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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1888)
Drayago and loving. OLIVElt MAGGAUU D cslre to Inform the public that his equip m cnt for moving Household Goods, Pianos Safes, Miirrhntulisc, Heavy Machinery etc., Is the best In the city. Special men nnil wag ons nre kest for the rcmonl of Pianos and Household Goods, Which arc always handled by coinpetnut and experienced help, and the" latest appli ances ucd lot handling Safes and other heavy good. Call, address or telephone OLIVKU MAGGAK1) Telephone mi Ollicc 917 () LINCOLN ?hilharmonic . Orchestra, l. IlAOKNOW, CI. It. ASCIIUAX, Musical DlreUor, Mannger. Office Kunko's Opera House, 3d Iloor, I'ronl Will furnKih Jrnml or Sacred music, for CONCKUTH, KIllllNOH, l'AUTIKH, llAl.t.H ml nil other occasions requiring Hrst-class music fVJiieclnl ratu will ho mailo with chitm desiring tho oehestro for tho season, rates furnished on application. Wo nlno deslro to state Hint we luuv opened 11 Conservatory of Music In our apartments In the opera house building, for the Instruction ou orchestral Instrument. Tuition hours: On. m II 1'.' noon, ami 1 till I p. in. everyday oxjpl Sunday. Por scholars not able to attend ntitvu r houni, special tlmu will Ih given. For further Information as to prices, time, cu address or call on tho inn linger S. H. BUHNHAM, BROKER. Honiy loaned on long or short time at lowe itei. Office In IUchards' Block, room S2. Take elovator on Elerenth street entrance. N. R. HOOK, M. D.t diseases ok women. Jrinary and Recta t Diseases a Specialty. rjTrents rcetal diseases hy IlllINICKIUIOI'l PAINI.KSS 8Y8TCM. Odlce. rooms lil I'.Mnml 121 Ihirr Illoek. Twelfth nnd O Hireets. Ofllce telephone MS. ItiMldeneo lir."J Q street 'i'houe. Wj onico hours, 0 tolda.111, a to ft and " to ft p 111 Sunday, ID to 11 u 111 3.A.SH0EMAKER.M.D. HomoBopathist Physician, Tolcohono No 6S5, 163 South nth Street, Livc-oi.m Ni:h PEERLESS Steam Laundrj 1117 P Street. Still in tho front and absolutely leading nl, ssmjrctltors. Thoroughly equipped for tin unest work, giving to each customer an tin qualified guarantee, for all work done. All ol nur work dono with neatness and dispatch Wo solicit orders for suburban villages and neighboring towns, paying tho express 011 all irdert one way. llcspcctfully, C. J. PRATT. BLOOD POISON. (Id (lend trrth rnntnln , tho qiilntrMcnce of blood poltonl Who tin swallow it, cufhlnir out of old teeth t cviry mctl nml bo healthy? TIuto teeth sro dead, ulcerated, mill nltliy trequcntly cniic n i-weJ.'od face. Hhould ccrud' lie extracted nml rciiliKnl with pood, nrlltlclul tictli Hint never actio. Can bo o tract ed without pain. Mo bum bag. ABIIASION OF TIIK TEETH. The nbove cut shows the teeth of n man 4S yesrs of age, from Dr. Hell iu 1KH. We meet with this affection In the teeth In nrloue fount nd tlecrct'S. Tho ends of the crowi s seem verj foft, bvlng a low decree of vitality and wear down thowlng a dark jcllowlfh etipprd spoMn tb center. Many aro so foolbh as to 1"' 'hat molar teeth aro of little account, ...i rrt thorn go by default; after which all the force of tho muscles aro extended to the front teeth, wearing them down rapidly. The heat, and nrlv remedy, Is to cover and hullil np the ends with gold and platinum, which wears like steel and faves them many wars. We make n specialty of fine gold wort on building tbein up, contour fillings, etc Cuts A and H are from John Tomes, of Kne land. A Two Incliors with notches In the ends. II shows tho peg shaped teeth withy llowlsh pits In the euds. For such teeth wo hare two remedies: First To fill Urn pits Iu the eds with gold, 8ec ond Extract them and replace tlicm with artificial teeth. Hut tho bones absorb awai rapidly so that they will need resetting fre qucntly. Wo mako tho finest artificial teeth In the northwest. We use Justlcs' and White's patent teeth, with long, heavy pint, mounted nu strong elastic plates. Those who patronize ti: will not be troubled with broken teeth tud cracked plates, canker soro mouths, etc. To loose the front teeth, Is to loose half the power ol speech, and more than halt Ue beauts Diseased Qums. Tbs teeth tnrn black and die, th rfnmi bleed at the slightest touch, ulcerate, the teeth looteu ao4 fall cnt, the breath Is horrible, DR. A. P. BURRUS. 