Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 26, 1888, Image 7

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    8MID OF ADAM'S 80N3.
DM of rrrmmiil !oii ly the f'iiMigrpt '
lt if llin Dully Nu-uier.
John Kiiftkfu has written sut lour books,
ami his ntuitml receipts (rum Ins publisher
reach fCO.OOO
Bldtioy ljinlcr, tho southern Ket, is to Imvo
a monument costliiR (1A.IKX), nml ilnlMiuoro,
Montgomery nnd Mncon trill wy tho largest
jvirt of tlm bill
Hugh McCulloch, who n Lincoln', John
on's nml Arthur's secretary of tlio treasury,
U 00 Ho looks to ho CO, rends without
glaKsr, nins nrouml in society, nnd ho nml
Airs. McCulloch celehrnted their golden wed
ding anniversary recently
A venerable son of Mulnr nnd ex-cabinet
minister in Washington Is llorntlo King,
who wns ninotiK tho founders of Tho I'ort
land Argus. Ho Is nearly 77 years of ngo.
Ilo took a cleikship In tho postolllco depart
xnont forty-nlno years ngo, nnd under
Duchnnnn ho becatno tho only ostniastor
general who worked his wny up from tho de
partmental ranks. Ilo is still actlvo socially,
and retains bis early fondness for tho cn.
Robert C Schcnck is 70, and is still rjulto a
woll known (lguro in Washington streets.
Ho entered Congress forty-livo years ngo,
hut his lost publio service was rendered aa
minister to England, when Incidentally ho
rendered a llttlo private service to tho apt
nil eager Drltishors in tho way of Instruc
tions In the scloncoof Kkcr playing Ilo
Bays that ho has lately cured a bad case of
Drlght'n disease ly drinking milk and eating
almost nothing
Justice William Strong, of tho United
State suprotno court, retired, Is now 80 yean
of ngo. Ho is a tall, Hue looking man who
docs not appear to bo moro than CO. Ills
clean cut faco resemble Uladstono's, though
it is not bo wrinkled. Justice Strong seems
to boasnetivoasovcr Hobos his salary of
$10,000 a yoar, nnd n good Incomu besides,
buthottill Ice ti iks on constitutional law In
ano of tho Washington schools, and 60tno
tlnins gives professional advice.
Jcsso Lisle, of Cocko, Tcun., is 110 years
old nml has documents to prove it In boy
hood ho worked on a farm. Kor forty-five
years ho was n llaptist picachcr and is now
farming ngain. Ho is halo and hearty, does
not wear spectacles nnd won't turn over bis
property to bis children for fear thoy will
squander it. lust wititer bo cleared two acres
of virgin forest without assistance. Ho says
ho remembcro when Ills fathor en mo homo
from tho llovolutlouary war, his feet bleed
ing from n long trump nnd almost fnmished
for food.
Dr Vow, tho accomplished physician of
tho Chinese legation at Washington, is soon
to wed an American maiden who is described
-nfl "one of tho well known beauties and so
cioty lenders of tho capital." Dr Vow has
boon a great social pet in Washington. Ho
Is not handsomo, but may bo called, without
.exaggeration, picturesque. Ho speaks excel
lent English, Is an accomplished horseman
and can wiold a sword with skill and vigor.
lie always wears a Chinese costume, Sky
bluo tunic, red silk pantalets and a pigtail
give him a luxuriously Oriental appearance.
It is told that a fow years ago, in n North
amptonshire village, Lord Spencer and Mr.
Gladstone wero out walking ono Sunday
evening, when thoy heard sounds of singing
coming from an old barn. After some hesi
tation thoy enteral, nnd wero so Interested
that thoy stayed to tbo end of tho service.
Tho sermon on that occasion was preached by
a Methodist local brother, who was a poor,
hard working, industrious man. Service
concluded, tho right houornblo gentlemen
had a conversation with the preacher, and
one of them told him bo had nover beard tho
Gospel preached so faithfully and so well in
his llfo before,
Representative Allen, of Massachusetts, Is
devoting a good deal of his tlmo in Wash
ington to amateur photography. Recently
a poor widow In Lowell wrote to him saying
that her husband, a private in a Massachu
setts regiment, lay buried somowboro in tho
National cemetery on Arlington IlilL Sho
has long wished to see bis grave, but has al
ways been too poor to mako tho Journey to
tho capital. Mr. Allen thereupon seized bis
camera, found tbo grave nnd mado n clover
photograph of tbo spot. Tho Lowoll widow
has thus been enabled, to all practical pur
poses, to gazo upon her husband's resting
place. Onco In a whilo amateur photography
rodocms Itself.
