CAPITAL CITY COURIER Vol. 3. No. 2G LlNCOUN, NlCllKASICA, SATUWDAY, JUNIC Ii , 1HHW PKIOIC FiVIC OlCNTH i !l AN OBSERVERS THOUGHTS. COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. What Up Sees, Hears, Thinks unit Im IIRllleS. Young folks now-n-day when getting mt iiwlutlon to dinner Itsc-ems, delight to Inform ovary ono of their friends of tlio fact, mid the other day I wan qtitto amazed legnnllug one of those. Invites. It was nt tho ilnncing school in Mnsonia toiuplo while matching Prof. Mah ler's "toftchltiR tho young idea to shoot" (their limlw) tlmt ono of our society Iwllisi made tho remark to tlm Olssorvor tlmt sho had Imt llttlu tlnio to stay, for alio had to fill nn engagement to go out to a six o'clock tea, nnd as tlm time was then luilf-past live, she sullied out saying, "I'll jtlNt lmvo tlmo enough to rush Ikiiiim to to got dressed and thou It will Im six. Imagine my surprlso an hour later, whtii entering OdelU ditihig hall to see her sou tod there ph. Joying an ordinary nual and I may nay my fair filond was also surprised, If I may read thought from blushes to llnd tlmt 1 had caught on to what sho termed an "invitoout to a six o'clock tua." About as good a jnko as tho Obseir ver has heanl In n long tlmt was told tho other day and ruiwiis follows. A certain old bachelor of Lincoln, whose hoary locks ore Iss-omlng conspicuous for their absence, was seated reading the uviulng piiwr when n feiunle friend approaching from Is-hlnd was ulMiut to touch him on thu bald and tender sKt on bin head with the handle of a cane. .lust an alio was ulMiut to let tlm handle drop, she heard somo mm tof noise, and in hastily rising, received im unintentional blow with the cane Of course the tilckstor laughtsl, and the ic tlm, who at Hint was somewhat "foamy," olTuied to compromise by receiving a kiss for tho damages done. This, however, the lady refused, and. In using lolence to collect his claim, his lip came in collision with uprottid Inglooth, thereby adding blood to the scene. Swing what had Is-on done, our hem Imme dlntcly Mrnrcd a plooo of court plaster, and, In handing it to the lady, the suireier dropped it. Stooping to pick up the plaster nt tho same tlmo as tho lady, ho sciatched Ills clueU on a pin that was in hoi sleeve, and now our bachelor tiiend wiars a lieuutilul memento of his bin vet y Mninl Did l.ncht Ioim should always keep away fiom tho gldily glrLs. 'I Imt was a putty scene on the stus-ts Wtslneslaj, when a "blood" was woiking with pick and shovel, sci ving a several days' sentence at tho i lty lex k-un He wasdiisscd in a nice spi lug suit, woie a biilliaute and a sill: hat, and not having the w hei ew ith to put up lines, he was lequircd to do as above. Ho had been having a good time 111 a gaudy hou'-o, nnd the jKiIlce, thinking that no place for no nice a young nun, took- guiirdiuushlp over him, and gave him Hilllelent work to pay for his boanl I notice that in stieet paving in fi out of the postollhc, the hot tai wns simply pouusloifo tho bloc-Us and not between them or in the cracks and open placis. Inotliei purtsofthe city the tin has been pioK-rly placed and thus put in w II! do goesl, but to pour the tar all ov i r tho sui face dots veiy little if an good what ever. Hespectrully icfrricd to commutes- on paving. Applied lil ticiiuit tr. MiN A. The vvisldln: funvrnl. Mr IU'imllot Why shouldn't it bur Hoth have the miiiio ipsult. In one case, two aro mado one, m the other, one is made nothing. Onolesi em h time A New Sim l orsmletv Papers. I'or some time tho ladies of thiscityhave lieon In seaich of a plaie wheie lino station oryand (oirespouileiice paH'is lould ls ob taluod, and the Coumnit is pleased to state thatsmh want has at last lui'ii lilleil Messis. HnlbiiKiUA. Iloiiluight will heieafler make this btaiuh of theli business a puitlcular speclallv and have Just laid in an immense stock of the verj Hues! papers In the vailnus styliisaud llliishes These goisls compiled splendid line of Uurd's lelcluuted society IWK)rs, all Isdng made by Crane's famous apnr nulls, exi opt the loyal liMi linen