Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 19, 1888, Image 1

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Vol. 3. No Q
Lincoln, NisrsKAHKA, Satukday, May lO, 188W
What llu Sees, Ileum, Tliliiki itml lin
hkIiics. t nm qulto surprised nt tlio manner in
which my entwine! friond of Iho DeuwcrtU
handles tho Observer, nnd It seems that In
thlsciibo truth did hurt the brilliant quill
driver. Howover, my friend, it wns entirely
uniifevasiiry for such personalities, nsniy few
remarks wero entirely w itli tlio Democrat, nnd
not directed toils able editor, whom 1 think
nllowcd his jkjii to run away before cool judg
ment wut considered. Neither i'HK CouitlKii
or tho Observer has any ilehlro to enter Into a
lloVFinHT quarrel, nnd when reiimrkH re
gurdlng tho Alma wrecks were made In this
column lust week, nnd tlio course of the
Democrat taken before and since the strike,
they woro dimply to show facts, to express tho
imbllu comment, why tho change in tlio
DciiwchiVk course, and not to open an argu
ment which, if tho evening eonteiniK)rary de
sires to coutinuo, it may do so at its pleasure
and toatnuso itself, not it.t readerM or the Ob-
On tho dead walls of tho city I notice ad
vertising innttcr calling rlio attention of the
multitude to tho advantages nnd Inducements
oirered by tlio great northwest, Portland,
Oregon, uud tho country thorenlout. I am
pleased to note that this celebrated part of
(Judo Barn's domain is being introduced to
tho nation, nnd know that by consistent en
terprise and continued elTorts tho biggest
boom over enjoyed nnywhero will bo wit
nessed by the jieoplo of that now and glo
rious quarter within tlio next fow years. It
has everything i make n prosperous coni
inon wealth, nnd there Is no reason w hy Its
resources can not bo developed and material
ized to tho beuellt of all comers. Iron, coal,
timlier, agricultural pursuits, lino climntu,
excellent trnusiMirtnllou facilities and every
thing necessary to enrich mankind is there in
abundance, and in order to settle up the
country tho railroads nro offering sjioeinlly
low rntes to prospectors and land seekers.
Tho Omnhii and Lincoln milkmen at pres
ent can now soliloquize over the situation of
the water question. Kor n long time Omiiha
has tried, and tried hard, to purify its muddy
water, but with no entire successful result,
and as ii consequence tho glass or milk after
standing u few moments shows tho settling
and gives tho milkman's auxiliary dead away,
while the Lincoln milk denier is trying to
solve tho problem of what sort of nryiirr to
to uso in place of our salt water.
Aldvii's Library Mainline.
Among tho notable articles in tho Library
Magazine for .May aro tho following: Tho
'egro Question in tho United States, by Oeo.
W. Cnblo; tho concluding paper on tho Con
stitution or tho United Suites, by Hon. K. J.
Phelps, U. S. Minister to (Irent Ilrititfti ; tho
fourth of n series or scholarly articles on Post
Tnlmudlc Hebrew Literature, by Dr. 1 Ionian!
Pick; tlio article on Hans Sachs, tho cobbler
poet of Nuremberg, from tho West .Minister
Hovlow, is ery curious, llesides numerous
articles on subjects of general interest. The
editorial miscellany, entitled, "Current
Thought," is unusually full and Interesting
Tho issue contains UHJ puges, in largo typo: an
extraordinary amount of high-class literature
for tho price of f 1.00 n year, or 10 cents n
copy. John 1J. Allien, Fuh'ishtfr, i?J3 l'earl
Street, Now York; :!1M Clark Street, Chicago.
Indies, it Is almost an Inducement for you
to get married to see thoso now wedding Invi
tations leeelved nt WessohS: Dobbin's, Coun
IEH olllco, this week. "They uro ierfectly
grand'' is whnt one of our readers said yustor
day, and so they nre. Tlio nssortiueut com
prises nil tho novelties just Introduced, nnd n
look nt them will convince every one that
they tiro tlio prottlst ever seen. A lino of
party invitations, bull programs, leup year
announcements and programs wero also ic
ceived with this invoice. Cull nnd see them,
Loht. "I don't know where, 1 can't tell
when, I don't know how something of grent
value to me, and for tho return 6f which I
shall bo truly thankful, viz.: a good apinitite.
