DrayagG and Moving, OLIVKR M AGO AH I) Desire to Inform the public tliat lit-, equip ment for moving Household (ioodn.Phiiiot Safes, MarclmtulWc, Heavy Miiclilncry. etc., U the best In the eltv. Special men ami wngonn nre kest for the removal of Pianos and Household Goods, Which arc always handled bv competnnt and experienced help, and the latest appli ances used for handllni; S,ifc and other heavy good. Call, address or telephone OLIVKR MAGGAHD Telephone mi Olh'ccyi7 () LINCOLN ?hilharmonic . Orchestra, I. Haohnuw, (1. H. Amjiimah, Musical Dlri' lor, Manager. Jfllce KiiiiUu'm Oih'iii House, 3 Kliior, Front Will fumljtt Jritnil or Sacred music for CONCKIlTM, HDDIKIIH, I'AHTIKM, llAM.S anil nil other occasions ii'ipilrlng llntt class mini'- fy-Sin-clal rale will he nmilc with clubs iliwlring lliu ochestm Tor tho hoosoii, rates fiirnlKhisI on application. Wo aluo doxlro to utato Hint we haw iiRiictl n Ooiuwrvatory of Music In our apartmenta In tlir 0em houso building, for the Inrtnicliou on orchttttrnl liwtruiiienta. Tuition hourH: On. m It VI noon, and 1 till I p. in. every d iylxjtl Sunday. For achotaro not nolo to attend atlcgii ar hours, hh'cIii1 tlmo will lie glu'ti. S"or further Inforiuntloii nit to prices, lime, i-ie addnw or call on the uinnnKer. tJ. H. MlJKNHAM, BROKER. Moniy loaned on long or short time at lowe iKs. Ofllce in Richards lllock, room SU. Take elevator on Eleventh street entranoa. N. R. HOOK, M. I)., DIHKAHKH OP WOMHS. drinary and Recta i Diseases a Specialty. rjTronts rectal illseiisci hy IIIIINIC I'.UIIOKK I'AINI.liSS 8Y8TKM. Ofllce, rooms Hi. Uh nnd 121 llurr lllock. Twelfth and O Hireeta. Ofileti totephono MS. Ilisldi-iiee lUJQHtreet. 'i'h'ine. mi nnio) hourH, 0 tots a.m. '1 to ! unilto r p in Sundays, ID to It u in CA.SHOEMMER.M.D. HomoQopathist Physician, T-'li-ih mo So fiss. 163 South nth .Strict, Lixcoi.m Nkii PEMLESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. ytill in the front and nlisolutely loading nil eni)eUtors. Thoroughly equipped for tin unest work, giving to each customer nn un qualified guarantee for nil work done, All of our work ilono with neatness and dispatch. Ve solicit orders for suburban villages and neighboring towns, paying tho express on nil rdeni one way. ltesiicctfully, C. J. PRATT. BLOOD POISON. Old dead teeth contain . tho quillU'Kcll(e of liloixl th) nti! won rnn mi.t lim it, ininliliiL' out of old 1 will A si miry men nun no healthy! These teeth are dead, ulrrraiYd, unit ulttiy trciiucntly ciiii-c a swilled fsco. M1011I1) (ertnl'.y U extracted and rvitn-ed with pool, artificial teeth that never aclio. Can lie ei tract ed without pain. No hum bug. AllHASION OF" THE TEETH. The above cut shows the teeth of a man 45 ytaisofairo from Dr. Hell In lWl. We meet Mth tills Hllictlini in the teeth hi various forms ami ilettrees. 1 ho ends of the crowns seem tci-j soft, having a low decree of vitality and wmrilown rhowltig a dark yellowish cupped siit I11 the center. Many are so foolish as to '"""" 'hat molar teeth sro of little account, 1 t them ko hy default; after which all hel'irceof tho muscles are extended to ths front teeth, wearing them down rapidly. I ho best, and nrly remedy. Is to cover and tuilld up the ends 'with gold and platinum, nil eh wears like steel and saves them matiT tears, We make a specialty of lino gold work en building them up, contour fillings, etc a. n ooa Cuts A aid li aro from John Tomes, of Eng land. A Two Incisors with notches In tho ends. 11 shows the peg shaped teeth wltbyellowlub rilts in the emW For men leetti we hare two remedies: Flrsl To till ho pits In the ends with gold See olid Extract them and replace them with artificial tietli. Hut the hones ahsorh awav rapidly to that they will need resetting fre iiientlv. Wo mako tho Unest artificial teeth In thn northwest. We use Justles' and White's patcut teeth with long, heavy plus, mounted on stroue elastic plates. TIiomi who iatr'iilzi 111 nil nut ho troubled with hrnken teeth and crackei plates, cauxer sore uiouths, etc. To loose the front teeth, Is to loose hap the power of speech, and more thau half tar beauts Dlseajod Gums. iaSajW The teeth tnrn Mark and ille, the ,rC Wsl a. the slhrhUttt touch, nlrerate, the leetti feoMU sod fa!! out, tha breath Is horrible. DR. A. P. BURRUS. 