Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 16, 1888, Image 4

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    k. P; iimiKM.! n- um0mm 4 rjWMWHM!! ...'- -r -i- w-
""v; tvt'SKrrr"-kt"V(iS-'w
- - ya-.iMu-V--1:T.ririll-1Mlftir"iirii ifrri-ltt-'"-"rTf'r-rr-T"-i -. .- -.-r .- i i iiiiiwwwMiuM iiiia n . up "'. i m .
I v
' "V . - '
The Impottnnco ot purifying tho blood cnn.
not bo oTcrcMlmMctl, (or without pmo blowl
you cannot enjoy good henUli.
At thli oaon nc arljr every one need ft
good medlclno to purity, vitalize, and enrich
tlio blood, and wo ask you to try Hood'a
DnrMilloe 8nrMparllIa. lttrcngtticn
reuUMctr uj amid up the rtcm,
creates an appetite, and tonoatho digestion,
while It eradicates dlscnso. Tho peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
ot tho vegetable remedies lined glvo to
Hood's Sanitparllla pecul If cof
lar euratlve powers. No llooll
other medicine has such n record of wonderful
cures. If you liavo tnado tip your mind to
buy Hood's Barsaparllln do not bo Induced to
take any other Instead. It Is a Tccullar
Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence
Hood's Rarsaparllta Is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by 0. 1. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass.
100 Dosos Ono Dollar
Make the jireforvntloti of the natural
teeth n kpei'l.tlty bv nil known approved
method. (fold and porcelain crowns
mounted on the natural root.
All operations performed without pain.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
to tiik pkopm: or uncoln, nkiiuahka,
AVe, tho imilepdgned nro iieivoiuiltv ac
quaints! with Dr. U WtMito, who U to'lenvv
us soon nnd onRnRo in tho practice of dontU
tvr In vour eltv.
AVo can lmliesltntiimly iwommciul hhn us
n thoroUKh mnittor of hU profiiwlim, nnd wo
re ure tluitaU work entrusted to him will
bo skillfully iKTforoutl.
J. U.Nnr.Hitn.t., M. I).
ilcMANN. M. 1).
J. K.MoAiiam,M.H.M. D.
J. II. UALLKiinnn, I). I). H.
qAiiDNEM, Illinois, Jnu. 21, lT,
115 North Eleventh St Lincoln, Neb.
Over lliillell i Jewelry Store,
Leaders in Photography.
flEU 1F5
We make a specialty of the celebrated
Life sized pictures and furnish the finest
work at lowest prices.
Bost Cabinets $3.00
Elegant line of Ficturc Frames in stock
and made to order. Call and sec us.
ioj6 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB.
Undertakers andEmbalraers.
21? North nth Street,
Wintbor Hotel Auner,
Telephones, Office 145. Residence 156,
Open Day nnd Night.
Philharmonic Orchestra
Have removed their oflice from Funkc's
Opera House to the llurr lllock. They
y now to furnish anv number of
s both Orchestra and Military for
Concerts, Balls, Picnics,
Parties, Etc.,
asonable rate. Oflice, Burr
Unnm fin am! un.
5" "ffT .mL 1 lissssssssssssssssrssssssVS.
T.WH .HBPrtW ..'
ftKfc JkssssssssVtfssssssssssssslsssssssssslsssssssssssssssssssWVHbU.
Cfc' "" "" .
A lt)nfar liir of Mwiern Timrn,
tUinncntrrMMi On War by Mall or Carrier f'
Hlx months, $1,00, Tlin-o months W) CciiU, Onn
month Ui) CVnts tnrarnlily In Adranco.
invanTlsKMicMTs: HaUs rurnMlinl on nppllCAllmi
at tho (ifllco. 8iHclal rats mi Time Contracts,
CoxTntnuTtoN: Bliort spicy skrlchcs, MHms, nnd
Morli (miIIcIIimI, lvrsonal anil Hiwlal notes nr
FSHclally deslralile.
Pain-mill Wo iiiakn n siieelalty of Kino I'rliitltiK
In nil Itt hr.tno'iM. Hulaiv r r iDiililtv
AddrvM all coiiimimloatlons dlrectto tho onion.
wusaici., . DonniNs,
KDiTons and rnoi'niRTons.