FOUND. "Health and strength, pure blood,
an npietlte liko that of n wolf, regular diges
tion, all by taking that opulur and ioctilinr
medicino, Hood's Sursnparillu. I want every
body to try it this season." It Is sold by all
dniggWts. One hundred doses one dollar.
It Is surprising that jieoplo will Buffer with
rheumatism, ns many do, when a remedy that
will promptly relievo them can Iki procured
for fifty cents. Tho remedy refered to is
ChamWlain's Pain Halm. Many severe
- cases have been cured by It. Sold by W. J.
i lleiuiicriitH.
Union Pacific, "Tho Overland ltouto'
will sell through tickits to St.
Louis, Mo., to parties desiring to attend
tho National Democratic Convention, to be
held nt that place, on Juno Ath. at one fare for
tho round trip from points In Nebraska nud
Knnsas. Ticket going good Juno 'Jml to fith,
Inclusive, good for continous passage only In
each direction.
Union Pacific, "Tlio Overland Kouto," will
sell through tickets at rate of ono faro ror
tho round trip, from point In Nebraska and
Kansas, to parties desiring to attend tho Na
tional Republican Convention to bo held ut
Chicago Juno lllth. Ticket good going June
zzJtsxizftsrfftsrz sx'ztt
Tim Lincoln Miiilliirliini,
located lu Webster block, Is tho jxipulur ro
sott for ladles uud gentlemen. Finest Turkish
and Ilubslan but lis in tho city. Polite nud ex
H.Tlenml attendants nlwnys at tho service of
patrons. Uuths of every description a.-o
given, and those especially for tho sick re
cuivo careful treatment by Dr. Hlchards.
r A,, electrical baths havo lieeomo quite popu
lar mai aro doing excellent, good. Call at the
sanltaum for baths of all kinds. Finest
TurklslPonth in tho city, ts South Klovcuth
.Special Notice.
. Do not forget to bring your lawn mowerp,
V bicycles, umbrellas, fans, or anything that Is
Hiroken or needs sharpening to tlio
' Novki.ty M'k'ii. Co..
1 !Hl) South Kleventli sli-.Ht
n Odd I'Vllows' DnlMlng.
Items About ttie Spurt, Local News and
What Is living iliiiio In (iciierul.
Tho latest American team nre riding Kudgo
w heels.
What's become of that lioulevard scheme
which was talked of this spring.
L. II. Wis,., I,. I. W., has already ridden
1,HM miles this season, up to May I.
Finally our roads nro in quite w heeling or
der, and our wheels liegin to revolve.
Tho Ihtllrliit, an influential society weekly
of Pittsburgh, will devote two pages to
wheeling during the entire season.
llostou will have a bicycle track on the
Union grounds, which will bo kept In llrst
class order from June 1 to October 1.
Siimuol P, Holllngsworth, tho long distance
bicyclist, was m.irrhsl to Miss Iottln Hami at
Itusslivlllo, Intl. , where botli-reside, May 'J.
Wo aiv glad to note that blocks nro being
put down again. Let tho good work go on is
whnt nil wheelmen wish. We nro tired of
F.miim Abbott has been elected a member
of tho Star lllcyclo club of Detroit, nnd wears
nn elegant club badge, presented to her at a
recent reception.
Mr. F. (lorry, representing tho Holmes
Knitting Co. of Boston, was In tho city this
week. Ho reorts business in his lino lietter
this year than cut lieforo.
Kdwln Oliver mrl It. I). Gardner nro inter
ested In n Chicago sjwtlng weekly, to Ihj
called The itefcrer, which will innke its first
tippcnrauce on Monday next.
An attempt is being made to match F. W.
Allaid, tho fastest Kugllsii professional threc
wheellst, against Horace Crocker, w ho has
shown great form on the tricycle.
Tho new club homo of the Omaha Wheel
club wns oK'iisl last week. It Is very com
plete in Its arrangements, nud nothing but
praiso can bo said of It. It is tho finest club
house west of the Missouri.
