ti,..-.!,, , , ei-t-l-VT-ir-tnnriii-nll'Hriiiiii lifcm i i.,nHia TPffl !., M-ITii iii - - -)-t -.r ur- v i- "- -a r -t A' ? -sWi rri.ysg ' .... ii i ii ii i - m aHJMKMI'W-vUt'-rwrlMIr' T f ' '""" WHC,Xl .w W. ipn jwimtiKiiyiimiipiwii i.w-i..,iyoy'n,i'iiiiufir- -,-Hr- .. .gjf- tffr.i"l ifytteunpir n rjf4m ' -imm mim ' agwyui&wM . t is- if tit I k ' m Ki: if hmwm fnnr""""""""tl COWWNO CXTRACTlS dXs?" a i JHtinmiiiiMtMiTmwW -j"-miifrrt"""'""""'" . Tlio Importnnco of purifying tlia blood can not to overestimated, (or without uro blood you cannot enjoy good health. M this reason nearly every ono needs n pood mcdlclno to purify, vltnllic, nnd enrich tho blood, nnd wo nsk you to try Hood's DniMillai- Bitsaparllln. Itstronnthons rtJOUIIctr nmi builds nj tho system, creates nn appetite, and tones tho digestion, whllo It eradicates dlcao. Tho peculiar conddnatlon, proportion, nnd preparation of tho vegotnblo remedies used give to Hood's Barsaparllla pocul- nr- 4.CAf lar euratho overs. No u HowlJ other inotllchiohassuchnrcrord of wonderful cures. It joii have, inado up your mind to buy Hood's Barsaparllla do not bn Induced to tako nny othor Instead. It Is n Tccullnr Medicine, nnd Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Barsaparllla Is sold by nil druggists. Prepared by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar JWUkvA" DR L. WENTE DENTIST. Makes the preservation o( the imlunil teeth n vpccl.ilty by nil known approval method. Gold and porcelain crowns mounted on the natural root. All operations performed without pain. Satisfaction guaranteed. TO TI1R I'EOPI.K OK LINCOLN, NKIIHAHKA. Wo. tho undersigned nits icrsonnlly ac quainted with Dr. L. Wonto, who Is to lenvo us soon nun engage in inn practice or 11011114 try In vour cltv, Wo can unhesitatingly recommend hint ns .n thorough master of hit profession, nnd wo .nro sure thnt nil work entrusted to hint will l skillfully orformod. J. Umikuiiiix, M. I). W. W. MoMann. M. I). J. K.MoAiaih,M.H.M. 1). J. M. Oamxiiijoii, I). I). H. Uaiiu.vcu, Illinois, Jan. 22, 17. 115 North Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Over Hnllott's Jewelry Store. G-RAID SPECIAL SAIE OF Ladies' & Gents' FINE SHOES At greatly reduced prices 3v AT ' WEBSTER&BfllSCOE, 1043 O Street. It has No Equal. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATORS. & Finest and IJcst Made. ,!((Uies arc Invliel to call and ; t iiummer it xumodut s and ulso Insert magnificent stock o Ciockcry, Lamps Art G-lasswaie, Call and sec Our (fock. Prices low everything thu cry latest. nnd n C. Elliott :i FINB:ART : STUDIO. f iar4 O strctt, T Examine san pies of our work before wrfcrlnc; eUew here. , Cabinet Photographs rduccd fromSi to $3 per dozcnT ' 'W' THE COURIER A Mmiitir lt)wr of Mothrn Whim, luUI3MSIIIfiD Satukday riUhKcmiTioN! Ono Year by Mali or Cnrrler fifli) Hlx months, f 1,00, Three month M Cents, Quo month Ul Cents Invnrsbly In Advance. lllTKnTISKMENTS! ltAts furnished mi nppllcntlu nt thn oflleo, Hxelnl Mies nn Tlmn Contract. COKTittnirriimst Hliort nploy nkelehen, otii, nnd stories mtUcltotl. l'rmonnt nnd Hoelnl notes nro e sjieclslly dcalrnhlo. I'niNTiKti: Wo mnko nsMclalty of Klnn Printing Innllltshritnolui. HjuIiuv wtrk ntJ!lnHy Addn'M nil cninmutilcntlons dlrvet 10 the office. WICHH1CI DOMBINM, KIIITOIt AND I'lllirnlr.TOIIK. Now llurr Mock, Cor. Uth nnd 0 Hlroo'ji. TKI.Ki'IKINK&YI. TAKE NOTICEI Tho CountKH will not lie reonslblo for nny debt timdn by nny ono In IU umuo, tin Iihh n w rltten onler nwoinjwnli'i tho wino, projH'rly sIkiumI, of coiiiihj. Wkhhki. e Duiiiiikh, I'mp'ru. Tiik (ifislKt of thn pros linut Hecrotnry Ilnynrd und MIm Domi Klluhuth Cleveland eiiRHgwl, If this Is truo tho Hecrotnry Is dc eulcdly inorinonlstle In