Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 09, 1888, Image 4

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nii Ijjiwi iliifi nil, linn mf frft,i,f,).i.lin),p
iijfWiWJHJ.; arixpue,i?fa,'txti urn .m,.;
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P H Bfl-( P " MvBH
HRr '4&' t'Trfi&h
e Suro to Cot Hood's
8arwpitllA, my clilM. Hco that they do not
HWojwinn) thing clue. You remember It In
Uio medicine which did mama 10 much good a
year bro my (avoiIIo
Spring Medicine
Neatly everybody need a good sprlnu mnll
clno llko Ilood'a HAriAparlllA to expel Impttrl
tie which accuiniilAto In llio Mood during llio
winter, keep up ntrrtiRtti m warm weather
comes on, create on nppctllo nnd promoto
healthy illgMllnu. Try Hood's Barsaparilta
and you will ho convinced of It peculiar
merlU. It I the Ideal spring medlclno re
llstilo, beneficial, pleasant to tAkc, and Rives
lull value for tlio money. Ilo mire to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ftoltbrllitruRitlilA. fliliforf Prepurtdnnlr
by a 1. HOOD CO., Apolliecarlat, Lowsll, Mail.
100 Dosos Ono Dollar
flRjl? E
Makes the preservation o( the nnlunil
teeth n specialty by nil known approved
method. Gold nnd porcelain crown
mounted on the nntural root.
All operation performed without pain.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
to TitnJT.on.K or Lincoln, nkiiiiahka.
Wo. tho tuultrslgnod nro jionionally nc-
.qualutod with Ur. u Wonto, who is to leave
'us soon and engage in tho practice of dentis
try In rour cltv.
kvWo can unhesitatingly recommend him an
thorough master of IiIh profmtlon, nnd wo
are suro that all work entrusted to him will
ixs skillfully erforined.
J. Undkiiiiill, I. I).
W. W. MoMann. M. D.
J, R MoAdamh.M. H. M. D.
J. M. (lALLKIIIinH, I). I). H.
"Qahdkeh, Illinois, Jan. '."J, 1887.
110 North Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb.
Over Hallott's Jewelry Btoro.
,1 liu)ur Vix-r of .VnnVro Timr.
l-unuisiiiCD Satuuday
.rinrmrTlo ji Ono Year by Mnll or Corrlrr $4,0)
tfu months, l,()l), Tlireo inotilli CO Ci-tit, Ono
month 9) Out Invarably In Advance.
uiVKnTwrxr.xTd! Itrtlixi hirnltil on nppllcAtltn
nt the onieo, HtIhI rt on lime Contract.
luoTninimoNNi Hliurl spicy skWchti", iiwiiia, ami
ttoriM sollclti-d. IVrw.nnl nmt Hoclnl note nrn
riixclnllj itrslrnhlo.
1'sl.rn-ml Wo nuik a 'clally of Kino Printing
lnIIIUbriio,iM iMinr rriMiltU
ilrrt nil coinuiiiiilcntloni direct lo the onlco.
KDiTon akii raornnrroii.
Now llurr lllook, Cor. I'ith nnd O Hire''..
Tho CouitiKit will not lw nwKinllIo for
any dehtu uimlo by nny ono In IU itnrno, mi
lit n written onler nccomjinnlcH tho wm,
pn)Krly hIriuxI, of courtw.
Wkkhki. & DonniKH, I'mp'ru.
Ho kaii nn hw,nl from, no ono hn n yet
inmtloiieil whether Clowlninl will ncct-ptor
Amkiiii'a can naver liom to epinl China In
K)lnt of imputation w) long an tht-ro nro no
iimny ImllvldiiaU hern who cutiuot rmt until
(huy hnvti klllfl nomo ono.
Conthacth for tttmnlhiK up nnd whlto
wnxlilug tho city will lw lut noxt mwk. Mem
Iwrn of tho Into Lincoln Imm null cluli nro
IHTinlttol to enter tin hlddem.
TlIK ileinocrnU khouM In-iltuto iiIkmH wear
Int; liundnuun m cuinimlgti IiinIkhIm. l'ooplo
nllllctod with weakneiii of vllon nro lmblo to
niUUiko thi'in for tho bloody nlnrt.