The Knglish "lawk down" caps have nearly
driven tho old stylo club cap out of use in
Hoston. Tho chiingH is decidedly for the lMt
ter, provided quiet colois nre used, being
more comfortable and less liko n horse car
conductors than tho old style.
Tho day and date has ihmlly been decided
UK)ii, and on Monday evening, Mny '-'1st, at
8 1 1. m. sharp tho Lincoln wheelmen will meet
nt Mr. Addis' place, OO street, and orgnn
izeaclub. Notices nro being tent out by
Mr. K. K. lCnuirniau, and It is IiohsI that ns
many as can will Im present.
Wheelmen nnd tennis players will lw clad
tohrtrntlmt Mr. W. It. Dennis lint secured
tho agency for Holmes & Co.'s celebrated
knit goods, nud in a few days will have In n
few days n complete Hue of bicycle stockings,
kneo pnnts, jerseys, etc. Mr. Dennis' enter
prise, wo hopo will bo appreciated by all who
need anything In this Hue, us heretofore such
goods had U bo sent for, nnd mused ninny
vexatious delays.
Shopping Style.
Husband Whnt aro you rigged out for
Wife I'm going shopping nnd want to bo
treated with respect.
"Hiii.iphl Go shopping In nil that finery
nnd you will bo chnrged three prices for
every purchase."
"I don't intend to buy anything today. I
wear my old clothes whon I buy." Omaha
T'otber Fellow.
It was tho day nf tor election. All usually
respectabio appearing citizen strolled limp
lngly down Mmllson street. Mr. Citizen just
now looked tho roverso or respectable. Ilia
right oyo woro crapo, his noso was split in
three different directions, nnd his lower lip
1 was swouen unin ig ooro n cioso resemblanca
to n frostbitten tomato. Ono arm was con-
I vnloscing in n sling, nnd nearly ovory other
I member boro evidence of bnvlnrr nvn nmm
or less scrvico In n losing cause. Along enmo
a friend, who inquired of tho jicrambulating
"What's tlio matter, old boy; somebody
boon doing you up!"
"Yes j but you ought to seo tho othor
"dood gracious, tnannllvol you don't mean
to say that tho other chap is worse off than
you I"
"No; thero isn't a scratch on him." Chi
cngo Herald.
Ton Much to Ntand.
Sambo Reo here, Mr. Johuslng, what's all
this talk 'bout duels mean?
Mr. Johuslng Hit am nil true. Pso bound
mo, sah, an' h'it can only lio wipisl out wf
moon, ii-i-ii-u, sail. 1
"Mr Whito 'suited you!" I
"Ho did, fer n fao'. Jlst Vuuo I got tight
nt tho Ancient Marinor's ball nn' called his
sistor yaller trash wif freckles, an' smacked 1
hlfl wife's mouth whon sho Jawcnl about It, he
said I was no gen'inan, no gon'mnn, sab."- 1
umana oria.
KnlKhts or l'jllilai..
Union Pacific, "Tho Overland IIoule,"w
se II through tickets at ono fare for tho round
tiipfrom points In Nebraskn and Kansas to
parties desiring to attend the meeting or the
Supremo Irfslgo Knights of Pythias, tube
held in t lueiuuati Juno l'.'th to ltlth inclusive,
liekets good going June Hth to lllth and re
turning Juno Ifith to lUth Inclusive, wlthcon
tiliuous passage only iu each direction.
P. D. CoivcU ut tiaUloy ,tO's.
. -K I 11.1 -Tifc
Til K T1IKAT1UCAL WOl.l.l).
Amusements fur Next WeeU. What Home
of the I'lmirlteniire lining.
Tlio eiitertnlmiieut nt the opera house Wed
nesday evening for beuellt of tho Press Club
was not a success. Mr. Ilurbank Is a charm
ing elocutionist, nud a brillant nud pleasing
impersonator, but ho was overshadowed by
tho big musical attraction at tho Congrega
tional church. Those present, wero delight
fully cntci tnlncd, however, Mr. Illirlmnk,
whether In tho comical or tho pathetic, show
ing himself to bon perfect master of his art,
nud It is to Ito regretted 'that more did not
hnvo tho pleasure of listening to him.
