Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 14, 1888, Image 8

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'V'''"'",-4-' tft 1.
A JV;miir Ji;vr of Moiltrn Tim.
Saturday Evening, April 14, 1888,
Cor. I Oth & P.
Tlii Ciiurlrr Van Iin I'titiiul At
AVImlmr Hold News Wand,
Onillil Unlet News Maud,
Odolt's DIiiIiik Hnll Nrwn Htand.
Clnmni A Fletcher's, Hill O Htrcot.
A. T. IcmliiR A (Vs., Ilim O Htrcot.
The Cliithoin NowsHlatid, IIS Hoiith lllh HI.
Kolth llros., tit Nnilh lltli Hired.
Norton to Aivi:itTtHi:ttH.
Advertisers urn iciuicstnl to send In thol
favors ns early iin posiilhlc, not Inter thiiu four
o'clock Friday afternoon, iin tlio Cntiiuuit
rock to press that evening Wliun ordering
your advertisement out drop tlio business
lunuiiKci a card. Tlio collector Isupttn fors'ot
tucli orders, mid compliance with tills reiptcsl
vrlll savo iin troublo mid yourself nnuoyuueo.
WonradallynddliiK to our list of subscribers,
employing a nimi especially for Hint nolo pur
poc,nud claim thalusun advertising medium
tlio CouutKIt In unexcelled,
Children and Hoy's
Straw Hats.
Hatter and Furnisher,
it 37 O Street.
Whltolireast Coul mid Lltuo Coiniwiny.
Bilks, Ashby t Sllllspuiigh.
Fans, fans, fans ut Oakley & Co'h.
Delicious lunches at Hrown's CaM.
Spring wrajw, Ashhy & Sllllaugh.
Flno dress goodi, Asliby & Mlllinugh,
Oysters, fresh, fnt and lino ut Hrown's.
Ask your grocer for homo tnnilo bread.
Smoke Club Room ctgnr. llurr block,
Novelties In dross silks at Onkloy it: Co'h.
Mitts ami party gloves ut Onkloy & Co'h.
Trickoy & Co., wholesale and retail Jewelers,
Kern & Rolerts,dentIst2:i Alexander Illk.
Don Cameron, lftW O street, for lunches
Kid glove, latest novelties, nt Onkloy &
Thousand mllo ticked for sale nt 115 South
Tenth street.
Pure, llnst-closs goods nt Hotts & Sowoll's,
.20 O stroof.
Oysters in every stylo, fino nnd fresh, nt
Don Cameron's.
Our May Loo So cigur is tlio bot In tlio city.
Try it. llurr block.
Canon City Conl again nt tlio 'Whitebrcast
Coal mid IJmo Co.
Tako tlio Elkhoru linos, Oinnha train leav
ing Lincoln nt7n. in.
After tho club parties, go to Hrown's now
cafo for n delicious lunch.
Canned goods of every description nt Hotts
& 80 well's, 11S0 O street.
Botts & Sowell nro headquarters for flno
groceries, nt HiW O street.
Sinoko tho Club Room elgnr inado by Ha
vanah cigar factory, Uurr lilock.
Before Insuring look up tho Mutual Life
Insurance Company of Now York.
ThoMIssourl Taciflo railroad ntn free reclin
ing chair cam on all through trains.
Roast Turkey, Goose, and all kinds of meats
at Don Cameron's every day for dinner.
Parasols, sun umbrellas, gold nnd (diver
handles, lowest prices, at Oakley & Co's.
Finest lino of smokers' meerschaum nrticles
nt tho Havana cigar factory, llurr block.
Monarch nnd Lincoln brand of canned
goods at Hotts & Howell's, ll'JO O street.
811k wrap Henriettas in tho most exquisite
shades nro shown by Athhy & Slillspaugh.
Doctor II. F. ltalloy, olllco and residence
cor. of Thirteenth and Q streets. Tel. 017.
Now Indian bilks opened this week.
Seasonable fruits of all kinds nro sxclal
ties at Holts & Bowell's, grocers, ll'JO 0
Imiwrted smoking tolioccos, finest made, to
be had only at Havana cigar factory, llurr
Tickets to points in Kansas, Missouri and
tickets via Omaha on salo at Klkhom otllco,
115 80. 10th St.
Tho Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Now
York. W. H. Hastings, District Agent,
room 53, llurr block.