Now llurr lllock, Cor. I'ith nnd 0 Htror ,
Tho CouniKit will not Iki ns;ioiisllilo for
nny debbi made by '"' no In Its nniuo, uu
Iohs n written onlor ncooinpnnliM the same,
projwrly sIriuhI, of count),
Wkhnki. & DoniilNH, Trop'ru.
CotmiKit rcmlers Khij; uwuy for tho niiui
mcrvnii hnvu tho wK'r sent to their now nd'
iln', without extra clini'Ki', hy uotlfyitiK thu
Tiik souvenir iiumlH'r of tlio T Hkci .!
reached us this week. It None of the pret
tiest mih'ih Mr, rrtxt bus ever iMietl, n lit t wo
nro Kind to uoto tho eoplo of ICiuiMit' capltnl
city nppiit'lato tho pivprletor's vuterpri.1.
Momk Indlvldiinl propOM's to rnku in shekels
this rnr hy iuli-iKluciug playing enrdt on tho
backs of foity-elght of which will be tho ior.
traits of tho forty eight governor of Mutes
nnd territories, mid on the four remaining
ones counterfeit pitioentinent of the republi
can niiil deiuocrutlo candidates for president
and ico prctlilcut. Hen llutlcr will llgunt as
the little Joker.
iTlsgiently to ho regrettisi that tho emi
nent tragedian, ltoliert Downing, could not
bo given n ilato nt tho opera house. Tlmronro
11 largo numW of poplo In Lincoln who
would havo Ikhhi greatly pleased to linvo tho
0isH'tuiilty of heiiilng the gentlenmu.
Tin: We, ping Water iVmMani Is out
with 11 big "Ixwm" etlltlon. Tho llnohusluess
blocks nnd n-sldences of thnt growing llttlo
city nro elegnntly nutl nocurately jilcturetl,
nnd tho descriptive matter so attractively
written that ono immediately feels they must
go nnd visit such a bustling Itoo-htvo of Indus-
Ax Illinois girl while going homonftor dark
the other ovenlng, was greatly frightened by
n white object which alio MipKtcd wnsn
ghost, nnd on reaching homo was taken with
convulsions nnd was very ill for u tlmo. In
quiry dovolojKsl the fact that tho supiootl
ghot was only an old white horso. Tho girl
was not rod-bended.
Attoii.nkv Oknkiiai, Li'.khe is making a
hrnvn, though uualilisl tight, against tho en
croachment of corporate monopoly in tho
state. Ills workhns been such nsto commend
him for n ro-uoiuiuatloii, but ho will doubt
less linvo 11 hard time gelting It, tho republi
can convention generally being In tho powcr
of the railroad cohooU.
LiTKiiATUm: for Juno Dili contains many
Interesting fmituns. Mrs. Lllllo I). L'haco
Wyinnu coiitrlliuUit the story of the llfo of
Octavo Tlmnet (MIks Alice Knnch) with
jKitralt of that well-known ntithoivM. The
choicest matter rroin thu loading uewsp'tH'ni
of tho world on ixtrtincut tonics is iriven.
besides numerous llttlo sketchos from tho
K'ii of Oelnve Tlmnet, K. 8. llrooks, (Iriint
Allen nnd otheix Literature, is n weekly
inngiulno of merit, mid is furnished for 11
dollar a year hy John II. Alden, iKW Pearl
street, New York.
Tiik attorney general of Iowu has a rather
lieculiar quostlou to decide. Illds for print
ing BiiprvniQ court decisions were advertised
to bo received up "to 19 o'clock noon" of a
certain tiny. Forty-live iniuuteH after IS
o'clock the representative of n Dos Moines
publishing house put ill 11 bid which, when
0'ms.l, was fouiiil to Iw 3 cenU lower tluin
any other, nnd tho contract was accordingly
given him. Tho other bidders docldedly ob
jected, claiming that noon did not mean until
1 o.clock, as tho executive council interpreted
it. It is rather n curious question, and tint
decision will bo looked for with Interest.
