Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 05, 1888, Image 8

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aacttaawAT ..aaarewju1
4 VjmJnr ip" o Modtrn 7Vwu.
Saturday Evening, May 5, 1888.
Cor. I Oth A, P.
The Courier Onn lm I'omul At
Windsor Hotel New Htniul,
Cntillnl Hotel News Hltind,
0lcU'i Dining Unit News Hlmnl.
Clnson A Fletcher's, 11 Hi 0 Htreot,
A. T. be tiling A Co'., 1101 0 Htreot.
The Gotham Newsstand", IIS Houth lit ti HI.
Kollli liro., Ill Ninth llili Htreot.
Kil. Young, lCSOOHtrcct.
Advcrlbrrs are requested to send In tliol
favors n early ns possible, not tutor tlmn Tour
o'clock Friday urtcrunou, an ilia Couutt'.it
goes tn press thnt ovouliiK' When ordering
your advertisement out drop thn business
manegci neurit. The collector I apt to forgot
such orders, and compliance with this request
will snvo un trouble and yourself aunoyunco.
We (ro dally adding to our lint of subscribers,
employing n man capcclnlly for Hint nolo pur
poic,nnd elnlm Hint intim ndvertUluR medium
tho Count Kti Is unoxeollotl.
Children and Itoy's
Straw Hats.
Hatter and Furnisher,
1 137 O Street,
Whltcbrmst Coal and Dime Company.
P. D. Corset nt Onkloy fc Co.
Lincoln leu company, puroieo.
Delicious lunches at Drown's Cnfe
Call on Fred Schmidt for Dry floods.
Oysters, fresh, fat uud fluo ut Drown's.
Baioko Club Doom clgnr. Hurr block.
Prof. llcssey will Mill for Knglnnd in Juno.
Trlckoy & Co. .wholesale nml retail Jowelcrs.
Don Cameron, 102(1 O street, for lunches
Summer ventilating corsets nt Oakloy fc
Kid gloves fitted to tho hand nt Onkley &
Summer ventilating corsets nt Onkley &
Surnh silks, 41) ccnU n yard. Ashby Ss
Thousand mllo tickets for sale nt US Houth
Tenth stroot.
Silks, silks, silks, -10 cents 11 ynnl. Ashby
Gold, silver ond tinsel braid trimming nt
Onkloy & Co'.
Cnuon City Conl nt tho Whitcbronst Conl
and Lime Co.
Oysters in every stylo, fluo and fresh, nt
Don Cameron's.
Canon City Conl again nt tho Whltebreast
Conl and Llmo Co.
Toko tho Elkhorn lines, Omaha trnin lenv
ing Lincoln nt UA'in, in.
After tho club parties, go to Urown'a now
cofiS for u delicious lunch.
Boo three Iwrgnlus in silks- 10 cents a yard
nt Ashby & Mlllspaugh.
Ladies should call anil see Fred Schmidt's
new dress goisls, 017 0 street.
Iloforo liwurlng look up tho Mutual Llfo
Insurance Company of New York.
TheMlssourl Pnciflo railroad run free rcclln
ing chair cars on all through trains,
Lndlos go to Miss Johnston's, 111-10 street,
for bangs, switches, ornaments, etc.
Roast Turkey, Gooso and nil kinds of meats
at Don Cameron's every day for dinner.
Ladies hair dressing in all tho latest fash
ions done by Miss Johnston, 1114 O street.
Doctor 11. F. Unlloy, olllco and residenco
or. of Thirteenth and O streets. Tel. 017.
Iluydcn is now making cabinet photographs
for tAOO a down. They are tho finest in tho
Special tnlo of jerseys next week, the best
bargains over ottered nt Ashby & .Mills
"When in need of Ladles Furnishing Uoods,
Kino Shoes, etc., givo Fred Schmidt n call.
017 O street,
Tho Mutual Llfo Insurance Co. of New
York. W. H. Hastings, District Agent,
room 63, Uurr block.
India silks make tho coolest possible sum
iner (Iran, nnd nro show n in entirely now and
beautiful designs by Ashby & Millgnnucli.