Mr. Plnoro, tho Loudon play writer, pro
duces bis dramas after prolonged nnd labori
ous thought. When ho has settled tho story
itself in bis mind bo goes to work upon tho
characters, building them up in thought bo
foro bo allows them to say a word upon
paper This process lasts sometimes for
weeks, and sometimes for months, but when
tho dramatist nt length sits down to his dak,
tho play has already a complete imnglnativu
existence., from tho riso to tho fall of tho cur
tain, Tho actual writing Mr Pinero accom
plishes as a rulo with extraordinary rapidity,
scarcely putting tho pen from his band until
it is finished Tho longest of nil bis plays,
"Lot ds and Commons," wns wiittcn In less
than a fortnight "Tho Money Spinner" ho
wrote In le. t a week and a day
Richard llcim Stoddard, tho voncrnblo,
gray haired ioot, bono songs in tho autumn
of llfo Imvo all thu mellow beauty of bis
ripened genius, Is gentle nnd generous almost
to a fault. Ho goes tho oven tenor of his way
from day to day, nnd for ono so far advanced
in years ho does an extraordinary amount of
literary w oris. When a young man bo met
tho poet Too and submitted a poem for his
perusal. Tho author of "Tho Raven'' bap
poncd to Io in ono of his unfortunate moods
and roundly accused tho young bard of willful
and premeditated plagiarism. When bo dis
covered Ids unjust accusation ho sent for
8toddard, and from that timo thoy wero
friends. Mr. Stoddard is considered by many
a bovoru critic, but he says bis aim is to be
just and toll tho truth. Tho "chromo liter
ary" sot, thut turns out tho namby pamby
books, novor meet with any recognition from
him whatever Ono of bis most nrdont ad
mirers is John Boylo O'Reilly, who never
visits tho city without seeing or asking about
the "grand old troubadour," as bo calls him.
An Interest Inn Cleologlcal Kxpf rlnient.
One of the most remarkable experiments
vor mado In tho way of geological research
Is now t)ctug carried out at Schladilach,
near Hollo, In Germany It is a gigantic well
or bore that has already reached a depth of
1,710 motors, or l.BSb yards, and furuUlioi
among other points of Interest much valu
able material us regards tho temperature of
tho Interior of our curtli. Regarding the
depth of tho lioring, somo Idea may be
formed from tho fact that sixteen spires,
each ns high as that of the Madgetiurg catho
drul (KM motorsi, may be piled one on topol
tho other ami still leave fifty two meters ho
twceii the point of the topmost vane and the
Burfaea The highest mountain iu tho ilartt
range tho llrocken has a height of U.MMJ
foot, hence only fills the holo Iu the ground to
llttlo more than half its depth. San Fran
cisco Chronicle.
Tho manager! of tho Cincinnati exposition
Imvo obtained a number of gondolas from
Venice and prou-o to have them on ox
hlhition mi a small lake attachod to tbo fair
groin d
Charm of Cuban Secnnry.
Throughout tho entire trip across Cuba,
rhcrever tho train halted, in xurcd n dis
nml troop of lioggiirs, lottery ticket sellers,
ihilevrox vth nil kinds of sickening sweets,
of whlrh the C'ulwin Indies bought freely ami
iite voraciously, nnd peddlers of glow worms
mil bectlo, guavn, green coeoanuts, nnd
lioh country cheese similar to the (lentinn
biiiecrkaso If ono alights foi reficOi
uient, another savage horde of "cm," with
nil mils if ediblcH and i-eftwoas, are to In)
iMttled with, and if a meal at a cafe is taken,
ton nro uublusbingly charged from $ I to t'2
In gold. Hut all these annoyance nro n
naught when one considers tho glorious
tropical panorama provided In this trip
across tho island. Tho loneliness of the
northern coastwlso country disappears on
leaving Mntitanras, nml of n sudden your
train is whirling through n veritable nature's
garden. Great orange groves nro nx common
as tho pine woods In Maine. Vast pineapple
plantations 1111 the space between Hem tho
vlow sweejM ncri the I Iver, valley ami vast
reaches of cane grounds, the Inst cuttings
being hurried to tho uuisslvo nnd groaning
machinery with tho splendid villas behind,
tho wholo surrounded by stately coco trees
and tho lordly inlm. There, for mile,
stretches another valley, a plain of puco ami
yellow whero tho "last cut" of tobacco Is
being piled by tho opcrnrios uKn tho ctljcs
or curing racks, or carried from there before
tho dow falls at 8 o'clock, lo tho great casus
do tabneas, whero nro other noble houses,
ilms ami fruits nml Mowers iiutellablo.
