Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 02, 1888, Image 3

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Brayago and Moving,
Desires to Inform the public Unit lilt equip
nicnt for moving Household Goods, Piano
Safes, MarchandWc, llcnvv Machinery
etc, U the best in the city men
and Afioto. are kest for the removnl ol
Pianos and Housohild Goods,
Which are always handled by compctatil
and experienced help, and the latest npnll
aiiceH used for handling Safes mid oilier
heavy goods. Call, address or telephone
Tcleplione m Ollicc 017 () s
Philharmonic . Orchestra,
l. lUllKNUW, (. II As.'UMAN,
Musical Plrcttor, Manager.
Oftloo yuuko's Orr'a House, 3d riwr. Front
Will funitoh tlrantl or Sacred music for
ntiil nil othpr .hvomIoih requiring lint-class mimic
tSHoliil roUi will l made with clubs
disilring tlin oheitra for the season,
rates runilxlitHl on application.
We atso desire to state that we have ()ciied n
Conservatory of Jluslo InourupartinentHlnlhe
orient house building, for tlio Instruction on
orchestral instrument. Tuition hoiini: On. m
II 1 noon, and 1 tilt I p. in. overj d iy;oxj.-pi
fliitutiiy. For scholara not able to attend
ar lionrH, sis?lal tlmo will U rIicii
!'ir further information as to prices. Unit. tt
.ll re, or call on t lie manager.
fon.y loiuiod on long or short time at lowe
lie. OfllcB lu HIcIihuIh' lllock, room JU.
Take elevator uu Klrvnnth street eiitrutoa.
N. R. HOOK, M. D.,
i)Ihi:.hi:hof womf.n.
Jrinary and Recta , Diseases a Specialty.
Treat rectal diseases by lUtlNlvF.RHOFF
PAINI.KSS HVHTK.M Oruco, rooms HI. KSinuil
Ml llurr Illicit. Twclrth and O streets Oillce
ssJep'imioMs. Itisslricnco 10 Q street 'I'h'ine, Mi
Orflo" hours, 9 to 1 a. m X to 0 and i! to ! p in
Sua.lays. 10 to It a in
Homajopatliist Pliysician,
Telephone No 6S5.
163 South 1 till .Street, Lincoi.m Nkii
Steam Laundrj
1117 P Street.
Still in tlio rront and absolutely loading nil
suiotiUrs. Tlioroughly wiuippetl ror ths
nettw-ork, giving to each customer an un
qualltlcd guarantee for all work dono. All ot
our work done with neatness and dispatch.
Wo wllcit orders for suburban villages and
nelghliorliig towns, paying the express on all
vders 0110 way. Respectfully,
Old ile ii ipili rnni.iln
. tlin iiuliilixaeiKO of IiIihhI
ihiipoii' Who rnn h.iIIiiv
It, Kllslilliv unt of 0I1I I will
at enri moil siul he
tienltlijr Thwo teeth sre
deait, iilrrmusl, uuli nlthy
titsincn'lv eiin-e s nveilci'l
fsco "Iintllil ii'ildl", Ihi
cxtractiil ami repl" el ultli
cooil, srtlllrld ni'ili 1 1 it
Deveracmi Cnn lieni'nui
rt without i ila Nn hum
The hInivo cut Miows the ti eth of a man 43
yiarsofsge from Dr. Ilell In 1S.II. We meet
vith 1I1U hITi ctlnii In the teeth iu urloii8 forms
And Jem cis. The cuds ot the cruwi s heern
rtfj ndt. having a low (beret-of vitality ami
wear down showing a dark jillnwlsli rupprd
iMu the renter Many are sn foollth as to
' ,hat molar teeth sre of little account,
...I f t theiu vo b default, after which all
lb." fnrce of the iiiiihi les nre extended to the
fr-'tit trelh, urarlnu them down railillr
Mic hct. suit (ii'lv nniedi, Is to cover sad
Millitii the ends ulth ltoIiI and platinum,
b eh wears like steel and saves them mail
inrs We mske a sMirlaliy of tine gold work
nn building tlitiu up, contour Ulllugs, etc
t'uta A and II are from John Totn"s. of Enc
A Twomcifor with uotch.s lu the ends
II shows thu Kg shaped teeth wltbyillowltb
dts lu the eii'ls
for sinn leetn we hare two remedies: Flrd
To rid lie pits lu the tails tilth gold tiec
oinl Kiliarl tlirm and n-plsce them with
srtlliiul both. Hut the hones shsnrb aw
rspidlv so Uiat the; will need resetting fro
Wo make the nncut artificial teeth lu the ;
Aorttiwest ,
We use Justlrs' sud While's patent teeth, 1
with loug, heavy plus, mounted on strooi: ,
elstle pistes. Tlio.e who (alniilz uj will
not be troubled with broken teeth and cracked ,
plates fanner sore mouths, etc.
