Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 19, 1888, Image 3

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Drayage and Moving,
Desires to inform the public that his equip
ment (or moving Household Goods,
Safes, Mnrchatullsc, Heavy Machinery,
etc., I the hest In the city. ' Special men
and wagons nro kest for the removal of
Pianos and Household Goods,
Which arc always handled hy coinpetaul
tnd experienced help, and the latest nppll-
nee t used ton handling Safes and other
hca pink Call, address or telephone
Telephone in 0111009170
?hilharmonic . Orchestra,
l. lUoKNOW,
Musical Din-dor,
Oftlco Funko's Opera
House, !id Floor, From
Will fiiniljh lrntnl or Sacred music for
and nil other occasions requiring tlrst -class mnsu
JSPUpeclal rates wllf ho madouith clubs
desiring the oohestra for the season,
rates furnished on application.
Wo also deslro to state that we hae niiencd n
Conservatory of Music In our apartments In tin
opera house lmlUHnj-, for tho Instruction on
orchestral Instrument. Tuition honnc On. m
II J'J tioon, nnd 1 tilt I p. in. overy day ex j .pi
Sunday. For scholars not able to attend atieu
ar hours, special time will lie ghen.
ITpr further Information ns to prices, time, etc
address or call on tlic manager.
UoiuT loaned on long or short time at loes
ties. Ofllca In nichards' Block, room 2.
Take eletator on Eleventh itreet entranoa.
N. R. HOOK, M. D.,
i)isi:asi:s ok womhx.
drinary and Recta Diseases a Specialty.
Treats rectal diseases hy MIINKKUIIOFK
PA1NLKSS 8YS1T.M. Oniee, rooms 12!, 123 ntul
121 Hurr Illock. Twelfth nnd O sireet. Otllce
telephone M8. Hesldi-nco 1029 Q street-"Phone. Mi
Office hours, 0 to 13 n.m. 3 to 5 nnd 2 tu A p in
Sundays, 10 to II u m
Honiisopatliist Physician,
Tcle-jhonc No 6S5. ,
163 South 11th Sir "it, Lincot.m Nt:i
Steam Laundrj
1117 P Street.
Still In the front and absolutely leading nl
mpotltora. Thoroughly (-quipped for th.
.iiiest work, giving to each customer on un
qualified guarantee for all work done. All m
our work done with neatness and dispatch
Wo solicit orders for suburban villages anr
neighboring towns, paying the express on 111
rders one way. Hespcctfully,
Old dcitd teeth contain
. the niihitivrcnce of lilonl
poifoui who can tu.iunw
il, curlilnu nut of old leclh
at ocry inetl and bo
healthy r Thefo teeth aro
dead, ulcerated, mill nltliy
frequently cauc n suullod
face. Should ccrtalr: Ihj
extracted and replaced lth
pood, artificial teeth that
never nclifl. Can bo ni trad
ed without pain. Nohain.
fW& -nJEBwsQHBtVnl
The ntxire cut shows tho tilth of a man 45
jrars of Bge. from Dr. Hell In 1831. We meet
with this affection in tho teeth in various forms
nd degrees. The ends of the crowns seem
rei-j soft, having a low decree of vitality and
wear down showing a dark jellowlsh cupped
f potjn tho center. Many are so foollib as to
''" ",hat molar teeth aro of little account,
u-i ret them goby default; after which all
tbe force of tho muscles aro extended to the
front teeth, wearing them down rapidly.
The best, and orly remedy, Is to cover and
build up the ends with gold and platinum,
which wears llko steel and saves them iiibut
uars. We make a specialty of lino gold work
on building them up, contour tilling, etc
a. n
Cuts A ud H are from John Tomes, of Ere
A Two tncleors with notches In the ends.
U shows the peg shaped teeth withy, llowlfh
pits lu the ends
For such teeth wo have two remedies: First
To fill the pits In the ends with gold. Pec
ond Extract them and riplnco them with
srtlflclttl teeth, Hut tho bones absorb sw.
rapidly so that they will need resetting fre
Wo make tbe finest artificial teeth In tnr
We uso Justice' and White's patent teeth
with long, heavy pins, mounted on stroni
elastle plates. Thoso who patronize us wll
not be troubled with broken teeth aud croeke.
plates, canKer aore mouths, etc.
