Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 26, 1888, Image 6

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    $j g jjt wm imnmrn nm w Oiwwwiimwto
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..- C i3tSG3ntAf.i.
II l thonnly Itun riiunltiK directly ttirtnticli
Denver mill Hall UiUo City, onrnutit toHnn
Krnnrlm'o nnd other rnllfnrnbi points, uml l
known ns tho "rieeiilo l.lno" lo lliu 1'nellli
coixl. TIik llurllmttnii Itouto runs over Its
own track every day In Urn your. Complete
trains if Pullman I'nlnce 'nr uml KIckhiiI
Day Concho between
Denver nml Chicago,
Denver nml Kan. City,
Denver and Omaha,
Kansas City and Peoria,
Kansas City and Chicago,
Lincoln and Chicago,
Lincoln and St. Louis,
Lincoln and Peoria,
Lincoln and Kan. City,
Mnkltigillicct cnnncotloiiN In Union lioiints
for nil point North. KnM, Month nml Went.
ItUlliu I'lnucr Dining Cnr I, Inn between
Mis-nun river nml Chlciitfo. Meals only 7n
The lliirllntn Ululint ("urn were oulltox
liroly for the service anil urn mnnnitcil on
llrolyln tlu Interest of nur iitroiiN.
Via thn Ashland Cut-on. nutUlng tllrrol con
nections Willi trains for Hl.l'nill, Mlnni-iipuM
Chlonitn uml nil nlnt Kind nml Northeast.
Tln illiiu'runiM of Dm I.incnlu-ChlciiK sloop
pm v In HiU )oiuliirrtnt nro ut Olt.vuiiloo.oor
Onml Kltli Bin., whom berth nmy hu secured
tnuy I lino.
A cH'lcilly In inuiliinf (Vrnu HleaniMilp Tick
ets, niul pnrtloNcoiitciuphitiiiKii trip to the olil
country or desiring to send flir lliolr f rloiiiWsliould
not full to corrosiMiiiil ltli ni. Our rates mil the
low rat, miilXmr facilities uiicipmlftl, nstn repre
sent each nml reiy lino oroiwiliig the Atlantic.
A. 0. 7.1 KM Kit,
City Pass. Aist, Lincoln.
(li u. Pass, nml T'lil Ant., denornl M'gcr,
OiiiiiIiii. Onmlin
llullilltiirs completed or In courso of erection
rum April 1, DM):
ilimlmim block. URoiilKoiiiery, lltlinmlN.
ild do I. V lllllfiiiniloy, Utli near N.
Kcstnurnnt (Udells) O K Montgomery, N nenr
ItcwMrnce, J .1 ImlioIT, J nml KMh.
l J I) Jlnofarliuid, Q nml Mill,
do Jolin clining, I) mul lit li.
tin Allien Wntkliw. 1) ts-t Ptli nml 10th
do Win )l Utmniil. i: lt Olh nml 10th.
tin K HClutlirlw, UTIli nml N.
ilo J i; Heed, M I), K bet lath mul Kth
ilo h 0 M ltaldwln, (I Ua IHtli nml 181 li.
(Unliamtm building nt Slllfonl, Null,
Flirt llnptNt church, Utli nml K slrrr!,
ortonry u.mM ami recelvln,: tomlint Wyuka
Whopper Tolil nt Illlttiiril Tlmn In Ihn About
Vlrlnlty of Onltmni.