Hktwkcn tho Hwcot girl Krudunto nnd tho
political convention tho dovotlou of tho puln
llu I Roiuuwhnt divided. Wo wih to In en
rolled, however, n wholly on tho I1 of thu
TlIK Ohio n inn got to tho frnnt oncu moro
in thobt, LonU convention. Tho Ohio man
like tho Lincoln individual In not nuhjcct to
cold tlnyn,
That in, nolther get left very
Ik roiiio of tho utorli told reKtmllni; tho
atnountof certain Lincoln pvoplo are truo,
Joan Hoccnolo numt have llveil in tho wrong
century. Ho would have a rich Held to select
jMippluii from.
TllE CoimiKU cull tho nttotttlouof ItHiend-
era to i littlo bit of etiterpriHO displayed into
(hy'it imuo, tiamoly, tho puhllnhlug of an ex
tremely lutercitlug ngo treating of tho Into
democratic! convention.
Lincoln iH'enm to 1hi n Klnt of attack by
the ten cent circiiA, Wtt hnvo ono nlnxitov
ory other week. Tho liownpnper publlnher
dix-m't look with much favor upon thow con
cern, m their iiinnngnr M very mMoiii enter
prlnlng. Tho Miowiuiiu who tindenitnmta hln
biulneM (and geU rich) ndvertlw big, dU
playa an etionnou tpinntlty of mHir, Jam I
makiHi tho public whack up n half dollar to
get IiikIiIo. Tim ten rent elicu proprlotorn,
however, nro generally young men who hnvo
read tho lifo of I. T, Itanium (written by
hlmmdf) nnd finding no other valid excuto
for yielding to tho toiuptntlon to wear n plug
hat, which attack every innti nt aohio (xirloil
of IiIn life, drift Into tho rIiow buNlneHM, nnd
xooiicr or Inter tramp homo on hU upH'rn.
Onk of tlio lieaUdt and inrwt uxeful iMxikx
wo havn Keen for hoiiio time N "Modern Hook
keeping," tho now rovlwd edition of which hn
Jnt apMnrwl. It In fi out tho xm of .Mexurx.
I), it. Lllllbrldgo and K. V. IUxmo, two or tho
bwt known bmilneM college iutructont of tho
couutry,who nt prewnt nro proprietors of tho
Lincoln HuMmiM college. Tho book omhrnriH
lintnictlon nnd prnctlco In the Mcicnco of no
couuU, and in adapted to tho uxo of buxineM
college), public and prlvato school nnd pri
vate nnd lelMtutruclInn,
I'Koi-LK who diwiru to hvu )V g aadhsiplly
Aliould follow "Long John" Weiu. orttl, onn
of Chlcngo'n oldext cltlreun, who nucrllHH hU
g(Kxl henlth nnd lougovity to tho fact that he
ttlwnyN iilvpt when ho wan nleopy, nto when ho
wan hungry and drank when ho wnAthlnty.
IndividunU with abnormal thlrat, howover,
uliotiM not nlwnya follow tho lant ftuggcittfon.
It in not couduclvo to longuvlty.
Ileum About
What U
tho Siirl, I.nrnl 'n iiml
lleliiK donn In flrnnriil.
Itme IIhII Nolo.
OmnhnMruck nMingt Milwnukco thl
Tho grand Mnnd and fence of thu late ball
grounds nro for wile.
Ttiontruugta In thoNntlonnl tongue h grow -lug
rry Intcreiitlng.
Doi Mnlnei Atlll leail in tho Weitcrn nso
clntloti wlthOmnhnnnd ICnnMM City clone up.
Toohey ami Mtntoy will probably mgn with
llloomlngton. Ailvnnco nniioy wan received
hero yetenlay.
I'ut It tlow ii on tho tabtat of your memory
that the Into Lincoln ImiII club won tw o guinea
during It brief career.
Htaley, tho oxeollcut young pitcher of tlm
Ht. Iniln WhltM, will Ihj nold to tho Knunnn
City club If Denver dooi not tl.e
Tho Ilent4nii of Knnnnn City, Kan. , hn o
taken tho place ot Lincoln In the Western
leflgtnt, nnd will play hereafter an tho New
ton, ICns., club.
