Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 02, 1888, Image 7

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IDW, Talmags Hays That In Ihn Array ol
Cfcrlrt Too Many Want to He Cum
anandort Tli Church 'Nee1 Mnre
KarnrM Warktirs In tho Itanb.
BROOKLYN. May !J7. At the Tabernacle
Ihis morning tho Itov. T De Witt Tnlmnge,
JD. D read tho account of tho man helpless
.tho Beautiful Gate of the Temple. He
'ftfemi gnvo out tho hymn beginning
A cloud of witnesses Around
Hold ttico In full mirvcy
Irgcl tho steps already trod,
Ami onward urge thy way
Tho subject of tho eloquent doctor's din--oonmo
was: "Disabled Hunters Hrlnglng
Down tho Most Umno.'' His toxt was from
la. xxxlll, 23, "Tho Inmo tako tho proy."
Following is tho sermon i
Tho utter demolition of tho Assyrian host
was hore predicted, Not only robust men
hould go forth nnd gather thn spoils of con
quest, but oven men crippled of arm and
-crippled of foot should go out and capture
much that was valuable. Their physical dis
advantages should not hinder their gieat en
richment. Ho It has been In tho past, so it is
now, so It will bo In thu future. Ho It Is In
all departments. Men labor under win
ingly great disadvantages, and nmid the
rooKt unfavoralito circumstances, yet making
grand achievements, getting gront blessing
for thcmslves, great hlcs-tltiR for tint world,
groat binding for tho church, nnd mo "the
Inmo tnlio tho proy,"
Do you know that tho three groat poet of
tho world weie totally bllndf Homer, Os
slan, John Milton. Do you know thnt Mr.
Prescott, who wroto that enchanting book,
'Tho Conquest of Mexico," never saw Mex
ico, could not oven sen tho paper on which
bo nan writing! A framework across tho
sheet, between which, up and down, went
tho pon'lniniortnl Do you know thnt Gam
bamlo, .tho sculptor, could not poo tho mat hie
before iitm, or tho chisel with which ho cut
It Into shape hewltchingf Do you know
that Alexander Tope, whose poems will last
na long as tho Kngllsli languagn, was so much
of an invalid that ho hail to bo sewed up
very morning In rough canvas In order to
tiuid on bis feet at nil' ,
Do you know thnt Stuart, tho celebrated
pointer, did much of his wonderful work un-
der tho Bluulow of tho dungeon, where ho had
boon unjustly imprisoned for debtr Do you
know that Demostlienen by almost superhu-
man oxcrtloii ilrst had to conquer tho lisp of
his oim irpeech lieforo ho conquered nsfccm-
hWre with Ills nloiiieiicn Do vnn know
thnt Bacon struggled all through innumera-
bio elcknwM, and that Iord Uyron and Sir
"Walter Bcott went limping on clubfoot
-through nil their lifo, nnd that many of tho
, (rent poets nnd painter nnd orators nnd his
torians nnd heroes of the world had somo-
' thing to keep them back, and pull them
down, and Impedo their way, nnd cripplo
their physical or their intelleetiinl move
ment, and yet that they pushed on and
pushed up until they reached tho spoils
of worldly success, and amid tho huzza of
.nations and centuries, "tho lamo took tho
You know that a vast niultitudo of these.
men rtnrtod under tho disadvantage of ob-
euro parentage. Columbus, tho sou of tho
weaver, Ferguson, tho astronomer, tho sou
of tho shepherd. America tho prey of the
ono, worlds on worlds tho proy of tho other.
Bat whnt Is truo In scculnr directions is moro
true in spiritual nnd religious directions, and
1 proceed to prove It.