Hero nnd there nro ranches nml herds like
tho shining horned hosts of Calimguay, with
mounted voqucros and montcrosnnd their
wonderful dogs, in picturesque grotiM, with
tbo great palmetto palisaded coralles for the
"round ups," and ngain by these, portieoed
houses nnd quintns, liko palace s. UKn every
stream, at thoinouthof llower lmleddcd can
yons, set like brown gypsies uon mountain
Bldo, nro tho poor gunjlroV nlm thatched
cabins. And everywhere nro such luxuri
ance in soil nml forost, vlnu nml llower, that
when you reach the splendid city of Cieufuo
gos ns tho shadows full, ami the inoouU'aiittf
begin to danco iiKti its matchless bay ono
feels as though tho day had been n vision of
somo dreamland isle whero the weird in men
and tbo glowing In nature have blended
in magical spell with indescribable bloom
nnd song. LMgur I Wakemaii In Kansas
City Journal
DnlllHci Mono by A rullllirtirn.
Wo bavo to go back forsomething like half
n century to llnd In tho history of Switzer
land and Piedmont any record of calamity
from avalanches at all equal to that of tho
recent season. Tho loss of llfo seems to havo
liecn greatest on tho stwpeft southern sldo of
tho All, but 'I'0 1" f eattlo ami destruc
tion of fields nud houses on tho northern sldo
has lecn perhaps greater. Somo of tho lost
known resorts in tho Vnlals havo thus suf
fered. Itanda, In tho Zermntt valley, has
been destroyed, nnd in tho Baaslhnl nearly
all tho principal villages have been moro or
loss ruined. Tho damago dono Is not confined
to tho chalets and eattlo sheds struck by
masses of snow, earth nnd trees which tho
1 avalancho whirls along, but tho injury from
( tho avalancho blast is still moro extensive.
, Thus, In Saasgrund, whero only part of tho
village is exposed, tbo other part lielug pro-
toctctl by an immense pine wood, the unpro
tected portion, which Includes the villago
church, was shattered by fragments of tbo
nvnlancho, but tbo doors and windows of
every house In tho village, with hardly a
I single exception, were forced in by tho mere
concussion of air, and tbo samo thing hap
I pened at tho Slmplou Hospice.
Tho spray of a large avalancho raises a
snow storm of such fury as to oblige men
more than a milo oir to run for shelter. Tho
i houses which stiller iu this way get rapidly
filled with snow, and tho eattlo, If not got
I out quickly, lerish. As Switzerland is bo es
sentially tho playground of Europe, it is to
bo hoped that tho appeal for aid for sufferers
I made by tho English Alplno club will meet
with a generous response, Loudon Observer.
Ladle Looking at a Ilattle.
On a lovely spring Sunday somo months
ngo somo English Indies iu Stiakln mounted
to tho housetops and witnessed a thrilling
spectablo. in tho clear atmosphere every
movoment was visible on the sandy plain bo
hind tho town, across which Ostium Dignu's
horsemen, poising their long sx.irs ami with
terrific yells, charged furious)), while th
Egyptian troops drawn up in buttle nrrny
pour volley after volloy into tho unbailed
hosts. Shells from the gunboats in the har
bor hissed over tho heads of tho ladies and
plunged into tho maRi of advnncing Arabs.
Thoelinrgo was ns desperate as tho furious Abu Idea, and the tremendous fire
that emptied many a snddlu did not daunt
tho fanatical courage of tho desert warriors.
Then tho ladles saw on tho jullow sand a
flerco hand to hand fight, soldiers who wero
defending themselves pierced with spears, a
wavering of the charging line, nud finally
tho slow retreat of tho enemy, who carried
thoir dead and wounded from the Held as
thoy sullenly retired.