Tho tpicitlon whether to purehnno or not to
purchaM) tho Whltei Ii at lant nettled. Wo
wilt havo no baso ball club thin year, and
probably not tho next. Von tier Aho'n olTer
wan $7,000, ('j.UOO of which would lio ld
liack If Htaley were returned In tho fall. Tho
now syndicate matlo tin oirer of $(l,fX)0 forthe
club nnd rnnchlno. with no reservation re
garding Htnloy. Von der Alio totegrnphed
last evening thnt $7,000 wan hit price. Thin
closed the dickering em tho art of Lincoln,
nlthough boforo tho tiny U over Von der Alio
mny como to our termn. If ho does not bin
club will Ikj dlMinndett nmt plnyern nold, nn It
Incxtremoly unlikely that any one else will
glvo him hln prlco for the franchise
Unlit C'oloreit 1'rliire AllierU.
The neiifton for light luinincr nttiro being nt
hand, tH Olobo Clothing house hnn juntro
rclvcd n very duo lino of uprlng nod nitmmor
ntiltaln light colored Prlnco Allieltnof the la
tout cut, nmt matlo up with finest trlmmlugn,
lined nnd fured In Hntin. To see them in to
llko thepi, nnd to llko them in to buy n suit.
You know tho rent, so como around ami look
at them.
TlIK Council lllutT Ilellector has cliangcd
hands, McHtr. Carr & Watt being tho now
proprietor Mr. Carr wan formerly city ed
itor ot tho Kveulng News of thin city, and in
w II tptalilled for hU new NX,ltIou.
Leaders in Photography.
We make n specialty of the celebrated
Life sized pictures nnd furnish the finest
work nt lowest price.
Boat Cabinets $3.00
Elegant line of Picture Frnnicn In stock
nnd mtulc to order. Call nnd ice u.
16 O Street, LINCOLN, NIJD.
1'ahtuiiaoe for cows on tho ground lutely
lined an n bono ball jmrk can bo obtained by
applying to J.A. Keith. Tho grans hi not
ipilto ho tall tu soma eoplo may require, but
by next Juno it is cxfcUsl enough to supply
the city can bo obtained.
TlIK bricklayers, masons nmt plasterer
woro locked out this week by tho Ikmmm, wlio
object to imylng full tlmo for eight hour
work Saturday and also want to grntlo tho
wnge of the men according to their epnbll
lty. No one iIoiiIcn tho obvious fact that n
man whoueoompllnlieMono-Blxtli moro work
than another, earns one-sixth mora money
and should receive lt equivalent, nnd vlco
veixi. rutting n good workman and nn in
dllTercnt ono on the sumo level as regard
wage puta a liar on improvement, and hurts
tho good workman relatively more thau hi
employer, Inasmuch as there h no stimulus
to further advancement in thu knowledge of
hlri tiade. Ictthut lie a It may, howover,
tho bosNe havo violated tho iigrccmont en
tercd Into with tho tlllfeientrepreeutatives
ot tho union, have figured their bid on that
basis, and iu honor should stand by that
agreement. If they havo agreed to iay a ma
sou a certain sum jier hour not knowing
whether ho can do 1ok or more than another,
they Hhould stand by It, Public opinion is
with the men in this dllllculty, which for tho
good of all wo hope mny soon tw settled.
Undertakers anMmbaliuers,
212 North nth Street,
Windsor Hotel Annex,
Telephones, Ollke 145. Residence
Open Day nnd Night.
Indies, It U almost an Inducement for you
to get married to mo thoso new wedding invi
tations ivcclvcd nt Wes.Mil & Dobbln'e, Coun
1KB ofllce, this week. "They nro perfectly
grand" is what ono of our readers said yotter
day, and so thoy are. Tho assortment com
priww all tho novelties Just introduced, and n
look at them will convince overy ono that
they uro Uio prettUt ever scon. A Una of
party InvlbUioiw, ball programs, leap year
announcement and programs" woro also re
ceived wth this In Vol(u. Call and them.