A physlolnn In Yonkors, who I also smoo
thing of a K)llllclmi, has n comfortnblo placo
nt Fork river, Ilurncgat liny, which li open
tho year round to 111 friends for port or
rocronilnn, 'C)i Into lillMiird raught omo of
llipm down tliuro unprovlilwl with montw of
Itiihlp Iti'itKMlli for
I'.vfirjilny Allmrntn,
Not unfrr(Mi'ntly motlioni complnln Unit
tholl' chlldruu nrn unttirnlly imnivIrU mid
trotiMiwoino. "always frctty," an innny tuiy,
ulccpiiiK Imt llttlo nml crying much. Tlmy
iifMiiino Hint tho lirltnlito qtmllty In InlKirii
ami mi i'ni'iiIImI purl (if llio Imliy'ii coiiiixmI-
lilrj) It iih mi ovIiU'iico of iIIroojk.-. Tho Jour
mil of llcnltli cnlN iittciitlou to thin, nml
ndiln, nlniiK with viirloim helpful migKostlon
tninollicn), tho follow Int
A troiililenonm, cryliiK child cannot Iki I
hoiltjiy, mid iiiothorM Hhould ho awniriHl of
thin fitt't nml ciiiliiivor to ilotcrmlno tho
rnuo; If thoy fall to dhoovor nml rrmovo it,
then It Is clearly tholr duty to nock tho nd
vlco of a pliyhlclmi.
Ifawoiunti Is nntu rally fretful and Irrl
tnlilo, nml pots(wi nn iiucontrolliililo lent
per, tho artllli'lnl im-nni of firdliij; Is th-' lKst
for her child. Tho minio nmy ho wild If tnw
fmillHilo not nxUt, hut Iht homo's nurrouml
Iiirs nrounhnppy, nml hho Is llkoly lostiircr
from Kih'f and iU'itxiidi!ii'y, hns n ilrtinkbii
liiihhnud, or somo other lll;o iiil.ifoitiino
tvilKhlii; tiMin her. If tho inotlmr Is poor in
health, hoth lii'ifi'lf nml her child will miircr
If slio ntlcinpts to nuio II, Tho cpicstlou of
luherltniico must Iki cihihIiIciiiI. Any dls
oiixo liko coimuinptlon, mrofuln, etc., oxistinj:
In her family, mid to which Mm shows u ten
dency, hhould dobnr her from tiourlxhluK her
An nliiurd lialilt, by no menus uiicoininon
itiuouir mothers, Is tho so-called "trotting on
tho kneo." This nloiiilnnblo "churning pro
tvos" is uiifortunntely un Itiherilnnco trnnt.
mlttcd with iniiiiy iitliornutiiptnteil customs,
nml Is ii K)l(int causo of Indigestion and kin
dred iilliiiciiK When tho baby iniiht bo huld
to ipilet It, if you hold it in one mhU1oii ami
keep (ptlet yourholf, it will 1mj moro ipilckly
Unro roast Isx-f, steak and other kinds of
meat aro often given children by their
mothers entry in the second year, a common
custom Mng to cut tho saiuo Into long
narrow pieces, fmm which they nronllowod
to suck tliujuliii. Thero is nothing particu
larly object loimbh) to this; still, It ought not
to Ixj Indulged In tixiearly. Ami rule, lifter
it child N IN mouths old will bo llmoeuougli
to glvo it meat In this form,
Indigestion accompanied
llooms !CI niulIH
RlohnrclM Bloolc.
DR. B. B. Powers,
GoldFillings A Speciltay
Gold, Silver and lotcclnln Crowns Insert
ed on roots ot teeth. Sets Inserted without
a plalc All operations ilrstsclnss nnd war
UM O Street over Klllolt's.
All the I'ATTKKNS you with to ua during tho
j far. for nothing, (a navlug of f ruin (3.00 to $l.W), by
obecrlljluu' fur
Demorest's iw-E1"1
With Twelve Orders far Cut Paper PetUrneof
your own leleelion end of (sy Ue.
emorests rr
-:i:- THE BESA
i Of nil tlio AlngnsKlnoH.
TlriC, AND llOUII()LD N ATT till.
Jlluttrnltil with Orluitml Htrrl Eugrav.
tiiilt, l'lioloiirovurn, oil J'lrturr nml
0;t llooilcuf. mukhif it the Model Maja.
tine of Amrrleii,
Ui:h Maazlno routtlnincoiion order entitling
Vis holder la tlio K'licuon of any pattern Uluttratni
In tU f-tuhlan driartnicni in that number, and in
riy of tU lic manufactureil, nuking iattems
jarlni tho ymr ot tlin valuoof oer three dollars.