A IIoston man has invented what ho tonus
n bicycle railway, tho cardinal prinello of
which Is that the tracks nro not both on the
ground as commonly soon. Ono Is laid on tho
ground nnd the other Is laid on tho iiisido of a
frame-work, which is above and directly over
the lower track. Tha engine and cars havo
wheels 011 the bottom nnd double tracks
abovo, thus absolutely provontlng anychanoo
of derailment. It is expected that treat
speed will lw obtained on account of tho com
paratlvo llghtneiH of tho tratunnd also be -causa
of tho loss of friction. Tho idoa Is p at
cnted lu ovory country in Kurop, as well as
in the United Btates.
Tiik Couhieh, it seems, did the inastor
builders of the city nn Injustice In an editorial
in last week's tsjue. They dony tho existence
of any agreement as to nny scale of wages to
bo paid this season. Tho unions met and
adopted scales of wages for tho various trades,
ami 1110 couirociors wuo nail ijttllcllnes on
bund were compelled to go 011 with them to
their financial detriment. This imU another
phaso on the matter, and In the presence of
such conflctlng statements it Is dlfllcult to
form a Just opinion on the dllllculty. We bo
llovo that thu unions are in error iu insisting
Upon each man receiving tho saipe amount of
wnges, for obvious reasons. We also believe
that labor should recelvo Just recog iltion nt
the hands of employers, and good wages lw
paid tho workers. The builders claim that
the unions are tyrannical, that a man, how
ever much he would wish to oblige on 0111
ployer does not dare to work overtlmo for
four of u tine at tho next meeting of tho union ,
With those statements from both sides the
CouitlEU lays tho cose beforo tho public to de
cldo upon tho merits and demerits thereof.
Tiik )rintrs of tho country nro innkliiK n
Krnud kick hvcausoof thoKovcriiincnt's prlnt
iiiK envtdoiH's for I)iisIiiim moil, bunkers, etc,
and Juitly, tK), Tho price for whlcli tho gov
eruinent fumlshcH theso envvloos Is so low
that no printer call umkoiiuythlug nt It, Inns,
much its thoROVerninont'aprlco i-CRUlnUff that
I i Id printers for similar woik. Congi-titi
should look up this mutter, ax It Isdltcrlinlun
tlou with n viiiBitiot.
Naur York Nrwpiiprriliiui All Torn Ut
Nanr Yoik Newspaper I'niprletor Mr.
Overwork, did you attend tho opoulng of
thai new eo-oMratlvo factory nt 7 o'clock
this morning!
Ilo)ort)r Yes. sir, uavo It n column
"Did you net 11 re)ort of tho worklugmou'a
mass monthiR nt 10 o'clock, view the purndo
at II, nlteiul tho lnlor couunltto at
, 13. nnd liitcrvlow tho forty-llvo Inlrar
J iMilors I umrkid out for you this after
t noon I"
"Yos, sir; makes about ton columns."
"You Irnvo just come from tho ovenliiR
selon of tho workliigiuau's fetloratlon, I
"Yes, sir: nm nt work on tho report now,
It wilt mako nlxnit throo columns."
"Good. AVhon that is done mako a tour
throughout the tonomout districts nnd be
sure to havo some startling disclosures ready
.for tho priutors beforo Q o'clock In the
morning; then rush out nnd"
"Hog pardon, sir; but wo rejiortow havo
Just orgnuircd n branch of tho Knights of
Labor nnd wo will hereuftor refuso to work
over twoiily-threo hours a day."
Propiletor fulls in a tH.-Omnlm World.
TtinrNIs' Tlekeli.,
TheKlkhoiu Valley hue Is now Nclllug
round trip tourist tickets tOMHiie of its local
wostein points, to Hplrlt Ijike, la.; St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Ijiko HiiH'iior is)lnb. Portlniul, I
Ore.: Tneomn, W. T.; Victoria. H. C. For
rates to nil iolntH In tho UulUsl HUites or
Caunda mid HuroiK'nn HeaH)rts, apply to fleo,
N. Forcsmnii, lift South Tenth street.
Union Pacific, "Tho Overlain! Houto," will
sell through tickets, nt the rate of one cent er
mtlo each way, from iolnlH in Nebraska east
of North Plntto, to jwrtles iloslrlng to ntteml
tho National Itepublicnu Convention to Ito
held nt Chicago, Juno IDtb. Tickets gtKxl
going Juno Kith to 10th, returning JuneOtli
to lilth Inclusive, with continuous pnsigo only
iu each direction.
