Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 28, 1888, Image 1

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Vol.. 3. No 20
Lincoln, Nicl-iraspca, Saturday, Apkii, J8, 188H
Pwioio Fivic OlCNTS
I -
Whitt Ho Nop, 1 1 nun, Think unit Ini
itKlue. yNOWINO the present coiulitluu of tlio
of tho city water mid tho
wny It as liven for mouths
It would certainly kociii Hint tho city
AUtllOI'ltloH WOllld pUt II BtOJI t) HUCll llltll lllld
health Injurious lluld. Tim tnsto U nbomtil
blo audit Is bocnuo pjuplomiMf, Unit thuy al
low such shift to pass tliolr lip-. For 11 city
tho size mid pretensions of Lincoln to Imvu
such water service Is against its own interests
and damaging I" u greater extent than Is
thought or imagined. About tho tint thing
a stranger questions In tho city Is "how's
your cllmntef and next comes "Is tho water
supply K,Klt Illiro "iid hfiilthyl" Oh, yes;
just taste It; It is delicious, and tho ingredients
aside from other aro wilt and alkali. We can
never hope to a metroiolls with a water sup
ply as Is now Mug furnished.
It is nrgued that "tlio condition
of tho Mater is U'lug improved
and that they aro uow at work to
remedy tho ovil," hut thero has been tx much
work and remedying with 110 apparent suc
cess. It would seem that after ho much ex
perimenting, and so many ways alout it and
bo long endeavoring to accomplish something
that never seems to Iw fruitful, that the ex
periment would bo given up and another
plan of action tukon. Thero is a great howl
going up all over tho city about the water,
its Impurity and disagreeable taste, that it is
duo season for a halt to bo taken, Jobbery
with tho water works discontinued mid tho
people given healthy water.
And now after eight months of populiu ity
tho toothsome oyster makes its farewell Iww,
becking oblivion and 11 coast watering resort,
and according to tho law of tho oyster grow
er)) of tho country, no shell shall bo taken out
from Tuesday next until tho first day of Sep
tember. Howover this law is not strictly en
forced, for ns wo know In most largo cities
oysters aro 011 ice nil tho your, but they arc
not considered healthy for during tho summer
months the oyster is bred and it is not until
tho fall months that the oyster again has its
peculiar delicious flavor.
I am told that our over smiling friend, A.
D. Davenport of tho Millard hotel, at Omahn,
will sover his couno.'tlou with that opular
hostelry about May 15, and embark In tho
hotel business on his own hook. The Ogdeu
house, at Council Mull's, is being entirely
renovated from cellar to garret, great Im
provements are being mado and the house is
to bo opened In tho very finest stylo. Mr. Da
venport will bo associated in tlio enterprise
with a St. Louis gentleman whoso name tho
Observer does not now recollect, but who has
for several years been and is at present clerk
of tho Southern hotel of that city. Doth gen
tlemen are widely known and have an end
less host of friends among tho traveling f ra
ternlty, all of whom will do tliolr best toward
a successful career for the now firm and tho
Observer Joins tlio "gang" in wishing them
Money is a mighty master. For every
spendthrift in the world thero are n dozen
miserly individuals, People will toll day
and night to amass a competence, and after
obtaining that will toll day and night to dou
bio it. Thero is in Lincoln a family of Ger
mans, tho head of which has missed but a tew
days' work in ten years, while his wife has
spent as many days in toll over tho wash tub.
They aro tho owners at present of a half-dozen
houses mid lots, bringing them in an in
come of over a hundred dollars a mouth, anil
yot tho mother may nightly bo seen trudging
along tho streets with an Immense basket of
clothes for tho next diiy's wush. Such icoplo
as these aro the kind to whom money Is more
of a curso than a hlc-slug, people who do not
know when they havo enough, and exjieri
ence more pleasure in hoarding money tliun
in oxjiending it for the comforts it will bring.
In fact I am told the woman upbraided a
neighbor who hod made sufficient money nt
tho washtub to inoro than keep her in comfort
tho rest of her days, for not continuing her
labor and corrallng inoro lucre. It does, in
deed, take a great many kinds of tieople to
make a world, esjieelnUy 11 world like this wo
Controllnbl- Grlr.
"Fanny nnd I were tho only two nt tho
funeral, miimmii, who did not cry."
"Didn't you feel llko crying?"
