Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 16, 1888, Image 2

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, I.I .Li Ml. I M'Ul'l'"i. 'fcW''irr""" "
.,. - ..-..h.A.1;. .......- - - -Mi"4-MJtfaMfe"1hNtflittf1Wtf(
tfcnyyvywtailahf ... Jaw1lJlllWIWll'l'll'W'l"''l'l'
iimMaMWinfiHiliiinnTTnpTiiil mi I inrrrJ m I p n I m I
Oonimntremeiit Dresses. Worn bjr 1'iilr
Vim 11 R OrndliMrs How Tlirxn May Iln
Designed R As To Hurvu n Twofold
An nil lmpoi tnnt occasion In every young
girl's life occur with commencement tiny, nt
tohool or college, ns the wise chances to lie,
Tho graduating dross is naturally n tuliject
for moro or less consideration, na thin same
dross, In innny cases, nerves not only for tho
event for which It was especially designed,
but mt n ronnrmnlloti dress, nnd Inter nun
drew to lm worn nt nny social gathering
whoro a whlto dross la npproplnto.
When the dress U to servo tho twofold pur
pose ot a conflrmntlon nml commencomont
dress, tho gcnornl nilo In to havo it fashioned
moro simply tlmu tho ono shown in tho cut.
, Many of tho coiillrmntlou il reason innilo In
Now York tMs spring havo round waist
anil long draperies, dimply arranged. These
are, however, moro olaliornto airalrs, tho
fashion lielng much n mnttur of tasto.
Tho dress shown lu tho cut is of white
. French serge. It is nmilo with n slightly
frilled IkxIIco, pnulor drnerIcH nud jiouf.
Tho long square apron of whlto silk is pinked
out nt tho edges llko tho skirt, scarf and cuffs.
Folds of silk extend on tho Bides of tho skirt,
while others are carried along thooutsldo
I seam of tho sleeves. Tho bodice, with iU
high collar and its douhlo row of velvet but
tons, opens on a plastron decorated with a
lino of silk corded Vandykes or feather
stitch, to correspond with tho spikes of tho
notched edges.
When tho dress nud Its trimmings are en
v tlroly of whlto, whlto silk stouklngs and
whlto silk shoeci or slippers should lie worn.
If, as It often happens, the young graduates
decido on co,irod Rashes and other trimmings
with tholr whlto drosses, tho stockings should
match tho color.
Wldo license is given in tho matter of inn
terial. Thoro may Ira a combination of wool
and silk, as in tho model lure shown, or ouo
material only may Iw usciL Lawns and other
light weight summer fabrics nru much em-
Eloyod for graduating dresses whoro economy
i an object.
, Fiuhloimbln Colors nml ComttltuttloiiK.
To ronllro oxnetly what tho nature of this
year's ribbons nud silks nro it is necessary to
undorstnn'd tho fnshlouablo colorings and
combinations, Tho fuvorlto now tours nrot
Feu, n llamo red, mostly sliot with cream;
Fistache, called also Murjolutue, Arab ami
Campana, earthy rods; Iceberg, which Is
,. oloctrle. with n dash of gray; licorco nml
Rhone, light gray greens, with Hatidal, newer
and browner than vieux roo.
But it must lie borne In mind that this 1 n
year of deml-tluts, and that nearly every
i tono is used in combination with another
red and blue, brown and green, brown and
red, cream and gray, Nil and orange, ocher
and cresson (tho watercress Rivon), smoko nud
beige, myrtle and copper, navy nnd bouton
d'or. These are only somo of many mixtures.
o universal is this union or tono that it
assorts itself In tho tulles and gauzes used In
millinery, w hlch show n douhlo face. There
Is a lino mako of gossamer gauze, such as was
Used sometimes for veils; tho woof bluo, tho
warp golden brown, varying in overy light.
There aro many now materials in millinery.
Ltssooftwo shades of tho samo tono nud
moussolino do solo aro llnely embroidered
with white and gold and other tinsel.
