Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 26, 1888, Image 4
i . -AC-, j ., WHWW HBIBEBSHWW"WWWRiv JjWiJBlC'Ka Ml I .SOT ! TJWWWJCTWf OiwMtfiWiwwnwiiwmaM-3J fcU. ftU. -i it . f ' .V CI i r .KMsis.-Hsi "tPtj35v5P Bo Suro to Cot Hood's SarMparlll.t, my child. Hco that they do not Blvo o ni))t1ilii)t ilc You remember It li tho inritlcltio wliU-li tllil mama so much good a year ago my I at orlto Spring Medicine Nearly t cr hotly needs a Rood pprtiiR modi clno llku Hood's H.irs.nparllla to expel Imparl I lc which accumulate In tho Mood during tho winter, keep tip strength ni warm weather comes on, create nn nppetlto and promote healthy illRestlnn. Try Hood's Haraaparllla nmt ou wilt ho comlnccd ot Its peculiar merlin. It Is Hi" Ideal spring medlclno re liable, henenclal, pleasant to take, ami rIycs full value for the money. Ho sure to get Hood's Sarsaparllla 8oldtrUdrtititUti. fllfort. I'rfiwrtdnuly ty a 1. HOOD A CO., Antliertltt, Uiwvll, Mu. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar DR L. WENTE DENTIST. Makes the preservation of the nnturiil teeth n specialty by nil known approved methods. Gold nnd porcelain crowns mounted on the natural root. All operations performed without pain. Satisfaction guaranteed. TOTIIKI'SOI'MS OK LINCOLN, NK1IHAHKA. Wo, tho undersigned are personally ac quainted with Dr. U Wonto, who Is to leave us khmi uml engage In tho practice of dentis try In vimrcltv. Wo inn unhesitatingly rwonunend hint ns n thorough innstcr of his profession, and wo nra sura that all work entrusted to him will bo skillfully Krforiiud. J. Umikhiiill, M. 1). W. V. MuMan.v. M. I). J. E. MoAuams.M. S. M. D. J. M. (ALLKIIUOII, I). 1). H, Uahdxku, Ilunoim, Jan. 22, IhisT. 116 North Eleventh St., Lincoln, Nob. Over llullctt'a Jewelry Store. G-BAJTO SPECIAL SALE OF Ladies' & Gents' FINE SHOES At greatly reduced prices AT WEBSTER &BRISCOE, 1043 O Street. It has No Equal. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATORS. Finest and Dot Made Ladles are Invited to call and see thec summer commodities and also inspect our magnificent stock of Crockery, Lamps and Art G-lasswaxe, Call and see our stock. Prices low everything the very latent. and S. C. Elliott. FINE : ART : STUDIO. 1 314 O street Examine samples of our work before ordering elsewhere. Cabinet Photographs reduced from $4 to $3 per dozen. tQcptc&tt. THE COURIER t Miiuar ltr of Minimi Whim. PUllMSIIISD SATURDAY Konsciurrms Onn Year by Mall or Carrier fJ,ft) Hit months, f 1,00, Thnsi iiioiiIIik HO Cents, Ono month VI) LViitH htvnrnlily In Advnnco. liTKnTlnKMKNTH' Itntes fimilnliisl on nppllrntln I ni ino nnico HNolnl rates on Time Contracts OoNTitimrrioNA) Htinrt spicy skett-hes, ikhiuis, aihI stories sotlellisl, Personal nnd Hoclul notes on? I rNclnlly desirable ! I'lilNTlNd We innko a specialty ofKInn Printing Innll Itslmnulixi SiiMcy work n siMdnlty Address nil eoiutiiiinlenlluim direct to II10 onic W1CSSICI, ,t DOU13INS, KlUTOIIS ANII rnill'IIIKTOIIS. Now llnrr lllocli, Cor. I'Jth and O Street. TKi.r.mioNB AVI. TAKE NOTICEI Tho CotmiKU will not Ihi responsible for an) debts 111111I0 liy any 0110 In Its namo, un less a written order iiivoiiiiniiiIoh tho samo, projiorly signed, of course, U'khmkl & Doiimnh, Prop'rs. Tiik conundrum of who will Ixt tho next president sink Into Insignificance hy tho side of tho question, when will congies udjouinf U.W.Y ono man has leon In Omaha this week with tho Intuition or buylngtho Repub lican. Business must Ihi getting dull in tho UlctrOHli. Ohaii will never hua rtoiI eltv until sho eiin Induoo tho IliirlliiKton and tho Union l'a clllo railroads to huild now deKits or uulto in ervetliiKit Union depot, TlIK pollen JndRo ha been kopt hllNy tho IMHt week (IInkisiij; of tlm iiuuiual amount of busliioxs on humt. Kvldeutly th iptallty of Miieolit intoxleanU Is iloUiriorntliiK, or else himl eitlrens aro KottliiK mom numerous. It mmiiin to Ihi thu thliij; Just now amoiiK tho stato prts to rldleulo tho l.lneoln ball chili and ono of tho elty tuiiiem has hud tho twto to Join In. This Is tho tuimo paoor that nretends to dsplo "eroakliiK," but inauaKas to lead whenever n display of IiIIioummws h