Messrs. Ashhy & Mlllspaugli tliowan extra
flno lino of hummer underwear this season,
including bilk, llslo and cotton. Their 83c.
vest is a great bargain.
Miss Anna "W. Hawkins has returned from
licr trip to Denver nnd reports n most delight
ful time. Wlillo there sho wns entertained
by Mrs. J, H. McClure and tho Misses Mlmiio
nnd Nolllo Lett, tho latter formerly of Lin
coln. AVhllu in Denver Miss II. attended tho
grand jubileo ball given nt tho Tabor oiern
house. This was onoof the' grandest event
in tho history of Denver. Twenty thousand
ylsitors were present ami 20,000 wns raised
to perfect arrangements.
Lost. '! don't know whero, I ain't tell
when, I don't soo how something of great
vnlue to mo, nnd for tho return of which I
shall bo truly thankful, viz. : a good appetite."
Found. "Health and strength, pure blood,
an appetite like that of a wolf, regular, ilfge.
tlon, all by taking that popular and ieoullar
medicine, Hood's BarsaiMirilla. I want every
body to try it this season." It is sold by all
druggUta. Ouo hundred doses one dollar.
Inrowrll Vlill Party.
Tho winter iwrles of parties given by the
Whist ('lull chxod with tho gathering of
WeduiiNliiy uveulng, on which occasion the
club was royally entei tallied by .Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Zeliner nt tlielr iK'iiullful home, corner
Kuuitcciith and N eti-iM'tN, All inei!'i-H,
twelve In number, were piiwut ami an Inter
(wtlug time waft enjoyed. Tlieclub wasor
gaulrel last fall nnd on each Tlimxlay even
ing, (except tint last, which waH chnngnd ow
lug to the DiMith Ilarrct npMarauce,) have
held tegular inivtlngN for tho pui'ixwoof paw
ing the evening In playing whist. Tho mem
bernhlp eomprK'H a limited number, an even
doen, who am as follons:
Mr. and Mrs, N. l Aldnitt, Dr. nnd Mrs.
i:. It. Appelget, Mr. and Mm L. V. llurr,
Mr. mid Mrs. C V. llurr, Mr. mid Mis. N. (!.
Ilrock, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Zi'liner, Sir. and
.Mix .1 II. Ilnrley, Sir. mid Mis. I,. Helskell,
Sir. mid Sirs. V. SI. Hull, Sir. mid Sirs. J. ('.
Slellrldn, Mr. and Sirs. V. J. Marshall, Sir.
mid Sirs, A. C. Cat.
An tlioorgnnlfutlou for tho past Was ho
Micccssfiil mid thooccasloiift no very pleasant,
It was decided to reorganise for the coining
season at once, ami accordingly tho following
went elected as ollleeis: President, Sirs, C.
C. llurr; secretary, Sirs, .1. C. Slcllrlde; nnd
treasurer, Sirs, L, Helskell, There will lm 110
tegular Hirelings until oNnliig of tho fall
season, but it In cxcctcd that an (K'cnslonal
meeting will I hi called by tho president.
lleiuiird to Heller l.oeiilliin,
l'oiomo time past SIIsn .IoIiiiMoii has been
nrrrtliRliiK to remove her hair dn'sslng estab
lishment from tho fourth floor of tlio Itleh
ord'H block, to her now location, which It the
westsldoof Sirs. Uospor's tnllllnory stoiv. In
tho now place Sliss lohnstoii has ample iaco
facilities totraiiHiiet her constantly Increasing
business nnd Is now prepared to carry on the
Industry on a larger scale, thus giving Ixttcr
satisfaction to all, In tho short time Sliss
Johnston lias Urn located in Lincoln, her cir
cle of friends has constantly Increased,
and tho business thu lady has built ii In cer
tainly creditable to her. Desiring to please
each individual at all tlmes.hiiN been t ho motto
of her success and thus wo Hud Sliss Johnston
has the custom of tlio very Uncut, audeliotoest
patrons of both Lincoln and the surrounding
ten Itory.
