Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 02, 1888, Image 2

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    PBPiwwpwrai iim l i i"! T -"
w - i amt T" W V
i roiTmftr lffiw.fl&w lrrtiffli iirtiYffli.TimrawgM mmWStolMMMl& M&ii
' T .'.. . -.. 7
n iiiiitko
hey Are I'nvnrcil .Mori' Than
Other riMiilo.
Hill Nye writes n The Now York World
from HI. ,loopli, Mat When I ivAiliod thh
paint )etordii I found hi u ki'livl bokotful
of forwuidod Mvi llm following pumllnr
PraaHm-Aloiig with other good ell lienslnm
pWiuvit to ceo tho liiuii'inltiirliin effort now Milg
nmdotoilrNK'Mmio fonn of null l mid mlnleM
death for our murderers nnd other erlnihmU who
may Iumo In sutler Iho death is'italty Hiieh of.
fori denote a ii'iliKtl nml cull haled society, one
tlmt would In no way coioileiiiuieo thrstlglilel
injur)' in t'li to thn tmwt wloki'dttndotlinl smoke
clgrtivtteiMm thoeloiteil MiUHsi,
As ono good turn ile-em'-i another, nml n by
Minn chance ono nf thio nice, good Intontloticd
people mar, miller an unlock v star, como In con
tact with one of my profession engnifd In hU
rcgularlsiidiioss, you would most ceilnlidy III) a
long fell want If you would huciil souio quick and
jxtlnkxti method fur a criminal to murder hi vlo
tlui. Murder am too often Ilniri'iliijr nml wiltn
fill. Why should thorotiotlio n reform hi Hint
way Hhould yon kindly lend your genlm to lirlp
our profession In Hint wo) )ou would gain the
IsMIng gratitude of Iho iuMlii nn woll nx of
lllllliy limilll.AIIK.
Nkw Yens, Fob. 91, lfii
Jn replying briefly to tl nltou1, 1 will
tnto that no burglar over cumo to my linuso
for n favor nml wont nwny ill-vipiKilnlod,
provided 1 was ntilo to contribute to his
wants ami provided lm wimtnl it In tho right
way, 1 hno never Juiiik.mI on n burglar Iio
lilml liln kick or token ndvnutngo of my
great strength to ilo lilm up,
Whiii i n burglar It In my honio lm In my
guest. If lm I willing to tuko tiling n Iio
llnds them ho will have no trouble with mo.
Hut I liollovo tlmt, in n cIiim, burglars urn
nlrcndy favored moro than other jHiiplo.
lhirglnr presume too much, 1 think, Do
caiiso thoy hnvo froo oiilrooniid carlo blniirho
to tlm ilrnw Ing room of our best people, thoy
want tho earth nml mnko themselves ill
AKrtvahlo. I do not wish to Imrttho ftvlliiKx
or my i ivKmtlont, wpccJally if ho takos
tho jwor nwilnrly, Imt for ono 1 iim Boliif
toimlt )rotoctliiK ami fotitvrlitK tho lufaiit
iiiiliintry of Amrrloan InirglnryiiR nnlnst
tlioiKiiiiH-rlmrglarof Kurvin1. lxt w Rot
our tiurt;lliiK '1" I'J" Hm l"1" mill ohwiHiit
incthiHK U't our ImrKlnry tako Iti linuctH
in compotttlou with thntof vlfotuuioiiitrchloit,
just oh evorythliiK olso will liavo to ilo uoniu
tlay In tlmiiicmitliiiolilonot iixMMitoilo
nuytliliiK la miowHimpor way tliat will look
llko. an atti'init to ivtalu tho Imrnlar oto.
I-ot tho burglar niHtlo for IiIn nmiros tho
way 1 ilo nml tho way other workliiKinon ilo.
I know that Imrxlnra claim thoy ai-o jKwrly
jialil liocunxotholr work kivi tluniiupiilRlit
so much, hut mnvKiH'r inon havo to work
iilghtK aluu, ami tmloss thoy can roll n pro
croim luirRliir onci In u whllft thoy havo a
Lanl row to hoo.
And what havo tlio burylam over dono for
mo that 1 Hhould now lo called upon to ail
Yimou their luteiWHt
When thoy hml no other placo to ro, havo
thoy not nlwiiyn felt frvo to como to my
liouto? Atid how havo thoy ivwaiiled my
liofqiltalltyf When thoyvout through my
liouw last year and found a, condition of
thing which would havo moved tho stoniest
Lrart, what did thoy do! Thoy Molou valu
nlilo autograph allium w had Imvii i-ent
mo to write in, and I had it to jmy for. Tlioy
took a volimlilo mulnolla which I had lior
rowiil a fow years iiro, and which I liitoiukxl
torcttimto tho owner after u wlillo, Thoy
ato Homo cold llw and borghum which had
been not axldo for the umi of other guosts,
nnd then thoy loft tho gatn o)eu o that ihiwv
got in mid ato up my lima lieant.
