JNION SAYINGS (JAM in South loth Street. CAPITAL, SUOO.OOO Liability of Stockholders $400,000. HTOCKIIOMlKIIK J J 1MIIOIY JOIINKITZ(IKUAU) JOHN II (M.AUK A H HAYMO.NI) K. i: IIUOW.N DAVIIl ItKMK'K UK MOOUM KltK.l) SCHMIDT J 1 MA('KAItt.ANt) JDSIU'll WHITMAN K K IIAYDKN CIIArt. MA IMONU llD.MUIIl HFINNKY .OBYATKH FMIIAM. IIKNUY i: i.kwis i!v iii:vr.r.sK OM LAMIIKItTSON MI.HMITII J MoCONKlIT (J W IIOl.HUI'.OK T KIJAI.VKIIT .1 W IIUWMAN UMUYKIl O II IM1UI1T OITICKItS. M K. Mooiik, l'rcsldent. IIkniiy I.kwim, Vice 1'resMent. 0. II. lMiiorr, I'nMilcr Interest tmtil on deoslti of Vi nnd upwards nt tlio rntoofotierceiit peraiitiuiii,coniouiidHl vinl nmiuauy. Your savings account solicited. MONEY TO LOAN Tor a lone or Bliort lim on real estate or ap prousl unilateral security Hank okmi from li-iM . in, lo s!:S) p. in, mid on Saturday openings from 0 to H it. in. FAST MAIL ROUTE. 2 DAILY TRAINS : Atchison, J-y(5noftli, St. Joseph, Kniisai City, St. louU rtiul nil polnN South, Must ami Went. The direct line to Ft. Scott, I'm-sons, Wichita,) lliitchiuon nml nil principal points In Kansas. Thc only road to tlio (iroat lint Springs of Arkansas. Ft i.i.mak Si.rr.rr.its ami Finn: Ui'.ci.iMNd Ciiaiu Caiis an all trains. II. G. HAM, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt Agent, (Jcn'l Agent. Cor. Omul 12th Sts. CMCAfo 'Milwaukee, T.PAUl tpoL owns ami op irnlesfi.Urfi mile of UiowirIiIj quipped road In Illinois. Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota and Dakota. .. ., It Is tho Host Direct Itouto botwo.-Mi nil H10 Principal Points In tlio Northwest, Southwest nnd Far West , ' 'For maps, tlmo tables, niton or passnuo and freight, etc.. apply to nearest station imunt ol CinoAoo, mii.w'aiiki'.i: .t Sr. Paul Kaii. way, or lo any Hallroud Agent anywlicro lu thu world. It. MIM.KIt. A. V. II. tWIU'KNTKH. - Oonoral M'n'r. loii'l Pass. AT'ltt AKt. J. F.TUOICKlt, (1K). II. IlKAFFOItl), Asst. flen'l Mjsr. Asst. (1. P. ,t T. Agl. 7r.t Milwaukee, Wisconsin. OP For Inrorinatlon In roreronee to I.andB Hnd Towns owned by tho Chicago, Mllwnii Iceo.t St. Paul Hallway Coinpany.wrlto to II. (J. llArdAN.I.and Commissioner, Milwaukee Wisconsin. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK C'il'lTAl, Ktock $300,000. 0. W Moahpr, President. W .1 ' Watau. V- Pro 1U 0. Outcalt, Ciuhler. Fremont Elkliorn & Mo. Valley Tralnji leave fliXin. 111. and 10::li p.m The Ki.kiiou.v Vai.i.i-.t Like. To free homes In Nortlm ostcrii Nebraska an Southwestern Dakota. To tho llliiek Hills unci thu Hot Springs. To Central WjuuiIiik conl and on Holds an Cattle. raiiKM. To Chicago nml tho lVut. To Ht. Paul, tho North and Nortlmest. "For further Information luipilroof L. M. TYLKIt, ARent. 115 Konth 10th street, . Lincoln W. F. Fitch, J. II. IUciianan, Oeneral .M'Kor, (len'l Piu. Ak'I Missouri Valley, Iowa. TAKE TI-I E lissouri Pacific Eailway The Shortest, Quickest and Best Route to Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington, Baltimoro, New York and Boston. RECLINING CHAIRS FREE ON ALL TRAINS. IWFor further Information 1'oldern, etc., call , on or uddriiM II. O. IIANNA. City Ticket AkuiiI, Cor. Omul litliBtn. P. I). IIAUCOUK, Depot Ticket AKcut. it. P. U. JULLAlt, cn'l Afcut. BSl 1 J 1 ABBVaalSBaaaBSSBjL ajBJBjBai H" BaaBJPT akPar YOUNG FOLKS' COLUMN. A SHORT BUT TRUE STORY OF A HORSE AND HIS FRIEND, THE