In tlionowstore, which i HI I O street, SI Ini
Johnston carries a tuoreexteuslve Hue of hair
dressing articles, etc. The assortment of
switchesand bangs coniprlsiw a varied line of
tho latcutgooitN, lu any shade or color. Wigs
forall classic, ageM and complexion. AVhllo
in the way of head ornaments there are nu
merous k Inds and styles, pretty enough for tho
(ptiH'ti, and nmong them wouotlco 'hem made
up with gurnets, thine stones, nmlior combs,
turtle shell and various others. It Is but 110
eesHary for ladles lu search of nnythlng in this
Hue to call and we what Is to ls N-eunnd they
w ill certainly secure what Is desirable, late in
style and liccomlug.
Ah in the jxist, Slks Johnson will pay par
t limine, attention to the hair dressing depart
inent, which Is under her personal supervl
slon.aiid from the reputation established hero
tofoto among our lending ladles, Sliss JoIiuh
ton'Hrun of castom will certainly contluuo to
Increase, Having studusl tho art of dressing
the hair for a number of years In tho wist, and
keeping generally ported oil the styles of
hair drowsing, her work Is always found to
Iks neat, tasty mid up with the times.
All sorts of iierfuiiiM mid toilet nrticles
and manicures sets Hud a place in the store,
and are sold at reasonable prices. All ladies
are Invlttsl to call at tho now ipinrters and
nsoet tho stock, stylos and various attrnct
nrticlcsMtss Johnston olIeiH for sale.
To l'eoplo AVInt Knterliiln.
Society people arranging for jmrtles, Ixills
weddings, receptions or anything In this lino,
should luscct our elegant line of stationery
and printed novelties used on such occasions.
Wo have JiiHt txcelved our new fall line of
elegant Iwll programs, Invitations for wed
dings, parties, etc., anuoitnceiuents, folders,
calling canls and In fact everything hi this
Sir. Will K. Clarke left on an eastern hip
Saturday atteruooii.
Sirs. J. D. Knight arrived home Sunday af
ter a very pleasant visit in the east.
Sir. John SI. llurks and wife returned Hun
day from a two mouths' stay In California.
The Volupulk society met in tho Y.M. C.A.
rooms Mwnday evening. A very pleasant ses
sion was held.
Sir. "W. W. Holmes has recoverel from his
recent attack, nnd may once nioro be seen in
the busy haunts of men.
Tho Lincoln lVess club meets on "Wednes
day evening next nt 8:!i0. Duslness of impor
tance, let every one turu out.
Hon. John Fitrgerafd has received from
lox; Ieo XIII. a leautifulgold modal in rec
ognition of his services nnd devotion to tho
Catholic church. Tho gift is highly prized.
Sliss Stargaret Halrd visited lu tho city
Thursday as tho guest of her sister, Sirs. A.
8. Raymond, attending tho Hooth-Harrett
performance that evening and returning
homo yesterday.
Hon. John Fitgornld and wife were called
to Chicago Sunday by 11 telegram announc
ing tho death of Sir. F.'s sister, Sirs. Fahey.
Tho lady resided at O'Neill City, and wns in
Cliicngo receiving trentment.
Attention of our ladles Is called to tho ad
vertisement, on eighth jiage, of Joyce, tho
ellto milliner of Omaha. Many Lincoln la
dles get all their hats and Ixmnet there, nnd
speak highly of this iopular place.
Sir. E. R. Smith, for a long tlmo connected
with tho Capital National lank,left this week
for Oandy, Lognn county, whero ho takes tho
management of tho Iognn county Iwnk, of
which ho is joint owner with Mr. w. H. Hum
"Tho Zollao" Is the name of n now lltcrnry
club formed this week-, lhe niembeiv nro:
SHsses Minnie Oaylord, Illancho DoWltt,
Helen Hoover, Helen Gregory, Hottlo Rhnw,
Nellie riniham, Ienn Erb, May and Slinnlo
Slellck, Uesio Freeman, Nellie Eddy and Ella
Sliss Hawkins gave her scholars a iKin-ton
party on last Saturday aftcruooa. Tho
children were highly pleased and many vlsl
tors were present. Lincoln society ladles And
this a very Pleasant resort for Saturday aftor-
noons, as it is very interesting to watch tho
little ones dance.
