Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 07, 1888, Image 2

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AH Admit tho Inw ntut Iotirovrd Sjr
teni r l.nrlin llrrrnlly Kcvlncd lijr Mr.
r.llTVI ror Un In tlm (Nimtriirllon of
tlir rnunmn ('mint,
A now yrtm of lock has Ikhmi devised by
Mr. KIITol foruo on I ho Panama rniml, by
which thn cmptytiiR nml filling of n look will
toko hut n quarter of mt hour. From nu
Illustrated description of thwo locks givon
by lo (lonlo Civil In reproduced tho follow
ing! Tho gates consist essentially of n hollow,
Iwduncvd, movable mlssou, cnpahlo of slid
ing nbovo nt right angles with Iho uxlsof
(ho aiiwil, on n truck carried nttovo thu canal
liy 11 revolving bridge, Thli truck In pro
longed nbovo Iho lateral chandler. TIio mo
tion is analogous to Hint of tlm doors which
filtrinnt thu top Hint tiro generally used In la
comotlxo show, When thn IIimmI gnto li
placed In tho chamber It lit only necessary to
rovolvo thn luldgo IKhlcg. to freo tho pao
ago ntwi allow noats to go tiiroujjit.
Ill tlm cut In represented tho Mood gate ot
tho lock. Tho gnto or nvjviililo caisson, tho
nldos of which nro stiffened from motor to
tuotcr by strong horizontal T nhtiod Iron
beam which carry all thu stress of tho water
pressure over to tho sldo walls, is arranged
beneath llko tho working chamboni of tho
caisson ucd In constructing bridge plors.
Moreover, nboro'tho working chamber It Is
divided Into nlno comimrtmcuts by threo
horizontal and three vertical position. All
theso compartments, as well us tho liottom
clmmlKT, cotumunlcato with tho external air
through chimneys starting from air locks, so
that either water or compressed air may lo
nllowod to enter them nt w ill. Owing to this
arrangement it is cany to bnlanco and ballast
tho gate, and Iwsldes, on exhausting ltd dif
ferent parts In succession, to itnect nnd ro
jvilr them. Tho gato I BuHudel from u
carriage provided with rollers, which, ou
rolling oeriio track carried iwrtly by tho
bridge nnd jmrtly by a framework, carries
along thu gate.
In order to introduce so great n mass of
water In so short 11 tlmo (10,000 cubic motors
In ilfteon minute), it hns lceu necessary to
adopt pociillar arrangement.. Tho method
adopted consists in making tho water How
through the entire length ot the lock and in
vertical jet, to as to prevent tho strong ed
dies and tumultuous motions that would
necessarily bo produced In this arrangement,
A Curiosity In War or l.lsnnls.
Tho Museum of Natural History nt Paris
bos now tit itn possession & curious reptile that
cainu from Ht. Domingo. It bears the uamo
of horned lizard.
-MSg' , - 4,11.1' ' jS
'Tho honied Heard is doscrllied by La Nature
as about twonty-clglit inchw in length. Its
body is gross nnd squnt, of a brown color,
and tho lino ot tho back is covered with spiuca
that point backward, from thu kick of tho
head to tho licgimitngof tho tall, whero there
Is a small spneo destitute ot them. Tho toll
is not cylindrical llko that of our lizards, but
is compressed laterally, and is provided with
6troug muscles that allow tho animal to
switch it abruptly and powerfully in either
direction in order to defend itself whun nuy
ono tries to touch it.
Back of tho head, which possesses remark
blo peculiarities, tho lack is provided with
sort ot hump. Tho head, which is sur
mounted in front with a dermic horn, Is largo
and inflntcd on each sldo nt tho back. Under
tho lower jaw we obwrvu a fold in tho skin,
flanked on each sldo by largo jwekets, that
give tho animal, in a fuco view, a moat curious
Modem llxploilven.
Tho composition of somo of tho modem high
.explosives, according to Kiiglueerlng, is as
Dynamite 73 parts of nltro-glyeorino and
25 ot infusorial earth.
Rendrock 10 parts uitro-glycorino, 40 of
nltrato ot potash or soda, 13 ot cellulose, and
7 parntllne.