There was not a tree or a homo to bldo n
single detail or to impair tho vividness of that
Sunday morning sjiectiiclo. It cost ovor'JOO
lives, and It was ono of tho?o rnro occasions
when non-combatants nro ahlo to see, spread
out before them us on a stage, tho curnago
and all tho realities of lwittle. Now York
Teuilnc Down "Cruckor Castle,"
Ono of tbo most grofc-squo residences in tho
United States, tho famous "Cracker Castlo,"
In St. liouis, is soou to bo torn down. Tho
building has been a monument to tho folly
of Charles Picrco, who built it at a cost of
(75,000 out of tho fortune he mado In furnish
ing tho government with hardtack in war
times. Thcro is not u comfortable room In
tbo castle. It bus long been an object of ricli
culo. Its next owner nftcr Mr. Picrco was
P. O. Sharp, who bought it for 50,000 nnd
sold It for (14,000. It is related that a
stranger onco linked Mr. Sharp, "What fool
built thut housor "Oh," replied Mr. Sharp,
"I livo there. "-Now York World.
Ttie l'rliuo Imperial' I'niijr,
Tho pony ridden by tho Into princo im
I pcrial of Franco when ho received his "bap
tism of tiro" at Saurbruck during the Franco
i Prussian war lias Jiut come to a suddcu end,
liko Its unfortunate master. After Sedan
, tho pony was taught by a German baron and
i was kept on his estate in Silesia for his chil
I dren to ride. Recently It fell down on a slip
I pery road and broko its leg ami had to be
shot Chicago Herald.
I A llntilil uc I'Tuyor.
, Tho United States senate was opened with
I prayer one morning by Rev Dr. II Pereirn
Meiule., a Jewish rabbi of Now York. Dr
i Monde wote his high lint during his prayer,
j much to tho surpriso of the senators, who
did not seem Co lie nwarnthutit is not the
custom of rabbis to uncover their beads
whou ottering pruyer. Harper's Bazar.
In Wyoming Territory for at least three
mouths Iu each year, for all between tho ages
of 7 and 10, education is conipiiUory. nud to
nil residents of tho territory Ikitwoon ojnnd
111, from primary school to university In
cluded, U absolutely free, Public Opinion.
A treaty of International t radio by rail hns boon signed between Chill nnd tho Ar
gentine Itcpuhllo.
An Kugllsh ieer, whoso revenues havo been
reduced, hns accepted n wltion ns drummer
for n pianoforte manufacturer
A 111 Itlsh shipmaster nt Now Orleans re
jioits Hint whilo olf tho coast of Pntajronhi
liutterllies were blown aboard his vessel at a
dlstnnco of 1f0 miles from tho land '
I'm Is is threatened witli n battle of flowers.
Tho imperialist violet I to l.i rlvnlcd by the
lloulanglst carnation, tho carnation being
tho favorite flower of Gen Iloulauger.
One Yankee publisher, who uses 0,000,000
enveloKsi n year has sailed for Germany
after V."0,000,(KH) envelos, with which ho
prooseji to crush thoenveloo monoKly.
An Albany cattle broker Is so much afraid
of meeting death Inn violent form that ho
cannot lie persuaded to tide on a railroad
train or stoumtiout, or oven behind a horse.
A school for the manufacture of clocks
wilt soou Im ooned at Iji Viletto. It will
accommodate forty pupils, who will pay (GO
n year for instruction and $17 n month for
Tho newest freak In liOndon hnlr dressing
Is to hnvo n fow locks standing up almost
straight on tho top of the head, something
after tho fashion of Clnlrnin thecouventduii
geon. but feathers or llowcm are stuck in tho
llttlo elevation, and it is considered orna
mental An eastern pasr tells of tho queer wny In
which tho town of Orrington, Me., got Its
nnmn Tho citizens decided titon tho nnnin
of Ornngetowu, and sent their minister to
get nn net of ineorointlnn from tho legisla
ture. Tho clerk of flint lody wns a llttlo
slinky nn orthography , and I bought "orrlng"
wns tho proei wny to spell ornngn. The
pastor loved a Joke, ami so made no correc
tion, hut let tho woid go ns written.
It l quite ruMonmn when any one desires
tn show how little man knows, nftcr nil, to
nk "who can tell wlmt makes a blade of
grow grow or wliv it growsf" lluttherouro
equally great mysteiles doner to man than
even that or the graRs. I'or Instance, what
man ciin tell why every man who pnys heed
to style is now putting his carf pin in tho
upper left hand corner of Ills swiff Who
first wore his pin that way, or what manor
body of men ordered tho pins worn that way!
