Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 02, 1888, Image 5

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    "') T1
-tt -.,-,-. f' '-v:' iMq 'f-'!qrf'Tjf,Tfjtgnjpjiy!3iliT'
Tlmt Aeeonlrd I. lent, mid .11m, C. A. Urn
nett at Wimliluntou llitrraeka.
s? ffr n- -rww
Jt. ? 4
Fine Shoes
Fine Shoes
Fine Shoes
Perkins Bros.
1 1 29 O Street
New Jewelry Store,
1019 O Street. Kstublithed 187.1.
Deslrix to will tin1 utU'iitliin ol the public In
IiIh new mid elegant stool, m
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
llnvliiu nioru room to iii'coniiiiDihitci the I null'
and hIiow a larger lliu tliun hmt lleforo pur
chasing, give ttsu cull unit wv wilt hIiow you
the finest lino nt lowest possible prices.
Wntcli Repairing and Engraving
Neatly doi)' iiml nil irk warranted.
Dealer in
Drugs and Medicines
Books, Stationery, etc.
127 S. Eleventh st
lu'helly all conic from the
Graham Brick Stables,
WZl V street, whore all ktndsnf
Boggles, Carriages or Saddle
Can he had at any time, du
or night on Hhort notice.
A Very Kleuiuit Affair Inscription oMlte
Ciittumei, V.te.
The Herman and reception rItch by Mlw
Hawkins to her class of rhllririm lit dancing,
took pliirti at Masonic Tomplo on Krldny o a,
May 'J-Mli. The llttlo miw rrt all drecd in
fancy costumes and looked lioautlfid, Ono
feature nttrncbsl much attention and that was
the extreme itolltrness of the children to each
other, which showisl thntthey hud booiitrnlii
wl in thin nt well as dancing. Mis Itnwkln
being n groat society lady, and having trnvo h
ed abrondand nee 11 tho liost sis'ljty, it 8 lint t
1st wondered nt that the pupils aro genteel.
The iivonlimscntortnlnincntbognlibv (luind
March, Ud by Hosillnd Mahler, and Oeofglo
Holmes, Upon entrance to the null they were
heaitlly npplnuded. Next eame, the College
liorn-plM, by Anna Hamiuoiul, nix yearn old.
8ho dntieed like a llltl fairy and hardly
seonusl to touch the llnor Follow lug woto tlie
Saratoga I.uucler ly Misses and Matter, In
land, MoCioery, Foster, (Justin, Mahler, Hhcl
don, Karwoll, Hehlander, after which a most
dlllloult thmco wat oxocutsl hy Kloronco Fur-
well, the "Hox Dunce.' Mo, n-o deserves
iiineli ciitllt which nhe received ill a hiaity
iipplntiM. Next eame tho Tainhoreen dunce,
by Haltlo Huffman. Hoing 11 is-rfeot brunette
and 11 very licnutlful child, nhe took the patt
faultlessly mid gracefully The new (lane
called the Hoop Dance, was danced hy Mlvet
Inland and Moon. Those llttlo girls are cei -tnlnly
very lieniitlful dancers and cm tied
their parts well. This daneo was eeu hy Mini
II. in I'arlt, r.ud It without doubt tho Hist
time It wat ever seen in Lincoln.
After the fancy dances camo the Herman,
led hy F.ieut. H. H. Townley, who 1111m this
sisitlon perfectly. The favors wow very
pntly, inunlioilng nearly trto hundred. At 1(1
o'clock, general dancing was indulged in for
tho momliers of the I'leasunt Hour chilis
and other guest. Kuoh received a pretty
program, a Oernian favor. The ladles, gild
isl pipes and tho gentlemen clothespins.
Tho order of dancing ill-ranged for tho little
ones, wiis very licautiful and drawn hy Miss
Carrie U'lantl. Miss Hawkins and Wllloughby
each received a very licautiful lloral i1lhIh
from the class w hieli w ere presented hy Misses
Mahlor and Foster, In u most bo.-oninilng
manner. Little Hosalind Mahler nUo prcstn.