To loose the front teeth, la to loose tul'
thepoirerof speech, and more than half Ur
be aula.
Diseased Qumi.
,JTh teeth torn blaek aud
Us allfihtesttoucb, ulcerate,
die, th mu MMd a
un ucia looMn tarn
iau out, ids ureatn it borrlble.
1200 O Btresn,
Ob UsRsnld Transit, cotes op dlsMaad raaMk
S." '5,llof,,Jold n1 Plsttnum fllUngs, mk3
m tam tmVk thai tobacoa will not UraikV
Valuable- msliifeetniits Tlint Slinnlil lie
In frequent U IliirlttK Hut Weather.
Despite tho ordinary precautious, perms
of disease may filter n house, nml for Mill
reason I'he American Analyst urges tlin ne
cessity of frctpient dlslnftctlon. It recom
mends tlint nil sinks, bath till, stntlounry
wash till nml nil leaders sliould lx elenned
onco n wwk with somo owcrful germlcldo
nml antiseptic. Any suhstauco of this class
is nihulriiltlo, cvon tlio weakest. It Is liotter,
however, In tho long run, to uso the strong
est. Whero thero nro children In tho houo
avoid ns fnr ns pos.lbl poisons w Iiono char
acter Is not pntent .Crudo enrbollo ncld Is
not as valuable ns lino clilorldo, Imt n child
will novcr touch tho former, nhila ho tuny
tho Intter, under tho impression Hint It is
sugar or salt. In tlio general order of
strength nnd nvnllnbllity disinfectant stand
ns follows: Corrosixo sublimate, sulphur
ous ncld, rlno clilorldo, tine Iodide, rlnc sul
plinto, eopHT sulphnte, Iron sulphate, plieuol,
creosote, erudo carbolic ncld, clilorldo of
lime, germicide, "Ulrondln," snllcyllu ncld,
thymol, nitrous ncld, hydrogen peroxide,
niiuiionln, coal tnr, siuiltas, camphor.
Itules for I'resorvhiR tli V.j Sli;lit.
Thoso wlio prowrly apprecJnto tho valuoof
eyes In perfn-t condition will bo Interested In
tlm following rules laid down by Dr J C
Lutidy, of Detroit, for tho earo of these or
gans. Avoid reading and studying by poor light,
Light should como from tho sido, nnd not
from tho buck or tho front.
Do not rend or study whllo mffcrlng great
liodlly fatlguo or during recovery from
Do not rend while lying down.
Do not uso the eyes too long at n tlmo for
near work, but givo them occasional periods
of rout.
Heading and study should bo douo Rystctn
During study nvold tho stooping position,
or wlmtover tends to produco congestion of
the hend nnd face
Helect well printed books.
Correct errors of refraction with proper
Avoid bad hygienic conditions nnd the uso
of alcohol and tolmcco.
l'nlco kiilllclcnt oxerclso In tho open air.
Ixt tho (hyslcul keep paco with the mental
culture, for asthenopia Is most usually ob
served In thoso who aro lacking in physical
Cofieo xlsonliig has lioon Investigated by
a German authority, nnd colTccism, It is
claimed, is found In a class directly opposite
to thoso In whom theism is found, tho former
being liable In well to do overfed Individuals,
w hllo theism Is found In half starved women
w ho nro accustomed to carry on tho mos,t
severe toll, with scarcely any other food than
crackers and ton. Tho symptoms of colTeo
Ism aro want of appetite, sleeplessness nnd
nervous tremblings, with various evidences
of indigestion nnd uoimsslmilntlou, tororof
the liver, and uonelimiimtfou of tissuo waste.
Tho siiiunctory system Is clogged. In theism
the treatment is rctt and nourishment, but,
unless tho pntiunt lias used cofTeo to stimu
late his brain during mental strain, his con
dltlon Is that of the gourmand whoso sys
tem nxpiiies unloading, and who, instead of
rest, should Im) niado to oxerclso on low diet,
with coffoo left out.
Cow's Milk for Infant.