Tho newest color of tho season is n cowslip
green. For n wonder its name exactly con
veys tho idea, for it is the identical tono of n
cowslip stalk. M night It becomes tho most
delicate amalgam of yellow and green.
All Attrnollvti llonnet.
There exists nlmoat as great a diversity
la tbo styles of bonnets and hats for little
.girls as iu thoso dudgued for oldor people.
Mothers will hardly find, howovcr, a pret
tier or mora becoming lionuct for tholr little
girls than tho ouo depicted iu tho cut. It ii
a French capote nud is mado of gauzo, with
an entire crown of silk. Tho brim is heavily
trimmed with lace; tho pouf consists of
feathers and a bow of ribbon.
Vlectrlclty, Strangulation or the (lulUotlue
Apropos cf current discussion in regard tc
' secuting criminals with electricity, Dr.
William A. Hammond 1 reported to advo
cate strangulation with a silk or cotton rop
i a the most satisfactory method nt command'
wklle Dra BplUka and Drill take exception
to the statement that strangulation U pain
lass, and favor tho guillotine.
Iln Vn Acquitted.
Pollen Judge Prisoner, yon nro charged
with having brutally assaulted this man,
"1 admit it, your honor, but there wero ex
tohuntlug circumstances."
"Of what naturef"
"Why this limn nuked mo 'If n hen nnd a
Imlf laid an egg and n half In n day and a
hnlf how man' "
"That will do. You nro tllscliargcd."-Ne-braskn
Htato Journal.
Onn Way.
Alary K-e-r-m-e-n-t, ferment -to work.
Mamma -Now, placo It In n sentence to
show mo you really understand It.
Mnry In summer I lov to ferment In tho
garden. Life,
A Wonderful runt.
Among hnlf n dozen commercial drummers,
who occupied sent lu a Central Hudson
Htnokor yestenlny relating their accustomed
ynrns for their own odlllentlon, was one w ho
had luiide himself conspicuous by his silence.
Mount inn thoughtful mood with his smok
ing cap drawn partly down over his eyes, and
wlh a largo sample rose lu front of him, ho
did not look llko n deceiver.
Tho conversation had turned on their hnlr
bruiilth weapon from railway accidents, nud
while each went tho previous one a llltlo bet
ter, this modest one did not wonder at nny of
tho stories or essay to miostlon them. Hut
hU turn came nud ho had Ids revenge.
"Speaking of hard riding," said ho, as n
hardware drummer had llnlshed n blood
curdling recital of n lightning ridoon n New
England road, "tho fastest traveling I ovci
did was on n slnglo track road in Kansas.
Wo had Just rounded a curve whon tho con
ductor entered tho car hurriedly nnd cried!
'Hhut your oywi nnd hang on to tho seat,' Wo
nil did as we wero bid. A momont Inter and
wo woro cxjerlonclng an awful sensation.
Tho car seemed to shudder, tho windows to
creak nud then nil was ovor. A moment
afterward tho conductor ontorcd nnd gavo
tho onion 'Ojhmi your eyes and lot go tho
"Everything looked natural, but tho miecr
proceedings had aroused my curiosity and I
was led to ask tho conductor what had taken
''Not much,' said he, 'This is a slngl
tracked road nud wo Just jumped n freight. '"
Rochester Domocrat.
Too Milrh to Auk,
When Marcus A. Smith, tho handsome
delegate from Arizona, drst camo hero ho
woro n soft felt hat with a wldo brim nnd n
turned down collar with a flowing necktie.
Ills Indifference to tho quality or fit of his
garments was u matter of comment nmong
his colleagues. Hut this is all changed slnco
ho took quarters in a fajhionablo hotel, and
became a "society man.'' Tho other evening
ho was standing In tho lobby of tho Ebbltt
house smoking a elgaretto. Ho was dressed
with grout care in tho extreme of fashion.