Utl Miss Hawkins with a very licautiful Bold
pen, Tho costumes of tho little ones were
very pretty and were as follows:
Hosalind Mahler, spangled costuino (very
beautiful;) Florence Farwell, whlw tarltau
drcollet; Anna Hammond, white tarltau with
roses, anil neck cut V; Hosebitd Foster, red,
white and bhio, low neck (America); Hossle
Haydeu, pink Albutros with poail beads, low
neck; Hattle ltuiTiiinn, Tainnorooii itiri, yu
low satin skirt with whlto tarltau blouse mid
red velvet Hanaro Jacket; May llcchee, Drum
mer (Mil; Jessie Iceland, pink satin withori
ental laco, cut sipmro nook; Clara Hammond,
white emerald mull; Kntiu McArthur, blue
silk tiuilor pink tnrltnn; Oraco Oakloy, whlto
skirt with yellow satin lxxlico Sadlo llauui,
pink moll o silk; Susie Otistln, white llannei
skirt with pink siitln luxllce; May 5loore(
light blue albatrosi, with ixitiislte roes,
Jiilin Ilecliee. Mower girl; Ueo. Mosher, white
tarltau with dill'erentHliadesof ribliont, Hazol
HulVumu, white suits.., with tosottetof yellow
ribbons, ilerollrte; ToxioTownloy, whlto mull,
Tho young Reiitlemeus suits wero also pretty;
Heo. Holinot, blue wttln Kiiit, with point lace;
Louie Kheltlon, Hpanisli Costuino perfectlj
carried out, as was also Ford Hehlander,
Spanish; Frank Otistln, page, black elvet
suit with yellow vent; Fred Doolittlo, black
velvet suit with canary colored oriental laco;
Kail Mcd-eery, w lilto il inel with pea cock bin,,
ribbons. Hal. Zehrung, courtiers costuino ;
whlto satin trousers, yellow vest, black velot
cont; Mark Htiford, sailor; Claro l'lielpj, sai
lor: fluy Hilfllmt, full dross suit, black liroad
cloth, one of tho lluest costumu of tho ovoning ;
Miss Hawkins naslrusd In black Lyonssllk
with Jet ornaiiumts and yellow loses.
Tho lucky ones wlio received tho licautiful
prize baskets of Honors wero Claro 'helps and
Uessio Haydeu. The jmrty paivsttl oil' with
out a bleak, and sfemed more llkoelook work
than anything we can think of. Tho music
was excellent. Miss Hawkins has lieen earn
estly iwpinsjtod ti lx'giu a class in Octolier
about the sixth.
Miss MiiMiii'trj'N I'arty.
Miss Mc.Mui Uy was at homo to a few friends
last evening in honor of Hums and
Looinis. Tho party being at theMc.Ii r ry
residence, is almost unnecessary to say that a
delightful time was had by all pieseiit.
Thoso honored with 1111 Invitation were:
Misses Funke, Lattn, Looinis, Agoy, Hums,
Walsh, Hawkins, Kolloy, Orunliigcr. Messrs.
Foivsmali, llrown, lliickstntr, Heili'i, Magoon,
Zclinmg, A. IS Smith, lliuini, McArthur,
I'inUt nud N'utt
Tim nitei itlng giiiuo of 1'rogrosslvo hearts
was playisl for which elegant prizes worn re
Woiiihii's KxellHiiK.i Itesliiiii'imt.
Ono of tho most attractive places in the
city for a lunch Is the Woman's Clirxtiau As
sociation Kxchango, comer of tilth and I'
streets. As its name indicates, ,t l mulct
the management of tho W. ('. A. Tho Kx
chaugoisu valuable branch of the W. C. A.
work. A large number of women me now
given employment through it, while its dainty
lunch of homo cooked food serves to give
nunc work to the peixms who consign food
and also helps to pay thu oxiouso ot keeping
okmi 11 store where nil kinds of women's work
may lie sold.