1 200 O Btreot, Ob thelUrld Transit, cuita np diseased nu. makes tho finest gold and platinum filling, laakta Ute taml icU that tobacco will not urulah. KKJJ A. B ibrflr T' rf fi7M iJliar THE CURIOSITY SHOP. PI rut Oiiii of llm Isll War Not nt Sum lyr, as t'niniiiiinly Huppnsril. It has Ik-cii generally thought that tho lint gtm of tho groat civil wnr was that fired on Fort Blunter, whllo otltor nroounts litivo given Hih iloiihtfiil honor to a liattery at Ponsueola harbor in Florida, whero Admiral Porter, then hut 11 lieutenant, distinguished himself by rectiforelng tho United State gnrrlson with extraordinary vigor and promptltudo before the actual outbreak of tho war. Hut tho war department nt Wash ington has ascertained, 011 clear ovldeneo, that tho original oveitnetof hostility was committed at Vlcksburg on tho Mississippi, whero an attempt was made, some dnslo foro tho Charleston and I'cnsncoln tiffulr, to stop a Hteamcr passing down tho stioam with stores on board liclongliig to tho Fed eral government. As tho nrmamuut f tlio place at that timo consisted of ono four Kmtuler, tho property of ha city and Intended for salutes, It U not surprising that tho steamer went by unhurt, and tho circumstance had been almost .or gotten In tho greater events of which Vlcks burg was tho sceno until tho Into Inquiries revived tho memory of tlicm. Tho gun was brought away when tho works of I'embci on wero dismantled after his surrender to (Iran . lit 1603, anil was found ill tho irdnaneu ttores nt Washington, wlienco It was sent to Went Point nml proseutod to tho ucademy. All Ailuun, Tho saying, "(I01I toniern tho w-lnd to tho shorn lamb," is commonly nttributeil to tin) Bible. It Is In tho story of "Maria" 111 Sterne's "Sentimental Journey.'" It Is nearly word for word with n sentence In tho "l'rcm ces"of Henri Ivstlenno (IKM): "Dlcti niesuro Is froid n lu brebis tonduo." Herbert, In his "Jaeula I'riideiitum" (KHO), hasi "To n elose ihorn sheep Owl gives wind by measure." In tho "Memoirs of Henri do lleaiiregard" (17.Y7 ltfiM), u Savoyard ablio remarks, less poeti cally: "Ood cuts n man's coat neeorillng to his measure." It Is not unusual for crsons to mnku use of favorite quotations and to imllt them to tho Hihlo, who, If they know tho real origin of them, would hesitate. Not eery long ago n gentleman who said ho io jardeil Shakespeare as "vilo nml wicked" (somo K'ioii had told him so, for ho admitted never having read nny of tho great (loot's works), iimsI tho lino- "There Is 11 tldo in tho affairs of men," ami ridded, "as was said by Paul in his Epistles." And yet hoheeined to bo pious and sincere, notwithstanding the fact that he evidently know as little about '.ho Scriptures as ho did ahoiit Shakspcaro. Naval 1 111 its of IIik .'Mcxlriiii War. Several squadrons of United States vessels engaged iu tho Mexican war on tho Paeillc censt from lbtO to 18-18, and thoy wore at times co-operating with tho land forces In tho prOM'cution of that war. Tho ling ships and fomiimuderu thereof wcro as follow h; l'ho Congress, eomiiiauiUsl by Lieut. J. V. Livingston, squadron of Commoiliiro II. K, Stockton. Tho Indepeiiilence, commanded by Capt. M A. F. U-ivelctto, squadron of JoiuukmIoix) V. H. Sliubrick. Tho Ohio, commanded by Capt, U. IC. Ktribling;Mpiad roll of Commodore T. A. Jones. Tho Colum bus, commanded by Cant, T. W Wyinnr; Hpiadrou of Commodoro Jnmes lliddle. Tho