Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 14, 1888, Image 1

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Vol. 3. No IS
lint Ho St es, llruiK, 'thing anil till-
TAVINU HIVI'tniNi:!) from IiIh tilpto
tJ TV) Oregon, Washington Toiiltory iimltli,,
yi? northwest, the Observer lias since
(y) lilt arrival Im.sii kept quite busy nns
swcrlug tho ntiinoious questions rcgunllug
country, climate, prosioets, etc. Tln attlclo
written mid wilt ft mil Portland, Oregon, in
lnt ujt'k's Issue has Ihh'M thu cause of much
comment in nil classes iiml muuyuio now
anxious to hear anil learn mole of tliat local
Ity. In this issno of tlio Cm 1111:11 will 1r
found nnotlier article wilttcn fioin Victoria,
II. C , in which 11 fin thcr description Is given,
including Tncottiu, Healtleand Vlctmln. Tho
Observer, has scvcinl books containing splen
did lens of ai Ions places along tlu lino,
others llliisttutiiigTacnmii and I 'oil land ami
tlielr vicinity, which ho will take iltusmi in
shotting to nil who call at this olllce. An)
information that the Obsoi vor is able to fur
Dish will bochccifull) given.
The advent of Booth and Haiiett in Lincoln
this season moans much for our eitj lis 11 live,
wido nvvako theatrical centre, and tholui
mouse audience that witnessiMl the presenta
tion of "Julius Cu-snr," t n rnto of $: to $5
per wilt, hIiows conclusively that Lincoln is
in tho trout rank to appreciate talent ami
high ait. Not a seat was left anil ninny were
unablo to gain admittance, tho success of
tho I'ligageiuent is eel tainly ei editable to tho
management of tlm Funko, and Lincoln, as
woll as tho liouso, is to lie oonginttiliitcd upon
tho success of tho until o iiiralr. Tho city, he
cause it has lieon onooftho few, coinpnra
tivoly slinking, that hno lieon given u date,
secondly, that Lincoln Iris shown a greater
dognsj of appreciation of ti 110 merit than a
numlier ot larger cities lioth cast and west, in
that tho patronage was larger I1010 than at
sevetnl larger places, and Messrs. Craw foul
ti McHoynolds should receie due ci edit from
tlicatio goers for lming oirorod tho trage
iliaus sulllelent liidueeinent to visit us.
After tho iccoipts had Ihsjh counted up
Thursday, -Manager MeHoynolds hnd amplo
causo to gtwt a sigh of relief. Tho local man
agement had guarnntceil the Hooth Ilarrott
combination an immense sum and it took
much pluck to uudertako to successfully
steer the enterprise 10 such lirllllnnt suceeos.
It is to tho untiring cirorts of tho ninuiigo
inent ofFuuko's oicru house that Lincoln
goes onrccoidas being one of tlio liost show
towns in tlio land, as tho audlencoand llgmes
of Thursday's iwrforiuanco certainly show,
show. Good attinctioiis never fail to draw
largo houses in Lincoln, hut to tho snido
show mid "ImniHtoiiiiur" it has nothing hut
tl cold shoulder.
A Careful AiuiIjnIii.
First Thief (In drug store) Hero's n show
easo full of cigars, Jako, can't crirry 'em all.
Which ones will wo take
Second Thief What 'or they marked
"Somo'er mm keil twenty 11 vo cents each,
EOmo fifteen, some two for a quaitor and
tome straight ten "
"No flvo cent mniksl"
"Let 'em alone; guess thny'ro nono of 'em
worth stealing." Omaha World.
tl a Kcilnrt-tl Trice.
Customer (to Hnstou milliner) Tho hats
are very Uxuitifiil, hut (with a sigh) I am
afraid thoy 111 o too expensive.
Boston Milliner I can show "Tlio Sulli
van" hat to ) on, minima, a stylo that Is very
pretty and has been very popular.
Customer I will look at it.
Hostou Milllnei (to saleswoman) Miss
Pftlker, will you tliit-ct this lady to tho
bargain counter, please. New York Sun.
iiliso fur Anxiety.
Joshua L Hawkins, of South Hnwkins
ville, Me., is 0110 of tho most eccentric men
in tho county IIo is 07 years of ago, yet ho
obstinately refused to split a cord of wood
before bie.ikfast or to walk ten miles a day.
His condition occasions his family much un
easiness. TId Hits.
A Till,, II1111 Down.
Chicago Physician (to Mrs. Iiicej) Inm.
6orry to In ar that your daughter is not well,
Mrs. Hi isyy Is It anything sci 1011s?
Mrs. Iliec7 Oil, I fancy not, hut Clara is
of such an etheienl, delicate organisation
that tho least thing upsets her.
Chicago l'lisieian Sho didn't say what
she thought the matter was?