When last scarf pins wero worn they were
put in tho mlddlo of the scarf. Then, very
mysteriously they wero not worn at all.
Now they reupiour In this ieculiar way
Lieut. M E. Hall. U. 8. N., has been ex
pcrlmeutliig with an auto-mobile torpedo,
invented by himself, at the torjicdn station
In Newport, It. 1. Tho torpedo, which Is
mado of aluminium brass presents some
novel features. Tho diving rudder with the
Intricate mcchnuicism common in fish torpe
does Is dono away with. Tho flask contain
ing tho motive power occupies eight feet of
tho longtb of tho torpedo, which Is twolvo
feet long. Tho englno employed, owing to
the novel way of mounting it nnd Its ou
tomntic character, utilizes tho full oxpnnslvo
force of tho compressed nlr In tho runs that
havo been mado tho torpedo dovclopcd high
speed, although only ono-thlrd of the maxi
mum pressure was carried, and the diving
device has answcixsl its purpose as far as it
hns been tested.
Creiniitlnii of tlin ICIlitr'x hon.
Prom Slam wo learn that tho cremation of
tho two sons of tho king, which was "cele
brated" at tho end of February, wns a cere
mony eclipsing in magnificence oven that of
the king's uncle, whose body was cremated
last your Ou that occasion tho chief features
of tbo proceedings wero illustrated iu a Lon
dou pictorial weekly, but tho present occa
sion seems to havo poswd unnoticed. Por
fifteen days Mungkok wns given up to rev
elry No work was done, nnd such nmuso
inonts as fireworks, illuminations and Inter
minable drninutio performances wero pro
vided nightly and kept up till 2 or 3 o'clock
a. m.
Tho building in which tho cremation was
effected had lieen erected nt a cost exceeding
M),000, a fact which, as it is now being de
molished, as having served its purposo, shows
munificence, if not extravagance. Ex
ternally this "premano" presented tho njv
pcaranco of a palaco of gold, so gorgeous
was Its ornamentation, nnd Internally its
chief featuro was tho electrlo light with
which it was illuminated throughout. There
wero two sopnrato cremation days during tho
fortnight, and the final procession for each
was so long that it occupied over an hour In
passing n fixed K)iiit. Siamese funerals may
bo expensive ceremonies, but at least thoy
cannot bo called lugubrious. Pall Mall Ga
zette. Mnrn Tritlllo In Africa.
Tho latest accounts from tho east coast 'A
Africa leave no room for doubt that largs
numborsof slaves drawn from tho Lnko Ny
nssa district are now regularly exported to
Madagascar A leccnt ojo witness of somo
of tho atrocities committed liy the Arabs
states that they havo no regard for human
llfo or sutTcring Inrge numbers of kid
naped villagers who are taken to tho ports
on tho coast aro conveyed In dhows to Mad
agascar Mojanga is tho headquarters of
this nefarious tralllc, and there is too much
reason to believo that a fow Europeans us
well as a large number of Ilrltish Indians nro
concerned iu theso ventures. Doing noil
acquainted with tho movements of tho ships
of war, tho foreigners nt Mojanga nro always
ablo to warn their Saknlva or Arab accom
plices of Impending danger Tho Hova
authorities are bound by treaty to prevent
tho lauding of slaves, and it would bo inter
esting to know wliat reasons they give for
relaxing thuir vigilance There is a general
opinion that things will not improve until n
greater amount of consular supervision is
exorcised on tho west coast of Madagascar.
London Dully Nows.
Stamps ire Net Money.
Wo hope that tho brethren will learn that
postago stamps are not money Wo cannot
buy bread w itli postago stamps, wo cannot
buy (taper with posiago stamps; wo cannot
pay printers with stamps, wo cannot oven
pay postago on our publications with pout
ago stamps. It helps the country postmas
ters, of course, to sell stnmpi to our sub
scribers lustmd of sending us tho money.
Plcaso, brethren, do not send us stamps when
you owo us money, unlet It bo iiA cents or
under, to make change. It seems fo us that
tho brethren had nearly ns well send us dry
goods, nud lot the merchants make their
profit on them, to pay their subscriptions.
The iMwtmuster gets tho profit on tho stamps.
Amarican Baptist.