To loose thu front teeth, Is to loose half'
tho power ot speech, and mora than half tat
best '
OlsttasoJ Cnu.
sfhs Uth turn hlsv ( (pn, i ,
IfkS sllk'tiUsit tonrli, In mln, the Util
Ml out, tui breath U lurrlh e
1SOO O htreoi,
a: Weeds.
kho tat
Osi tMlUpbt Trnimll, ci'( up ill.
BtskM Um UiiMt gold tsnil I'ImIIimiiii
m Ausst Ustti Uiit UiImcco will mil 1
sTlntttflnt Word of til I'nrmrnpliliU.
lilt of Itestdnhln ()nail.
lAdy Colin Campbell has become a Journal
Utlo art critic,
Rosa lloulifltir now goes olmut searching
for studies- In n cutaway coat ami trousers.
Tho Princess of Wnles and her associate
nro setting tlio fashion of wearing u much
Jowolry aa osshli
Queen Victoria traveled through ICuropn
witli to much luggage that It took an hour to
transfer It from tlio train to tlio bom at
Mr. D U Kitift. tlowifnof David Ulce
ter King, attorney and counselor at law at
Akron, O., Is 0110 of tlio fow descendants of
Uoorgo Washington's only Muter, olio Ihiiiir
Hetty Washington's great granddaughter
Mllo. M Ramirez Cortes, of Carls w ho Is
nt present In San Francisco, isu lluonl de
scendant of Hernando Corter, tlio fatnoiw
cotupienir of Mexico. Hho Is about VJ3 years
of ngo, slender and smnll of staturo.wlth Jet
black hair and regular features.
A Hoston woman llfteou years ago tourliod
her toiiRim to munu lyo and btirneil the upor
iildo of It Hnico that Unw ulio has tHen
troubled with ulcers, and rwvntly It beciiitio
neeessnry for the physiclnn to cut hor tonnuo
out. The oieratlou was succtwsfully cr
fonned, mid two weeks later Mia wns ntilo to
talk and mnke hei-N-lt easily undeivood.
Ulln Wheelei Wilcox WTlU-a a Riiiit ilml of
her poetry wiuio Hitting In a rocking chair
with 11 pad of pnper In her lap Very often,
too. her black cat perches Itnelf 011 tlio back
of tho chair and gaiei gmvcly down at lu
mist res while her work U progressing
TwoutghU beforoQiicen Victoria left I'lor-
i'iii-u 11 iK'iiuuiiioii ui rioreiuitiescalloil uon
her and prosoiitcd her with an album con
taining photographs or tho city and lis points
or Interest Tho ipieen telegraphed to Kng
land to have a speech of thanks prepaicd
which Mm will deliver extemporaneously by
Mm. ISrncatlno Bcliairner, of Now York,
upernls tho greater part of her tlmo anil
money In behalf of pi isoners whom slio bo
Hove are wrongfully nccuswL Hha vtslta tho
polleo eoiirta, and where tho hccs 11 man or
woman who hor Judgmiit tells her Is tho
victim or circumstantial ovldonco sho fur
nishes tiall. and at her own expense secures
tho services of n hnvyer So fnr MVa. Behalf
tier's intuitions seem to Imj cornct, and sho
has always won tho case of her proteges,
and has nover lost a dollar by going their
I'ritiro Tilstnnrck'ii w Ifo is said to Ima typical
"linusfrnti," with nover 11 thought above nettv
domostio details. Tho crown prince's w ifo is
or too same r.nturo,
In their oveslt Is llttlrt 1
short or infamous for the empress to itvid
philosophy, al oeato the higher education of
women, mid take nn Intelligent Interest in
tho nlTnirs of tlieemplro and of tho world.