"Oh, yes, but couldn't; wo had no hnnd-lcerchiefs."-Llfo.
Ilememlierliiff tlio finbbath.
Old Gentlemnn (getting his Iwots blacked
Sunday morning) Hoy, do you know what
U10 Good Hook says, "ltomcmbcr tho Sab
bath dayf
Bootblack Yesslr, I allcrs remcmlicrs It.
Old Gentlomnn Then you go to Sunday
school, do you?
Bootblack No, sir; I don't go to Sunday
school, but I chnrges ton cents for n shlno.
Too Fragile
Squlro Oatcako (to dealer In bric-n-bmc)
I wantcr git sunthin' nice, mister, V tako
hum for tho wife's birthday.
Denier Very well, sir. What do you say
to this elcgnut French cabinet
Oatcako Kr guoss 1 wnnt sunthin'
rtronger'n that. Accordln' to tho puiiers,
thoso French Cabinets den't Inst no time.
Cb-JJM tzzrh
News AIioih Lincoln Players (IroiimU In
Koaillnrm for I'lnylug.
Tho CoimiKit would llko to say a fow words
to tlio KHip1o of Lincoln on tho subject of Imso
bull. There is nothing liko haw ball to make
tho town lively, and ns an advertising schema
It loats nil tho dodgers and placards ever
printed. Tho management hero ask $2,000 to
guarantee them against loss. It is 11 small
amount for 11 city tho slzo of Lincoln to give.
Tho men nt tho heiul of the various clubs nil
have permanent Interests in tho west, and
thero wllllw no reckless oxendlturo of good
monoy llko iast year. Gentlemen tiro now
out with subscription papers, and every ono
should contribute something, however small.
Everything hols. If tho people of this city
want to hoo good ball they must Hiipiort It.
Tho grounds aro in excellent shiqo, mid If tho
present team Isn't as good as the other leaguo
teams we'll get 0110 that Is. All tho manage
ment ask is that this guarantee bo given them
and they will give Lincoln a team to lw proud
of. Captain Sylvester Is in every way tlio
equal of Davo I to wo ns n manager, and as
gmxl a Judge of ball players, and thero are no
sticks among tho Lincoln team. Ho when
tho pnjier Is presented to you, put your nnmo
down for something. Don't bo 11 chump.
Mooro nnd Freeh, tho Cincinnati battery,
como well recommended.
Casey, HeluiH, Fuller, Tooltey mil Htorrs
aro domiciled in tho city.
()enlng game a week from today. Leav
enworth will ho tho victim.
Souvenirs will Ik given tho ladles nt vari
ous times during tho season.
Frank Walker will jorforin tho onerous
duties of secretary of tho club.
A (BOO inmnd roller has been in uso tho past
week, and the grounds aro getting In good
Tho management have their eyes on several
good players, now members of some of tho
stronger association clubs, who will llkelr be
Sybil and Morgan, a Hannibal, Mo., bat
tery, recommended by Hoover, will bo given
a trial. Sybil was with Lincoln a short timo
last year.
Tho privileges have not yet Iteen sold, nnd
If a reasonable olfer is not made tho manager
will run it himself. They ought to Ih worth
ns much or more tlinu last year.
Tho leaguo has adopted tho Heach linll, nnd
teams will bo supplied through Schmeltzor &
Son, Leavenworth. These gentlemen havo
presented ea"h club with three dozen balls.
Tho uniforms will lie navy bluo pants, cap
and shirt, with wluo-browii trimmings, a
very pretty combination. Thoy nro from tho
well-known skirting house of llawlings Bros.
Tho nine as nt present constituted is: Moore,
pitcher; Freeh, catcher; Casey, first base;
Long, second boso;Storr, third base; Bolmo,
short siop and pitcher; Toohey, loft Hold;
Shims, right Hold, and 8ylvester,centro field.
Hoys under ten will l admitted for ten
cents nt nil games. Young America is tho
most enthusiastic supjiorter of tho national
game, and with such a small ndmltslou fee
he can fairly revel In tho sport tills summer.
Sreclnl police watch the grounds night and
day, nnd the people In that neighborhood
who have lecu in the habit of using tho fence
for fuel had better be cnreful, ns the manage
ment propose arresting and punishing every
Tho gates to the grounds will bo barred for
tho present while the men mo lelng trnlucd.