Tliesu gissls have all Imsiii made exptessly for lino tiado and tho Conum tnists that the olloits of Messis Holliiook it Ilonbl Ight to fin uisli Lincoln piHiilewith tlm best and finest iptilitics, as well as the verv latent m tho way of soeietv paHir will Isi dnlv apple ciutisl mi I that our lenders will do them the honor of cu'img and iiishs-tiugtlie Imuilsouui exhibit they me showing Tliey Imveauele grtlit sample b.ook that tliey will piesent to ladies who nil Their ildvoitNemeiit ou f mil til page l'c itessuiueof the vai Head it Po'ltlcs msiiiis to liol I the public mind just now, aid who shall we nominate loi tlm next picsldciit is a ipiestlnn agitating many men ol many paitie If It wns tho oiiuihIi urn, who sthe most sipulur Jeweler in Lincoln, the CouitlKU would have no dillii ulty in aiisweimg, iimsmui h as liallelt is i oucislisl as occupy lug that position His slink Is the liaudhouiest, his pines leasouable, and with llrst i lass goisls lie will have no dilllultv m maiiitainiugit Dmp In ami mo him at Ins new locution, No li:i Nmlli Klevnithi-tieet A (ileal llnllle Is (oiitlnuiilly going on in the human system Thedniionor impuii blissl stiives to gam victory ovu tho constitution, to i n lit health, toiling victims to tho giave. A gissl leliuble liudliiim like Ilisicl's Saisapaillla, is the weapon with which to defend one's self, diive the ilccpuuio enemy fiom the Held, and ie store ptaio and bcsllly health for many jciiif. Tiy tills pi culliii imdicine. w4-v v dak was as sad aa a TRAIN, TRACK AND TRAVEL. Itallrunil News Mutliercit at fill) timers' AImiiiI llcpnls, i;tr. Travel to th summer resorts has commenced and promises to bo largo this season. The llurlmgton is developing some ipilck tune with their fast silk and stock trains. Tho Missouii Pacific captured the entire piohlhltiou delegation to ludiauatolls, Mon day Assistant Hiiikm Intendent lllgnoll, with headquarters at Aurora, was in tho city Mon dny Miicolu lumls-r dealers are happy over the new classlllcatfon and rates issueil by tho II. it M. The Alton and the Wabash are both using the vestibule trains Ix-twccn St. IoiiIn nnd Chicago Joe Toahon, representing the W. St. L. fc I'. railroad, was doing the Nebraska, railroad hub Thursday. Tho Missouri I'aclllc will run a through sleeper on train No a, leaving Lincoln to morrow ntS.Mp. in for St. Ixjulsdeinocrntlc convention. At present the Hock Island has the honor and glory of lieing the only line runnliiu vestibule trains Into i ouucll Illulfs, and the other roads look ou with envy. The sleciiors used on th Missouri I'aclllc between St. Joe, Kansas. City and St. IaiuIs aroof tlm vestibule design and aieinado ex actly the same, containing a library, buirot, etc. liany Hnunn, tho veisatllo young M. I. agent, was among the cold water delegates lioimd for Indianapolis. Hauy accompaiiltsl tlm "gang" as far as St, Louis, and returmsl Thursday. The llurllngton has let 11 contract forthlity. two now engines which will be built for pass enger and fi eight set vice They will Isiot the llnest make, audseveinl of them expressly fin tho "Myers" MattClali the Hock Island rustler was show ing up the superior IniluiementN airordisl by by his toad in Lincoln, Thursday Matt has u latino on conns titive linos Into the Hlntis. now that his is tho own and onlv lliierimnlmr vestibule trains. has aeceptcsl the Vacated position .1 Mould and sou IMwanl, A. L Hopkins, seconii vice pulili nt, and fS. H H. Clnrl. geueiul manager of IheMissouri Paclll In the city Tliuisday for two hours. weie They weie In Mr. Mould's caiNand camo via siiecinl ii am anil lei t lor mi l.ouis the sjime day '1 ho promoti )f "Jack" Kumcis to the m- sition of geueial ims.seiiger agunt ou tho II t M. Is locelvod in Lincoln with much pleasure, choeiful news by his numerous friends here Mr Pnuicis Isa hard woiker for thelluillng. Ions inteiestsaiid is certainly deserving of tho piomotion. Tiik Cot ltli:u joins in extending coiigiatulatlons. P S. Hustis, for several y cms past, geueial passenger ngeut of the II V M steps Into Paul i Mot ton s position as genual