Now I am asked to mo my inlliicnco in tho
direction of lietter wind hag facilities for
burghm ami n more ivllalilo tylo of rapid
traimlt between tho tax jioyer and tho Now
In yoan pat 1 will admit that I wa run
ning for ofllco n gixil ilivd, and I had to do
things that would retain tho burglar vote,
but now I nut llrm In my convlctloiit ami
utpokcu for what 1 dellovo to Ihi right. A
man engaged in trying to lio IiUowiiruo
cosfcor In tho jxirtfollo of jiiKtico of tho poaeo
JsnotafixH) moral agent. HUmoreorlc&i
0 In other oIIIcih, but It li enpeclally so with
n Justice of tho peace.
I now propo-io, with tho help of tho Ameri
can peoplo and an earncht, manly effort on
my part, to shako off thoMurglar and como
out and tako higher ground. Henceforth mj
volco will bo heard In moro or lev) itcutoria:i
toues In tho Intoiitn of Inimanlty, Pros
porous burglary, which got a hocond trial,
will lio lvgnnlcil tho samo w lew fortunato
petty larceny, which got ninety day.
HuTKlars who may havo voted for mo In
tho old days aro hereby notified that tho auto
graph album and limn lioatu offiet that no
couut, and that It in my euriutt wish, m far
as It U in iny power, diuiug tho reiiuilnlng
years which may lw grantnl mo, to live
down nml forgot tho dark and deviou days
when I was in ix)llticn. I ocliovo that easier
and moro ialnh met hixU for tlio adminis
tration of capital puiiUhment will noon bo
perfected, whereby a man who hioxccutod by
tho law will not bo entitled to any moro
glory of flowon tlinn one w ho dies of pneu
monia. To that cud I am willing to work.
Vhon that in aecoinpllhod I will ilo vote my
halting powers to tho further amelioration of
our race. Hut tho burglar has no further
political claims on me.
Men who vUlt Now York from a dlstonco
desiring to purehnw greenbacks at forcetl
alo or to obtain gold brickn of tluwo who aro
compclleil to noil them for a mero nong, will
always Ik ameliorate! I oolong ok my good
right arm shall not forget her cunning.
I am willing to do what I can for tho pro
motion of Helenee and tho painless pulling of
burglant, but this 1j as far as I would go.
Moreover, I hope that our correK)iidenoo
will not contlmio any longer, llurglars who
pleased and entertained mo when I was la
politics havo long fctneo ceased to do so. The
truth of tho matter is that while all other
professions havo mado rapid progrc, )Kli
tics and burglary aro Just where thoy woro
100 years ago.
Ono reason why burglary has not mado
moro rapid strides I bcliove to bo because
burglars do not advcrtlso. Thoy roly solely
upon their insight and keen penetration. Tho
result Is that burglars and burglary havo
fallen off. I do not bcliovo in trying to help
a , profession so abundantly ablo to help
Bill Nrt
Leap Year In Florida,
LauraOeorgv, my lve for you
Ocorgo Kiigugh, Laura, deart I will
always bo n brother to yoa, but Ufa
lie Yiirnril thn Tnlilio.
Omv mi a tiino. voium young HVcuchnif n
rtarteil a Jourunl On tho day after tlio np
penraiH'oof the tlmt iiiiiiiIht thuiilllai wa
vMliil liv a little. Moot mail, neatly ilrtwwil,
with cotton "o-i, mid an air of nlmplo giKl
llntuiM Ilo iNilltnly imked for a copy, Uisee
tlio Htylu of the i'r, at ho had tlio Intention
of MiilMcrtlMiii: (r "(Jlvi thngciitlo
tniiu a ntpvi" crlixl .lulot .Norliic, the iilltor
Tin IIIIIh iniiii lliauliiil lilm, IkiimiI nml loft.