CAT. An Intcrcstlnir Legend A limit it Queer Tlircc Cornered Island mill II llnr hikiiIoii Inhabitants it Men, Women nml Children Without None. In Mr. John Dlniltry's entertaining liook, "TlircoOood (limits," OCCIlf tlio following legem! of u (juror throo cornered Island, known in the "long ngo"nstho "Island of tlio Noseless l'oojilo." It was. no culled from tlio fact Unit tlio nososof nil men, women nml children were lint, mid shaped like tlio ncu of cluln. The Island was small, lint full of jKHiplo. Ah nges rolled hy, It wus found to Imi of no use to try unit keep ui family mimes, for nt there- wns no d lifer eneo In tlio faros slnco all, lil, little, rich nnd jhioi, hud tlio saino kind of chili noso dlllilHMl exactly In tlio mlddlo of tlio fnco. noliody could clnlui iiny jmrtlcuhir nntno. In their troulilothoy nt Inst thought, out u jilnn hy which they could toll ouo from an other. A KAMII.Y OV CM'II NOHKS. This wns their jilan, to call each other hy the name of whatever ouo most, wanted. In this nay tho jiooplo of tho island Ix-onmo ns nun family. So loving did thoy grow under this new rulo that each 0110 scorned to linvn n certain right to his neighbor, and noer i.i(ikn to him without putting "my" Ufin his iinino. If 11 littlogirl, for itiitiiiico, wantoct butter for her bread 1I10 would call her mother "My Ilutter," and if her mother wanted her thread, tho cull, "My Thread" would hrlng her liltlo girl running to Unit .it for her. A young man would bow to u Indy nnd my "A looly day, my Kveiilng Walk" nnd slio would sinllo nml reply, "Yes, my fnirNou'say." An old man would call to his son, "Hurry, my Stair," and tho boy would niisivcr, "At omv, coming my l'arso." A jirofessor would call his class towrlto by ringing tho Ih11 for "My good lessons," mid each scholar would salute him with "Good morning, my Success." Kvery thing, oven in tho smallest matters, worked smtiothly. Thorn could lsi no bad marriages, Imimuso each 0110 called for In tho other what ho or sho most needed nnd did not have. Young maidens sail); and danced half tlio year round, since they were nlwnys cnlllng each other "My Oav Holiday"' and "My Kieh Feast." Tho childien too wero happy anil laughed anil played from eyo ojieuing to oyo shutting tlmo. In course of tlmo this happy family numbered :tOO,(XX) souls, nt least tho mayor of club noses s.o declared. A lion's Itnixcry. Two lad, one of 1(1 years old nnd tho other uliout 11, went into a pond to get out a couple of ducks they had "winged." As ono of the boys arrived within reach of tlio birds, tho younger of them being up to his chin in tho water, a jilercing cry was hoard from tho elder boy, nnd tho younger on looking saw a largo snako Hivliumiug toward him, evidently with tho intention of di-put-ing his right to tho duck. Hut tlio snako waa not tnhmo It all his own wuy, for a liver color spaniel, tho favorite of tho fam ily, sprang into tlio water, seized tho reptile and rwiiiii to tho bank with It in his mouth, and although tho suako bit tho faithful ani mal in several places, ho would not drop hi, burden until tlio Ixiys wero out of reach, nnd when ho saw they wero Kafo ho went uji to tho lnils nnd oxhihito 1 by liU playfulness tho joy ho felt at having saved them. Tho dog was treated for snako bito by ovory available means, but ho died in a couplo of days to tho regret of