Spider Swortzcll is making his mark nl
ready. In ft recent gamo lietween tho Kan
sos City and Chicago twins Swartzell held
tho old champions down to nine hits, striking
out the great Anson, and tho game was lost
to tho cowboys by a scratch. The score was
4 toil in favor of Chicago,
Sir. T. Kelly of Winnipeg, is in tho city on
business connected with the bids for paving
tlio streets of Lincoln, and in connection with
Sir. J. A O'Shen of this city nnd n resident
of Lincoln for twelve yenrs,havo placed their
bid, with good prospects of securing the con
tract. Air. iveliy is (piiie uuaiuaica Willi
Lincoln and will locite here in tho near
Rich food, and lack of exerciso, during tlio
winter months, causes tho system to becomo
torpid and tlio blood impure. A dose or two
of St. Patrick's pills will cleanse and IiivIr
orate tho system, purify tho blood and do
more good than a dollar bottlo of blood puri
fier. ForsalobyW. J. Turner.
Next l.essiiu fur Student to I'mpnri'.
Nouns hiiiI Adjeetltes.
The Nebraska Volnpuk Hocloty held Hn reje
ular Id-weekly meeting at tlio Y. M.C. A.
Iccturo room Monday ovfiiIiik, April tit ti. The
next liieellng will take place Monday evening
April Mil.
Tho following Is a synopsis of the lesson
Klvcii by Prof. A. II. Edirrcn, mid members of
the society are reiiested to lenm the matter
contained In this lesion fur tho tioxt meetliiK.
lcnru tlio rules lu Doiiibueli'M grammar,
(furnished by any olllcer.)
I. Nouns nro used In 11 trrmlnul or ili'jlnilr
sense without any preceding ill tide. Hence
fat may mean father, a father, or the father.
Notk. An liiilellnlto nitlclo may Imj used
optionally, unnlitil (of arm, some, and lull,
one) some one n. Ex. Semlml iikiii, 11 man.
C, All nouns me subject to the following
variation or Inflect Ion of form
a. They may bo used lu four cases, vU;
iVumftififfrf, (wlien deslgliatillg th'i subject
about which something is asserted) dVni'dYr,
(when designating 11 ixwsessor, or the "of" ro
latlon) DnHvi', (when designating a relative
slgnlllisl by "to" or "for") and At mtUve
(when deslguntiiig the direct object of an ac
tion.) Tlio Nominative, (lenitive nnd Dative are
formed by adding rcsiccilvrly it, e, f to tho
word as wu Hud It lu tho vocabulary, which
Is the Nominative form. Hence Jul, rather,
(as agent), if, father's or of the father.
full', to or for tholfather, fat I, father, as the
direct object.
b. Tho noun may txi ttssl in .S'nimi(tr(whon
denoting only 0110 thing) or I'lmiit (when re
ferring to several things). The plural Is
formed by adding to the rcqulml case form,
thus: ds, fathers, aldn, fathers' or of tho
fathers, etc.
0. Hence tho full inflection ofitf U:
N. i (the, a) father.
(J, i((i, (the, a) father's or of (the, a)
I), life, to (tho, a) father.
A. fiitt (the, a) father.
N. fnln (the) fathers.
O. fdlim, (the) fathers' or of (the) fathers.
1). ftitra, to (tho) fathers.
A. fall, (the) fathers.
Notk. In the same way are Inflected all
Instead of the (lenitive and Dative signs
ti and 1; tho preiMisltlous iff, of, nnd (if, to,
may lo used with common nouns, and must
Iki used with proer nouns. Hence,
. (). fain, or friif , meaning as above.
D. fnlf, ov ill fnt, ineatiiiig as above.
80 likewise in plural, but only:
O, 1I1' John,
I). 11 John.
8. All nouns are masculine, except thoso
denoting feinnle Wings. These nro usitnlly;
iiiRimguisnisi irom me ninscuitties simply ny
tho prefix.
yfi-n, friend, of-jtm, female friend.
KXKUCIHi: t. (A. II.)
.if, fatlier.
(fmii, house,
Hdif, garden.
mot, mother, link, Ixxik.
Imtil, brother, h 1, tree.
o-M(i(f,slstor. ;m1), pajHT.
son, win. ;icn, mii.
ii-soii,daughtor. jwnvil, letter.
Jim, friend. iii'(, Ink.
of-Jli'n, friend (font.) nvif, knife.
tiilfl, teacher. xtili, pencil.
Inlfl, merchant. niihi, money
olilh, my, ollk,ty (yours)
r, (or Ixjforo vowel, f0 and.