Ills silk faced Prince Albort coat was closely
buttoned and he woro a boutounlero of vlo
lot lu tho lajieL Under tho "Piccadilly" col
lnr appeared tho bow of n whlto lawn necktlo
nud upon his head wns n now silk lint. Ho
hold buff gloves and u cano in his left hand
nnd toyed with his cigarette with his right.
A, friend camo presently along, nnd, seelug
him, stopped suddenly and eyed htm from
head to foot,
'Groat Scott, Smith!" hooxclalmod, "what
would your folks down in Tombstono say if
they could soo you nowl And smoking a
cigarette, tool I will write a description of
your present nppoarnnco nnd "boo that it is
published down there."
"Tho cigarette is all right," said Smith,
earolossly. "Everybody down that way
mokes cigarettes. It's n 8anish and Mexi
can custom. Thoy wouldn't mind tliat, of
course; but for heaven's sake don't mention
tho plug hat, Thoy wouldn't stand that,"
Now York Tribune.
A Wliln ltnncn of lCxjirestlon.
1'You fccom thoughtful this ovonlng,
Dobby," said tho minister, who was making
a call.
"Mr. Qoodman," inquired Robby, rousing
himself, "what is n vocabularyP
Tho minister kindly told him.
"I heard it this morning," Hobby ex
plained, "and I didn't know what it meant
Mnsaldshobadnoldea what a vocabulary
pa hod until sho heard him diking down tho
parlor stovo." Harper's Haznr.
llcnil unit l'omlor.
According to Tho Detroit Free Press n Chi
cago burglar read In a nowspapor that ho
had overlooked (SO in a bureau drawer, Ho
returned tho noxt night ami not only secured
it, but a suit of clothes besides. Hero wo have
another illustration of the valuo of tho press
as a disseminator of useful information. Now
is tho timo to suUcribo, Norristowu Herald.
The Hour When Churchyards Yawn.
"Papa," said ft rich and beautiful girl, who
has many, many beaux, "what is your idea
In building our now mansion so near a grave
yard 1 It will soem so ghostly after dark."
"That is exactly tho idea," responded the
old man; "I want to try and havo tho house
closed beforo midnight," Now York Sun.
A Rturlllnjr Innovutlnn.
Qus Where havo you leon, Jackl
Jack To a swell 5 o'clock tea at tho Hob
tons'. I tell you, Ous, Mrs. Hobson is a
woman of resources. Sho introduced a nov
elty this afternoon that I never saw at such
an nITair.
Gus What was it!
Jack Enough to eat. Harper's Bazar.
Question of filio.
Youug Lady Customer How much is this
opera glass!
Salesman Fifteen dollars.
Young Lady Customer Oh, that is too ex
pensive) Have you nothing smaller per
haps an operetta glassf Harper's Dazar.
A rnrnllcl.
How does Ignatius Donnelly obtain his
root number lis tho question asked by thoso
who have examined tho famous cipher. It
seems to bo u caso of root, Hacon, or die.
New York World.
A Llttla (llrl Who liitnntmt a Unit rrnb
leni of Iter Own.
Tho husband of thlslndy In Oakland has a
theory. I never know a husbniid theorize on
tho subject Ho wns always quite sura
"Now," ho said to his wife one dny, "I don't
llko your apiieniMug Ignorant before tho
child. I never do It Is not well not to liavo
an nnswer tonnythlng the child nsks. If
you sny 'I don't know' you simply kill your
chilli's faith In you. Hlio'll loso her rosoct
for you rlglitawny Itdoes not matter what
he asks, you must nlwnys Imvo an answer
ami a xsltlvo answor for her " And he
wont downtown and bought her one of thoso
box alphaliots that lie all ovor tho floor anil
fall under tho aofa nud got Into tho crack of
tho door and finally render It unsafe to walk
nlwut ntiywhoro In tho homo. Sho sat down
and solocted tho word "lien" to illustrate tho
meaning nnd valuo of tho alphabet Hho
looked at tho thrco letters lying on tho car
pot and to tho guileless father thus she
t "Papa, which did Ood mako first tho hen
or tho egg r' San I'mnclieo Chronicle
Tun of tho Cliltilrrn.