1200 O Btroet, Oa tbaltapld Trsmlt, euies up diseased gruM, Btakas tin attest icold and platinum fllllnt-s, makag ika Oiiast Usla that tobacco will not larnitk ran ILjia ' lVfVrjJsfl Lffi?'Cfi VSv LOVE AT FIRST SIGIIT. REV. On. TAUMAQE'S DISCOURSE AT THE BROOKLYN TADEHNACLE. Trouble tliclnn nml Unliable Chnrno tfr Tli Itrmity of llnfiUrrlng I'rlrml tili A Path Which Start Darkly Often Kiiil llrlalitlr. BnooKLTN, Mnv 20. Tho opening hymn at the Tabernacle sorrleo today begins with tlio vrorda More lore to thv O Chrtot, Mora Ioto to thexv After making n nmnlng commentary on loino pofwige of Scripture, tlio I to v. T. Do Witt TnhnaRo, D. D., took the toxtt "And ho wont, nnil ciimo, nnd gleaned In tlio Hold after tho ronperat nnd her Imp was to light onnp.iitof tlio field belonging unto Hoax, who was of tlio kindred of Kllniuleclu" Huth II, U. ilo prenched from tbeao words tlio following ferment Tlio time that Huth mid Naomi nrrlvo nt lletlilclicm Is harvest tlmo. It was tlio custom when n heaf fell from u load in tlio hnrvent Hold for tlio rcncni to refu.io to gather it up, thnt una to ho left for tlio xxr who might hnppen to rotiio along that wny If there wero handfuls of grain scattered ncrovs. t tho Held nfter tho main harvest had liecu rens.d, Instead of raking It, ns farmera do now, ft wns, by tho custom of tho laud, left in Its place, so thnt tho oor, coining along thnt wny, might glean it unci got tliolr broad. Hut you my "What I tho uno of nil those harvest fluids to Huth nnd Naomi f Naomi is too old nnd feeble to go out nnd toll in tho sun. nnd can you oxjioct that Huth, the young nnd tho beautiful, should tun her cheeks unci blister her hands in tho hnrvost (lelilsr llonz own n large farm, nnd he goes out to sco tho renMT gather In the grain. Coming there right tiehlnd the swnrthy, sun browned rwiR.ra. ho boholda it iMMiutiful womnu gleaning- -n woman more fit to bond to n hnrpor sit upon it throne thnn to stoop among tho sheave Ah, thnt wns nn eventful dnyl It wus lovo nt llrst sight. Honz forms an attachment for tho womnnly gleaner nn at tachment full of undying Interest to tho church of God in all ages, while Ruth with nn cphnh, or nearly 11 bushel of Imrley, room homo to Nnoml to tell her tho successes trie) nd ventures of the dny That Huth, who left her imtivo laud of Monb In darkuoss.nnd traveled through nn undying direction for her mother-in-law. In tho harvest Hold of itonz. Is iilllnucnt! to 0110 of tho best fninlliea in Judah, and becomes in after tlmo the an cestress of Jesus Christ, tho Lord of glory. Out of so dark a night did thcro over dawn so bright n morning! I learn in the ilrst place from this subject how tioublu develops character. It was be reavement, poverty nnd oxilo thnt developed, Illustrated and nnnouueed to all nges the mbllmity of Ruth's chnrncter. Thnt Is n very unfortunate mini who has no troublo. It wns sorrow that made John Utinynn tho letter dreamer, and Dr. Young tho better oet, nnd O'Connell tho better orator, nnd Bishop Hntl tho liettcr preacher, nnd Ilnviv lock tho hotter soldier, nnd Kitto tho better Micyclopaxllst, and Hutb tho bettor daughter-in-law 1 ouco askod nn aged man in regard to his pastor, who wns a very brilliant mom "Why Is it that your pastor, so very bril liant, seems to have so llttlo heart and ten derness In his sermons!" "Well," ho re plied, "the reason is our pastor has novor had any trouble. When