The romantic drninn of "Dati'l lloone, tho
Pioneer," was produced lit Fiinko's Monday
evening to u good house. Tho drama treats,
as its title Indicates, of tho adventures that
iH'fell Daniel lloone and his baud of pioneers
in eopleliig tho wilds of Kentucky. There
was u great ninny climaxes In the play which
wits mostly of tho blood-curdling order, and
njijicalcd chlelly to tln K'd.'ory. Tho plot
turns on tho endeavors of tho renegade,
Simon (ilrtv, to obtain possession of lloouo's
daughter, Sunu, nud with Indian warriors,
scouts, trappers, etc., tho play is rounded out.
A N'olalile llnti'i-prlsc.
Hut few of our jieoplo know what n largo
concern we havo In Lincoln that makes tlio
manufactory or trunks n business. Some
fow years ago Dr. Dorris opened what was
termed the Lincoln trunk factory, on
Klovcuth street, near O, nnd from the start
business wns good and u foundation for u sub
stantial trade was lalU. Dr. Dorris not find
ing siilllcleut time to devote to both his prac
tice nnd this Important industry, nlmiit two
years later sold tho trunk Interims to 0. A.
Wirlck and Charles Hopjicr, two young
gentlemen who had at that time just located
hi this city and engaged in tho real estate and
loan business, jloth energetic nnd enterprls-
lug, they took to their new calling liko n duck
I to tho water, and from tho time they liecnmo
I nrniiiietnrs of tho Lincoln trunk faetorv.
now Just thll teen months, the trade has in
creased materially, uud their products hnvo
become well nnd favorably known every
where. It is not generally known, but a fact
nevertheless, that all trunks handled at their
establishment, '.MS South Kl-venth street, ex
cept the very finest goods, are made at homo
and in their own factory, where u largo force
of coniietent workmen tiro engaged In build
ing all kinds of trunks, from tho cheap iwipor
covcrcd trunk to the lietter qualities In can
vas, jrlnc, leather uud other materials, with
Mulshing from the ordinary to tho strongest
made, 11 specialty Ijelng tho iiMiitifncturc of
sample trunks uud cases of any size and di
mensions. Just at this season of the year Is when tho
demand for ladles' traveling trunks aro
greatest, nud before going to tho mountains,
lakes or seashore, It would lie advlsnblo to
call at this establishment to see what they
havo In stock, or If you havo any peculiar
Idea of your own, anything you may suggest
will be put into reality as desired. Altera
tions and repairs aro neatly made 011 any nud
nil kinds of trunks, sutchcls, etc., at reas
onable prices.
This is tlio only factory west of Chicago,
and as regards their stock 011 hand and dis
played at their spacious warerooms on
Eleventh street, it is the largest In tho entire
west, and tho vnriety embraces nil the vurious
' ulifitutu l,inlia fili.l ktvlfuj nf f I,., .li.t. At. .!.
1 gant lino of traveling bags, hand satchels,
I straps, and everything iu that branch of tho
trade is well represented, Including leather
. u......., (....(...a (i.i. nJ .1 9 ... H.V l.l.J .111 VHT
goods or tlio very finest. Several traveling
men on the road havo established a huge
wholesale trade which consumes almost the
entire output, and ol'ttlmos during tho busy
season orders remain 011 tho hook awaiting
their turn tor shipment. Tho goods of the
Lincoln trunk fuctory hnvo an Al reputn
tntlon nil over tho west, and for durability,
stylo and finish aro never surpassed and but
seldom equaled. Tho firm will bo pleased to
have our readers nud tho public generally
cull nnd eo them, to Insiect their stock uud
convince themseh es that right hero at home
wo havo the largest trunk establishment in
thoentlrowest, nud that lietter prices can lie
obtained than elsewhere. Wholesulo ordets
uro especially solicited.
"Uook Tlmt llnrn Helped Mr."
Tlio Itnpretrnl Slrancer.