XfOTE. tlio three jiersons 01 a vert) aro
forniwl by adding no, I, of, thou, 0111, ho (of
she) and iiJm, wo, oh, you, cutis (os) they, to
the verb-stem, I litis, Inb, havo:
1, liitiali, I havo. Inlmlis, wo have.
0. Iiiliol, thou hast. Intuits, you have.
1. llli'i'iii, uu mis, Kimiiiiff, 1 ,,, ,,,.
i,.i..,f i. i...u ;;.., !. ' ,niei liao
So all other verbs, llkct bin, lie, jillA1, speak,
ff r, give, etc.
Notk !). In addressing H'rsons, it is licstto
use always thesecund person singular (though
also the sucoud person plural as in English
may Ikj used).
A. 1. tfif r nor, L. Lnboli fall e inoff.
!l. iMlmfbtoili. 1. Mnof of-blml vtik; fi. Sim
fntn, tl. .cif)fi buktjlrna (or of Jleu), 7.
I.11I10I, Imkis JleniM. 8. IWIntb Ji-Jlenfi. II.
(lirom mimi of-btoih', 10. Uirolis ;m1;ii r
tifs ci-Koii. 11. Fill obtk Inborn ilomi fi (adi.
l'J. Sons olik lobonm IixiiiIh ))enin e uiyl. V,i.
(tivoh itfneilh Jlenf or ill Jlfn) obik, li.
Lnbobn buki tlo Schleirr. IS. llinom Jtrn
obik, 10. Ji'noni bloilx
11. Thu houso; a house; to tho house; tho
hous"s. 'J Tho brother nnd the sister. .1. I
havo n brother and a sister. Wo nro brother
and sister. 5. Tho brother's and tho sister's
liook. 0. Yottr father's son. 7. I give my
ix.111 to my son. 8. Sly friend lias a garden,
t). Sly lady friend has houses and gardens.
10. Your sons have pajwr, x.'iis and ink. 11.
He sx?aks to the brother mid tho sister. 1'.'.
They siK-nk to tny friends,mid I sjKMik to your
friend. 111. You have a garden and treis.
1 1, Tho sous of your friend have houses and
money. IB, Ho gives my teacher (1. .. to
tny teacher) n jwn and n knife. 10. Tho mer
chant hasliooks, pai?r, eiis and Ink. 17.
Tho sous of your friend have houses and
money. 18. She gives a letter to my father.
10. AVe sixjuk to your teachers.
0. The adjectives, all ending lu ik (Clernmii
ich and English are fnmridMc, as lu
English, except when used as nouns, when
they nro declined as such. They nro always
placed after their noun. Thus,
lAibub fntl rnoti. bukis, etc.) gmllk, I
haven good fatlier (mother, liooks, etc.)
10. Tho conitmrntlve (higher degree) nnd
siiKiiintlvo (highest degree) nro fornusl by
siilllxlng ma nnd flu respectively. Thus.
(hut it;, good; mnllkiim, lKtter; cmfArfiii,
lxst;iimi7.-l fumous;(iiiiiA-ii)ii,inore famous,
ftimiki'm, most famous.
11. As (or so) , . . as is rendered by so . . .
Ad and than tiy Act. Thus:
Jlinuli no milk A'd 01a, I nm ns good as ho;
lllnob fiiulikiim kit mil, I am hotter than he.
EXERCISE II. (a. 11.)
liuillk, goodness.
bail, badness.
ulH, greutness,
siiidf, sinallness.
tniilik, gixsl,
biiilik, Iiad.
lltftlk, great.
itmnlik, small.
fiunik, famous.
10i'A', painful.
Ihulk, rich,
piifik, ixxir.
nuinlk, manly.
(ItiMilik, golden.
nilrfik, silvery.
. kojifillk,
Ictlk, Iron,
01, thou, ollk, thy, O111,
nm, fame.
tfof, iiln.
litil, richness.
jiftf, poverty.
mini, man.
ivia, woman,
yolCul, gold,
xtlrf, silver.
Aopc, copjier.
Id, Iron.
it. t ,j.:i. .....
ho, omiA', his; etc. etc.
Ibitertalncil 111 Cards.
The spurious nnd eleualit residence of Mr.
and Mrs, A. H, Itaymoml, corner .Seventeenth
and It streets, Mas the scene m a Very pleas
ant leathering Inst ecnlhk', the feature of the
occasion being an entertainment at euchre.
