Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 09, 1888, Image 6

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Dcntcr In
Drugs and Medicines
Books, Stationery, etc.
137 S. Eleventh t.
Wanted nt onco a responsible party of
good nddicn to represent
UyllON. 'IHOS. E. HILL, author of
IMP Manvial of Social and limi
ne Form. In
An excellent opportunity to secure a good
position and make money. Sales can lie
made on the Installment plan when desir
ed. Address for term and particular,
103 State St., CHICAGO, ILL.
J. 11. V. HAWKINS,
Ihilltllntrs coinnleted or la course of erection
rom April l.iwui
lliislncM block. OKontKomery, lllhnmlN.
ilo no I. w liuum
, 11th nenr N.
Restaurant lOilclW) 0 B MonlKomery, N near
Residence, J J IinhnlT, J and imli. ,
do J I) Macfarlaml, Q nut I till.
tin John Zehnuitf. Itniiil lllli.
ilo Allien Watkln. I) bet tttli and lOtli.
do Win M Usiimnl. K tK't Old nnd 10th,
do KlUluthrle.srthniidN. , ,
do J K Heed, M I), V bet lth mid trth
do 1.(1 M HaMwln. (i liet IHtli mid 1Mb.
Sanitarium building at Mllionl. Neb,
Ftivt Hnptlst church, 14th and h. streets.
ortunry oha lot and receiving tomb at wyuka
Rooms !): aml.'tl
Rlohards Bloolc
Monarchof the Dailies!
Omaha Bee!
Decorative MoroHIca Experience with
Carpet Moth Nltver Knlrhlitinoka,
A untquo nnd pretty arrangement noticed
lately in n niall room wan a shelf, nbout six
Incliiw wldo, extending nrouud tlio wnlls of
tlio room nt n dlstaueo of four foot front tlio
lloor. Tlio shelf wn of iollhod hard wood
with n light bra railing. Tlio same idea
could ho carried out In stained pluo with 11
finish of pink leather nnd bra nails for tlio
edge, Tlio iiholf offnnlcd a resting plnco for
various hit of odd china, small picture,
books, etc.
In a munll dining room It will ha found a
groat convonlonco for tint display of pretty
Exceptionally nttractlvo among vases aro
thoo in gloss or lino jiorcolaln, with silver
mounts, Tlio designs represented in those
dainty nlTalm am most artistic, varying from
a dcllcnto crystal hud mounted on n slender
vino of silver ton strong chased silver ped
estal upiortlng a ImiwI of cut glass.
Caudlustlckiintoiunuyof tlioiu oxccolliiKly
quaint and clinrinliiK. In theso an well 111
tlio mora stately cnudolnhra, both EiikIUIi
nnd American inttorus prevail. Oiiosfes
tx-cnslonally liAhwio truces of Jnpniutto anil
OlilnoHO art, and tliero are somo sK-cliiiens In
llusslau styles. Tliorauilolalirani-oinndowltli
two, three, four, live or inoro llRtita, to milt
tlio purxort of tho buyers. Cnudhwtlckii nnd
Iiiiniw of cut crystal am alto to bo teen, m
nro low eandlestlckH for UMrooms, in Dreisden
ntulHovrivi vrnriM,
A Vnrlety of Iteinrdlos for Ciirjtrt Jtotbs.
InterextliiR nnd Instructlvo particular In
regard in treiitliiR tho enqHit moth Imvn Ihkjii
Kiithered hy tho carK)t trade fmni ninny of
tho most prominent dealer of tho country,
from which it npHnrn that their vIowh vary
consldornhly. Arunlil, Constahlo & Co. uso
eainphor nud find It satisfactory. Tho Maura.