Next wtvk ImcU ho wan again. "Not luul for
a Hot iiiiiiiIh'I-. not had." ho wild to the clerk,
"imiM mi' ir It IioIcIh oiiu" "Wo liiiposo,''
Mild Iho clerk. "Well, well, sir, " ho replied,
"I am m the dry giNxN luiiiineiw, I am, soma
llil:iH hit giNMl at lllt. hut fadit I will aub
mm'IIhi -f t lm color stunilH," "(llvo thcgcntlf
iiiiiii iiihiiIhm' lwo' crleil thn editor Nino
ilinoHdld iho dry giMMUmuii return, andnino
ilini" did ho get a iiiiiiiIht for untiling On
tlm tenth ik'ciixIoii Noriao was there when he
callitl. "Very good." wild the dry rinmIp
man, "I lilo it, Jos, 1 like It, ami If It kccm
lit color In thH number I will hiiIwitIIki next
tlinn." "Oho tlio gentleiuali two copim,'
said tho iilltor, then, taking Ihu eilllorial
wIhsoi-h, in deliberately aiprnachoil tho shop
keeMr ami cutoiiinf tho tut) of his frock coat
a fipiaro of cloth "What on earth mo you
doing'" ho exclaimed "Taking asnmploof
your goods" Mid Norlae, "and if It keeps Its
color I will buy a piece." Tho Argonaut.
lleturi'ii Two lliiiigeni.
"Do ye reckon that (liirflold will cut any
llguro In the Kepuhllcati convention this
jearraskiil Mr. ThltleK)il, iiiixiotisly "I
don't Rt-oiii to m-o much mention of him In the
"(mill. I.I' Wlij, man nllvo. Oarlleld's
been ilwnl IIiom' live or six yearsl"
"That mi(" querleil thu old man, with r,
eiinnliig, liicmluioiiM Imik. "hu really did die,
"Why. ofcourne, man. you must bonslocp
Country didn't talk of anything eli for ifforo
"Well,' said tho old man, "1 remember
seeing all tlio ikiihts In black borders and big
hcnilllticrt nliout It, hut I didn't know I
never read pant ttiu hciuilliicN whim Ihoy
sound very Mnrtllu . for sura's I do 1 get
caught In noma potent inedlclno or Inntimnru
or soap ndvcrtlM'ineut, I'm n llttlo loo can
tlous, moblio, lutt every tlinol breakthrough
this rule I get caught. Bo Ourllold really is
deadf Well, well, wellt and liore I've been
n-plmuur invheir all IliU tlmo on belli' tho
only man in America tooMunrt to git caught
by tho advertislu' man, Well, well, well."
Ami ho looked mi humbled as ho went out
that no man had the heart to cast a stono
ufter lilm. Uurdetto in llrooklyn JJagla
A lllblUiil AilvertUer.
Kor tho bouelli of UiokowIio abhor prin
ter's ink ns tho prime factor to the advance
ment of their Intercut, wo will stato Hint
Samson (thu Strang iartyi was tho llrst man
to udvtrtlMi. He took two solid columns to
deniomtrnto his strength, nnd kovend thou'
Mind iieople tumbled to Ids scheme, Ilo
brought down tho house, Covington (Ind.)
IVoplo's l'a)ur.
Itetlrlng rroin lliislness.
Young Woiiian (blushing violently) Aro
you tho gentleman who has charge of tho ad
vertising ilcNirtmunt of tho upor, sir!
Clerk Ye, miss, what can 1 do for you!
Young Wonian 1 er want to advertise
a a second hand type writer for sale, I
shall have no further use for it, Till Ilita
llii of tin. Shop.
Visitor 1 should think that tho proprietor
would havo mora consideration for tho fool
ing of Ids editors limn to como in nnd tear
around; llko that,
Managing IMitor That wasn't tho pro
prietor. ThntV thu ImM'Imll reK)rtcr. I'itts
burg Chronicle.
On the Way lit Colorado Springs.
Algernon (hi llrst Western trip) Aw, I
suppose you no a good many queer people
'round here, don't youf
Native Waal, yes, stranger when tho
trains from tho oast come in. Life.
Understood Ills Hnalness.
Grocer's Clerk Mrs. Do inch's order this
morning contains the word sugar, but does
not say how much.
Oroccr-What elso docs she order!
"Nothing else except ten boxes of straw
berries." "Bond up a barrel." Omaha World.
A 1'iMir Prospect.
Buffalo Jim Hollo, Tenderfoot, what air
yoa-doin' out here!
Teudcrfoot I nm an undertaker, and wish
to find a good point for starting business.
D. J. Move on. then this point wont do.
Wo haven't n singls doctor in the camp.
Ooorgla'Crackcr. '
Boy Want a, boy, sir!
Ilobson What fori.
Boy Why, tor pay f3 n week to Saturday
Ilobson For doing what!
Boy Why, fur waiting all tho week for it.