misfortune coma upon him, his stylo will bo different" After awhllo tho Lord took n child out of that pastor's hotiso, und though tho preacher was just as brilliant ns ho wns before, oh, tho warmth, tho tenderness of his discourse. j Tho fact is that trouble Is a great educator. I You seo sometimes it musician sit down at nn instrument, nnd his execution is cold aild formal und unfeeling. Tho reason Is that all his lifo ho has lcen prospered, itut let mls- J fortuno or Iwroavemcnt coiuo to that man, 1 and ho sits down nt an instrument, and you j discover tho pathos in tho ilrst sweep of tho koys. Misfortune nnd trials nro groat educators. A young dot-tor comes Into a sick room where thero is u dying chlliL Perhaps ho is very rough in his prescription, and very rough in his manner, and very rough in tho fooling of tho pulse, nnd rough in tils answer to tho mother's nuxious question, but years roll on, nnd thcro ha been ono dead In his own house; nnd now h comes Into tho sick room, nnd with tearful oyo ho looks at tho dying child, and ho says: "Oh, how this reminds mo of my Charllol" Trouble, tho great educator. Sorrow, I seo its touch in tho grandest pulntfng, 1 hear Its tremor In tho sweettwt song; 1 feel its power in tho mightiest argument. Grecian mythology said that tho rountnln of Ulppoerciie was struck out by tho foot of tho winged horso Pegasus I havo ofteu no- ' tlCP' '" "'" tlmt l,u' brightest nnd mosttieau- tlful fountains of Christian comfort and spir Itunl llfo havo lieon stnick out by tho Iron shod hoof of disaster and cjilumlty 1 seo Daniel's courage lost by tho Hash of Nebu chntlnezar's furnace. 1 seo Paul's prowess best when 1 Und tilt 11 on tho foundering ship under the gluro of tho lightning In thn breakers of Uelitn. God crow us his children amid the howling of wild beasts and tho chopping of blood splashed guillotine and tho crackling llres of martyrdom. It took tho persecution of Mil reus Aurellus to develop Polycarp and Justin Martyr It took tho world's nnnthema to dovolop Martin Luther It took nil tnt hostilities against tho Scotch Covenanters nnd tho fury of Lord Clnver house to develop Jnmos Hcnwick, nnd An drew Molvillo, and Hugh Mcrval), tho glo rious martyrs of Scotch history It took tho stormy eii, und tho Decemlier blast, mid tho desolate New bnglaud coast, and the wnr whoop of snvngos, to show forth tho prowess of the Pilgrim Fathers. When amid the storms they sang-. And tlio stars heard, arid the sea. And tho soiuidhiK aisles of thn dim wood llatig to the anthems of tho free. It took nil our post national distresses to lift up our natiun on thnt high career where it will umrch along after tho foreign nris tocrnciea that huvo mocked and tho tyrannies that liuvu Jeered shall tw swept down under tho omuiKteut wrath of Ood. who hates iiesKtisui, and who, ny the strength of his own ml right arm, will make all men free. And so it is individually, und In 1 ho family, and in the church, und In the world, that through il'inciifM and storm and troublo men, womeu.i'hurcluw, nations ai-odeve!oied. il Again. I seo in my text tho lieauty of nnfnltcniig friendship. I supHsti thero wero plenty t liiends for Nnniui while she was in prosperity hut of nil her aeipinintauces, now tunny wor willing to trudgn on" with nor toward Judith when she had to mako that lonolv Journey Ono tho hernlnoof my text. Due- -nlisouitely one. 1 suppose when Naomi's fiiisliand was living, nnd they hnd plenty of money and all things wont well, they had many cnls-i. nut I tupjioso tlmt after her husltauil died, and her pmorty went, nnd sue got old and poor, slio was not troubled very much with cullers. All the hliiU that sung III tho bower while tho sun shouo havo gone to their uesta, now that tho night has fullon. I Uh, thoMi beautiful suuflowers thnt spread out their color In tho inorntng hour, but art alwnyi