A telephone will lie placed in the rooms
within 11 day or two and patious may rely
UH)ii prompt attention to orders.
Lunch Is sen ed dally from 11 :!M) n. in. to :)
p, in Ice cream, cako and lierries may lie
had at any hour of the day, and arruiigo
meuts are now made by which a light lunch
may also tie had at any time. Those who
patioulzotho Kxchnngo limy feel that they
are helping one of the most deserving branches
of the W. 0. A. work, and the CouitiKU
hoiet that those of its readers who can will
send some orders to It whun plnuuiiig lor entertainments.
The readers of tho Cotmmi w ill ho pleased
to road the following account of tho reception
accorded Lieut, ami Mrs. ('. A. Dennett 011
their arrival at Washington llariacks, Wash
ington, I). C, where tho Lieutenant is station
isl. The young (tmplo wcri inarilisl at tho
residence of Mr. and Mrs, K. 1C Hadeii, In
this city, April lib, the biide Isdug MUs.leu
11 le Haydeu. The account Is taken fiom the
Imlr.v, pub Musi at the Hal rackr.
(letieralaud Mm. II. (I. (llbsnii gave a de
lightful reception to Lieutenant and Mrs.
Charles A Dennett 011 Wednesday twenlng,
May t'th. The reception wat to extend a
luvirty welcome of tho regiment to Mrs.
Lieut. Dennett. Only tlioKtiploof the garri
son mid tlicli' visiting friends were
Tie) hanilsoiiie and extensive pailiiN of Mix
Ollisou wuiodoMitttl to the (Kvnslon. Mix
tllbson was assisted liy her two charming
daughters Miss Kitty and Agues In dispensing
the hospitality of theeveulug The Heglmeu
tal Hand was In attendance; and the tuneful
airs so 11 awakeii'sl ''the muse of many
t inkling foot.'" Mrs, ll,iiiuett,tho"reglmeii
til In nil)' It a bea it If ill young mid dimming
lady, and whoso winsome manner, has at the
cry outset of hci military life, cajitisatisl all
the he.irts of the regiment.
The reception nud welcome exlenilnl gives
every assinaliceof her Kptilnrlty In tliothild
ivgimeiit of Aitlllcry.
We Mine llcurtl It Iteinarkeil
That liuslness 1 1 picking up.
That tho CouiitKU It iMKitulng.
That no angels live In Omaha
That Ctishtiinn I'ark i a daisy.
That picnics in o 1 Im iiml lustming.
Tliat-thostrit'tsof Lincoln are still here.
That the amusement season It near Its close
That the lss'mi which is expected will sckiii
Im hero. ,
That the now hotel scheme hat again fallen
to sleep.
That Lincoln will soon have another line of
That tint Lincoln ball club will not u'ways
lie defeated.
That Walt Mason is jioifeotly lovely In Ills
new spring suit.
Thnt the long talktsl of real estate boom Is
nboiit to appear.
That the Klks' inaugural social will lion
very elegant event.
That 1'atrlck Kgan thinks tho Viiinniif
employs no humorist.
Thnt manager MeHeynolds of the opera
house is writing a ioein
Thnt there it a society lady in Lincoln who
refused a new spring bonnet.
That the HL I.oiiIh Whites will soon bo
known as the Lincoln Whites.
That the "crusher" retains Its popularity in
Lincoln as an aitiele of headgear.
That Hobby Shafto will bo witnessed by
the Inrgest auillojifo of tho season.
Thnt Oiunhn Is anxious to have Lincoln
secure the St. Louis ball franchise.
That our lady visitors this summer mu tho
most charming ever seen in Lincoln.
That Harry llnmiii made a teiriltle mash
this week, while on hit St. Louis trip.
Thnt summer life it a burden in Lincoln
hut a paradise while at Cushiuau park.