DoIiroii lecommond bVick epier. Nnplithif
lino and tnrlluo have their ndvocntea, whllo
a prominent Philadelphia druggist Is reK)rted
an telling nuuunlly hundreiU of dollars'
worth of camphorated cMhir for uso hy tlio
host families of the city. Marnhall Field Si
Co. do not cotwlder ceilnr, camphor, hlack
pepper or tar iaper vahuihlo in destroying
tho grubs, James VlhIo & Co. nro liberal In
their uso of camphor vropcd closely In
paper nud distributed without stint. Ono
linn gives nil Oriental goods o thorough
naphtha hath and for ciirMtn relies mainly
on camphor Iwiga nnd coping nt leaRt threo
times icr year. Tho uso of benrino, turjien
tlno or tinphtlm is deprecatetl not only ns
dangerous but liable to Injure tho fabric to
which any of theso substances Is applied,
unci the application should nlwnys bo inado
carefully by menus of nn ndjolnlng cloth or
I'nrUlnii Kiilehknack In Hllvcr,
Tho omployineut of sliver In tho maim
facturo of nil sorts of kulckknacks, both doo
onitlvo and useful, Is curried to a rcmarkabk
extent nowadays Tho cut gives oxamples
of somo ot tho many txMUitlful nud nrtlstlo
forms in which this metal npienrs.
Delivered to any part of the
city for 20 cents a week, every
day in the year Leave sub
scriptions at Lincoln bureau,
I027 P street.
DR. B. B. Powers,
The design of a candlestick Is both charm
ing nnd unusual n flower in a long leaf.
This candlestick Is from n French modol,nnd
Is intendou for a writing Uiblo or to carry
about tho house, Tho crumb brush is of
comowhat similar stylo and very delicately
Tho paper knlfo represents a fashionable
Parisian design, "tho bouquctlore." Tho
blado is In silver gilt, with n twisted handle.
Gold, Silver nnd Porscelnln Crowns Insert
ed on roots of teeth. Sets Inserted without
a plnte. All operations first :clnt.s and war
1214 O Street over Elliott's.
The !'lctiirrsiun Ilnmn of Ilnntc, tlio
Orrnt Itnlliin I'mit, mid tho House U'lirrn
Two Centuries Ijiter Allelinel AiiKelo
nml Oilier Artist Iltrelt.
illeillthifl for tlio linniiliintliii, -ThoTiirUlsli
llnlli n Touln tn Slliitl nnd I tody.
A number of Instances of functional dis
turbances nnd of cure, produced simply by
nn Idea persistently dwelt Ukii, nro discussed
by Dm. Illnet nnd Kern In Popular Science,
nnd theso suggest tho qtiMtloh why "medicine
for tho imagination,'' tho luiortnnco of
which has lioen liitltnntcd by many medical
writers, should not become n recognized
agent In tho treatment of numerous coses.
ilio most ImiKirtaut of tho orunnla ills-
Dnnto, ono of I ho greatest Keta of nil time tlll ,nllci., ,ro,ucel by an Idea Is nn oxiierl
find Incompnrably tho greatest among the ,mllt oll vesication, twrformed by Focnchon,
lin Inns, w as loni in I- loronco in !(, In the I diemlut nt Charmes, Ho iippllcd somo ikwI
little gothio houso illustrated in our cut, Ily
tho tnll tower of Ilocca do Ferro It stands,
ono of tho objects of Interest ntuong tho pie
turowjiio vlows of Florenco.
1 ' """" v .
tago stnniM to n hypimtlzeil subject, keeping
them In their place with somo strips of
diachylon nud a compress; nt tho Rnmotlme
ho suggcstal to tho subject that ho had
1 applied a blister. Tho subject was watched,
and when twenty hours had claimed, tho
dressing, which hnd remained untouched,
tns removed. Tho epidermis to which it
had lieeu applied uas thickened nnd dead,
nud of n yellowish wlilto color; nnd this
, region of tho skin ns pulTy, nnd surrouudcil
hy nn Intensely red rone.