Tho stranger who woro a luxuriant noso
and a weed on his hat had waited patiently
for tho other visitors to retlro nnd then ro-
speclfiilly approached tho McCormlck block
lawyer. "Pardon me, sir, but I havosomo
thing that may Interest you," said tho stran
ger in deferential tones, "I am cniivnsslng
for Ueacon's Text Issik ou Ugal Terms and
encyclopedia of Jury catching phrases In ono
volume complete, contains T.V ges nud is
sold by Hiibscr"
"No, sir! Don't wnnt It; got It nlready,
get out." Tho stranger siglasi nud meekly
olioyed. An hour later theatlorney desiring
to consult .Mr. ltencun's valuable workdis
covcnnl that It had disappeared. It daw nwl
on him in less than ono uilnuto that the
stranger had attempted to sell him ono of his
own luniks. Tlio game is King generally
workisl around town, ami tho h1Ico aro
looking for tho ingenious struuger. Chicago
Se three Iwrgalns in silks ifl cents a yard
-nt Ashby MillspBugh.
All liiipinmptii Composition In siilint
tUrlinTltiin by Mr. .Mubler.
While giving a lesson to some ladles tho
other day, Prof. Mahler Invented 11 new step
in military sehottlsche, which he dcctilHl as
follows: Tho llrst eight counts (four liars of
music) consist of tho sfep ofdho mllltury
sehottlsche. The next four counts (two bars
of music) consist of four iW, or slldis, to
tho side; waltz four bill's round, coiniueiiceat
iH'gluiilugnud repent ml libitum.
N, 11. llenlleiuali always lieglns with the
left foot; lady with the right.
The above dance will bo dedicated to Mis.
A. W Jiuiseuimil Miss Lillian (I. Potvlu.
.MIsm Haw 111 lis' lleeeplliiii.
The reception and gcrumu to bo given by
Miss Anna Hawkins, which was to have taken
place Saturday, May '-'(II h, has' been chuuged
totho night pluvious. This wns done to ac
commodate a number of gentlemen whoso
business would not penult them to attend.
Tho iilTalr, which will lw a very enjoyable
one, will commence promptly at eight
o'clock, at which time the grand match, eom
sisod of Miss Hawkins' dancing classes, will
bo formed, followed by mi Interesting coterlo
of fancy dances by llttlo ones. At half-mst
nine general dancing will Iki Inaugurated.
Not Tlmt Kind of Illnl..
. I.
WAKTl"' ."
A Nlcn MervHiit Olrl.
Mother What, novel reading ngnln, ifnry?
Daughter (pulling up tho heel of her slln-
I rr) Well, there's nothing for mo to do.
You do everything nbout the house.
1 M. 1 havo to. I'm sure I don't know
1 what's to becomo of you, .Mary. You can't
cook, you can't nioko bread, I can't trust you
to make n bed. If your father and I should
bo taken uway what would leconio of you?
D. I'd get marrlisl.
M. But Miposoyou couldn't get married?
j D. Well, If tho worst camo to tho worst, I
' could hire out as 11 servant girl. Doston
A liny Aculn.
I "Henry, you wero talking In your sleep,"
, said Mrs. Jones to her husband.
I "What did I talk nlwutl" Inquired Jones,
! "You spoko of 'raking In tho chips.'"
! "All, yes," said Jones, with n rellovcd look,
I "early nssocintlons, my dear. I dreamed I
was a boy again. I was always tho ono to
rako in tno ciups." uotroit breo Press.
No Neeil to Heml Atiroail.
Young Wife John, did you post my letter
asking Mr. Potu, of New York, to send mo
n new bustlo of tlio largest size?
Young Husband No; I didn't think it wns
Young Wire Why not, If I may nsk?
Young Husband Editor Tomnoy is going
to enlnrgo his paper next week. Judge,
All Kmliirliii: Null.
Ilagley That's nn awfully durnblo suit of
youi-s, Tom. It Just seems to wear liko iron.
Oagley I'vo got another that's lasted
nearly as long.
Ilagley Which' ono is thntT
Oagley Tho tailor's suit for hU bill.
I TuxasSlftings.
llllhlnesH (.'nllege Note.
Alls-it H 11 ir, class 's7, is Isxikkeeiier for a
linn 011 Tenth street.
Miss Mortimer has entered for the commer
cial course and is doing nicely.
Charles Stewart has secunsl a iHVsition at
Hills City.
I'd Moekctt, stenographer for tho Fourth
Judicial district, made tho college u pleasant
call a few days ago.