ItepriKliielloim of Choice Untwine.
Tho first art of a series of reproductions
from the choiest drawings in the llntish Mu
seum is about to lie published by tho trustees.
It will contain twenty live numliers, taken
prfiuiixilly from the works of the old Italian
schools, with a fow by masters of Germany
and I'lamlcr Tho selection has Imsiu mtulo
with a view to supplying fac-simllcs of pre
liminary slictchos or studios for pictures Iu
die National gallery, and to illustrate recent
additions to the collection. luhlio Opinion.
Old Thing lliule New VI lint Stay lie linn
with I nitty (linger ilnrn.
There ate many things we can do nt liotnn
In tlnnvn) of rcpulilug ilamigcs or turning:
old thing Into now ones. Thcro Is ono thing
thntMiitfi mows shabby nud looks very tin
ltd), and Hint is (he leather on n writing
(able or desk The old leather may bo lit
placed b a new one, if you follow thosodli co
ttons carefiilh Wet the lent her well ami
equally o or night, and next day j on will ho
ublo to get it all oir with a chisel; serajsi off
nil the little hits of glue, leather, etc., and
have it M'liibUsI ierfcvtly clean. It Is on
this the Miissts of your work chlelly desmls.
lis, unless the wixsl lie free from ltllllM, old
glue, etc , the cover will not lie smooth. Cut
the now leather (if you cannot get from tho
upholsterer a ci. stmiqmd und glided for
the put kim) the exact size, and try lb In tho
plaeo It has to nil, to wii that It fits at every
point; then lift it out, ami cover the place
with Willing glue (mind It is not too thick or
lumpy); replace tho leather, proi" tall ovor
smoothly with an old soft cloth, and tneu
leave it to set hard. This will tuko quite n
day ami a night, though the glue sets so
rapidly flint, once you have laid In your
leather, you will llnd it troublesome to idler
If you Imvo Us'ii careless iu placing it. Dy
the by, an old leather writing table cover
can be much impious! by sponging It very
delicately with a little warm soapy water,
nnd then nibbing it all over with white of
egg whlixsl ttill.
Nnl Mirti m lluril llitrgnhi.
Not long since a party of young men went
from I lost on to a country town down In
Maine for a few days' fishing. Thoy had a
full out 111 of "tackle" nml "gear," and uhii
arrival at their destination stood in need of
but one thing bait After consulting their
local advisor they secured the services of an
ancient Holdout, who started out to dig tho
nci-dcd wot ins. Ilo was gone tin co or four
hours, but In gixid pui x wo, for when ho io
turned he had a atei bucket even full of a
wriggling muss of earthworms. Now this
wns moie than the Imi)n had bargained for,
and thoughts of what such an unheard of
wealth of bait would cost began to tiouble
them To end their stkieliso they npK)illtcd
one of their uumlier sHikesman, w 1th plenary
powers, but with instructions to inuko the
liest bargain Hssihlo. "How much do we
owe youf ' ho asked, approaching the vener
able bait digger and taking out bis wallet.
"Well, I don't rightly know," rejoined the
old man, "the giouml Is kinder solid nud tho
worms is fur down, and It's been hard ou my
back to dig 'em Hut I'vo half n notion to
go llsbin' myself to-morrow, and If you'll
give mo half tho bult nu'll call It sipiuro."
ISoston Herald.
Il Whs No I'ihiI.
Jcjison I notlco that you always speak
well of mo to my face, Jobsou, and while I
have no reason to Itolloio that you do other
wise behind my back I think it does not
harm a man to lie criticised by his friends, to
lo told his llttlo faults. I know I'm not ier
feet und I would be glad to have you remind
mo of tho fact sometimes.
Jobsou -Tell you of your faults!
Jep. Yes, ci iticlso me, tell me wht your
honest privnte opinion of ma Is That's what
I want.
Job.- Jepson, you aro six foot two und I
am five feet four, and you want mo to give
you my honest private opinion of youf No
slrec Jobnon, my boy, I'm no fool. Doston
Couldn't Hurt It Much.
Ho went lo a Richmond hotel and modestly
called for lccfsteak. When it cumo he tink
ered nt it for ten minutes, and then bo soldi
"What is thlsr
"Deefstenk, sail."
"Thank you. Do guests usually try to cut
"Reckon (ley do, sail, unless doy got right
smart motifs."