Yet her breadth of Intellect and rorco of
character have never prevented tho cm press
rrom being 11 model wlfo and a model mother
Miss Elizabeth Strong, or San Francisco.
Is tho Ilosa ilonheur of American painters.
At present slm has 11 studio in I'nris. In tho
sixth story of 11 house lu tlio Kuo des Satntv
I'cres, near tlio Seine. It was once occupied
by Paul Delorocho. nnd although a delight
ful place, nrter you ha vo once scaled It dizzy
heights. Is not articularly adapted to tho
wants or nu animal painter Miss Strong
does most of her painting lu tho oen air in
tho lovely country around I'liris. Sho will
send two paintings to tho uaxt salon, both of
Mls Ella Ilussel) writes from 8t. Peters
burg to U E., of The World. London, to re
count all of her triumphs and magnificent
presentsdiamonds, (lowers C100 bouquets)
it seems she wing from November till March
in Warsaw llltydlvo tlinos. In ten dlllcront
oj)orns, and acelvi 11 diamond bracelet,
diamond ring, and album, ami n solid silver
nnd gold ten service for twolvo persons On
March 'St, sho says, sho mado her debut 111
St. Petersburg In "Traviata" with MasliiL
Sho has siuro Ming ten tunes, and iu the
last time presentod witli 11 horseshoe formed
of tea rose buds, in tho center of which thero
was susiicudfd a small bluo velvet box con
taiiimg uuotlier rose, but coiiiK)bcl of dia
monds. Mlstnhes of NrwipupiT Artists.
Recently a New York paKr, in Illustrating
a Wnshiii ;ton article, printeil a cut of (Jen.
Weaver which represented tho lowu Oreon
backer with n full licard. Any 0110 ac
quainted with Oen. Weaver would hnvo had
dilllculty In recognizing the picture It i a
longtime since Oen. Weaver wore whiskers,
ho wears now only n heavy inustncho. i'ho
I nowKHix!r mado a mistake in illustrating tho
I article of today with n picture of ton vrars
ago This mistake not Intrcnuoutly occurs.
There are many western paiH-rs whicu still
Insist iiK)ii representing Senator Iteugan of
Toxils, with u full growth or whukert.
whereas that loquacious tali,man shaves
his face ierrectly clean every morning, mid
tuts done ho ror many yoars.
lleprcM'iitattto Itogi-i'H, or Arkansas. (
another sullerer at the hands of tho modern
newspaper Illustrator Mr Rogers takes 11
great deal of pride in a luxurious growth of
hair winch adorns his upper lip but tho av
erago artist of tho daily prow usually insists
uKn spoiling thoeilcct of Mr Rogers' mus
tache by adorning Ills chin with a huge 1111
erial, which makcti his face about as long as
tho old moral law These little artistic slips
are duo to the fact that tho photographers
palm ofT 011 tho coulldliig newspncr editors
their old stock of photographs. With tliem
it means a serious lluanelal loss whenever a
stutesmun takes It into tits head to change his
outward apisuirauce, cither by cutting oir
his beard or allowing It to grow. Chicago
Hermit's Pwiulliir Munla.
A hormlt who died at Fleming, N J , a
few days ago, had a peculiar man la. ile
iniagtno.1 that pohblos were gold. collocUsi
them by thousands and offered them ror nu
purchases, lie was humored by the good
people or tlio town, who furnished him with
provisions, clothing and fuel enough to keep
iiim comrortablo, in exchange lor his s?t
blcs. lie would never accept anything with
out paying lu pebbles, saying that he was
fabulously rich. Boston liudgcL
lloiiiir of 11 Horse Thief.