passenger agent ol the (,i at Chicago. Mr Kustis lias done some excellent work for the company's Ne braska sy stem and w ill undoubtedly pi ov e the right man to manage the paswugei dopnit melit of the pal out load. A question that Is often nsked the lltu ling ton olllci is Is ' Whin will yoni Hue put on vestibule tialns," soon, Is c,eneially the doll nato answer '1 he fact Is, the llm 1ms had their older In for vestibule coaches for sometime, but thoshojisaio soeiowiksl with work that piogiessou building them has Iks n limited. It isevec ted however that tlm Hill I ington will Ikioiii with their vestibules by the fifteenth .tlemorlut Diiv. Memorial Day was geneially observed in the city cilncsilay Ncaily all busliuss houses closisl their doois ut noon, and on ploycr mid i uiployu devoted the balanco of the dav as their several fancies didalnl. In the moinlng the (1. A H. and . It. C. paid a visit to Wyuku cvumteiy and decointisl the gi aves of the fallen couiiuclrs. who-,olast rest ing plaie Is beneath the gieen sisl of the Vei dine bish-ckeil city of tho dead. I At two o'clock the (ii and Ann v sts, mil veisity unlets umiMiiy I), Kiiightsol Pyth ias and others uuiliil hi a panicle tluough the pi incipal stiootK to the capitol grounds, wheie thoexeicisesot theday weieheld Tho liieiuoiial adchess was made by Hun. John M. Ihuistoii, and was hsteueil to by a huge uuiuler of Hsiple i:eiilsloo West mill Nnrtliii est. Daily excursions havo been miaugisl ror over the I'niou Pacille Hallway to San Krau- I Cisco, San Diego, Colt I,os Angeles, San Iteiiianlmoaud San Jose, Ciilifoinln, also to Poitland, Oicgou, ut NKh)foi the i. mud tilp. luketsaiegiKsltHJdays forgoing pas sago and gissl Tor the iituintlip foi six months fiom date or sale with tlm usual sto over pi Iv lieges in both ililictioiiswithln these limits These tleki ts aie also giKsl by way of Den ver and Halt Ijtke i 'ity ill each diiiHtion The agent, Mr 13 Ii hlosson, tells iis.pilten mini ls'i of out townsmen aie thinking or making the trip soon, and it would lie well foi those intending lo go inselict pintles to see him and aiiauge loi then act ommodut Inns. Mi John II Piuwler, tiaviling agent, Union Pacille, at (Imalm, Neb , will give vmi any lutthei iul'oiniatlon inienaidto tlnw excursions Panics who pn fei i an coin IKiiid with Mi J S I'libls t, (1 p ,; T , Omaha, Nib Mime Cheap I'liipeitv, A line leslilenee lot on 1'weuty f-sl stieet Ileal N for sale at a leasouable pi ue. Also ono in Mis haulcs adilitiou. IIvdt Pmk and l'3lmwo(Kl Will sell cheap ir sol I iminisUalely Call onoi addiKss L Wtwsil, ,lr , core this olllee Utdies, it is almost an induct incut foi you to git inaiiiisl to see those new wedding luvi latlons lecelvtsl at Wict. Dobbin's, Coimi IHlolllie, Ibis wtek. I Ui aie Knfetly gland" is wlml oimol our leadeisNiiil yiler nay, nun so i ney aie ' he assortment com puses all the uovi Itles Just iutiiNluctsl. and a look at them will iiiiiviiice eveiy one that they are tlm pi ettlst evei keen. A Hue of paity invitations, ball piogiams, hvip year auuouucciueuts and piogiauis wtto also in celvcsl with this invoice Call and sen them. Mr 11 Thome, foi some timepast tvlegintili making extensive pivsiatfoii of a sumptions . , ' ,, . oIs..atorinZeiiner.stl.ketollle,hasieslgnlil '"' "i I'-vhalof "The Men hunt or Veil- Aunt-Do jou think sucn an ,.i t..f. -e i,... r... .i.i ..?. . 'i.e" ..I it,.. Kirn. A4....,...'ri,... v.... v.... , young man can cut olf my legj '" i i iwi V'liiviiiti linn I rill IK.rI """ 'inn nmrii i av i V 1 n It I i tionliitlieilisiuitcliei'Htillli.. nrili..i...L..o ill Novcinlioi next. Their next loin ois-ns ' .Vl"w",l Nl'H ,l0 '" w load. Mr (L J. (Irilfeth. latKof lli.sMiln. Hcptunls-r I'Jtli III tho West. Ulo. THE THKATIMCWL V()IIM)J A WEEK'S REVIEW AND PROSPECTIVE. .viiiiisrinrnt lor llie I inure. VV lull Home j of I lie l'i in lies ii i e lining. is'tween l lilcago anil t'ouucll lllulls, over the hai.siiimiv'm tiuiimiaiiimiik drcnt Hock Islnud Hunt- tlmo It) hours. This popular trtiiisi will hold the Imai-ils 1 TliU Is a splendidly apNliitcd