his tints. Tiik oiximof l'liiiiforo'' N to bo prodiial In Hustings shortly by homo tulotit. This Is iinothei' iuilicntloii thnt IIiisHiikh Ih nsplrhifc to 1 tho iiuislnil center of tho sln'to. TltKliK Iiiin 1miii nuisldeinblo nativity In real estnto of Into, uud now thnt tlio weathei' Is jotting wn liner, tho Ikmhii will wt 111 in eninest; nhvady niiUHforxuiuouiil to 11 cpmr Uir of a million por week. IiA.NOAHTKUeounly will iKMvpiewntod In tho Chicago convt'iitlou by Mr. l'utrlck Ugnu, a Keiitleiiinu of imteh erudition and utility of a high outer. Tho republicans of Nubmsku nio to bo coiiKi-utuluUil upon tho Heleetlou of so woithy n rcpresvitUtivo. AccoiuiiNd to tho ifiiMws of tho Omaha papers that city hns a jxipulutlon of I'JO.OOO. This makes Idneolu'HjMipulatlo'i (U),0tK). Ser iously though, when tho national census Is taken Oumhn, will recelvo 11 scHmek, on ac count of this extravagant kuchsIiic;, Tiik From l'nvwo, Major Kleutsch's excel lent Qermnn jmer, Is to Imi couunonilwl for tho onturprlso displayed hi tho series of article published reaiillng Lincoln, her rusourcus, industi ies, etc. Kvery ono of them Is a boom article, and w 111 doubtless do much toward bringing this ndynntngos of this city before tho Intelligent (Ioniums of the country, nnd ns u result immigration will fol low. . Tiik latest arithmetical prublem Is as fol low si letdown In flgmvs tho year in which you were born (18W for Instance,) add 4, jilus your ago ut next birthday if before January 1st, (If nf tor that dato at your last birthday,) multiply by !,000, and from tho total subtract 077,41. Tho result, If the figures aru taken to denote their numerical cmilwilont of thoulph abet, will give your standing In society, For Instance, 1 will lw n, !J bo b, He, etc., A vkuy pivtty scene was w itiutisisl In 8nn Joso, CaL, tho other day when Cleneral l-Ve-mont, w Ifu and daughter, pnld that city 11 visit. They, were accorded a nmgulllcont re aptiou, and whllo tho x)eakii.g was In prog ress n soft nnd sllont khower or i-oso leaves fell upon tlio group, nnd not until tho oxer, clses wero completed did it cciinj. HeiK'iitedly Mrs. Fremont shook on tho leaves, but they fell fnst nnd thick, covering her bend and bhoulders and forming 11 pllo in her lap. When tho show or censed, no leaves coered the stage lloor a foot In depth. Thk following items from n valued ex chnngo in tho western Mtrt of tho state, ludl cnto that tho old saying that "tnio love doesn't mil smoothly" holds good still: Why Is It thnt Tom Dunn makes m many visiu to tho divide! Has any one got any more bale wire than they can uso? If so, please let it bo known, as wo are going to petition thnt Miss Hloom's yard fence is not lawful. Mnry build It a lit tle higher, then Ii a. won't try to Jump It. Mr. Hon man goes to wvo his girl now once a week. That's business. Later rcjxirbi bring us thnt ho Is down with tho mumps. Too bad Mat, too bad. A VKUY olegnut work entitled "Wonder land" has been receivwl nt this ollloi with compllme-nta of Chas. S, Lee, (lenernl FasMn. gcr Agent of the Northern I'aeltllc, Tho book numbering ninety eight luges, is u modol of neatness and skilful art. The f rontipleco is n bsnutif ul view of tho nigged mountain), ohet by nclustor of flowers, all in colors nnd pro ducing n rich clfect; und thioughouttho work is shown various views of tho country In Ore. gon, Washington Territory and Alaska. On the iusido Is it mnp showing Yellow stone Na tiounl. Piuk, location of Continental divide, the Yellowstone luku nnd liver, the geysers falls, jieaks, etc. Tho boo!: will Iwof especial interest to the many who are now looking up thogieat uorthwext with a Idea of locating. To such this book will lie sent freo on nppllca tlon to