visible. TiiKivporl is widespread that AlrA. I.nnt; try will wxiu apply for 11 dlvon-o. havlnc nu- o.uinsl n legal roNidouro in Han Francisco Coupleil with this Istho.lnfonuatlon that Mr. IjuiRtry will coinn over ami make a ih;ht, Freddie Oohhaiilt is on hand ready to take up tho w)lll Uly when tho illvoren eouits give lilin legal right. ONKoftho most Interesting aitlelit ever published in a mngaadno is tho ono on "Hall ways," tho llrst imper 011 which appears in tho Juno huiuIkt of Hcrlbuer's Magitrlue, It Is liandMttiiely lllustrnted, eoutidus much In teresting Infornmtloii In tho most attractive fctylo, and should Ik risul by all who wish to keep uj) with tho times. Tiik Couiiikh acknowledges the receipt from l'lvsldent F. I. Kims of complimentary tickets to tho aumml nsnumhly of tho Nub raw ka Ulmutatniua association, which will 1h held on the grounds at Crete Juno 'iSth to July 10th, inclusive. Tho meeting this year will eclipse in Interest any previous ono, and prt'iMirutlons are mivlo for a large attendance. Mayoh Sawykii has determined to try ag gressive measures in suppiTssing tho dlsrepn tublo houses ot tho city, and has onloml tho polli-o to ai rest all inmates whenovor, in their Judgment, tho laws aro being violated, Tho experiment will Ihi Interesting to many who Imvo studied tho imeatlim of how to deal with tho siH'Ial evil, many arguing that thu policy pursued by tho mayor Is tho Uwt way, while others boliovo a license or regulation by ik- llce authorities to bo more conduclvo to pub He morality. In tho future tho Couhikii will lwsltlvely refuse to stop any iner refiiMsl through tho post olllcn by subscribers unless all arrearages are paid. There Is no compulsion nliottt tak. lug this iwiwr, and If a niuscriber doos'nt w Ish it any longer let him call nt tho olllco, imiv up nnd w e will stop It, If pajier Is returned more than onco markwl "refused" wo shall tnko ad vantage of tho soclul protection necorded newspapers, nnd collwt It, There are few, wo aro glad to Ihi able to state w ho do this sort of thing, nnd It Is tho fewatwhom tills article Is aimed. Tiik Couiiikh present to its readers today a llnely IllustrnUsl jsigo of Memorial Day matter, which w III amply repay iorusal. Tho proprietors are enabled to furnish such ex pensive features only liecnttso tho public ai pioclato their olTorts to got out a good pnper. Wo aro grateful ror tho lilwrnl and increasing pntroungo extendeil us. nnd plans ura under consideration ror enlarging tho scoM) or the taper, which wo aro confident will mid to Its popularity and usefulness. The co-oHtration of tho public will, or courso, bo noeossary,but as wo have aimed to deserve it hi the past, so wo shall in tho future. Don't you know Well, thnt Is simply bo cause you have not read Domorest'g Monthly Magazine. It Is stored full of Information on all subjects, nnd no one can rend it each month nnd not feel that thoy are right up to tho times on nlmost every subject. Tho June munlHir, Just arrived, is too full to mention oven a quarter of Its contents: but "Canoeing" for women, bcnutiruUy Illustrated; "Hnrouo LirotnTurkoy," "A Juno Wedding," "l'ruc tlcle Etiquette," tho legal rights or "Tlmt Girl Uaby," "Pmcticlo Hints for Travelers," "Painting on Toxtiles," "Sins Against tho Stomach." "Baby's Diseases," "How to Bet the Table on Twenty Cents u Day for Knelt Person," and "FuruUhlng the House from Celler to Garrett." nro a row topics treated. Tho Illustrations are very lino and include tho jwrtrnlts or thirty notes! women, Tho fashion department looks fine, but tho ladles are better Judges or that. It is n wonderful twenty cents worth. Published by W. Jennings De morest, 15 East U Bt., N. Y. By all odds tho flnojt lino of pocket cutlery in tho city at Zehrung & Honkle's. L. I.T, CO. Delivers trunks to any urtof tho city or to any dopot for 25 cents each. Claim checks given. Telephone 100. IMPURITIES IN Time was, and not many years ngo, when II was the impulnr Ixilipf that the prtxw of fus'lng served to riitroy whatever Im purities Jjw liter contained, and it Is only within tho last ) ear that sulllelout nvl dence has been adduced to show that tho get ins