Mrs Hteoj No, slio simply complained
nt brcaktiut this morning of feeling very
ro l.y Ntw Y01 k Hun.
.floilelii Wniiiliocii .Notes.
Tlio onler has over l.tXH) uieuilHrs In this
state, It has been icpicscntM in Nebraska
about two yeius The cut lie older, although
but six j'eai-s old, hius 17,1KK) inemliuiH.
Capital City Camp No. UK) islioouiiug. A)
their last meeting eleven applications weio"
letvivtsl. Last night a largo number was
lecolyod (iinl referred to tho iiiier commit
tees. Tho next mwtlng of tho Head Camp will
bo held at Des Moines, Iowa.
There aro over llvo bundled camps in tho
order.tho most of which 1110 doing good woik.
Camishavo been organlod at Hebron,
Geneva anil Fairmont recoutlj'.
Prof. Johnson, consul of Camp I Oil, has
Iteeu laid up a few daj's with rheumatism
Worth Mnro Than Hint.
Larry Jcrnuio. of Now York, tolls tho fol
lowing as coming under his observation
while at tho Poneo do Ioon hotel nt St.
Augustine, ITn., during his locent visit theroi
A guest stepcd up to thocleik and asked
for his bill.
"What's tho nntnof"
The clerk sired him up.
"TI1I1 ty dollars, Mr. Meaorky," ho wild
"Hut I've only been hero two dn)s."
"Tho amount Is correct, sir."
"Thod litis; hadn't j on lietter guess
ngaln? I'vo got moro money than that nliout
my jeriioii. Omaha World.
I'leiity nt Crnt'her.
IIo How do you find tho oysters, MIrs
She They nro simply delicious, and I am
nw fully hungry, too.
IIo (to w 'liter) Hring another plato of
crackers. , , s
He round 11 I.lttle,
"Uml Yesl Slngulnrl" ho Bald ns hostood
at tho cashier's desk in tho restaurant and
felt in his pockets.
"Ileen robbed, I suppose!" Rncorod tho
"Perhaps. Lot's seol Did I changn my
"Oh, ot coursol"
"I guess I did, nnd left all my money in
tho other pair."
"bay, that's too old to go down here, mis
torl I want sixty cents!"
"Yes yes, but you see"
"I seo a dead ln-at, who'll get a good kick
ing if ho doesn't hand over tho cash!"
"Mercy! but you don't tako mo for a dead
bent, 1 Impul"
"Sixty cents '
"Hut I'vo left my monoy."
"Sixty cents or j 011 get tho bouneol"
"I'll go out and borrow It."
"Oh, no! Hand it over or tho kicker will
tako charge of you I"
"Let's seo Did I chaugo my clothes Yes,
I did. Hut"
"Nobutsnboutltt I want sixty cents!"
"Hut 1 must hao slipid somo money in
my hind pocket Ah! so I did, and hero it is."
Andheilshed up a great wad, tossed tho
cashier a ?.V) bill, nnd whilo waiting for his
changORhook hands with two bankers and
drew his check for ffi.OOO to settle a real
estate, transaction,
Tho cashier is still in bed, and tho doctor
says It is a very serious case. Detroit Frco
The Man fur tlio l'luce.
Ablo Editor Well, sir
Caller I havo called to seo If you want
any liolp in tho political department during
tho presidential campaign. I think I can
idealise the viitnu of one party and exagger
ate tho faults of the other about as well ns
any man hv lug. Uivo mo enough space and
I'll m.ikoj our renders fee likolyiichiugovery
man on thoopositlou ticket.
"Glorious! Had much experience in jour
nalism i"
"Well, no, but I was director general of
advei Using in a recent baking owder war."
"Tako that desk, sir. "-Omaha Woild.
A l'mulliir Cune.
A. I was never worso fooled In my lifo
than I was last night.
U. How so?
"I had lieen out with tho boys nnd wont to
bed rather late. Illumed If, w lieu I woko up,
my feet weien't on tho pillow where my
head should have lice 11 "
"That was rather strango."
"Hut that wasn't the strangest thing about
it. All dining the night I biilleied with
headacho when really there was nothing tlio
matter with mo except that my corns hurt."
Texas Sittings.
I I'ku lit I.lKlitnliiK II111U.
Noted Klectilcinn-I seo jou still havo that
old notion that n lightning iod isapiotectlou.
AeiirusKii rainier l lino
"Well, of couise, nii don't keep up with
tlio t'lei tijeal piogiessof tho ago and can't bo
"I take haif a dozen nowspax;rsand threo
magiuiues, includiiigiTlio Llectiical Hoiow,
fir "
"You do? Well, welll Now, sir, if that Is
th'caso, will jou bo kind enough to tell 1110
what jou think u lightning 1 od on jour house
protects jou f 1 0111?'