tho general piuwengcr ngont ut Kt Paul, Minn. Tiik Novkuht, jMden'snow weekly Mngn zlno, which Is devoted cnthely to Ameilcnu fit tlon, Is a reiiiarkably attractive nnd popu tin enterprise. I'Very tender luteieiitml in high clas lletlon should M'lid to the publisher for n f ree; s-cliiieu copy, Tho first completed stones Ilobei t Tlnsol's A l'eImKt, an uncom monly bright, rendnblo story, nmklug nlvotit 20(1 jmges, which Is sold In pner for 1ft cont, or In cloth, !'il (fids, postpaid. It would not be easy to mime n novel In whlih the conver sation hns so much wit, humor nnd cloer Isidliingn, tustalueil throughout with such mi Hugging vivacity. There Is not a single dull page iu the liook, Moreover, It has what wns so ami h deaideratetl by Charles Darwin a goo J ending. Tho horn U thoroughly cured of his iosshuWm. John Ii, Auik.v, Publisher, Now York iMl,Cldeaj5". LtTKiiATttUK, Alden's now llliistrnteil week ly Mngnrtiio, Is certainly 0110 of tho brightest, hniidM)iurat nnd most readable of th' ' 'iry ImiIkts of course, it Is the cheapest, for jtiden publUhos It. tl.(X) n year; siteclmen copy freo. KxvUlly Intorestlng imjiers In the last Ixstie nro; Iiw VniideriKxiloon Ilomnuco In Fiction; l'nslei lek Hastings oil John Htisktu's Forge, uud I'Miutind (loose on llenrlek Ibveu, tlio Htiiiliillimvlmi jioet, which is nccnuinulcd by a lino Hirtrnlt. It Is a lino pncr for overy homo library. John II. Allien, Publisher, !W:i I'enrl Htiect, Nuw York; !318 Clark Htreet Chlcngo. Noble lleeitn. "Noblo Deeds of our Fathers, as Told by Koldlcrs of tho llevolutloii, Untherel Around tho Old Hell of Iniles'iideiico," Is the imino of nil Interesting book in vised nnil udnpteil for suplemeiitary reading In ncIiooIh, and for school libraries everywhere, soon to bo pub llslusl by I.ick and KiiKi'Alii), Hoston. Tho noble puriHwuof this book Is to nwnken In thn minds of young sople 11 deep veneration of tlio patriots and heroes of tho American itovo lutlou who grandly achieved tho Independence, of our great Republic, and to cultivate thnt spli it of patriotism so needful to insure tho crumiiriicn of tho form of government under which wo now livo. The signs of the times lllustruto tho great need of tho present gener ation In our tountry fully npproelntlng tho liumensurablo cost in blood and treasure of tho frisslom mid tluo Institutions with which our Nation is now blessed, In tho pages of this book, which nro well Illustrated, will bo found stories of tho chief men of tho Itovolu tlon, so concocted by the manner In which they nro unrated, ns to glvo a general Intel est to all; tho "Old lloll of IndeH.ndeuco" Wing the rallying point of tho veteran story-tellers. Hverv phnso of tho struggle Is presented, and iiioial and lellglous clmrncterof our forefath ers, even when engaged In doidly coulllct, Is depicted with great clearness. Tho young render, indeed, older lenders will like tho stoiles, will 1h deeply Intel csted In the story of lnfu)ctto's return to this country, of re miniscences of Wnshlugtoii, of the night lie fore tho I tilt do of Hraiidywluo, of tho first prayer In congiess, of tho patrlotlo women of that day, stories of adventure regarding Gon. Wuyne, tho traitor Arnold, tho Mnsncr of Wyoming, tho enpturo ot (Icn. l'rcscott, uud In other narratives equally Interesting mid Important. Huch a book nt this time ought to, mid will iccclvo 11 cordial lcccptlon, becmiMi of its worth mid the principles which it hecks to Inculcate. To reople AVI10 ICiitertiiln, BtK-lety H-oplo urninglug for jmrtles, balls wisldlngs, ux.'eptlous or anything In till lino, should inspect our elegant lino of stationery nnd pi iuteil novelties used on such occasions. Wu havo just l-eoelveil our now full lino of