There uro in all communities many inva
lids. Thoy never know a well day. Thoy
mlharu to their occupations, but they go
panting along tho streets with exhaustion,
and nt ovditluu) thoy llo down on tho lounge
with achlngs beyond all medicament Thoy
bavo tried nil prescriptions, thoy havo goue
through all tho cures which weru proclaimed
Infallible, and they havo cotuo now to sur-
Kinder to perpetual ailments. Thoy consider
thoy uro among many disadvantages; nnil
when thoy see thoso who uro buoyunt 1
hoalth puss ly thoy nlniost cuvj' their rohusf,
mines and easy respiration.
Uut I havo noticed among that invalid
class thoso who hnvo tho createst know-led
of tho Biblo, who nro in nearest intimacy
with Jesus Christ, who havo tho most glowing
experiences of tho truth, who havo had the
most remarkable answers to prayer, and who
bavo tho most exhilaraut anticipations of
bcavon. Tho temptations which weary us
who nro in robust health they havo con
queroiL Thoy havo divided umong them the
polls of tho conquest. Many who nro alert
and athletic and swarthy loiter in tho way.
Tbuso nro tho lamo that take tho proy. Rob
ert Hall an invalid, Edward I'ayson an in
valid, fliclmrd Baxter un invalid, Samuel
Rutherford an invalid This morning, when
you want to call to mind thoso who aro most
Christllko, you think of somo darkened room
hi your father's house from which thero went
forth an inllueuco iiotvut for eternity.
A stop further: Through raised letters
tboart of printing has been brought to the
attention of tho blind.
Von' toko up tho Bible for tho blind, md
yon closo your eyes, and you run your
Angara over tho raised letters, and you say:
"Why, I never could gut any Information in
this way What a slow, lumbrous way of
.rauiingi God help tho blind."
Aud yet i find among that class of persons,
-aomong tho blind, tho deaf and the dumb, the
jriost thorough acquaintance with God's
word. Shut out from nil other sources of
information, no sooner does their hand touch
the raised letter than they gather a prayer.
Without eyes, thoy look off upon the king
dom of God's lovo. Without hearing, they
-atcb tho minstrelsy of the skies. Dumb,
jot with pencil, "Or with irradiated counto
tauire, thoy declaro the glory of God.
A largo audience assembled in New York
nt the anniversary of tho Deaf and Dumb
Asylum, and ono of tho visitors, with chalk,
on tuo blackboard wroto this question to the
pupils "Do you not And it very hard to bo
deaf and dumbP And ono of the pupils took
tho chalk und wroto on the blackboard this
ublime sentence in answer: "When the song
of tho angola shall burst upon our enraptured
ar wo will sea ico rcgrot tluit our cars wero
aovcr marred with earthly sounds." Ohl the
brightest eyes iu heaven will I hi thoso that
merer saw on curtlt The ears most alert In
bnavoo will bo thoso that iu this world beard
aeltbor vokoof friend, nor thrum of harp,
nor enrol of bird, nor doitology of congrega
tions. A lad who had been blind from Infancy
wan cured. Tho oculist operated upon thu
Sad and then put a very heavy bandage over
thooyin, and after a fow weeks had gone by
tho bandage was removed nnd tho mother
aid to tlio clilldi "Willie, can you fee" Ha
aid. "Oh, mainuia, is tills heaven f The
contrast between tho darkness beforo and the
brightucKS alicrwcrd was overwhelming.
And I tell you the glories of heaven will be
a thousandfold brighter for thoso who never
anwauvthlngou earth While many with
good vision closed their oyes in night, and
many who had u good, artistic anil cultural
mr went iloun into discord, these alllictcd
iuw cried uuto thu Lord iu their trouble, and
n mit thtr norrow their nuVnnUfe, and
i 'the Inmo took tlio prey," '
In the Seventh century Micro wm n legend I
of UU Motlntwrt It was mild that lilt
mother win blind, iind one day whlbi looking
at hl mother ho felt o tyniwUliotlo Tor her
Mliidtiis Hint hu nulled forward mid klmil
hor lilind oye. and, the legend My, her vl
inn entno liiinittlntljr That wn only a
legend, Imt It l n truth, n glorious truth,
tout it IiIm of Uoil'n eternal lovo hit brought
in many n lilind oyo eternal llliiiiiluatlou.