What gasoline stovo shall wo buy I Tho
Quick Meal, of course. It has Iwen sold hero
over since casolino stovos worn made, and
thero nro moro Quick Meals in use today than
an oiuer gasouno stoves innuo.
Ask your neighbors how thoy like their
Alaska refrigerators. Tliero aro moro of
them in use In this city than all others. Sold
by S. C. Elliott,
Consumers of choice hams will nlonso lonr
in mind I am tho only agent in Lincoln for
tho celebrated C. W. Keys' brand, of Dts
Moines, Iowa. D. II Cumminus, 1120 0 St
Wo buy our refrigerators from manufnc
turers in car lots, and will givo our custo
mers tho benefit of car load prices. Hava the
largest and most complete stock in tho citv
AVo would bo pleased to show those goods uud
quote prices. Hudgo fc Morris, 1122 N street.
Time lias como when all horses should bo
shod for tho spring driving, nml no gentle
man can afford to let his horse go without
sliocs when there is such an excellent horse
bhoerln Lincoln as Charles SInttery, lie
makos lino work a specialty and never fails
to givo satisfaction. Call and sou him at 1115
South Eleventh street
Now thut the season for using leo has com
mencod it lhooves consumers to bo very
careful what thoy use. Much of tho leo now
adays usod " limpuro and conducive of bad
results to good health. Tiio ico sold by the
Lincoln Ice company cut from Oak creek is
strictly pure and healthy and will bo deliver
ed to any part of the city, Leave orders at
1040 O ctrest or telephone No, 1116.
mt '
Wedding Clilnirn.
A very pleasant social event was tho mnr
rlngo mi Tuesday evening Inst of
Mr. I.owIn V, Mcllwpit and MIm Huslo Mil
ler, which occurred nt the residenco of Mr.
and Mrs. Wllllo Meyer, No. (IM North Kiev
enth street, Itov, L. U IIni olllclatliig. The
cerciuony took plnco at rt:!) o'clock, and was
witnessed hy iiiemliers or tuo lamiiy and in
tlninto friends only, The brldo looked charm
ing In n lovely dress of pink rnsluueru, tho
gnsnu Is'lng ntllnsl In tho conventional
black. After tho solemn words were sK)ken
which united them for llfo tho happy jieople
uH)ii whom congratulations iuuumernhlo
weroshowensl, nil sat down to 11 Ismutlful
eddlng supKr, nnd iniiilo merry the Meeting
The brldo Is n sister of Mrs. Meyer, with
whom shohnsmndn her homo for tho past
time years, nnd Is n handsome and nivoiii
pllshcd young lady who will ndorn tho homo
to which sho goes. Tho groom linn long Is-en
connected with tho bindery department of
the .on run, nnd Is nn upright mid indus
trious young man well liked by nil. Moth
nro well and favorably known known to n
large circle of friends w lioso well wishes nnd
lienrty congratulations will Isi nxtended with
tlio true warmtli or rrloniisin 1, anil lotuai
end their iiinrltnl llfo will Iw n happy onn, tho
CouuiKU iiIho Joins. Many handsome, and
costly presents, useful and ornamental, were
received. The young coupiu nnvo settieii
down to the enjoyment of homo comfort nt
nt7U J street.
Mrs. K. H. Thomiison returned Tuesday to
Kx-Seuntor Van Wyck was In tho city
Airs. J. K lllggs Is recovering from ,1 very
serious Illness.
Hon. Alexis Halter mnilo Denver n short
business trip this week,
Dr. and Mrs. I-niui left this week for tho
cast to Iki gono several weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J, K. Million of Kansas City
aro visiting relatives In Lincoln.
Hon, II. II, Wilson returned Thursday from
two weeks' business trip to Ohio.
Ily all odds tlio tluest line of liockot cutlery
in tho city nt Helming & Heuklu's.
Mr. nnd Mrs l H. Sheldon returned Tile.
day from mi all winter's stay In California.