A Cllntntlc ImproTemenU
Montreal Lady (to American financier)
Do you uot find our Canadian climate rather
cold, Mr. lloodlerl
American Fiuuncler Oh, not at all; It
screes with ma 1 left New York because It
was too warm for mo there, Texas Hlftings.
A German John.
Daughter Monunn, tho chimney sweep on
tho roof tho house bos Just kissed hu hand to
me. Mother How shockingl llun at once
to tho bedroom and waih yourself. Der
' An i:iuplmlicd Trntlt.
"A man should always bo ul lowed to pick
his own friends," cays a writer This is
especially true when one's friends havo tcn
tarred and feathered. Burlington Froo
llvldrntly l-oer.
Wife Which bull club U-at today, John!
Husband (dejuctedlyi Tho other one,
Tlio lighter the go tho heavier the bills.
Daiuvilla Brtxue. '
W KQamti&i -iaK -s4r-
?towmffi:fSi Jmim rM
A TomiK'ter Who Crawled Out nf n
Intuit lloU.
Papa hail iMiught tho Cyclono nchettof
tool nuil hud liiltiatiil hint Into tho mynterles
of H'tvw lrlvlug. Hhortly afterwanlt ho
miw tlm llttlo follow- banging a fcrow Into a
box iim hard an ho could with a hniiimer
"What did I tell mif That Inii't tho way
to put in a with. What Is that Mlot In tho
head forr"
Tho Cyclono looked guilty for a moment,
then brightened up and n-pllivl:
"To lake II out wltli."-l'lillnili)lpliln Call,
Nnllli'l.iilly Idrnllllr.l. I
A friend of initio was teceiitly ruitlratlng i
In it nolghlKirlng town with his llttlo four ,
year-old Uiy. The child sMint luiirly nil of
his tlmo with tho town telegraph oMrator, '
the attraction there to tho child being a
large Newfoundland dog. Tho icrator left
the Imy In charge of tho olllco ono day, while
ho attended to winio urgent biiKlnem, nnd to
niiuiMi Iho llttlo fellow plaetnl In his hands n '
largo brass Instrument, tho proitcrtyof tlm
town baud. During tho oierator'H absence
tliolMty mado Mich a riiiiipus with tho lnuil
cal liiNtiumeiit that the bauilmiuilct' iiihIhkI
In, and in towering tones deliinudeil of the1
llttlo lUIIIK-Clltf
"Who gave you that T'
Tho bright lioy, not knowing tho oiierntor's
iiamo, repilisli
"Tho dog's m)(i gave It to mo," Ban Fran
cisco l'ost.
U'uiilit llmK II I si s A;iiliii.t .NiitiKiin,
Holiad Ihs'ii illMciisslug the Hulllvali
light with niiiui other boys of his own age.
Thoy had been reading a xperting pajicr, and
had found out alxiut Hayors ami lleouau, uiu)
ivlvbratoil prize lighters who woro dead.
"1'itlMi," he wild, "iIihw every body go to
heaven when ho dlesf"
"Well, not exeryliody; gooil Koplo do."
"Was HauiMiii a good man!"
"Yes, 1 glli-KShO."
"Do you think Tmn Hnyem and lloonan Is
In heaven ("
"I don't know. I shouldn't wonder.''
"And If 1 dlo I'll go to heaven!"
"Ihoiow). Why do you ask these cpjos
tlonsl" "Cm when 1 go to hen von I'm goln' to back
Hulllvali against Haiiibon." Han Francisco
llie Other I'Hrt or It.
One of tho members of a west kIiIo family
Is a -I year old Iniy. His aunt liana habit of
being laU. for break fast. Two weeks ago
yesterday, lioing tlio llrst of April, tho young
hoHful was Instructed to give a false sum
moan for braakfast at a very early hour, and
toll her to hurry, and when sho was coming
down to say "April fool." Ho gavo tho call,
and us his mint ciimo down ho was observed
by the other members of the family standing
at tho foot of the stairway and absorbed in
thought, "Why, Oeorgle," said his mother,
"Why don't you soy itf" Tliero was a mo-
menUiry jmuse. and then looking up the boy
said! "What was that fool's other name
Ton Much 1'iin AtterwitnU.
Harry's mother, having heard for somo
llttlo tlmo what wemed to Ihi a moaning or
crying in some distant part of the house, had
a scarab mado and found In a remote, very
small and ixrfectly dark closot, thu family
dog, loo by name, shut In, with scarcely
room enough to turn around. How did ho
got there! Why, Harry had shut him up, of
cournc. Harry was summoned and ques
tioned: "Why did you shut Ixst in tho clonctP
"Oh, 'causo he'd fool m good when ho got
lotoiitr lloston 1 ronserlpt.
