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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1888)
' i jf- "if,pnm mtmmmm wnwmM -4-a- (AMMMMfclW4tli !l,X.,i;r:i;j, f,nt3TBH!MBaBcwiJ3RAt IM9"l'"MHIl I.ll 3ftSJ1 rittaaWtfcmtaii . I'Jfllnjt-. I THE COURIER. 4 Victor 2Vjr JVtxUrn 3Y. 'FiVH OOUniER OFFICE. Saturday Evening May 26, '88 Herpolslieimer & Co. DRY GOODS. PAEASOLS ! Tim Courier Cnn be round At Wlii(lor Hotel Now Hlnnd, ObjiUuI Hold Nam Ktnml, Odell'i Dining Hull N w Stand. Chiton A I letcher's, 1111) O Street. A. T. I vmlng A Co' 1100 O Street. TboUniluiiii .NousHlnud, IIS Mouth 11th Ht. Keith IIi-ih., in N. ii III lith Street. Kd. Younir, ItKOO Street. Eaton A Hinllli, lIIOt. J. Hlelnlwg, () nt, i. posloftlcfi. Ilronn's t'ofe, near Windsor hotel. Cor. 10th & P. DRY : GOODS. NOTlOi: TO AIIVi:UTlHi:itK. Advrrtlmsiiicrcaurslcd to Mini In tliel favor ns curly ni possible, not Inter than four o'clock I'rblny nitcrnooii, iin tho CouniKit ten to prow, that evening, Whoti ordorliic your advertisement out drop iho bimlncM mniwiKoi nenrd. Tho collector In apt to forgot inch orders, and compliance with this request will si.vj u tnu.btu mil yourself ituiuo mm'. Wraru dully muling to our list or stibi.jrlbera, tnploylug n iiiiin especially for Hint solo pur pose.nnd claim that as an advertising medium the Count ku In liuexccllcil. Children and Hoy's Straw Hats. NOW OPEN. W.R. DENNIS, Hatter and Furnisher, H37 O Street. Local ami rcmoiinl. Whltobnvtst Coal and Lime Coinviny, Lincoln ko company, puro it o. Delicious lunches nt Itrown's Cafe". Call on Fred Schmidt for Dry Uootk Oysters, fresh, fnt and lino at Hrown's. llallet, diamonds nud witches, UU N nth, 8awyer&Mosher, llorlsts, Atosoulo Temple. Mineral water used for halting, 1010 O at. Trickoy fz Co. .wholesale and reUiil jewelers. Don Cameron, l(Uil O street, for lunches Another lot of cheap vests at lierxlsheim rrV. KM glove, fitted to tho hand nt Oukley & Co. Bummer ventilating corseU at Oakley & Co'n. Largo lino of Laco MItU at Uoqtolslioimar &Co. Thousand mile tlcketu for sale at 115 South Tentli ttroot. OoM, slWor and tinsel braid trimming at Oakley & Co'a. Canon City Coal at the Whltebronst Coal sad Limo Co. Oysters in every style, f iuo atid fresh, at Don Cameron'. Canon City Coal ognin at the Whltebreast Coal and Lime Co. After the club parties, go to Hrown's now of(S for a dolicious lunch. Choice stylo domestic gingham 5 cent n jrord. Ash by & Millsiiaugh. Ladies should call and seo Fred Schmidt's sew dress goods, 017 O street. Elegant assortment of Pongee Silks at all prievs at IlerjMilsheimer & Co. Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010 O street, liasemeiit Union block. lleforo insuring look up tho Mutual Life Insurance Company of Now York. Only placo in Lincoln that usos mineral water in laths is at 1010 O street. TbeMlssouri Tactile railroad run freo reclin ing chair cars on ull through trains. I.anilscuio gardening skillfully dono by Sawyer & Mosher. Telephouo 101. LadlM go p Mlu Johnston's, 1114 O street, for bangs, switches, ornameuU, etc. In east tako ths Chicago flyer via the Klkuorn ami O. Hi N. W. route. Konsv Turkey", (loose and all kinds of meaU At Don Cameron' every duy for dinner. Ladles hair dressing In all the latent fash ions done by Miss Johnston, 1114 O street. For Information concerning and rates to western jioiiiU apply at 115 B. Tenth street. Doctor II. F. llalley, ollleu and residence or. of TblrUwith and (J street. Tel. 017. Bedding pluuls, cut flowers, etc., at Sawyer A Mather's, Masonic Temple. Telephone 11)1. Ilaydeu is now making cabinet photographs for 3.00 a dozen. They aro the llnest in tho city. 0 With nerf r a banner rIhjto them spread, Nora hailge, nor a motto trnnilllied. No mark, save the Intro unoorered licsd Of tlie sllutit lironio rovlawer. With nercr nn arch n tho