They know Just how to pleaso you with
oysters In every stylo nt Urown'a Now Vienna
Charley IIoxlo, tho real estato mail, had a
leg broken Tuesday by being thrown from a
Tickets to points In Kiiusas, Missouri and
tickets via Omaha on sale nt Klkhoni ofllce,
115 Ho. Kltli BU
Mr. W. It. l'helnn.oneof tho elllclent clerks
nt tho Capital hotel, returned Monday from
his trip to Denver.
Mr. nml Mrs. Mahler nnd their bright llttlo
daughter, Mta lloinlintl, leave St. Ixniln to
morrow for Lincoln.
Tho Capital City Chatnuipin circle held n
very pleasant meeting Wednesday evening at
the V. M. U. A. rooms,
.ToMph t'luiner was given a very elegant
party Tuesday evening. Mnny llttlo ones
enjoyed a pleasant time.
Miss Lucy It. Grlllln, tlio elocutionist, gnvo
a very delightful entertainment at llolmunn's
hnll Wislnesilay evening.
Mr, W. Walton, with Clark & Leonard,
rvturnctl Wednesday from 11 two mouths'
visit with friends in I'arls, Ontario.
May, tho mouth of roses, onco moro is with
us nnd Is welcomed like unto tho "llowers
thnt bloom In tho spring, trn la, la lu."
Mr. W. II. Uerger has bought his ticket to
Portland, Oregon, over tho Union Pacific
short liu(, nnd leaves early the coming week.
Chnrley Katon, tho well known travelling
man of this city, who was hurt nt tho wreck
nt Alma last Friday, is gradually recover
ing. T, W.Tate, familial ly known among the
lys ns "Dad" Tuto, left Tuesday to spend n
two weeks' vacation at his homo m Newton,
Tlw McCormiek Harvesting company will
erect a three story brick on tho slto of their
piescnt building, corner of Tenth and Q
Mr. II. J. Whttinoro, tho nttoinoy, is now
nt homo in his new olllco, room M, Uurr
block, which ho occuplis with Hon. O. M.
Maud ami Airs. Montroso 11 few'
friends on Saturday ovenlng. Card playing
was tho feature of tho evening nud nil jmsseil
u plenxjint time.
Mr. uud Mrs. K. S. Ilawloy of Nchruxku
City, arrived In tho city Thursday evening
ami nro the guests of Mm. Haw ley's sister,
Mrs. N. 8. Drock.
ltuiralo Ulll and roninny nro now upon
tho great X)nd bound for America, tho great
est country In tlio world, and will reach New
York about tho 20th of May.
IVof. Uartlctt, who Is to lead tho churiiMm
in tho May musical festival, arrived in tho
city yesterday, and lead a rehearsal at tho
Congregational church Inst ovenlng.
Ueautlfy your lawns by using tho celebrated
Pennsylvania law 11 mower, inado in two sires
to cut either Jong or short grass, ljirgo line.
Zeliruug & Henkles solu agents, 12170 street.
Miss Mnlol Uureh, lately of Peoria, Illinois,
has arrived in Lincoln where sho will mako
her future home at 1021 L street. Miss Uureh
w 111 prove tin agreeable addition to Lincoln
Mr. Itnlph Kitchen arrived in the city
Tuesday from Kanvis City, where ho has
Inxmi undergoing medical treatment for some
time. AVo nro pleased to record his great Im
provement. Mr. Kd. Wessel, formerly n Llncolnito but
now n prominent merchant of Omaha, nr
rlvwl in tho city Thursday on n visit for n
fowdays with friends and relation. Ho
returns homo todaj.
The Swwlish social club gave 11 very pleas
ant ball ot Musoulo temple Wednesdny oven
i'lg Mr. S. A. Warner ncttsl ns master of
ceremonies, nnd the time wosenjoyiibiy ttpent
lu torpsichorrau exercises.
Some of 1). K. Cuminings (successor to
UetU & Sew ell) specialties: C. & II. Pickles,
Mustard and Catsup, Kennedy crackers, Mur
dock puro 8plct, Queen Olives, Ix & Per
rin's goods, and other lino good too numer
ous to mention. Telephone No, 20,
Ktaborato arrangeiuouls linvo been mnilo
for thu reception of tho druggists of Nebraska
next week, nud thu visiting gentlemen will
get a tastot-f tho far-famed Llirxilu hospital
ity, which thoy will not soon forget.
