 tho envelope, but entirely forgot tho address, wbl?h was supplied in pencil by tho postmaster. Dr. Smlthell im mediately returned it in an iticlotmre with these remarks; Dear Fuller Tho next timo you write please address your letter. Yours, Hmithell. Detroit Free l'ress. A Family Affair. "Bingley, I am very much disgusted with you." "What's tho matterr "Well, I was unfortunate enough to be ar rested tho othor dny nnd when I sent a note to you asking you, as a friend, to help me out, you nover even uuswered mo." "I couldn't do anything for you." "Why tiotl" "I was in Jail myself." Nebraska Btato Journal, Llttlo Dully Do you liko coffee, Mr. Wat kins? Old Mr. Wntklns Certnlnly, donr. Little Kmlly Well, you make such a noise swallowing, 1 thought erhnps it hurt you. Doe Itr New York Tribune. An Kiuburrutiluff Queitluu. XL 1 s&cAfii- UB.rt A lUtiblt lVnro In New ZrnlMiit In tho MnoKoitilo country, on tho South Inland of Now Konlnnd, nnd between latitude 43 and 4 1 south, an exiMxIltlou uns tiimle a fnw weeks since by n Inrge nrty of olUelnN nml others, whoso object wns to determine thooxnet liuouM)u whieli a rabbit feueoor Imrrler should Im erected across tho Inland, The minister of lauiN, who headed tho (tnrty, after very careful examination, concluded that it would Im Imiiracllcalilo to nuilutnlii, even If oueooivoted, a rabbit proof fence, Iu that region, llesldes, nil iuiinenso glacier which lnyiiiou the mountain sliiK'Sof tho "Houtherti Alpi," and which wns under con stant motion, threatened any barrier thnt might Iki roiiMrtivtod. Tho object of this barrier wns to prevent tho rnhhits from mi grating from one portion of tho colony to another. On tho Tnsinnn river, which Is In Houth Cnntorbury, and Is nenr Mt. Cook, there nro several miles of Imnk devoid of vegvtntlon, tho river being three miles wide mid Mowing Iu numerous deep mid rapid chuiiiick This laud would bo n barrier to tho advance of tho long iared foe. The minister concluded thnt if 11 fence wns envttil for twenty miles 011 tho nt side of the Tnsnutii river tho rnb bits could not enns into Houth Canterbury. Other feud's will Ih erected nt vniious JHilnts iu thnt pnrtof the colony, mid on Wultnkl river, whew n bridge hud nITordod tho mis hits n inenns of crovdug fnun onu side to tlm other, n rabbit proof gnto wivt to lw erected, tliogntoto Imcloseil nt night, uud n similar gnto wos to bo placed ot tho rnllroml brldgo tiH)ii tlio soma river. Ainerlcnn Agricul turist. lol It lint llitlny 11I Hallways. Tho grand fiiuct Ion of tlio railway is to chnngotho whole bails of civilization from military to industrial. Tho talent, tlio en ergy, tho money, which Is expended In main taining tho whole of F.uroH ns nn nrmed camp is hero excndod In building mid main taining railways, with their army of 9,0(V OIK) of men. Without the help of railways tho rcliclllun of the southern stub could nover hnvo IsH'ii put down, mid two grent etmtdlng armies would hnvo loen necessary. Ily tho railways, aided by telegraphs, it Is easy to extend our Federal system over nil entiro continent, mid thus illsiouso forever with standing nrmies, The mornl elfect of this uioii Kuropo is grent, but it physlcnl elfect Is still greater. Americnu rnilwiiys hnvo nenrly ubollshcd Inudlonlism iu Ireland, and they will one day nbollsli it In Kngland, mid over tlio continent of KuroK). Ho long ns KuroK) was deMind cut for food iiH)ii Its own Held, tho owner of thoso fields could fix Ids uwn rental. This h can no longer do, owing to tlio cheapness of trauiporUitlon fnun Austrnlln and from tho prairies of America, duo to tho Inventions of Nutt, tho Htephensons, Ilessonier nnd llol ley. With tho wealth of tho lamllorj his political iwwer w ill pass away. Tho govern ment of Kiiroenn countries will pnss out of tho hands of the gio.it landowners, but not Into those of the rubble, ns is fen nil. It will p:iM into tlio same huinls that govern Amer ica today tlio territorial democracy, tho owners of small fumix and t'le manufacturers mid merchants. Tluuuai Curtis Clarke, in Kcribner's New TiirkMi rortllh'iitloiK. Advicen from Constant luoplo statu thnt tho plnns for completing tho fortlllcntlnns of Adrinuoplo mid Tchnbildja hnvo been ap proved lij" the porte, nnd will soon receive the wuictlon of the sultan. According to theso plnns tho town of Tchntnldja, whjch Is nlxuit three miles distant from Constantino pie, will Ikx-oiiui the center of a largo in trenched ramp, enpnblo of holding nn nnny corjis of 60,000 men, and tho pivot of a con siderable nnny, tho right wing of which will bo protected by tho Illnck Hen mid tho loft by tho 80a of Marmora. Tho wholu iwsltlon will lo defended by uioro than 100,000 men, which fact gOfs to show that iu enso of wnr tho decisive battlo is oxx-cted in tho neigh borhood of Tcliatalilja, mid thnt Coiistaiitl noplo Is lHIng secured against an attack coming from tho northeast. It Is stated that tho works will bo Iwgmi nt ouco. Vienna Cor. London Times. Counterfeit Currency In I'url. Tho most jiorfoct counterfeit paper money with which any capital of Kurojie hns jrolm bly over lieen nlllictod is circulating in Paris in tho shnMi of A00 frnno not.