nalecp when tlio iiiu I, going down I J oh hnd plenty of friend when ho wn. tlio rlehcat mun In Ur., hut whon Ida property went and tlio trial canto, then tlioro mini noun to much thnt (xwUirod a Ullplini tlio Tomnnltv, and lllldnd the Shuhlto, nnd Kophnr the Niiuuinthlto. Llfo ofUn ecn to ho n mere game, when) tho successful player pulls down nil tlio other men Into hlr own lni lxjt simpletons arise nliout n ninu'R chnrncter, nnd ho hoeomoa liko n iMtttk in n paino, nnd nil tho Imputations rush on htm nnd break down In n day that character which In duo tlmo would havo had strength to defend Itself. Tlioro nro reputa tions thnt havo heon half n century In build ing which go down under some moral ox posure, ni n vnst temple Is consumed by tlio touch of n sulphurous matclu A hog can up root n century plant. In this world, so full of licartlosncM nnd hyiiocrlsy, how thrilling it is to find somo friend us faithful in days of adversity ns In days of prosjierlty David hnd such n friend in llushni; tho Joub had such n friend In MordcH'al, who never forgot their emiso; I'nul , had such n friend hi Oiionfphonis, who visited him in Jail. Christ hnd such it friend In the ! Mnrvs. who ndherod to hlm on tho rrossi ' Nnoml had such n ono in Huth. who cried I out "Kntrent mo not to lonvn thee, or to ro turn from following nfter theo. for whither thou guest, I will go, nnd whom thou digest, 1 will lodgo, thy people shall bo my iiooplo. nnd thy God, my God, whom thou dlest will 1 die, nnd them will 1 bo burled tho 1-ord do so to mo, und moro also. If aught but death tart theo nnd ma" III. Again: 1 loam from this subject thnt paths which oien In hardship nnd darkness ofteu como out in places of Joy When Huth stnrtttl from Monb townrd Jerusalem to go nlong with her mother-in-lnw, 1 suppose tho txmplosnld: "Uh, what a foolish croattiro to go nwny from her father's house, to go off with n oor old woman toward the land of Judah I Thoy won't II vo to get across thn desert They will be drowned In tho n, or tho Jackals of tho wilderness will destroy them." It was 11 very dark morning when Huth started off with Naomi, but liehold iior in my text in tho harvest Hold of Donz, to ho tilllaucod to ono of tho lords of tho laud nnd become ono of tho grandmothers of Jesus Christ, tho Ird of glory And so It often is thnt n path which starts very darkly ends very brightly When you started out for heaven, oh, how dark was tho hour of conviction how Blnnl thundered, and devils tormented, nnd tho darkness thlckeuedl All tho slus of your llfo pounced upon you, nnd it wns tho dark est hour you ever saw when you first found out your sins. After awhllo you went Into the harvest Held of God's mercy; you liegnn to glean In tho fluids of divine promise, und you hnd moro sheaves than you could carry as the voice of God addressed you, saying Messed Is tho mnn whoso transgressions nro forgiven nnd whose sins nro covered." A very dark starting in conviction, a very bright ending In tho pardon mid tho hopo and the triumph of tho Gosiel. 80, very often in our worldly business or hi our spiritual career, wo start off 011 it very dark pntli. Wo must go. Tho flesh may shrink back, but tlioro is a voice within, or n volco from above, saying: "You must go;" and wo have to drink tho gall, and wo have to carry tho cross, and wo havo to trnvcrso tho desert, and wo aro pounded and flailed of misrepresentation and abuse, and wo havo to urgo our way through ten thousand ob stacles that must bo slain by our own right arm. Wo havo to ford tho river, wo havo to climb tho mountain, we have to storm tho castlo; but, blessed In God, tho day of root and roward will como. On tho tip top of tho captured battlements wo will shout tho vic tory, if not in this world, then In that world wncro thcro is no gall to drink, no burdens to carry, no battles to fight. How