It was In tbUU Hint Husscll Reynolds first
noted tho oxlstonco of motor nnd hensory dU
turbuucei develoMxl under tho Inlluenco of
nn Idea. Theso consisted sometimes In
spasms, nud mora frequently in paralysis, to
which tho uaino of "imaginative paraplegia"
has been given. The tyo of this paralysis is
aironled by Reynolds' first observation,
which concerned n young" woman who was
arTeotod by paraplegia under tho following
circumstances: Hho 1 1 veil nlono with her
father, who had undergone u rovcrso of
fortune, nud who liccnmo mralytio in conso
ipieneo of protrnctcd anxiety. Hho supported
the household by giving lessons, which In
volveil long walks nbout tho town. In
Itucnccd by tho fntlguo caused by so much
walking, It occurred to her thnt aim might
herself- liecomo jvirulyzed, nnd that their
situation would then he terrible. Haunted
1 by this Idea, sho felt u growing wenkuehs In
her limbs, nnd after n while was qulto uunblo
to walk. Tho jinthology of tho allectlon was
1 unilerstood by Reynolds, who prescribed u
purely moral treatment. Ho ilnnlly con-
' vinced his aticut that sho was ablo to walk;
, and, in fact, sho resumed tho practice
Tint niimiri.ACK or dantk.
This house, where Dnnto first saw tho
light, somo two centuries
tavern, to which resorted
lien venu to Cellini nud other Illustrious art
Is to. Many such there wore, for Florence
mis tho homo of Chnnhuo nud Q lotto, of Fro
Fillpiio Llppl and Frn Angollco. of Leonardo
da Vinci, Andrea del Snrto, Carlo Dolco nud
a host of others. Whon tho (iOOth birthday
of tho great poet was celebrated In 1803, nn
Inscription was placcilou tho dwellings "In
this houso was bom the dlvluo poet Allg-hlerl."
Tho Turkish llatli.
' Asldo from pure pleasure as n personal in
dulgence, tho tonla qualities of the Turkish
Ilnw to Trill n An I mills.
Hoys often ask how to train animals, The
following answer k. Riven to this query in
Hnrpor's Young Peoploi Whether it bo nn ele
phant, n lion, a seal, a pig, a horse, or a dog,
tho nuswnr is always tho sumo iatlonce,
kindness, cllrintioHS, good temper and good
Judgment. If your pupil makes n mistake,
correct it gently but llrmly; If ho docs wrong
willfully, punish hint severely, but without
anger. That is tho way all tho animals nt
Itanium's nro trained, nnd It is tho only uo
cctwful wuy to teach anything, whether it bo
a canary bird or an elephant, a moukoy or
shall wo say alioy I
All tho PATTKHN8 you wUU to uo during tho
year, for nothing, (a saving ot from $3.00 to f tOO), by
sbscrlDlng for
J)emorest's i-'M
Trwbtif aijagiiie
WltliTwsN Ordsr far C.I Pspr Psttsmior
your own mUcIIon and of any ill.
Or nil tlio AlaarazlnoH. )
CMrrAiNiNa Bronm, I'oxmi, and othib Liteiuri
Jtl ultra ltd tvUh Ordinal Htttl Xngrav
4mgn, fhotogravureM, Oil 1-lcturtB ind
0nU WoodeulM, making U the ModelMaga
mint of America,
Bach Macazlco contains u coupon order entitling
fba holder to th refection of any pattern Illustrated
as the faahlon ib'arlincnt In that number, and In
ay ot iiu tuvs maiiuiaciaroi, maaing iierns
Aodnff the vcar of tlio valuoof over three dotlani.
DKMOItrWrfl MONTHLY la Jiwtly entitled tho
If orkVa Model Magazine. ThBLareeatlnVorni.tha
Largest In Circulation, and tho best TWO Dollar
family Magaalue luucil. 188H will ha the Twenty,
foartli rear of Ha puhllcatlon, and It Mauds at tlio
bead of Famllr Periodical. It comalna Ti pagca,
8m quarto. HVxlltf Inches, elecaiitly printed and
y illustrated. Published by w, Jenntnga
uorwt, New York
Ad by Special Areemeat Com
Ctiitol City Conner at $3.25 Per Year.
A Salt AVntur Aiiuiirluiu.