Savannah, commanded hy Capt William Mervlno; squadron of Commodore John I), bloat Thcro wero othor rssuls nttuclied to thi"so squadrons, Kimeof which inuy nt somo timo have boruo tho Hag of tho commander In chief. Oath nr A!lli million. Disraeli (or Lord Heacouslleld, as ho was known during tho latter part of his life) wnt of Jewish lineage, but us to all olitical right ho was an Englishman. As hodid not udbero to tho Jowish religion, ho was eligible to tho houso of commons, tho same as any other Hrltisli subject. For many years Jews eloctcd to tho house of commons, who ad hered to their religion, weiouct allowtsl to take their seats Iu that body, simply because, they would not take tho customary oath which was sworn "ou tho truo faith of a Christian." Tho oath was llniUly modified so thato Jhw could tako it without doing vio 1 11 nee to hut religious conscience. II ow Mines Oa in e. Following tho primitivo open hearth tho first separate heating apparatus used by tho Egyptians, Oieeks and Romans was tho brazior, an open Imsin of metal, In which charcoal was consumed. Tho brazier is still iu common uso for industrial purposes, nml In continental countries it is widely employed both for cooking and for domestic heating. Tho Introduction of chimneys into Iiouscm iu tho enrly part of tho Fourteenth century opeued tho way to all modern Improvements in tho heating arrangement of apartments; it was on or about that timo stoves camo into uso. CrinwH'il lllmai'ir. PoM Plus VII intended to crown Na poleon, and went to Paris for that puqwso, und tho ceremony gained all tho eclat that tho presence of the sovereign poutltr could glvoiti but, as ho was n bout to place tho crown on Kapolcou's head, tho hitter took it from tho pope's hand anil placed it ou Ids head hlmsolf. Then lifting it from thcro, ho placed it 011 tho head of JoKophiuo, his wifo. Vetoes. President Cloveland Iicji vetoed mora bills than any other president, Washington mado 2etocs, Madison (I, Monroe 1, Jackson lit, Tyler 10, Polk !1, Picrco 10, IJuchanan 8, Lin- coin I, Johnson 21, Grant 41!, Hayes 13 Arthur -I. President Cleveland, up to Aug. 4, ISSO, had sent 1KI veto messages to congress. tin They Vole? Tho question has Itccti asked, "Do tho In habitants of tho District of Columbia voto'" Tho District of Columbia is governed by the govornniont of tho United States, nnd voting by tho people w rendered unnecessary by that fact. Tho people of tho District lmvo no voto for natlonnl officers. Tho Clusslni: of Nails, Tho term jicnny as applied to nails is gen erally supposed to hnvo liecn derived from poiiniL Tho thousand was always under stood, mid ten pound, six pound, etc., wcro gradually shortened to tho present term of wuuy. I .'ml of tin, flsil War. Tho war ended with tho surrender of Con fedorato Ueiu IClrby Smith in Texus, May 0, 1805. Thcro was a national thenksgiving lor ponco observed Nov 'J. WC lleaton (iolil. Gold can bo beaten 1,200 times thinner than ordinary paper Ono ounco of lcaten gold will cover 1441 square feet by actual computat Inn. Ages nf 'I wo Artreo. Slaggio Mitchell, tliu aetivst, vvm born In Now York iu tsW. Charlotto Crubtco (Lotta) was Ihmii In tliu samo city in 1847. A Veeatlvtt Nntne. No Man's Umd li-'s Uhmcii tho Indian ter ritory and tho state of ICunsos, and It Is souuiliuics called ULIuJiom. YOUNG FOLKS' COLUMN. MATTCriS THAT NOT ONLY INTER E8T BUT INSTRUCT READERS. Thn Wonderful rails of Tornl, limn Soli-inn (Iraiidoiir Was Described hy l.iuil II) roil mill Ultimo tlrnutlrs Worn Ailinlmt by Hinmparte. It has been said of tho falls of 't'ernl that thoy are worth all the falls and torrents in KAvitzerlnudt nnd yet, grand and beautiful as they nro, nnd milking nmmig tho Hurst iCtiroHviii cascades, thoy nro only artificial. TIIK KAI.IJI OK TKHNI. Tho fall is formed bv tho turning of tho river Vellneo Into tivt