That the report of .1. H. Lnurlst's marriage
in St. I nils this week It another canal (I
Thnt a number of Lincoln Klks will attend
the social session of Omaha lodge tonight,
Thnt the boys aro all going to wear cam
pa gu hats like those in Dennis' windows.
That John Leister Is to bo married hi Sep
tember and It building a house for the future.
That Dennis spring stylo hats ure the
thing for gents to wear overylstdy wears
That (ienernl McHildn Itn rustler, nud fills
tho position of picsldunt of boaid of tiado to
a cap T.
That Tin: CoiniiKii olllco turns out tho
nobbiest wedding nud paity invitations In
tho city.
Thnt Fred Porto thinks of moving to Dor
clichter, having luiulo a tour of Inspection of
that town Wednesday night.
That Harry Ileirolilngcr occasionally takes
n trip to Heat rice, but on ouu occasion this
wctk concluded to visit for u short time in
Dorchester. How's that Harry?
mid well taken care
of at reasonable rates.
Call and see us, Ui37 U street, or gl e
W. J. P. Lawton
D. D. S.
RoomB 42, 43, 44, Burr Block.
Elevator on O St..
Telephone 628
Itinilicy I'uriy.
i most ilollghtful party was given 111 honor
of Miss Latta's visiting friends, from Omaha,
by Miss Clam ruuko, Thursday evening. A
very tuiiimu Donkey, an etching by Mivs
Funke, was pints! up on tho dining room wall
a id all presented with a tail and blludloldisl
nud oxHctcd to put the uarratie In the right
place. Some got so fai us to pin It on Frank
.clii'iing's coat, much to his indignation.
I'hoso coming the ileal est wero Miss Walsh,
for which she reeelMsl a moxt exquisite sutch
et I ng. The gentleman leeching tho roul
iii'Iao was lousleiir KoreMiian, a very protli
shaving imniier. The IiooIiIof were iiwarihsl
to.MlssLatta and Deacon Hrown; tho lady
a very uiiiipto blotier and tho gentleman a
Uautiful pick of cards. The refreshments
was very lliienud servtsl in an elegant nianiiei
Mr. Foivsinau amused the guests after suppei
witli one of his fancy dances.
Tho invited guastx were MIsm-s Hawkins.
Ijitta, Walsh, (Iruiiiuger, Uxunls, Kelley,
Hums, Anna Funke, Algcrs, Agey, Slout,
Algew, Mcmi-h Mngoou, Hronn, uhruiig.
Clarke, Foresiuan, Rlehtor, McArthur, Stull,
Haum, Ilciskell, lliickstntr,
One fare for ltiimiil Trip,
The Klkhoin Valley lino (C. V N. W. route)
will soil tickets at tho nlxtvo rates, account
con cutlou as follows: National Prohibition
at IiidianniMills, May 'JUth to tfllth; National
DeuiiH'ratic ut St. Iouis, JuueAl to (1th; Na
rlonal Hetuhlicnii at Chicago June 10th to
liHli, and Knights of Pythsas meeting at t'iu
rinnatiJimoH to p,'th. A special ell'oit will
be made by the ulstve lino to please patrons
on thoMi (K'casions Limits "f tickets and full
information sitppli nt 11. '1 South Tenth
sticct, Lincoln, Neb.
Auulnldtoml fur paluleis extraction.
IJiiUernlt) (;iiiiinieiuiiinmit.
The program for commencement week at
the state university it as lollows:
Satin day evening, JunoU Inhibition of
tho Union society.
Sunday evening, Juno 10 Iiaccnlauionte
Monday evening, June II Kxhihltioii of
Philodiccuti sociuty.
Tuosilny evening, Juno 11.' Kxhihltioii of
I'alladiau wK'iety.
ednesday, Juno 111, 11 a.m. and Up. m.,
Competitive drill and dies parade of tho
university cadets.
Wednesday evening, Juno lit Cniuinenco
nient concert.
Thursday, Juno 11,10 a. in. Commence
ment exercises; 12 in,, laying corner stone of
Industrial college building; !1 p. in., chancel
lor's loveo.