scries of contln at Kunke's ou Krldny evening of next week jwrlorn ou wlnsls, Including elegnnt Din Halshury's Troubadours in oiliwcrvodly spu lug and l'alace Slisplng cars No noise, no lar with tlmt class of theatre goers who enjoy dust, no swajing of coaches, no cold draughts sidesplitting farces made up of iidlculous I f air, no staining of disirs. but restful com situations, fun provoking dialogue and Jsipu fort the entire Journey No Hiteutato of the lar songs, with Justeiiougb of a plot to create I "Id world travels in a more princely style, or an excuse for giving a name to tlm melange coiniimtids greater luxuries or more of them, of comedy and song. "Humming Hint" Is . tlmn those going west can enjoy, If ticketed to espial to "Kun in the tlrecn Hoom," or nny or from Council llluirs via llie fluid Hock other of the broad ImrlcNpicH that havecs , Island Houte Tills 1 1 n lit also couuis'ts at tatillslml the Troubadours In spular favor. I ,l1 Omaha with the "Overland Khcr," going Nellie Atcllenry Is still the bright xirtlcular . star, and she has lost none of the vivacity that orlglnnlly made a place for her on the stage. She sels thojMjopIo to laughing every lime she apx am, and the Immense audience J at HiKiley's last evening were loth to utj witti her at any time dm lug thesrforiuancc, ' Miss Mcilenry Is not the nholoof the show, I however, Tlm entire couimuy is (suuMtciil to handle the various paitsof the play The ( singing ami the c stutnliig of the l.idy mem i Im'I-h is exceptionally Hue. In lev lowing the well-worn but ever pleasing airs of "Home, Sweet Home" and "Wiry Down lsin the ' Swaiico Hlver," a sympathetlo chord is1 touched, and the comicalities are so admir , ably iliteriuiugled with the musical feature of the M'rformatice that it is but natural for the ai tors and auditors tube en iapMiit fiom I li'giuning to end Pations of the stage, who never tire of lloyt's sucicsscs, who Ns'k aiiiilsemeut In the llteial si'iise of tlm wofil and vv io believe In the adage, "Laugh and gnu fat," will llnd rich sources of cnJo incut in the "Humming llinl " TIIKVTIIICAI. TALK lime ICIi alfy V paiitomluitAif "MmiiIiii the Night Owl" is Mug playisl at thotllolNiThcn troln lloston toexiisslliigly huge and eiithu siastic auillcuivs The plwe w ill lie coiitlnueil ' . " ' until the end of the season Cilwin Ifisith and Iiwi-uco llmiett ate 1 1 Uiptilu vlaitllie.tliefiimousaeiouaut, who has Iks n engagisl by lime Klialfy to nps-nr at a se ies ol snecial matiiien end rlniiiiiieiils '""st lin?'i htateii M mil, In .lune, miikes I nis use unions wiuiout aliaskel. After leacli- K" "'-ik"-1" "eve"" iiioiisuiiii iim i ne win ouicer went aromiil liy way or tho alloy, ac drop into the II iv ' coinpnniecl by the tMial uowcl, unci niter Tho two new slcs'l fciry boats which at e Ih H.sjkingaud h.i i lug foi some lime ho shot lug construe tisl to cany p.isungers fiom New j three bullets under the liain to scaru tho dog York to St. (leorgo, Stateu Island, toMs'Inile ' out. After tho third shot a movement was Kh ally's big siKictncIo of "Noi-o, or the Fall I heard, nnd pic-sently the long end of acob or Home," w ill Ik lIuisiHsl by Juno 1st They me the largest reirylsiats ever built, anil are out and brushing tho dirt out or his eyes, ho utendisl locally tlmsi thousand II ire bundled nclchsJ: K'ople eni Ii ' ''Was It nmyoii wasshiKitmgatf" A pi ecliloiit has Just been established b the t "1 nup)ov, It was a dog under there," re united .Slates Patent Oilii e at Washington i P11"' 'I'0 ilU-T whli h has issnisl lo Josepli Altlim, the Auth "'"H. sail, do.ui' you neblsM Visise no oi of "IheStl.l Aim in," a lull patent iovci- , ,,m', It's dangerous " ng the entile si cue and i irects or the engine ' "",l n" k"0"1' a bullet hole in his cap and house Patents Im single elicits have Iks-ii ,l"olll,r '' his coat as pioofsor theacviirncy is-ucsl Ik line, but nevi i in tin. hMiirv of ilmt olllcelmve lns'ii graiitisl one tin an entile C! miu w ith all lis ellects. This will bo a uratl liy ing piece ot news to thoauthoisol plays The following fiom a New Yoiksheelisa