elegant ball programs, Invitations for wed dings, particfl, etc, nuuouuccuicuts, folders, calling cards and In fact everything In this Inc. Special Notice. Do not forget to bi lug your Inwn mowers, bicycles, umbrellns, fans, or nil thing that Is broken or needs sharpening to tho Novki.tv M'k'o. Co., !M South Klovonth street, Odd Fellows' Uiilldlng. I'lauo For Sate. An upright Kmerson piano In good order on monthly imyments, or will exchange for n city lot. Ktiqmre at ltllU K sticct. WMlited. Gentlemen nnd ladles to tako position with reliable houv. Good salary gunrunteod. Promotion rapid. Address A, this oftlco. Notice (o tin, I,H(lle. Wo tako pleiLsuro lit Informing our patrons that we have Just received from tho luuiort- ers nn elegant lino of heavy embroidered black kid gloves In the latest shades, tints mid sl7cs from 4 l-'-J up In button and hook. U. 11 UAKI.KV V L'O. I'.vciirHloii Went null Northwest. Dally excursions have lieeu nrrnngod for over the Union I'aclllo Hallway to Htm Fran cisco, Kan Diego, Coltou, Ios Angeles, San lleruanllno and San Jose, California, also to Portland, Oregon, at 3S0.00 for tho round ti lp. TIcketK m o good f0 days for going pan sago and good for tho return trip for six mouths from dnto of snlo with tho usual stop over prl lieges in both directions w Ithln these limits. Thoho tickets nro nlso good by way of Den ver anil Halt Lnko City in each direction. Tho agent, Mr. 1J. 11. BIosmjii, tells us quite a lium her of our townsmen urn thinking of making the trip soon, and it would bo well for those. Intending to go In select parties to see him mid nrrnngo for their accommodations. Mr, John R. Frawley, traveling agent, Union l'ncillo, at Omaha, Nob., will glvo you any further information In regard to these, excursions. Parties who prefer can corns- IKiiid with Mr. J. H. Tebbots, G. 1'. & T. A., Omnhu, Neb, Lincoln Hack unit HiiRKiigtt I.lne. Telephone No. 201. meat market. 0.17 O street, or No. !K)l livery lwirn. Order slates ut snino plnces and U. P. ticket olllce, corner Klovcnth nnd O street. Hack stands, Capi tal hotel and meat market. liOIIANON linos. Go east by tho St. Louis and the Missouri Pnclllo railroad nnd avoid all omnibus trans fers; all changes Hindu in Union doX)ta vln this route. Cluilr cars free. 1. D. Coisots nt'Oakley & CoV. JfcMurtry's addition on K. street, lielow Nineteenth, is 0110 of tho slghllcst In tlio city, as well as liclng rlgnt in tho centre ot the fastest growing portion. Call at his olllce lie low tho Capital National Hank and boeuro ono of the lots. On nnd after April 2tH.li, tho day coaches on the Union Pncilla's No. i), known ns the "Overland Flyer," will Ihi taken otr, to better cnnblo it to make time. This w III ndd largo ly to tho popularity that has ulrendy been gained by this fwt train. After thnt dnto it w 111 carry only passengers holiling first-class tlctets to ioli,U whero tho train makes regu lar stops, leti'(eu Council lllulfs nnd Ogileu. Such iHissengers must purchase tickets for scats or lwrths In Pullmnu shn-iiorB, Ikj fore en tering the cars. Ity all odds tlio finest lino of tiockot cutlery Jn tho city tit Zebrung & Ilouklo's. They know just how to please you with oystei-s In overy stylo at Hrown's Now VIonim Cafe. Henutlfy your lnwns by using tho celebrated Pennsylvania lawn mower, miido In two slw to cut either long or short grass, 1 jirgo line. Kvhruug A: Hei.kles mIo agents, 1217 O street. Sou 0 of D. H. Cuimuliigs (sue sensor tt IU!tU&iwell)s;eclnltIes: C. & 11. Plcklos, Mustard uud Catsup, Kennedy crackers, Mur dock pure Spices, Queen Olives, Leo & Per rlu's goods, und otlur fluo goods too numer ous to mention, Tclephouo No, 20. The stationery department ot tho Couiuku received this