-s. It has de celvcsl bunkers nnd expert. As it has been particularly reserved to Americans tolo vato tho financial brunch of crimo to n dno art, tho culprits wero naturally looked for among our countrymen, mid arrests have been made accordingly. It would Imj humil iating to our patriotic criminal classes to havo this excellent pleco of work attributed to iwoplo of another nationality. Tho French detectives have always oxpresvd high ad miration for American skill mid enterprise. in this particular Tho arrested men owo it to their country to bo convicted. New York World. New York's "Mont ile IMete." A society with $1,000,000 capital has been formed iu Now York city, which proKwcs to do 11 business similar to that of tho pawn brokers, otferlng to tlio poor who liavo to re tort to such institutions n safo, fair and ru tonablo accommodation. Tho intention is to establish nltout twenty ofilces iu this city and ten in Hrooklyn. It will be operated upon tho plan of the "Mont do Pleto," which is conducted by tho French government. In terest uon loans will Ixj but 10 or cant, per annum. Tho society will also aid poor peo plo who nro known to tho manngers, or when unredeemed goods aro sold, if the price real ized is more than the loan and iuterest amount to, tho amount received in excess will be paid over to the pledger. Frank Leslie's. New Drink for Feminine I'alates. In tiovemges, the novelty that seems to strike fenilnlno palates matt agreeably is a now drink, which is likely to havo n remark able summer popularity. It is said to havo been first introduced Into Now York by a lndy on her return from Euroixj. Sho got tkorccixiin India, where It had been used for years by tho wives and daughters of rirltlsli army officers iu sultry weather. It is simply 11 decoction of mint with a little kumiuel It is n delicious mixture and singu larly cooling, but its very low urcciitago of alcohol will disqualify it for masculine taste, Now York Hun. AVhar Tliy I'nunil. A Boston exisxlltlon in fceurch of buried tremure hnvo found nnd raised mi Immense michm' .if antiipinteil nnd foreign pattern, huviiiK a shank nbout fifteen feet long mid a ring tweiit)-nin inches in diameter. They also mixed two iron cannon of ancient stylo nnd toiiud part o 11 vessel's bottom with pig iron I ml last, all of which hnvo recently bceu washed out of tho sand after Iwlng covered H)rh:ips for centuries. Tho guns unt thickly eovensl with shells nnd doixv.it. Tlio guns nro to Ihi plactsl 011 exhibition. Philadelphia Tunes. The let tin Could Do. I slid to my llttlo son, il yenrs old: "Thnt U nil the Jell you cnu hne, dear; make it go ns far us you can." Quick as a Hush emtio tho answer: "I'll makoitgoas far us my stomach." lliibyhood. AT MILLER'S Special attention is paid to 'A DRESS G00DS Stock Lame. Assortment Complete. All the New Shades. All the New Fabrics. J. E. MILLER'S 145 South Tenth Street. EYE ITV BODY KNOWS That wc keep a gcncial assortment of CLOTH IN 6 ! And Gents' Furnishings. All the Latest styles in Collnis, nnd the senson's novelties In Neckwear, KINK LINISN COLLARS, I2!'j ith. Cnll mid sec us If you want to jjet goods In our line just ten per cent cheaper tlinn nt any other BAKER, The Clothier, 1125 O STREET. IT'S THE 1 .1 ' &jr THE PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. This is the only mower made that vill cut high grass. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Call and see it. ZEHRUNG & HENKLE, Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc. JOYCE, choicem:linery, 123 North 15th Street, OMAHA. "WIS LEAD jRJUJLj OTHEES ON REFRIGERATORS. Antique Finish. BEST Ventilated BEST Arranged BEST Satisfaction. And the largest assortment be jltfPJSJSjmpJSJpJpJPJISJBMBMSfcll IHif'UI RUDGE & MORRIS, 1122 N Street. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves. - bouse In town. BEST MADE. Best Construction. MOST Durable MOST Improved MOST Now Used. in the city found at at lowest prices may