In ndJItlo'-. to theho oxcix'Ik's the students
will huvo Hold day sports on the cumpus on
Batuniny. Juno 11.
Tho exercises will bo held in tho opera home
exoept tho commencement concert, which will
lie held In tho unlvei-slty chainl; tho chancel
lor's levoo, which will bo hold in the senate
chamber, and the military exerclsw, which
will toko place on the rumpus.
Old I'lipers I'm- Siilr.
House cleaning time Is hero, nud old pasrs
will como in handy. Thu Coi'itiKH olllco has
u good Mipily at 1.M cents 11 huudl'tsl,
Kuigiits or ijtiiiu.
Diiion Piiclllo, "Tho Overland Hout, ' will
sell thiough tickoU, ut one fine for tint lound
trltfrotii M)iutsln Nebraska and Kansas to
parties desiring to attend the meeting of tho
Supioino Ixxlgo KnighU of Pythias, to 1st
held in Cincinnati June lL'th to pith inclusive.
Tickets good going Juno eth to tilth und n
turnlng Juno 1Mb to 10th Inclusive, with con
tinuous paMigo only in each dinvtioii.
Union Piiclllo, '-Tho Overland lloutv," will
ell through tickets ut rnt of ono faro for
tho round trip, from point in Nebraska mid
Kansas, to portion desiring to attend tho Nn
tloiuil Hcpuhlicau Convention to tie held at
Chicago Juno tilth. TickoU good going Juno
10th to llHh and returning UOth to liMh in
clusive, with continuous pussago only in each
For all kinds of society btotlonory, such n
Invitutlons, proRramg, cunts, menus etc. call
t the Couiukii olllco in tho now Ilurr block.
A liellililliit Aflulr liy Hie Three Lincoln
The prlnclia noclnl eent of tint week was
tho Knights of Pythias ball at llolinnan's
hall, Wednesday oveiilng, lletwiH'ii llinv
and four hundred Ht)plo Went present, but
the Ihstr wat nt 110 time uuconifoitably
crowilisl Mauyxerv pretty costumes went
noticed, nud everybody npieimsl to 1st enjoy
ing themselves. Music was fumltlinl by the
K. P. orchestl'ii, 11 How iirgnlilntlnu, Tim
progrum eonlaltnsl twenty ono immlsrs, but
did not wviu 11 rry long one, owing to 1111
ngivablo dlertlseinenl. Wo ntor to tho
elegant Imnipiet served ut tho Capital hotel
at midnight. After dim discussion of this
fentuii the plcnNtint-scckcr returned to tho
hall and eontlntusl lint ihincluj' until "Homo,
Sweet Home." Tho airalr was In charge of
the following gentleuien:
Hii-eptlon committee- W. IV bine, H. M.
Shairer.H, Htewurt.J. II. Wright, L.Meyer.
K. H. Hirer, J. F. Haydeu, Wler Pantons, F.
II. Holiannii J. C. Davit, V. F. Hnoso, Nell
Johnson, It. Wack"rhageu, W. J. Houston,
O. L. Mm tin.
Kxootitlo couimlltce J W. Perclval, II,
K. Chapel, (1 S Foxwoithy.
Fhsir coinniltb-e D C. Van Duyn, H.
O'Neill, l'nsl Sholes, II. H. Hell, Doug. Shil
ling, A. II. Hosinau, L. Hersehlcr, I). II. lly-
maii. C. Mayer, Miller, T. M. C.siko, W.
IIotklut, H. K. Maxwell, A. H. Ketluin, C.
.SI113 I'lottrrN.