Giant Powder 30 parts of nltro-glyeorino,
43 ot nltrato ot potash or 6oda, 8 ot sulphur,
and 8 of resin or charcoal.
Mica Powder 33 parts nltro-glycerlno and
43 of pulverized mien.
Blasting Gelatine W jiarU of nltro-glyo-erlno
and 8 of gun cotton.
It will bo noticed that nearly nil tho above
explosives are composed principally of nitro
glycerine; and it U probable that in most
cases thu other ingredients only act at ab
sorbents of this liquid, and really add noth
ing to tho explosive power.
A New Mllltnrr lUtlnn.
According to a recent statement made in a
foreign exchange, all tho garrisons within
the limit of tho Borcnth German nnny corps
lwvo now been provided with larger sampled
ot the new articlo of food which is in future
to form tho so called "iron ration" of tho men
In the Held. It is a peculiar kind of broad,
In tho fihapo of small cubes tho size of n choco
late drop, made of lino wheat bread, strongly
aplood, and calculated to keen for u long time.
IVlien taken into tho mouth it quickly sof tciw,
.And Is both palatable and nutritious. It Is
chiefly Intended for forced marches, when
there Is no tlmo for camping and cooking.
A Worm In u Hen's line.
Every now nml then somebody reports as a
-wonderful phenomenon, tho finding of a
worm In n lion's egg. A writer In Bclouce that tho normal habitat ot the
worm ! (".i-:tIon, l.i tho fowl's intwtiue, but
It in-. '!" wanders Into tho vladuot.
A CleTor Woman Turn Amateur Deeo
rntor To .Mitlm Hwi1 tlm l.tnrn l'tri,
Ail Ingenious nirnb'ur, a lady, recr ntly did
a Very cnilltahlo job of ilivornlloii on tho
walls of a iidiiu, which was neeonipllhod, ac
cording to Decorator and Furnisher, as fol
lows! Tho ambitious artist had ii coat of coarso
plaster put iiK)ii tho wall which she wished
to decorate. After marking Itoir lute panels
and cohimus, she mixed plasterof purls with
Iro until It wax of projior consistency, then
nddrsl a siilllcleut niuoimt of color to make It
a delicate simile, of olive. A thin coat of this
was put over tho cntlro wall surface and al
lowed to dry. Then n little dark green
bronio was put Into the mixture and applied
to the lower Krtlon of tho middle of tho
panel. This was not smoothed, but patted
over so as to produce a surface covered with
little dots and x)lnt.s. A single oxierIiuent
will show thiiresult moro clearly than any
amount of explanation could do.
AImivo tho dark brouzo was n lighter shado
of a yellowish cast. Tho two occupied n spaco
of but llltlo moro than four Inches from Mm
lower part of tho pnnol. A vino was sketched
in tho damp plaster, the tendrils and leaves
drooping from tho heavy stalk on one slilo,
mid following tho Inner Hue of tho panel,
which was arciioti nt thu top. Tho back
ground grow lighter toward tlio iiitvr jtart
until it was of tho cloudy, hazy, golden grny
ot Indian summer.
Tho next p,inel was dono In shades of gray,
with liramhlo bushes nnd golden rod, nnd a
dull blue sky. A morning glory In jmlo
greens and purjilos, a climbing row, a passion
vino, and u lattice with delicate bars and
crc!iors worn among tho panel decorntlons.
Columns were sketched In nnd n friezo of
medium depth tlnlshed tho nmnteur work.
Tho colling had been previously dono by a
professional decorator. Tho entire Mirfnco
was reugh, and tho vines, llowers and leaves
wore lit slight relief. Tho columns wore still
more prominent, and were dono In dark gold
bronze with buses of dark olive green.
Hump KihIMi Nuiiee.