weak another Invoice of pretty programs, some new novelties In wedding nnd party invitations, announcements, tc., which wo would bo pleased to show callers. Tho Bano of Hot Woathor. Thoro Is no tlmo thai Is luokuil for wnrd.tobytho nuitlicrs of sninll child ron, with more nioitiil drum), than thn hot wenthor of tho summer months, cs poclnlly is this tho onso wlion thulr chllilron nro tvotliin. Tho number ol children thnt nro curried nwny nniniully by howol coinpliiint, In Its vurlou's forms Is prodlKlous. Yet nlniost ovory enso could bo ourcd by proper onto und trontniont. During tho pnst llftcen yunra, it hns boon ubuiuliuitly iruvon, thnt tho worst enses could bo ouruit anil by n romedy within tlio rciich of nil Clinnibiirlnlirfl Collo, ('Jiolcm nnd Dinr rhtua itoincily hns cured thousands of cases, thnt worn oonsldurcd hopolfss, It hns cured Ilium nf lor physicians hnc fulled to rnllovo, it hns 0111 cd them nf tor othor medicines had bucn Irlcd without boncllt, It bus oven cured them lifter thoy hud bcconui unconclotis. It can ulwnyH bo dopoiulcil upon, nnd should bo kept at hniid, bv ovory motliur of small children. When children nro tcmthiiiK, tho dlnrrhti'u can not bo chuck oil perinnnoiitly, ns the snmo cmisii that jiroduccd It will brlni? It on ngnln, but It can uud should bo controlled by KlvltiR Chninborlniir Colic, (Jholoni und Dinrrhmii Itumcdy, hhIiocuso niny rciniiro. Then when tho child Is tlnoiigh toclhitiL', (ho dlitrrhtun niny bo piluctiially chocketl. This remedy bus boun tho solo rollnnco of tliotisiimls of mother throiiBhout tho west for over jlftoon yenrs. anil lis cures lmvo shown It to bo tho best nnd most lollnblo rom j'lly over produced for tho puriioscs When reduced with cold witter and Hwcotoncd, itlspiniisnnttotnko. Mnnj children llko it. It is put up in 25 cont, CO cent nnd 1 dollar bottles My child, sovoii nioiiths old, wns taken sick with .summer complaint. I called on our fntnlly physician and procured mcdlclno, mid used It for nearly three wooks but still tho child continued to cot worst), 1 was porstmded to try Chnmborlnln'H Colic, Cholera and 1)1 nrrhton Hcinctly, ami iniiilo of four days, wp hud thocliild's bonds rcgiilnt pel und in unhoit tiino it was well biiico tliiittiino I ulwayskcop 11 bottle of tho preparation in my Iioumi. A. O. Moti, Scoltsvlllt), Kansas W01 srttls'lutl that Chnmbcrlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrliicn llcincdv is 1 tlio best niudicino wohninllc for all (lisonsosof tho bowols; wo hao gheii it a thorotih tost A nieniber of our fnniily a littlugirl, hail been very hick with bowel complaint, wo had the doctor to boo her twleu.nftor giving how-hat modlolno tho doctor left und see ing thnt she would bao to have moro wo concluded to try Chamberlain's. From the first doso she commenced to Improve anil soon recovered. T.KEELY& Son. 1'cr Sam Neki.y, liny City, l'opc Co. 111. Sold nt W. J. Turner's. I-urgest lino or Key West and Iniorted ei ght's tit the llurr block. Siiiiio Cheui I'mperty, A fine residence lot on Twenty-llrst street nenr N for snlo nt a lx-osouablo price. Also ono In Mechanics nddltlon, Hyde Pin k and Kluiwood.Wlll sell chonp if sold imtnislintely Cull on or address Ij.WrM.el, Jr., care this olllce. Dally excursions to California via tho Mis souri Fucllla Unllw ay. Tho tourists fnvorite route. Choice of two routes going, nnd priv ilege of returning any 0110 of four routes. Descrlptlvo folders mill nil Informntinn obtained of II. a. Han.va, Or It. P. R. Mim.au, Oon'l Pass. Ag't. City Ticket Ag't., cor. O nnd 12th bts. To Toxim Vlu the MUsourl Tactile Hall way. Ono fnro for tho round trip from Lincoln o nil points. Tickets limited to sixty dnys, nnd transit limit going nnd returning