Accordiug to Dr Benson Hnker, of Eng
land, when cow's milk is used for infants
there should bo the following proportions of
udded Ingredients, though sometimes more
water is required during tho first few nocks
of Infant llfo Cow's milk, half n pint; water,
the samo quantity, a small tc:isoouful, or
sixty grains, of sugar of milk, and two grains
of pliosphato of limo, tho addition of two
teaspoonfuls of cream if tho quality of tho
milk bo good, hut if poor or skimmed tho
quantity of cream must In doubled.
Alinimil Cold. Crt-mii.
Cold cream mndo with oil of almonds is a
favorito preparation for softening tho shin
Any 0110 tuny innko it for herself as fol
lows. Mix half an ounco eachDf will to wax
and spermaceti, oil of nlmonds, four ounces;
orango or older (lower wntcr, two ounces,
lief 010 ndditig the Intter subject tho ingre
dients to grodunl heat, and, wlion liquid, add
tho orango flower water and stir gently.
Stand in cold water to cool.
Itminly for mi Ingrowing Null,
Tho following is claimed to be of benefit
for ingrowing too nulls- Heat a small lilt of
fallow very hot In a spoon and voiir it 011 tho
granulations. I'ain and tenderness nro 10
llovcd at once, and in 11 fow days tho edgo of
tho nail Is exposed so as to admit of being
cut away
Tito lUblrs of noiul .ttiinuers nrlilnl
Vsiigos of tlio Day.
A writer on tho ethics of good manners
tells in Harper's Ha7Jir of n womnn of strong,
and oven horolo, nature, who used to lay it
down as a rule that there wero but two
classes of persons tu tho world thoso who
told tho truth, llko herself, and whom overy
body In consequence disliked, nml thoso who
wero perfectly ready to tell lies to savo them
selves or any ono elso from annoyance, and
who, lu cousoquenco, wero ludoved by all.
Without carrying it so far as this, tho au
thority quoted think?) it very certain that
thero comes a point In Mmo whero thcro is n
dividing of tho ways, nnd truth and good na
ture may havo to part company. Tlio proof
of skill is to postpouo this parting as long tu
possible and tills power of postonciiioiit Is
called tact. In some ersons this tact reaches
sublimity Talleyrand had it, as when he
nnswered the English lady who askod how
the Dukoof Wellington spoko French, "With
tho utmost Intrepidity, madam, as ho docs
everything else," thus turning a criticism
Into a compliment. Hut such efforts strnla
tho character at last, If too long pursued, and
words aud actions becomo then nllko valuo
less. Without n llavoriug of truth, even
courtesy becomes Intolerable.
Ilrldiil Usages.
Gifts that aro sent to a hi Ido are Inscribed,
when marked nt nil, with her maiden name.
Within a month tho brldo Is expected to ac
knowledge by note In her own hand overy
gift received. Wedding gifts havo fallen
somowhnt Into disrepute, nnd tho question of
exhibiting them U ono of individual taste.
The onco perfunctory bridal tour is no
longer obligatory, and even tho most fashion
ablo newly married couple may liegin house
keeping nt once lu their own way, In which
caso It is ciiKtonmry to Issue "At homo" cards
for a few uiumlug or uvoulugs at 110 distaut
Hints to Wninunklnd.
Don't forget to thank, at the least with a
bow, tho man who surrenders tils neat In tho
car or omnibus, or who potltcly uikm-h up
your faro.
Don't glgglo or bo loud of volco In public.
Don't endanger the eyes and comfort of
tho who come near you by carrying a
closed umbrella or parasol sticking out
almost horizontally
Directions fnr Making n Clilnesn Hint
Kite, Which l Uiiitu a Different AITuIr
friim tlm Home Made Kilo of Ameri
can llnys.
Kite Hying Is a nntlonnl diversion among
tho Chinese-, and with them tho art of con
structing kites has nrrlvod at great infec
tion. Having bamlioo, thin silks, India pajicr
nnd llko materials particularly adapted to tho
tuantifnctiiio of thoso airy toys, they liavo
' produced tlio most ingenious devices In this
I lino yet known.
ntnn KiTte and riiAMK iihkii in jiakino it,
Tho Chinese klto in its simplest form is
qulto different from tho homo iiindii klto of
tho American lioy. Tho frnmo consists of
0110 st I IT ImiiiiIkx) stick exU'iidlug lengthwlso
through tho center of the klto nnd two
slightly curved rods nt top and bottom.