A now ticket case Just placed In .elmer's
ticket otllce Is one of tho lluest nml most com
plete in tho city. It holds mom tickets, In three
compartments, and tickets are easiur audinoru
conveniently hnudled tlinn by other cases.' . '
Thu stationery department of tho CouniKli
recelvnl this week another Invoice of pretty
programs, some new novelties In wedding
and party invitations, announcements, stc,
which wo would tie pleased to show callers.
Dr. Patrick O'Sheo, one of Lincoln's early
settlers, died nt his residence., corner of Sev
enteenth nud ', streets, Tuesday, The funeral
took pUco Thursday morning, and was at
tended by a large nuirber of friends and relatives.
Art Club.
At a meeting held In thn University chaiel
Wednesdny ovenlng tho "Hnydon Art Club"
Was organised, MlKsSnrnh Wool Moore was
tho prime mover lu thn formation of tho club,
nud although tumble to Im present her Ideas
were set forth III n poxT rend by her sinter,
Mrs. Dr. Norton, Tho club starts out with 11
memltershlp of nearly seventy, nnd bids fnlr
to.lsionu of the most useful of our numerous
organisations, having for its object tlio pro
motion of knowledge of nrt by menu of lec
tures, meetings, etc, Tho olllcers elected nros
Prelileiit,N, S. Hurwood; vice president, Mrs.
A, P. Stuart', recording secretary, Henry K.
Lewis; correHondlngsocrctnry, Miss Sarah
Wool .Moore; Miss Surah Harris; directors,
0. II. Oere, John II. Clark, Prof. (. K. How
nrd, Mrs. Mary I!. Wing, Mrs. Anna It. Hall
and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer,
Knteitiilueil ul Ten.
Thursday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. N. C.
Urts'k gnvo 11 very pleasant party at their
residenco. An elegant ten wns served at
seven and thn balance of tlmo devoted to
card playing. All were elcgnntly entertained.
Tho names of those were:
Mussrs, mm Mcsdnmcs W. W, Holmes,
Mulr, Foster, Duckstnir, Durnhnut, Outcnlt,
J. Zehrung, W. J. Marshall, MolJrldo, C. C.
Uurr, A. C, Cass, John Doollttlo, F. L. Shel
don, E. S. Hawloy of Nebraska City, and J,
J. Imhoir.
An lliO'ija''1" Amtlr.
Ijist evening Mr. and Mvs. Will lAHinnnl
gavo n very pretty 7 o'clock tea to a immlwr
of friends. Progressive Euchro wns tlio
fealuiiuif tho ovenlng and all enjoyed a pleas
ant time. The names of tho invited guests
Messrs. and Mestlntnos John Zehruiig, W.
II. Hnrgrnves, A, E. Hargrove, lleeson, F.
Sheldon, Lninbertsou, Curl Funke, S. II.
lluriiham W. II. Dennis, Sen. Dorr, A. J.
lluckstnir, W. 11. Ogilcn, P. T. Foster, II. C.
.elmer, A. S. ltuymoud, liwrenco Heiskoll,
J. It. (I it ene.
Messrs. Frank Zuhrung, C. E, Miigoom,
Thompson, Heiskell.
Misses Outcnlt, Mrs. Ilussy, Miss Fnuiilo
Tho refreshments were particularly elegant.
llrllllatit lllrtlnluy l'nrty,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Holmes gnvo a very elegant
imrty to their daughter, Florence, on H street,
Tuesday ovenlng, it lielng tho occasion of her
eleventh birthday. Dancing wns uirtlclpated
In tlio entire ovenlng, Its I by Miss Hawkins
nud uiuslo by Miss Wllloughby. Mnny ele
gant presents wero sent, 'llioso present were:
MKses lxtlaud, Foster, HulTiunii, Ousttn, llu
fonl, Itnyinoud, AVeeks, Oilell, Winger, Han -inond,
Gregg, Duckstnir, Manatt, McAr
thur nud Masters, (Justin, Sholdon, Itelilnii
der, AVeeks, Halo, Odoll, Doollttlo, Uuford,
Hurlbiirt. This wns without doubt 0110 of
tho prettiest imrties over given for chllilivn.