"Lightning iod agents." Omaha World.
she Uml III111.
"Tlio happiest moment of a man's life," ho
E.iid, tenderly, "is when hu knows that ho has
won a gill's lieai t."
"Is ill" sho shj y asked.
"Yes," ho lepl'ied; "now tell mo what is tho
happiest moment in a woman's life.
She blushed and hung her head.
"Tell me, ' lie whispeicd,
"You won't think 1110 too bold?"
"Cei tainly not."
"When she's usked to nanio tho da)"."
Boston Coin icr.
'Iho Instantaneous rrnceKS.
Hlltl.lnV tti ,lllf.lntVfVllllat. M.. ...Ml Inl.A
" J '" I'" "! "I" " " JUII MIIVU I
tilctuies by tho iiistautauuous mocess? I'm1
in a hui !.
riiotogiapher Yes, sir.
Duuiley You may tako initio; a dozon
Photographer All light, sir; Just sit down
mid wait jour turn, please.
Diinilej-How long will I havo to wait)
Photogiapher Onlj a few houis; thcro's
a babv aliead of jou LjmjcIi.
Mix F. W, Hostiomaud son icturued Mon
day from a weeks visit with her relatives at
Nehiaska City, an now her hubby "Fill"
again enjoys ti 110 home comfoi ts, aftcv a sea
sou of batihlurhood.
Lincoln, Nkiikaska, Satmndav. Apuii, m, ikhh
lls I'loreiiee llrown Maltcn Her Dulie III
l.liK'oln Miili al t'lides.
The muslcalu, under t liedli (s-l Ion of Adolph
Wels'r, which was held at the residence of
Mr and Mm. II W llrown, Mill II stieei, 011
Wednesday evening was, without exception,
n most Kiiccussful alnilr The Ins Itcd guests
were of Lincoln's lest and most cultuiisl
musical coplo who went thoroughly camble
of appKs-liitlnggiMHl iniisle, and II being the
occasion of Miss I'luivnoo Hrow n's di but her
iniinj friends watelieil her with delight The
piogram was as follows .
Kirst Piano duett, Coinallus inaivliAuir
Ui'iiffW-tWui, bv Miss Floience llinwii'hiiil
A Welier, which was well executed and Well
Sicimd Solo, "Klowerof tlie Alps," i)((r
ll.,eWm,b Mm,. A Webtr -and It would
only be a nictftloii to mention that Mis
Welter KiinglH-nutltiillj. i
w'1'1!!",1 ..To,l.,r N,l" " l"'amlng," n
Vn?-,,by Mr II M laMtt. wlm liA a
line, (dear oloo and shows excellent tialufjig
His solo was hlghlj appns-inteil 3
Kourtli Sopi ano solo, Staccato Polka, Aim
Mnulilrr, sung bj Miss Floience llrou 11, Jjud
on her upNNriug Miss liiuwii was cutliiifthis
tli ally applnudisl With mt doubt she posies
ssa olee not often found mid as fully'de
vrlopvil in a K'ixoii of hei nR, Her exocu
tion was wondcful, tones clear, and arlcu
latiou peifis-t Miss l-'loivnco shows haul
study and goml tialning. 1
Fifth Violin solo, Ma7uika;iiiii()Jrn,
by Adolph Welier. This was a selection with
dllllcult execution and well plajisl
Sixth. Pin Itone solo, "Oli, Happj Day,"
pur !ul:,, by Mr Cluis. Hupj)..,-, whlchiMis
aitlstlenlly undensl by this gentlemen, md
the Helectlon gisul. 1
Seventh, i'ianosolo, Luela,(r Ihmixriti,
p( cutis! by Miss Florence Hiown, at the
close of which she leeched a hearty 1111
Klghth. Duett for soprano and tenor, "On
Mossy Hanks," ; (Mint, by Mm,,. ,.
WeU-rimil I)r i:, L. Holjoke. This was one
of the most eliJoyiriiluM'lis-t Ions of the ovon
Ing. Mine. Welier sang well, of course, and
Di. Holjoke inriicd his pait to perfection.
Ninth Koprmio solo, "Hunch of Vlolots,"
imr I'miutr, which was one nf illllicull ext
cutlon, was clererly 11 ndensl by Miss llrown
In this again the fair debutante shimed her
leniarkahle (lualilleations ns a oculist, and
wasloudlj applauded, but as tlio hour was
late sliesimnlv acknnwliili', .1 11,.... n
by a pleasant Imiw and smile. Dining the
evening the young artiste was tho recipient of
Hoeral magnillcent lloml tokens, and Mis.
Weber also leceivisl diieconsideiatlon.