To tills is posted n sheet of paper somowhat
loo!o at tho sides, where), under tho action of
tlio wind, pockets nro formed that keep tho
nlTnlr In an oxccllont osltlon of equilibrium.
Kites of this kind nro aliout three feet In
Among Ingenious fancies of tho Chlncra
Is their bird klu, which with tho frnmo used
In making it Is Illustrated In tho cut, "hero
tho manner of attaching tho string Is nlt-o
plainly Indicated. Tho thin pner nttnehed
to tho wings moves under tho notion of tho
wind nnd simulates tho llnpplngof tho wlngn.
This klto is sometimes threo feet In length.
Only a l-enmit Vender.
It docs not do to Jump nt conclusions,
apropos of which is the following story from
Golden Days!
A witness wns liclng oxamlned In an im
portant case, nnd his testimony was con
clusive. So tho lawyer for tho other sido
undertook to make him an object for ridicule.
"You aro a business man, I liellovcr1
"Yes, sir."
"What Is your business!"
"I deal in peanut."
Tho lawyer smiled knowingly nt tho Jury.
"A peanut vender, chf How many pints
did you sell lost month l'1
"I hardly know. A million, perhaps."
"I handlo nbout half n million bushels n
year. I am a wholesalo dealer."
Tlio lawyer sat down. Ho had forgotten
that tho ieanut crop Is the sourceof riches to
many southern farmers, and that tho auuual
trado In tho humble "goober" fxots up
Muster Shadow.
Oh my shadow and I, In tho brilliant daylight
Wo aro very closo friends; but I hato him oy
night I
I can't sleep a wink,
tt Is so odd to think
That I am down hero In my snug llttlo bed
All tho tlnin I'm up tlirro too, above my own head I
It's excelely queer,
And not wry clear
If lam my shadow or in? shadow Is met
Hut what mnkes It shako sof Perhaps can It be
That tny shadow Is really as frightened of mo
As I mil of It f
Then w hy does It sit
In this room whero I needn't to stay T
I shall not feel ready for frollo till day,
Aud It's ierfectly welcome to go qulto away
Down stairs to tho rest,
And Indeed 'twould bo best.
Oh somo one, do como! Do put out tho light i
Ilo'sgonol Oil I'm glad I Mnster Shadow, good
A Hoy's Account of Ills Travels.
A Hhodo Island boy, writing to Hnrixr's
Young Peoplo, gives tlio following account
of Vesuvius nnd other sights seen wliilo
abroad! Wo wont up Vesuvius with n horso
and cnrrlago a long distance, nnd then wo
went up tho steep funicular railway, and then
wo walked up tho rest of tho way. Wo saw
tho oltl crater and tho now crater. A man
ran part way down tho now crntor, and when
tho binoko cleared wo could sou bfm. Ono
night, from our window, wo saw it all blaz
ing up bright, and threo days after wo went
up Vesuvius and saw tho tin eo days' old lava
ail hot. Wo got a lot of stones sulphur nud
other stones. Wo saw somo Italian soldiers
running down tho sido whero it Is nl) cinders,
instead of going down in tho funicular rail
Wo went to Amalfl from Naples. Wo
went to n hotel that used to bo a monastery
for monks. It has n llttlo church all fitted
up in it, Tlio houso was full of people. At
tho sido aro columns, with grapo vines run
ning over. Thcro Is a lieautlful bay at
Amalfl. Wo wont back to Naples, and then
to Rome again. Wo went from Homo to
Aurona, aud ilemlnl, and Itnvcumi, and
Ilologna, aud Venice. Wo cntno to Venieo
In a train, nnd then took n gondola to tho
Hotel do I'Europn, on tho Grand canal, A
great many gondola went hy tho hotel.