A Mop further There, nro thoso In all
i-ontiniinltlcH who toll mightily for n llrell
hood They Imvo ncaiit wngo. IVrhnC j
llioy nro diMMiscd, or Imvo physical Infirm
I tics, so thoy ni-e hindered from doing n con
tlnuou day's work. A city mlMlounry HniW
them up thn dark alley, with no fire, with
thin clothing, with very conne liread. Thoy
novcr rldo In tho ttrcct car; thoy cannot
afford tho flvo cent. Thoy never oo nny plct
unwunvo thoso in the rIiow window on the
street, from which thoy nro often Jostled
nnd looked nt lij wine one who scorned to
my In the look "Stove onl Whnt ru you
doing hero looking nt pictures!"
Yot tunny of them live on mountains of
transfiguration. At their rough Utblo Ho
who fed the flvo thousand breaks the hrend.
Thoy talk often of tho good times thnt nro
coming. Thin world has no chnrm for them,
but heaven entrance their spirit. Thoy
often divide their scant crust with Mime for- j
lorn wretch who knocks nt their door nt '
night, nnd on tliu blunt of tho night wind, as
tho door oH!iis to lot thoin In, l liennl tho
voicoof Him who wildt "1 wns hungry nnd
vo fed nus" No cohort of henven will bo too
bright to tnunort thoni Uy Ood's help i
thoy hnve vanquished tho Assyrian host, '
Thoy hnvo divided iimoug them tho kjIU.
Inline, Inmo, yet thoy took tho proy
1 was riding along tho country road ouo
day, nnd I ruw a man on crutches. I over
took him. Ilo wii8 very old llo wns going
very slowly At thnt rnto it would Imvo
tnkun htm two hours to go n mile, 1 Bald
"Wouldn't you lll;o to ildof Ilo wild:
"Thank you, I would, (lod bless you."
When hoMit liesldo mo ho said "You see, I
am very Inmo and very old, but tho Lord has
lecu n good lord to mo. 1 Imvo buried nil
my childivn. Tho Ird guvo them nnd tho
Ixird had a right to take them nway Mcwcd
lo his name. I was vary sick and 1 had no
monoy, nnd my iiolghbors canio In nnd took
enro of mo, und 1 wanted nothing. I suirer
ii great ileal with pnln, but then I Imvo ho '
many mercies left. Tho tard has been a !
good 1irtl to me." And beforo wo had got
' iar I wns In iloubt whether 1 was giving him
n rl(, or ll0 Wft Klving mo a ridel Ilo aldi
! "Now, If jouplenso, I'll get out here. Just help I
I mo down on my crutches, If you please. God '
' bless jou. Thank you, sir. Good morning, j
, QooJ morning, You havo been feet to tho '
j ,mno' lr '0" lmvo- Oood morning."
' Swnrthy men had C0I10 tho road thatihv.
1 ' Jo not know whero they canio out, but
overy hobble of thnt old man was toward
tho shining gato. With Ids old crutch ho
had struck down many a Sennacherib of
temptation which has mustered you and me.
Lnmo, so fearfully lame, so awfully lamo;
but he took tho prey
A step further. There nro in nil communi
ties many orphans. During our last w ar and
in thu years Immediately following, how
many children wo heard say- "Ohl my
father was killed in tho war." Hnvo you
ever noticed 1 fear you have not how well
thoso children Imvo turned out? Burning
under tuo greatest, disadvantage, no orphan
I asylum could do for them whut their father
would nave uono uan no uvea. Tho skir
misher sat ono night by the light of fagots
In tho swamp, writing a letter homo, when n
sharpshooter's bullet endod tho letter, which
was novcr folded, never posted and novcr
Thoso children enmo up under great disad
vantages. No father to fight their way for
thorn. I'erbnps there was in the old family
Biblo nn old yellow letter, pasted fast, which
told tho story of that's father's long march
and how he suffered In tho hospital, but they
looked still further on In tho lllblo, and thoy
canio to tho htory of how God Is tho Father
of tho fatherless and tho widow's portloc.