Soutewliiit tlxeil.
A llttlo girl n tho lower part of this city
wna playing "tea imrty,", and a gentleman
who was present objected to several of tho I
imaginary viands which she brought him,
complaining that thoy wero poorly cooked,
too salt, stale, etc. After several eirorts to
please lilm the small hostess lost her juttience,
and, laying down a pinto of mythical dain
ties before him, exclaimed In a petulant tono;
"Kat what's that and you'll get mora a while
ago." Tills rather equivocal offer la now u
dinner byword. Kingston (N. Y.) Freeman,
Tlioimlit tin 1 1 ml It IllKbt.
A Miiall boy liegnn his regular pmycr In
Ids regular way:
"Now I lay mo" nnd there ho stuck
"Down" said his mother, prompting.
Whereupon Johnny set olf again with great
alacrity mid (money:
"Dowucamon blackbird and tilppod olT
her novo!"- llo,toii Transcript,
An I'tliT Inipnnallilllty.
A little child in one of Albany's public
schools wns rebuked tho other day for using
ashing expression and excused henvlf by ro
plyingt "Well, my brother said it," Tho
teacher said: "Your brother ought to lie
moro careful of his language" "Oh," said
tho llttlo ono apologetically, "you know you
cau't stop boys from bringing slang luto tho
house. Can your Albany Express.
i'orce of Unblt.
Old Iiidy (to railroad brnkomnn) How
toon does this train start for Bhackunckt
Brnkcmnii Not for two boursyot, madam.
Htcp lively, pleaso. Life,
It Annual Until.
Tho rivers of Minnesota have nearly nil
overrun their Winks, and tho state is largely
un er water. At present writing, tlien, it
may bo supposed that ntmwphero which Is
"so dry you do not feel tho cold" is taking iti
annual Ituth. Chicago Times.
A Hare Tnleiit.
"A very clover girl that stupid Miss Dlum
who Just went out."
"Clover? Why, sho never opens her
"That's whero slto's clover." Life.
On the Quiet.
Waiter (In volco that reaches tho desk)
No, sab; wo nln't 'lowed for ter tek no fees,
salt. (In n volco which does not reach the
desk) Drop him on tho flo', boss, Tidbits.
A Might ViwUtlon.
About soveu years ago Oeorga Vf Mitchell,
of I'ulatkii, Kla., fsltlng against n cactus
tilant, onn of Its thorns entered the calf of his
leg Sovernl weeks later the thorn was with
drawn from n welling on his chin. This
story Inn wulcoiiiu change from tho old news
paicr Item iilwuit a gli I running a iuimIIo Into
her thumb which cu until her no aln until
six years siilmiiuently, when It was removed
from thu ankle of her brother In-law, but It
Is nliout as hard on n mini's credulity. Nor
ristowii IIornliL
I'opiiliir IMii) llliistrnted.
-Tid niu
Thin ReiiMin's I'lrst I'luli l.le.
Mr. Thomas had a large farm on tho Mis
sour I bottoms near Kloux City It was all
fenced with barbed wire, there Itclng two
tulles of such fencing on tho place, lie hap
pened In Sioux City Just about the tlmo that
tho gorge up the river had damned the river to
such a prodigious height. Forsccing that
i when thu gorgo broke It would be likely to i
rnlso tho water to such an extent ns to Mood i
his farm he rode hastily homo nnd mado I
j preparations accordingly ills stock and nil '
I that was movable was transferred to higher i
' ground. Then ho and his hired man pro I
cccdcd to luiale small chunks of meatou '
every barb of that wire fenco. It was a big
, Job, but it was finished Just as tho river lie-
gautocovci .ho loner tasturo lot.
I For twenty -six hours tho water stood five
feet above thu top of tho highest fenco post, 1
i and when It 'receded tho most remarkable
1 sight was revcaloiL From ovory twirlp, ox- I
cept three, of that two miles of fencing hung
i a llsli. Tliero wero pickerel, bass.
plko, )
suckers, nmlovcry other imnglnablo variety
A simple calculation will show prcctsoly the
size of the haul. It was a five wira fence, each
," '(l "" , enn tel vou o!
"?.?,'" , .?1V.!B.V ?. ..". T-5
14JUM W, ,W,W .((, H9 l. VIIC bU lt(U3 Ul
fencing. Tliero wero threo barbs that hud
caught nothing, so that tliero were only
115,1117 lUlu i'urhaps the most remarkablo
part of tho story Is to como: From that day
to this, in all parts of the Missouri river,
there havo been caught Just threo fish, tho
exact number that didn't got caught on our
friend's barbed wtro fence. Iowa Falls Reg
ister. A PropnauL
no walked Into n Woodward avenuo shoe
store and asked to sco the proprietor Imme
diately "Well, sir!" queried tho latter.