do 1 know it! Know itl I know it bocnuso God says so. "Thoy shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall tho sun lighton them, nor nny heat, for tlio luml which Is In tho midst of tho throuo shall load them to living fountains of water, and God shall wipo all tears from their eyes." It was very hard for Noah to enduro tho hcofllng of tho people in IiIh day, whllo ho was trying to build tho nrk, and was every morning quizzed nliout his old boat thnt would never Ikj of any practical uso, but when the deluge came, and tho tops of tho mountains disappcurod liko tho backs of sen monsters, ami tho elements, lashed up in fury, clapped their hands over n drowned world, then Noah in the nrk rejoiced in lib own safety anil In tho safety of his family, nnd looked nut on the w rock of n ruined earth. Christ, hounded of iorsecutor8, denied n pillow, wdrse maltreated than tho thieves on either sidoof the cross, human huto smack ing its lips in satisfaction after it hud been draining his last drop of blood, the sheeted dead bursting from tho sepulchers nt his crucifixion. Tell 1110, 0 Uetlisemnno nnd Golgotha I wero thero ever darker times than tliOMji Liko tlio booming of tho midnight sea ngaiiixt tho rock, tho surges of Christ's anguish boat against tho gates of eternity, to bo echoed back by all tho thrones of heaven nnd nil tho dungeons of hell. Hut thn day of reward coma for Christ- all the Mmp and dominion of this world nro to bo hung on his throne, uncrowuiMl heads nro to bow tieforo him on whoso heud nro many crowns, and all tho celestial worship is to como up at his foot, like tho humming of tho forest, liko tho rushing of tho waters, liko tho thundering of tho sens, while all heaven, rising on tliolr thrones, beat tlmo with their scepters. "Hallo lujoh, fortno Lord God omnipotent relgnethl Hallelujah, tho kingdoms of this world havo become tho kingdoms of our lrd Jusus Christl" That song of love, now low and far, Kro long shall swell from star to star; That light, tho breaking day which tips Tho golden spired Aiiocnlypso. IV Again 1 learn from my subject thnt events which seem to bo most insignificant may lo momentous. Can you imagine any thing moro unlmKrtant thiui tho coming of n poor woman from Moab to Judah! Can you Imagine anything more trivial than tho fact that this Huth just happened to alight as they say Just hnpjiened to alight on that field of iloaz' Yet all nges, all generations, huvo nn interest in the fact that sho was to U'conio an ancestor of the Lord Josus Christ, and all nations nnd kingdoms must look at that one little Incident with a thrill of tin speiikatilo and eternul satisfaction. Ko It is in your history and mliio, events that you thought of no nnportanco at all havo been of very great moment. That casual couvcita tion, that accidental meotlug you did not think of it again lor a long while, but how it chuuged all the pluuo of your lifol It seemed to to of no imH)rtanco that Jiitinl Invented nnio instruments of inusia, calling them narp ami organ, but thoy wero tho Introduction of all the wurld siuuutrolsy; and a you Invar the vibration of a stringed Instrument, evtu After the lingers havo been taken away fiom it, soul) music now of Into nnd drum mid cornet is only tlio long con tinued strains of Jutuil's tuirp and Jtibal's orgnn. It seemed to Imj a mutter of very lit tle importance that Tubal Cain learned tho uao of oppor and iron, but that rude foundry of uuclent du)s has Its echo In the rattle of lllruilngliani machinery, nnd tho roar nnd bang of factories on tho Mcrrimno. It soumed to t a mutter of uo iinortuucn that Luther foutid a Ulblo In a mowutory; but ns he oenetl thnt (tibia, nnd the hrnss bound lid fell hack, thoy Jarred every thing from Him Vntlenn to tho furthest convent In Ocrnmny, nnd tlio nulling of tlio wormed lenve was tho sound of Hit wing