Everything wns dono for their pleasure and
from 5 till H the llttlo ones ruveksl in merri
ment. Elegant refreshments wero served.
Utile Ones Kiilertiitueil.
Miss Fiorenco Ilrnwn entertained the danc
ing school in lienor of Miss Hawkins, their
nblo instructor, ut her homo oil II street last
evening. Tlio llttlo ones danced from 0 to 8
o'clock, nnd it is unnocesAary to sny that they
enjoyed every minute. Tho program was
of eight numbers, nud the children danced
perfectly, and wore admired by nil who were
fortunate enough to receive 1111 invitation.
This Is tho second time tlio school has lieen
entertained this week, nnd as their extraor
dinary ability In duticltig is greatly admired
It Is probablo that thoy will receive mnny
moro Invitations. Miss Drown entertained
thu llttlo ones elegantly nud took much pleas
ure In so doing. The names are as follows;
Misses Lolattd, Glistln, Far well, Huffmnli,
Ilulfiimu, Hammond, Hammond, Monro,
I Mice, Uebeo, Mosher, lluckstnir, Manatt,
Wislgowwxl nnd others
Notwithstanding thu immciiso stock of
lk'ttH&Sowcllouhnnd, I). E. Ciimmiugs has
added largely and will givo close llgures on
wholesale bills. Don't forget tho place, 1120
O strict. Telephono No. 20.
A gaud book Mllo will Imj Inaugurated nnxt
Week for n limited season nt Hnlhrook & Don
brlght's,2:M South Eleventh street, at which
books by tho liest authors will be ollered at
slaughtered prices. A list of tho books with
prices will lie found In nn nilvertlsemcnt 011
tho eighth pngo of this issue. Don't fall to
road It.
AVhllo playing in tho yarduhoutn week ngo
Miss Clara, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. J. A.
lluckstnir, sprained her knee, but nt the tlmo
was considered u slight accident. However,
the fructuro has since lecomo worse uud giv
en tho little ono much pain. With tlio care
ful nttentlou of Mrs. lluckstnir tho little lady
will soon bo out nguiu.
Mr. J. II. McMurtry, accompanied by his
wlfo nnd daughter, Miss Tote, arri veil homo
AVodnesdny morning from California, where
tho hulks have spent tho winter. Miss Tote
is greatly improved lu health, a fact her
mnny friends will bo pleased to lenin.
Tho weight social nt tho Conrecatlonal
church AVodmdny evening was a very pleas
ant event After musical and literary exer
cises, supjs.r was served, the gentlemen get
ting theirs freeon condition thnt thoy sy
hnlf n cent per pound for their fnlr compan
ions. Much fun resulted.
It is stated that the occupnnts of tho letl
wlth block wero so overcoino by U10 cold on
last Sunday evening thnt It was Impossible to
sit in their rooms, thereupon they formed a
grand procession nud marched around th
hall, until bed tlmo. Tho jwllcc were alarmed
at the emotion and appeared on tho feenn ot
notion, but could do nothing, except talk.
Hut thoy found their eipinl and left Wt
Tho passenger depot tiuetit of tho Un Ion Pa
ciflc (tlio overland route) has gotten out u lly
blll designed to cull nttentlou to tho sumiut r
resorts along the linn of this railway. It U a
good bill and tourists, pleasure scckors,sKrts
men nnd llshermun shmildnpiily at once to J.
S. Toblietts, General Passenger nud Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Neb., for information regard
ing the points of interest along this line, be
fore deciding where they will spend tho sum
mer season, or vacation holidays,
The tlmo for tho good "lienu" to take out
his iiest girl for a moonlight drive or nn nf.
ternoon's horseback ride to the country has
arrived, In conversation w ith Bishop Skin
nor, a reporter wns informed that tho veteran
livery man had his many Is'itutiful turnouts
in elegant trim, and ticsides his fnvorlto col
lection of cedy and gentle horses of hut
season, he has a number of now ones that
will bo iutroduo-sl this spring to his twitrous.