sample ol how plays aie 'advutlscsl pi these days. A Miss Kaume HIKs is said to be veiy ill in Oinaha,cauv-il by wltni-ssiiig HoU'it Manteli's lealistic sienc in "Moulmis, 'wheie Im canter ies the wound maileby a mad dog, wit ha us! hot Kil,ei It will be rememls'ieil that In ourissimor May l'Jth wo pimtiil nil extiait finni llie Omaha II mid, sliov ing that this female, Miss Illis was liiitsl to do the lalul -n t in the auili aucetogivi eirect totheplay I'or home mis ou she wasilischaigist at Omaha, piostiumlily bciaiise she gave the snap away. U ith tnis wis I; IMnin llisithaud Ijiwienoe Hat it tt I), ing to a i lose tin most phenomenally succisstul staling tour ou leciinl Their sta sou lias been Im about loitv Weeks, and the piolitsliave langisl fiom llttten to twenty thousand dollais lor eveiy wisk l the lowei llguie tint net pio'.sslsor tlieir t n i will "'"'""", ' '"'.""" "' niKHii exKi i., tosismd Ins vaoitioi in Newpuit and in llos I... ...... .. I i ijk.iiuut i it ton, and Mi liailett will uoto Dis'ilisit Pnnn in MiiiihlHiioiigh, .Mass , loriliMhuiumei In Novt mber the tl.igislians begin an engage incut ot eight weeks in New Yotk at tho Tilth Avenue 1'ho.iti e, dining which they will Is seen In sumptions and cosily invlvalsor sevei al legitimate plats. A IiIk 1 llentlli ,i 1 1 list Ciawfiud ,v. MiHeynolds, iiiauagers or thi Piinke 0s'ia house, now coutiol the (liand ()M'ia house in Omaha as well as the ojs'i a linuses in tint t.H-ii diU'eient titles and towns in Nelnask-i 'llie bisikiug Is done fiom the home olllees in Lincoln a'ld Tnska. llie Lincoln olllee is piesided ovu by Holsit Mcltey Holds, and the Tosika ollles- by Mi L M. Ciafoid, who coutiols the Missouii, KaiiMs, New Mexiin and Coloiadj ciiiuit Tnis is eeitalnly the lnigesl tlieatuuil Hi in in tlm west A slight i.lea of ita iiiagmtude may U- gatheiisl 1 1 mil the luel that com utllies cm iMiutiail with gentlemen lionia twoto twelve w.s-Ks' engagement l.liieiiln is Itenti It e On Media 4 ly luoiinu,' a jolly paity of young miu imt this uu liciim I loi H.Mtine to pay ImiII mid olneiwise eoj y llie dav llie nine plitMii in the altt I insiu was m the si vtutli muiiin in lav H nt Lincoln, MII ,,. I lew on the Hiit til the visilius, tin lieuli ii i iaiys um m M-velal m oles, deleatiug llie Lincoln iiiim Jjio Jl i'lie lullowing isa list ot I Ik i isitois Misis is um, ,1 ivell, Dave Itiili, llout, Kiwi Kuley, UuikUu.h, HoiiMdy, lusiige Mi Aitlnii, 11 winU. M i lu, Puito, M into, Mill l.aise, llellellluei and Mill Till lit I, the lull i Is i ih luo ii npiie, whine deiUlcius, it UMiil, weie uxtelle tiy leudoitsl and gave enure sutisi u lion ui ad lliuiul M Idle llissis ojh-uiii,; will bo thu at tiiietiou al .leipoUheim r and Co 's all next week I,. II. T, I 1. Will KH' mum Huuilay Mall lioiu tho Post olllieauil In i ver al your house, or olllees Telephone KM luxury andjast time. I lie I'lrst ami (nl) Line Itiiiiiilnir est- llmle Kxpres 'I ruins llt-lweon Olil- CUKO "lid Council lllulTs, MllglllllceUt KHTIIII I.K I'.XI'llKHaTKAINK built expressly for this service vvUlinll th I latest Improvements- now tun dully eaih way innaigu loanu iioui t lilcago ami Man frail cl-, Portland, Or , and los Angeles. In H7 hours. Tickets and rates by the His-k Island Vestibule no higher than ale charged by lines '! greatly Inferior acconiiuislations . rmunllnc. IU0XM3lfenceil illiug to try. lie Came Out. A woman on Ijilayetto strts-t liist rushed I nut lw. ..ilmr .!... ...i.i i.,r... ....i .. .w,un. ...... , that hho had seen a big dog crawl under Iter bam, nnd she Ullovisl the animal mad. The I orejTinaii emvvlM Into view After lacking oi um ouicvrs aim. Ilo Hail ci aw Usl under after a labbit which had escaed from a neighbor "It's all i Ight," ho said as tho ollleer apolo gized, "but donu' you'sjiovi no mo'l You Jlst kis'p light down to colo facts, Dis'siios' iti' mound ar' what gits pussous into soiih trublo." Detroit I'risj Pivss. Jleillral Aid. Nelghlior How is your husband today, Mi's. Joncsl Mrs. Jones Ho Is very ill indeed. "Worse t linn he vvasf "Oh, yes. tlm uursusjiys