Hubert Allcuiiind, of tho class of '87, basa
good situation with tlio Araahoo rolling
K. W. MoDoiwld, late clitor of tho H'ext
tm H orkmnn, mado this olllco a short but
pleasant call a fow days since.
ltoscoo llames, another of our good Isiys,
now a lHxkkeopor for u IuiiiImt linn nt Grunt ,
Nob., writes that business is goood.
Arthur Ilyons works up a neat set of liooks
Ho goes nbout hU work iu a businesslike,
maimer, everything being done neatly and
promptly. These nro tlio requirements of a
tlrst-class business man.
A prominent business nittu of Lincoln re
marked tow tho other day that J. L. Cod
dlngton Is ken-ping tho neatest set of books In
the city. C. graduated with theelnss of 's-S
'c5rr3if' "
II mft
Wbni Is (Inlliu 011 In II111 lliisebull Woiiil,
'I'lie l.liiniln 'I'euni.
YniiDyko Isu great llelder, and his base
iiiuiilug Is away up.
Slilivs was rohsimsl Wislnewhiy. Tho com
pany wns ton fast for him,
Push wrenclnsl an ankle Wednesday, but
plueklly caught tho gamo out.
Mooieissuireriug from a lain," nrni, piin
clsilly duo to tho damp weather.
Wright, the new catcher from Sprlnglleld,
airlved yesteiday and was sent 011 to Denver.
Casey Is a safe and hard hitter. Ho has
done good woik with tho willow the past
Dener Is showing up strong Iu tho tnijHpl
iiaMugjusi raptured loursiraigiiiiroin MMiy
eiiworth. "Pop" Slmfer says ho hasn't got his eye 011
tho ball yet, but we notice ho makes some
very timely hits,
Only and Long wero released Thursday.
Neither was In good batting or IU'MIiir form,
and they had to go.
Tho m.inngcincul hnvo several gisnl play
ers ou thosttlng, nud all tho weak points will
soon bo strengthened.
Sellsd Is showing up iu fair form, lu fact,
both pltchci sure doing well, but their sup
lil lias Is-en wrrttiasl.
Diigan of IIuthlii'oii Isa tiM.-y player of
the Dnimy Stearns older. Ilo needs to lio
taken down once or twlv.
The iMiysdcpartnl visterday nffernrKiii for
Denver, where thej play today. Wo want
at leiist two games out of tho four.
Hutchinson linsu good hall team. They at
piesent lead in tho race, with Denver close
up nnd Uxiveiiwoilh leading Lincoln by ono
JooQiiiiiu I undoubtedly ono of tho best
second basemen iu the country. Ho made
several marvellous slos uud catches Wod
nosdny. Itob Pender, captain of tho Fort Smith
team of last year, has been slgmsl by Lincoln,
Holsoneof tholiestall loimd playere In tho
lletwivn oint huudrisl uud tw o hundred imsi
plo went up to Omaha Siiudny, to sco Dim
.Moines do up tho lrs.11 1 team, which they did
Ity a score of I toO.
Shafer rr-ciivisl ipilto an ovation when ho
camo to bat lu the llrst Inning of Wisluesday's
game. The "old man" has hosts of friends in
Lincoln, who wero glad to see him.
AllClncngq turned out TiicHluy til msi tho
i'Mjm battery, Clarkson nud Kelly. Ibiln
prevnihsl ilurlng most of tlio afternoon, but
Ilostou managed to roll up 'JO runs to Chica
go's 5,
It Is rumored that Onmhn wants to sell hw
tall tr'atn. With tlio iKitniunco extended tho
club so fur, tho management must bo making
money, and they would Isj extremely foolish
to sell out.
Malinger Seleo, of tho Omaha club deserves
credit for tho manner lu which lie has brought
out Ins team. Ho Is an excellent manager, is
very iiopiihir, and Onialiu has causo to feel
proud of his work and tho team.
iieisack, our new second luiscman, arrived
from Cincinnati Thuisduy. This will strength
en ono of our weak isilnls, leaving Captain
Sylvister fieo to lake his old jiosltioii nt cen
tre, which ho plays lu llrst-class Uylo.