Skinlier knows how to rig tho lays up uud
never falls to please thorn,
Mr. Georgo W, Andrews, traveling jsissen
ger agent of the I .ake Shore line, was tn the
city yesterday, Mr. Andrews Informed a re-
porter thnt the ilccltlou rendered In tho U. H
court early this week, relative to tho Pull
mnii company's endeavor to prohibit tho
Avngtir sleeping car company running ves
tibule trains on tlio Lake Snore had been de
cided against the latter but, as heretofore,
this popular eastern route will continue run
ning their handsome vestibule train service
with but slight moditlcatious.
P. 1). CorSfU nt Oukley & Co.
Illtlli Kclinol llntiTtnliiiiirnt.
All those who liavo nltetulisl tho public
meetings of the Irving society will Is) plensed
tohenr thnt thoy will givo a public entertain
ment nt tho High school this ovenlng, nud ex
tend u cordial Invitation to nil. Tho program
will ho as followsi
Instrumental Duett Misses Mcudonhnll nnd
Heading Whs Olive Iittn,
Oration Mr. Eugene Heatou.
Vinnl Solo Miss P.iunin Smith.
Debatti "Would nil International Copy
right Is) n llenellt to tho American Peo
ple" Atllrnintlve, Miss Loulso Tucker:
negative, Miss Lula Fletcher.
Vocnl Holo MIm Clnrkln I'nce.
HecJtntlon Mr. Frank Fisher.
Mnslo Mr. Lucius llumsteml.
Ewmy Miss Carrie Dennis.
Instrumental Solo MIks I'.mma Wittmnu.
Ileiitli of Mrs. Neville,
Tho tunny friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles
Neville wero shocked to learn Sunday of tho
death at !I:!I0 that morning of Mrs. Novllle,
She had been sick but a short time, and her
demise wns unexpected. Mrs, Novllle wns
Isiru in Woodstock, 111,, and ut thu tlmo of
her death was 21 years and 8 mouths old, hav
ing Itcon married but three years. She was
a lady loved and rosjectoil by nil, nnd num
bered her friends by the hundreds. Tho
CouittKli extends its slncerest syinjwthy to
tho bercnvisl ones, The funeral services
wero held Monday nfternoon, nnd tho re
mains Yivro foil iwisl to their Inst resting
plnco by a Inrgo concourse of sorrowing
friends nnd relatives. The lntrmeut took
plnco In tho Catholic graveyard, where, after
the last sad rites of the Holy Church had
been said, nil thnt was mortal of thu loved
0110 was laid to eternal rest Is'iienth the green
soil thnt bedecks thu lienutifiil city of thu
tJimlirlnkiililo Seoteli riituuul Nlurts.
Chicago Tribune.
"Everybody in tho trndo Is Ugurlng on 11
great rim lu llauiiel shirts this spring and
summer," said thu proprietor of a down town
furnishing goods store. "Wo hnvo laid In nn
Immense stock. The Indications ure thnt wo
will not Iw disappointed, nml that tho ilnuncl
shirt, populnr as It suddenly liecnmo last year
w 111 liecomo four times us ismulnr this mini
mer. AV'hy shouldn't It bul It Is thu most
sensible, comfortable, nnd coolest inslilon that
ever struck this climate during tho hot
mouths. Thu llanuels used in tho better
grades come from Franco nnd Scotland. Tho
patterns will rnngo from 60 cents for tho do
mestic llnnucl to ?r.(H) and f 11.00 for tho
Ireich nud silk. About $:i,00 will ls the nv-
, H. Dennis, 1137 O street, has niwnod tho
choicest lino of thonbovo gooils thnt Is shown
in the west.
An Old I.muliiinrk.
Thu Clifton house is n thing of the past.
Tho building, which was sold last year to
ohrmig Dros. has hem sold to Small Uros.
and is to tie removed by tho nineteenth, nfter
which tlio owners of tho valuable lots 011
on which tho building has been standing, will
commence tin) erection of n handsome busi
ness block of brick nud stone. Tills old hotel
wns ono of thu first in Lincoln nud nt ono
time wns considered n very fliin hostelry.