all tho family. A Peculiar l'rleoiNhlp. A gentleman residing in tho western part of Now York state, who was fond of catH, ono day discovered n stray jnivs at his door, mid kindly gavo her shelter. Tho cat soon settled down in her now home, but not until sho had inado a careful survey of tho jircin ises, Including tho stnhlo,whoro ono horso was kept. $Vx v;. HTItANOE rniU.VDS. Remarkable to say, lotweMi theso two incongruous animals u strong uiroetion Boon sprung up. l'ussio Rtidily refused a lied in tho kitchen nnd jmsscd every night mounted on tlio broad back of her friend, who, in his turn, never seemed completely happy until tho cat iijijicired. On ono occasion tho hoito waa not brought homo until u Into hour at night, tho jniss, over faithful, howuver, was waiting for him, sitting lu tho manger, from whence sho nt onco loajied on his back, jmr ring out her satisfaction, to tlio amusement of tho gentleman and tho stnhlo boy who witnessed tho jicrformniico. Hallway MgnaU. Onn pull of tho bell cord signifies "btoj)." Two jiulls moan "go ahead." Thrco jiulls mo.in "back up." Ono whlstlo slguifles "down breaks." Two whistles signify "olT brukej." Throo whistles menu "buck up." Continued whistles indicato "danger." Short rnjud whistles, "a cattle alarm." A sweeping parting of the hands on u lortl with tho eyos 11101114 "go ahead." A slowly sneejiing meeting of tho hands over tho head slgnllles "back slowly." A downward motion of thu hands, with ex tended anus, sigullles "fctoji.1 A beckoning motion with ouo hand indi cates, "back." A red ling wnvisl up tho track Indicates "danger." A red Hag by tho roadside means "danger nhend." A roil Hag carried on n locomotive slgnllles "aiiuiigiuo following." A ml Hag raised at a station menus "stop." A lantern swung at right angles ucioss tho track menus "stop." A lantern misod and lowered vj-tlcally Is ftplgnal to "sunt." A lantern sw uug in 11 circle signifies "hack tho tram." V THE CURIOSITY SHOP. Pnj of Omrcr nml Motdlrrs of llin Con tliirnliil Arinjr IOO Vol Irs Aro. Tho follow lug gives tho jiay of thoM nho won tndejieiidenco for tho AniU'lcan colonics. (Vuisldei lug tho fact that they cro jiald In Continental shlnplaMors tho.r didn't get enough for luxuiles: Colonel, f.Vi jvr calendar inonlh; lleiiteu nut colonel, 1(1 ht calendar month; major, SI l-!lHr calendar iiuuitli; captain, t-t)'J-!l n.'r calendar inonlh: lieutenant, $1H hc col eudar mouth; ensign, (1:1 1:1 j,cr calendar mouth; adjutant. $ls I a jicrcnlcnil'irintinth; iiuarterinaslcr, ?IS 1 :l jht calender inonth; Hiu-gts.ui, fi'i, riilscd to liKI 1-!1 Juno 5, 1T77; mate, (is per calendar month; chaplain, f'.'O, raised to .'Kl 1 il July fij sergeant, ?m jht eal eudar mouth; eoi'Miral, ilriiiumer mid lifer, $7 l.'ljier calendar mouth; prUate, $(1''-!1. Light infantry, same. 1'nv of artillery -Cnjitiilii, t'M "-,'1 jkt calendar month', captain lieutenant, J'.'O h.m' calendar month; Ill's I ami second lieutenant", &H l-il per calendar tuotith; lieutenant tiro winker, fill l-!l jer calendar mouth, sergeant, is l-ll er calendar month; iiirjHirnl, t'i't n'r cal endar mouth; bombardier, $7 vr calendar month; matrovs, $il5 n per calendar mouth; K'rgeaut major, (V jicr calendar month ;iiiar teriuaster sergeant, $! jkt calendar month; drum major, $H 1 a jcr calondar mouth; llfu major, fS 1-11 