Captain Sylvester has a method of his own
nnd desires the whole field for himself and
men. Players nro required to rejwrt nt ten
in tho morning, then train for an hour, end
ing with n rub down. This is repeated ill
tho nf tornooii, beginning nt two.
The grounds havo been vastly improved.
A bath houso for tho uso of players has lioen
put in back of tho club house, the old peanut
nnd lemonade booth has hewn torn down and
tho baud stand put in its place. A pre box
and scorerV stand has also Wen erected, and
a blackboard on which the score of the game
will be kept put up in full view of tho peoplo
Tho hank clerks of Lincoln plnyed a gamo
of ball Mondny nfternoon witli a nine
from tho banks of Usntrico. Tho Beatrice
boys won by a score of 'St to IS. Several of
tho Lincoln loys were sadly out of practice,
while their opjioneiits plnyed with vim and
oxcellent Judgment. Tho visitors wero given
a supper nnd reception in theovonlng nt the
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Srmonds.
Tho society of Christian endeavor of St.
Paul's M. E. church has elected the following
oMcers: President, O. J Wilcox; vice presi
dent, Miss Minnie Mooro; secretnry, Miss
Itosemau; treasurer, MIm Nellie Cochran.
Judge Mason, Dan Lnuor nnd I). G. Court
ney spent Sunday in Nebraska City. Mr.
Lnuer wus unfortunate enough to loso his
silk hat, which contained thr-o $1,000 bills
concealed in the lining, out of a car window.
Tlio Huder can have the money if the hat is
Prof, F, M. Glls'iiult is making prepara
tions with his pupils In this city and others
from abroad for n grand musical recital in
tlio near future. Tho selections to lie ren
dered 011 that oecasiou will l from such
masters ns Heethoveu, Liszt, Itubluston,
Chopin, Kullak, Mendelssohn, Von Welier
and others.
At the lunch room under tho auspices of
the Women's Christian association tho ladles
contl mo to dispense both substantial and
delicacies' to tlio hungry every day, from
11 siKI to i) o'clock. This department, corner
of Twelfth nnd Pstrods, is well patronized
ns it heartily deson us. When lunching dou 11
town remember this attractive resort.
Sir Thomas Henry (Irattau Rsnioudo, M.
P., and Mr. John P. Sutton returned Tues
il'iy evening from quite an extended southern
tour, which included a visit to Old Mexico.
Thoy weio everywhere enthusiastically re
reived, and return with tho linn conviction
that If America had much to do with It lie
land's iudoiKMidcnco would bo 11 question of
but a fuw days. Mr. I'smoiulo was the guet of
Hon. John Fitrgernld.
Tho laying of the corner vtouo of Grant
Memorial hr.ll on Monday last was quite 1111
event for Lincoln. An inqiosing iarado
through tho principal streets was followed
by thuexercUo at tho university grounds,
where Grand Master Hull, of the order of
Masons, laid tin corner stouo with uppio
prlato cereuiomui, Thousands of people
wero present, and the streets of tlio city pro
tented n gala appearance.
Mr. II. i:. (.'iiinmliiK I'nrcliwseil tint Molls
. Nun I'll (Irorery .Smell.
Tho nmioimcemeut on Tuesday that .Messrs.
Kelts & Sewelt had sold their business to Mr.
1). K Cummliigs wasipilto a nurprlo to tho
many friends nnd patrons of tills jxipulnr
house. Tho purchaser Is liy no means 11 now
resident III Lincoln but has lived here for
tho past eight years and dm lug that time was
In the employ of tho It, & M. railway. How
ever Mi. Ciimnthigs Is well KMtod In his pres
cut calling, having had several years nxerl
cneo In tho grocery Held before entering rail
road work, mid thus his qualifications and
nbllltyj to continue successfully entering to
tho excellent trade established liy lils prede
cessors, is apparent. A number of inlnor
changes nro lielng made III the store, mid
Messrs, Hulls o- Hewell both continue to wait
on customers and Introduce their smvesscr,
They will icmniii for 11 short time until Mr.
Cuumiliigs becomes nqunintcd and feels com
fortably at homo In his new possession.
Tho stock Is one of the finest in the city, the
tho house one of tho most prominent nnd the
oldest established business In Lincoln. Hav
iog Wn in existence since 1871, the trade has
nlwny-H lpon well eared for mid tho best of
patronage has been extended, which has been
catered to at all times with particular care to
Hiitlsfy and plcasonll, and during tlio career
of the late linn the business has Weil mater
ially increased so that today wi Hud among
tliolr customers, tho very lxst element of
Lincoln society.