' nnd tue' soon took tnoir father's place in
tnat nouscnoiu. iney imttied tuo way for
lhclr "lotuur T'loy " "P. "d many
ot tlle,n lmvo '" lno 'cars fcl"co tho war
, tnkcn positions in church and stnto
I u many of thoso who suffered nothing
' during thoso times huve hnd sons go out Into
vc ol umoieuco umi vngaoonuago. tliose
. who started under bo ninny ilisndwiutaucs
1 becnuso thoy were so early bereft, these aru
I tho lamo w ho took tho prey.
A step further There aro those who would
llko to do good They say: "Ohl if 1 only
had wealth, or If I hail eloquence, or If I hud
high social position, how much I would ac
complish for God nnd tho churehl" I stand
i hero today to tell you that you havo great
I opportunities for usefulness.
' Who built tho Pyramids? Tlio king who
I ordered them builtf No; tho plain workmen
who added stone after stouo, and stono after
1 stone. Who built the dikes of Holland! Tho
1 government that ordered tho enterprise!
No; tho plain workmen who carried tho
earth and rung their trowol on the walL
Who are thoso who have built three vast
' cltiosf Tho capitalists! No; tho ctirponters,
the masons, the plumbers, the plasterers, the
tinners, the roofers depondeut on a (lay's
i wages for n livelihood. And so in tho great
I work of assuaging human suffering nnd on-
lightening human ignorance and linking hu
man iniquity. In that great work thu chief
j part is to bo dono by ordinary men, with or
dinary speech, in an ordinary manner aud by
ordinary means. Tho trouble is that in the
I army of Christ we all want to bo captains
and colonels and brigadier generals. Wo are
not willing to march with the rank and fllo,
and to do duty with the private soldier. Wo
want to belong to the reserve corps, and read
about tho battlo while warming ourselves at
the camp Ores or on furlough at home, our
feet upon an ottoman, we sagging back into
an armchair.
As you go down the street, you sco an ex
cavation and four or flvo men are working,
and perhaps twenty or thirty leaning ou tho
rail looking over at them. That Is tho way
it is in tho church of God today, where you
find ouo Christian hard at work, thorn nro
, fifty men watching tho Job.
Ohl my friends, why do you not go to
work nnd preach this Gospolf You say: "I
bavo no pulpit." You have. It may bo the
carpenter's bench, It may be tho mason's
wolL Tho robe in which you aro to proclaim
this Gospel may bo a shoemaker's apron. But
woo unto you If you preach not this Gospel
somewhere, somehow) If this world Is over
brought to Christ, it will bo through tho unan-
' imous nnd long continued efforts of men
1 who, waiting fornospecial endowment, con
sccrnto to God whnt they have. Among tho
most useless people in tho world nro men with
ton talents, while many u one with only two
talents, or no talont at all, Ls doing a great
work, nnd so "tho lamo take tho pray "
Them aro thousands of ministers of whom
you lmvo never liennl In log cahiiu at tho
west, In mission chapels at the east who are
warring against thn legions of darkness suc
cessfully warring Tract distributors, month
by mouth undermining tlio citadels of sin.