Lincoln Oinulin,
A coach will hero after lie attached to 11, &
M, train No. 2 (the ilyer) for tho convenience
( Lliicolu-Oinahft pussengei-s. Local tickets
'wl be accepted 011 thl train, A 0. Xkimkii,
City Passeuger nnd Ticket Agent,
Ir there is anything belter calculated to
uinko a man weary of llfo than tu read of tho
craxy action of delegate to tho national con
vention wo would like to hear ot It, At tho St,
Lout gathering, when tho nomination of
Thurmau won assured, u rtnl bandanna wai
Hung In the breeze from the top of a long Klo,
which was Immediately soled by twodole
gatea ami borne to tho platform, where it was
frantically waved, while tho members of the
convention yelled, Hung tholr hnU in the air
and behaved genorully like madmen. This
was nt tho democratic convention; somathlug
ot the snmo onlcr will occur at tho republican
conclave, nnd these same men, nnd muny
othent, too, later on will carry torches In pro
cession, deliver mia&soned speeches, and Imi
lvady at any tlmo to light any man who will
cull their candidate n liar, fraud or tiny up.
probrlous epithet. Many of goal common
sense generally will tlo this, and why J
Mendy Ikjciium they want to see a man elect
ed president, where occupancy cf tho chief
magistrate' cbulr will do them no apparent
good whatever. Tho need of the Aniorleoin
imodIo nto so many, and bo varluus and so
contradicting that It takcrt a wiser head thau
nny of our statesmen pomau toevolvo a scheme
of government tlmt suits all. Parties are
merely organized to Accomplish their own hel
flah ends, to gut control of the government
nnd IU Immense patronage, and to satisfy tho
cravings of Its loaders after the bauble ot fame.
It I a matter of littlo momout to most of us
who Is elected presldont; n voter might Just as
well go blindfolded to tho polls. Where tho
advocates good government should make
tholr best endeavor is In tho selection of leg
islative candidates, state and national ( not
vote for a man who wears the republican or
tho democratic brand, but tho man whom we
know is tho best llttod for the position to
A run to Ashland and return is talked of
next Sunday. There will bo about six starters.
It looks n if $10,000 Kelly will capture tho
bicycle otTered by Jordan fc Marsh for tho
best batting average of the Hoiton club.
Of tho two miles of pavements wo now have
only 11 vo or six block nrn ridable, tho balance
being covered with mud, which makes worse
wheeling tlinu dirt rouds.
The 0110 thing lacking about Lincoln is a
hl!l that can't lie cllmlrd: they hnvo them all
over the east, and thoy seem to bo n source of
great enjoyment to tho aspiring cyclist.
Until there Is nn ordinance hero compelling
contractor to turn closed Imxenon wngoiwused
for hauling dirt, thero is 110 salvation for you,
joii wheelman, unless the city council see lit
to hnvo tho street cleaned overy day.
Mr. lJurch, ot Imdon Knglaud, nn old
whcelmnn, nnd nctlvo ritler is Lincoln's latest
acquisition. Mr. Ilurcli 1 (tic a rear driving
safety, ami nay thnt that stylo ot wheel him
BiicrKcded the old typo In hi country.
Mr. Clayton Hhador made 0110 half mllo on
tho fair grounds track ivcently In otto minute
nnd thirty second which U a three mlntito
gnlt, nnd i very good time considering thnt a
strong wind was blowing. With a little
training Sir. Shatter would make vary fast
Wo hear that our friends tho Ramblers, ot
IlulTnlo, havo a mancotln tho form of n "Kale
ertlorg, mlt elndovolsted Hchwnug," llu bears
n charming exlstance, under tho euphonious
npiwllatlon, "Oeschmldt." Tho lioys wouldn't
imrt with him at nny price. We wish you
much Joy, lioyn, but you hud ought to icotir
mascot. It weighs Impounds.
Mr. Pairchild, tho street sprinkler mini
hnpiened In on us this morning, nnd as usual
we tackoled him nlxmt the mud that hi
sprinkler left behind and asked him If thero
wo nny way to stop It. Ilo sold ono thing
thnt caused so much mud was tho careless
way that dirt wagons were nlowcd to haul
their loads through tho street w Ithout oud
gates on their wagons, allowing tho dirt to fall
out. He says that In Kansas City, If a dirt
wagon wan found going through tho streets
without Fiiilgiitcs on, that the owner of the
wagon would lx) lioforo tho iolleo Judgo Just
about a soon a bo could Ikj got thero nnd thnt
it would cost him ?6.(X) for cuch olTcuso.