DKMOHriirs MONTHLY Is justly cnlltlwl the
tVorli'a Model Magazine. Tho Urgent In Form, thn
(j-jp.t In C'lrculuilon, ami tho U't TWO Dollar
Family Magazine loneil. 1BR8 will be the Twentr
fun rili year f )' piihllcntlon, and It ftanda at the
ho id of Fsmlhr periodical. It contains Tl pagei.
Isnro nutrUi, H VxllV Inchea, elegantly minted and
fully lllustrotod. 1'ubllibcd by W, Jennings
Peiiiorct, New York
And by Special Agreement Com
blncd with the
Capitol Cily Courier at $3,25 Per Year.
Indoor nmusemrnt, Thoy wrro Imprisoned i lion, nml moro often do thny fall to recog
nearly a week, ilurlng wlilcli tituo n smnii nio
liotisa was their only change from tho soil
tiuln of tho hslgo, Ono dny tho crowd wns
yawning In thn nto house. All things had
boeonio rhentnuts,
"I can toll you a story nliout my dog Hint's
now, anyhow," gnod Chnrles l'nrkcr.
"I can Unit It for n prlro," rwild KlsMiozor
Do Witt,
"You fellows don't know how to Ilo," put
In A. J. Trimo. "It takes a lawyer. I sel
dom Ho myself, but If thor's n prlzn In It, go
"Well, this dog, gentlemen," Wgnn
l'arker, loftily, "bent nny rabbit dog that
over lived. Ilo wns faster tlmn tlio wind.
Once, on a hot trull, ho mil nnvi upngnliut
n scythe, which had U'eti left blndu upright
In a Meld. Ho was going at a tcrriblo aco,
nml I know what would happen; so I stooped
down by tho soytho in promrntlou. Hum
enough, tho blado pnrtod him down tho mid
dlo, dividing oven hln tail In equal parts. As
thotwosrts tumbleil over I clapped thorn
tpitekly together uml IkiiiuiI them up In a
hunting coat. Ilo rn going so fast thnttho
liliKxl hadn't had ttino to spill, and, of course,
tho halves grow together, lint somehow ono
Imlf had llopinsl ovor Just licforo I Joined
them, nml when Jnck got well ho hnd two
legs on tho ground and two sticking up In
the air. Ho wns a curious dog nflvr Hint,
AVIii'ii he barked half u bark would como
from thn pat t of tho mouth that opened up,
and tho other half ramo from tho part Hint
oiM'itcddowu, This defect annoyed him, and
ho practiced to remedy It Ilo got so nftor a
whilo tlmt, nfter choo-chooing for a minute,
liko a locomotlvo getting under way, ho
could run his half Iwirks together Into n con
tinuous unto liko a fog horn. I mado moiioy
out of him by hiring him out mornings to a
lxx factory for a steam whistle, Tho most
curious thing, though, wns to seo him ent, I
cut his food into tiny pieces. Ho would tnko
ono morsel with tho half of his mouth thnt
opened downward, nnd then turn a sort of
linmliipringsldownys to his other legs nnd ent
another morsel with his other half mouth.
When real hungry ho turned so 'fast ho
looked liko n '.tx) revolution lly wheel In mo
tion, Ho never wnggod his tall, Tho reason
was thnt tho muscular vdorts nt wnggiug, bo-
lug eiunlly bnlnticeU on each side, counter
acted onch other. Ho wns a liottor rabbit dog
than over, for when ho ran himself oft ono
utlr of legs, bo'd simply turn a sldespring
nml go it on tho other pair. You couldn't
tiro him out. It wns a great blow to me
when ho tiled."
Mr. l'nrkcr stroked his chin contempla
tively, nml Kbvnozur Do Witt said slowly:
"Your dog wns truly wonderful, but ho
enn't couiaro with my rnwhldo traces. 1
bought them now In Jersey, and ilrst used
them to cart a load ot wood up a hnlf mlln
bill to my liouao. It was mining dlsmnlly
as I loaded tho wood on tho wagon, nnd tho
rnwhldo traces got thoroughly soaked. When
edl wns ready I mounted ono of tho horses
and drovo to tho bnuso. When I got thero I
found thnt tho wagon hadn't budgod, Tho
wet trnces hnd stretched tho whole half mile.