Mr. Cummings is yet 11 young man In com
merelal life mid with his energy and push wo
oxect to sco still larger additions made to
the trade that Is now enjoyed, Tho location
Is central, tlio business not In mioxitcriciiccd
hands but a thorough business niannnd with
such 11 1 nulo as Is already established, mid 0110
of tho lsst stocks In tho city to work with
there is no reason why tho now owner has not
u good thing iK'fore him.
As for tho lino of goods In stock, Mr. Cum
tulngs will carry tho llnest of everything that
tho grocery market offers, and customers will
always Hud tho best nnd purest of canned
goods, dried fruits, fancy groceries In general,
leading brands of Hour, all kinds of greu
fruit mid vegetables Hrst of the season, doll
cattesseu, confections, etc.
The many now subjects that nro Introduced
In the trade from time to timo will always
Hud a placo hero mid consumer lm given tho
purest goods, dliect and fresh from head
quarters. As in tho past n -jioclnlty will bo
mado of lino teas, coffees and spices, and Judg
ing from tho success of Messrs. Hetts&Hewoll
in this Hue, tho continued increase in this de
partment will bo gratifying to tho new man
agement. All goods nrc promptly delivered to any
part of the city and nil favors shown either
In jiersou at tho store or by tclephouo (mini
bcr 'JO) will be duly appreciated and receive
careful attention.
To Mr. Sowell nnd Mr. John lietls, tho re
tiring dealers, Tiik CouiiiKit expresses i's re
gret at seeing them leave the mercantile
field, for they have at nil times shown u live
nnd enterprising business course, and wo
trust they will soon enter tho Held of Industry
again, whllo for Lincoln's new grocer wo ex
tend n hearty welcome and having known
him for some time, Tiik Couiukii is pleased
to recommend Mr. Cummings to the coutld
oration of all buyers of groceries and trusts
they will extend to him n liberal share of
thulr ixitroungo. Ilcniciiidcr the placo 1120 O
street and the telephone No. 'JO.
Tlio L'oiirun of True Ixivo
tlll'l U
Sho (reassuringly) A tmrtlcular friend of
Ho (sadly) A iwrtlculnr friend of mam
ma's. Life.
Tho .11 ml el l'rlincr.
Tho noy is Sitting Down eating Jnm. Hla
Mnmmii Is coming through tho Door. Tho
Boy will stand up to tho Next bowl of Jam
ho Knts.
Hero wo Havo a Game of Croquet. Henry
has Jmt Hit Nelllo with a -Mallet, nnd Nelllo
Is calling Henry naughty Names. Their
Mother is not Much of a Croquet player, but
in a miiiuto she will Como out and Heat them
This is n ami. Is tho Gun loaded? Itcnlly,
I do not Know. Let us Find out. Put tho
Gun on tho tiiblo and you, Suslo, blow down
ono Barrel, while you, Chnrlio, blow Down
tho other. Hangl Yes, it was Loudod. Hun
quick, Jennie, mid pick Up Susio's head and
Charlie's lower Jaw Iwforo tho Nasty Hlood
gets nil over tho Now Carpet.
Tho Girl has pretty Kyes ami Hod Lips.
Bho is Going to Tako n walk in tho Star Lit
Glen where tho Cricket chirps In tho Hedge
and tho Jiggers piny in tlio Gnus. William
Is Going to Walk in tho Glen, too. Ho will
Meet tho Girl uud thoy will Talk about tho
Weather. Wo wouldn't Glvo n Cent for that
Piece of Court Plaster on the Girl's chin by
tho Time tho Girl guts Hack home.
Oh, how nlco nnd Black tho Coal Hod 1st
Hun, children, Hun Quick and put ycur
Little, Fat hands in It. Meroy me, your
Hands are ns Black ns tho Coal Hod now!
Hurk, Mumiiia Is Coming. Show ill Spank
you when sho Finds your Hands m Dirty.
Better go mid Hub the Black Dirt oir on tho
Wall Piqier before sho cornea. Now York
Commercial Advertiser.
Lincoln to Chicago without change vi 1 the
mkhorn line. . 11
Amnsciuenti, Tor Next Week. What Homo
of the 1'iiTorlli'N are lloliitf.