A little girl who had seut tho flvo yoars
of her llfo in n very retired place In tho
country had novor happonod to soo n colored
person. Hho loved to lie out of doors; In
deed, spent tho most of lior timo playing In
tho ynnl, but sho novor would keep n lint or
bonnet on her head, and hor mother often
told hor that sho would grow black with sun
burn. A cousin who visited thorn about thnt
timo had oino photographs with hor, nnd
among them was ono of n littlo colored child.
Oracle, looking thorn ovor, paused nt this
one, was sllont for n littlo and then softly
whispered to herself "So that Is what comes
of playing bareheaded out in tho sun." Do
trolt Kreo Press.
Mr. and Mrs. Princely woro entertaining
tho minister, nud Imd urged him to stay all
"Do stay. Mr Hheopfold," said Mrs
Princely "Adolphus won't bo homo, nnd you
can linvo Ills room Just ns woll as not"
"when tho mini I boy, who had boon silent as
long as he could stand it, burst forth i
"You can sleep in 'Dolph's bed, hut yon
can't use 'Dolph's tooth brush. 'Dolph won't
lot onnybody uso his tooth brush "copt lilui
scif." Detroit Free Press.
Hubert Asks Another Question.
"Who Is that lady dressed in black,
mammar'askod Hobby, as ho sat with his
mother on n ferryboat
"Thnt Is a Sister of Charity, my boy," ro
piled his mother
Uobby iwuderod deeply for a moment and
thou ho said
"Which is sho, mamma, Faith or Honor
Harper's Uazar
Not on tho Map.
A gontloman of this city observed his little
sou atumtlvoly studying a map of tho world
"What placo are you looking for, Wllllor"
he Inquired.
TllOSIlinll ttnv linlt. hit limw nml tnnl.u
circuitous route with his forefinger beforo he
iiustvuivu uumosuyi
"Twyin' to find Chrisendom." Detroit
Free Press.
Applied Tlieoloffy.
"I havo been run ovor many and many a
timo by wngons, buggies, horses and car
dagos," said n littlo son of tho Rov. T. C.
Iloykin, looking from the window nt a pns
Ing carriage behind which stroamod n lot of
dust "What do you moanl" askod the
father. "Why, didn't you say 1 was made
out of dustf Atlauta Journal. i
Mntcmiil Carwa.
Flossie Mamma, can 1 glvo ono of my
dolls to Cicely Walllosl
Motlior Certainly not Flossie. Wliy do
you wnnt tot
Flossie 1 find that twins nro lm rwnt n
chargo. Now Moon.
A Mighty Problotn.
"Aw, Chawloy, mo boy, how goes Itf
"Flno, old chapplo. Had any tennis yotf
"Naw, cleah boy Had a weally urgent in
vltatlon to a game at Mrs. Ureozy's today, but
was weally obliged to docllno becnuso, hang
mo, old boy, If 1 can mako up my mind what
to got for a tennis suit"
"Haw, old chnpplo, deuced if that isnt Just
mo own fix I And hanged if my tailnh seems
ablo to holp mo outl"
"Nol What tho douco is n fellah to do
whon ovon Ids tailnh cawn't tell him what to
weaht Eh, old boyf"
"True, me boy, truol I'm weally wor
ried about tho mattali. 1 cawn't find a
thing in tho fashion magazines I like. Hanged
if 1 don't want something weal nobby,"
"Hoah, too, deah boy. Mo lawst yeah's
cult uovah did please mo. I'vo n stunner In
bluo nnd white in mind if I can only got me
tailnh to catch tho idea."
"That's It, old chapplo; but theso blawstod
tallahs seem stupid, weally stupid, about
what n man wanta fcomotlmos."