Miss Hrow n's debut into Lincoln musical
elides was certainly a brilliant 0110 nnd
from an artistic H)int of view may bo claseil
among the most the Capital City
lias e or witnessed, and well may our faireity
lie proud of such joung artistes as Miss
llrown, for the lady is a tjplcal LIncoliille,
having lived here sineo her birth and acipilied
all her education at home. And not only
with thokojhontilof tho piano and the use
of 11 cultured uKH is Miss llrown familiar,
hut likewise in other trails of womanly ac
complishments Tho L'liestw iphj,ih. u ,winU
day evening had occnsion to-iidmlrn tlie
ai ions btautiful paintings, huge and small,
that adorned the walls of tin. ,-,.v...-.,i
ineiitH, and when told that they weio nil the
handiwork of the tnlcntisl joung artiste weie
(Ulito astonished. In tlie. Lit,. I,..,, ml. pi...
once is by n J means a novice, as her many
) oiniK irieuiis w 110 liav e enjoyisl an occasional
dinner can testlfj In the parlor, as an en
teitalner and in the ball room as a giaceful
miner 111 1110 illllinstlc Heel and tw excidse,
Miss Hiownhns no superior, and as summui
up, thoaccouipllshineiits the lady has been fa
vored witli is something she has amplo cause
to led proud (r, theie being tow ladies In the
land that have nuiilinl similar blessings
Heiug tho only daughtei, Mr. and Mix
Hrown havo made it a point 111 if0 to bestow
everything on her that would bo useful as
well as ornamental, and certainly their ef
forts have bien suili that today they havo
icason to look upon their only child with
pleasure and the satisfaction that their eiloi ts
havo Uvii fruitful to the desired end, and the
Coi'iilhit, with friends, dishes to extend its
wiiiin hand of frkmUhlp in congratulating
both parents and ilanghti ron her siiicessful
achievements in a jouthful life.
Tho costume of tlie debutante was a beau
tiful salmon colons 1 albatross, with trimming
of niourio silk, ornaments of silk jk-h
dants, with heieauil I heiea duster of until
nil How CIS.
Wo uudcistaud that Miss Hi own expects to
enter fuither into the ait of music by at
tending one or moio courses in the Huston
consei atoi y, lieglnulng noxt vv inter. May a
continuance of hei past suciessgo with her.
Hani nn tlm Teacher.
A pretty good joko was leceutly plaj-cd on
a teacher in one of our public schools who
rather prides himself on his kuowledgo of
geology Winn tlio class lu petufaclions
was called one of its menders, a boy, handed
tho professor a pioco of rock candj and
grnvdy asked him what it was "It's a
pleco of crjstallized qunitr," said tho pro
fessor witli a hasty glance nt it. "Hut,"
said the boy, astonished at tho success of his
trick, nnd wishing to carry it fuither, "lean
scratch it," and ho dug out aplocnwith a
pin. "Oli! then it is a piece of alum," said
tho salai y kicker, nnd tho class kept on study
ing. Hiilfnlo Courier.
Col lectins Stone.
Husband (to wife) I'vo been out half tho
day trj lug to collect lnonoj', nnd I'm mad
enough to bicak tho furnlturo. It Is-ats all
how some men will put off nnd putolf. A
man who owes money and won't pay it isn't
fit to associate
Servant (oenliig thodooi) Tho butcher,
sorr, is downstairs with his bill
Husband Ti 11 him o call ngaln Life.
A (I11111I Kxeuse,
Teacher I'm afraid, Miss Hopor, that
you will llnd dilllcultj in imsslng jour Hunt
examination if jou aro absont fiom schoil so
much. Is theie any good misoii for It?
Senior Girl Oh, jos, indeed. Pin having
my graduation dress lltteil. Now Haven
Drj Keitdlii);,
"What nro jou rending, llrowni''
"A love story "
"Is it Interesting?"
"No, it is u pno storj'." Uoston Courior.
A Itevlew or Hie I'u.l anil 11 Wold for
ratine IliiuiiKoliii'iitR.
glIM WHIJIC cIosIiik today has wll
Ki neswsl for Lincoln the gieatest it line
tion of this and many pluvious sea
sons, tlie star iM'ifoiiiiauio being that
of "Julius Cicsai" bj I toot 1 1 and Haiiett,
pieccilisl bj a very fair pioductioii of ",oo
the Magti 1,)iiwii," bj- (' II Gardner's com
pall 'Iheiefote the past six nights have
presented what might Ik teinnsl the two ex
tleines of stage iiliiuscmciitH, 1 c-the ting
(slj and the hmlcMpic However, In the
week at hand we Mini ample and In llllnnt nt
tl net Ions to keep up the splilt of the tlieatle
goer After witnessing the blood thirst j
acting of lliutus, we wlllluglj tuiu to the
opH)slle school of plajeix, to elijoj the
wltlcisius of tlie minstrel, the song of the
piliiia donna and the glib of (he coiiiisllau,
and gives the Col'ltllMt pleasllie to aunouni'e
sin h at 1 1 in (tons as Italikiu .1 Wilson's Miu
stiels, the Com led Oiieia ('ompaiiy in "Gyo
Miy II111 mi," T J. I'm ron ln"A Soap Hubble,"
Flunk Daniel's In "Little Puck" and a
grand pioductlnn of "Tho Itnjnli" as tho co
telle of eiilettaliimeuts for the coming six
nights With such as we have eujojed In
the piistaiid nccpat the futuio, Lincoln
theatie g(sis eel tainly havi no cause to com
plain for lack of amusements.