HKATHU'ALLY sinking, the past
six nights havo not boon a brilliant
week neither has thero been any par
ticularly great hits made. Tho
closo'of the season bringing on wnrin weather
glvo theater-goers less niMllto for the play
house nnd uttrr having witnessed Mirlous
ulalsirnto productions mid seen the seveinl
extraordinary lino attractions presented dur
ing the season, tho average amusement seeker
does not so sullleleut Inducement for them
nttend what Is termed 11 general Hrst. class
play. Of Inlo several very good companies
have appeared but only to fair business, the
plays presented, however, uud the' talented
casts deserving Is-tter houses, Tho "Parlor
Match," as put on Monday night nt Funko's
by Kviins ,V Ilooy, deserved 11 full house, for
the piny nnd actors wero lioth excellent. The
Behsberg opera company, although small In
numbers, gave a very creditable rendition of
L'Kclalre, Thursday evening, but to only 11
fair house. Tho German oktii of Tuesday
evening had only n small nudleiice. Next
week tho FunkcoiMins 11 short summer season
of light comedies, at Hummer prices.
"The IlnJah"at Funko's Satuiday evening
was not very well roeolvisl. Only it small
audience was present, and It was not a very
enthusiastic one. Tho plot Is rather common
place, uud towards tho close somewhat ob
scure. There Is little In tho play to commend
It to tho public, and whllo tho scenery mid
costumes weio very lino, the members of the
compnny hud littlochancoof displaying whnt
over of ability they isissess.
Tho Thalia opera company of Omaha came
dow 11 Tuesday and gave 11 very entertaining
IKjrforiuanco at Funko's In the eenlug. "Dcr
Hummel Fritz" was the iiporn selected for
production, and each mid every member ac
quitted themselves most credlUibly. The plot
of the ojiern turns on tho adventures and es
capades of 11 wild German student, who.ufter
dlsK)sliig of his crop of wild oats, settles
down into a staid married man, Thero are
many pretty bits of comedy in the ploco
which were properly brought out, mid 011 the
whole tho performance was a very enjoynble
ono. It Is to Iki regretted there wero not moie
German siicaking people present, as they
would have boon charmingly entertained.
Tho attraction nt tho Fuuko, Mon day eve'i
tug wns Messrs. Kvmis o. Hcoy, tho very
funny comedians In their laughing success "u
Parlor Mutch." Like unto tho"llog Baby,"
"Tin Boldler,'' and nil of Hoyt's plays, there
is but little plot to it, but what Is lacking In
plot is made up of fun and novel sH-cialtles.
Charles Kvans tut "McCorkor" tho liook agent
is a noble creation of that famous character.
He takes tho part with all that wit nnd humor
that has made tho piece a great hit. "Old
Hoss" in tlio hands of William Hoey was
greatly enjoyed by all and Ids topic bong "I
Forgot," was loudly recalled six times. Thw
musical were all very good and tho
choruses of the company showed excllontly
trained voices. Miss Minnie French, the "In
lioceut Kldd," was nil admired character and
took the purl of the "Captain's Angel Child,"
lu a pleasing manner, ller singing and dan
cing was applauded nnd several times
encored. In nil, the company was one of tho
best seen in Lincoln, each character liellig
well taken, mid the evening affords a clever
Tho Funko contained 11 very small aiidlenco
Thursday evening to see tho Hensberg oK'ra
company lu "L'Kclare." Tho company con
sists of but live people, four on tho stage and
tho pianist. Tlio voices wero all nlxivo tho
average vocalists, but an oera rendered
without a chorus is llku sleigh ridiiigou mini
its slelghrldlug, but under unfavorable cir
cumstances. Tlio company with 11 good
chorus would mnko a lilt, as the principals
are nil very good.
Patrons of the Funko will rememlwr the
very successful entertainment last season, Just
about a j ear ago, of the Kuuice Goodrich
combination during their engagement. Tho
several now plays locently added to tho reper
toire will be presented and each one put on
with particular attention to scenic cITucts,
stage settings, etc.
Shaking of the company's nppcnr-uco lu
Sioux City tho Journal says; "The Kuuice
Goodrich combination made its Hat npja-ai
mice In tills city last night lu tho "Pearl of
buvoy," n druiuii of considerable merit. 1 he
high uppicclatlon of the audience was owncod
by tho close attention manifested throughout
the whole rendition, and tho hearty applause
and encores frequently given, the company
iKdng among the strongest that has of late
visited Bioux City.
