Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 26, 1888, Image 5
TIIK MYSTKIUOUS KKIKXI). Button Ncwports, Oxfords, A 1 ban is, Opera slippers. Goat Points, Wigwams for Ladies Misses and Children, AT Perkins Bros. 1 1 29 O Street Mall order receive prompt attention. Coin in I1I11 Itlcjclos mill Trlcxeles. sa o st n. I) vddis. (t mW DENTAL ROOIS. W. J. P. Lawton D. D. S. Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block. Elevator on O St.. Telephone 628 NITROS OXIDE GAS Administered for )ulnlcss extraction. H. W. BROWN, Dealer in Drugs and Medicines PAINTS,OILS, GLASS. Books, Stationery, etc. 127 S. Eleventh tit Help Wanted! Wnn'ed at once a responsible paitv ol good address to represent jl. ne-w -work: IJyIION. TWOS. li. HILL, author of Hill's Manual of Socinl and lliui- nes Forms. In LANCASTER COUNTY An excellent opportunity to secure .1 good positlonjandjtnake mono). Sales can be made on the Installment plan when desir ed. Address for term ami particulars, HILL STANDARD BOOK CO., Publishers, 10 State St. CHIC UiO, ILL. FINEST LIYERY RIGS In thoYlty nil conic fin m tin- Graham Brick Stables !"J7 1' stu rt wh'i'i all kind uf Boggles, Carriages or Saddle Horses, (nil bo liailat any llinr, ilin or night on short notice, HORSES BOARDED ami well tnkun cam of at reasonable rates. Call uuil hi'o iih. lftJ7 H street, or glvo orders hyTilolitno H7, A REMINSCENSE OF THE LATE WAR llriorHtliiii liny Sloi-.v Tul, I li) lliMtr Ill-own, Willi llliislrullniM. l'ri'iuirril for Hie cm uikh. It was during tho autumn of 1801, whlln t was with Fremont's army in Missouri as war corrospondont of TI10 Tribuno, that 1 Unit met ilnkluy t Wordless, llu was then n lilem box of Fremont's Isxly guard, commanded by MnJ Zugonyl, n Hungarian, and had distin guished lilmself by his coolness mid Intrepidity when tlio guard had In-en suddenly and 1111 oxxetodly attacked at night, as tlivy were riding through a lane, on llielr nay to Hrlngl1cld. War was 11 uovolty then; not onoof tlio private, iimonj; whom was Word less, had lieen under llro, and yet thoy boro thciuscltw llko veterans In circumstance BHi'lall calculated to tast their nerves. A baud of guerrillas several lmtidred strong southwest Missouri was full of them tlio first year of llio war had heard of tlio detached movement of the guard, and concealed them selves Itohind u rail fence, skirting tlio lano through which thoy knew tlio "Yankees" must puss. They Impatiently awaited their coming, mid nt an agreed signal, opened lire with ritlos, Rhot guns, muskets, on tlio enomy, never dreaming of danger, within a fnw feet of tlio muzzles of their weapons. Thoy be lieved, naturally, that many of tho raw sol dlors would bo killed and woundod, and that the rust, surprised in tho dark, would bo thrown into confusion and tako to Indlscrim iiintolllght. Their part of the programino was faithfully oxocutcd; but tho guards wholly fnlled'to act as anticipated. Theso, though Hung for a motneut Into disorder by thn lire, buf 01 i which u number foil, rallied In o fow socor.ds, taking in tho situation at a glance. Theli eomniauder, calm and cour Hguuus, onWiixl tlieiu to charge; but before they could do this, most of them were obliged to dismount a few leaped tho fence and lot dow n the rails. This they accomplished very quickly, and firing their carbine at tho fhadowy figures, rushed upon them with drawn swords, and drovo them pell moll liter a flock of sheep. The guerrillas, who had no regular organization, woro dismayed at tho uulookcd for assault, and escn)od in tho dark ness. Tho wholo action was over in fl vo min utes, but its echo lasted for weeks. Any skirmish seemed a battle In those days, and an tho guards had boon considered rnthcr drawing room knights than truo soldiers, their reputation for valor was exaggerated. Hut allowing for hyperbole, their conduct was right gallant thoy woro not moro than ouo to three of tho foe and merited praise, which as a chronicler of events and as an ardent Unionist, I was eager to award. I had been particularly struck by what I had lioon told of a young fellow ho was strangely named Hakluyt Wordless who had lioon smoking a plpo at tho onset, and was still puflllnglt nt tho outcome Maj. Zagonyi was enthusiastic at what ho called his splen did courage. I had Jut written a glowing account of tho body guard, and was leaving my tent tho correspondents wero attached to head quarters, and nominally on Fremont's staff to jiost my letter, when a lioyiMi looking youth, in tho uniform of tho