You do pot know their going or lUulroomlii'r,
but tlio footlnlUof tbuir ministry are iieurd
In tho palaces of heaven. Who uro the
workers In our sabbath school throughout
this luud today Men colubrulcd, men bril
liant, men of vast estates! For the mowt part,
not that nt alL I bare noticed that the
chief characteristic of moot of thoio
who nre Kumwsful In the work I
thnt thoy know their Riblea, i-o earnest in
prayer, nro anxious for the salvntlou of the
young, nud Hahhuth by Hnbhath nro willing
to sit down unobserved nnd toll of Christ and
the rosurrectlim. Thoso aro tho humblo
workers who nro recruiting tho great nriny
of Christian youth - not by might, not by
wwer, not by profound argument, not by
brilliant antithesis, but by tho blessing of
God on plain talk, nnd humblo story, nnd
ileut tear, nud anxious look. "Tho Inmo
take tho prey "
Ohl this work of saving tho youth of our
country how few nppieclatn what it III
This generation tramping on the gravw wo
will soon all I hi gone. What uoxtf
An engineer on a locomotivo going across
tlio western prairies day after day, saw a
little child coiiio out In front of n cabin and
wave to him, so he got in the habit of wav
ing back to the llttlo child, nnd it wns tho
day's Joy to him to sco this llttlo ono come
out In front of thu cabin door nud wave to
him, while ha answensl tmck
Ono day tho train was Mated and It came
on to tho duskof thoiivoutug As thu engi
neer stood at his iKist ho saw by the head
light that llttlo glii on tho track, wondering
why tho train did not come, looking for tho
train, knowing nothing of Its m-i-. A great
horror seized upon (ho engineer Ho ro
vorwsl the engine. Ho gave It In charge
of tho other man on hoard, nnd then ho
climbed over tho engine and he canto down
on tho cowcatcher Ho said, though ho bail
reversed thn engine, It seemed as though It
wein going nt lightning sstsl, foster nud
fastei , though It was really slowing up, aud
with almost supernatural clutch ho caught
that child liy tho liair and lifted It up, nud
when tlieii'ain atopcil mid the passengers
pitluM'iil around to ms wlml was tlio matter,
there tho old eugliieel lay fainted dead
away , the llttlo child alive and in hlsswnrthy
'Olil" you say. "that was well dona" But
I want you to exerelsu some kindness and
some nppivclntlon toward those in com
muiilty wiio a iv snatching the llttlo ones
from uiidi't th' wheels of temptation and sin
snatching tliein from undur thundering
rail trains ol eternal disaster, bringing
them up Into rcsicctablllty iu this world nud
Into glory for tho world to coma You n
preclato what tho engineer did, why enn you
not appreciate the grainier work dono by
every Sabbath school teacher this afternoon!
Ohl my friends, I want to impress iqion
myself aud iih)ii yourselves that it Is not tho
number of talents wo jiossess, hut tho use we
mnko of them
God has a royal family iu tho world Now,
If I should ask "Who aro tho royal fami
lies of history P you would say "Housoof
Hnpsburg, houso of Ktuai ts, house of Bour
bons." They lived In palaces, and had
groat equlmga But who nro tlio Lord's
royal family! Some of them may serve
you in tho household, somo of
them nro in unllghted garrets, somo
of them will wnlk this afternoon down
tho street, on their arm basket of brokon
food, some of them nro in thu almshouse,
despised nud rejected of men, yot Iu tho last
great day, while it will Do found that somo
of us who fared sumptuously every day aro
hurled back Into dlscoinllturo, there aro the
lamo that will tako tho proy
Ono stop further' Thero aro n great many
ieoplu discouraged about getting to heaven.
You aro brought up lu good families, you
had Christian parentage, but you frankly
loll mo that you are a thousand miles nway
from tlio right truck. J
My brother, you aro tho ono I want to '
preach tothis morning. 1 have been looking
for you. 1 will tell you how you got astray
It was not maliciousness on your pnrt. It
was perhaps through the geniality and soci
ality of your nature that you fell into sin.
You wnndered nwny from your duty, you
unconsciously left the housoof God, you ad
mit tho Gospel to bo true, und yet you hnvo
so grievously and pruloiigcdly wunderud, you
say rescue is Impossible.