On Monday evening last, at the now homo
of Mr. and Mrs. IM. (1. Vates, ltllHqslreot.u
liumlHr if fifendt asm'iuhhsl to cclohuito tint
lillthitayor.Mit. Heo. (I. Wnlto, Miss Magglo
Donley, and ICiuosl (). Vales, this event
coming to each of them ilurmgihiilast week
of May. It was a happy nirnir In which ttach
ono present engngisl to iiuiko tho others
have a pleasant time. Ileficshments weie
sul-Msl at eleien o'chs'k lifter which thesis'lal
pastimes of tho evening wero contluuisl until
11 late hour Many Went tho wishes that tho
three might Ihe long and have a hlitlulay
every j car of their lives
Among tliovi pieseiit wero; Misses Nora
Campbell, r.dlth lelghlon, Hertlo (lardner,
Ida Allisser ami sister, ( I race I la net t and
Ocrllo Yales, Mr, nud Mis. Klmer (iardner,
Messers John Dorgan, Harry l'leeiniin, Kl
mor Itaufnian, Hist. (J. Walto, II. P. Harrett,
lCd. Wells, .Malcolm Sliiious.
The Ctiiin IIiiIkiih.
YiMenliiy afternoon two coaches llllisl with
excursiouistN for tint anuual outing of the
Nebraska Clam Hake association tell tho llur
llngton il.'pot for Shogo island, near Milford,
where they will 1 cumin until tomorrow even
ing, returning on n seclal train. A carload
of Omaha's 111 o with thopaity, but most of
there ure fiom Lincoln and vicinity, Advices
liom them hist night state that the clam ba
kers aro a Jolly set and hiiMt Inaugurated 11
season of Jovial festivities.
Mr. Mahler's llrsl sni'ive takes place Thurs
day evening at Masonic Temple. Invitations
will bo issuisl Monday.
A men y pint) of Lincoln Klks took In tho
social of the Omaha lodge last Saturday even
lug. They wore: Messrs. Zehrung, Tovvnloy,
A. H. Smith, Hcesoil, HuH'mau, Wiley, l'tnos
innii mid Mngoou,
Cupt. J. K. Hill went down to Ileal rice
Thursday to bo present at tho coininenco
inoiit excieises of (lie high school. His
charming daughter, Miss Carrie, Is 11 mem
ber of the graduating class.
Miss Kthcl llouo arrived In Lincoln Wisl
noMlay from Ntiw Yoik, where she has been
for a year past. Miss Howo will kjh'IIiI tho
summer with her paieutn, 11 luct her many
friends will Ut pleased to learn.
Nearly 11 thousand persons visitsl Culi
man park Thuivday. Tho K. P. band fur
ulslusl delightful music for the occasion, as
sist! I by 11 number of Lincoln's lut vocalists.
Dancing was also Indulged in by those so in-
A reception will bo tendered Lieutenant
Dudley by the University cadets at tho Sen
ate chamber, state eapitol building, this even
mg, commencing at H-.'M. Invitations have
been issuisl, and the Couilir.K acknowledges
ho receipt of ono.
The uniforms and fnstiiimcuts for tho mili
tary band huvo an i veil, mid p.iit ot them nr
now on exhibition inltho windows of Charles
D.umow's establisliinenl. Tho horns 1110 all
from Ijoudon and like the uniforms, are very
ologaut The land exsfts to give its Hrst
concei t nbniit Juno 10.
A party or young people will go to Wood
liwn tomorrow on a picnic outing. Of
c'iiiin' thei".' will 1st no Hilling. Tho list of
tliepiu'tt not having boon eompleUtl us yet
late last night, wo cannot give it In print
nud K'rliiips, in consideration f the excellent
health we are just now enjoying, don't think
u would anyhow.
The II stris't nine, which can 1st seen al
most any nice evening about at dusk playing
ball, Is becoming finite pioflcleiit hi tint na
tional sport. Tho giune N rather nuo-sithsl,
having no opposition to defeat, but as It It
coiiisied of ladles and gcul lumen, lllstut half
mid half, tho pleasiiro it ispially as gotsl at
1 otuh they had to pla ball to "Miund" tho
oth'r side
Mr. II A. L. Kind, who has lssmwIthO
It Oakley's ilry gcssls lioiistt since Itt estab
llslmient In Lincoln, made a change on Wed
nesday, whereby ho will hereafter be found
with It. II. Oakley, at malinger of the city
0 'Ice, isirnor of Klov. nth and O st-to s. Mr
Kind will make a valuable assistant for hit
new employer, and his many friends aro con
gratulating him on the now position. Mr.