Down III North Carolinn a young fellow of
good family was convicted or horse stealing
Ile had Issmi out on bull while tiie case was
Hiudiug and at the end of it cpilelly Lkiu the
train lor lUileigh. presented bltuielf to the
authorities, mid when tho siienlf ot mi
county came up to ivsirt tils disapisvtramsj,
was there in stries lu gnvt linn A horror
or haiideutls in piililu UMid to t the euuse
or such uupMs-edciilod action Now York
Commeii'iitl Advertiser
I'reslitnnl s,.j,. Iteiiiurkiililn Blemnrf.
I'nssident fsisiiye. ot Ainlicrst college. U
glftml with h remarkable iiiemory tie Is
able to Kris-, l.y name evert living gmduats
or t lie collide whom he has ever met, and
rrtwhtnen b iiiih' not Uvn lu college
w.s'U ate sirprised to li.vir the provident
addntss them by their first iiamei. New
Yoik Tritiunt
III Now Myslftm of lenrlilin (lo(rili.
tilTentril t) h I'Mllfiniiln Oonliis Mini
Niuimil tlin "l.lnriil sy.lunt," Dr.rrlbril
ml Its Merit I'nliiteil Out.
I'ho "lineal system' of teaching geogra
phylsihi) Invention of 11 California genius
As will lie msmi from the cut It consist of a
chart or map in which the general outline of
Uim subdivision of tlm country or Its con
figuration am shown, and from these
tho tuuio exact Indications or tho ronflgurn
tlou maybe drnwn. Tim pupil can, there
fore, draw tho various Hues indicating the
general shape of tlio iuImUWsIoiis, and may
af terw ard make tlio mm o oxaet contour line
therefrom, thus gaining knowledge of tho
ln proortlon and general apiHarnnco,
which it Is lniiovslW to obtain from coin
pleted iihiib.
lu tlio cut Is shown mi outline engraving
of tho United Htatca. Tho geneial outHim
only follows tho more fproinlnrnt lrngulai
Itles of tho coast or boundary. The dots urn
placed In such kwIUou that llnea drawn
from tho poluu or dots will show tho general
contour of tho Internal suImIIvinIoiis into
statu Hy thoald or those dots the pupil will
soon learn to construct all the Mihdivlslou
or tho country First, in general out lino by
drawing approximate straight linos through
minute I
tho dots, and afterward the morn
irregularities r contour may Isjlndlcutodby ,
dottisl lines. For InsUnce, the lino .Inflru
r .' . t ......I.I l,..llm.l., I ... Mi.illlinili
i..n...r W...I.I..VI..II lrriliirv lor northern
boundary of Oregon) lu an npproxlnmt
manner, while the dotttsl line. K, would show
tho mora mlmito contour Tlio line, N,
would Indicate tho general contour of tho
coast or Texas, whilo the dotted line, t.
would show tho feature! inoru lu detail.
These outllno charts, explains Scientific
American, may bo permanently drawn iikii
a slato or blackboard, ir they niaj Ihi drawn
oil silica slate, where tho general outline and
dots may bo iHTtnaiient. Coiiiiectliig out
Hum or contours may bo drawn with jicncll
Willi IH.IH.11
.!. 1-1.,.. ln,l.,.,,t .villi,. Il.n lovfill
sin rogress" unl Merwn d erasinl so a to
eavo only tho ,ermaneut outlines and .lota
I '
Snow lis u Itlril Catcher.
A Belgian gaiuckoeor has recently ol a now source of danger to birds from
a rail or damp adhesive snow It uppears
that during cold weather tho birds resort to
tho nearest stream or other body or opon
water ror tlio purjioso or warming their rcot.
Their long tall reathers N'comlng wot, when
they return to the Holds the snow adheres to
them, nnd, as thoy drag it along, the ball
continually Increases In sir), in the samowny
TACHED. that the enormous snowball which boy
sometimes amuse tln-iiuielvcH by rolling up
nro formed After the ball becomes too
heavy for tho poor bird to carry It further,
he must either remain firmly anchored till
destroyed by the cold or birds or prey, or
else. If ho Is fortunate, he may bo able to ro
llevo himself of the weight of snow and his
tail feathers at the same tlmo.