percalendariiiontli; leglnientnl jiaymaster, JUil U-.T jer calendar mouth, the Harp of Iriduiid, Illiinclent limes lieland had ncolnngoof lierown, nulllllisl by an net of parliament nbout tho j ear ISJ5, when tho coin of Kng. land nnd tho Fiuerald Islo was nsslniilatcd. On tho Irish coin the revcrso coiitalnisl tho bust of tho reigning sovereign, nnd on tho oli verso was a harp, surmounted by a crown with tho word "lllls'iiiia" over' It. At nil times Ireland has Ihsmi dlstlngulshisl for tho number and exodlenco of her banls mid minstrels, vocal and instrumental perform ers. The harp aslho iii.itrinnenl on which they jilajed, ami so, of cour, was eotisiil ercd the national iustrmueut. When Ireland was 1111 ludeoiident iiatlon-llmt Is, up to tho year 1 17vl-her banner bore u rising sun. IIclHvitspiH'tical title, "the Sunbuit.'' H was Henry VIII who Is said lo have changed tho arms of Ireland by placing three hnrjH Oil her heraldic shield, Thoy are to 1,0 found on the I1M1 coins of Kdwnr.l IV, Richard III and Henry VII, nnd wero really tin armorial iM'arlngsof that country from the iclgn of Richard II, which began in 11177, down to thatof Henry VIII, which rinsed in IM7. Tho harp was surmounted by 11 crown to show that Ii eland, subject to Kuglaud, had been a monarchy. rolled Mali's .liistlrcs. Tho Justices of the I 'lilted States sircmo court nro: Just ire Millet, Iowa, who takes tho Kighth circuit .Minnesota, Iowa, Misiiuri, A t'l'lltlkfia V11I ifrluL ri I 'i,l,ii,l,t .ki,l IT.. ... .. .- if i"""i'ou, viiitii,i (1(111 iNin Instill Fi.'M, Ciiliftirtifn, Ninth circuit Cat- I Ifnrnin, (Iii'Kmi ami Nuvndn; Juntlco Har- j t i..j".,..nu aairiii Jl( 11 1. (IV. I J f Seventh cirriut Indiana, Illinois mid Wis consin; Just Matthuws, Ohio, Sixth cir cuit Ohm, Michigan, Kentucky, TwinesHco; Justice ( I ray, Miissnchusottn, FirswWcult Maine, New Hampshire, MnftKnehui(tU mid Rhode Island; Justice lllatchfod, Now York, Second circuit Vcriiinnt,'Coiiiitlcut nnd New York; Justice Lamar,'lMlsslttliiI) Fifth circuit (lisirgln, FiorldnjAhibnnin, Mlssissljipi, Louisiana and TexnV;w,Tiistlce llradley, New Jerwy, Third circuit New Jersey, I'eunsy lvaiilu and Delaware. Thu chief Justiceship is t present vacant. foiled Sillies CltlK'liN. Citlens nro of two kinds; Natural horn and alien born. Natural born citizens nro of two kinds: (I) Native, born within tho United States of either American or foreign parents; (i!) foreign, born without tho United States of American parentage. Allegiaiico to tho United States descends for ono gen eration entirely outside of tho Unit.sl States. Alien born citizens aro of three kinds: (1) Those naturalized oluutnrily upon etitlon; ('.') those nnturiihed involuntarily by tho acts of others (minors); (II) those naturalized involuntarily by their own act (alien liom wives). Illcelrio I'iihit. There nro three systems of applying elec tric jKiwer to oerato railroads, viz.: 1. A current conveyisl by storago cells charged with electricity nnd carried in tho curs. i. All electric current conw-yod by tho dynamo to tho caw byawiro overhead upon which rides a small metallic carriage connected with tho cars by wires. II. Currentconveyed by n third rail, or an underground conduit, reaching the motor in tho car by means of a collecting udiivl or brush in contact with tho electrical conductor. 1 A Hiliilug Sen Creature. 