"Don't I know that to mo sorrow, old foil
Mo own tailnh trieu mo awfully at times, he
weally doos."
"Well, ta, ta, deah boy; if you bcah of
anything now lot mo know."
"With pleasure, mo boy; ta, ta."
"Ta, ta, old chappie." Detroit Free Pross.
True) Culture.
Young Lady Will you ploaso glvo mo a
small bottlo of oyotborf
Omaha Drug Clerk Of what, mlssf
"Of eyothcr, please."
"Eyothorf oyotborf I do not think we
havo it in tho store."
"Oh, yes; I'm sure you have. It Is somo
times called ether by ignorant people."
Omaha Horald.
As tt roll Upou a Day.
First Lincoln Man Where did you get
that suit you wear! It fits sublimely.
"1 bought a stick of chewing gum and it
was thrown in as a premium. And wJucro
did that diamond pin you aro wearing come
from I"
"It was glvon to mo with a plug of chow
ing tobacco. "Lincoln JouroaL
A Ilrlcht Hog.
Pretty Cousin (to Young Sissy) Thnt is a
vory intelligent dog you havo, Charley.
Young Sissy (proudly) Yes, Indeed,
Maude. Why, 1 couldn't begin to toll you all
that dog knows.
Pretty Cousin No, 1 fancy not Charloy.
-Now York Sun. '
A llarrcl to an Apple
"How much cider did you mako this year P
Inquired ono farmer of another who bad of
fered n specimen for trial "Fifteen barrels,"
was the answer. Another sip, "Woll, If you
had another apple you might havo made an
other barrel," Leisure Hours.
A Terrlflo TlirenU
At Darnum receiitly the leopard began
leasing the elephant Tho elephant bore it
in majestlo silence until the thing ceased to
be amusing. Then he growlod, "Hush, child,
or I'll knock thqspoUoff you" Tid Hits.
Iln rolled the Hope.
Lawyer Tom Prlndl vlllo was down in Froo
aomvillo again ono day last week, and ro
luiiiod loaded down to tho gunwales with
another cargo of fresh stories from tho littlo
town whoro liberty nud truth slumber
under tho snmo shod nnd drink out of
tho snmo dlpier. Hero Is a samplo ns Tom
tolls Itt "Thoro wns n darky stopping thoro
for a day or two who wns a bouuty Ho woro
n high lint that had lieen black ouco, but had
slnco blenched to n fawn color Around his
nock was twisted a collar'that had boon In
tended as a turn down, but ho ioro it
with tho ouds turned up His vost would
havo mado an elegant sldo partner for n can
vas horse food buckot, but it admirably
matched his pants, which wero briof hut to
tho point quite In contradistinction to his
olongaiters, which soomod to havo Iron
ordered soon nfter somo ouo hnd brokon n
corner In lonthor. Tho darky was n barber
looking for n Job, which ho didn't find In
Frocdomvlllc, so ho concluded to leave tho
placo. Tho only timo that a through train
stojis at Frccdomvillo Is whon a citizen flags
by rolling h rock on tho track, but tho tinted
brother wasn't up to that wriuklo and sought
for Information from my friend, tho French
man. Frenchy told him to pull n boll roo,
ns ho called It which hung near tho station.
When tho colored gent saw tho train within
100 yards or so of tho station ho pulled tho
ropo us directed It wns tho rojio which
started tho supply running down tho big fun
nol from tho railroad wntor tank. Thoy had
to roll tho black stranger on n barrel to get
tho water out of him." Chicago Horald.
No Tool Iletiirdlus for Hint,
Drown 1 can tell you what will euro that
cold, Dumloy. You tako n big drink of hot
(laxsood tea to-night at 0 o'clock nnd go
to bod.
Dumloy Nousonso. I'm on my way to soo
n doctor now. Whon I am sick I don't tako
nny fool remedies.