In the cut hero given and reproduced from
Naturo is shown one or these snowballs with
tho tail reathers still attached to it.
A Useful Kiivrliipc
Many inventors hnvo endeavored to Intro
duce enveloes- that cannot bo opened with
out lietriiying tho fact that thoy have been
tampered with Scientific American calls
attention to an enveloiai recently patented in
England that apH'ars t have attained this
object. The II. ip is s cut and shaped a
to bring the point of it t 1 the top right hand
corner of the front side or the envelope,
where tho gummed surface of the llap secures
it to the trout side 01 (lie ciivoIoikv The
ostnge stamp is tiieu llxed over the tlap so
that tho eiiveloo cannot poislbly tie unfast
ened without destroylug tho stamp.
Dbiiiiniid of tlin First Water.
Tills expression, says Jewelers' Circular, do
notes u stone of the utmost purity and white
ness Tho value of diamonds is established
by their weight, clearness and color, hence
u diamond of tho first water, whatever its
size, is worth, obviously, moro than one of
a corresponding weight mid or lesser purity
There Is some appropriateness in tho phrase,
lHcause or tho resemblance or tho purest of
diamonds to tho sparkling or water, as in a
Siiinn Queer Mutant,
Near the Ponto Fnbrlcio, In Rome, the
river bed has yielded a great quantity of
terra-cotta busts, many or which have open
ings, and show within rude representations
of lungs, heart, etc. They are considered
dedicatory gifts in thanks for a leturnto
health, iwrhap? once ploood in a temple or
Itninn of lntritt. t
Pnctinit n tifl It! t nf ittititt nt h linlwhli 1
have Hardly rawivod oven a mention or late
in the medical or the xpu!ur Journals.
A reiiiiinstr'iuce, b.'ietly sigmsl by tlio
physicians of Massachusetts, has Iks-ii pre
sented to the legislature r that state, against
tho pasiugo of any law allowing tho miiiiu
factum of illuuiinailug gas contaiuing moro
than It) h.' cent ot caibomc oxide, iu tho
Intensely x)isouous pn erttesof that element
of ;as uro well known, and lire dangerous to
health and hfo.
Tho elcetm street cars in Ualtimorn have
proven ktilllciently successful to wuruiuta
sysu-matlc ei-riiiient to determine thd ex
pense ol- the whole of the system
Ur J A l.lntner says there are in tho
world tt.'O.onO sH-cir of IllMS'ts UX) of
them lielong to the United Ktates, and atsnit
W.UOO prey upon the prvductinus or man,
7,000 or H,UU0 of Ibettt) being cousidensl in
fruit su.
w 1 ' V s
Amrrlran Mslnr In flontUlirt.
The Mlti In II library In Ulasgow has hit
upon nu original method of ascertaining the
relative spulailty of current eriodlrttl
litoiatutv br etiiiuliiiug the inagatluu tables
t(X) times dm nig 1837, and noting tho porlodl
cuts In the hands of the leaders. Boinn curl
oils results an-111 rived at by this process.
Of course, a Hootch Journal, Tho People's
Friend, heaiU tho list with t)7 times. The
Oraphlu is a good mcotid with U llarMir's
Weekly, Beottlsh Nlglitsand I'lcMilal World
following eliMi with KV Then como llurpcr'a
Monthly and The lllustrateil liudon News
with 01. The Km, IK); Chiitnhcrs'Joiirnnl, Hit
llroad Arrow, ks Vanity Fair mid Truth,
M. 0(mmI iils, N. Kcottish Diuplro, Kl,
Bcottlsh Athletic .lourtial, B), Bcrlhner's
Magazine, HI, HlackwiHsl and Tho Century,
80: longiiiiiirs and All the Year Hound, TU
Nineteenth IVtitui). n, I'uneh, TO. Italllle,
Chlol, and (,uly (all iIiiihi Glasgow comic
paers), 7.1. Muritiy's Magazine, 71. Maenill
Ian, TO. U'linre Hour, IKI, Engineer and
Clciltlcmnu's Magarltie, (VI, Coruhlll, 01.