1 Tho sea mouse sparkles llkoadiamouil, nnd I is radiant with all tho colors of tho rainbow, 1 although It lives In tho mud at tho bottom of tho ocean. It should not bo culled 11 mouse; it is larger tiian n big raL It is cov ered with scales that niovo up and down as it breathes, nnd glitter like gold shilling through a lleecy down, from which line silky brltlcs wave, that constantly change from one brilliant tint to another, Tin, Tempting I'm II. Different nations have given vary lug ex pressions as to their idea ol tlio iinturn of tho truit, tho eating of winch caused original sin. Thero is a iHipular belief that it was 11 pippin. Tho Spaniards lclicvo tho banana to bo tho fruit of which Adam partook, anil hold it in religious reverence. Tho West Indian jilaut alu is called the Adam's ujiplu tree. Iiidrpoiideiico or firccc., Orts?co gained her independcnco from Turkey in IKS) and by tho jnotoool of Ion don, 1S30, was declured a kingdom under tho protection of (ireut lirituiu, Franco and Russia. Inltlitl I.rttrr. Ijtters directed to initials nro not for warded by jiostmiisters. Thoy aro uuuiall nblo mtittcr. Alecdiol In Win,.. It may l laid down as u rule, says Pojiulnr Sclcnco News, that wiuo containing more thn.11 1!) sr cent, of ahsiliol is fortilled, es jKsainlly if, as in sherries, thu alcohol js fioin 15 to 1X1 it cent , and In tho cae of port is from 17 to Ul jier cent. Tho average amount of ulcohol in the French rod wines is 10 11 per cent., and 111 white, such as champagnes, ultou 11 per cent ; in hocka and Mutullcs, nbout 10 jht cent. ; in Spanish wines, nbout 17 jier cent. , in jiorts, 17 or IS jkt cent. . in Mndelru, 111 or 1U.1 or 10.2 jier cent. Ammonia for Aeiitu AlioholUm. Sulicutauisius injections of aiiiiiiniim rep resent n new iviuisly ris-oiuincuded by for eign iiuthoi'it for ucuto iilcoliolism It is dins'ttsl to inject under tho skin a mixture of ono urt ot uiimiunla with two to six jiarttiof water. Two or thm1 iniuiites after tho hyjiodcrnuc an eryslelatous uslness Is obserMsl around tho puncture, und the next inoruiug some soreness. It Is claiuusl that the uticiit, comaloso from alcohol, ns.-oeii coiihcuHi.iie within thrvo minute after such yu liijicliou. Ranson A'WOIDEEPTJL IIVEITIOI. This will Furnish the Consumer Twice the Light that is given by any other process and Saves Gas. This light can be seen at our offlcel25 N. 11th St. Where Full Particulars will be given regarding its operation etc., L. WESSEL, JR. General Agent. KNOB HILL. Scale, 100 Ft:l Inch. 8MITH 3 a 3 as 3 3 i 3 ao 3 i : 3 la 3 I" 3 10 3 is 14 s UJ a M X I- z u w X 3 O VAN DOT: The foregoing pint-shows ho location of "Knob's Hill," the highest dryost nnd most beautiful building sites yet presented to the public. These lots nro not. high priced when their sightliness is considered; they are sure to be the homes of our best people, nnd will nlwnys be valuable property. Street cars, already handy, will soon run by the property. The terms are thus: One-forth Cash; balance 3 Equal Annual Payments. WITH INTEREST AT VACAIT PER CENT. DELAYS AREDANGEROUS. The lots will be advanced twenty-five per cent, when twenty-live are sold. Buy now. MGBRIDE & MEL0NE ROOM 4, RICHARDS BLOCK Carbon Light. XV w B aa aa tai 3 Z 111 at BO It 1 17 m x ia ifl! la 11 14 ta 12 ia STREET. I 3 S a s 1 3 3 a 3 it a ia s m I STREET. il 3 ! i