A fair slisl nudleiice w Itncmed the pel foi in
mice Satin day evening of "llomeo nnd Juliet'
by Mis. Jnnio III own Potter and company
'i'he plnj Is not one lu which so beautiful a
woman as Mrs Potter leally is, nponrs to
adv milage The loloof Juliet Is a 1IIIII1 ult
one anil It rfiiilres jeaHof tialning for an
aitli-KS toproH'ily piesentit. Clitics have
said that Mrs Potter possesses no iliaiuntlc
talent, whiih Is a mistake. She Is a lino do
(iitiouist and enunciates dearly nnd distinct!)
ami her acting In tlie Imlconj scene esprcialh
was not rai Ih hind that of Mai gal ct Mather
Tho lady will without doubt prove a most
capable artless with projicr stage tiainlug
and exieilence, but that height cannot be
lea-hcsl lij a single bound. ICyrle Hellew's
ltonus) wasveiy line, nnd tlie compaiiy also
contained one or two other good uctors.'
Gardiner's Zoo company occuplisl the
boards at Funke's AVcslnesday evening The
play has 1hsii sis'ii hero liefoio, and iliow ex
iisslingly well. Its connsly is dean
and hiilliaut, tho costumes miigiiillceiitlj
Is-iiutiful, ami tlio scenic ell'is'tM gorgisiuslj
giand The plot Is not a veiy complex one,
treating of the adventures of four castawajs
oil a ban en island whom the ipieen piolects
ft "in all dangers, Geo. II. Adams as Wash
Ington Kuowall, a typical Ameiican, was
simply gi cat, ami each npicaia!ico was the
signal forabuistof lnughter. Miss Klttj
Shields as Xeldn ami Miss Tomn llanlon as
ItlKKliMlendroii were evidently favorites with
the audience, as indissl tlielr aetiinr deservisl
Tlie Hrforiuance was a dis-ldisl success, ami
agieat improvement over their lastiit
Iong iK'forethe cmtaln lose on "Julius
Ciesar" at the oiern house Thursday evening
ev ei y wat was occiipitsl, iiianj U-ing (oin
M'llisl to stand. Lincoln h lHst and most
cultlllisl HS)ple were prewlit, ipilte a IIUIII
lM-r I10111 oilier cities in the state licing also
notiiisl. Of the M'iforinance little could Ih
suid exi()t in praise Mr Booth ns tlie in.
hie but misguided Hruttis, was majestic in
iM-nriiig through the various trjlng pints of
the idle, in fact the vuy liciiu Ideal of an ac
tor Mr. Haiiett enacted tliepaitof the ciin
iilug, eiafly Cassias, and It is needless to snj
his louceptfoii of the character was all that
could lie desired. Itoth actors went seveial
times Ms ailed bj the enthusiastic iiuilltois
Mr Haufoid as Mine Antony is deserv ing of
special mention Thuevvne neiuly Hftis'ii
hunilltsl iM'Oplepiescnt, ami It Is safe tosaj
all weie hlghlj phased at the opoi tunity of
witnessing Ameiiift's two greatest tragisli
hiis in Shnkespeaie's masterplcie
The coming week's festivities will bo lining
mated Monday evening bj that famous
tioiij- of burnt cork in lists known as Wilson
iV Itanklu's minstrels To give llilioductorj
llielitloil of the coitlpllllj would bo Useless, foi
eviijouofllllj knows the meiitsof tlieoigall
ijition Headisl bj that xs'i livs 1 omisliaii,
Geoi go Wilson, of "Wall Me Again" liimu,
the company pasuts a far iK-tter piogiam
of novelties tliaii on mi) pievious im-ciisIoii,
ami that means much Geoige Wilson needs
but to move 11 toot or to give his head a slight
tin 11 to convert the house into upioaiious
laughter, mid when he ijses losing the audi
ence never falls to gleet tit Ml witli tluimleis
ot applause No peis 11 in tho iiilustiel pio
fession tislay stands better with Inventor
milistielsy than he As for Carl Hankili hu
has attiiineil an enviable position nun ug tlie
bin lit coik 111 tistx, and coiiinmmU a vtiis
ill it nil) one would feel pniudof His witti
1 Ism nioqimlnt, wholi-some and iudii rous,
lievti railing to pleas, ami euteitaiii his heal
ers Tlio i ompaii) is (siiilpostsl tif exis'lleut
aitl.ts. all well known to the iiiuuseiueiit
win id An elegant luiiid and 1 Ir.ssic on law
tin accompanies the coiiiliiuation, and on the
dav of tho ' foi iiiiuae paiado the leading
sticcts of the cit)
iai'n IIAIIO.N
Pei haps one of the most brilliant occasions
of the 1 oiuing week, III theatlical ciicliw, will
Ih- the engagement of tlie Com eld Ojieial 0111
Hinv 011 whleli (Kuisiou will lie pii,i nt 4I tlie