vnulted sky, With never n (tower sare tlioim Hint llo On the ilUtnnt grnrc, for lore could buy No gift that wo purer and truer, Mr. i I. lpowi of Crete was In tho city Mon day. Mm. II. O. Idntkn loft Thurwliy mi nn eant em trip, Mr. John K. Utt has returned from Ills Knnsnn trip. Mr. C. A. Atklii'ou wild )i Moines it lly lug visit this week. Mr. V. II. Irvine mid wife left Tlnu-mliiy for Halt Itko City. Manager MulleynohU of tho I'linke Is In Denver on business. Mr. W. I), HolierUon of Tncoiua Is In the city visiting friends. Mlxs Corn (luted of Ilrotvnvllln is visiting Mrs. A. H. ltaymoiid. Mr. It. W. JoIiiihoii of thu Capital took In tho sights of Oiunhtt Tuemlny, Mrs. Jennie Camp, left Wednesday on n Visit to frionds nt Tioy, N. Y. Sirs. D. I.. I'eekham left Monday for Cold water, Mich., to bo absent nil summer. Mm. T, R Hiirilenhurg lert Tliumlny for tho oust, itccoiiiwtllled by her children, Mrs, Minnie Fay of Clinton, Iowa, it visit ing the family of Mr, K. II, Zerucckc. Mr. U II. Wilcox ImvH Monday for Cnli furilin, where lm will tvslde III the future, Mr. Mahler's llmt evening party villi tn-eur Friday oveiihg, June 8th,at Mnsniili Temple. (Inind White (IinkIs oieiilng will be the nt trnetlou at llei'KiNhelmer mid C'o.'m nil next week. Mr. F. A. Chapman is entertaining his filend, Mr. V. Jaeohs of Amboy, 111., this w eek. Miwix Wllluril, Hoott and Laws of the statu govoi'iiuieiit, IntiHs-tisl the Norfolk nsy- lllllt this MVl(. .Mehsrs. (Ksirjo IlnriH'rnnd J. V. l'litiinm nttendeil the lunernl nt Wuverly Thurwlay of M.strgo (tarliiiiil. Miss N.dlte Alloway of 1'eorla, III., Is vlnlt Ing her mother and her sister, Mrs. Frank Webb, In this city. Mr. I'M Hirer mid family nro now snugly cincoiH'isl iii their new home, corner of I) and Klghtconth streets. Mr. J. ',. IIiIkcih) hits endotted the Hlble nrofiwn)ihlp of the Christian University with $ i.ihh), a mngnlllccnt gift. Mr, Chits 10, Hcmsoj mid sous left Monday for lloston, where they will ivumlii during tho professor's l''uroKstii tour. Miss Julia M. Gregory returned homo cd insilay from Now Yoik, where she had Ixi-n t iking n comxi of art htudles. Mrs. (Iran Kuslgii IsMiirerlug from n Hivero nttack of iieunilgla. Her tunny friends Iuik to hearof her Hssly recovery Mrs. C. C. Moi-ho anil daughter, Miss Flora, loft last huturdny afternoon for Vermont, wheio they will sjiend tho NtiMiucr. Mr, Josi'pli Hums Is m Yuiun, Col., where ho Is putting in n ?I0,(KHI water works plant. Joels in demand nil oer tho west. Mr. Thos. TrumbU of Moliuo, 111., is In the city ooklng tho ground over preparatory to moving his boiler works plant here. Mr. Klmer I.. Kiigllh, known to fame us "Doc" returned homo Wtslnesilny from a vis it of inspection to his raiieh In Texas. The enr drivers of the Lincoln street rati waj gave nplenlo mid dance at Ourlleld park Tuesday, which was largely nttendeil. Mr. F. II. Vivian nud family arrived in the city Wednesday from Jnnesvllle, Wis,, and will call Lincoln their homo hereafter. Mr. W. W. Cantor left Weduewliiy for Day ton, Ohio. Ills brother is I) lug very low in thntelty with catairli o( the stomach. Mr. Jo'iti C. Honnoll loft Tuesday r Ch' cago. Ills mission whb not disclosed, but it new enterprise for Lincoln is nntleiitsl. A nutnlier of Liiu-otii society people nre making plans for their Hummer vacations ut the vnrious inort, mountain, lake nnd sea side. Tho county commissioners nud Clerk Hell returned Wednesday night from Denver, w hero they had been inspecting Colorado stouo. The Volapuk society mot Monday evening at the residonco of Mr. Joseph Hoohnmn, on J street. No more meetings will be held untl October. Mr. Frank Macfarlnud, sou of Mr. J. I), Macfarlnud, has returned from Pennsylvania where he has spent the last year or two with relatives. Air. II. H. Ware, train dispatcher of tho A, & N,, has Iksiii elected