A tank is nutierlor to a globo for an aqua
rium liecauso it oxikwm a longer surfneo of
tlio water to the air, so that mora oxygen is
absorbed from tho atmosphere, nnd thus is
better for tho health of tho fish. Lewi light
U thought necessary for a salt water aqua
rium than for a fresh water ono, nnd tho glass
ou three sldcHot the tank may receive an
outsidu coating of greou iwlnt, leaving only
tho front sldo clear. Tho arch in tho center
is put together with nqunrium cement.
About nn inch of sand Is put over tho liottom
of tho nqunrium, rind seaweeds attached to
small stones nro placed In It, tho stones serv
ing to keep tho plnntu upright. Anlmnls
should uovcr bo Introduced into an nqunrium
until tho plants are well established and begin
to mnko now grow th. A glass cover, with
.standards which furnish space for tho ad
mission of nlr, is uieful for keeping out dust.
A north or enst window is bc&t adapted to a
salt water nqunrium, nnd tho nlr in tho room
should bo kept always pure nnd fresh. Pre
pared food, lean beef dried, oysters or clams,
all cliopiHHl line, may do usoii tor loeuing.
To Turn Jellies Out (if H Mnlil.
To turn Jellies or creams out of a mold
seems a simple thing; yet oven in so small a
matter it is well to kuoav Just how to doit,
and this Mis Parloa tells as follows;
in a pan water enough (a littlo more than
blood warm) to come up to tho top of tho
mold. It tho mold is tin, set it In this for
about half a mlnuto; It earthen, keep it in
long enough to havo tho heat pass through
tho mold. Wlpo tho mold, place over it the
dish into which tho Jelly Is to bo turned and
turn both dish and mold simultaneously.
Let tho mold rest a minute beforo lifting it
gently from tho Jolly.
Hominy Drop Cakes.
Stir tho beaten yolks of two eggs into a
nint of freshly bolted hominy; it cold hominy
Is used heat it without adding water and stir
up lightly with a fork to separate tho grains;
thou stir in tho beaten whites and salt as may
be required, using less if tho boiled hominy
is already salted. Drop, with a tablespoon,
on well buttered tins and bake to si good
brown in a quick oven.
Orren I'm Soup.
A delicacy ot tho season is green pea soup,
for which tho following is a skillful cook's
recipoi Ono quart of milk, two largo cupfuli
of peas, ono heaping tablcspoonful of Hour,
salt nnd pepper. Into tho boiling milk pour
masbod nous, butter and flour, creamed to
gether. Season und strain.
Viinlllii lJliciilt.
Mix one-quarter pound of butter with one
half pound of sugar; mid one-half iound ot
flour and two woll beaten eggs, ono teaspoon
ful ot bakiux powder, one-quarter iouud of
currants and soveral drow or unllla eiencej
roll it out, then cut In shapes and bake In a
floured tin.
Old Time Candelabra.
Old fashioned, double branched, silver
plated candelabra, such as our grandmothers
used, hold tho first place in tho prctont style
ot lighting and decoration. liesldes tho sil
ver ones, handsome candelabra are in clear
crystal and line Tarcelalua,
A Cumin Diversion.
Numbered with comical diversions that af
ford much merriment nt evening entertain
menu is ono known as "tho old man's fneo."
Tho only requisito for producing it is a
person's blind, a hnudkerchlcf and a little In
dian ink. Tho engraving will show tho sim
plicity of tho arrangement, nnd demonstrates
how easy it is to form nn old man's fnco.
Tho conceit may bo varied so as to form cm
old womnn's fnco by putting on a milled cap
In place of tho handkerchief.
Cnpltl Is Coming.
A letter must lo taken, nnd tho termina
tion "lug." Bay, for Instance, thnt P Is
chosen. Tho llrfct player says to tho second,
"Cupid's coming." "How is ho comlngP
lays tho second. "Playing," rojolns tho lln.t.
Tho second then says to tho third, "Cupid's
coming." "Howr "Prancing," nnd so the
question and reply go round, through nil tho
words beginning with P nnd ending with
Ing piping, pulllug, pining, praising,
preaching, etc TIiomi who cannot answer
tho question on tho spur of tho moment pay
a forfeit.