guard, touched his cap, and said, "You nro Tho Tribune cor respondent, I bcllovo." I replied alllrma tively, when ho mentioned his namo and his desire to make my ncqualntanco. I told him 1 hud heard his name, and was proud to kuow him, adding that I had been trying to do tho body guard justlco for tho heroism thoy had displayed. "That was what I wanted to seo you about," lio remarked; whereupon I said Jocularly, "Your prowess shall not suffer at my hands. You shall hear w hat I have written." I read my letter, ierhnjis with somo satisfaction I was yet In my twenties and ho blushed llko a girl when I siioko culogistlenlly of him. "Would you," I inquired, "llko to ndd anything morel I shall bo happy to write it." "You are very kind; hut you would obllgo mo exceedingly if you would eraso what you havo said about inc. I do not descrvo It, and if I did, I would greatly prefer your silence," I could hardly bcllovo him sincere; for I had not found mon in tho army, or out of it, for matter of that, nvcrso to pralso. Hut ho soon convinced 1110 of his earnestness, and I reluctantly canceled tlio personal rcferenco to him. That was tho boginning of our in timacy. Ho impressed mo most favorably from tho start. Wo talked together till 3 o'clock in tho morning, and I felt, nt parting, 08 if I had known him all my llfo a natural feeling when ono meets a sympathetic spirit. I discovered him to bo thoroughly educated, a classical s olar, acquainted with several modern languages, a traveler at homo and abroad; in brief, a delightful companion. Ilut ho was singularly reticent as to his onto cedeuls and wrsonallty, and I respected his reticence. Ho simply told mo that ho was an American for six genorntious, a Now Yorkor, 25 years old (he looked much younger) and an intense lover of his country. When I montioncd his courage, ho said ho had not really displayed any; thnt, in tho skirmish of tho previous day, he had not hud tiinu to Ik) frightened, that no man could tell if ho wero bravo until ho had frequently been tostod. Wo wero a great deal in company until Fro raont was iclloved of his command, when th, bodyguard lieing dissolved (ho had joined it lu St. Louis), ho was mustered out. Tho army now fell back, and Hakluyt and I separated, uot for long, ho declared, us sym pathetic natures wero likely to bo drawn to gether under any circumstances. I went to Kentucky to obscrvo military operations, and nfter tho battlo of Mill Spring started with Grant up tho Tennessee. Fort Henry had been taken mainly by tho gunboats, and then tho land forces marched across the bit of hind that separated tho Tell nosee and Cumberland rivers, expecting to reduco Fort Douolson lieforo breakfast. I was trudging over tho snow covered Held on tho third day's lighting, half starved, half frozen wo had no tents and wero short of provisions and nearly blind from tho recent explosion of a case of cartridges at tho land ing ono of tlioni having struck myoo when I suddenly encountered Hnklujt on horseback. Our meeting was Joyous. Ho w iiitcd to do something for me; but I told him 1 could hold out, if tho fort did not, and I hclumsl its rapture at hand, in which opinion ho agreed. Ho had gained tho rank of captain and was on tlio stall' of one of tho generals, a MWition ho enjoyed, ho said, sinco ho could volunteer for any sjioclul en terprise ho might fancy Ho had his duties to iwrform, and I had initio; so wo bade each other good-by for tho timo. In tho afternoon I was on tho right, w horo tho hottest strife was raging, and an Iowa regiment was ono of tho first to assault tno enemy's works and gain a jiosltioii on tho inside, Tho next morn ing Huckner surrendered with 15,000 prison crs, aud as it was tho earliest positive success of tho Union arms overyliody was Jubilant. Nearly exhausted, 1 went down tho river to Cairo, tho boat filled with captured Con federate olllcers, aud with dllllculty wroto up my account, being scarcely nblo to tee. Wordless was my companion, and I went to St. Ixiuls to recruit, where ho had boon sent on sjioclal business. I had learned, meanwhile, that ho had volunteered as a prlvnto In tho Iowa rogl SUmt, aud had led tho. van. wiuiibur unlver- oun K.xrKiirrio.t had mi admiration ny 11 is intrepidity Men hud lioon shot down, nil around him, bullets had pursed through his cap aud clothing, and yet ho wits unhurt. Tho color lieaior having lieen killed bv tho oxnlosion of a shell, hi, tilckisl up tho IIuk, anil cart led it until an other relieved him of It, when ho again took up his musket and pushed forward with tho front Una He was silent on tho subject, and when 1 questioned him said ho hud done very little, and changed tho theme. 