Ottl Papers For Nulr.
House cleaning tlmo is here, and old papers
will eonm iu handy. Tho Couiiikh olllco has
11 gHl supply at 'M cents n hundrwl.
Lincoln lluckiiiiil IIiirkukii Line,
Telephono N). '.Ml, nuvit mnrket, 0H7 O
striHit, or No. 1101 lh'erj' bam. Order slates
nt same places nnd U. P. ticket olllco, corner
Kleventh nnd 0 streets. Hack stands, Capi
tal hotel and meat market.
Hoiiano.v linos.
Oo oast by tho Ht. IiuIs nnd tho Missouri
Pacillo railroad nnd uvold nil omnibus truiis
fers; all change made In Union dcKits via
this route. Chair enrs free.
Tho F.lkhoru Valley Lines nro now soiling
tickets of the nbovo class to the following
lK)Iuts; Long Pine, Nebr., Douglas, Wyo.,
Dakota Hot SprlngH and ltapld City, Dak.,
Spirit Luke, In., Minneapolis, St. Paul, Du
luth, Superior, Ashland, liayfleld, and Wash
bum, nnd via Ht, Paul to Portland, Oregon,
Tneomn, W. T., nnd Victoria, H. C. For full
imrticulars of routes, rates, etc.. call on or
write (Jeo. It. Forcsmnii, Agt,, lift S IU st.
IJucolu, Nebraska.
S01110 Cheap Property.
A line ruttldcuco lot i Twenty-llrst street
near' N for salo nt n rvosonnblo price. Also
0110 in Mechanics addition, Hyde Park and
Klniwood.WllI sell cheap If sold Immediately
Callonornildress L. WiM.i, Jr., care this
Kxcursloii AVcst unit Northwest,
Dally excursions havo been arranged for
over tho Union Pacillo Hallway to Sun Fran
cisco, San Diego, Coltou, Los Angeles, San
Bernardino ami San Jono, California, also to
Portland, Oregon, nt $80.00 for the round
trip. Tickets nro good 00 days for going pas
sage and good for tho return trip for six
months from date of salo with tho usual stop
over privileges in both directions within these
Tlieso tickets nro also good by way of Den
ver nnd Salt Lake City In each direction. Tho
agent, Mr. E. 1). Slosson, tells usmiltonnum
ber of our townsmen aro thinking ot making
tho trip soon, nnd it would 1k well for those
intending to go iu scloct parties to see him
and nrrango for thslr accommodations.
Mr. John D. Frawley, travollng agent,
Union Pacillo, nt Omaha, Nob., will give you
nny further information in regard to these
excursions. Parties who prefer can corres
iwnd with Mr. J. 8. Tebbots, O. P. & T. A.,
Omaha, Neb.
liny YourTifikotii
To tho National Hepubllcnn convention, tobo
held ill Chicago on thu 10th lust, via tho
(Ireut Hock Island route, tho Invt mnunged
and eulpied rond iu America. Tickets for
this occasion are now for side nt one fare tho
round trip. You cnn go east or return via
Kansas City or Council lllulTs nt same, rata.
The fast limited saves llvo hours between
Knasas City, Atchlon or St. Joseph nnd Chi
cago. Palace sleeiers, reclining chair cars
boats freo and dining cant. Itetweeu Conn
oil Hluirs (Omaha) and Chicago, the Urent
Hock Island Is thu only Hue that runs fast liui
Iksl vestibule express trains of palnco parlor
curs dally each way tho finest In tho world
through lu 10 hours. Superb lavatory, sleep
ing nnd dining accommodations. Tho vesti
bules are gorgeously fnrntshed "homos on
wheels." Nothing like thuni. Who will bo
the choice of tho tepubllcau convention, 110
ono knows. Hut every one knows that tho
(treat Hock Island is tho choice of the travel
ing public.