Wilt Stay will, Cuinuilug.
Mr. I). E. Cuiiimiiigs, tho grocer, successors
to Uetts & Sewell, has succeeded In sccurlnc
tho services of Mr. John Iletts, n partner in
tlio late firm to remain in his services, hav
ing given him sulllclent inducement to ro
mnlti nt tho old stand and net ns head sales
man. This wns a wise move nud onn that
will certainly provo prolltablo to Mr. Cum
mlngs nnd pleasant to Mr. Iletts, the former
being compnrntively a stranger to tho trndo
and the latter so well ami favorably known
to nil that ho will handle thu Interests of
thu new proprietor lu a way that will Iki a
pleasure to ltoth tho trade and Mr. Ciim
miugs. Mr. Iletts having been with tho house Kv
fore ho hlmrclf was one of thu lntu linn
thoroughly understands thu wants of each
individual. As a groeety salesman ho has
few ispmls and certainly no grocery man In
tho city hns more friends or controls u better
or nicer element of trade.
It Is with theso facts lu view thnt the
Cot'ltlKlt extends congratulations to both
gentlemen, one for having secured the servi
ceH of so nlile nud comiietent a right bower
nnd tlio other for having secured a lucrative
position under such plensnnt circumstance,
and with so congenial an employer.
Attain to the front.
Commencing Monday, April :0, the Chi
cago, Milwaukee it St. Paul Hallway will re
sume tho running "f trains, via Manilla,
between Council Hlull's, Omaha, Kioux City,
Sioux Foils, Yankton nud other pilnclpul
K)lutsin Dakota, Minnesota ami Not thorn
Iowa. For tables ami other jsirtlculnrs en
quire of uny ticket agent. Don't forget tho
Manilla line.
A Wonderful Drink.
Persons who hnvo visited the celebrated
Dluu Lick spiings of Kentucky nud know of
tho curative lsiwersof tlio water therefrom
will be glad to hear thnt this water is now Ih
ing shlpjxsl lu )rrels to Lincoln nml Iwttlctl
by the Lincoln bottling works and will Ikj
Mild by nil druggbts nml conf evtlc tierx. Tho
tlrst shipment bus just nrriwd uud lottllug
w ill be comir,cnetsl at once. It will Ik hM to
families in onsen of one dozen quart totlUi
uud orderx should Ih left nt 710 P sttect ucnr
Hurl lnton depot,
'1 his celebrated water Is today undoubtedly
the Is-st c.irntlvu for skin nud blood diseases
nml nets art .1 rejuvcniitor to tho dyspepNe. It
w ill pay you to givo it 11 trial.
Citerltiir t I'rli Kir I' .unities.
Mr. F. C Pray, tho St. Cloud caterer, de
slix' to announce to the ladles of Lincoln
thnt lie is prewired to do all kinds of enter
ing, supply ing uny nnd nil kinds of dishes,
promptly in the llint stylo of the art. Would
uiso bo pleased to furnish estimates for pri
vate suppers, bam plots, etc., at residences,'
Kindly give him n call, get prices nud partic
ulars at thu St. Cloud EuroKati restaurant,
121 South Twelfth street opjiositu Fuuko's op
era house.
D. E. Cumiulngs, successor to Iletts & Sow
ell, still continues to handle thu old reliable
Monarch brand cnim-sl fruits nud vegetables.
Also all the fresh fruits nud vegetables to bo
had lu market. 1 120 O street. Telephone 20.
McMurtry's addition on K street, below
Nineteenth, is ono of tlio slghiiest in tlio city,
as well as King rlgnt In the centre of thu
fastest growing portion. Call at his otllce lie
low the Capital National llank nnd secure one
of thes lots.
On nud after April 20th, the day couches
on thu Union Pacltlu's No. it, known ns the
"Overland Flyer," will Iw taken oir, to better
enable it to make tlmo. This will add largo-,
ly to tho popularity that has already Is-en
gained by this fast train, After that date it
wlil carry only jsissongei-s holding llrst-clnss
tlct ets to points where the train makes regu
lar stops, between Council Dluirs nml Ogdeti.