Ncrn, through an oKulng twenty fcst broad mado In tho mass of Mont Marmora, This work Is attributed to Curlus Deutntus for tho purpose of drain ing a lake Immediately above, which was apt to Inundate tho plain of llicti, though Cicero says ho did It to drain his country villa. At tho first point from which tho water Is hurled is 1111 elevation of about 40 orf0 feet, t l.o second falls from a height of ucarly WIS feet, and tho depth of tho chasm through which it afterward rushes Into the N'cra In ono vast stream Is said to bo 1110 feet, unking in all a descent of S!8 feet, Tho lost view of tho fall is from a sin. summer house, said to have Ikvii built for ho bcnellt of visitors by Honaparto. Ilyron In "Childo Ilnrnld" gives n won drous description of Iheso falls, telling of their solemn grandeur, combined with tho soft beauties of their surrounding. Hera aro n few of his words: Look hack! Iil whero It conies llko an eternity, As if to sweep don n nil things in Its track, Charming tho eye with dreud a matchless cata met: llilolll(;niicn nf lints. Rats nro usually considered noxious ani mals nnd llttlo mercy Is shown to them. Doubtless they were civated for n useful pur ioso pcihas to act as scavengers and help to remove oll'euslvo objects. When thoy de stroy young ducks nnd chickens, or pillage grain in tho stables, ,t is right to keep them down. At 11 country house, where they hadliccome very troublcsotiio, a barrel was sunk In tho ground behind tho stable yard and half tllW with water, A Hat stick was balanced as a swivel over it, and n bait put on tho end over tho water Next morning tho bait was gone, but no drowned rat was in tho water. Tho coachman xiuted out, from tliu marks loft 011 tho wood, that a largo rat hadsatou tho shoro end of thostlek whiloa smallor nil bad iu safety removed tho bait fionitheolhei end -rn&$$&&s TltK CCNKI.NO ItATB. Ono of tho moro humaiio wnys to got rid of rats is to run coal lar into tho In !cs now nnd then. Tho rats aro exceedingly particular aliout their fur coats and do not enjoy com ing In contact with tho tar. Tho Mm as 11 l'lio KxtlncuUhf r. Tho dear llttlo School Ma'am in St Nicholas tells tho children that as soon as tho wintry cold lieglns to wane nnd tho sun light grows wnrmer, house llrcs nre apt to got low and dull, and for this reason iersons say "tho sun has put tho lire out." Naturally tho children ask her to explain this queer con duct on tho urt of tho sun, nnd then sho tells them something llko this: During tho sunniest (wirt of tho day wo aro apt to neglect our flres. and to ceso supplying fresh fuel. Meantime tho suns rays warm tho air and rarify it until it Is as warm and thin as tho air In tho chimney that has been heated by tho lire. Then tho draught ceases nnd tho llro gets lower und lower Rut tho llttlo School Ma'am opens minor or a window and tho fresh, cool air sends tho warm air In tho room up tho chimney In a hurry and tho flro brightens And tho Ijttlo lady reminds them of another fact: if tho sunshine fulls directly upon tho llro It is at least a rival lr;ht, nnd not so well cal culated to show tho glow of tho coals as a fluttering shadow would lo. A Wnrd In llin Wise. "Never cross a bridge till )ou coiao to It," My grnudinother used to say. Which means, little folks, that no mustn't fret Over troubles that niny tho future beset, If wo'vo ilono wliut wo can toluy You rcmemtier tho timo worn fable Of tho farmer's eight day elix k How tho pendulum eounted, with trembling and fear, Tho number of times It must tick In a yesr, And then stood in still iu stock. Till, aided hy friendly counsel, It decided It would not shirk Tho duty that plnlnly U-fore It lay, llecnuso nt somo wry distant day It might bo too tlivd to work 60, llttlo folks, lUe In tho present; Dully ttrlva to li useful mid glad, For when you nro old you will find this out. That many a trouble jou'to worried about Utiuuyou luuo uuM-r had. To JMukn llrnudy I'lnnt nil Wntrr. To jierfonn this seeming tmossllillity take A tumbler half full of water, and placing n plcco of thin muslin over the top of tho samo, gently strain I he brandy or wlno through the imibllii, nnd it will remain ou top of tb Muter. 