gnatest ocl title succt or th wason, the
li)ps) Hiiliui," Ttie-sla) evening, Apiil 17
We have heard and been i hai uusl b) the
Ml lolls tuneful seltstlons fjolil tills oiea
oft times leilderisl ill 1 out e t, 111 the home
and at tlie ball iihiiii, and to those who luive
kept tnno to tlie l)is) Union wait ami utliei
dailies, it vvillalloiil pluisuie to hear ami
ste the (lithe Opel a It is the gifted w oik of
Strauss fitim whom we have had sneaiiv tin
lighttul compositions, ami m h's ico nt pio
dm tions we llnd additional 1 harm 0W1 pn
v ions ones.
Julius Seliniter, of Vienna, is tlie libittist,
and Uiscsl the arguiiuiit uhhi im ideiits m
one ol the mh ins of Mont Joka) , tlie (n
Kious Hiingai Ian bard It lsapitttv tali
of life among Magjar g))siis. The iieii to
an estate 1 etui lied fi out abioad fulls in love
with a pig dealei's daughter. His suit i de
lilisl uiiIcns ho can la) a noble title at hei
fts't. The gypsies made him their Wojislor
Huron Ho again sues for the hand of the
iliiughter.but his title Is too pleU-inu .So the
Union tm us his airts Hon (o a g) psy glr' She,
however, pioves ol noble lineage, and, ovei
coitie with despondency, (lie gypsy baton
Joins Hie at my. Ilnlsiaplillv pioiuoletl foi
galleut conduct, uml on ivtmnmg to Vienna
"""Irs tl x-gvpsv glil, now a Himgailan
pi lllCCSS.
The opeia allonls many poslit,.N n r,,s
turning. All tl mtiimesaie new mid fr mi
inislets sent over by Gaul, the historical
painter of Hie Iiiih' lal ohi a house In Vleiiiin
Tlie gjpsy eiicainpment lu the Ills! act Ink
mill V el of stage luechiililsiu I'lfly Nsiple
lllsh hillside, whleliof ms'isslty
lispilies enioful (ousttiii tlou Tin. cast In
dudes liulse Itlam hi, Helen Von Kisaihoir,
Ljdla (('Nell, Jennie Hletreilli, Slg Taglletl,
Jaciues Kiugei, Pud Uibaii, Gus F Hall,
Haloid lcsli, Paul Mage Tlieehoius IIUIII
U'ls IKtj volies
There will lie IIMI people on thestage.lni hid
ing 11 In ass band or A11-I1 Ian uiiisldans.
I'HANK IMMI.IH' "I ITTI.i: I'l'l K "
After en Jov Ing si'vend seiisoiis of Flank
Daniels' clevei woik in tlie "Hug llnby," lu
which he liiiulesueli a elevei lilt, the amuse
incut loving elassis will be glad to leal 11 that
on next Thuisilav evening at I 'nuke's on his
folllth visit to LI1110I11, we will have the
pleasutenr seeing him lii a new tolo and a
piece The clialaitei or "Old SMiit" as
uiKcn iij .in- naiiieis uas uevei nan an eipial
lu miy oilier hands, but ueveitheliHs having
sis n him so often lilt lint pint, thi change will
ceitalnly be vvelcoinul lij his many admlieis
Nliiie "Llltlii Puck" llrst went on the load,
witli I 'lank Daniels in the pilncipal putt, the
pla) iuwhldi he apH'ius has tmdcigniic a
gissl 1111111) changes nnd Impiovements. II
now conns (o Lincoln lu 11 completed foun
I'hestoi) Isaialhei siugiilat one to diainii
tlo 'Iliose who have read AiihIov's j mij mini
Issik will lememlH'i' that b) a HS'iillar pio
cess of tiniiNinogi Mention a staid, sedate ami
wttlidelty iiiiigiiateis put Into (ho foi in ol
his ou 11 Iki), while the boy Willi his piauks
ami vouthflll exiibeiailco is put lu the foi 111
Ills father, and the singular calamities that
1 esiil t from the ph) steal unlltinss for the
mental action of the chaiaeteis, forms t lie
rim of the book In llei play Mr Daniels
plitjs the two parts of father mil son. 'i'he
father Is a stock hioker lu Wall street, and
the son, as lu the hook, a lioy at school. To
eouslsteiill) (any out the two parts r(Siiiies
.111 ability of a high order. Mi Daniels as
slimes them with his usual grain and dignity
lu a won!, "Little Puck" Is "Dr Jek)ll uml
Mr II) do" Inn fin deal foi 111 TiiesiipMirlof
the lompniiy Is said to he iimisiiiill) good
Among the notid xople lu tlie Daniels' Co
will be found Miss Itessie Sanson, the original
Venus in tin? "Hag Halt)," Miss HlllioDeaves,
the well known comedienne, Miss I'mma Ilan
ley, MlssUmlso Llsslug, Xliss liule (Jiilnlcn,
Mr. HoImtI Piaser, Mr. Geo, Woodwind, Mr
Hairy Mack, Mi William White, Mr. Igna
do Maitlnetle, Mr William Ollinore and
many otheis The company iiiiiiiIh is twenty
llvo which Is the laigest miuiU'rof ssiileevei
sts.'ii inn fai deal coniislv.