Miss Goodrich displays umeh versatility ns
mi actress, (lossesslng both musU-nl nlnlit.v
and histrionic power, which ure varied and
of a much higher order than that of the slur
uctrcsscs who nro accustomed to visit this
section. But iu an uetn-ss sho excels, having
n pleasing manner, clearandpuroenuucliition,
and a combination of those qualities requisite
in 11 good uctress. In tlio fouith net, wiien
rcocivini: her father's curso. the scene is In-
J deed alfectlug, mid the acting jiovsesseil merit
of a high order."
. Grand Mntlueo Saturday afternoon. Prices
during tho engagement 10, 20 and JJ0 cent.
A. M. Palmer has secured by cable tho
I Amei lean rights to Piueo's latest pIuy,"Hwoet
1 1iender," which is mm-miming succcwfully
1 in London.
I This Is tho time of iheyear when th actor
gets an ad. by writing to tho pniers that lie
has heim offei od mi engagement w It h the Booth
J.anvtt Loinpaiiy for next season.
Fanny DaveiiHii tVengiigement at the hand
some .New Broadway Theatre, is neai uy its
end, and "IjiToscu" will positively be will.,
draw 11 after the performance of the ewnln0'-
Mary Andeison's cloiug night at t he Ljco
uin, Imdou, Knghiud, was a triumphant tin
Ish to a brilliant and prolltnblo season. The
theatre was packed. Mlv, Andoisou win re
called four times, and dm lug the evening a
congratulatory cablegram to Miss Andeison
was received from San Fraucisv-o from Hooth
mid Barrett.
P. I). Coin-teat Oakley"!. Co'..
Tho following translation nf "America"
Inlo Volopuk, read nt tho last lueetlngof
tho society by Mr. W. J. Bryant
Katun oblk, ola,
Ulna imilk lib,
Ola knn'tob,
Lit n ko'p fats ndo'loms,
Visltehis ple'iln
LHn, do allk holcm,
U'lo.1 lib T'flii.
Fntlln oblk, oil.
Ullilile men liblk,
Neml infob,
Fotlso smnls'lls;
A; hid oblkgnlom
An das Whi.
Fat oblk, (bslOle,
Oi Huknio IIIhi,
(lie kau'toln,
lllinomiM Mu uldlk
ICo libit lit sllllk
Jeind fastenllil ol's,
(Iixl, Hegobslk.
Wonderful anil lnteri'slliif,
Thero Is now on exhibition at Ihostoro room
iwently vncnlisl by A.I). Gullo, 1210 O street,
ono of most Interesting subjwls of the ago. It
Is a collection of Arizona intitules cnnnlstlug of
four grown MrsotiK mid 11 child. These st range
Msplo worn found lu u cave near tho river
(Hla In Arlona close to the border of Mexico,
and according to sclentllti' skill they have
Is en thero for over 2,(XKI yearn, Thoy lire
from 11 class of peoplo who wero in Unit
period n proscrnus iluss. mid history 1 uveitis
the fact that thoy wtron gieat nation. Tim
subjects are wondei fully preservisl, the skin,
hair uud expression of face being plainly vis
ible. IecturrH made every afternoon uud even
ing are Instructive and full of Intel est. Tho
manager has autographic Idlers from such
prominent Ks)plo as Pi of. Henry Wind, of
Hochestor; Prof II. W. Hiirkuess, president
academy of science, Han FiiiiicInco; Prof.
Iluncroft, historian nnd author of "Native
HnccM, etc;" Ivdmuud Carey, French consul
general, mid others testify to its great discov
ery. Ladles aro admitted at If, cents. General
admission !W touts. Tho management will
refund money if not genuine mid ns repre
sented. These natural curiosities nro on their
way to tho National museum nt Washington,
I). C, and every one should sco them Ixiforo
thoy lenvu the city.
HMH.'ial arrangements have been mado with
the publlcschools, and many of tho scholars
uud teachers will attend.
Iliilni; IlruuiMtlealljr.
William Carlclou has engaged Paulino Hall
for his summer season of comlo oKra In Bal
timore. This will make the Cailetoii Oporu
-niniNiny exceedingly Htroiijf, Cnrleton nml
Hall should draw llko a porous plaster.