111 MraB S;"' ?w PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Healthful llnnii llovlacs That Overcoma lniiiiililii lllntn In Nitrnoa. A Journal of building has tho following to lay In ragaid to sanitary Hiliits that should bo consldeiisl when selecting a houso or a alto for a new ono RcuiciuIht that whero tho sun will shliin 011 tho house for como hours a day ono element of gissl Is secured, MjHvliilly if tho sunshine enteis nt ho windows of tho living rooms or rooms most used during tho daytime If tho ground Is nt all iKirotis, a layer of concivto not less than six Inches thick, mid coiuosmI of cement or llmo and broken bricks or gravel, should bo spread over tho whole of tho ground covered by tho building This will prevent tho passago of ground air up through tho limit's. Air will travel through tho ground for somo dis tance, and as It Invariably l,omes contain (tinted by taking up carbonic acid gas iu its passage It is not suitable for Inhaling. Tho houso acts as a sucker on tho ground, and If, unfortunately, tho site Is on "mado" ground - that l, composed of nil tho rofusoof 11 town tho ground air ttccofnos tho medium of disease. No houses should bo built without a well vent tinted air sp-ico between tho eai th nml tho giouuil floor, essvially If tho layer of concrete ou tho sttrfaco is omitted. Tho walls should bo built of good hard burnt bricks or 11011 (Hirous stones sot in llmo or cement mortar Common under burnt bricks or iorous stones hold moisture which ov.iKiratcN with tho rlso In tcnqicratiirc, mid so chills the tilr in lint houso. Tho foundations of tho walls should rest on thick bodsnf concrete licdilcd Iu tho earth, nnd to prevent tho ground damp rising up tho walls, a dump proof course of slates In cement, or a bed of asphalt should bo laid In tho full thickness or width of tho wnll Just above tho ground lino. Dryness hi this climate is so essential to health that any building which in its floors, walls, or roof ilus by admitting moisture, idiotild bo re jcctcsl us a placo of resldeiieo bv those who valtio their health. Hints 1111 tlm ('urn nf the Sink. To change tho coverings over tho patient without exxmuro, Journal of Health recom mends to first froo them nt tho foot of tho IksIs, spread tho clean shirt over tlictn, and cover with a blanket. These should bo well tucked In nt tho sides, and then tho soiled clothing can bo drawn down and removed nt tho foot. Tho saiiio Journal says that tho rulo novcr to awaken a patient to administer food or ni'sllelnes, while a very sensible one, admits still of several exceptions. Thcro nro cases whom regularity must Im observed, even at tho exH'iiso of sleep. Iu certain nctito dis eases, among them pneumonia, tho stimulant nnd stipMirtlvo treatment must bo contlnu ous, nnd tho system constantly under its In llueiico. In such casex, if too long nti Interval weio a Ion iil, a fatal depression might ensue hi thoso whom tho vital onerglos weto taxed to their utmost by tho intensity of thd disease. I'rni eat Inn of Sleeplesmirss. Among devices found to control Insomnia, Medical Register mentions tho following: Tho sound of water dropping slowly and iteadily Into a uin occupies and quiets tho brain. Tills is tho principle on which wo aro told to count sheep going over a fence, nml do nny sort of automatic thinking, If such an expression bo eriuisslble A former victim of liiMimuia cured himself by keeping tho eyeballs looking down. Another kept rolling them III 01111 dlicctioii with good effect, ro ieatlng, meatiwhilo, a certain