"1 stole this mir of shoos hero last night,"
said the man in a vlrt.viua tone,
VAht You dldl And you found you had
a conscience after all, in spito of your many
otrorls to 1:111 It, so you came to return them ;
UIUj cjnlm t, llslm reward for honesty."
"Oh, no," said the tramp, with a surprises!
air; "I thought you would bo kind enough to
exchnngo them. These are two and n half
Rlzcs too largo. Tho fraternity all know me
asKmnll Footed Jim." Detroit Free Press.
Tlte Itefresliineiit.
"Can't I bring you un ice, a cream, a cup
of chocolate or a llttlo refreshment of soma
kind!" risked n lloston blue blooder of a girl
from tit. l.ouls witli whom lio had been
j "1 don't know," she said with becoming
hesitation, "you are real kind, nnd 1 am
I nwfully obliged, I hate to trouble you."
"No trouble at all, really not tho least,"
"Well, then, you may bring mo a quarter
no moro, please of custard pie, aud a glass
i of lemonade. If you'd bo so kind." Detroit
j Fret) Pros. ,
A Sure Thing fur the future.
"1 see by a scientific pnper that this
country is destined to furnish fuel for tho
world before long."
I "Whyf"
1 "Tho coal fields of tho United States aro
practically Inuxhaunibla, while those of
other coimtries nra almost worked out."
"Then 1 havo a great dual of sympathy for
the world, it will be bankrupt iu a few
years." Omaha WorhL
Tito Timid Witness.
Judge Tho witnaa will raiso her right
hand nnd bo sworn.
Witness Will your honor please do me a
Judge What is it, madam!
Witness Won't you lota coiipto of wit
nesses be swoni with mo! Cm so timid and
nervous that 1 don't llko to be sworn alone.
Texas Blftlngs.
AVorUeil Llko a Charm.
Doctor (who bos beou taking a dispensary
patient's tcinpernturai Now, my good wo
man, how do you feelf
Patient leyeing the thermometer with con
siderable awoi Much bettor, thank yo. 8uro
an that's a wonderful thing that'll help a
body so quick I" Judge.
No Cutisa for Complaint,
Editor's Young Wlfo My dear, you must
pardon me for coming down In a wrapper
this moniing.
Editor Dont mention It, my love. Some
Of our most valued exchanges come to us in
wrappers. Burlington Free Press.
A Natural Snppoiltlon,
Josh Oeohaw Bay, mister, is there a cir
cus hero today!
"No, what made you think so I"
"Ain't them clowns comln' up tho streetl"
"Those! Why, they are students In lawn
tennis suits." Now Haven News.
Heavy Artillery.
Bagloy I too ttintall tho great guns they
aro building nowadays aro rilled.
Oogley Not alt Homo of tho 'great guns'
of society ttiut I have talked to lately are
nothing but "tanootu twros." ljfo.
Tlio r.itremc
Moliol la stranger In lowui Is MaudoIL'ilj
n girl who cure much tor stylet
ilamie fitylo I mould think to. Why,
they say the affected thing eats her meals oil
a fastiiou -.No" tlnveii News.
Wild nnwnrs and Ittish Ilmliels Usufnl
Mints About IIbiirIhk l'ntr.
Wild flowers, masses of primroses, daffo
dils, wood violets and wild hyacinths or
lilies of the valley aro tho favorites for
drawing rooms of highest fashion abroad,
Even tho marsh marigolds aro lioatitlful In
olear glass tmwl and globes used as flower
holders. The wood flowers are kept In ru
tlo receptacles, baskets and hauiiers of nil
peeled willow or the plaited rush holders
from tho Norfolk broads. In mentioning
this charming fashion American Oanlcti nf
firms ns a singular fact that, with all their
doxterlty, American women never tako to
manufacturing ornamental ware by hand
Thoy can paint everything from thn town
pump to the stove stopper garnished with a
knot of "hand allitcd" daisies on tho black
leaded surface, but thoy will not weavo rush
baskets, although the work is ns easy as
braiding mnt
I'npwr Hanging.