of tho nngcl of the deformation. It seemed to bo n mnttei of no liiiportaueo thnt n woman, whoso name has been forgotten, dropped n trnct In tho wny of n very bnd mnn by tho linmo of Richard itnxter lie picked up tho trnct nnd rend It, nnd it was tho moans of his salvation. In nfter days that man wrote n hook called "Tho Call to the Unconverted," that wns the moan of bringing n multitude lo Clod, among others Philip Doddridge. I'hlllp Doddridge wrote n txiok ealletl "Tho I lino and Prognw of Religion,'' which lias brought thoitsnuds nnd lens of thousands Into tho kingdom of Ood, nmiing others tho great Wlllierform WHlierforcu w rote n hook called "A i'rnetl cnl View of Christianity," which was the moans of brt nglng n great mull it udo to Christ, ntiiong others Ix-gh Hlehuiouil legh llk'li mond wrote a tract railed "The Dairyman's Daughtor " which has boon tho moans of tho salvation o( uucotivcrbsl mull Initios. And thnttldoof liilliieneii staitiol from tho fnet Ihiitouoniristinn woman droppsl it Christian tract In the ny of lllchard Baxter the tide of liilluemti rolliiiB on through Klehnnl llax tor, through 1'lnllp Doddridge, thioiigh the great Wllls-rlorce, through legh Itleliinoiid, on, on, on. forever, forever Ho tho Inslg liiilcjtnt events of tills world went, after all, to bo most momentous The fact thnt you canto up tlmt stunt or this street seemed to Iso of 110 liuMtrtauco lo you, and the fact that you wont Inside of some church may seem lo bo n matter of very great Inslgnlllcnneo to you, but you will lltul It the turning olnt in your history 1 V Again I seo In my subject nu illustrn Hon of the beauty of female Industry Deltoid Huth toiling In the harvest Held under the hot sun, or nt noon biking plain bread with tho nniers, or eating the parched corn which Hour handed tohor The customs of society of course, havo changed, nnd without the liuidshir und exjiosurc tc which Huth wns subjected every intelligent womnu "III find something to do 1 know there Is 11 sickly sentimentality 011 this subject. In some families there nro T sons of 110 practical service to the household 1 or community, and though there are so many woes all around about them In tho world thoy siond their tlmo languishing over u now pattern, ot bursting Into tears at midnight ovur tho story of somo lovor who shot himself I Thoy would not deign to look nt Huth carrying back the barloy on hoi way homo to her mother-iu-lnw, Nnoml. All 1 this fastidiousness may stvin to do very well whllo thoy aru under the shelter of their father's house, but when the sharp winter of ' misfortune comes what of those butterflies! 1 Persons under indulgent uirentago tuny got j tlion tlioinsolvo habits of Indolence, but when thoy como out Into practical llfo their soul will recoil with disgust nnd chagrin. They will fool In their hearts what tho oet to severely satirized when hoanldi Folks nro so awkward, tilings no Impolite, They're elegantly (wined from morning until night Through that gate of Indolence how many men nnd women havo marched, useless on earth, to a destroy od eternity I Hpinola said to Hlr Uoraco Vcro "Of what did your brother die!" "Of having nothing to do," was the answer "Ah," said Bplnola, "that's enough to kill nny general of ua." Oil, can It bo possihlo in this world, where thero Is so much suffering to bo allovlatod, so much dnrkhcH lo bo enlightened, and so tnauy burden lo bocurriod, that then is any person who cannot llud anything to do! Mma do Huuil did a world of work In her tlmo, nml one day, while sho was Boated amid instruments of iimsio, nil of which sho had mastered, and amid manuscript books which site had written, some one said to hen "How do you Hnd time to attend to all these things!" "Oh," sho replied, "those nro not tho things I nin proud ot My chief boast is in the fact thai 1 havo seventeen trades, by