of many of tho Infectious diseases retain their viiuleiit pniH)nsltles In the fro.on nuslliim forin liiilolliilnoHrl(xl. jTlmt typhoid fever, for example, can bo trnnsmltisl to in dlvldlialsHii taking of Ico previously fluted with typhoid discharges can now no longer be doilhtisl. It has likewise Ihsiu shown that the clear block lisioirem few, If any, ndvantuge In this resHft over thosKingy, lion transparent layer that Invariably forms pal t of tho large blocks, Analyse carried under the most up pi n ml Imcterlologlcnl methods by Professor I'ltiddeu In tho Inbointory of tho College of I'hysiclnnsnnd Hurgisuis of Now York lmo deiuoiistniteil a Mwerof resistance to changes In tnuHTaturo on the mi t of somoof tho path ogoiile Imcterla, that practically renders them proof against all but very sudden changes. HeHated ficczlim; and thawing Is fur more eirocllvo ludostructloi of those low forms of life than tho long continued spell of extreme weather. Dr. I'rudden Is now conducting a systematic study of the bacterlae ontnmod in tho Hudson Illter Ice so much of which Is consumed In and alsmt Now York. Homo !IW samples of leo and water have Ihsju care fully aiialysisl with thu result that he Iluds in a cubic centimeter of molted Ico nn average of of 'JIKCI living bacteria, The snow Ice contains more than the transparent block Ice. He holds that tho Htato Hoard or Health should have an active siiwrvlslnu over tho Ico har vest with the iiowor to prohibit tho business In localities which aro too suspleiously close to largo cities Unit discharge their soverage Into tho rivor.7i!sfc'ii(imr .Villi'"'' hunt! lliilni'. Decoration Ihiy. Tho years that have eluwed since the close of tho civil war have served to obliterate all sec tlouiil feeling, and a united and irosierous nation Joins In keeping green tho graves of all Its tx'lovod dead. It Is In this spirit that tho publisher or tho Nkw Yoiik Family Htouy PAl'Kii has had written a thrilling and pathet ic romance, oculliirly approbrlato to this na tional holiday, entitled ! 'Faithful Lconoru: or Illsdrave Keptdreon." In tho same pacr will also lM,roiiuiln weekly Instalment or tho "Lire and Adventures ns a Showman or I. T. llarnum," written by himself, and rspinlly in tei-estlug to the young folks as well ns tho heads or fninlllcn. These aro rare literary tn-ats, and those or our rtMidera who ore not nlready enjoying them will do well to obtain No. "till or tho Nkw Youk Family Htouy I'U'Kiiof their nowMlenler or send direct to tho publisher, Monro's Publishing House, Nos. 1 and '.11 Vandoivater Htreet, Now York and twelve thopaMr four mouths for one dollur, postage rns?. (liowlliot Aiuerlean HiiIIhiijs. The evolution ot tho railway and or Its roll stock follows tho same laws which govern the tektor the world: adaptation to cTreumstancos decides what is, ami that alune survives. The scrap-heap or a great railway tolls its own story. Our railways have now 1 cached a develop ment which is wonderful. Tho railways or tho United States, If placed continuously, would reach mora than hair way to the moon. Their bridges alone would reach fioni New Yoik to l.tverHX)l. Notwithstanding thu monitor of accidents that wo tvad in tho daily pais'in, statistics show that less jnusms are kllhsl annually on lull ways than me killed annually by railing out or windows. F10111 "Tho llulldlng or 11 Itallway," by Thomas Coiitis Ci.aukk, In Svrilmrr'M May itziur for June. The Lincoln Siiiilturluiu, Ixx-ated in Webster block, is tho popular re soit rorladlwaud gentlemen. Finest Turkish and llussiaulxtthsiu tho city. Polite and ex perienced atteudantM always ut tho service or patrons, llaths or every doscilptlou uie given, and those especially for the sick re celvo careful treatment by Dr. Kiclmrds. The electrical Isiths have liecomo quite popu lar and are doing excellent good. Call at the sanitarium for baths of all kinds. Finest Turkish tmth in the city, SIS South Eleventh street. When In uoed of Indies Furnishing Goods Fine Shoes, etc., give Kred Schmidt a call. 017 O street. Lincoln Hack uml llnegiigo Line. Telephone- No. 201, meat market, 0157 O street, or No. i!01 livery barn. Order slates