There is a blg-squaro there, hy tho Cathedral
of St. Mark's, where tho coplo walk. Tho
only horses lu Venlco nro tho throo hrona)
horses on tho front of St. Mark's. There is
a beautiful campanile there My brother nnd
I went to tho top, and we could see Venice,
nnd tho canals, and a long distance off. Tho
square is mostly full of cafes, where you can
get colTeo or tea, or w hatovcr you want. One
day we saw a funeral going over tho canal in
a gondola, and all the coplo went dressed in
reel All tho gondolas nro black,
lsny on Ijislurts.
A Boston school teacher asked n class to
write- an essay on "The llesult of laziness."
One of tho hoys handed in as his comosltlon
a blank sheet of micr. It Is safe lo say that
such a boy was bright enough not to bo lazy.
In onyx brooches dnll finished grounds,
relieved by highly ollshcd lines, are seen In
many handsoir, diwigns.
Home Useful Mints lo I'enplo 11'f Invent1 v
An lingllsh clontllle rmirnnl enumerated
tho following -clnlly needed Inventions!
Macaroni mni-hlticry, gmnl red lorn I (lenells.
typo writers tlint will work on account books
and record books. Indelible stamp canceling
Ink, n prnetlenl car starter, a good inlhwiy
ventilator letter horHcnliooi, locomotive
hendllghts, nn npmrntus for uiensurlng tlio
velocity of wind currents, apparatus for
measuring tho depth of the son without sound
ing hy lines piano lid hlngu that shall Itollush
on thn outside, good lluld India ink for
draughtsmen, a good melalllc railway tie, an
effective rutolT for locomotives, n uietlioil o(
alloying copix-r and Iron, and a molding
material for Iron and brass casting, capable)
of gl lug n mold that can bo used over and
over ngalu.
An Old Convivial Custom.
Tho custom nmong the Orrmnns of touch
lug tho glasses before drinking arose at tho
tlmoof thn immenso medliuvnl banquets of
tho nation. , "loving cup" wasixuwtl from
lip to lip, to show Hint nil were of 0110 mind,
but tho "loving cup'' ns of neecBdtyK) largo
us to bo mihiiiiily In plitco of this, smaller
cups ami glnt-ses wern given to each, and tho
tradition of thn "loving cup" wits preserved
hy tho clicking of the glnsseii Tho ciiMom
of having smaller glasses for each Is said to
havn arisen from thoiiKnMlimtlou of King
Kdunrd. Itwns then tho lutliltof the Anglo
Saxons to wish around a largo cup, from
which each guest drank, ho who thus drank
stood up, look tlio largo vessel In both
lunula nnd rained It to his lips. As ho lifted
tho cup his body wns oxjiosed and Iho occa
sion was soln-d by treacherous enemies to
murder htm. This danger led to tint ado
Hon of tho plan that, as 0110 drank, his next
friend was rcspouMhlo for his safely during
tho act, and usually iii-omj also ami stood
with drawn sword.
"flnoil Old Colony Times."
Thn following song lins for many years,
perhaps a century, held a placo among New
lCnglnnd H-oplo:
In cooil 0I1 1 colony times,
When wo lived timler tlm king,
Threo roguish clinpsfell Into inUlmpa
llecniiHo they could not sing.
Tho llrst ho wns n miller, .
Tlio recoiul ho was n wc-nver, ' "
Thothlnl lie unsn little tailor ;'.
Three roguish chaps togetlier. "
Tho miller ho nolo corn,
Tho w enter hn stolo J nrn,
Thn llttlo tnllur stolo bronilcloth for
To keep these threo rogues warm.
Tlio miller nns ilrownetl In his dam,
Tho weaver wns hAnged In his yarn,
Tho devil clapped hlsulnw on tho llttlo tailor.
With his broadcloth under his arm.
Onn from (leortln.
Although not generally known, It Is never
theless true that Georgia furnished ono regi
ment of Infantry to tho Federal servlco dur
ing tho civil war. It was not n full regiment,
nnd Bomehowtho olllcers and men wvio never
paid for their services, although they did
hard fighting nnd a numlwrof them wero
killed nnd wounded. Tlioy are before con
gress with a petition. This Georgia com
mand was mado up among tho hard Union
ism of Whitfield, Murray, Fnnnln, Dawson
and Pickens, tho last two counties furnishing
tho majority of recruits. Tho raising of tho
corps was authorized by Oen. Thomas whllo
commanding tho Army of tho Cumberland.