The Tools of Great Alen.
A ian of water and two thormomotcrs
wero tho tools by which Dr. Hlack discovered
latent heat; and a prism, a lens and n sheet
of cardboard enabled Newton to unfold tho
origin of light nnd tho composition of color,
Stothard learned tho art of combining
colors by closely studying butterflies' wings.
Ho would often say that no one know what
ho owed to those tiny insects,'
Franklin first robbed the thunder cloud of
Its lightning by means of a kito made ot two
cross sticks and n silk handkerchief.
later becomo a hatli cannot bo estlmntod.nfllrm Mrs, Annlo
Michael Angolo, JnnnesH Miller, of dress reform finnn. Tin.
skin Is quickened Into health nud tho nerves
are relaxed and subdued hy the heating
process, whllo kneading, rubbing nnd anoint
ing harden tho flesh and glvo elasticity to tho
muscles. Tho half hour of rejioso, and x.r
hns sleep, on a soft couch prepares tho
stomnch for tho digestion of n substantial
meal; nnd If followed, when tho of
digestion nro woll under way, by a half hour
of gontlo exerclso in tho gynaslum, or at
homo In n systematic course of muscular ex
erclso, w ith a current of pure nlr circulating
through the rooms, tho elrect would bo per
fect. In beginning tho bath Mrs. Miller advises
reason nnd moderation. Ono must not rush
headlong Into the Indiscretion of too great
exposure. For the first bath n fow moments
only should bo sieut in the hot room, else the
benefits may bo lost in tho reaction. It is
well to rcmomber that tho chango from tho
mild manner of songlng nnd sopping tho
skill dry, which has beforo been designated
"taking a bath," Is a vory different affulr
from tlio operation which proposes nothing
less than divesting one ot a jwrtlon of tho
scarf skin itself. In coming out of tho sham
pooing room tbero Is no causo to stand and
shriek nt tho approach of tho cold spray; ono
should rather invito it nud nld tho good al
ready done by manipulating tho different
members ns tho grateful nnd refreshing
shower falls upon them.
Tho result of so much purification and In
vlgoration will show itself in bright eyes
and it glowing skin, whllo a dcoor sympathy
with deeds of worth and charity, a purer
good will toward ono's fellow creatures will
anlmnto tho mind nud stimulate fresh interest
In promulgating tho truths of cleanliness no
taught within tho walls of any thoroughly
equipped Turkish or llusslnn bath.
Tho Morphine lliililt I'lisliloiiuliln.
Tho morphino habit is said to havo liecomo
a thing of fashion among Parisian women,
by which thousands aro cutting short their
lives. A miniature com) containing a email
vial ot dissolved morphino nnd a tiny syringe
Is carried, so that at any moment whllo in
their boxes nt theatro or ojiern tho fatal drug
may bo injected.
Finest : Production.
llaseball Data.
It has been estimated that 1,000,000 feet of
lumber, principally ash, is used annually for
making baseball bats, tlio yearly demand
belug placed at 600,000 bats. Over twenty
styles aro mado for boys and nion. In ono
Michigan factory moro than a hundred men
are employed in this manufacture, using up in
tho courso ot a year o50,000 feet ot ash, 25,
000 feet of bass wood, .and (0,000 feet of
cherry. Other factories in the cast and west
are sold to do a business equally largo.
Strunge Articles of Food.
Ants are eaten by various nations. In
Brazil they aro scrvod with resinous sauce,
anil in Africa they aro stowed with greaso
or butter. Tho Kant Indians catch them in
pits and carefully wash them in handfuls, like
raisins. In 81am a curry of ant eggs is a
coxtly luxury.
Tho French will eat frogs, snails and tho
diseased liver of geese, but draw tho line at
After thoy have wound tlio silk from the
cocoon tho Chinese cat tho chrysalis of the
silk worm.
In Mexico parrots uro eaten, but they are
rather tough.
Spiders roasted aro a sort of dessert with
tho New Caledonians.