OniiextSatuiilii) evening tlie itajali com
pan) wlllapM'arat the I'uiiko lu tlie telebra
IinI play or that name '1 Ids has been one or
the Madison Sipiai o tin all e's gi cutest suet ess
s, having but two seasons ago made a run ol
HKl nights, ami was aflci winds put on tlie
load by Manager I'aluierami piovtsl a gicat
sueciss Tho cast is a strong one, uml the
play isilddy mounted
No ItUit In Itent,
"Madam," said tho landlord, of a Park
street house, as he called tho otlu r morning,
"I have como to tell vou that that"
"That )ou an. going to lift tho rent i )k.t
mouth," she intc rruptisl,
"Well.ysvs. Hunts have sharply advanced,
you know "
"Well, wo won't pay it."
"No, I suppose not, and you will move tho
1st of Mav "
"Yes, sir, and iiieanw Idle) 011 can put a
sign on tho house 1 shall Ihj only too happy
to show Hopo through "
"Indeed, hut )ou aie very kind "
"Oh, no, I ain't Our eat dnsl this morn
ing, and I'll chuck her lxxlv into a band
d )W 11 (s liar mid tell ev el) isolv that we aiu
going to move on account ol seivt r gas."
"i:i What'"
"And if 01 at isn't enough I'll get nil
other, and also add an olilcixitlsli."
"Madam, do )ou like tlio house C
"Fairl) well"
"Ami is the present rout satisfactory?"
"Pi rfes tl) so "
"Then stay rr 'mother enr I prefer to
keep a good tenant even if I don't get quito
si) much r nt Gissiiiav lunduui, and if vou
want a.iv n mii-s inade please send mo
word," Dettoit Fnsj lWs.
Ill" .iiittlini of the Hour.
"Tillv, how aie you go'ng to havo your
iiBW niriiiu hut trnuiiusD"
"Can't wit a thing" llixsl's Sarsaiwirllla
tsa woudeifiil iiiislniue for creating 1111 apo
tlte leguiating digestion uml glv lug strength
. .1-VvVlV"
w w7
:ie(inn ATiltTr'nfTit 1ltiimlV'
iloinliit. , ll'.lg,
The III Kov Thus lloiiiicmu, D 1) , of
Lincoln, was ( lenslavei) pleasiuit icecp
lion Mondiiv evening by the CoiniiNiIubat
Templti hall 'I he in lauguuienls went most
Niftfl, and evei.y thing pass,, 1 ,,ir smoothly,
the occasion U'lng a most eliJo)uble ime
llev. Diiuphvaud Mi J 11 O'Neill actcsl
iihii iis-eption eoniniillco most iKMcptably,
piesenltsl tliegiii'sts us they all Ivnl to tho
bishop and Gov Tlia)er wIiosIikh! on tlm
light or (he level em I guest, When all had
in lived thiihMiop ami gov ei nor hsik
seals nTtlid limit, which" Was" elegantly
ihs'iiialtsl wllh How ei m and potted plnn'j.
As soon as (ho bishop hint taken Ills
seat, Miss Daisy Potv In eiiino foi ward
witli 11 biautlful basket of lloweis which sho
giaeeflllly piesenled the leveitlld gentlemen,
Miss Lillian Polvlli also pnst nled the llev.