It would tako a week to count up tho
names of those In heaven who wero on earth
worse than you tell mo you mo Thoy went
tho whole round of Iniquity, thoy disgraced
themselvos, thoy disgraced their household,
thoy despaired of return because their repu
tation wns gone, their projierty wns gone,
everything was gonu, but Iu somo hour like
this thoy heard tho voice of God aud throw
themselves on tho divluo commission, and
thoy rose up moro thnn conquerors. And 1
tell you thero is the same chanco for you.
That is ouo reason why I liko to preach this
Gospel, bo freo a Gosm1, so tremendous a
Gosjiel. It takes u man all wi oiig nud mukes
him all rlghu
In a former settlement where 1 preached,
a member of my congregation quit tho houso
of God, quit respectable circles, wont Into
all styles of sin, and was slain of his Iniquity
Tho day for his burial camo, and his body
was brought to the housoof God. Somo of
his comrades who had destroyed him were
overheard along tho street, on thu wuy to
tho burial, saying "Come, let us go and
hear Talmago damn this old sinuerl" Ohl 1
had nothing but tears for tho dead, and 1 had
nothing but Invitations for the living.
You see 1 could not do any other
wise. "Christ Jesus camo to sock nnd savo
that which was lost." Christ In bis dying
prayer 6aid. "I-'nther, forgive them," nnd
thnt was a prayer for you nnd for mo. Oh,
start on the road to heaven today You uro
not happy Tho thirst of your soul will
uever bo sluked by tho fountains of sin. You
turn everywhere hut to God for help light
whero you are, cull on him. llo knows you,
ho knows all about you, be knows all the
odds against which you have been contend
ing in Ufa Do not go to him with a long
rigmarolo of a prayer, but Just look up and
say "Uelpl belpl"
But you say "My hand trembles so from
dissipations, 1 can't evcu take hold of a hymn
book to sing." Do not worry nbout that, my
brother, I will give out n hymn at tho close
I so familiar you can sing it without a book.
But you say "I have such terrible habits on
me, 1 can't get rid of them." My answer is.
Almighty grace can brrak up that hubit.and
will break it up But you say "Tho wrong
1 did was to ouo dead and Iu heaven uow,
and I can't correct that wrotur " You
can correct it. By the grace of God, go Into
tho preseuco of that one, and tho aiMilogles
i you ought to hnvo mado ou earth muko in
"Ohl" says some man, "if I should try to
I do right. If 1 should turn away from my evil
doing unto tho Lord, I would bo jostled, 1
I would bo driven back, nobody would have
i any sympathy for ma" You are mistaken.
1 Here, in tho preseuco of the church on earth
. and in heaven, I givo you today tho right
j hand of Christian fellowship. God sent mo
here today to preach tins, nud ho sent you
hero to hear this: "Let the wicked forsako
I his way and the unrighteous man his
thought, nud let hlm return uuto tho I onl,
who will have mercy, und uuto our God, who
will abundantly pardon." Though ou may
havo been tho worst sinner, jou may becomo
tho best saint, und In tho great day of Judg
ment it will bo found that "whero sin
abounded, grneo does much moro abound,"
and while thu spoils of un ovn uuung king
dom nro tietng awarded for your pursuit It
will bo louud that thu lauu took the proy
. BlesMHi im God thnt wu nre. this Sabbath,
one week nwrer the obliteration of M the
inequalities of (hi Ufa and all Its dlsqula
Years ago, on n lioat on the North river,
tho pilot gave n very sharp ring to the bell
for tho boat to slow up, Tho engineer nt
tended to tho machinery, and then he cnine
up with somo alarm ou deck to see whnt wns
llm matter He saw It was a moonlight
night and thore were no obstacles In tho wny
llo went totho pilot nnd snldi "Whytlld you
ring thn Ml Iu (hut wny Why do you want
to stop! there's nothing tho mnttrr" And
(ho pilot wild to him "Thero Is n
mist gathering on the river, don't you
sea tlmll and there ts night gather
lug darker nud darker, nud I can't see
tho wny " Then thn engineer, looking nrotmd
nud seeing it wns n bright moonlight, looked
Into the faro of tho pilot, nnd saw thnt ho
wns dying, and (hen thnt he wns drad.