Owing to tlielr laruG circle of friends, tho
host and hoslfiiN toiind It necessary, to con
veniently entertain all, lo receive llieni on
tw evenings. Last evening sixteen couples
enjoyed the ptolt'ered hospitality nnd loulghl
a second parly will ls given toother friends.
Light tables wero tilled and the Interest tin
abated kept llm pnslelxiards lu constant use
until Into In tho evening. The Invited guests
for this occasion werei
Mr.niul Mrs. (J. ('. llurr, Mr. and Mrs. L. O.
llurr, Mr. and Mrs. Kostcr.Mr. ami Mrs. Hiiy
den, Mr.and Mrs. MoMurtry, Mr and Mrs.
L. ('. Itlchards, Mr. and Mrs. Hurley, Mr.
and Mrs. Shelilou, Mr. and Mrs. Hiicltstull',
Mr. and Mrs. Mulr, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert
sou, Mr. and Mrs. Mlllspauwh. Mr. and Mrs.
Ashliy, Mr. and Mrs. O. It. Oakley, Mr. and
Mrs. It. It. Oaklty,aud Mr. and Mrs. MoKar
hind. The score ctuds wore somewhat dlll'eieut
fiiiiii thoso generally used, and the general
arrangement of the all'alr Masall that could
ho conducive to the pleasure of the bursts.
The Swedn Hall.
Masonic Teniplo presented a live appear
ance Wednesday evening, on which occnslon
the HhccIIhIi literary and social cluli ga
their llrst hop. The membership, comprising
- couples, were all present and enjoyed an
evening's pleasure, which had additional
charms by being favored with the excellent
music of the Philharmonic orchestra, Tho
arrangements Mere well taken care of by
Messrs. .1 E Kcaholm, Y Ilostrniii ami II Nor
lln, wltli Mr. Warner as masier of ceremo
nies. Pirn niiaeoiit lent AsxirlHtliiu,
The meeting of the t'. H. 1'. A. will ho held
111 Lincoln May nth, nth mid lot li In llnhunuu
hall. Tho exhibits promise to bo very line,
miimifaeturcrs having signified their Inten
tion or having rcpicscutntlvcs present. One
and one-third faro will he charged on all rail
roads. The program will he about as follows:
A Tho meeting will he called to ordcrattwo
o'clock Tuesday, May Kth, at llolinnau'slmll,
In the evening, a lecture at tho Htuto Labora
tory. Wo have also tho assurance that there
will ho it good hill 011 the boards at Kuuke's
opera house.
Wednesday morning and afternoon, eon-
tliiunnee of the meeting. At II o'clock p.m., a
grand hall will bo given by the Llneolndiiig
gists lu honor of the visiting members. This
no doubt, will he a great attraction, nnd a
Kood time Is anticipated for the reason, the
committee Isdoltig all lu lis power to have
everything in r.mdlness and assure all who
attend an evening of pleasure.
Thursday morning and afternoon, continu
ation ortho meeting. At li o'clock p. ina
banquet at tho Windsor hotel.
.Several Important ('Iiiiiikcs.
Sir. A. C. Cass, for several years resident
miyAngcrln this city for tho Whltebreast Coat
& Mtnriij Co., returned from Denver tho llrst
of tlno week, where ho has lx-en looklnir tin
his fottirojlold of lalxir ami residence. Our
citizens in general win regret to learn that
MrixCns and family nro alxMit to leave Liu
cote and remove to tho Capital City of our
sister state, mid such being tho case "will ex
tend to Sir. and Sirs. Case Ixjst wishes for
a pleasant and prolltablo future. Mr. Cass
bikes charge of tho company's Interest in
Denver, while Ids successor hero will lxj his
present faithful right Ixmor.Slr. J. T. Stobbs,
who is thoroughly oxerioiieod mid comix;
tent to conduct the business of tho olllco, and
will tako the management ulxittt the llrst
of Slay, when tho headquarters of the
Whltcbrcist company will bo located in tho
store room now lelng vacated by Sir. Wohl
enhcrg, the clgnr dealer. The now place w ill
lx handsomely fitted up with tho finest of of
fice fixtures, furnishings, etc., and when
completed will lxj the nobbiest coal olllco lu
the city.