I bil 1 prevented tho fourth game of tho ser
ies with Hutchinson, but tho boys from Kan
sas managed to ss.'uro two out of thotlueu
played. Tho games wero not distinguished
by any brilliant playing 011 the imrtor elthvr
team, but considering tho disagreeable
weather anil tho oor attendance, they
did as well as could Isj exsUsl.
Tlio Des Moines club gave the homo team a
llttlo whirl Wednesday in tho presence of
nlsjut f0) iMoplc. From tho start It was ovl
dent our boys wero greatly overmatched, and
after tho slugpers had made sure of thognmo
tliey playisl circus with our lsiys. The game
was not devoid or interest, howover, as tho
visitors did some flue fielding and base run
ning, merely to show what thoy could do,
Tlio scoro at tho close was lb to ',
Tho baseball reporter or tho Couiiiku had 1
tho pleasure of witnessing Twsday'H gamo
lietween Des Moines and Omaha nt tho Intter ,
place. The Des Moines lsiys 1110 all ball piny
crs from the ground up, and if they keep up
their present pace will win the championship
hands down. The Omaha team upjiearsto
lack the cohesive quality necessary to win
against a good team, their strength lying
mostly In their pitchers, lm-ttand Hurdlrk
nro grent twirlers, but they can't w in gnme
alone. ,
Now that liiiuiby bus gone wo would like
to say that iisiiii umpire lie was tlio rankest
wo havo ever seen. His error nro not the
result of malice toward any particular club
or man, for he gave all a tough ileal, but
rather errors of judgment. His decision lu
the eighth Inning of Monday's game, declar
ing llryaii safe on third after lie had fallen I
ou Mtissey, who hail the ball, caused n small
sired row. S s ester t-nllitl his men oft the
field, nud had it not Isrn that the manage
ment did not care to disnniMiint tho crowd.
the game would hae stopissl then nnd there.
An Affair In IIIrIi T.lf.
I ! I ,-.
First Man or tho World-What's the mat
ter, Plnntagenet, with you and Maud; are
you no longer friendsl
Second Ditto A trifling misunderstand.
Ing. I drove tho governor's coal cart around
to her homo last Sunday to give Maud a
drivoon tho avenue. When I reached th
door the thought struck mo that the horse,
being a whlto one, uud Maud's hair a bright
Third Ditto-Ah, sho thought It a put up
Second Ditto Exactly; and we havent
spoken since, although, egad, I hcllv th
lavas me still. Lift,
H 1 ' 1
Itnllrnad News (liilliend 11 1 City I Wires,
Abiilll llepilla, line,
llallroad trnel Is said to bo Isitter west
than east,
Indications aio that 11 bigger business will
ImiiIoiio to the iiortheiii lakes this season thnn
('. II. Fltr.Rornl.1 of tho L. ,t N.,nnd II, P.
Iluinphiey of tho Kiie, were Lincoln visitors
dipt, i'lbhetls Iho veteiiiu traveling passen
ger agent, representing tho l. it It. G. wns a
Lliinihi visitor, Tuesday.
Tho lluiilugtou clly passenger ollleii Is rr
cel lug 11 new coat of paint. They uro paint
ing the exterior In a dis'p nsl.
City Passenger Agent Zlemer of tho lliir
lliigton has fully iccovered, and Is as usual
inning mid happy at Ills post of duly at city
H. H. Mnrley, tlio Michigan Central retire-
sentntlvi', wns doing tlio town Tuesday and
Wislnesihiy, nnd as a souvenir of his visit
many very elegant calendars nro to bo seen,
And now all lliu Iowa lines nro putting 011
vestibule trains, and II Is uxs)ctsl that with
in Iho next few wis'ks tho service ou Iho Dar
lington will Itichido this luxury through to
John Philips, Mr. Holiners right bower ts
becoming a valuable assistant. Ho Is "chuck
full" or knowlislgo 011 matters or rnilioml
Information uud answers problematic qucij.
Hon, ImiUi isisy and dllllcult, In a very pirns
lug manner.
Tli" Omaha lire's bass-ball rrportor Is tho
most intoiostlug -writer ou tho subject in tho
isiuntry. Ills accounts or homo gnines nro
always pithy and never fall to arouso mirth
and interest. Ills notes from the diamond
nro very gorsl.