In Miss Klllo Kllslor's uow play, which w
Iki produced ut tho .Madison Hqunro thivitre,
New York, next month, Mc.wr. Frank Hangs,
K. A, Viiuderbllt and William I.icknyo, Miss
May Wolcottnud Mrs. K. L. DaveiiH)rt will
It is now positively announced Hint Chuva
ller Bloudln, the fiiumus tight rojio walker,
will spjienr at St, Georgo's, Staten Island,
only, this summer. Imro Klrnlfy has ar
rauged to run special excursion trains from
nil parts of tho country.
Miss ICato Forsytho Is now on her way to
America after several months' pleasure seek
ing In I'.uroo, It is presumed that shu will
rumme her starring tour next season, as she
has plenty of money to back hersolf and has
probably picked up somo novelties in tho way
of plays during her stay abroad.
Hvery season, ulong with tho glnnt straw
berry and blood curdling sen scrient stories,
comes tho inevitable yarn nlsnit tho alleged
minor of nu engagement between Iittn uud
tho Incumbent of tho isnltlon atjrunrirem(
rre in her company. Tills year, ns usual, tho
story Is promptly on hand. As before, it Is
not true.
The Vlid Is sisters, who nro appearing lu
Imro Klrnlfy's "Mazulni the Night Owl," nro
creating 11 sensation everywhere they upfH-ar,
uud their jicrllous aerial exercises aro consid
ered really marvellous. Considerable discus
sion has arisen ns to tha height from which
the younger of tho sisters dive. It Is said,
that tho average heightli from which she.
dives is between seventy-flvo and eighty feet.
Miss Vfadis tins often mado the dive over 100
feet in Kuropo, Tho performance Is certainly
JWWJClZZ' kMm V.I ? F-w s-sssls-s--'xs9 J
' Milili
Cornelius (forgetting hlmsolf) You will bo
n sister to mo' A $10 sleigh rldo this after
uoon, a box nt the opera to-night, supper at
Delmoiilco'sand ncRb homo I A sister tome?
Great Scott! Whnt kind of a fool human
being do you tako 11 brother to bof Life.
,Int No.
Wlfo (nffectlonstcly) How's your rheuma
tism this morning, John?
Husband Pretty bad, my dear, pretty
Wlfo Why don't you try tho mind curol
Husband Thero ain't anything tho matter
with my mind; It's my Joints. -.
Muili-rii Woodmen Note..
Tlieollleiiil organ of this onior, tlio AV10,
rejMirts ls.iKJO memlieiu
Nebraska has over 1,100 iiunilH'm, ami now
rumm aro organized evorj uiuiith.
Over l.lfiOuiemlK'rs weio inumtisj during
the mouth of March lu the entire order.
Capital City cnmpisii'cetvingqulteii mini
1st of now applications nt its regular meet
N. Noble, I). II. C, It now oigauiiing
a camp at Hebron.
A-vsessiiient No. .1 wns aillisl the first of the
month. Out ot It will bo imld $3,000 No
brasku claims.
Pnif. 1). Nell Johnson, consul of Capital
City camp was on tho sick list last meeting
night, but has Imm-ii nblo to beaix)iindth.i jsist
w eek.
Thn CIiikIiik I'nrtjr of the I'leiMiut Hour
Club on Knjoyiiblii ArTnli,
Thursday evening tho list party of tho
Pleasant Hour club series wns held at Iho
Windsor hotel, and wns an nlfalr worthy of a
larger city. Kvory one felt lu gissl spirits
nnd a most enjoyable limn was had,
Those present wero Misses Latin, Dickey,
Holmes, Puukn, Iceland, Moore, Hatdy mid
Hawkins, and Messrs, l'tulst, .ehrimg,
Hardy, Wright, Foresnuui, Badger, ltnlsknll,
llaiiin, Brown, Hlchter, Hawkins mid Kings
ley, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyden, Mr. and Mrs.
Wlloy, Mr. and Mrs, Huekstnir, Mr. and
Mm Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Heeson, Mrs, 1 H.
Thompson of Omaha.