After doing valuable) service, It was sur
prised nnd broken up by a Confcderato forco.
Gun Kliy lings.
A sporting Journal gives tho following ns
to gun shy ilogsi "If tho animal Is oxtrcmcly
gun shy, shooting No. S3 cartridges nonr him
for sovernl days in succession will generally
overcome his fears; or tako him to pigeon
shoots as often ns possible. If ho Is not so
gun shy as to show terror at tho report of n
gun, he may bo taken Into tho field to shoot
over. When a bird Is shot endeavor to havo
him seo It fall. If It Is winged permit him
to chnso nnd play with It. him eat tho
entrails. This method must bo applied with
great care, otnerwiso ms rears or tho gun
may en uso him to blink his eyes. When a
gun is discharged do not took at him or notico
him for several minutes, then pet him. Uso
kindness always."
Morgnnutln Marriage
In morgnuntic marriages tho regular cere
mony is informed, except that tho man
takes tho woman's left hand Instead of her
right, Tho word Is vry old In Its meaning.
The ancient Hermans used to givo to their
wives, tho day after tho wodding. n certain
limited Krtfo,i of their estates. This was
tho morgen-galto. in courso of tlmo it enmo
to bo that only Inferior wives received tho
inorgen-gnbo. Then thoso Inferior wives
wero wedded with Inferior ceremonies known
as tho morgcu-oho,a woman so wedded was
termed in bastard Latin morganatlcn, from
this word wo get our expression morgnnutio
I'eniiy Nulls,
Sovcral reasons for calling nails by "pen
nets" havo been given Hero Is tho last- Do
fore tho advent of machine made nails they
were hammered on tho common forgo of tho
blacksmith nnd werty sold by tho hundred, tho
prlco being llxed, according to sire, nt so
matiyiienco jcr bundled. Henco tho term
jH'tmy In iu numerical order camo In time to
represent certain sims. This is from an old
authority and seems to convey an idea of cor
rectness. i
Henry Clay for l-reldeiit. i
In 1821 Henry Clay was n candldato for
tho presidency, receiving thirty-seven cleo-
toral votes. In ISO ho ran again, receiving
tho votes of six states only Iu IS&) ho was
a candldato for the nomination, but wns de
feated by Gen Harrison, who wns elected.
In 18-1 lie wns nominated by tho Whigs, nnd
received ia"i votes to 10 for Polk. Ho was n
candldato for the nomination In I&I8, but
was defeated by Zachary Taylor.
lllstrlet or Coliinihla (lltleurs.
There Is no such olllcer as a mayor In
Washington. Tho government of tho Dis
trict of Columbia (which Includes the city of ,
Washington) is in charge of three commis
sioners, ono of whom Is to bo a practical
engineer. All are appointed by tho presi
dent. Thero nro subordinate olllclals, asses- I
hoi-8, collectors, surveyors, attorneys, coroners
and lnsectors. There Unison district olica
aud lire department.
MciiiiIiik "f tlio Loiters "i:. V."
Tho letters "E. V " means "en ville," In '
town, or In the city Thoy nro employed by
persons wlio consider that more "English,
you know" (although the expression of itself .
t French), than to write out the name of tho
city from which they write, trusting that
duty to the cnvo!oe tmurU.
l,ilean llattlell,-ll, 1
Ccrro dordo is a celebrated Imttlelleld and
mountain iss iu Mexico, thixaih which the ,
national road from Vera C'nu to the City of
Mexico wism-s. Here Oen. 8Mt defeatil a
greatly iuwilor force of Mexicans under
Rautn Anni, piil IM, M7
And mow ready for inspection at -
John Morrison's
All tlio Finest Unalities and Lit lost. I'alterns in stock. I have
the finest cutter in the city and guarantee satisfaction. Cal
and see my oods and work.
121 North Eleventh street.
Fine Driving and Riding Livery,
Always ready for service, day or night. '
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1119, 1121 and
Meals 25 cts.
Union - Pacific - Railway,
The Overland Route.