A good story is told nlwut It. II. Chllds, of
the San KrnueUco club. Ho was treating n
young lady friend to a tricycle 1 Itlo to tho
Cllir house, and wan about to start from thero
on til way back when It liecomo Imiiosslblo to
move tlit tricycle. Mr..Child left it nt tho
beach ami walked with his companion all tho
way to tho Halght street terminus, It being
lifter the purl: nml ocenn trains had ktopcd
for tho day. The next day an express wagon
was sent for the injured machine, when, lot
it was found that tho only thing tho matter
with it was that tho brake had lcen put on
hard uml that Mr. Chllds had neglected to
loosen it when about to start for his return
trip. This story would Indicate a precarious
condition of tho Child's mind; a condition
which all susceptible young men will appro
Dr. II. 1 Hatloy nnd wife loft yesterday on
n month' visit 10 his old homo In Manches
ter, N. II. This Is ttio doctor's first visit sluco
tils location hero nbout two years ugo. Dr.
When In need of Lndlo Furnishing Goods
Flno Shoes, etc., give Fred Schmidt n call.
017 O street.
They know Just how to ploaso you with
oyster In overy stvlo nt Urown's New Vienna
Heautlfy yoni iiiwiistiy using tho celebrated
Pennsylvania lawn mower, made Iu two sizes
to cut either long or short grns. Largo Hue.
Kehrung & Hcr.klc sole agents, 1.17 O street.
I.egiil Notice.
Joseph W. Hcogglu In hereby notified that
on flm lWth of April, 188M, his wlfo, Nellie O.
Hcoggin. Hied a iivtltlon for divorce against
him In the District Com t of Lunenster county,
Ncbraskn, asking for n dissolution of tho
bonds of matrimony on tho ground of fniluie
to siipiiort. nnd nsking for the custody of
their chlltl May, ami that sho 1h restored to
her maiden naino llulloy, ami Joseph W.
Hcoggin I notified to answer said petition on
or before July V, IS.S8,
Nellie O. Scooolv, Plaintiff.
Spring Suits
$20 AND $25.
Now that the season for using Ice has com
menced It behoove consumers to lw very
careful what thoy use. Much of tho Ice now
inlays used Is impure and comluclvo of bad
result to good health. Tho Ico sold by the
Lincoln Ice comiiany cut from Oak creek Is
strictly pure and healthy and will be deliver
ed to any iart of the city. Lenvo orders at
1010 O street or telephono No. 1 18.
We buy our refrigerators from manufac
turer In car lota, and will glvo our custo
mer tho bent'flt of cur load prices. Have the
largest ami most complete stock In tho city.
Wo would bo pleased to show theso goods and
quote prices. Rudge & Morris, Hi N street.
llalley It ono of our bust physicians, nnd bus,
well earned a rest.
The Hfth annual reception of tho Alumni
association ot tho high school to tho graduat
ing class ot this year was held lust evening ut
Masonic temple, An Informal social, followed
by nn npietizlug banquet, were enjoyublo
feature of tho evening.
Miss Maud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
llurr, returned homo this week to spend the
summer vacation, nho has lieun intending
school ut tho eelehinted femnlu seminary nt
Jacksonville, III,, ami will havu an her guest
n part of the summer, Miss Lillian Wood, of
Mr. J, A. Suydor, who represent tho big
Chicago clgur Hrm, Itanghart Hros., In this
state, proposes to mnko his homo iu Lincoln
hereafter, Mr, Snyder is onoof tho liest com
murclnl tourists of the west, a wholosoulcd,
genial fellow, uml will prove 11 valuable ac
quisition to Lincoln,
ncmcmlcr thnt vigilance Is tho price of
lite us well us of liberty. Only those who
take, good euro of tholr health enjoy n ripe
old ago. ThoMJwho with to, should keep
tholr liver ami how els regular by aiiocca'
slounl doso of St. Patrick's Pills, the best
made. Hold by W. J. Turner
Mr. Aloxis Halter is rapidly dhqiosuig of
his lota in Ids subdU Isiou of Riverside addi
tion. They are nmoiig tho choicest lots in
North Lincoln, lying between Emerson uml
Aurora streets and Thirteenth uml Four
teenth. Already one-half the number hnvo
lieen sold, but there nro a number of cholco
lota remaining which can Ikj obtained of tiny
leading real ostate ngeut.