In tho Pacific islands nnd West Indies
lizard eggs are eaten with gusto.
Customs ot tlio riiHelimtliiK .In no Weil
dliiKa iiu Now Celebrated.
Juno, tho favored month for weddings,
nud tho most fasclunting of all seasons for
tho wedding Journey, is hero, nnd nproKs of
theso charming occasions Harper's Uazar
furnishes tho following timely information:
Tho bride of Juno havo somo ot them de
termined to bo married in their traveling
dresses and to stnrt off Immediately, hut this
is a pity. As a woman will presumably
uovcr bo married but once, sho should bo al
lowed tho conventional wedding dress and
veil which Is very certain to becomo a treas
ured memory.
Young ladles who marry widowers some
times consider it etiquette to bo married in n
bonnet and high dress. If thoy are not very
young this is porting better.
After her cards aro out tho flnnceo must
not appear In public. This Is another ab
surd regulation, but ono on which society is
very stringent. In asking a set of young
ladies to bo her bridesmaids, tho brido is gen
erally actuated by feelings of relationship or
friendship, nlthough fashion and wealth often
influence theso invitations. Each brldemafd
is expected to give a handsomo present The
groom asks men of his own ago and his inti
mate acquaintance to bo his ushers, and they
must all bo unmarried men, of course, and
must arrange matters at the church.
If tho ceremony is In tho church it should
bo filled with Juno flowers and blossoms
should bo strewn for tho brido to walk ou.
Music should play softly through tho pre
paratory half hour when tho family is being
ushered to seats. The mother of the brido,
her brothers and sisters should precedo her to
tho church nnd bo seated In ews beforo she
enters, unless tho mother is a widow and
gives tho brido away herself a very touch
ing nud beautiful ceremony, in this ensothe
brido's mother precedes her in the procession,
loaning ou tho nrm ot her son or near rela
tive. Aftor tho ceremony, tho ofllclntlng clergy
mail shakes hands with tho young couplonnd
congratulates them. Tho brido takes her
husband's right arm ami thoy walk down tho
aisle, They drive homo nlono or to tho house
where the reception is to tx held.
Visits of Condolence.
Visits of condolence are paid within n week
or ten duys at most aftor tho event that oc
casions them. Personal visits of this kind
aro made only by relatives and Intimate
friends, who should be careful to mnko the
conversation as littlo painful as possible.
I '
& h-K
Jarvis' California Pear Cider.
This delicious summer beverage Is made in California, from terv ripe mellow
Hnrtlett Pears. In the height of the ripening season tnnnv tons of penrs Income too
ripe for shipping or canning purposes, they can then he utnllzcd by pressing them Into
elder. The fresh juice Is boiled down two gallons Into one, and is then strnlned through
pulvcrlcd char coal. This heating, condensing nnd straining completely destrovs fer
mentntipn,nnd the elder ever afterwards remains sweet and good nnd is n most healthy
and nutritious article for family use.
Knowing there are many spurious ciders sold In this market we offer the above
explanation with the eminent testimonial of Prof. J. II, Long. Very Respectfully,
THE G. M. JAKVia CO., Sole Proprietors,
San Jose, California. 39 k. State Street. Chlcniro.
THE G. M. JARVIS CO., Gentlemen: Chicago, July -,, 1S87.
I have made made n chemical examination of the sample of Jarvis' Pear Cider
submitted to me a few das ago, nnd would report these points a,tnon others noted.
1 he liquid is non-alcoholic and has a specific gravity of to (1?. The total extrac
tlvc matter amounts to 10.25 per cent., containing only .025 hjr cent of in ncld. The
tests show this acid to be malic acid as usually found in iiiilt Juices, f find no other
acid or foreign substance added for color or flavor.
I believe It, therefore, to consist simply of the juice of the Pear as rtpretented.
Yours truly,
J. II. LONG, Analytical Chemist,
Chicago Medical College.
San Jose, Cal.
39 N. Stntc St. Chicago.
W. B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman.
Druggist and Leading Wine Merchants.
aoiiii i