Dumloy (later, to physician) Doctor, I've
got a sovoro cold.
Physician (gravely) Um; bad, vory bad,
particularly at this season of tho year. Had
It longf
Dumloy About a week.
Physician Um; in tho head or on tbo
Dumloy It's got mo both ways, doctor.
Physician Um; lot mo try your lungs.
(Doctor seizes Dumloy with what Is known in
Orroco-Roman wrestling parlance as tho grab
him -quick -and-chuck-lilm-over-your-head-and-klll-hlin
hold, and listens intently for tow
minutes.) Um; appetite good!
Dumloy Fairish.
Physician Um; sleep well!
Dumley Haven't slept a wink for two
nights; neither has my wifo.
' Physician Um; wife troubled with a cold,
Dumloy Yes; troubled with mine.
Physician Um; let mo feel of j our tonguo
or 1 Bhould say see your tonguo nnd feel
of your pulsa Um; yes, pulso feeble and
tonguo coated. Where did you got this cold j
Dumloy 1 wns over in Pennsylvania last
week, and 1 think I got it there.
Physician Um; yes, peoplo can't bo too
careful about going to Pennsylvania. Throat
so rot
Dumloy It's gottlng soro, doctor.
Physician U in; taken anything yetl
Dumloy No.
Physician Um; well, Mr. Dumloy, t
night at I) o'clock you tako a big drink of
hot flaxseed tea nud go to bed. Iu tho morn
ing 1 think you will bo all right
Dumloy (gratefully) Thanks, doctor; how
much I
Physician Two dollars, please. Now
York Sun.
Ho (lot Tliuro.
"I passed you on tho street yesterday nnd
you did not oven bow to mo," ho said as thoy
shooks hnnds iu front of tho Moffat block.
"I was very busy yesterday and you must
excuse mo."
"1 wondered at your cool treatment"
"Couldn't holp it, you know.1
"What had I donol"
"Oh, nothing. 1 was contracting to supply
n hotel with two tons of lco dally all summor.
Had to keep cool, you see."
Whon thoy had separated tho man who
had nsked for an explanation turned ton
frlond who camo up nnd saldi
"Say, 1 don't quite twig. Ahl yes, I do.
Hal ha I Very funnyl Ho treated mo coolly
becauso ho ho"
"Ho whatP
"Becauso ho was making a bargain with a
hotel man. Hal hot hoi I may bo n littlo slow,
but I gtt thoro all tho same." Dotrolt Frco
Look Iloforo You Leap.
Alfred l wonder who that frowsy old ruin
in tho green drobs is. She behaved iu n most
vulgnr mannor at supper and apjiears to be
out of hor element
Alice Do you mean tho tall, thin old lady
with diamonds In hor halrl
Alfred Yea; looks like a lamp ost Do
you know her I
Alice Oh, yes, 1 kuow her quite well
That's mamma. Hasten Hoacoa
M Launches Pnrtli a Feu- llnuinrka en a
IIIr SillOert.
I am glad to know Cornell unlvorslty Is to
establish a dojwrtment of Journalism next
Soptemlier 1 havo nlwnys claimed that
Journalism could lie taught In universities
nnd colleges just as successfully an nny other
nthlotlo exercisui Of courso you cannot
tench n boy how to Jork n ginnt Journal from
tho clutches of decay nnd mnko of it a robust
and rlpsnortlug simper nnd trimmer of pub
lic opinion, In whoso counting room oople
will walk all over each othor in tholr mad
efforts to Insert advertisements. You cannot
tench this In n school nny moro than you can
teach n boy how to discover tho opon Polar
sen, but you can teach him tho rudiinontaand
snvo him a good deal of timo oxporimontlng
with hlmsolf.