"Yes. Well, I haven't, I'm from Now
York. You take thatsteak back to tho cook,
n-uiter, and tell him I haven't hurt It nny.
I've only bent it a little." Chicago Tribuuo.
Ill Destiny.
"Qulmby, your boy Is a remarknblo run
ner. I saw him lcat some of thu fastest men
In town yesterday. Are you having hliu
"Going toniako a professional of him, ohr
"That's what my Intention is."
"Well, he'll muko a record us u sprinter
"Not If I know it."
"Why notf"
"I'm educating him to bo a prlzo fighter."
Nebraska Stute Journal.
1'nlil for III ltrHUfiit.
Woman (to trump) Now thut you hnvo
been given a good breakfast, can't you do
something to puy for itl
Tramp Madamo, you shouldn't say "you
have lieen given a good breakjust." You
didn't gi e mo to any breakfast. You gave
tho breukfnst to mo. That Is a bit of rhotorl
cal information that is cheap at u week's
bourd. New York Sun.
Lumping It.
Drown is too throughly un American man
of business to give In to thu French fushlon
of serving meals iu courses,
"What shall I briug, monsieur!" asked the
polito waiter during Dronu's last visit to
"You may hustle on three boiled eggs, a
beefsteak, somo cheese, a bottle of claret,
uud the bill," replied Urowu iu u single
breath. Judge,
On the Ituud Iu I'miiio.
Friend (to youug physlciuul How aro you
getting on profcssioually, doctor!
Youug Physician Fatuously. Sinco I was
fortuuato enough to be called Iu tho com) of
old Mr. Trillion, of Fifth uvcuuo, my rupu
tatiun has rapidly extended, uuothur cusu
liko that and my fortune U mude.
Friend Hut Mr. Tnlliou died.
Young Physician That doesn't matter.
lis l'ult I'crfnetljr nt Home.
Mrs, H. Norah, I heard a man's voice In
tho kitchen last night. Didn't 1 toll you that
1 do not liko my girls to Iiuno couqiauyf
Norah Yes, 'in, you did, but it was me
first cousin Mike, and suro you needn't innkt
company of him at all llarier's Bazar.
Taking 111 Cliunri'.
Couufry Minister (to boy llshing) What
will your father say, little Imjv, when lie dis
covers thut ) on have been llshing tin Sunday I
Doy I dutiuo, sir, it doiemUouliow many
lUli 1 ketch. Now York Sun.
Now or Never.
"What liccnmn of that tromjict Wlgwug
sent up to little Tommy, Christmas!" queried
MclVlUr of his wife tho other evening.
"Oli, I'vo put it away; 1 don't want him to
destroy it lioforu he's old enough to appre
ciate it,"
"flood heavens, Helen I let the Ixiby havo it
let lit tn smash it before ho Icarus to blow
ill" Detroit Free lYcsx
Willi Illumination designs appropriate for the occasion,
Printed in finest style of the art at
Is now on sale lor what it will l)rinj. It comprises one of the
to the city, and must lie elosed out at once.
Kor Ladies, CJents and Misses.
Call in and see for yourself. The goods mustbe sold, so
come and get them.
BEE HIYR.95nnd9.7 0Sl
The Season
lias opened and we have just
Goods and a
f 1nTmVb?tVriSsi vi oiiLrv II I
Grey Horse Harness Emporium,
1020 O Street.
Twelfth stiect, opp Opera House..
I A C, PIAV, Le Caterer.
TIiIh Now and lluautlful Urxtnurant Im Juki been opened to the public. Wo will aim
to KOcure our patronage by xerv Iiik the hunt the market ullonU at reiiHonnhlo prices.
M arriinKOiueutH with all imrtA of Ihchtuto are sueb thut parties onlerini; in time can
Im- HUpplleil with all dellcHcle. of the houhoii.
N. VII order for Wed llu,''. Purlieu, i-mppurx, l-Yatl ul, HulU, HunqueU, etc., e(
promptly intruded to, ami Mint to all part of the count ry.
PureSpring Water used instead of City Salt Water.
Wesel & Dobbins,
Qrt J?rittters,
New Burr Ulook.
Wedding Invitations, Engraved Calling Cards, Box Station
ery, Fine Printing of all K'nds.
Give Us ei Trial Order.
for Driving
received a line line of Turf
great variety of
Ladies : Fine : Saddles.
Cor. 12LhundO Sis.