Saturday lloiiowaml Fortnightly, (Kl, I'lold,
Atlantlo Monthly, and North Ainerhviii llo
vlow, 6'i. t 'lit itliiti leader, 01. HHM'tlor
and Time, fill
It Is ititcivxtiug to nolo tho high (Kisltlon
taken by tin- uierlenn Journals The Haul
Ury Journal has the honor of !lug rend
oncis nud tlniKaiiio with Tho Kntomologleal
Magazine mid The I'ernonal lllghm .lourtial,
'whatever that may Im The Trade Marks
Journal can boast of a cnuploof readers, and
l'lii) Friendly HiK'ietles Journal thlco. The
Vaccination lixpiirci has attmcted but six
tllaswcgluiM. and only four individuals luivo
' taken 1111 intcnt lu their licrcnfler by eon
I mltlng The Undertakers' Journal. St.
I James' (Imj'Uh
I'leliiti. of lliinatil O. MIKIh-II.
Almost the last of the old school of courtly
American gentlemen of letters which did so
much for our literature, Donald O Mitchell,
or "Ik Marvel," as ho is liettor known to
I thousands. Is an Interesting uttulv The old
author Is short of Mature mid small of bono.
with ruddy tinted skin toned to yellow, rlin
"' I"11 neither wrinkled nor roughened by
",'"" 'xK.,ure,, uukc pi i.air,
c,n ''f ""' !' .piantlty or sun
""' " " I niniilHll "-. sillllll,
t"lkllng oti- and mouth made to go with
it Uith hung on smile's puckering strings
uu uuobserviiblo inrm, tlio smooth old conn
try turn of cheek mid chlu, shaggy side w his
kers like wisps hanging fiom an overloadisl
hay wagon, a face old only In not liclug
young and breaking constantly In whole
bunches of smiles.
Ho wears loose, baggy iants, an easy sack
Ctxit, shoes that show they have licen kissing
more honest clay than asphalt, and looks tho
very fae simile or a happy little old Scotch
farmer or gardener, standing beside a wagon
, . . . ,. -. ... ... , ....
'""' " I4'"""' " ' '"' M ""CO Ul IIIIV
"'! Vf, tl.o llrltl-l. Ul... cracking his whip
bin Jokon. a id loving every blndo
I bleat, shear mid low that keeps him company
till ho returns hark "homo." If any other
I nan (no rami rscotcn unigiio addressed you,
you would feel surprised Anything more
unlike 11 college graduate, it writer, oneof tho
most valuable lights of tho American day, It
would be hard to imagine. One looks lu vain
all over the unremarkable ersoii font place
to rest oven the majestic Donald Oraut
Mitchell which has lieeu his massivo door
plato for theso sixty odd yeara. William J.
Kok in Now York Graphic
Tlin Cost of Helm; Kiivrd.
A Chicago iiiathcmnticiaii or nu Inquiring
mind has just completed 11 curious table, tho
data or which are taken rrom tho rejiorU or
the various missionary societies- or that city,
as to the actual cost in dollars and cents that
is necessary to convert each Individual
heathen to Christianity, whether ho bo Chi
cago born 01 otherwise, lie figures that to
"gather in" nu ordinary Illinois fiagan Is
worth 11s h gh as K,:I.
For example, to make a good Methodist or
him costs $'i To Induce the same man to
become 11 llaptlst ftV) must Ihi spent. Con-
I gregntlonallsts como at f t."i To iicrsuudn
1 him to lie a Presbyterian Is woith J(K). to bo
Episcopalian fcKX), whilo before ho Joins the
Lutheran or Catholic church f.TiO must Ihi
expended Outside nations, or course, have
different prices To mnko nn African a
Christian Is worth fH. an Italian, WJ, n
Spaniard, (.Vi, and an East Indian, (CO. Jap
anese, Chiucso mid Jews cannot Ihi brought
to a prosr way of thinking under fN), $U0,
und for the latter race f",b(KJ From theso
estimates it would seem that conversion is nu
oxHnsiu matter, after all, and perhaps Ma
homet may have had sumo such llgures in his
mind when he adopted his famous plan of
conversion witli the sword. At any rate. It
was 11 much clieuiier piorrcilltig, whatever
may Ir said of its morality. Philadelphia
Tim Actual l.os In lluttle.