Iloiiacum with a beaiillful hand palnldd pio
glamexis'iitiil b) heiselfnu while satin
Owing to the liidl"xitfou of Mr Potvlu,
ptiwlilent of (he dub, Ml W. C. Fligeiald
piesldisl 'I'lm exeiclscH weio 0h'ksI Willi
ho singing or "Mve lllls'inla" by eight
ladles and gentlemen, Mis Halter piesldlng
at the piano Dr Hillt follow isl with a well
winded aililiessof welcome, Mr M. Coicorail
sang "Shall Li Ill's Hem t Sli lugs Wake no
Mote," Miss Dais) Potvlu bilugiiig down
the house wllh a well lelideied ncitatlon,
"The Hwitchiiiaii's Slot)" 'Iho little lady
was piesenled with some pretty llowent, and
lu 1 CHM)nse to enthusiast e plaudits gov e as all
eucoie, "'I'he, Hindoo iiuiljMari Inge." Miss
Daisy Is truly a little wonder, and those who
did not hear her Monday missed 11 rare Ileal.
Miss Kikhanlt next ciilcitahnd I ho com
pany with 11 mpi aim solo, "Swiet Heather
sills. I'he Stllo" was given as an encore.
.Miss Lillian Potvlu followed wllh an orlgl
mil issay 011 '"Iho Poet," whldi was charao
teil7id b) many beautiful thoughts elegantly
expnssisl.; It, has iccelvedso many and sucli
exiellilil coimuenilatlons that the fi lends of
the )(iung lady havenslod her consent to Its
being published. It Is to bo hoped Miss Pot
vlli will do so, as It will attract widespread
'I he event of theeviulng was the piano
solo of, Miss May 1'otvln, who choose ns her
sdis'tion the wiildlng iiiaiih aiimigisl by
Llst, which was reudeitsl with all tho brill
lane) and dash which has gained for Miss
Potvlu 11 place as one of Lincoln's most ac
complished pianists.
Sir N Uiwler (onlilbuldl a solo "I Fear
no roe," giving as an eneoie, "In Days of
Hishop ' Hoiiaciim, lu a short address,
thniikisl the niciiilx'rs of the Counts club for
tho hcaity leieptlon acconlisl lilm, and badii
tl leu 1 M'iseveie III the course they havo
mm luil out for themselves, piomlslng to help
tlii-lii to the Is'stof disability.
Aflei a short speei li tiom Gov. Tliayeraud
singing by the choir, the company broke up,
with tbogmenil declaration that tho recep
tion was a most cnjovalile one. About KM)
people weie piosciit.
The t'oinus club is eoinosl of gentlemen
who know how to ariange for an event such
as this reception, ami the) arecertalnly to 1st
lougratiilattd 011 theli succtss In the face of
Iho violent opHisltlou they havo encountered.
I'he club isiapldly inci nixing in memlMjrsliip,
and by adhering to the silicy of 11011 coulxit
helless Will so continue.
No CIiuiibi) NecuMiiry.
r.xqmsito Must I aw-tako n tixsclal
I ticket for a puppv I
, Ticket Agent u an travel na nn
ordinal)' passenger
I sprint; " tin Inc.
I Thenis'tiss.ty of a spiing iiitslicine is almost
I miivei'Mill) inliiiittisl And the mimi mrity
of HiHul'n SarNqsnilla fot this purisise lie
I ismira more and mmi- widel) known every
l)iir 'I hat siwei to purllT) the blotsl, nnd
tlne elements ot litallh ami sticiigth whldi
tlie s) stem ci lives, ami to which It is sosim
ceptihlo at tills scjisoii, me possessed 1 v tills
Hs-iiliar inisliciue in a pre-eminent dtgris
I Scrofula, pimples, bolls, 01 mi) liuiuaii, bil
I ioiuuess, d)siisui, slik headacln , catarrh,
j rhuiiiuatisiii, or an) disciiM-s or albc ions
Cfitistsl 01 proniotis! by imp iro IiUkhI or a low
1 state of tin stein, are cunsl b) Htssl's Siir
K,tiiilla. Ti) tlie hs.'iiliar iiicsllciue
I lletlcr At 1 iiiiiiiioiliilliiii,
I I'nlon Padtie, "tho oveilaud route,' eon
tinuos to nctsmiislate Its iatixns in tin most
Kiillftfaetor) inanuer
j The litest move in this direction Is tho
iliangu of time betvvis-u Valparaiso and Lin
coin, vvheivbytho ixidents of YalKiiaiso,
MiomsU'ig ami interiiusliato Miints can visit
' Liuisilu, "Tho Stuto Cupitnl," and return the
1 siiiiioda),
l'iissengei can take either tlie regular pas
senger irmnson iii.u nraucu, or me nvai
fldght trains stopping at all stations, and
ruimmgiUll) except Sumla)
Mr (lis) W Ikillelitiuu, foimeil) of tills
city, but now stis'k agent for tho Hurlingtoii
at Denver, was nuewiiig luipiaintauixti In
tlie Capital it) this week