ho Is beyond th reach or doctors now." "I'm glad to hear It." "Whatl" "I'm glad to hear It, Nov., ir you can only keep him beyond theli ic.ich I think ho will git well rapidly "-Texas Sirtlngs. A Wise rimli'f. Lincoln filrl Nellie, I cannot itnaglnovvhy you should refuse to mnrry that ilch and firrtMtfi I ili fititiiv imitt f tlimits .....l l..... " """ J ""h mil, 11 . miiii, tlliu llll'll consent to becoino the wifonr a iK-rson liko Qiilmbv "Wliy can't youf "Mr liiugliy Is polished and educated, while Mr guimby , to say tho least, Is" "The llnest llrst Uiseumu I evei saw, and that m ttles It!" Lincoln State Join mil. fashions In Mortgages. Mortgages aie fcignid by two w Itnesscs, tho same as last year, nnd at o folded so as to lit thu fcide iHH'U't. The back taxes ale comlssl forward, and partesl on tho side neatest the mortgages! In Una climate mortgages gen erally mature In tlio winter season. Duluth I'aiagraplier showing Sign of It. Mrs lli-isv or CI ieai, v it daii.'hterl It has ts i ui i ui to me of lain, t.ear that (leorgo U not quite- soatteiitivoauililevottsl to you as he was w ien ou ili-,t Ux-ame. ngagisl. Miss Pus, net vou.lyi-Oli, mamma, you limit t nu ho intends to craw tUli, do you' I In Hoi iHilsholuior .V Co. are show iuc mi nle- Kiim now mm oi niik,i: silk Pikes low and imiility supoih wiap gissls 1 wmmrk i mm m lt$mW Bv whrM ft 8 uMrS m 0 "iff 1 lili' r$irir Ifltlit ii,fli3rw;i THE NATIONAL (JAME. NEWSY NOTES FROM THE DIAMOND. VAIni! Is lining on In Um. Ilii.etnill V nrld. The l.lni'iilo Ti'HIii. Ilafner has Into rehyi, hy tlm ICuiihis City Ainei leans. Piank (Ii lives, dictate In r, lias been icIshmsI by the Mlnueasiis IM Hetsler, of last yeai 's Lincoln team Is captaining tlm Toleslim. Kiiink Itlngo, of the Kansas City's or last year, has signed with St Paul. The Chicago llalltsius, Is the title Is-stowed iisui the Western Asscs'latloii team Mllwaukisi has msMirisI a pitcher with a us onl or twenty live strike outs In one gutim Omutm pimple can henceforth enjoy Sunday Imso ball games without rear or Injunctions "Pap" Kcliizln has di Iftisl away down Into Toiai, and Is now propping up center, ini tio' Hotistous, Thjipost-olllce cleiks badly damaged a nine I fiiuirtlui Lincoln pittery works M'lslntmlay 1 Score iUl to It). , The I'lllversltV los Weie defeated Thins day by tlm Ulysses club al the lattei place The scorn was II to 7 Dooms, one or the most piomlslug pitchers or hist vein's western league, IsdnlugHplcliillil work loi tlm Newark team StaleV or St I .oil Is. iiiiis-ai-s to Ihi about us Rissla pitchci as one can Hud llolmsshowu up ts'ttt i so rai than the gieat l-OYett. The lleatrlce bank club ilefenlisl the Lin I coin money changers hi a well playisl game al llcatilco, M'eslncsiluv Seme, yj ty , The second Cnlveislly and tlm (,) stun I school nine playisl an liitcicstliig gauiii ou the Missouii Pacille giouiids M'tslnesilay (,l stieet won by toll Millie Hail has Issmi lelcasisl by Clucliiliall, ami will Mulsh the season with llullalo. Ho will get :hki a month Cincinnati had loo many tw biers, and had to riallre Coiiuiiy iipK-iirH to be made or llie same kind or stall as his iiuiucsnkfs or I fusion, De tioitand KansasClty Theie upHars to bea bit in a name nfter all i M'lll liryau haslsen liidellnllely suspended i from the iiianae.eini nl of the Hutchinson t lull rorstiiklng Umplio lluiiiby in a itsenlgaum Theie aie many s-ople In Lincoln who could 1 llnd plenty or Justlllcatlou ror thciissatilt. 