Not n fow housekeepers who occasionally
try their hands at paKr hanging, will be
glad to know how to mako fine smooth paste
for that puiH)so, Four h)uiiiIs of llour ill
make enough for n room requiring eight or
nine rolls of pnper Dent tho flour to n stilf
batter with clear cold water Thru our
boiling water upon thu batter (which should
bo Inn vere I large enough to contain two
pnllfuls), stirring briskly The batter will
swell and chango from wlilto to n ycllowith
tinge, when no mora boiling water should lie
injured in and the uisto Is mnda
If sizing Is necessary to make the paper
stick to walls, add eight ounces of dissolved
gluo to u pailful of hot water. I'm tin sizing
on with a whl uwash brush, taking care that
It goes over every part of the wall and that
top and bottom aro iwjHwlally well sired,
When this preparation lias Kirtly dried hung
tho pnper with posto in tho usual way
llnimtm tlelly.
Dnliaim Jelly reprasentcs a delicious nml
very pratty use of this fruit for a dessert,
Roak two ounces of gelatino ill half a pint of
water for twenty minutes; add two cups of
i wlilto sugar, tho Juice of four lemons undone
orange, takingcaru to romovo seeds, pour on
three pints of boiling water and strain
through u cloth. Feel six bananas and cut
into thin slices. Pour a llttlo Jelly into tho
mold and when it has set hard enough to
hold them, cover with slices of banana; when
cold add another layer of Jelly and banana,
and so on till the mold is full, l'ut on ico
to harden.
flood Tiling for Ilreakfiut.
A housewife gives tlio following culinary
Frizzled bam Is quite ns iinlatablo as frls-
pliul twuif la (it-iTiiiriMl 111 tin, ciitun lvnv ntirl (
nu ,,onomlcnl "" of tho hock.
Delicious breakfast fritters aro mads of 1
heaping cup of cold rice, 4 cups of raw
ceroallne, J cup of prepared tlourt 1 tea
spoonful of salt, cup of milk or water with
a toagpoonful of condensed milk, 3 eggs;
beat the eggs, add salt and rice, Uoat until
smooth, add milk, llour, etc, and fry on a
hot grlddlo.
HturTril l"cc-
For picnics and other outings eggs with ,
sardlno filling will Im found a popular ro-
frejhmcnt. Doll four or flvoeggu till quito '
hnrtl, lay them in cold wnter, shell and cut ,
them in halves crosswlso, carefully retnovo I
tho yelks and cut tho tips off tho whites, so
that they will stand in a dish. Put tho yelks
In a Itaslu and nib up with thorn n small .
piece of stnlo bread crumb slightly soaked in i
milk, and two wnshud, boned and flnoly '
minced sardines. Add a very llttlo oil, vln- i
egar, pepper and salt. Mix ull well together,
(111 tho whites with tho mixture, und keep in
a cool placo till wanted.
haliiiiin und I'ntnto Sitlnil.
A refreshing but sulistantlal dish for lunch
nt this season is tlio following) Tako ono can
of salmon from which skin nnd bones havo
lioon removed, chop, when cold, threo large
toiled potatoes and mix them with the fish.
Hub smooth tho yolks of three hard boiled
eggs, season to taste with mtutard, popper
nnd salt, add two tablospooufuls of cream
and one gill of vinegar Pour this div.sslng
over tho fish and potatoes. This may cither
bo served by itself or Icttuco leaves can bo
placed around tho edgo of the dish contain
ing tho salad nnd served with each portion.
rrvnrli Draped I'urnltiire.
Very fasblonoblo Just now Is French
drnpod furniture, of which tho "dlroctolre
stand" represented In the cut is an example.
This graceful stand is In mahogany cov
ered with a circular mat, which is secured to
the top and ftnishod off all round with a
drooping vaudykod valance, sach vandyks
being edged with ball fringe nnd decorated
In the center with scrolls or flowers In ap
plique work, in keeping with tho wreath
adorning the top. Puffed bows nnd Irregular
festoons aro arranged to fall between tho
slits of the Vandykes, and aro made in plain
Roman shoetiug.
Domettlo Keonoray,
Tho beet broom Is of light green color,
which Indicates that tho material is of the
best flexibility and toughness. Tho cheap
broom oorn is of n sickly yellow or lomon
Old china needs tho greatest care, both In
washing aud drying. Too hot water may
crack it. Luke warm water and soap are the
best things for china, and it should also be
rinsed in lukowarm water.