God Riant thnt when our Inst monifiit
come wo may I si found nt our ost doing
our whole duty nud when the mists of tho
river of denth gather on our eyelids, may
tlio good Pilot tako tho wheel from our hands
and guh!o us Into tho calm harbor of eternal
rest I
Drop tho anchor, furl thnsnlli
I mil snfo within the vale.
Tho red carnation I now regularly ivoog
ulred ns tho representative Iloulangor (lower
This season they nru netting shnd on (ho
I'aclllo const, thanks to Undo Sam's hatch
cries. Tho Ilrst rrnsndo ended by tho taking of
.leriisnieiu. July l. IOW). nud Godfrey Do
Bouillon mado king
A K'asaiit has Just died In Austrlii-Htin-gnry
who was Ml! years of nga llo left n
son ngisl lift j ears and a grandson of M
"Thu Black Sea and Arof Canal company,"
with a capital or f IT.OOU.lHK). aro ulxiut to ls
gin cutting a ctinnl across tho Crimean
Tho New York llindcpartnicntspont 3,7I)0
for alnlgliH on which to truiiort thu trucks
nnd engines during tho thnsj days of tho
A parrot that was valued at -T(X) died In
Poughkeoisle recently It could slug, talk
and swear iu tho Kngllsli, Dutch and Portu
guese languages.
Tho English government offers to owners
of over twenty horses an annual retainer of
HIM) for each horso for tho option of purchas
ing thoin in time of wnr
Somo California land owners Imvo been ex
tensively grafting chestnut nnd wild oak
trees and nro nan gull in of very profitable re
turns from their enterprlta
liocomntlve 5M, of thn Cninberlnnil Valley
railroad, is noted down therelKvatiso, during
tho war, It was bought for $S1,(XX) You can
buy n iK-tter ono uow for fft,0(X)
Tho Sweetwater dam Justlcompleted at San
Diego. Cal at n cost of fhW.tXX), Mild to bo
twenty feet higher than nny dam In the
United States. It I ninety feet from its base
to iu crest.
Parisians lmvo been mousing themselves
with ii "ham fair," at which Ixioths were
filled with sausages, hams nnd lard, nnd nro
now enjoying a "gingerbread fair," say tho
Ten tons of canceled tickets that accumu
lated during tho (mst two years at tho office
of tho Boston nnd Albany railroad In Spring
field, Mass.. aro lielng cut up, preparatory to
selling them aa old por
A Methodist church nt Augusta held n
"hard Isiiled egg festival" for tho puriioso of
raising money I'ach lady attending was ex
pected to bring a hard boiled egg, the pro
coeds togo to tho purchasa of nn organ.
Tho chief magistrate of a Justice court in
Jasper county. Go., sits on u nail keg when
dealing out Justice, nnd when a caso Is given
to a Jury tho "good men nnd truo" nro turned
In n horto lot to mnko up their verdict.
An Austrian baron who desired to commit
suicide consulted a physician about a com
plaint about his heart in order to And out
exnetly where it wits. Ho then fired flvo
shots into his tnxly. aiming nt his heart, nnd
thoy being unsuccessful, lie blow his braitr
out with ouo shot.
"Ilncln Helium" (leiu-rnl Ain-Hrnin-.
Mr Joel Chandler Harris, "Undo (tenuis,"
wns discussed by a literary club In Atlanta,
Go., tho other evening, nnd wns descritied by
ono of his friends as the plainest of nil plain
men. Ho Is never untidy, but "his trousers
nlwnys bag at tho knee, and If ho didn't have
at least ouo button off his coat ho would not
ho happy In Justice U his head gear, let me
say that ho always wears tho nobbiest derby
and red hair, and carries a rustic hickory
cana it was cut from tho virgin forest near
his West Knd home, and he was never known
to bo without It. Ho Is not lamo. Imt the
hickory enno is ns necessary to his make up
ns tho rod cravnt that over ndorns his shirt
front to keep up a kind of harmonious blend
ing with his stubby intistacho and hair In
his general upioaranro, thercforo. It may be
accepted that If ho be not unique, ho Is at
least old fashloued." Detroit Free Press.