of fifteen days In each dltectinu. Hxcursious lenvo Lincoln Jnnuary 2o, Februnry 8 and 211, March 7 and 21. Double lino of Pullman sleeping cars from Kansiw City. A rare op portunity to visit Texas. Lowest rates over ottered. For mnps, descrlptlvo pamphlets, rates, nnd further Information, call on or nil- dress It. l1. H. MILIEU, II. G. IIanna, General Agent. City Ticket Agent, Corner O nnd 12th streets. Tho finest lino of long wraps for traveling nnd street wear can Ihj found nt Ashby & Mlllspaugh's. For all kinds of society stationery, such ns Invitations, programs, cards, menus etc. call at tho CouniKH olllce In tho new- llurr block. Hrown's lestaurnut, In Windsor Work, North Eleventh street, Is tho neatest nnd nob blest resort In the city. Tnko your lunches ut Hrown's restnurant, In Windsor block, North Eleventh btieot. Sorvlco uuetpinUcd. Attain to the 1'riint. Commencing Monday, April iiu, tho Chi cngo, Mllwnukeo & St. Paul Hallway will re sumo tho running "f trains, via Miiulllu, between Council HIuITh, Ouiahn, Bloux City, Sioux Fnlls, Ynnkton nnd othor principal K)Ints iu Dakota, Minnesota nnd Northern Iowa. For tables and other particulars en quire of any ticket agent. Don't fot get tho Manilla Hue. D. K. Cuimnliigs, successor to Itetts & Sow ell, still continues to handle the old rellnblo Monnrch brand ciinii'sl fnilU nnd egetablcs. Also all tho fresh fruits mid vegetables to lm had In market: 1120 O street. Telephone 20. l.i;al Nut lee. Joseph W. Scoggiu Is hereby nodded that on fho 18th ot April. Ib83. his wife, Nelho G. Hcoggln, filed a petition for divorce against him In tho District Com t of Lancaster county, Nebraska, asking for a dissolution of tho bonds of matrimouv on the ground ot fuiluio to supjiort. nnd asking for the custody of uieir eniKi iay, huh iiiai, nnu no resiorcu lo her maiden natno Halley, and Joseph W. Scoggiu Is notified to answer said petition on or lieforo Jttlv t, 1888. Nklmk (1. Scoutu.v, Plalutiir. Now that the season for using ico has com menced It behooves consumers to lie very careful what they uso. Much of tho ice now inlays lined Is impure uud couducivo of bad results to good health. Tho Ice sold by the Lincoln Ico company cut from Onk creek Is strictly pure and healthy nnd will lw deliver ed to any ju t of tho city. Ianivo orders at 1010 O street or telephone No. 118. Hound Trip, Tourlmn, itml Hummer lie sort TieUelM, The l'lkhorn Valloy Lines are now selling tickets of the above class to tho following jiolnU; Long Pino, Nobr., Douglas, Wyo., Dakota Hot Springs nnd Hupld City, Dak,, Spirit Idiko, In., Mlmieaiolls, St. Paul, Du luth, Superior, Ashland, Hnyflokl, and Wash burn, nnd vln St. Paul to Portland, Oregon, Tucoma, W. T., and Victoria, H. 0. For full particulars of l-outos, rates, etc.. cnll on or write Geo. H, Foresinnu, Agt., 115 S 10 st., IjIiicoIii, Nebrnskn. A SPECIAL Is hereby given yon to be CUSHMAN PARK. Special train will leave the B. & M. depot at two o'clock sharp on next Thursday, May 24. Don't fail to be on Grand Gala Day. Music of the very best will be present, dancing for all and prominent speakers will address the assembly. Don't fail to be at the depot at two o'clock next Thursday, and you will never regret it. " NOBBT Spring Suits $20 AND $25. MADE TO ORDER IN LATE STYLES. DAVID MAY, OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Flowers Eedding Plants Large Variety at Low Prices. Cut Flowers and Designs a Specialty. Nebraska' Floral Company, izt; North 12th Street. Telephone 682. Ifjnwfs, Rioter 9 I neaagnnHn ImcoLH )SsSaA'IiEB Spring Syles JOYCE, CHOICEMILLINERY, 123 North 15th Street, , OMAHA. INVITATION present sit Grand Opening hand. It will toe a T Now Ready. o lilaij!s . w Ak-A'l'-iJf-1 -