'the Doniestleaud Univei-slty clubs played a gissl game at Athletic palk Wednesday afteiiiiun The former c lull is eomixised of youths under twentv years or age, and they iriiVKtlm big I Diversity boys a haul tussle The Domestics had the game won, but by komouilcloss play Ing towaul the last, ibopssl theirholil. Kluicn-riiiid Haines for tlm Do mestlcs and Mallalleti and M'htstler ror tlm University wciotho battel Ies Theroiioverypiohahlllty that Llu-oln will Ns-ure the SU Ixiuls M'hllos A NViidlcnto Is i cuil.v to take holii of the matter and run the club the season, iirnvlilisl llie issiple or Lincoln will purchase ".no season I tickets at tS This llcki t admits gentleman and ludy to eveiy game the balance of Hie sen son, and the iiiiiiiIk'i "li'Hilcl H taken liiime lillately M'e have Until tonight to si-il the tNltlt kets.auilir not wild we will have no mole base ball loi some years, to score 'lalltlOK Alioiil Cloaks. , Our ieMiiler had the pliasuui or Icsiking ovei the lincior t loaks t auiisl by Mr. Ralph Ilium or Ilium Hum, ,,f Philadelphia, the j l.llgest t loak house III the cast M'e have ' sis-n many cloaks and many c loak men. but Mi'saie head and shoulileis alsive any ollieis ui fmt, tie gissls sell fin themselves. They aie all stvlih,aud what's more, aie well made It is no wonder that his sales me , tlio laigest and tlm men limits sat Mh-il with Ills gissls, for Ihey me always as lepieseiittsl J Mi II has gone lo the toast, and will shortly isii i.iiniiiii anion in s)hiiii a lew nays with his 1 1 lead, i'lof Mahlu 1. at Held I'm n This new imsiii t, since its oiielilug sevtual weeks ago, has heroine very popular with all cIiismh, it Isdng lisMtisl ir the hea.t or the city , and, in fact, dlus Hy In one of the Ust icsldcut puts of thecitv, namely, Southeast Lmeolii liailleld Park is lisvitisl neat to and eon talus p.iit uf the old Diuftsi Paik The pies ent ow ueis have had the piemisiw nicely lit ttsl up and the giouiids placis) in excellent shaM- Nilineious swings menu the grounds and seats in iisil and shadv places aie to Ih found in large nuuils'ix The huge pavilion ami tie letioshmeut stolid nienikiu, and vis itnisilnd this a veri pleasant lesortiugeii eiai II is o'li eveiy day andean lie euteusl fits- or chin ge The stusit uillway line or the Lincoln and Capital Clt lines will take you theie at any time, the qulekc-st mute, howevei, Uang via the Seveutsnth stust hue I he park is uik-ii at all times., and vis itorxnu goat a mniueut's notice hssialuus will Is- furnishes! ,m apphca linn to the stus't railwav eoniwin foi pi' llie and iities, and cars will ls Imuishislat al must an horn, by Mich airaugeuient The company 'snlll us aie loe-attsl m the Hichards i bits k, wilt iv all fillthei llifoiiiiatlon tegarti ing llie p ok may Is obtained Mrs II M llnrilcnliiiHik will puivhnse fiii laiiulien and ineielmuts, all aitic Ies of hous fin uisihng, ait dissnatioiis ami wonting ap- miel Ad lieto., eni losing stamp foi i ireiilni. Mlis II M II vltiiCMuiiink, I'm chasing Agency, .'lUNni lb -slate St Chicago III i aim altei pi.l .lit h, the ,v , sm. lies on Ui I liloli Tin Ille's No I. l.noeui as the i v. i 'und I'lvei, will ! taken nir. to bet lei nibi. it tn make time This will add large l lo tin sipiilailty that has alieudv Iss'll 1,11111. I bv this fast train ttei that date it will i ai iv only Kiksein;e's, holiling llrst class lie ets lii isaiits wheie the tialu ma kiss ivgu lai stupe,, ltwteu Coiini il IllulU and Ogtlen ,-sinli ituseliU-N umst plllilltLse tn kets fell Msttsoi is'iths in Pullman si.s-istn. U'foreen I tellllg the cms ' llnliliy slmllo. I'rnlay , June l. s p i it -Saturday Matiueo June 111, 'J :ai p m at 0hiii lions.! Pur the Hem lit or the Homo feu tho Fileud- itsss io milium m talileauv, Mings, tlauces, mid othu novelties iiudei thetlirivtion or Mr. Jacob Mahler Tickets .VI cents cash; Heoi v esl seats, i evnts uxtiii, may ho obtanusl two day sin advance a' theoKiu housei NOTES ON DICYCUNQ. Items Ahum tlm Nport.-l H News tut Wlmt Is living tltinn n (leneral. Mi-ssrs llenrtlsley, Hlgliler, Young and SsincertiH)klnllmlsinutlesof Uushtnnnisuk. on a wlusd truck, ono day this week. II Is said that In Sprlnglleld. III., rnlnnlinvn Issmi to fiispient this spi Ing that when whoel- " K 'r a run tlmy ssak of It ns tnklng a "sail" or a "mildle." Mr. Case, or hiader fame, Ims taken to the whivl again He says that by going slow nnd picking the wiry that ho will try and keep his 2.10 s)unils ou top of mi ordlimry wlas-1 until hlssarety conies. It Is with plenum o wouuiiounco tlmt Mr. .1. K. PolliK-k, mi old wheelman anil a thonuigli gtssl fellow, has taken up his kIhsIo with im. Mr. Pollock comes from Platismoutli lien, and will bo lu i hat go of tho II. & M. fuel do pertinent nl this pinto. Tho llnsiklyn Lad Ien. Tiloyclo club now nuiulsirs foui tts'ii lueiulsirs The suit adopted Is one of dark gray, with loose, skirt, tight basque ami standing collar ou which aro tho letters "II. L. T. V " Tlm club has runs every Wednesday and Saturday. Olio or llm iiiemls'rs rides u lady's bicycle and makes even the I toys hustle. 