Hero wns a bad fix, and as tho sun enmo out
just thou, I sat down to think about it Thou
tho sun got so hot I went Indoors, leaving the
horses standing.
"When 1 emtio out a mliiuto inter tbo
homes wero straining to keep from being
pulled down tho hill. Looking down, I saw
my load ot wood rumbling up tho hill nt a
Jolly rate, I was puzzled at ilrst to under
stand what wns pulling them, but soon saw
that ns tho sun dried tho traces thoy were
contracting at tho satno mto they had
1 stretched when wet, and ns tho horses huld
' tho ground ut tho top of tho hill tho wagon
hnd to como up to tho horses. I afterward
formed a company for lifting safes to tenth
1 story windows. Jay Gould put in tho monoy
I and I put in tho trnces. Wo both got rich.
Tho way I lost thoso traces was in trying to
sound tho bottomless spring in Pennsylvania.
I Wo tied n weight to ono end nnd dropped it
1 in tho spring. As tho weight sank into tho
depths thoso traces spun out till nt last thoy
liocnmo so lino a thread thnt n butterfly
chancing to Hit against ouo end, it snapped
short oir."
Kveryliody cried "Chestnutl" nt tho con
clusion of this story. When tho uproar sul
Ided At I'rluio began.
"Oentlemen," ho snld, "I havo hnd do
thrilling experiences such as yours. Hut I
tested somo gunpowder oueo that provod
rather remarkable. I am something of a
sportsman, ns you know, and fond of experi
menting with now brands of jtowdcr. Oil
this occasion I put in a fair charge of tho
powder and plenty ot Bhot, and blazed away
at a whlto target nbout 100 feet away.
When tho smoko cleared I didn't seo u mark
on tho target. This seemed inconceivable,
for I ilatter myself thnt I can bit a thrco
foot target, I walked over and
looked at it Not n scratch on it
I tilled a pipe, lighted It, and thought about
it It wasn't iKKulblo I could havo missed so
completely. Just than tbero was a llttlo
humming in tho air and a rattling on tho
target I looked nt it nnd found it covered
all over with shut This was strnngo. It
puzzled mo. Hut at last tho truth broko
upon mo, I scratched ray head and ro
marked to myself t
"Great Scott, but that's slow powder!"
Tho barkeeper gazod blankly at tho crowd
from a corner. The tavern cat meowed plto
ously, and strovo to squeczo out of a broken
window Into the cold, cold storm.
During last Tuesday's election at Yonkers
Lawyer A. J. Prime woro at tlio polls a bluo
ribbon in his buttonhole. One end of it was
hidden in his ocket To a fow intimate
friends Lawyer I'rlmo showed tho hidden end
of tho ribbon. On it hung a brown leather
modal with a scarlet center; in letters of gold
was engraved on it tho motto:
Tho lieadncho of
by scintillations and ilii.zllngs of light 1h-
torn mo eyes is atwnjs Hue, nccordlng to Dr.
B. R Landroy, to ncldltv and evolution of
gases In the stomach. Dr. bindroy states
that It Is easily cured, when not complicated
by other comlltloiiM, by common salerntusor
superearlmnnto of soda. U'. tho jiatlent
lako one-fourth of a tcaMKnful in much
water say four to six tensooufulsor moro
wait u fow minutes, ami II not relieved ro
llout tho doM. Tho glimmering noon censes,
and tho iwiln forgets to follow. Hot water
can Ik used If tlio stomach is wry weak, and
in-psln will sometimes relievo it without tho
To Corn n I'eliiu.
Dr. John T. Mctcalf snyM in lloston Medi
cal and Surgical Journnl: In 18.7.1 1 learned
Hint a felon could, if seen curly enough, bo
iiinda to abort by wrapping tho linger end
with narrow strips of ndhesivo plaster. When
pus has been formed, I learned twenty years
ago, from u country doctor, that Inimedlato
relief and speedy euro would follow tho
gentlo, slow sciiarntion of the nail from its
envelop by means of it penktilfo blado, not
too sharp, nt tho (silnt nearest tho sent of
grentest pain. Very soon a drop of pus shows
itself, and relief comes. I nm awaro that
tho pian described is known to ninny medical
Nlmptn Itemed)- fni- TinixllltU.