Hoys siend small fortunes and tho host
years of tholr lives learning tho simplest
truths in relation to Journalism. Wo groo
on blindly, learning this yonr perhaps how
to distinguish an Italic shooting stick when
wo soo it, or how to eradicate typo lice from a
standing gnlloy, learning noxt year bow to
sustain llfo on an annual pass and a samplo
early roso potato weighing four pounds and
moasurlng elovon inches in circumference
This Is n slow and tedious way to obtain
Journalistic training. If this can bo avoided
or abbreviated it will be n groat boon.
As I understand It tho department In Cor
nell unlvorslty will not deal so much with
actual nowspapor oxporienco as it will with
construction and stylo in writing. This Is
certainly n Kood move, for wo must ndmlt
Hint wo can improvo vory croatlv our stvlo
nnd tho purity of our English. For instance
I seloct an oxchnngo nt random, and on tho
telegraphic mgo I find tho dotalls of a hor
rlblo crime. It seoms that an old lady, who
lived by herself almost, and who had nmnjwod
between $10 nnd $17, was awakoncd by nu
n&snMln, dragged from hor bod and cruelly
murdered. Tho largo telegraph lino roadsi
"Drug from her bod nnd munloredl" This
Is Incorrect in orthography, syntax nnd
prosody, bad In form nnd Inelegant in stylo.
Carefully parsing tho word drug ns It o
liours hero, 1 find that It does not ngrco with
anything In number, gendor or person. I do
not llko to critlclso tho stylo of othors whon
I know that my own is so faulty, but I am
sure that tho word drug should not bo used
In this way
Ex-Mayor Henry C. Robinson, of Hart
fonl, Conn., If 1 nm not mistakou, suggested
n school of Journalism nt lonst twelve years
ago, but it did not meet witli immediate and
practical Indorsement Now Cornell comes
forward and seems to bo in oarnost nnd 1 am
glad of It The Icttcra received from day to
lay by odltors, and written to thorn by men
engaged In othor pursuits, practically admit
and provo that thero is not now in oxlstcnco
an editor who knows onougb to carry II vor to
a boor.
That Is tho reason why evory mentis should
bo used to pull this profession out of tho
miro of dense Ignoranco and place it upou
tho high, dry soil which leads to gonius nnd
Tho abovo paragraph I quota from a
treatiso on Journalism which I wrote Just be
foro 1 knew anything about It
Tho life of tho Journalist is a hard ono,
and, although it Is not so trying as tho life of
tho nowspapor man, it is full of trials and
orploxltlc.s. If nowspapor mon and Journal
ists did not stand by each other I do not
know what Joy thoy would havo. Kindness
for each other, gontloness and gonoroslty.
ovon in tholr rivalry, characterize tho con
duct of a largo number of thorn.
Tlicro aro many reasons why tho establish
ment of a department of Journalism at Cor
uell will bo n good move, and I believe that
whilo It will not tako tho placo of actual ox
porionco, It will Vbrve to shorten tho approu
ticcshlp of a young nowgpner iiinn and tho
fatigue of starting tho amateur in Journal
ism will bo divided botwoen the managing
editor and the tutor It will also give tho
aspiring sons of wealthy parents a chance to
toy w ith Journalism without Interfering with
those who are actually engaged In it Dill
Nye iu Now York World.
The TIiub to Lay In Stock.
Aunt Dinah (reading the paper) 1 soos,
Uastus, by do papnh, dat poultry am quoted
ns wery quiet
Undo Itastus Woll, Iso glad ob dat, an' 1
reckon I'd better negotiate fo' somo dis oben
iu'. Dat chicken wo had las' Sunday, olo
'ooman, mado noise 'nough tor rouse do hull
neighborhood. Now York Sun.
A Noblo Ambition.
Jimson My ambition in llfo, Weatherby,
Is to bo out of debt 1 look forward to tho
timo when 1 can proudly boat my breast and
say aloud: "John Ezeklel Jimson owes no
Weatherby (pufllng Ids cigar) That's n
noblo ambition, old man, and worthy of all
"Yes, Indeed, and I proposo to. Oh, by
tho way, Weatherby, I wish you would lot
mo have (3 until day after to-morrow at
half past 13." Toxas SJftlngs,
Timo for a Chnngo.