Shortest and Safest Route to all points in
'lake the overland llyeratiil simiounday to all I'nclilc const points.
nn: union pacific is Tin: fkbij chair car link.
ltiliinlim Into Union Depots nml conueetliiK wltU Iho fast II Mil toil trains of nil linos for n
points east, north ami south. Throiitih tickets on modern day coaches, llagimituchccko
through to destination from all points oust lu the United Hlulrsuml Ciiuudu.
Sleeper accommodations reserved in through Pullman Palace from the Miss u
ri cr to the Pacific coast.
JS. B. SLOSSON, Agent.
T. .1. POTTKIi.
First Vlou-Piesldont.
n v X " s gJrsJ.7,rr(y ?" -sl miii iHn . ' 31'. jri r ti 1 f r
"f-kTD "VJ X 'ri""ltVWl-T:?kK''!,.V Vo...fMUT.
Ito contrnl poBltlon find closo connoctloti with Enstorn linos nt Chicago
and cnntlntioiiH llnoa nt tormlnnl points, Wost, Nortliwortt, und South
woat, rnnl;o It tho truo mld-llnl: In thut transcontinental chain of stool which
unltou tho Athintlo und Pacific. Ita main linos and branchou lncludo Ohl-
capro, Jonot, intawn. Liusnuo, roorin, uonosoo, moimo una noes luiunu, m
Ulinoiu; Davonnort, Muocatlno, Washington, Fnlrflold. Ottutnwa, Oskalpoun,
and Atchison, in Kansas; Mlnnonpous and St. Mul, inMlnnosota; wator
town nnd Sioux Fulls in Dakota, and many othor prosperous towns and cltlos.
It ulso oiters a CHOICE OF ROUTES to nnd from tho Pacltlc Coast and intor
modlato places, maklntr all tranafors in Union dopots. Fast Trains of tlno
rAV fininilRs. nlnmint niNINO OAIIS. ninomttleont PULLMAN PALACE
ili.iu. tii.ouu.i uiiu
8LEEP1NO OAItS. and (botwoon Chicanro, St. Josoph, Atchk a and Kansas
City) restful KKUUNINO OIIA1U
UrSt-ClnUS UCKU18.
Extonds wist and southwest from Kanscs City and St. Josoph to Fair,
bury, NnlHon, Ilorton, Topoka, Horington, UutchltiBon, Wichita, Oaldwoll,
and till points In Southom Nobrrvaka Intorlor I'.ansus and boyond. Entltv,
paiiflongor oquipmont of tho colobratod Pullman munufceturo. Solidly bal
lastod track of hoavy Btoel rail. Iron and ntono brldrros. All safoty apnllancos
nnd modofn Improvomonts. Commodious, woll-bullt ptutlons. Colurlty, cor
talnty, comfort and luxurj' assured.
Ib tho favorite botwoon Chicago, nock Island, Atchison, Kunsas City, and
Mlnnoupollsand St Paul Tho tourlntrouto to all Northern Summer Hosorts.
Its Wutortown Branch travorsos tho most productive lands of tho groat
"wheat rid dairy bolt" or Northern Iowa, Southwostorn Minnesota, and East
Central Dakota. , .
Tho Short Line via Senocu and Kankakoo odors superior mcilltios to travel
botwoon Cincinnati, Indlunupolls, Lufayotto, and Council Bluffs, St. Josoph,
Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, und St. Paul.
For Tlckota, Maps, Folders, or any doslrod information, apply to any Cou
pon Ticket Ottluo In tho United Suites or Canada, oraddross
Osnsrsl Manager.
Ol IIC Ui, IJ.I.
Skinner's Stables
12th St., bet. Pand Q.
Calls for Malls, Parlies, etc., Promptly
Made, with Stylish Uitfs, Coupes
and Hacks.
1 123
N Street.
$..5o per week.
HMl O Ntm-t, Lincoln, Nebrnskiu
H. I.. I.O.MAX, .1. K TKHUKTH,
Ahs. (luu. P.m. an I rir.ft At. Oen. Pass an I Ticket
uuiiDiui .. t. v . ... .
I,i, In 1
to holdors of through
Oan'l Ticket ft Ptaa'r Ageat,