As regards tlio uiimtMT killed lu regiments,
thu prevailing Ideas aru indefinite or incor
rect, seldom approaching the truth Nor uro
these errors coulliicd to civilians alone they
are prevalent among thu olllccrs and men I
wlio were thero and would lie supposed to j
know All this is largely due to the reckless
ami careless statmeuts too olten made
regarding such losses. The error is a som.v
w hat excusable one, us ueltliei olllccrs nor ;
men hnvo tho means of knowing the actual
loss In uvery engagement They remember,
erhaia, some of theolllclal rcMirts of their I
colonel ns rendered at tlio close of certain
battles, but not all of than These casualty
reKirts, as given in, are divided into killed,
wounded nnd missing, the latter term gen
erally including tho capture.!. Many or theso
wounded and missing return, some of them
1 during their absence die in hospitals or mill-
tury prisons nothing is definitely known
about them at tho tlmo, so tho tendency is
to consider only tho total or these casualties,
and tu time to think or them as all killod or
losU-Col William F Fox In Tho Century.
The I'tipo's .Iiibllnn Presents.
Will Carletou, the xet or the farm and )
flroHldo, wus taken by one or the attendants ,
nt the Vatican to see tho popo s Jubilee pres
ents. Ho says that beside ull tho gold, sil
ver and Jewels, thero are enough slipiwrs to
have shod every popo that ever lived, moro
topboou than a regiment could uso, sofa pil
lows, and clocks galore, while hundreds or
new church Ih-IU nro stacked In the gardeus,
watting steeple rrom which to send forth
tl,elr sl,vcry "UU ihiriwr's Uiuar.
I ronoiiiy of C'orea's Kin if.
Tho Corean embassy lias not lsn alwin, and tho Corcuua were not sick of
Washington or or America. Them were
only Unco who returned, and they did so at
tho request or their king, who had n 1110
m.mtiirv lit of economy Tim 11.1v of the
ordinary ulds was f ID.tXiOa y.vir, nnd of tho
secretary $0,000 Bo tho Corean ruler saves
MO.ouo by his action, iloKton Transcript.
Mattliew Arnold's .'iintiibitliiii.
A liudoii corn.oudeut contribute this
nsu H'i-onal recollis'tlou of Matthew Ar
nold at tho tlmo the latter s eldest son,
Thomas, died, us 11 schoolboy at Harrow
"It was my privilege to be with thotiorcaved
fattier on the morning after Ills Ion, and the
author with whom lie was consoling luuiMiif
ww Marcos Auruhus," Now ors U rapine
And now tend for inspection nt --
John Morrison's
All the Finest Qualities and Lalost Patterns in slock. I have
the finest culler in the city and tfti.irantce satisfaction. Cat
and see my oods and work.
121 North Eleventh street.
I $f
Fine Driving and Riding Livery,
Always ready lor service, day or night.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 1.2 3 N Street,
eals 25 cts. $'K5 pc'
Union - Pacific - Railway,
The Overland Route.
Shoitest and Safest Route to all points in
'i'nlie the i.M-rlanil llyeraml save 0110 day to all I'ncllle coast points.
Itiiiiiiluu Into Union Depots and eiiuuei Hut; with the fist limited trains of all lines for a
points east, ninth nnd south. ThroiiKii tickets on modi-in day coa-hc". lliiKKaiie cliecko
IIiioukIi toili-llniitloii from nil points 1 asi In the t'ulteil Hlates und Canada.
Slccpir acioiiiinodaiioiis ivscrt cd in through Pulliiiaii l'.ilace cars from the Miss u
rltcr to the Pacific coast
i. 13. SLOSSON, Agent.