1 doubt If any soldier on tho Held, from tho highest to the lowest, on either side, had shown more valor aud resolution than that eiromluato looking, boylxh npjienriug ollloor Ilut tliero was no mention of his numo lu tho military dispatches or lu tho correspondents' letters, as I had, lu obodlcuco to his eager request, refrained from oakiug of his gallant con duct to my fellow Journalists. Ho had, probably, taken every moans to keep himself out of the olllcial rejiorts, and had been suc cessful. I could nut understand hl morbid modesty, and 1 tried my bust to overcome it, though without avail. Ho had an unmis takable dread of faiuo; why was beyond my comprehension. In Su Louis our long talks, carried lato Into tho night, wero continued What thonuw uid wo not discuss 1 it seems now as If wo left nothing untouched Wo ranged from tho natural to tho supernatural, from tho purely practical to tho speculative and mys tical, mid our vlows, as is usual with very young men, were moro positive than thoy would bo now On my referring to tho odd noss of his namo, and his nlr of inysUry, ho replied that when tho wnr was over, should ho survive it, ho would have no moro ro servos; thnt then 1 would understand his present motives for concealment. Onco moro wo went our resiectIvo ways; ho going to Grant In Teunessou, and 1 to tho Mississippi flotilla bent on oM'iilug tho river. Ho was nt Shlloh, while 1 was ut tho capture of Island No. 10. 1 hud Intended to Join Grnnt'snrmynftorthntovont; but his victory was won almost simultaneously, tho battlo having occuned earlier than had lioon antic Ijmted, owing to tho enemy making tho at tack. I received 11 letter from Hakluyt, and, reading between tho lines, could seo that ho had onco moro distinguished himself. Ho hnd carried, through a deadly ilro, several highly important orders, on tho issue of which tho engagement turned. Ho might uot havo told mo this, had ho uot been hon orably mentioned lu tho dispatches and pro moted to tho rank of colonel. Wo did not seo each other again until wo wero before Vlcksburg lu tho winter nnd spring of ltiiKl. Ono night wo wero on tho Loulsintiu peninsula, opposlto tho besieged town, when somo of our gunboats ran tho Confederate batteries. We, with others who hail gono thero to witness tho spectacle, wero directly in Tlio shot aud shell toro through tho trees nbovo our heads, shatter ing tho trunks, and cutting off tho limbs, w hich fell around us lu fragments. It was a torrlblo lire. Tho Mississippi Bhoro seemed for miles all ablaze. Cannon after camion shot out lu murderous (lame; the nlr was full of deadly missiles, It appeared as If no liv ing thing In front of them could escape. Ilut tho danger was 111010 vis.blo than actual. Wo lay on the ground, and tho shot Kissed above us, commonly ut u height of ten or twelve feet. Our chief peril was from tumbling branches and flying splinters. Wordless cnlled tho ceaseless flro a military wood cut ting machine, cords of wood might havo liecn gathered tho next morning in our vicinity, though It would hardly havo boon worth tho powder and Iron oxjiended for it. In it lull of tho cannonade wo overheard n group of men near us giving directions in to tho dlsKsitiou of their bodies in easo thoy should bo killed. Helug all luurrlcd but one, they wished their remains and what money and valuables they hud on their person! Bent homo to their wives. Tho bachelor, who was tho Bohemian correspondent of a Chi cago nowspnjier, said: "Ilury me Just wheru I Ho; nobody cares for mo, nnd 1 haven't a cent in my pocket." Hakluyt laughed at this, nnd said: "It's n great comfort, isn't itl when a fellow Is in danger to think that ho Isn't married." "1 Imvo heard," 1 replied, that mature husbands uro often Indifferent to danger, oven to death." Is it thoy havo nothing to Hvo forf or becaust thoy havo nothing moro to fearl" Another roar of tho batteries prevented a rosjionso; and ns tho gunboats had passed, tho firing gradually censed, aud lu nn hour or two wu woro usloep on ono of tho transports. That night's exjierlonco had awakened In both of us a deslro to run tho batteries. Hi thought It might bo exciting, a sort of sensa tion, since nil that could bo douo would bo; us tho phrase is, to sUmd and tako It, which Is commonly thought to bo a triul of courage. I told him that his valor hail been