"How long havo you been in business as a
"Nearly twonty years, sir. I commenced
whon 1 was U years old. J havo a son who
will succeed mo sooner or later."
"I am glad to hear it And whon ho opens
business buy him n now razor. Tho ono you
nro shavlug mo with has boon Injured by its
tweuty years of service." Lincoln Journal
Tbo Now Inventor.
"Woll, Mr. Qulmby, how do you like the
mucllago 1 havo invcntedP
"It is oxcellont"
"It has great ndhoslvo properties, ohP
"1 don't kuow about that"
"Why, how did you uso itP
"As a substitute for hair oil" Lincoln
Improvements of Clvllltutlon.
First nurglar Shall I crack him, Jackl
Second H. You kuow tho penalty,
F, U. Yes, but thoy dou't hang uny more;
they kill by oloctrlclty o tuuou nicer, you
know. Georgia Cracker.
Tho nt Hhnro Is the only lllmlrsled tnsca
r.Ino published on tho PscMc const nnd snide
from Its excellent literary featurm, its object Is
to convey Information, by both pen snd iiencll,
of the gTCAt resources of this rtelon, and the
progress or their development
8cclal Illustrated articles appear In each
Issuo j also, several pages of notes of Hie pro
ctcss being made In every section. Orrcon,
Washington. Idaho, Montana, Alaska, ulak,
California, ilrltlsh Columbia, and tho Pacific
Nprtlwcst In general, aro being lllnstrated.
Tho subscription prlco Is only 300. It Is not
?.'. V1?. chespest IHiKtratril magszlno In the
United States, but contains articles and en
cravings of great Interest to every resident of
this region, which can not be found in any
other publication.
Subscribers for Ififlfl receive a larco supple
ment every month. Tho first ono Is a tieautl
ful oleocrapli of tho ' Entranco to tho Colum
tla Itiver." printed In nine colors, and each
. 5!ie otlltrs represents somo feature of our
sublime scenery. Tho supplements are alone
worth mora than tho prlco of tho magazine
Try It for lf8, na affcr ntle )t to
I?IirJr cntli cl"f V'10- .Yo Wll" And It both
entertaining and Instructive.
L. SAMUEL, Publisher,
1T1-178 Second St, 1'ortlsnd, Oregon.
Atchison, Leavenworth, St.Joscpli.Kansas
City, St. Louis and all points, South,
Kns-t and West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons,
Wichita, Hutchinson and nil principal
points In Knnsns.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Pi'I.i.mah Si.i:kpkks ani
Fiibk Rkcmnino Chair Caks an nil
City Tkt Agent, Gcn'i Agent.
Cor. O nnd 12th Sto.
Owns nml operates 15.500 miles of tliorniiRtily
quipped roiul In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa,
It Is tho Host Direct llniile betw.. n nil tho
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For limps, time tables, rales of puhmiiko and
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tho world.
It. MILLKU. A. V. II. OAltl'lJNTKH.a
General .M'ir'r. Oen'l Pass. A Tkt Agt.
JAsst. flon'l MKr. Asst. O. l'.AT. Agt.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
OPFor Information In roterence to iuuU
nml Towns owned by tho Chicago, Milwau
kee A St. Paul Hallway (."oinpany.wrlto to II.
", IlAUOAjf.Luml Commissioner. Mlhvaukco
Fremont Elkliorn & Mo, Valley
Trains leave ll):irin.m. and llhlo
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For further Information Inquire of
OHO. N. F0HK8MAN, Agent.
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The Shortest, Quickest and Best
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IVFor further Information; Folders, etc.oall
on or address
ru. m. x. . . H' ' "ANNA,
Oity Ticket Agent, Cor, O and 12th sU.
D UAU0OCK, Dpot Ticket Agent.
' a