Tho successful use of blcnrlioiinto of soda
In a largo iiuiuImt of cases ot tousllitls, is re
ported by Dr. W. J. linker. Manj patients
who wero tumble to swallow oven liquids
without ncuto suffering, wero in thocoursu
of four ot live days cured. Tho patient,
after having moistened the tip of tho index
linger, dfis it into tho powder, and then ruhu
it gently all over tho tonsil. This should 1j
repented every llvo minutes for half an hour,
then onco every hour for tho n-st of tho day.
Cold Water fur l.lchtnliii; Mmke.
Dr. Hidalgo, of Mexico, recently told at a
meeting of physicians of tho case of a iiiuii
who had lnvii struck by lightning nnd wasut
Ilrst thought to lie dead, but w ho, nfter having
hnd cold water thrown over him at tho sug
gestion tif u (sisner by, recovered conscious
ness. Tho patient was treated with sedatives
and some clysters, mid in sixteen days was
perfectly well. His recovery Dr. Hldnlgo
attributed to the cold ulVusiou, which, fortun
ately, was administered quickly, before tho
paralysis ot tho heart had Ihh.'oiiio nh-xilnto.
A Ciiiiiinn Hull Cure.
Something newin thotrentmentof chronic
constipation Is tho uo of camion luills. Dr.
Sahll is reported im recommending that In
tliataircctlou tho ball Iki rolled about over
tho abdomen every day for llvo or ten min
utes nt a time. The ball should weigh from
four to flvo M)uuds.
A Street Cnr Story from the City of Ilo
You can cram a good doal of human nature
Into a street cnr nbout 0 o'clock In tho oven
Ing. Thero was n heap of It In a Grand Itlver
nvenuo cnr nn overling or two since, when
half a dozen xoplo saw n man take a f-'u
gold pleco from his vest ocket, fondle It for
a moment nml tlion drop It Into his loft linml
pants pockot in nlnnit three minutes ho felt
In his vest iocket for thnt monoy, nnd It wns
gone. Then ho felt In tho other ockot nnd
suddenly rose up.
"lost nnythlngr quorled a pnssengcr.
"1 don't know lot's seo yes, 1 hnvol"
Ho felt in several other pockets, drow forth
a bunch of keys, a lump of roxlu, a ockct
knife, somo trochns nnd n half dollar nnd
then exclaimed:
"I've had my ockct picked of f-'OI"
Klvn pawiigers iK-trnyed excitement Six
others wero only casually Interested. Four
wero skeptical, ami seven winked nt eneli
other nnd wh!scrcd thnt It wns a dead fake.
"lrfneltln tlio carT asked a second pn
"Of course I did I I had it less'n flvo min
utes ngol"
"And your xckot has been picked P
"Sure enoughl Is thero nn ollleor on this
"Do you mean to say you suspect mop de
manded tho man on tho right
"Or mop demanded tho ouo on tho left
"Hut It's gone I" shouted tho loser. "Some
ono 1 1 us certainly rohlxnl me,"
Flvo pnsscngcrs whlscred "Ilntsl" softly
to themselves, uml four others gnzed serenely
nt tho ceiling.
"Conductor, stop tho cnrl" shouted tho
loser, ns ho seized tho eord nnd rung up llvo
fnres on tho register.
" lint Is III" demanded the conductor ns
ho en mo In.
"Somo ono hns robbed moi"
"Feel In your left hand pants pocket, you
numb skulll" shouted an old man on tho op
KMito sent
His ndvlce wns complied with, nnd tol tho
lost was found.