A. A. .luck, of tho Northern I'liclflit, with
headquarters nt Diss Moines, was looking up
Ills cniiiiuiiiy's Interest ut tho Nebraska hub tho
early part or tho week. While huro ho dis
tributed some Interesting matter iei tabling
to tho road northwest.
Now that tho Chicago-Omaha lines hnvo
ndoptisl,nriu-o about toilufto.ulluii of vostihulo
trains, will tho Omahn-St. I nils lines do thu
same? It is to Ito hoped so, but It's not prob-
i.l.l.i 'I'l..... .I....K I ... 1 .....II .1. ...
. .ivj .nm 1. v iu, mm unin iiitijr nro
coiiiiH'insiinwin piouuiiy run tlio old way,
tiisirge Foresmaii, Iho F.lkhorn'scHlelentelty
passenger agent, mado 11 trip to Omahn Tues
day, returning next day. George say the
cninimiiy'.s new houilquniteniat tho metrop
olis lu tho Merchant' national bank building
aro Isantles. Tho Klklmrn ofllcers will locato
themselves lu the second uud third floors Iho
coming wis'k.
A new jvuuphlet Just Issued by tho llur
llngton describing Northensteni Coloradonnd
Western Nelirnsku Isls'lngdlstrlbutislby Mr.
Zli'iner. It contains, Ir-sldcs n very complcto
account of tln-s-j Nrtlons, n map of Nebraska,
shrtivlng section nnd railroad, corr(-ctot
to .March 1st, and Is considered one of tho
best maps of the statu over issuisl. It not
only shows the exact rigid of way of its own
Hum, but also that or other lines. A cpy of
this work may bo had gratis by applying to
tho city passenger agent,
Tho veteran It. A M. conductor, Tom llyuu,
has lieon nsslgned to duty oil tlio Nebraska
Clty-Llncolu run. Tills it considered ono of
tho Iswt runs 011 tho lino, leaving Nebraska
Clt at about llioVlocky. arrives iu Iln.oln at
ut 1:10 p. m., nnd returns nt .'J:l.r p. in., nr
riving nt homo ut (J o'clock, mu has no Sun
day work. This is 11 deserving compliment
to Mr. Hyan, ror during tho lust seventeen
years ho has had some long runs to contend
with, and tho change to n "simp" liko tills, n
the lsiys call It, shows tho company's appre
ciation of n reliable servnnt, and Tom is to
ho congratulated, not only 011 tho new run,
but for the fact that ho will ngnln live in his
former home, Nebraskn 1 ity, where ho lint
legions of friends.
Mr. Tyuchaser (wlio ho3 been obnoxiously
persistent In his attentions) I have not had
tho pleasure of (hiding you at homo for a long
time, Mrs lloml.
Opulent Widow No. Thero seems to lxs
an obstacle.
Mr. T.-Can't I remove it?
O. W. -I'issibly.
Sir. T. itciulerly) At least, let me Uhbtt
what it Is.
O. W. (coliiiy) The front door. tOfo.
As Unfurtiimite Itemurk.
Duraley (to landlady) How true it Is, Mr.
Hendricks, that a woman's work is never
Landlady Very. I would liko to seo you
moment aftr dinner, Mr. Dumley, beforo
you go out.
Fenthorly (whispering) I say, Dumley,
soma women's work is always dun." Now
York Sun.
It LiioLs I'atoruble.
Smith I uv you nre keeping comjmny with
Miss Jones yet?
Hrown Yes.
"Does it menu businessP
"Can't tell. I wouldn't Ik surprised.,
though. If I ns"eivel 11 proposal soon." Ding
haiutou Hepulillcnn.
An t'nklinl Cut.
"I hear that yon nro engaged, Marnier
"It Is true."
"Then mother was tight,"
"What about l"
"Sho xaul jim would bo engaged K'foro
leap year wuaoor." Uoston Courier.
Consumer or choice ham will plcuso hear
, in mind I am tho onlj agent in Lincoln for
' the ivlebmtisl C. W. KejV brand, of Pis
, Molnw., Iowa. D. V. CrxiMiMiH, llWi'Bi
At Ik Jell.