nuy one of which 1 could mako n livelihood if necessary " And if in secular spheres there Is so much to be done. In spiritual work how vast the Heidi Wu want moro Abigails, moro Hannahs, more Itoheccas, moro Marys, moro Deborahs, consecrated -liody, mind, soul to tho 1ord who bought them. VL Once moro I learn from my subject tho value of gleaning Huth going luto that hnrvctt flold might havo said "There is it straw, and tlioro is n straw, but what Is a straw I can't get nny barloy for myself or my mother In-law out of these sopurnto straws." Not so said beau tiful Huth BI10 gathered two straws and sho put them together, and more straws, 1111 til sho got enough to make a sheaf, and another, and another, nnd another, und then she brought them all together, and sho . threshed them out, and sho hud at) ephiih of barley, nigh a bushel Oh, tlmt wu might all 1 bo glcaucrsl r.lihii llurrltt learned many things while toiling inn blacksmith's shop Abercromhlo, tho world renowned philosopher, wits 11 plul osoplier in .Scotland, und he got his phlloso- I jihy, or tho chief part of It. w lillo, as it phy sictan, ho was waiting for the door of tho sick room to oen. Yet how many thero nro in this day who say they are so busy thoy have 110 time for mental or spiritual in) provement. the groat duties of life cross tho . fluid liko strong reapers, and carry off all tho hours, and thero is only hero nnd there 11 j fragment left that Is not worth gleaning 1 Ah, my friends, you could go Into tho bind- ! est duy nnd busiest week of your llfo and 1 llud golden opoi lunltles, which, gathorcd, I might ul least mako a whole sheaf for tho I I Lord's guruer it Is tho stray opKrtunlties I and tho stray privileges which, taken up and j bound together nud beaten out, will at lost 1 fill you with abounding joy ' There ato a tow moments left worth tho I gleaning. Now, Huth, to :ho flcldl May I 1 each one havo a moiisuro full nud running I overt Oh, you gleaners, to tho Ueldl And j if there bo in your house ail aged ono or a , sick relative that Is not strong enough to como forth and toil in this field, thou lot Huth take homo to feeble Naomi this sheaf 1 of gleaning "Ho that goeth forth and neuieth, bearing precious svod, shall doubt luiBcomo again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with htm." May tho Lord God of ! Huth and Noouil be our portion foroverl Thn TliruBt TroulilM hinru. I wus talUliiR to a phyblciutt the other day about the kalM.T'a throat. In that connection ho told me ot a kcrioui eirect it in having in thU country lie wild that ihucouuiut pub lication couceruiui; the emperor troublo, comliiR lifter all the talk the I Uinta of (Jen. tiraiit provoktxl, has causcsl a geuend fear nmoiiK public men who do much talking thnt they may have the unite trouble, Uo told mo that since this matter utu txvu so much agitated he has had a kcoro of members of conrivss nnd senaton. come to him to havo their throata examined for cancer Nouo have actually oceii thrtateutsl mth that dread dlwaw, tint ho haa had dilllculty to couvlucu koine of them that they were not already beyond euro. Borne have vtoppod billowing tor fear that might produce the dis cuku, mid they coimull the doctoi tery often. Aa n matter of fact, throat ironlilu li very common anion); the orators in congress, but it lanot of acunceroiik diameter. Wusniuft ton Cor. Philadelphia Telegraph. NEW SPRING STYLES I JUST ARRIVED. And now rend) for inspection .'it- John Morrison's All the Finest Qualities and Lat.ist Patterns in stock. I have the (inest cutter in the city and guarantee satisfaction. Cal and see my goods and work. 121 North Eleventh street. 1 ( Calls for Made, air PCllaUlr F Fine Driving and Riding Livery, Always ready for service, clay or night. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODKI.L'S DINING HALL, MONTUOMIJUY HLOCK, niy, 11 1 and 1 123 N Street. Meals 1 5 ets. Union - Pacific - Railway, rue uvenana itouie. Shortest and Safest Colorado, Utah, California, Montana, Tulic the iicrlnntlllycr anil kiivii oneday to all 1'aclflc coast M)luts. 'NIK I'NION I'ACIMC IS NIK IKKK CHAIR CAR LIN'K. ltutiuliiK Into Union Hi'p'ilM nnil ronii.'.'iliiK Willi tliu fut lliultoil trains of nil line forja polnlB i'iimI, norlli nnd hoiiIIi. Tliriniuli Iti'lirlx on modem day conches. llaKitawe ehpeko throiiuh tciilcMlniitloii 1 10111 all plutHini In the Culled Htnlis ami ('nnuila. , Sleeper accouiinodatioiiK reserved In through Pullman Palace c.irs from the Mis u river to the I'm Hie coast. K. H. SLOSSON, Agent. KM I () Ktrei't, Lincoln, Nclirnsko. T. .1. POTTKH. First Vlco-Piosliliiit. Ass. I A, IMS JIJNI UNACQUAINTED WITH THE uLOOHArilY Or THE rriUHTRY, WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUADLE INrortMATION TIU M A STUDY Or THIS MAP Or THE CHSCAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC Itfl contrnl poHi"n nnd cloao connoction with Eastern linos at Chlcawo und ,ontlnuoi)u an' -i at i nl"n' p In' , W , Norihwoat, und Soutu W0Ht, mnko tt the tru mti! link In iJ.ut irunacimtlni'r.tu! rliuln of stool which unltoi tlio Atlurric und P..citio Un nmin linoe and bre.nilioa Includo Chi cniro, Joilot, O't-awn. IvKi lie Poorui, Ouneuoo, Mi lnu- md Rock Ielund, hi Illliiolu: Davonport, Mu cut'no, V.'n.dilinrton, ruirtu ul Ottumwiv, Oiikalooaa, Wont I.lb'T' , i"iwn t li , D -i M " , In Urn 1h, Wii crot, Atlantic, Knox vlllf, Auciubii'i 'I.irh.n, Oiithi ttiitu nru Ci uncil Lh lis, In Iowa; Oallatln, Trenton ('.iid-i. . St .lotopl. . .hi Kam-na City. In Mltaourl, Louvonworth mill At-Iii; "it, I:- .utimuti, Mi.ineupolib and fit . til. In Minnesota , Wntor town unit Sioux Fulls In Dakota, unit many otlior prosperous towns und cltlou ItulsoolU iMiiCUOICBOFHOtJTEStound : .m tho Pacific Const and inter nintlinto plncjs, luuklnpr nil trnnHfors In U;i' . d pota. Fast Trulna or rio DAV fOACIlES, oloirnnt DIN'INO CARS, mufir.itauont PULLMAN PALACE 8LREPINO TARS, und ibotwoon fliirajro, St. Johopli, Atcht, n and Kanatta Ciu u-sttXil RKULINING CHAIR CARS, uoau FP.EK to holder3 ortbrousU tirst-cUiBs ttckots THE CHICAGO, KANSAS (GREAT ROCK ISLAND RO Kxtondt vHi, nnd s-mthwost from Knnsr 'ity bury. Ni'lbon, Ilorton. . 'Poka, H'rlnirton, Hutchl nnd nil nointn In Soiitliin N hi. nn. sonrfor o.iulpmont i t tlu celobrutoU Piillnmu lu-itod truclc of lion vv stv 1 nil Iron und modern improvement j Commodious tutnty, comfort and luxury ussurou THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the fuvorlto imtwuon Chlenr-.i, Hofk 1-ilutul, Atchlfioi Kunsne Cf Mlnivuipolliiiiiiii i'nul IJii t '..rl .t rout to nil Northern Si'.r.int' 1 R ltd Watortown Bi.m.h u.ivr.. "whoiitcid dairy bolt" of Northern lowu, Soutliwostorn Illniu aotu, und East Contrul Dakota. Tlio Short Line via Sonoeu und Kunkukoo otlorn suporlor jiiellltioo to trttvol botwoon Cluolunutl, IndlunupolU, Lufuyotto, nnd Council DlutlB, lit. Joseph, Atchison, Louvoir orth, Kntisiia City, Mlnuoupolts, und St. Ptuil. For Tlckots, Maps, Polders, or any doslrod tnformiitlon, apply ponTicUotOtUoo in tho Unltod Stutoa or Cuiuulu, oruddross E. ST. JOHN, Oencral Manascr, (1111' u;. ii. u. Skinner's Stables I 2th St., bet. P and Q. Halls, Parties, etc., Promptly with Stylish Rigs, Coupes g and Macks. $.(.50 per week. Route to all points in Idaho, Oregon, Washing 'n Territory. K. L. LOMAX, .1. M. TKIIIIKTH. (leu l'ii. and Ticket At. (Inn. Pim and i'h-kut i R'Y. &, wBRASKA R'Y TS1 and St Joseph to Fair. nui n, Wlelutu, CalaweU. uia Int rlir I iisa , nud bv yond. Enttru mi mn cturo. Hoiuiiyutvi- und mono bridges All uufoty npplliv dtous, well-built stations. Coloilty, .niiuicoa cor and sorts. uk ihoi pr.du-tlvo hinds 01 tlio gvoM to any Cou E. A. HOLBROOK. Oou'l Ticket & roii'r Agent