For tickets uhiI rates call on any railway
coupon ticket agent, or address K, A. Ilol
brook, Gen. Ticket nnd Passenger Agent, O.,
It. I. & P. H'y, Chicago, III.
I 1). T. CO.
Will get your Sunday Mall from the Post
olllco anil deliver ut your house, or olllces
Telephono UK).
H11.U5 to Clilruiro,
Homemtwr the above rnto is nil that tho
Elkhorn Vnlloy line, O. & N. W. routo, asks
of parties going to uttond the republican con
vention. Ticket oIHcoh 115 South Tenth streo.
.and depot.
Lndios, It Is almost nn inducement for you
to get married to seo those new wedding Invi
tations locolved nt Wewtel& Dobbin's, Coult
lKll olllco, this week. "They nro erfectly
grand" is what ono of our rentiers said yester
day, and so they aro. Tho assortment com
prises all the novelties just introduced, nnd n
look at them will convince ovory 0110 that
they aro tho prottlst ever seen. A line of
jmrty Invitations, ball programs, Imp year
announcements and programs were also le
culvcd with this invoice. Call nutl sett theui.
Lincoln- Oiniiliii,
A conch will hero nftor Iw attached to II, &
M, train No. 9 (tho flyer) for the convenience
cf Lincoln-Omaha MisMcngors, Locnl tlckols
will Iw accepted on this train, A. C. Zkimkh.
City Passenger nnd Ticket Agent.
Hcmcmlicr that vigilance Is tho price of
life ns woll us of liberty. Only thoso who
take good care of their health enjoy n riiw
old age. Those who wish to, should keep
their liver nnd Ikiw els regular by nn occa
sional doso of SU Patrick's Pills, the best
innde. Sold by W, J. Turner
l.lK'it Colore,! I'rlnrn Alberts.
Tho season for light summer nttlro Iwlng nt
hand, tho Oiobo Clothing houso hits Just re
ceived n very lino lino of spring nutl summer
sulUtlti light colored l'rlnco Allwltsof the la
test cut, and mntlo up with finest trimmings,
lined nnd faced in Satin. To see them Is to
like them, nutl to like them is to buy 11 suit.
You know tho rest, so come nrouud nnd look
nt them.
When In need of Itllos Furnishing Oootls
Flno Shoes, etc., glvo Fred Schmidt n call.
!H 7 0 street,
They know Just how to pleaso you with
oysters in every stylo nt Urown's Now Vienna
lleautlfy your lawns by using thu celebrated
Pennsylvania law n mower, mado in two sizes
to cut either long or short grass. 1 jirgo lino.
Zehrung & Hei.kles solo ngents, 1917 O street.
I.e(;ut Nollee,
Joseph W. H'oggln Is hereby notlfltsl that
onfho lHthof Apiii, IK88, his wife, Nellio O
Hcoggln. lllisl 11 istltloii for divorti) ngalnst
him lu tho District Court of Lancastercounty,
Nebraska, nsklug for u dissolution of tho
bonds of matiiiuony on thogiouud of fnlluit)
to supK)it, nnd asking foiv the custotly of
their chlltl May, nutl that she bo restoictl to
her nmiileii naiiio Ha I ley, nnd Jiwopu W.
Svnggln Is untitled to nnswer snhl etltiou on
or lH.'foii) Julv II, 188!.
Nkllik (J. BcoiiiiiN, Plalntlir.
Now that the sen son for using ico has com
meucett it i-eiiooves consumers to Iw very
careful what they use. Much of tho Ice now
inlays used is impure and conducive of bad
results to got I health. Thu Ico sold by the
Lincoln Ico company cut from Oak creek Is
strictly pure and healthy and will Iw deliver
ed to nny part of the city. Icnvo orders nt
HMO O street or telephono No, I IS.
Wo buy our refrigerators from manufac
turers in enr lots, and will give our custo
mers tho Iwuellt of car load price. Have the
largest nnd most complete stock iu the city.
Wo would Is) pleased to show these) gotsls and
quote prices. Hutlgo it Morris, 1199 N street.
Hy all otitis the lluest lino ot pocket cutlery
iu tho city nt Zohruug & lleuklo's.
i.. i. t. t;o.