tried s often that it wassiiori!uous to try it further. Hut ho insisted, as beforo, that exposure to a now kind of peril might frighten a man who hud reason to believe himself brave, and added: "1 ha-o never run batteries, you kuow, and tho thing uppeuls to my imagina tion. I hope wo shall do it together, soms timo." Within :i week ho was ordered to Wash, lngton as a bearer of important dispatches, exiootiiig to return speedily Tho plan ol tho cumpulgn nguinst Vlcksburg demanded that somo of tho transports should pass tin town, and prewiratIons weromado to that end A year leforo,w hen Gun. W. T. Sherman had suggested the idea, ho was pronounced crazy. It had always been accepted as an Incontroertiblo military fuct ihutu wooden vessel could not go by a stationary battery of heavy glade. Tho attempt hud never been iiiado by any nation. Hut America was going to try 11, indeed Farragut's warships had already tried it successfully. Wo hud already taught Luroni various military lessons, aud wo weto destined to teach her more. I had arranged to run tho batteries on tho llrst trnusorl that was to steam just tho strongly defended town. I had telegraphed to Word loss, who had replied! "Am very auxious u nccoiiiuuy you. Wait for mo." 1 wuited, aud lost my opportunity. Tul first transport went, and tho second, aui tho third, aud thoy all got through. Meantime tho river was steadily fulling, and the conditions fur running tho batturiot grow moro aud moro unfavorable. My friend did not come. I telegraphed again and again; no answer. What could tie th causer Ho was so faithful to his word that 1 Locarno nlarmed. Fiuully tho last oxxhIIUoh was lining out; it was coiiqiOMsl of two Largos loaded with provisions and bales ot hay, to Ihi lashed to n tug. Tho soldiers Iw low needed rations, nnd tho horses fodder. No timo was to lie lost I must go then, or not ut all, and 1 had sot my heart ou having iiickn mmnornu. 1110 night llxisl for our (leparturo wa Sunday, May Jl, I8UI. Tho inooii was full, aud, at the hour when wu should bo opposlto tho batteries, would U in tho roullh. Boy vral old Mississippi pilots, hearing of my lu te nt, camo to mo aud urged mo not to make tho venture, Thoy said tho water was very low; the burges wero uuinnungonhlo; tho enemy hud felled most of the trees on tho peninsula, so as to have no obstruction bo tweou their guns and tho Yankee boats, which had to follow 11 sharp bond In tho stream, bringing thorn lu direct raugo of tho batteries when several miles obovo tho city Tho artillerymen, they Insisted, had got the range by practice, and, assisted by the brilliant moonlight, would maku every shot telL The probabilities wero that wo should get aground lu turning tlio bend, and bo nt tho mnrcy of tho heavy guns, Wu should, in all llkollhotxl, bo completely destroyed; not a man would escape. My reply to all this was that, as I was simply seeking n Dunsutlon, the greater tho danger tho greater tho sensation. Thoy Inti mated that 1 was a blank fool, and loo young to tnow how big a fool 1 might I hi Wo got off Just lioforo midnight. Tho night was llko day, tho moon being so bright that wo rend mHrs mid letters after start- lug. Twoothei war correspondents of Now York Journals, who wero my friends, were ' on tho eiKslitIon, which was abominably fitted out a regular death trap, as ono of tho pilots hail pronounced It, Fifteen en listed mon who had vuhmtiorcd for tho occa sion It was tho custom lu tho army to call for volunteers for any scrvlco considered mr tlcularly ktIIous two ofllcers, and tho crow of tho tug brought tho numlier up to thirty four. The night was beautiful, very warm, and singularly BtllL Wo floated with tho current, not willing to nrouso the attention of tho enemy, If we could help it, by pull's of steam, ilut our precautions wero futile. Ho had scon us. Wo had barely got opioslto tho batteries, on tho further side of tho lieud, 1 when wo saw 11 flash, follow ed by a ro I port, and 11 thud near tho water lino of tho nearer liargo assured us that tho gunners hnd Indeed got tho-rnngo. Tho next Instant 1 every liattcry that could lo trained iqion us l was belching forth flnmo and Iron. Wo woro continuously under llro for four miles, first rounding tho liend and then slowly moving directly under tho guns. Tho cannonading surpnssod tho cannonading 1 hnvo already described. Tho Confederates apcarod to lo I furious at their previous fulluro to destroy tlio previous vessels or prevent any of them from getting by, and redoubled their