Wilcox, tho former holder of thoMsition who
resigned, left Thursday for California.
The monthly k-m,oh of the Young People's
Society of Christian Kintcnvor of St, Paul's
M K. church was held Wednesday evening.
Tlie program was a very inteicstiug one, ami
enjoyed by a largo nmnlier After oionlug
devotional exeicises, Miis Cora I loach sang a
newl solo, folio wed by Mrs Mauley with an
instrumental solo. Mrs. Dr. Iiwry read a
piicr 011 i-erniveriimv, followed ny a
sketiii of the rise and piogiess of Methislli.111
111 Imgliind, Miss Hince Pershing closing tho
cxoiclsvs with a well-rendered recitation. Tho
entertainment was concluded with a ter,
0 ijoyablo though Informal, sociul.
A numb -r of young folks had a gay time v
('iisliiimn jiark on Ttusulny afternoon, starting
nt -Llio (iVIiK-k p in. in "carry alls" and reach
ing tho city In return alsmt 10:110 p. in. A
most delightful time wns had by all pieseiit,
hut wendvlso Frank Zchrungand Mr Mngoou
to put two or throo oxtra Unties of Olives in
their iusldo iocket when they attend the next
picnic Tho tisinoMif those who composts! the
pirty weio. Mlss. Wubh, Hrunlnger, Uittn,
Hiwklns, Fuiiko, Moore, IximU, Hanly,
Burns, Kolloy, I'otvin, Stout and Jlessrs
Zohrung, Haum, FortMiuun, Hmwn, Hawkins,
Mngocn, Eddy, Thompson, Clark, Hlchter,
Ilelskoll, Stull, Htorrs. Chaieroiiol by Mr.
nud Mix Foster. Klegant refn.hiuents were
served by tho young ladies.
lliirllUKtnii Itnute.
Half nitea to Ht IJills: On account of the
Democrutlo National Convention, Houml trip
T.ckeU to Ht. luls, will 1st on sale by tho
llurllngton Houto from wlnts in Nebrosku
and Kansas, June mvoml to fourth nt one fare.
Limit for return, Juno 11th. P. B. Kustih,
H. P. A.
Specinl attciUion is pnid to
Stt)ck Largo.
AssortiiicnL Complete.
All the New Shades.
All the New Fabrics.
145 South Tenth Street.
Thnt wo keep a general lusorliucnt of
And Gents' Furnishings.
All the Latest styles 111 Collars, and the season's uov.'ttics in Neckwear. FINK
LINKN COLLARS, u'i nx. Call nud sec us l( jou want to get goods In our line
just ten per cent cheaper lliaii at nny other house in town,
BAKER, The Clothier,
1125 O STREET..
Another Lot of those Iilcgant Black
Satin : .R.liaclsin:eis,
At 75c. These goods wo retailed last season for fl.'J'i.
"MOREIiN" is the best tiling in use for Skirts. Come
in and look'at il.
We have the finest line of Summer Underwear and Hos
iery in the city. Have you seen our specialty in India Gua.c
at 25c. ? An elegant line of Party Mitts and Gloves.
1031 O Street.
N. 11. To those hitting tickets 011 our plctuiet- we have rocoiusl
ow lot.
The Pennsylvania Lawn Mower.
the only mower made that will cut hijh ;rass
anteed to give satisfaction. Call and see it.
ine of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc
Antique Finish.
irV ,'' .frfiiB
l'fec$e .fill
Best Construction.
Now Used.
at lowest prices may
And the largest assortment in the city
be found at
RUDGE & MORRIS, u22 N Street.
Celebrated Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves.
i,- . .