To Mr. Cuss, tho retiring manager, wo ex
tend our regret nt having to lose him, who
has sttxsl prominent in enterprise and uuiotig
the foremost of our business men, while to
tho now manager wo give the greeting of
friendly welcome and trust his career will be
equally as pleasant and profitable as that or
his predecessor.
V Pot Pourrl nl' Pacts.
Americans receive mom attention abroad
than any other nationality.
Walters in Switzerland, at fashionable
places, siKNik French, English and tienniiu.
Were it not for the American tourists one
half of the hotels abroad would bo closed.
To obtain a desirable seat at tho theater
abroad, ladles aro obliged to remove their
l'assengers whouro not HI during n storm
nt sea, aro looked uixm as "unlklng won
ders." Any 0110 becoming intoxicated on board an
ocean steamer is conducted without ceremony
to tho cooler.
Ushers in all theaters abroad aro young
girls (maids) who wear white caps, ami servo
you Ices and wine between tho acts.
Captains of ocean stwumcrs nro not allowed
to carry any relative, on their steamer for
fear of li, attention to other imssengers in case
of accident.
New, Neat ami Nohliy.
The now St. Cloud dining rooms, which
wero opened to the public are proving suc
cessful from tho start. Tho place Is neatly
arraiigcd.haudsomcly fitted up and tho viands
served are tho lxst that can lx) procured,
A peep at the kitchen shows that the cuisine
is as "neat as a pin" and the chef in charge is
a irsoii of long experience and competence.
I'rices aro very reasonable, and our readers
will llud It a very convenient uuddcssruhlo
place topntronlc.
Notice o tin, l.uillcs.
AVe take pleasure in Informing our (Nitrous
that we havo just received from the import
ers an elegant lino of heavy embroidered
black kid gloves in the latest shades, tints and
sizes from I 1-2 up in button and hook.
O. H Oaki.ev & Co.
Notice or Iiiciirpnratltiii,
Notice is hereby given that The Western
Engineering Comnny, having its principal
place of business at Lincoln has liicorM)rntcd
10 no a general nusiness in electrical engi
neering, mid to that cud to havo power to
niaintfacture, own, buy, sell, erect, maintain,
install and ox.Tatoolectrieal nnd steam plants,
machinery nnd appliances for generating
power anil light ami to ileal therein asprluci
puis or as agents for manufacturers, To do
electrical testing and exxrt work, own real
estate or other property necessary to the con
duct of Its business, to own, buy or sell twit
cuts of devices useful or ix-rtlnent to electri
cal machines. The canitnl stock is $15,000,
subject to Ixi increusisl as the business may
require, divided Into shares of fi'i fully paid.
The iiicorKrntlon commences tho lbth day of
February, lb&j, to continue twenty years.
The highest amount of lndebtislueNS which
tho eorixirntlou may contract Is f 10.000. but
ill case of increase of capital the indebtedness
may lx increased in a like ratio. The affairs
of the coniwiny aro to Ixi conducted by a
Ixiard of three directors, consisting of a presi
dent and general manager, a vice-president,
and a secretary and treasurer. Dated Febru
ary 15, 1888.
The Wehteun ENtii.NEEniNo Co.
J. 0. White. Will F. AViiite,
I'rcs. untl Uen'l Man. Soo'y and Troas.
Iiolbrook& Bonbright
Wall Paper & Window Shades,
Special Attention given to Designing wlilcbjwc do Free.
234 Sou tli Elcveiath. St.
Samples and Specifications without Charge.
123 North 15th Street,
Pifiwrt a, Rioter
v4 gpnnnr-fSvfi rrmn en t i i i m n iiri rjneoor 1 tjuajcrfrp
M 1
Spring Syles
Must be closed out at Manufacturer's Com, as w-c need the room for other pur
poses. GREAT HARGAINS. Come now while the stock is complete.
We have some of the latest novelties In ART GOODS. Also nn elegant as-ort
ttictit of llaskcts, etc. Stamping a specialty.
Verclict : of : tle : People
Nebraska Floral Company,
125 North 12th Street. Telephone 682.
And now ready for inspection at
John Morrison's
All the Finest? Qualities and Latost Patterns in stock. I have
the finest cutter in the city and guarantee satisfaction. Cal
and see my goods and work.
121 North Eleventh street.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1119, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street.
Meals 25 cts.
Now Ready.
TI - IE -
$.j.5o per week.