A simple wiiiee, which forms tho grand
standard adjunct to roast lieof, is homo, rad
ish sauce. To make this, scrapo as flnoly as
possible u cupful of tho root shavings; slm
mor them In linlf n pint of chicken broth;
when dono thicken Iho broth with tho yolks
ot three eggs, beaten up with n dessertspoon
ful of tarragon vinegar; add iper, salt nnd
n very llttlo grated nutmeg, and servo very
hot in a Niitco boat, If it Is desired to mako
It richer, n coireo cupful of cream mixed with
tho yelks of the eggs, and stood on tho lire in
a double boiler, nml stirred until It is very
hot, is all that Is necessary. Tho cold form
of this sauce is tho easiest to mako, and as
nlco as one could wish for. Tho horre radish
root is simply rasped until wo havo a cupful
of iluo hcrnplngs, and then mixed with an
ordinary mayouunlso, or with three tnblo
jjioonful.s of cream, ono tablespoouful of vin
egar nnd ono of sugar.
ltouit Chestnuts ami How to Sorvo Tliein.
The first requisite in prewiring this popu
lar refreshment is n clear lire, which is best
obtained by tho uso of coko. Ho sure that
tho chestnuts are good. Then cutatraus
vorso silt on the Hat bUIo of tho chestnut, not
onthocouvox sldo; uso a sharp knlfo, and
lw careful not to cut into tho chestnut. Put
tlioiu Into an old frying pan or Hat Iron ves
sel of some sort, tho bottom of w hlch must
bo perforated with holes about thu sire of a
pea. A frying pan with holes punched in
will answer tho purioso. Put the chestnuts
In a pan over a clear llrb, and stir them oc
casionally. When tho hkln ojiens nt tho placo
whore It is silt try If tho chestnuts are dono,
and servo them on n dish in u napkin. But
ter and salt should bo handed round at tho
samo tlmo.
lloullloii for AftoriUHiii Ten.
Hot bouillon Is simply tho clearest beef
oup which enn lie modo; beef ten, it is some
times called. It Is made, says Harper's Ba
tor, the day before, nnd u llttlo celery seed Is
thrown in to llavor it. Then tho soup is sot
away to cool, and all tho grease taken off. It
is then strained, nnd thus Mug jierfectly
clear, is seasoned with a llttlo salt, heated,
mid served hot in cups; it is delicious at
afternoon teas. It should bo kept hot in a
silver urn over an alcohol lamp.
Old rusliloneil Soda lllncult.
To mako flaky soda biscuit mix together a
quart of dry Hour, u teaspoonful of baking
soda, two of cream of tartar, ami a saltspoon
fid of salt; pass through a sieve, then chop
In two ounces ot butter or lard, nnd mix
quickly with milk to mako n very soft
dough. Flour tho board well, roll out,
sprluklo with flour, doublo over nnd roll out
ngnln; cut into biscuits half an Inch thick.
Dako in a very hot oven about flfteon
Spanish Creuiii.
Soak half nbox of gelatine Inn half pint
ot cold milk; beat up the yelks of three eggs
nuci put into u (louoio laiicr with n pint of
milk, three teaspoonfuls of sugar and tho
soaked gelatluo. Stir well, lot it como to a
boll, thou remove from thu tire nnd flavor to
taste. Beat tho whites of tho eggs to u stiff
r roth nnd stir tliem in with tuo other ingre
dients nnd pour into a buttered mold. Servo
with cream.
To Stouo llalalim.
Pour boiling water over them nnd lot thorn
stand flvo or ten minutes. Drain and rub
each rnlsln between tho thumb nnd linger till
tho seeds como out clean. Dry the rnlshis
before using nnd rub them in Dour before
putting into cake, to prevent their sinking to
tho bottom. It chopped, flour should bo
scattered over them to prevent their adher
ing togothcr.
Tniitncit Itluno Mhiieo,
Into n cup and a half of boiling milk stir a
pinch ot soda and half a cup of Mignr. When
these are dissolved mid ono half cup of tapi
oca which has been soaking all night in a
scant cupful of cold water, slightly salted.
Stir until clear, watching closely that no
lumps form. Flavor, and mold In wet turn
blow. l.lncn I'rest Sachet.
The scented cushion for a linen press shown
in tho cut Is mudo ot a roll of perfumed cot
ton wool, which is flrst covered with plain
material drawn la at both ends.