Delivers trunks to nny part of thu city or to
any tleot for 9ft cents ouch. Claim check
gsven. Telephono UK).
For all kinds of society stationery, such ns
Invitations, programs, cnnls, melius etc. cnll
nt tho Couuiku olllco lu tho new llurr block.
An Important lClenient
Of tho success of Hood's barsnpurllla Is the
fact that ovory purchaser receives a fair
equivalent for his money. Tho familiar bend
lino "100 Dose Ono Dollar," stolen by Imita
tors, Is original with and true only of Hood's
Sni-Miparllla. This can easily lw proven by
nny ono who desires to test tho mutter. For
real economy, buy only Hood's Sursuparllln,
Soltl oy all druggists.
For Kent,
Furnished room for rent, ono block from
University. Heasounble rates. Call at 097
North Kloventh street.
Tho Bane of Hot Woathor.
Thoro is no timo that looked for
ward to by tho mothers of small child
run, with more mortal drend, than ttie
hot wonthor of thu summer months, cs
pocinlly is this tho uusu when their
oliildrnn nro toothing. Thu number ol
children Unit nro curried 11 way unniiully
by bowel complaint, in its various
forms is prodigious. Yet almost ovory
case could bo cured by propor euro mid
treatment. Diuine; the past fifteen
years, it hits been Abundantly proven,
tuut tho worst cases could bo 011 reel unit
by a romedy within tho reach of all.
Chamberlain's Colic, CJiolorit and Diar
rhoea Romedy lias cured thousands of
cases, that woru considered hopeless, it
has cured them after physicians havo
fulled to roliove, it lias cured thorn after
other medicines had been tried without
benefit, it has even cured thorn nftor
thoy hud become unconcious. It can
always bo depontlcil upon, and should
be kept at hand, by ovory mother of
small children. When children nro
teething, tho diarrhoea cnn not bo check
ed permanently, as tho same cause Unit
produced it will bring it on nguin, but
it can and should bo controlled by
glring Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera
and iJinrrhma ltumcdy, ns theoaso may
require Then when tho child is
through teething, thu diurrhum may be
elVuctuallychookod. This remedy lias
been tho solo reliance of thousands of
mother throughout thu west for over
fifteen yours, nutl its cures have shown
it to bo tho best and most roliubio rem
cdv over produced for thu purposes
When reduced with cold wntur nnd
sweetened, it Is pleasant to take. Jinny
children like it. It is put up iu 95 cent,
50 cent mid 1 dollar bottles.
My child, Kovon months old, was taken
sick with summer complaint, I culled
on our family physician and procured
medicine, mid used It for nearly three
weoks but still the child continued to
got worse. I was persuaded to try
Chnmberlain's Colio, Cliolern and Di
arrhoea Remedy, anil inside of four
days, wo hud tho child's bowels regulat
od and In u short time it was well
Since that timu I always keep a bottle
of tho preparation iu my houfeo.
A. O. AIotks, Seottsvillo, Kansas.
We fool satisliod that Chamberlain'
Colio, Cliolern mid Dinrrluea Remedy
Is tho best incdiulim we handlo for all
disoases of tho bowols; wo havo given
it a thorough test. A member of our
family, a llttlo girl, hnd.bcon very sick
with bowel complaint, wo hnu the
doctor to sua her twico, after giving her
what modlolno tho doctor left and see
ing that she would havo to have more
wo concluded to try Chamberlain's,
From tho lirst doso she commenced to
improvo and soon recovered.
T.Wekly& Son, Per Sam Neklt,
Hay City, Tope Co. 111.
I Bold by W. J. Turner.
Spring Suits
$20 AND $25.
I qxnrrirllllirMn -
)wL V' '34 South 12th St.,
Globe One-Price Clothing House.
Is now showing an elegant line of
New Spring Styles
Mens, Youths, Boys and Children's Fine Suits.
All the Latest Novelties and 'Nobby Designs are included
in' our Complete Assortment, to which we invite an early in
spection. THE GLOBE
One-Price Clothing House.
E. M. EISFELD 8c CO., Proprs.
I iy Mustang Liniment yi
Mlin - IMtlJJ330Com - IIIIMirqq -.
I '
' -,