"Twenty-live cents, sirl" said tho conduc
tor. "Whnt forP
"Thoso llvo faresl"
It was paid, nnd the victim offered to lick
nuyhody in tho car before ho got off. Then
ho got off, shook his list nt tho conductor,
and darkness nettled down upon the city and
sent the sparrows to their nests under the
eaves. Detroit Free Press.
Finest: Production.
Two nf .Mutiy.
Malcontent Ah, this Is a hnrd, cruel
world. 1 supiKiso I would havo starved to
death right In my early homo if I hadn't got
away, hut I'm llttlo Utter off yet
Old Friend I remember you got disgusted
with o very body and everything Ih-ciiuso
others were moro proscrous than yourself,
nml you sold tlio pair of Imported dogs your
undo toft you for money enough to go off
umong strnngers.
"Yes, that fool of n Winks bought 'cni.
Minks never hud sense enough to como in
when it mined, ho could hardly feed himself,
nn' yet ho liouglit them big dogs of mo. What
became of HlluksP
"Ho owns the finest dog kennel In the
country nnd Is rich." Omaha World.
Utlllrlng (linger Jura.
Thero are a nuinlier of ways in which empty
ginger Jars can Imj utilized. Ono Is ns tho
liowl to a lump. These also make excellent
receptacles for (lowers. Ladles who are ar
tlstlcnlly inclined can cover them with
mntnel mint, mid then, when this foundation
coat is dry, any design can Iki painted on
them iu oil paints. Detached sprays of flow
ers look well, such as Jonquils, or thoy cun
bo roughly mluttd in somo of tho conven
tional and geometric patterns found on east
ern xttery. A drawing or an original jwt
khould bo copied; a coat of copal varnish ut
tlio last makes It complete.
.Split I'eu Soup.
Bonk iu warm wntor over night ouo quart
of split peas. Put tho soaked pens, with Imlf
a pound ot salt ork cut in thlu slices and a
cracked beef bono or two, into four quarts of
cold wnter; mid a chopped onion, salt and
pepiier to taste. Strain through a colander,
rubbing tlio peas to a tolerably thick puree,
simmer ten ml uutcs and pour into tho tureen,
iu w lilcb barbed! placed a peeled and sliced
IlolliinilaUo Situro fur I'lali, i;to.
Tho true hollandnlso snttco Is simply butter
plainly melted iu a snueepnn, llavorcd with
a llttlo cpiHir ami salt and a llttlo lemon
Juice This Is allowed to settle over tho lire,
and is then xurcd, fieo from tho sediment
nt tho Ihottom of tho pan, into a very hot
Banco boat This banco is n very valuable
addition to tUh, asparagus and all green
A Sulmtaiitlal DUli Without Meat.
A substantial dish without meat Is tho fol
lowing: Wash and pool two quarts of pota
toes, ieel and slice six ounces of onions, skin
nnd bono two largo herrings, season with
salt and popjier, inmr enough water on to
cook, bake an hour mid n half and servo hot
Any cold gravy, stock or dripping on hand
will Iki tatter tlinii tho water.
Ilo had won the prise Now York Sun.
Trn-ln-la lo.
"I cannot sing the old songs,'
Though well I know tlio tune,
And I can carol llio tho bird 7
That sings In leafy Juno. '
Yet though I'm full of tnuslo
As choirs of slusln;; lilnlfi,'
"I caiiuot sing tlio old songs" "UT"
I do not know tho words,
I start on "Hall Columbia"
And get to "heaven lioni lnd,M
And there I strll o an up grndo
With neither steam nor snud.
"Star Spangled Ilnuner" throws ma
JUpht In my wildest screaming,
I start nil right, hut dumbly como
To olceless wreck at "streInlng.,,
Bo when I sing the old songs,
Don't murmur or complain.
If "Tl, ilo ah da, turn do diim" 21
Bhould All tho sweetrnt strain.
I love tlddy um diiin ill ilo, '
And the trallala eep ill birds,
But "I cannot slug the old songs
I do not know tbo words.
Durdetto In Brooklyn Ealsw
A l'ew Minor Points Well Worth Ite
iiii'inliurlng, Mrs. John Sherwood, a recognized author
ity on tho etiquetto of society, ndvlses a
young man never to let his calls in) too long.