BerncTs Physician Office Register
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The above cut show's Register open. The book Is prepared with espccl.d reference to Improving the system of recording ca'.ls, visits, etc. It Is complete, simple
comprehensive, and as a labor saving method of keeping accounts, will at once commend Itself to every Physician In the land. Your attention is called to the fact that the
account against a patient rou an kntikic ykau Is contained within a space three Inches In width.
This book Is 12x17 Inches; contains ioo pages; each page divided Into 7 spaces, thus providing for 700 accounts, contains a condensed cash account showing (on one
page) cash recclptsfro both "regular" nnd "transient" patients for each day In the year, besides additional ruled pages for memoranda, such as "the address of nurses,
future engagements" "private consultations," etc., etc. The book Is alphebetlcally Indexed on linen tabs, substantially bound Russia back and corners, cloth sides, sprln
back, nnd nicely finished.
Prices, 700 Account Office Register, $5.00. 1400 Account Office Register, $8.00
Its Advantages are as Follows :
1st. No Footing No Transferring No Indexing.
id. One Writing of Patient's name for entire year.
3d. It enables you to keep the run of your accounts without referring to auxiliary books.
.th. Can be commenced nt nny time during the year.
Stli. The price is far below the cost of keeping accounts in the old style, viz Visiting List, Journal nnd Ledger this book
combining all three.
This cut shows book open, viith example similar to thnt shown above. Cipher code is embossed In gilt on Inside of cover.
The Register when closed Is 4x7 Inches, convenient size to carry In pocket.
The lines of the short leaf are adjusted to the long. When the short leaf Is turned to the right, the first half year Is visible.
The Hook Is Gilt Edged, bound in Illack Seal flexible with Inside pocket and clastic tablet. Contains condensed cash account,
showing nt a glance Receipts from Regular nnd Transient Patients for entire year besides eight Memorandum Pages, Pencil and
Holder, nnd Is closed by a Silk Elastic Hand.
Extracts from a Few of the Many Letters Received,
I am gratified to say that for the first time In long years of practice, I am able to keep my accountswlthout having to suffer
the drudgery of cumbersome book (keeping Dr. II. Tuholskc, St. Louis.
It Is just the thing I want. Dr. G. Swan, Hartford, Connecticut.
The book is a treasure to any busy Doctor, It saves an amount of tedious work at the end of the month which Is particularly
agreeable. Dr. E. A. Chapoton, Detroit, Michigan.
I have lost enough this a. m. to pay for the book,havlng to make out an account In haste. Dr. Jno. Uoardman, Buffalo, N.Y
It Is by far the most complete work of Its kind I have ever met with shall take pleasure In recommending it to my friends
in the profession. Dr, S. II. Chester, Kansas City, Missouri.
I regard It as the only Register In use adapted to the Physician's requirements. Dr. J. T. Kent, St. Lonls, Missouri.
For the past fifteen years I have used several kinds of Registers, all very good, but none beginning to compare with that
purchased from you. Dr. W. C. Barker, Huuimellstown, Pennsylvania.
I have found It useful and exceedingly convenient. Dr. llcnj. T. Shlmwcll, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
I must congratulate you on the Introduction of such a perfect method every member of the profession should extend to
you their appreciation by mloptlng the same. Dr. Win, Bird, Chester, Pennsylvania.
I would not do without It for fifty dollars a year. L. W. Clark, Rushvllle, Illinois.
PRICES, 300 Account Pocket Rcgister,"$3.oo.
440 Account Pocket Register, 4.00.
Tho ombroldory Is workod separately on a
ploco of Holbein Hnon in cross stitch, Ilolboln
and eatln stitch with bluo cotton. Af tor tho
roll bos boon mounted with tho embroidery,
bluo tassoU ou whlto cords, bluo silk bows
and laco ruchos aro fixed to both ends.
l'lunt btlmulunts.
If you wish n good stimulant for honso
plants supply thorn well with liquid manuro
water. If you cannot obtain this, you will
find tho el J" from tho weekly wash of great
advantir 1 t makiii-r tower rimw, Tho
effect w ' vm.u,;ulv
II l&nuilU j
( I I p;tm J11C jjlj
ill! X 1
ft ll3
16 I 5 P ?L
New Burr Block.
Western Agents,