Gen. Colby's famous Arabian stallion, form
erly the property ot uon. urnnt, arrived Iu
the city Thursday nnd was quartered at
Frank Graham's barn. He Is 11 cry pretty
dapple gray, lieautlfiilly formed, uml the
mar.y iieople who took a look at him wished
themselves In Colby's place. The namo ot tho
Iiy nil odds tho flnost lino of pocket cutlery
in tho city nt Zehrung & HcnklQ's.
I.. I. T. CO.
Delivers trunks to nny part of the city or to
any tkX)t for 'S cents each. Claim check
gsven. Telephone 100.
For nil kinds of society stationery, such as
Invitations, programs, curds, menus etc. call
nt tho CoimiKU ofllce In the now llurr block.
The Iron Duka to his Soldiors
"Do your duty," woro Mm words ol
Lord Wellington to his soldiers just
boforo tho bnttlo of Waterloo nnd his
tory tolls us how well thoy oboyc.1
The Hiuno ntlvlco might properly b"
plven to ovory living man ut this tlnik.
Thoro nro muny men who would tic
tholr wholo duty in timo of war or
groat neotl, but who wittily neglect it in
times of pence, they winiltl gladly risk
thoir lives for tholr country, but when
thoro Is no such grout occasion, neglect
thoir plain simplo duties to tholr God,
tholr families nnd themselves. It is
not for want of honor nor bucauso thoy
do notlovo tholr families, but from
puro neglect; us nn iustnncu, statistics
compiled by tho national Authorities
dhow that moro deaths result from
bowol complaints than nny other one
oaus3,oxcuptoonsumption,yct not moro
than ono family in six tiro provided with
medicines thnt will ruliovo or euro tho
diseases. It is tho duty of ovory man
to look after these small matters? anil
protect tholr families, and thoy nro cer
tainly at least, guilty of criminal care
lessness if thoy neglect to tlo so. No
ono can plead poverty in' this instance,
as tho best remedy thoro is for tho pur
no so only costs InitSS cents Tho article
wo rofor to Is (lhamborlnin's Ooliu.
Cholera nnd Diarrliii'u Konit'dy. It is
a curtain euro for crumps, colic, cholera
morbus, dysentery, dinrrhu-n, bloody
flux, cholony infantum, nntl bowol com
plaint in nil its forms. No family can
atlbrd to bo without it during tho sum
mor months us great Mitlcringnnd oven
llfo tuny bo wived by it beforo a phyM
ciun could bo summoned or mctllciuu
procured. Do not delay, but procure it
at ouoo, boforo it is forgotten.
1 1 yi
which ho aspires. Thnt U tho truo interpro- horso in Arabian isZelzefoun, or in English
tat Ion of n democraoy, but ono tho reallza- "Llndon Tree." Ho was taken to Beatrice iu
tiou of which is afar off. tho afternoon.
How is it with you?
Do you rolisli your food? Is your di
gestion good? Aro your bowels regular J
Do you lmvo a tlrotl or languid fouling?
Is your tonguo contour Doos your
bnok acho? is your skin sallow? If
your system is iu u bud condition tnko
St. Patrick's Pills, thoy will aitl your
digestion, improve your appetite, rog
nlato yourbowols, correct your bilious
disorder and make you foul llko a new
Tho itching ami smarting of these
dlsonscH causes almost perpetual mis
ery, but that can bo roiioveu almost in
stantly by .mplylng Ghnmborlaln's Kyo
and Skin Ointment, anil its continued
ft-ijw " i34 suth i2th st-
- vtyvsVi ! mmm in rmi tin nroum 1 1 1 irtra
! KN ' !. - . 1
jhgSa x M
Spring Syles Now Ready.
I a, Mustang Liniment a I
, . MfcXICANMnSTANuLINIMESTIiilPBthtontxS, s 0 . H
i0Vb. T?U aoaxa' UAJ" Uosits ana all lruMtu.noZl sJnwO S'H
Globe One-Price Clothing House.
Is now showing an elegant line of
New Spring Styles
Hensj Youths, Boys and Children's Fine Suits.
cured 11 grout many
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