u delegate to the asso ciation meeting at Louisville, which convenes Juno lilth. Mrs. J. J. McCullough, after a three weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ojwlt, rutunied Tuesday to her homo lit Col by, Kansas. Mr, Iv H. Fuller and granddaughter, Miss Dottle Stun, left Wednewlay for l'ittslleld, Mass., where they will sjiend the greater jwrt of the summer. Mr. A. I). Burr and family are again occu- pylng their palatial homo at Nineteenth and I D streeU, whMi was boilly damageil by flro several mouths ago. General Atwood, eslltor and proprietor of the Wiscomln ifufe Joiinut.', is visiting in the city, the guost o his cousin, Mrs. Barah A. Kugeni, l.t7 Ij street. Mr. and Mrs. ltobert Mitchell arrived Sun day from their wedding tour, and have set tled down to enjoy life at a cosy home, corner of Ninth and F streets. Mr. It. G. Terrell of Tadueah, Kentucky, Is in the city. Ho comes to accompany Mrs, T. who has been visiting her jsirents, Mr. ami Mrs. Pickett, Isick homo. Mr. nud Mrs. John Hchuler left Sunday to attend tho funeral of Mr. S's father, the sad news of whosu death ut his home In ltulfalo enmuy, was received that morning. The University Cadets returned Tuesday from Wymoro, nfter n very pleasant four days' outing. Jupiter Pluvius smiled on them for once, mid camp llfo was duly en Joyed. Miss Alice Chnplu, daughter of the Into Dr. Horace Chapin, died at her residence in this city on Monday last. The funeral service wero held Wednesday afternoon. Her many friends sincerely regret her untimely demise. "".'. .' - . - . - - A LOVELY PICNIC RESORT. Honietliliig About the I.orntlnn and At t million of (JimIimuiii Park. Few of the hundreds of visltorsat (.'ilslunan Park on Thursday, the oieiiing day, had any Idea before going that they Mould behold such it beautiful resort as they did on their ar rival The jxirk Is located tlilee miles due west of the city and Is easily nsiclusl by ve hicle either on the 0 street r A stiwl roads, which lead to the south entrance. It (sou the south side of the II. & M. lallroad ttnek, run lug to Mllfonl, and nil trains will stop at Ciiidmiun Pnrk to rts-elvo or dcjioHit human freight, at the north entrance to tho giouiuls. The Pnrk covets one hundred acnw, Is thickly tlmlMred with various kinds of tires that nf ford u cool nud dtllghtful lemrt ft mil the hoi ni)s ol n summer sun. Hhoith niter eutei lug thu lioith gates the visitor reaches t..e pavilhon mid i al(', which Is it neat unit tskt'tully uiiuiigisl stiuctuiu !VJx!U Icet, two stuiles hull, tho Hint door he lug whvio lefri'shineiits uie piepnrisl nun teinpi'iuuce ill Inks, clgirs, etc , mo dlsi'nseil, whllKiiii the m ond lliMir we Mud a cool anil control table dining room for Indies and geiitli liii'ii This huge loom Is os'iioii iillsldesuliit oil the east side is a small bn'cony uhlih Is llsisl when occasion demands, us It did on the iiHuiiigilay, foriiieii nlr iiiiertuluineiitr for sKikers, tociilists, etc. In this upnilluelit lillliieioiis tubliiMiud chillis neatly unlinked to ui'roiiiiNliile the ninny nhodcHlio a lunch eon orHimecisil lefrinhiiient. A heed wuUer Is on hand to dlitst and set) that everything runs nnoolhl) and in the very best miiuner, no llipior being Mild, or Improper chmucteis I ollig nlloived on the piciuises. 