efforts on this occasion. Thoy wero most prodigal of powder, shot and shell. Tho moon won dimmed with tho ceaseless Hashing of tho great guns; tho giuoku lay along tho river nnd partially ohscuicd tho town. Our barges, with tho tiny I iborlng tug, npixvired insignificant compared with tho stum ug din from tho shore. Tho shot routed, tho shell screamed and burst all around us. Why wo wero not blown Into the air I could not comprehend. Hut tho tug kept up Its petty puffs, audible only at Intervals, and steadily crept on. The handful of men wero distributed about, watching tho hostile lire and chatting of our chances of getting through. Wo could only wait for tho result, which it seemed every second must lo de cided ngnlnst us. Wo npiieunsl to Ik in tho hands of destiny, aud destiny 'was not, mani festly, on our side. It occurred to 1110 that Wordless would havo enjoyed tho scene, which was a magnificent and terrible repre sentation of war war of n multitude against n fow compelled to iw wholly passive. So many shells exploded nbovo our heads that I believed that somo of our mon must Ihj killed or wouudoiL I walked over tho barges nnd perceived that so vend of tho soldiers hail been struck. Whether dead or not I could not tell. The horrible nolso hindered in quiry; o aid could lo rendered, no action taken until wo wero out of that flro of hell under which wo had now been for nearly half an hour. Wo wero gottlng liolow tho town, tho heaviest batteries had lieen (Missed; In ten minutes wo should bo beyond )ieriL KiiOT Tiinouaii tub ukaiit. Just then n shell from nn tipper gun ilropjicd, by strnngo mischance, upon tho tug, went iuto tho boiler, exploded, threw the furnace flres upon tho loose hay covering tho tops of tho barges, which in a minute or two wero wrapped in flames. Our exedl Hon had been destroyed, and its destruction was greeted with 11 wild, Herco yell from tho shore, Tho tug sank aud her crew went down with her. Tho llro darted up every w hero; wo wero cnvelood In it. Those of us unhurt throw off bales of hay, helped tho woundod to reach them, and thon plunged into tho Mississippi to avoid tho flames. A com (Million nnd I wero congratulating ourselves thnt wo should get away by swimming, when a yawl, filled w ith armed Confederates, sud denly ran upon us tho wholo river was lighted up nnd dragged us into tho bout with a round oath nt tho blank Yankee Our entire thirty-four had lioon killed, wounded or captured. Tho doleful prophecy of tho pilots had lieen verified not a man hnd escaiHsl. Then liegnn my two years of prison Ufa. Tho enemy would not exchange or release oa any terms a Tribuno correspondent. I was sent from prison to prison, until nt last, shortly Moro Ilichniond had fallen, I 0ACiied from Salisbury, N. C, and tramping through a hostile country 11 distance of -100 miles in midwinter, reached our Hum, aud welcomed again tho Stars and Strlios. As soon as I was froo 1 instituted inquiries about Hakluyt Wordless, and I learned why ho hud not joined mo in running tho Imttorios. A week beforo 1 had started ho was dead. Ho had gonoouton n reconnal&anco from Helena, Ark., and lieen shot through tho heart by guerrillas lu umbusondo. The mystery sur rounding him has never 1-vn divulged. His was tho stuff of w hich heroen uro made. Take Tuiklsh at lllltlO street. AT- MILLER'S Special attention is paid to IDRESSG00D3I : Stock Large. Assortment Complete. All the New Shades. All the New Fabrics. J. E. MILLER'S 145 South Tenth Street. The Best French Sateens 20c. a yard. ASHBY & MILLSPAUGH. Double Store Under Opera House. FOR THE SPRING TRADE SILK MADRAS CHENILLE CURTAINS With Sash Curtains to match. The Nobbiest Line of Curtains of all kinds in both American aud Foreign Textures. CURTAIN POLES AND RINGS In the Latest Novelties of Wood and Metal. Prices Rock Hottom. A. M. Davis & Sorj. IT'S THE BEST MADE. The Pennsylvania Lawn Mower. This is the only mower made that will cut high grass. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Call .and see it. ZEHRUNG & HENKLE, Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc. "tsa7"IE TJJhJU - ON REFRIGERATORS, Antique Finish." BEST Ventilated BEST Arranged BEST Satisfaction.! V W v'-'tM .' 'AS j TiHllillllllsflLlLr 4rJ ntffaSjsjjjBEXSSHSjijfjjjjjj' sw '" And the largest assortment m the city at lowest prices may be found at RUDGE & MORRIS, 1122 N Street. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves. 5L.IiILj OTIEHIIEIESS Best Construction. MOST Durable MOST Improved MOST Now Used.