work or num ber lxig Inspirations by tliu mouth and expirations hy tho nostrils, conceiving tho air n currents, has Is-en found effectual. All intellectual exercise should bo stopied half an Innir 'foro bedtime. A tumbler of milk, Instead of tho usual copious draughts of water, taken during sleepli-ssncsss, will often help to overcome it. T11 (mil Will it Wltllnill Ire. Whero Ico cannot lie procured water may be cooled by wrapping tho pitcher contain ing it in 11 towel of loose lexturo which has been previously Impregnated with ammo nium ultrato laud dried) and moistening this with w titer I'harmaceutical Km, which recommends this plan, says tho samo towe' may Ixi used rceatedly, lieing dried tho otighly U'torehanil each timo. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE. Thn "Cold Shoulder" anil "I'lisli" In Polite Hoclet). If n gentleman asks to Ixj presented to 11 lady she should signify her assent In n pleasant way and pay her hostess, through w horn tho request comes, tho compliment of socmlug, at least, to bo gratified at tho Intro ductlou. So advises Mrs. Sherwood, who thinks that our American ladles are some times n llttlo lacking Iu eordiality, often re ceiving a now iicqualul'iucowilh that part of their continuation known ns tho "cold shoul der." A brusque discourtesy is bud; a very elfiislvo courtesy ami a too low bow nro worse, mul un overwhelming und patronizing manner is atrocious. Tho projs'r salutation lies Just between the two extremes. In seek Ing introduction for oursUvcs, whilo wn need not Ik shy of making a first visit or asking for an introduction, wo must still, according to tho social authority already mentioned, bawaio of "push." Thcro aro in stiticts in tho humblest understanding that will tell us where to draw tho line. If u person Is socially more prominent than our selves, or more distinguished In any way, wo should not U violently anxious to tako tho first step, wo should wait till somo happy chance tiriugs us together. Two t'si-ful llnii'l". Don't, In referring to a iorson, say "ho" or "slio" or "him," but always mention ths nnmo. "Mrs. Smith thinks it will rain," not "sho thinks it will rain." There aro meu who continually refer to their wives as "she," und wives who have commonly no other naino for their husbands than "ho." This is abominable. Don't habitually mo tho word "folks" "his folks, ur folks," etc. Strictly tho word should Ih "folk," tho plural form being a corruption, but whilo usago sanctions "folks" for "folk," It U iu better Usto not to uso tho word at nil till, lli'ldeuimilii's l'rnlliri'. It Is tho briilegrooni's provinco to pay nil fees connected itli tho uuirrlngn ceremony, license, fees to clergyman, etc , according to tho KnglUh fashion. Ho also 'provides tho carriage for tlio doMirtutonf himself end bride, but does not pay for tho hire of car riagos for bridal guests. Tho homo isrnnng of a brldo and bridegroom s mado known to society In general by their marest rel.i- ' tlves, nnd calls follow this announcement in 1 duo course. I'lilnled but Not I'otltn. , That abmpt, explosive, dlicourtcous mono Byllable, "Thanks," got a llohuid for its Oliver on ono occasion at A Indy droppisl her cnnl caso in tho strict nnd a brisk llttlo newsboy picked It up for her "Thanks," said b "Welks," said ho, and bolted. NEW SPRING STYLES! JUST ARRIVED. And now rend for inspection nt John Morrison's All the Finest Qualities and Latest Patterns in stock. I have the cutter in the city and u.irnntce satisfaction. Cal and see my joods and work. 121 North Eleventh street. $9 n TELBJPI-IOnSTE 2LS. Fine Driving and Riding Livery, Always read)' for service, day or night. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL' DINING HALL, MONTd'OMKRY BLOCK, niy, 1 121 and 1123 N Street. Meals 25 cts. $.5o per week. Union - Pacific - Railway, The Overland Route. Shortest and Safest Route to all points in Colorado, Utah, California, t Montana, 'lake the,, orland llyer and savoounday to all Pacific coast points. THIS UNION PACIFIC IS TI I IS KUISIS CHAIR CAR LINIS. Itiinnliii.' Into Union DiipotH 1111 1 eonnn.-MiiK Willi tliii fust limited trains of all linns for a liolnlseiiNl, norlli nml smith. Tlir.nuli ticnets 1111 modern day coaches, llnguaim e'lecko llirointli toili".iintloii I rum all points cast In tho United Hlates and Cauuihi. Sleeper nccuuiniod.iiluiis reserved in tlirotigli I'tilliuaii I'alacc cars from the -Mis 1 lUcr to the Pacific const. K. 13. SLOSSON, Agent. 101 1 O Htns-t, Lincoln, Kflniiki T. J. I'OTTr.H, IC. L. LOMAX, .1. H. TKHM5TK. I'lit Vlcifl'i-oiident. Ass. (leu. l'n-w, nnil Ticket A t. (Ion. I'iw mil I'ir-Kot ' m UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOORArUV Or THE COUNTIIY, WILL OUTAIrl MUCH VALUADLE INrOIWATION TROM A 8TUDV Or THIS MAP Or THE v u, ws3?M I ' owK. A I'vS"K.1.a jjVb""'i'i siUiWsnM llliw 'rijrt -fsnT -yf Vv itrn'V-Tr?.v'- vrsMHv CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Us eontrnl poHltlon nnd clou ponnoction with Eastern llnoa at Chicago nnd oontliuioim lln'u nt u-r-.nlnixl polnta, WoBt, Nortliwout, unci Botitu woiit, ninko it tho truo mld-llnk In Unit trnnHcontlnontal chain of tttnol which unltoH tho Atlantic nnd Panlllc Its miilti lliion mul bronchus Include CUl-i-tirro, Jollot, Ottuwti, LuSallo, Poorln, Oonoaoo, Molino and Rock IbIuikI, hi IIUiioIh: Ouvonport, Mucatlno, 'Wiialilnuton, Fnlrllold, Ottumwn, Ouknlooeu, Wi-st Llbt :!, Iowa City. Dot. Moines, lnillimoln, Wintered, Atlantic, KnoxJ vlllc, Autltiboii, Harlan, OuOrto Ccitri' und Council Ulills, In Iowa; Gullutln, TroiHon, Ciuni'rcn. St JObupU and Kihibiis City, In Mluaourl; Lonvonworth mul AiflilKon, in Kununa, Mlnnonpolia and St. 1, In Mlnnoaouv , Wator town and bloux Fnlla in DaV:ota. nnd many otbor proHnorouatownunnd cities. It iiIbo oitorB it OHOIC13 OP ROUTES to and from tho Paoitlo Coma nnd Intor motltiito placoH. inukln(r nil traiiHforo In Union depots. Fast Trains ot tlno DAY COACHES, olocrnnt DINING OAKS, iniignlllcont PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPIMO CAUS. and ibotwoon Chlciirro, St. Josonh. AtcblL n nnd Kansas Cltvi rostnil HECLINING CUAIR OARS, sonw PREli to holders or through tlrta-cluus tickots THE CHICAGO, KAWSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLACO ROMTP' Kxtonds wis and from Knnni- Ity and 8t. Josoph to Pair bury, Nolson, Horton, poka, Hrlii'Tto.i, Hutolunucn, Wichita, Caldwoll, and nil points In Koutli'Mii N. br. ha Int rlor I". ,nsas and beyond, Kntlrv nu sonsror orpilpmont it tl colobrntod Pullmnn mrjuin aturo. Solidly bal-bu-'tod track of hoavy Btu 1 ruil. Iron and utouolirUlvroa. All safuty apnllaiicos und modorn linprovoinontu Commodious, woll-bullt BUUlono. Coloiity, cer tainty, comfortnnd luxurvussurod. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is tho favorlto botwoon Cbirupv), Rool: Inland, Atchison, Kunsns City, and Minn 'upollsnnil st i'uul T'ti tonrlut rout 1 1 all Nortliorn Bur nu r UoborUJ. ItsWitortown nranob "ov rnoo tU pr .iluc tl"o lanclc of tho grout 'whot.tnnd dairy bolt" of .Sorthorn Iowa, Soutln.outom MlnnoHcta, und Eust "ontrnl Dakota Tho Short Line via Seneca and ni.nkukooottorrti upiirlorfueilltloH totmvol bmwoon Cincinnati, Inciii.niipoll?, Lnfnyntu-, i.ud Council Blulls, St. Josoph. Atchison, IjOHVonworth.Ivunsaa City, Mlnhotipolu , und St. Paul. For Tlokot-H, Maps. Poldors, or any iloslrod lutormutlon, apply to any Con pun iiuKiibutii-ju 111 uiu uiuiuuouiiuaui' umiuuu, or muirinm E. ST. JOHN, General Manager. ! K" (i Skinner's Stables 12th St., bet. Pand Q. Calls for Halls, Parties, etc., Promptly Made, with Stylish Rigs, Coupes nnd I i!Wk. Idaho, Oregon, Washing 'n Territory. ', lONi. 9MJR3f E. A. HOLBROOK, Oan'l Ticket A FMs'r Agent II. I.