1cavlng the pavilion nud going toward the southeast a short distance thu dancing hall, iMIxNO li-et Is leached, nnd here no And one m the cosiest and best ventilated dancing halls, In the i lly. The sides have large oieumgs and the top which Is ut uu angle I a also proper teuings to allow the cool ctmutiy breeres light of way thiough the building. In one coiner is a ladles diesslug nud clonk room, and Is'slde it theoichestrn stand. Tliu floor Is uu excellent one and Is already In tsputlly us gissl condition us any one In tho city. Just to thu east of this, In n sturdy oak tieeoverdiniiglug the sti earn known ms Middle Creek, Is built a stand for the band which will br ustsl by the musicians when giving con ivrtH. Then a stroll through it short piece of tliu her to the south nud it little west, brings you to a group of inlmral springs nud to thu I evi dent of Lincoln who is coiiiH'Hed to drink salt water, the flowing .ttii from liatmes miiiltli, Iscettnluly welcome. Kuch spring Is Is uiiiuisl thei o bel-g four thus far found, viz; The Whltu Hulpher Spring; '1 he (Slant Iron Spring; the I'mlghloii Spring; and ih Hoa llud Spring, the hitter Is'lug named after Mr. Jacob Mahler's charming little dulighter, nud Is considered thu liest on the grounds. The water from these springs have Ihm'H nnalyzisl mid found to ho healthful and haven pleasant ns well as cool and lefieshlug ell'eet. The water which up bubbling, clear nud pure fiom mother earth end each visitor Is pilvilegtsl to help thcmself by dipping the cup Into the spiliigaud drinking to I heir hem tit content gratis. Strolling a' out the Spacious gi omuls, iiiiiny iKvautlful UuIkH are to be enjoyed anil ut hi trrvuls here anil there, in shady nooks nro seen the hnudiwoik of skillul haudsthat have made numerous i ustle seals, the Miriotis foot bridges iilto being made either wholly, or in greater part out of the rough tltulier cut from Cushman trees. Numerous swings jind hiim mocks are vlsuble in most every part of thu Park mid on our Islt of ThurMluy to the place llieiu wore very few of these commodities mil tenanted. Several very nice drives have been prcptinsl through the Park, rustle wngou bridges having already been put Jill where vehicles cross thu stteaiu that runs through thu grounds, Sicnklug to Mr. Andrtis about his plans for tho future, he told u reporter thutthusfarthe enlei prise was merely n venture nud that if Lincoln would show tho appreciation of Ids work, ho would carry out ull plain for further improving tho resort by adding more attrac tions and making numerous further additions, Mr. Audriis is to le complimented on tho sound Judgement, oxcelleut taste and general i nterprlse hcMuis shown IiiJglvIuplUucoliisuch nil elegant and much needed resort, nnd thu CorillKU feels assured that the people of Lin coln will show their appreciation by a liberal MiptHMt, it fact which was evident on the dedi cation day, on which occnsslon, hundreds of our leadeisof society graced the gathering with their presence. It Is tho Intention of the proprietors strict rules of the Part manage ment to keep the attendance uhuiys that of tho mast rospecUsl class of eitl.cns and n vigorous effort will lie made to keep out all boisterous and ilisivspcctnblo )orsous, so that ladies and chlldicn, with or without escorts may Islt tho jxirk In js'ifect safety and enjoy the mt ructions theieexte disl the public. No ndliilshliiii Iii) Is charged and ull respectable iwopluiirocanllnlly invited to visit tho Park Dates for open nlr concerts will bo given eveirweek, and regular running trains will he announced In next issue, Mr. J. H. iA'inlst leaves tonbtfit tor St. Ijotils on n business and pleasure trip. MissS. F. KelloylH visiting in tho city, tho guest of Mrs. John Zehrung, 1015 D street. Miss Miiyme Uhl, who hits been visiting nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Imhotr, re turns homo today. Mr, John 11. Wright left Sundiiy for Now York, from which srt he sails today for a two mouths tour In Kurox Miss McClintock of Omaha is the guest of Miss Walsh for it few days, Her mnny feielids here nro pleased to greet her again. Mr. C. J. Hull of Omaha and Mr. Fred Loomls of Council Hind's nrrived in the city yesterday and will spend the Sabbath with Lincoln friends. Mr, J. T. Million and wife of Kansas City arrivtsl In Lincoln Sunday, and will spend some time here. Mr. Million will assist his father in his