A New Kurt of I'urrlnc.
Parisians are wearing a new sort of ear
ring, to which they have taken kindly an
arrow or n feather fixed almost horizontally
across tho lobo. Tho arrow is generally en
riched with a single peurL Tlio feather has
a cluster of small colored stones. Long drop
earrings have nlso come in ngaln, to tho de
light of the women who possessed such trin
kets, and havo hastened to exhume them
from the cases in which they havo loin so
long. Chicago Herald.
Died with ll-r Children.
At the recent fire at Vassar, Mich,, a thor
oughbred femulo pointer, owned by John
Loss, hnd her kennel, in which were eight
puppies, under ono of the burning building's.
With mother Instinct tho xxr thing ran
bock and forth from undor the burnlig
building, mutely appealing for help, but
nono could be given, and rather than deso't
her brood sho died with them. Chicufo
The Nalnn's Srnsiitlmiul I'lrtnr.
The Paris Salon this year exhibits 3..VM
pictures. Ono of the most sensational pfo
turcs is Altxrt Malgnnu's "Tocsin," whlrh
represents a huge uplifted bell, out of which
all sorts of fruntic, somber figures of mm
and women nre tumbling, typifying the va
rious phases of (Ire, attack, flood und disas
ter, of which thoy scruum warning cries.
Frank lslio'g.
Clipping for I. T. Ilnriiiiin.
I' T Harnum ts ou tho hooks of a London
oftcney which furnishes clipping from news
papers, for notices of nny "oxtroordluarf
curiuxitips allvo or extraordinary perform
unco or exhibition! which cun I placed In
our larj;oexuniltion tenu.M New York Hun.
Will In KiiiiiI from l'itletlnn,
A Ilobrew nt Athens Un. has recclvfd a
p,lft of six ounceo of white snud from I'alos
Una It Is said to bo the tielief of miuio llo
brens that tins mind, if placed under tho
head of a cor, insure tlio return of Uii
spirit to Jerusalem. fuw York Uruphlc
With Illumination designs appropriate for the occasion,
Printed in finest style of the art at
Is now on sale lor what it will hrin. It comprises one of the
to the city, and must he closed out at once.
fjFor Ladies, (Jents and Misses.
Call in and see for yourself. The goods must be sold, so
come and get them.
BREX HIVK,95.'nd9i7 OSl.
The Season for Driving
as opened and we have just received a tine line of Turf
Goods and a great variety of
Grey Horse Harness Emporium,
1020 O Street.
Twelfth ulrcet, opp Opera House..
F. C. PRAY, tine Caterer.
This Now nud Heuutlful K-stnuriint has JtiMt been opened to the public. Wo will olsm
to fcocuro your putroiuiKo by serving tho tiest tho market a Herds ntreaMinnblu priw.
My arrniiKomontH with all parts of tlio statu nro such that partlcx orderinu In tlnio caa
be supplied with all deltcitclcN of the pcumoii.
N. U All orlarn for Wed limes I'artle.Huppors, Kestl vuls. Halls, llnnquct. otc, to
promptly attended to, and sent to all pnrU of tho country.
PurcSprlng Water nsed instead of City Salt Water.
WeSssel & Dobbins,
Qrt f?Wiiters,
New Burr Block,
Wedding Invitations, Engraved Calling Cards, Box Station
ery, Fine Printing of all Kinds,
Gix'e Us a, Trial Order.
Ladies : Pine : Saddles.
Cor. 12th arid. O Sts.