at samo places and U. P. ticket olllco, corner I'.ieveutli anil U streets. Hack stands, capi tal hotel and meat market. Bo:ianon BltOH. McMurtry's addition on K street, Iwlow Nluctwntb, Is one of tho sighllest in tho city, as well asliolng rignt in the centra of tho fastest growing portion. Call nt his olllce lie low tho Capital National Bank and secure one of thes lots. They know just how to please you with oysters in every stylo at Brown's New Vienna CnM. Beautify your lawns by using tho celebrated Pennsylvania lawn mower, made In two sizes to cut either long or short grass. I jirgo Hue. Zehrung & Her.kles sole ngeuts, 1217 O street. Homo of D. K. Cunmilngs (sucuessor te Betts&Biwoll) specialties: C. & B. Pickles, Mustard nnd Catsup, Kennedy crackers, Mur dock pure Spices, Queen Olives, Iasj & Per rin's goods, and other tlno goods too numer ous to mention. Telephone. No. 20. Legal Notice. Joseiih W. Bcogglu Is hereby notified that 011 the 18th of April, ltWS, his wife, Nelho O. Bcogglu, tiled a petition ror divorce against mm 111 too District ixmrt 01 .uincaster county, Nebraska, asking ror a dissolution or tho bonds or matrimony on tho ground or f nihil o 10 supixirt, ami nsKiug ror tuo custody ot tholr child May, and thnt sho bo restored to her maiden name Bailoy, and Joseph W. Bcogglu is notified to answer said petition on or Inhere July 0, lb!?8. Nkli.ik O. Scoooin, Plaintiff. Now that tho season for using ico has com meuccd it behooves consumers to Iw very careful what thoy use. Much of tho ico now adays used Is (impure and conduclvo of bad results to good health. The ico sold by the Lincoln Ice company cut Trout Oak creek is strictly pure and healthy and will lw deliver ed toany iart or tho city. Leave ortlers ut 1010 O street or telephone No. 1 18. D. 15. Cummiugs, successor to Iletts & Bewr ell, still continues to handle tho old reliable Monarch brand cunnd rrults mid vegetables. Also nil tho rreeh rrults anil vegetables to bo hail in market. 1120 O street. Telephone 20. Wo buy our refrigerators rrom manurac tiirers in car lots, and will glvo our custo mers the benefit of car load prices. Have the largest and most complete stock in tho city. We would be pleased to show thtao goods and quote pricas. Hudgo & Morris, 1122 N street. Tno Iron Duko to his Soldioro. "Do your duty," woro tint words of Lord Wellington to Ills olIUrn just bofore tho battle of Waterloo uml his tory tells lis how well thny obojcil. The same ndvlco might properly Im given to ovury living man ut this time There nro nmny ineii who would do tholr whole duty in tlino of war or groat need, but who wndlj neglect It In times of ponce, thoy would gladly risk tholr llvos for their country, but when thoro Is no such grcnt occasion, neglect tholr plain simple duties to their Hod, tholr families and tlicinsehes. It Is not for want of honor nor bcoatisn tlioy do not Iovh their families, but from pure neglect, ns nn instniicu, statistics compiled by tho national nutlmrltlc show thnt more deaths result from bowel coiiiplnlntN than tiny oilier one causi'.oxcept i'onsiimption. ct not more tltnn ono fnmily in six nro pro ided with iiiL'dlolnoH that will relluvo or euro tho dlsenscs. It is the duty of ovory man to look after these small matters? uml protect their families, nnd they tiro cor tnlnly ut lenst, guilty of criminal cure luflsiicss If thoy neglect to do so. No ono enn plond poverty in this instance, as tho best remedy there is for the pur poso only costs but so cents The article wp refer to Is Cliumberliiln's Colic. Cholera nnd Diurrluru Itemcdy It li a cortnln euro forcramps, colic, clioleni morbus, dysontery, dlurrliieu, bloody llux, choluni Infantum, and bowel com plaint in nil Its forms. No family can afford to bo without it during tho sum mor months us grcnt sulloring nnd oven lifo may be saved by It before n physi cian could lie summoned or medicine procured Do not delay, but prr.curo it at onco, before it Is foigotteu. How is it with you? Do you relish your food? Is your di gestion good! Aroyour bowels regular" Do you have n tired or languid feeling" Is your tongua coated? Does your book nolle? Is your skin sallow? If