stenogrnphlcal duties ut the May term of district court. Mr. Win Phelan, one of tho olllclent clerks at tho Capital hotel, started Tuesday for his old homo in Ireland, word having Ik on re ceived of the death of his mother. He will be absent about two months. The Harmonio society Is raising a fund for thu beuellt of tho flood bulTorors in (iormuny. Messrs. K. II. Kerurcke, John Frnas and G. It. Wolf have subscription p ipers, and con tributions should Ihi handed tlium. A mtetliig of traveling men was held nt thu Capital hotel, Satin day evening Inst. The committee roportrsl $'M) col.ecttsl for lienellt of Mrs. Charles IdiUm, "lildi amount was promptly turned mr to the Utnellciury. Juno Is generally i-egarded us thu mouth of weddings, and us citpld do--, not upMar to lutvu kilksl much tlmu the putt winter, tiuito it iiiiiiiIht of these happy events may be look ed for. In the selection of appntpriaU) pres ents for frionds alwut to enter the .blissful state of matrimony, policy dictates that they should bo procured frcm u llrst-class house, where reliable goods oro sold at reasonable prices. A house that fully meets such require mcnUlslIullctt', llll North Kleveuth street, and Intending purchasers Miould avail them selves of tho opportunity to select from Ids large and complete stock. SUMMER STYLES IN FOOTWEAR. j What it ltrirenriitatlve firm U Showing In Nobby Klines, lUe. Snunteiing nlsmt the city yesterday In search of news nud flmlliig no'hiiig startling ' In the onlll nry channels, a ieKirter stepHsl ' into tho In 'go store risim of Perkins Ilru'. on O struct to talk nhout the went her, . the season and the styles In footwear, and llnillngotioof Hie partners at the desk, we ' were given ample Information on the subjis;!, Styles In footwear have In some reiscts undergone a marked change, ns Is noticeable III the dlirerrnco of tho width nnd point of thu shoes now worn from that of n year or two ago, The stylish shoe of Unlay Is briMid or and tho toe more on the sipiaie shape The Oxford shoe Is In us xpuhir favor this sum mer as oyer, and Is used by lioth male and female, and lor children ns well, with the exception that for llttlo ones spring heels nro prefernblo to others. A now shoe Just brought out for ladles, which was introducM by and Hindu esieclal ly for Perkins llrothors Is the ",'tte tl, Htm (('." It is similar to tho Oxford but his u broader too and Is the most lomfortnble shoo over brought west. It Is iMvoinlng thu ki ular shoo for ladles, and nlrendy Is being worn to the exclusion of ull others by many of Lincoln's fairest diilighteis. It has a neat nnd piettv ii p kmi in nee, nud cannot lull to bo llkisl by everyone. "Tho Southern Tie," n nobby low shoo for gentlemen Is the latest thing for summer wear and Is made up In Kangaroo, French Kid ami other light weight leatheis. This shoo, similar In construction, Is also to be had In button or In congress gaiters. lteterrlug to the makeup of shoes, Mr. Per kins said: "Patent leather vamps and tips nro now nud have for it short time been very stylish, nud nre worn considerably. For evening social alTalrs tho patent leather pump Is still In tho lead. Many ladles are using the !uetroK)llUin stylo of dancing shoe wear Ingthu broue terpslchore sllpKrs. The,) are very pretty, and rolluod society every where recognles them us Just the thing for ladles, Perkins llrothers have their flue goods all made exp essly for their trade, nud keep all widths from A to H and half sizes in stock In hidles,geuts and children's shoes. Their shoos are from the very best and most stylish mak ers, and every pair fully guaranteed us lep resented. Lincoln Kople recognize this popular hotr o as leaders in their line, and of the bundled of purohasers of flue gissls In the city, Per kins llrothers enjoy tho patronage of u very largo Hirtloii of them. They nre always