0. O. Purinele, of Weeping Water, well known tluough wheeling centers lu tho slat, ssut u day In Lincoln this week. While, hero a hiiinlicr of the I toys showed hlu Um Is'iiutltss of our Hceneiy fiom tlm back of a M Inch toy bicycle. Parting tlm mount, Mr. Purinele say s heenjoyisl himself hugely anil hiikh io pay us anon ei visit, slioiliy, A club i mi was taken ou Dec innlkm tiny, in which about a doen wheelmen partial patisl. The unite taken was south to South stn-et, east to Tw. nty seventh stieet, and north to tho Pair giouiids, at which place a lest was taken and tlmt given for u little scorching around the tim-lc. Thus- ol tlm Isiys tiled spisd with ent bother, but ns no ro und wns In okeii we will not statu tlm tlmo made Hetuin tllp was made via tho stock yaiilsaml Wist Lincoln Thoiun wasqulton sins ens mid uuothci one will be token shortly, Hie Itli) inn of tlm lloglet. Two lovers lingering nn a ktooplut, Ilenenth llm slnrs so still and grant! In ilrentiis Im saw llm wishllng lionplot Ot gulil iikiii her tiny liiuiil. HohllRhtly Irnnecl iqKin Ids cauilet, A tliald youth, ami find to w, Ami In Ills heart Im felt a palalct. For love wns yoiiug anil so wns bet Thoy had iiariaki'ii nr a creaintet, As liners will while tliey nie twain, Ami now weio hasy ou tlioschcmulut Of wla-ro and how to inert again. Meanwhile, unto tho Inuo hock jnnilet Her fnliii r siiciktsl, a chain let go, Alack, fond lute ami, ulnck, tsirtllet Thut iiiiml iflntit this lain of wool The youth went tmiuitllng Ilka ti Rootlet, With yell and slulc-k Imoiitwartl sjichL The ting reliirinil A pltco of ctuitlc-t Hung rrom his mouth livc- sdreuin wastlrstd. MacluliiioH llrliJices hi Jucjff. Ho Here, dear Ikatncc. far far from the busy haunts of men, wheie m iyo can m nor no von o reach us, let mo assiiro you lit vvasat this particular moment that well known exclamation u-acliesl their ears.) -Lire, She Slrtl fltni t,'i. Tho local newiasT or Seymour, Conn., ay that a citixii or that plico recently drove out to Zoar bridge to sesj tho ice henpu (till remaining At tho toll gnto was n young i woman "with stuuig uttuictlons Corn whita hoike," ns the editor puts It, nnd tho eitlmn 1 thought he niikht sardv qui her a bit Him nuswcicd all histpiestionsilemuix-ly and with nonppareut thought of iiialuo. but when, hav lug had his bttlu Joke, ho asticsl her what it cost lo go our tlm bridge, tlio answer ,0111110 luick "If you could read thnt slga you'd scv for voursclf Hog, ono oent jackass, two tuvti us two cents!" Now 1 York Suit ( II Vllelit Done. ' Mrs. Pcterby ito now servant) Tho lart lorv ant had a habit or going into tho parlor with her young man and sitting there Uie whole evening Huvo vmi a young iimiif New Sorv nut N.i imim. but 1 might gok ono with suiii timucuueiiis otrcivd. Judgo. rrateriuil. Sho No, Mi lli-own, you need not hopa. I can uevui tsi more than a sister Ho Asist. r U'nd mo llvo dollars. De troit Kix-o Pi Ms, i. i. r. t t. I'elivtis ti oaks to any pait or the city or to anv dcMit fin i cents emh Claim ches-ks giv. ii Tilt phone 11H). I lulil ( I'llntt. Allieils. Th. s.-ason for light summei attiie Im ing at Itiilld. the OIoIhi Clothing hoiiMt bus pist n. ivlveilaveiv line line of pi ing ami summer siiiUm lleln coloresi I'lliicn AlUdtst f ihcla test cut, and made up with llnest tiimininirs, lined mid fined in Kiit In To stsi them is to like them, and to like them is to buv a suit. You know tho rest, so come mound ami look at them M'e will begin a sKs-InI ml of tiiMo Uncus, napkins and towels this (Sutunlnv) moinlng, nt lower pi ii os than the same goesls have -ver iK-rote Ihvii oltoivd Ashliy .v. Mlllspaogl. The ("mi me of 'I roe Uivcs Kto.