Tho I'oslumes wero very pretty. MIsm
Dlekey wore white mid pink silk with pink
roses; Miss t.ittn old rose rloth with gold
build, white roses; Miss Funko whlto silk,
pink rows; Miss Holmes nllo green nnd
whllo silk, wllji rod roses; Miss Haw
kins bluo cashmere with lace uud pink roses;
Miss U'lnnd white brocade silk and yellow
loses; Miss Mooorn black silk; Miss Hardy
steel colons! cashmere; Mrs, llnyden whlto
cushmero; Mrs Hurkstnir pink silk, black
laco overdress and risl carnations; Mrs
Wlloy whllo silk anil pearl beads; Mrs, Fos
ter green silk with bla'-k laco overdress; Mrs.
Heeson blown brocaded silk, Mrs. K. H.
Thoniisou of Omaha, whlto albatroiw cloth
with golilhrnld,
A very llnoi'xhlblllon on the Irloyclowas
alfordot thn members of tho club by Deacon
Brown. This U'lng III. debut Mr. B, wns
slightly embarrassed, Isilng a bashful young
man, but under thu circumstances hodld very
'I he 1'ootn of Now Yurli.
Wcnllliy New Yorker Ha, ha, lint Isn't
It funny? Tho Idea of a smart man llko Marsh
thinking his pictures wero painted by spirits.
Hn, ha I
American Artist Very funny. I sco you
have Just paid $20,000 for u little picture with
tho name of thn noted nuropcau artist Do
Boers 011 It.
"Yes, It's 11 gem. Did you meet tho great
Do Beers in your travels abroad I"
"Yes; ho helssl mo out of n tight placo
by buying that picture of mo. I painted it,"
Omaha World.
Corn for Colils.
K IBi'irmh
Wi G5fA7stl
n Wi - (A?f
(fl-01 4 1
il I ini lPBP Bvn3l
J n '-i-
Citizen My wife and I havo both got
cold, doctor. Whnt ought wo to tokof
Physician Flaxseed lcmonodo I gonrrally
Cltlwn-Tlinnks; how much will It bo?
Physician Four dollars, plcnso, $2 apiece,
New York Him.
An Opening for Her.
"I doclaro, I'm entirely disheartened. I've
been trying to rise in tho world for years,
and failed, mid still 1 am only a servant
"How much do you want to work nt my
houso V
"Oh, I don't know. Why?"
" You're just the girl I want. I sco by what
you say you don't light tho Hro with kero
seno." Nebraska State Journal.
Cliuncr- In tlia Hoy's Favor.
Lnndlndy (swell lwardlng house) Havo
you any children, madam I
Applicant (meekly) Only ono, a llttlo boy,
and ho is very sickly,
Lnndlady (dubiously) I hardly know what
to say, madam. Somo if thoso sickly chil
dren often linger a long Mine, you know, nnd
I don's llko to tako any craiice. Now York
To Kavo Trouble
Husband (In tho early morning) Whnt
aro you going through myjiockcU for, my
Wifo A llttlo change, John.
Husband Havo you no monoy of your
J own?
Wife Yes; but it Is innch cosier to fltxl a
I man's ixokct, John, than n woman's. Har
per's Bazar.
Kindly rixt-d.
Jlaglstrato What's tho charge?
' Witness Tho prisoner is my husband, npd
I bo hasn't given a cent toward the stiport of
1 his family for six months,
I Magistrate Havo you any money?
j Prisoner I've (,-ot ? 10.
Mnglstrato 'feu dollars' flue. Next case.
Omaha World.
Not familiar to lllm.
Guest (In nsidlng nxjni of hotel, to
stranger) F.xemo me, sir, but will you
t kindly tell mo how to sjiell embariassinentl
Stranger (n Chicago drununer) ll-ni em
' barrnssment. I don't know tho word, sir,
French, Isn't it (Now York Hun.
A Town Milllsnt'd.
Passenger tat railway station, to native)
I say, stranger, this town seems to bo n quiet
sort o' plmxi; not much going on.
Native Wi 11, I duiiiio 'Unit that, mister.
There's nil'ig Hj,ht on fer to-night, nu' wo
had tluvo funerals last week.- Texas
Slftings. ,
Ho leu III Own Work.
"Yes," he kiiiI, "I'm thixL I've spent tho
whole ilay practicing on iv tyo writer ma
chine, and 1: s hard work,"
"I thought you employed a typo writer?"
"Yes, but I married her." New York
(tco::riip!iy lu Illnrhvllle,
Toucher I havo hero 11 hemisphere, which
is half .' u 1 i-nngo. Now, what ltnvo I?
Pro!.. ' .!a A hntr ob n ownge, Miss
Knte ,.i Cracker.