your system is in a bad condition tnko St. Patrick's Pills, thoy will uid your digestion, improve your nppetlto, "reg ulnto Your bowels, correct your bilious disorder and mnko you feel like a new person. TETTER AND 8ALT-RIIEUM. Tho itching nnd smarting of these diseases causes almost perpetual mis ery, but that can bo relieved almost in stantly by ipplylng Chamberlain's Kyo nnd Skin Ointment, uml its continued application has cured n great mnuy bnil enses. Try a !M cent box and 3011 will bo surprised ns well ns delighted with its effect. Sold ut W. J. Turner's. Brown's restaurant, in Windsor Block, North Eleventh street, is tho neatest and nob biest resort In the city. Tho Mutual Lifo Insurance Co. of New York. W. B. Hastings, District Malinger, roomWI, Burr block. Ask your neighbors how they like their Alaska refrigerators. There are mora of tliuiu in use in this city than all others. Sold by H. C. Elllo't. Take your lunches at Brown's lestaiiraut, In Windsor block, North Eleventh street. Sgrvlco unequalled. To .Milt I.ulie uml Ktttm 11. The Union Ptcllle, "Tho Oveiland Route," will sell tickets fruiu nil Kansas and Ne braska K)Ints ror the hjHrlal exeui'slun to Salt Uiko City and return, June tlth, ut one fare foi'thoiouud trip. Tickets going, good live days, and retaining fifteen days, extlemo limit thirty days. Stop over privileges al lowed within these limits. Parties desirous of visiting thu Held Beach, on Ureat Salt Ijiko, tho famous watering place or the west, should Improve tho opioituuity now offered Burlington Itoute. Half rates to St lxmls: On account of the Democratic National Convention, Hound trip Tickets to St. I Ainls, will lie 011 sale by the Burlington Itouto from points in Nebraska mid Kausus, June second to fourth at one fare. Limit ror return, Juno 11 th. P. S. Euhtih, U. P. A. Ono l'ure Tor Hound Trip. The Elkhorn Valley line (C. ei;N. W. route) w III sell tickets at tho above rates, account convention us follows: National Prohibition at IudiatmiKilis, May 20th to 20th; National Democratic at St. Louis, June 2d toOth; Na rlonal Republican at Chicago Juno 10th to 10th, and Knights of Pythvis meeting nt Cin cinnati Juno 8 to 12th. A special effort will lie made by the tilxivo line to please patrons on these occasions Limits f tickets nnd full information supplied nt 115 South Tenth street, Lincoln, Neb. Knights of I'ythlui,. Union Puelflc, "Tho Overland Route," will sell through tickets at one rare ror tho round trip front points in Nebraska and Kunsas to parties desiring to attend tho meeting of tho Supremo Lodge Knights of Pythias, to bo held in Cincinnati Juno 12th to tilth inclusive. Tickets good going Juno 8th to Kith and re turning Juno 15th to 10th inclusive, with con thnious pussugo only in eacli direction. Attention, rriililtiltlonlKts. Please In-ar In wind thnt by taking tho B. & M. ror IiiliiitiuKis you positively liave no change or care, as wo run through between Lincoln and IudlnuaiKilIs both wnys every day in tho year. $17 65 for round trip. Ap ply enily. A. C., City Passenger and Ticket Agent Notwith standing the fact that Pho tographs havo heon reilu od to about half thu former price wo havo engaged the services of ono of the best fin ishers In Now York to tnko charge or that department or tho studio. Our eltorts shall bo untiring to glvo each eus tomor onttre satlsfautlo n and to produce superior work to any wo have done bofore. Cabinets, $3 per Dozea. sP&e JUST OPENED! EdMMHsBBBBBBBIIIH LLiIIhPmsVkPssH SSSK ' w , " q IlllV' V h VSSB ssffx iv - r ' is ssi CHOICE LINE OF SUMMER Coast and Vests -AND- FLANNEL Elegant Patterns W. R. DENNIS, Hatter NOBB Spring Suits $20 AND $25. MADE TO ORDER IN LATE STYLES. DAVID OPPOSITE NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Elowers Bedding Plants Large Variety at Low Prices. Cut Flowers and Designs a Specialty. Nebraska Floral Company, 12 North 1 2th Street. Telephone 682. iifmAflsRjCfvrER If Spring Syles JOYCE, 123 North 15th Street, - SHIRTS, at Popular Prices. and Furnisher, 1137 0 St. r MAY, POST - OFFICE. Now Ready. CHOICE MILLINERY, OMAHA. WffSMMlsMf'isils-i's''iit Mwr ' ,k wNIl $'-. fsl rt Wfcslisjwl Mi ifysy -