KM I O Hti-eet, IJiicolu, Nebraska.
First Vlcn-Pi-i-ildeiit.
vHiiTowNX,CiSAi. -QjrfW'f ,1 UflMi
r-'V nffiJR?r'iTtsi? .'WL'f' 4f&'i.SB7''j'
ErfHi vursSrTrTvi yiTTJ''i.t.ffjXiJ
Its control position and cloao
and continuous linou at tormliuil poinw, wcat, Nortuwoat, ana tsoutli
weet, mnko it tlio truo mid-link In that tnuiHContlnontal chain of stool which
iinltoa tho Atlantic and I'acltlc. Ita main llnoa und branchoa lncludo Chi-
cau-o, Jollot, Ottiiwn. LaSallo, Poorln, Gonosoo, Mollno and Rock I aland, hi
Illlnola: Duvonnort, Muscntlno, Waalilntrton, Fulrflold.Ottumwa.OBlcalooda,
Woatlbortv. inwit city. Uob lolnos. Intlliuioln. Wlntoruot. Atlantlo, Knox-
vllle, Audubon, Utirlnn, duthrlo Contro nnd Council Dlutla, in Iowa; aallfttln.
Tronton, Cumori.'i.St. Joaopli nnd Kuiihiis City, In MIsBourl; Loavonworth
and Attdiison, In KnnBaa, Mlnnoapollu nnd St. -al, lnMlnnouota; Wntor
town and Sioux Fulls In Dakota, nnd innny otuor prosperous towna nnd cltlos.
Italsootlors 11 CHOICB OF ROUTES to und fr Jin tlio Pitcltlc Const nnd Intor
modluto pliicos. mnUlnt nil trnuflfors In Union dopots. Fnat Trnlns of tlno
SLEEPINC1 CARS, nnd tbotwoon Chlcarro, St. Josopli, Atchlt n nnd Kansas
Cltyi roBtful RECLINING CHAIR OARS, sonu FREE tc holders or through
(lrut-cluan tlckota
Extondrt wis und southwest fVom Knnsi. Ity nnd 8t Josopb to Parts
bury, Nolaon, Horton, Tipokit, II rlngtoii, Hutohlnaon, WlclilUt, Caldwoli,
and ull points In Southorn N bn oUn Inu rtor I' inBiis und boyond Kntlr
oiunonnor oqulpmont or tho colobrotod Pullman mamuhcturo. Sdldlybnl
hiHtod track of houvy stoi 1 roll Iran nnd stono bridges. All snfoty r.pollunooo
und niodorn improvoinuu Commodious, wolUbullt stations. Colorlty, cor
tulnty, comfortund luxurv uusurod
Is tho fttvorltfl botwo.ui Ohlciiiro, Rock islnnil, Atchlnon. Ktinsns Cltj . and
Mlnuoiipoliju id tt i'uul Tho tourist routoto ull Northern Si'tnnior P aorta.
Its Wntortown Rrunoh TiivorM uo moot productlvo hinds ot h irroat
"whouttind dutry bult ot Northuru lowu, Southwustom Mlnnosotu, nnd ut
Contrnl Dakota
Tho Short Line via Sonucit und Kankiikooofleni oaporior tnotlttlou to truvol
botwoon Cluotnnutl, IndluuiipoUd, Luftiyutto, und Council UUUIb, St. Joseph,
Atchison, Louvnuworth, Kanuud City, Minneapolis, und St. Puul
For Ticket a, Maps, Foldurs, or uny doslrod tntomititlon, apply to itny Cou
ponTlokutOtUuo In tno Uuitod Stutcs or Cuuudu, ortuldrosa
General Manager.
t'llK'VC.n, II. 1.
Skinner's Stables
12th St., bet. P and Q.
Calls for Halls, Parties, etc., Promptly
Made, with Stylish Rigs, Coupes
and I lacks.
Washing 'n
Ass. Oen, Pass, and Ticket Agt. Oen. li an I Ticket Ag
connoction with Eustorn linoa at Chicago
Oea'l Ticket & Vom't Agent.