India matting Is largely used iu summer
rooms. Tlio stains, If auy, may removed by
a layer of wet fuller's earth, well rubbed In,
and left for u fow days, wlion it can be
washed olT, and the stains will havo disap
peared. Study tabira, desks, etc., covered with
leather, may 1st restored to very much of
their original freshness by rubbing a little
vosollno over them with a soft rug. book
cases with glass doors should be opened occa
sionally, as the books are otherwise apt to
got damp
JCSIfpniiTi pyn.nnrr.nfi.l)
The Wrst Hhnro Is tho onl lllin-liatrsl msps
slno imiIiIIkIuiI on tlic I'nclnc count, nd nM
from Its rxrnllcnt lltersry festiires, its olijrct Is
to convey Information, by liolh ien sml kiicII,
of tho great rrsources of this region, and Um
progrcM of tlirlr ilcvelopmcnt.
Hccis1 llliiKtrntril nrtlclrs sppesr In cscW
l!U0 J lo, several pnges of notes of tho pro
press being mado In etcry section. Oregon,
WMhliuton, Iitsho, Montana, Alnnks, Utsh,
California, llrltlah Columbia, nml tho Pacific
Northwest In central, aro Itelnc lllostratftl.
Tlio subscription price Is only tain. It Is not
onlr tho chcnpcit lllimtrsleil mairsrlne in the
Unlliil S(a(es, but contains articles and en
gravlngKof great Interest to every resident of
this iTjIon, which can not be' foonil in any
other publication.
HuliBcrlbrrs for IfW rcccb-o a hrge mpplo
mc nt every month. Tho first one Is n lienutl
fill oleoi;rapli of tlio " Kntrnnce to tho Colum
bia Hhcr " printed In nine colors, anil each
nf tlio others represents fomo fcsluro of our
mtillmo scenery. Tho sniplemenls sro slono
worth moro thin tlio price of the tnagsrlne.
Try It for lHNrt, and after reading, send It to
your friends elsewhere Yoa will find it both
eutcrtalulug and Instructive
L. HAMURU I'nblUhcr,
171-173 Second 8t. I'ortland, OregoB,
Atchison, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas
City, St. Louis and all points South,
East and West.
"The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons,
Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal
points in Kansas.
JTlio only road to the (ireat Hot Springs
of Arkansas. I'ui.i.maw .Si.kki'kkk anp
Fkki: Kkclinis'h Ciimk Cars an nit
City Tkt Atfcnt, (,'cn'l Aj;cnl.
Cor. O and i2tli SK
i wiiHiiiidnni'iiilex Vine mile of tliorHiighly
iiliH'd roiid In Illinois, Wieonstn, Iowa,
Missouri, Minnesota nnd Dakota.
It Is the llet Dlreet lloii'i' Im-Iwi .-it nil the
Prineiwii I'o'nlH 111 tho Northwest, Koitthwest
and Far West.
hor iniii, tlinn tabic, rates of pnssinro and
frcluhl, etc.. apply to n urest station agent ol
Ciiii'.win, Mu.wai'Kkk .v -t. Paul Uaii.
wav, or 'o any Hallroid Agent any when' la
tin w or d.
riein-ral M'tr'i. Uon'l I'iikm. AT'Ul Agt.
.Asst.tieu'l Mgr. A st. (i- P. AT. Agt.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
f"0""Fnr Informiitlon In reterenee to bands
md I'ouiim owned by tlm l'lileiu;o, Mllwiiu
UeoA Ht. I'unl Hallway ('niiipiiiiy.wrllii Ut II.
M Ha ro v, jin. ('omii)i--iiom-r. Mllwnukrv
Fremont Elkliorn & Mo. Valley
Trains leave 0:fida. in and l'J:'-i ji.m
Tun Ki.KiionN Vaixev Link.
To free bonies In Kortiiwilem NobnwiWs s.
Southwestern Dakota,
To tho lllnek Hills nnd tho Hot HprlngH.
To D-ntnil Wyoming real and on fUUds aa
cattle ranges.
To Chicago and tho Hist.
To Ht. Paul, the North and Kortbwit4.
For flintier Information Inquire of
(1KO. N. FOUKHMAN, Agent.
1 15 tioutli 10th street, - - Mncola-
W. V. Fitch, J.K. I1ociuhi,
acneral M'gsr. flen'l rasa. Agt
Missouri Valley. Iowa.
( triTAL. Btocs $a00O.
aw Mosher, FnwIiUnt. W.J- Walsh, V-F
It. O. OnicAlt. Cashier.
The Shortest, Quickest and Best
Route to
Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City,
Si. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington,
Baltimore, New York and Bostos.
tYTTor further Infonnutlou. folders, etc.,eaH
ou or address
, , II. (1. HANNA.
Olty Ticket Agent, Cor. O and I2Ui bU.
l I) BAUOOUK, I)i)K)t Ticket Ageut.
"z 'Ji z"-iAm,