Ono hour wns all that Mine. Itecamler
granted to the most ngivoablo of men for an
evening visit. Tho rule is a good ono. It
is much tatter to go away leaving your
friends wishing you hnd stayed longer than
to stay so long tlmt ouo hostess wonders If
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes' suggestion of a
ship which could not lio launched had over
occurred to her guest,
Thosnmo authority reminds young men
who are fond of horso back riding, thnt they
should not offend by currying into tho
presenco of ladies tho order of tho stable, a
by no means untrequcut occurrence.
fronting (.Inn.
Frosting glnss Is oaslly dono by washing
tho window over with a strong decoction of
Epsom salts. Let It dry, nnd repent tho pro
cess nt least thrco times, w hen it will have
tho effect of hoar frost or fine moss.
Hrncket fur Tnwela.
The bracket illustrated iu tho cut is mndo
ot wood with a recess on which cun bo placed
powder boxes, tumblers and tho liko.
A Ninutl Item of Courtiny.
It is one of tho minor things of lifo, in ouo
sense, to writo to your Initios or Mmo mem
ber of h family where you havo bten visiting
immediately after going home. Hut ns n
point of courtesy nnd propriety it is your
duty to do it Always write, and writo soon;
without fail express your appreciation of
their hospitality; nlludo to tho pleasure tho
visit gavo you. Not to do so Is almost un
pardonable rudeness and is ungrateful. And,
on tho other hand, when a guest of your own
has thus written you should sikiii answer her,
lestbho lioleft to some misgiving thutsho bos
ltiMmo way disupoiuted you.
HoHtriR mul (luraU.
If your guests aro intimate friends, do not
feel it necessary to banish them to tho parlor
or sitting room whilo you uro engaged ubout
your household duties. They would undoubt
edly prefer to assist you, so thnt you could
the sooner bo freoto sit down quietly with
tlieni for a chut or quiet visit. Consult tho
rVlshoH of your guests taforo making doiluito
;luns for their cutcrtuiuiuoi.ii.
r tin
Tho towels lii use are hung up on noils at
tho buck of tho bracket, while an embroid
ered towel Is suspended iu front from a rail
for decoration. Tho embroidery is carried
out with rod nnd bluo cotton on llusslan
llnon, Iu satin stitch. Tho knotted frlngo is
formed of red and bluo cottou UirumW
i i
i i
Jarvis' California Pear Cider.
This delicious summer beverage is tnndc In California, from very ripe mellow
Hartlctt Pears. In the height of the ripening season many tons of pears become too
ripe for shipping or canning purposes, they can then be utalied by pressing them into
cider. The fresh juice Is boiled down two gallons intoone, nnd Is then strained through
pulverized char coal. This heating, condensing and straining completely destroys fcr
inentatlon.nnil the cider ever afterwards rcninlns sweet and good nnd Is a most healthy
and nutritious article for family use.
Knowing there aro many spurious ciders sold in this market we offer the above
explanation with the eminent testimonial of Prof. J. H. Long. Very Respectfully,
THE G. M. JAR VIS CO., Sole Proprietors,
San Jose, California. 39 N. state Sheet, Chicago
TIIK r M unv-N rn r- .. Chicago, July 71b, 1887
11 Ih li. Al. JAI. IS CO., (cnticmcn:
I have made made n chemical examination of the sample of Jnrvls' Pear Ode
submitted to me n few dujs ago, and would report these points among others noted.
'1 he liquid Is non-alcoholic and has a specific gravity of 10.65. The total cxtrac
tive matter amounts to 10.25 l'-'r cent, containing only .621; per cent of free acid. The
tests show this acid to be malic acid as usually found in fYuit juices. 1 find no other
ncld or foreign substance added for color or flavor.
I believe It, therefore, to consist simply of the juice of the Pear as icprcsented.
Yours truly,
J. II. LONG, Analytical Chemist,
Chicago Medical College
. San Jose, Cal.
39 N. State St. Chicago.
W. B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman.
Druggist and Leading Wine Merchants.