Such passengers must purchase tickets for
seats or berths in Pullman sleejiers, liefore en
tering tho cars.
P. I). Corsets at Onkley & Co's.
Globe One-Price Clothing House.
Is now showing an elegant line of
New Spring Styles
Mens, Youths, Boys and Children's Fine Suits.
All the Latest Novelties and Nobby Designs are included
in our Complete Assortment, to which we invite an early in
spection. Tl-IE GLOBE
One-Price Clothing House.
E. M. EISFELD & CO., Proprs.
Now is the time to buy Books.
Ucforc buying our fnll supply of Hooks wc wish to dispose of Five Hundred
Volumes now on linncl which wc will offer for one week only. Commencing May
7th, '88, nt extremely low prices. Conic and cxnminc our stock nnd be convinced.
Dlckcn's Complete Works, 15 A'ols. cloth.
Hcott's Wnvcrley Novels, 12 "
llulwerLytton's Works IM "
Irvine's 10
Thackeray's " ID
Cooper's " in
Curlylo's in
Hawthorne's " 0
lllaek's " 7
Geo. Eliot's " H
Fielding's " I
UluiK. Kendo " 7
Gulrot'j History of Franco 8 vols, cloth '
Miicniiluy's KiiKlnnd fi "
Green's History EukIIsIi People, I vols, cloth "
Prcscolt's Couiiicst of Mexico, !1 vols, cloth "
Smiles' HeK-IIclp series, I vols, cloth "
" Hlotfrnphlcal series, 3 vols, cloth "
I'lutnrch's Lives of Illustrious Men, :l vols, cloth "
ltolllns' Ancient History, 1 vols, cloth "
Cooper's Leathcr-HtocltliiK Tales, 5 vols, cloth "
" Hen Tales, 0 vols, cloth "
Dickon's, complete, 15 vols, half calf List Price, IC2.50
Thackcry 10 " " " " 15.00
Cnrlyle 10 " ' " " 15.(0
Irvlnic 10 " " " 15 00
Wnvcrley Novels 12 " " ' '
Geo. Eliot l " " " " tl.oo
21 vols, of American Pools, Copyrighted " " 1.75
l!l " " "' Diamond copyrighted " " 1,00
IS ' " " Ollt Kdgo " " " 2.-,
17 voU of English Toots, Hnlf Morocco " " 1.25
Holbrook& Bonbright
234 So. Eleventh St.
r PURE) $
filx-WTynyn jv tvm
ff -V
flLrft trti-v.xs7 ThJi I i
Not cut from the Filthy Salt Creek
Delivered to nil parts of the city nt reasonable prices.
123 North ifjth Street,
On Monday Morning, Apl 30,
50 Doz. Ladies Bal Vests. 25cts, worth 4Scts.
30 Doz. Ladles Jersey Vests. 33 cents, worth so cents.
35 Doz. Children's Bal Jersey Fitting Vests, 19 cents, worth 35 cents.
45 Doz. Ladies Black and Colored Lisle Thread Hose. 23 cts worth 45 cts
50 Doz. Pin Striped and Bal Hose, full regular. 18 cents, worth 30 cents.
Also our entire line of BEADED WRAPS and JACKETS,
at special reduced prices,
List Price, flS.7)
' IBtH)
" " ll.6n
" " 15.00
" " 1.1.00
" IC..V)
" " 10.(10
" " 10.50
" " I2JH
" " .()
" ' S",
" " MM
" r.w
" " (WO
" " 1.50
" " l.5i
Our Price, 1.00
' " 5.2
" " ti.SO
" " o.-.
" 5.2.-1
" " 11.00
" " CIO
" " n.o.-
" .n
" " 1.30
" " 1.20
" " 1.10
" " 0.35
" " l.fti
" 2.70
" " 3.00
", " 2.75
" " ivn
" " 3.50
" " 2.10
" " tVW
Our Price 112.75
" " S.50
" " 8.50
" " M0
" " 10 Si
" " 8.25
" " .S5
" " M
" 1.25
' " ..VI
'f-rjr iji r-js7r-?jr
but from the Clear and Pure Waters of