pleased to show their Hue to cullers, nud will tuke pleasure hi showing you th I itest nud most elegant Hue of shoes you luivo over seen In the city, If you will pa them a visit ut 1IL1IO street Mr. J. M. ('iK'hian returned Tuesday from Wymoro He leportsu very pleasant vis t. The Issly is more susceptuble to beuellt from Hood'- Snrsnpnrillu now than any other sen sou. Therefore tnke it now. The Nebraska Holiness association is pm paring for their annual campinretlng nt Ben nett, which commences August 'j:td. A num ber of eminent clergymen from iHHercnt puts of the Union have Ihvii si-cured to lead the mietlugs Kcribners magiii'lue and the Cot'llinu will be wilt to any addiessoniyearfor.i.l!.'i, Let us hear from vol'. French sateens itsluccd from 3.1 to i!0 cents n yard, beginning this (.Saturday) morning. Ashby&MIIIspiugli. We will Ivgln a special sale of table linens, impious unit towels thu (Saturday) morning, at lower prices than the same goods havoover before been offered. Ashby i"c Millsipaiigh. C'oiisuiuers of choice hams will please bear in mind 1 am the only agent In Lincoln for the celebrated U. W. Keys' brand, of Des Moines, low ii. I) K. Cumminmh, 11!J0 O St What gasoline stovo shall wo buyf Tho Quick Meal, of course. It has lieen sold hero over fclncn gasoline stoves wero made, uud here aro more Quick .Meals in use today than all other gasoline stoves made. I.. J.T. CO. Will get your Sunday Mull from tho I'ost ollleo and deliver at your house, or olllce. telephone IUO. IT'S Delicious! M'ARTHDR'S CREAM SODA WATER Our Excellent Flavors the richest in the city; Volapuk, Peaches and Cream, Mandarin, All other Popular Flavors drawn from our $2000 EOMTADr. On or about June First, we will serve ICE CREAM SODA And as heretofore will furnish our customers with the best that can be made. SPRING SEASON 1888, J-T-T THE Globe One-Price Clothing House. Is now showing an elegant line of New Spring Styles IN- Mens, Youths, Boys and All the Latest Novelties and Nobby Designs are included in our Complete Assortment, to which we invite an early inspection. r f - PI-IE GLOBE One-Price Clothing House. E. M. EISFELD & CO., Proprs. COIt. O AND TENTH STS. EVERYBODY KNOWS That we keep a general assortment of CLOTHING ! And Gents' Furnishings. All the Latest styles in Collars, and the season's novelties In Neckwear. I-'INE UNKN COLLARS, ia4 it. Call and sec us If you want to get goods In our line just ten per cent cheaper than nt nnv other house In town. BAKER, The Clothier, 1125 O STREET. Another Lot of those Elegant Black Satin : Rhacletrqas-, At 7.c. These goals wo retailed last season for SI.&V 'MOREEN" is the best thing in use for Skirts. Come in and look at it. We have the finest line of Summer Underwear and Hos iery in the city. Have you seen our specialty in Jersey Vests at 32c.5 An elegant line of Party Mitts and Gloves. O. R. OAKLEY & CO. 1 03 1 O Street. X. H. To thoso having ticket on our pictures we have received it now lot. Holbrook& Bonbrisrht BOOKS, STATIONERY, Wall Paper & Window Shades, Special Attention given to Designing, which wo do free. 234 Houtli Eleventh St. Samples and Seclflciitloiis without Chnrge. FOR FINE TRADE. ED. CERF & CO., Wr O BTItKKT. Hnvo just received a lurge and elegant lino of Oold and Silver bended Kino Silk UMBRELLASANDCANES Of the lutest designs. Also their new Invoice of STYLISH : SPRING -. CLOTHING. Underwear, Soft and Stiir Ilabi, etc. (JotoICdCcrf&Co., for your Gent's Furnishings nnd AVOID PAYINO FANCY PHIOICS. LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, t25" PURE si I tfTs-zjrTjs-Tvnjvzs V, OKKICK I O.JO s O STKKKT K Not cut from tlu- Filthy Salt Creek but from the Clear and Pure Water of --OAK CIEEK-- Delivered to all parts of the c!t nt reasonable prices. Children's Fine Suits.. J- TKLRl'HONE JLVJZ " $ NU.MHKK '.VjrJi rrJr sti, &JI j .'' U K )t