Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 07, 1888, Image 1

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Vou. 3. No. 17
Pwioic Fivic OiCN'ra
Till) Country, tin Kctttcrs, Customs, mill
tho Trip rroiii Lincoln im heen by
a "Ooiitlcr" Scribe.
Wi'll, It seems utmost itu ago since I loft
Lincoln unci yet it If luit only n fow days ago.
Tlio Journey, however, Is mi long unit nt times
so very tedious nml monotonous Unit t lino
drags instead of passing liy pleasantly, as
ono would oxoct. leaving Lincoln in tlu
morning nt nliout 8 o'clock tlio destination
jsjlnt Ih reached nt 7 a. in. of tho fourth day,
making tlio trip In a llttlo less tlinn thm
days, and as far west as Cheyenne tlio Jour
noy is a very pleasant ono. Tlio surrounding
country is well settled, tlio cyo over viewing
tlio imtirovomeutH in iiaturu on either side of
the track that have been added to tho land
scape In tho last fow years. Tho new "Over
land l'Tyer" on tho Union Pacific nddsuilleh
enjoyment to tho trip over what it w as for
merly, (thanks to tho deceased Pottoi), for
now instead of diagging along at twenty
miles an hour tho Pneillc coast Meeker Is Jour
noyed at tho rate of forty to llfty miles an
hour, saving all entire day in time between
Lincoln, Omaha and either San Krauelsco
or l'oitland. Tho change in train son ire is
uimtlccahlo now feature, and tho new rolling
stock adds much to tho beauty of tho Union
Pncille's immeuso train. On tho "FIor"
wo llnd no antique cms of tho M'J iH-rlcsl, but
all now coaches of tho most modern Improve
ment. Thoy uero built by I'ullman, and
havo tho sumo cushions and many of tho
Mulshing and furnishings that aio found in
tho celebrated Bloopers of this inuko, but of
Course not ipilto ius elaboiato. Tho "Flyer"
leaving Omaha makes a picture to IhjIioM,
forming as it does a lino of four and live
sleeping cars, two day coaches, besides the
bnggago and express cars and ottimos more,
iw tho travel demands. To somo it might
seem queer to havo so many sleeiwrs, but
they havo each a destination, viz: I'ortlimd,
San Fruuelsco, Us Angeles, Salt Iako and
ono or two other xjlnt.s. Tho trip after leav
ing Uhoyenno Is almost void of Interest, suvu
an occasional point where an antique struc
ture Is seen; u struy Indian or somothing on
that order. At Granger wo leave tho main
lino of tho Union 1'acltlc and enter tho Ore
gon Short line, and for hundreds of miles wo
see naught but sago brush and sand, with
mountains on either side, and gazing on tho
latter wo wonder how and why nature has
bhuped them thus; so rugged, immeuso and
massive, wo llndumplo tinio to marvel at tho
chain of so much mountainous country
and to think of what hidden treasures
that lio theioili yet for man to discover.
Along tho lino ono can seo an occasional
"hole In tho ground" in tho mountain sides,
hero and there a Hume, and tho loose earth
strewn about shows that tho prosjioctor has
been hi tho Held w ith pick and shovel. And
so tho Journey goes on without anything of
particular inteiest to note, until wo near Tho
Dallejt, n Motion vu tho Oregon Railway
Navigation Co's line.
From this point webt it Is noticeable that
true civilization exists, for ouco again agri
culture is progressive and tho products yield
bountifully and of excellent quantities.
However, tho scale on which tho work is
carried on and In its acreage, has no coin
parlsou to our Nebraska Holds. Chinamen
do the work and aro considered very success
ful. Tho country from Dalles is very intor
csiilig and benuttful, entering as it does and
follow ing it closely up for more than a hun
dred miles tKo famous Columbia river. On
its banks wo see largo numbers of llshories
and saw mills. Tho country is thickly tim
bered and of lato years tho cutting of this
wood has licon acivcly taken up, and ship
ping to eastern markets has bccucommciuccd.
Tho wood is of red color and is said to Ik) the
lluest building lumber In tho United States,
and I am told th'it rich eastern syndicates
aro buying up laud and will ship all their
products to eastern markets.
It is now Wednesday and I am hi tho great
city of 1 ortlaud, nearly 2,000 tulles from
homo, hut vet I do not feel lonesome: on tho
contrary, having met numerous friends, feel
quno at, iiuiue.
Seated at tlio Oilman house I am told by a
frlond that tho imputation Is "badly mixed"
and that tho town Is not settled particularly
by any class, but that tho English jooplo aro
most prominent. There aro numerous (ler
inaus and a liberal supply of Israelites, w ith
of course tho greater majority being native
isirn Americans, many of tho old inhabitants
having lived hero from twenty to thirty
Unfortunately for me, I struck tho rainy
season, and now tho dew Is gently falling and
tho atmosphere is chilly. This, the citieus
claim is their most disagreeable season and
to hear thorn grumble ono would think thoy
hato it liko a Nchriisknu hates a blizzard, but
I don't thid It very disagreeable. It Is not a
very heavy rain, but very light and does not
seem to bo as drenching as our Nebraska
rains. No thunder and light'iiug accompany
tho storms, and during them you can see
ladles out shopping and tho streets aro full of
people as at any other time. Thoy get used
to it and don't mind it. This weather, how
over, only continues about threo out of
twelvo mouths, and the balance o; tho year
lias such delightful climate that every resi
dent speaks of as lielng tho lest In tlio world.
Contiary to expectations, theio is but very
llttlo sickness.
Tho almond eyo heathen is hero in all his
glory and in Portland today tho Chinamen
havo a population of G.OtX) to 7,000. Thoy aro
to bo seen every where and aro generally con
sidered honest, trustworthy and industrious
ieoplo. As cooks thoy havo no siiH'riors
hero and aro found In many other hnpoi tutit
places, l'eoplo hero seem to favor them in
preference to white laborers, and among them
wo find many very wealthy iorsoiis who live
good stylo, but do not own their homos, nor
aro thoy allowed to, but always loaso. Here,
like in San Francisco, they havo certain
streets that they principally inhabit, and as
a rule aro very clean iiiul tidy. Their stores
look nice and busiiioss-liko and their living
hero Is peaceful and (pilot.
Among those whom 1 met since leaving
leaving l.lnojlu was Mr. I). I. Kaufman,
formerly of Hyumu& Kauiiiiau, of Lincoln.
Ho is travelling for ono of S.iu Francisco' s
largest grocery houses and nppaiont
ly Is doing well. I met him In Oregon near
Liko In San Francisco and Denver the,
fashion hero is also ipilto Knglish regarding
tho manner of living, vl.i Hroakfust at 8 to
10, lunch ll:'J0to ihlfOniid dinner at 5 to H
o'clock. It Is a good custom and I havolio
como ipilto pleased with It and now enjoy it
lietter than our usual custon of eating. Near
ly all hotels hero aro on tho Eurooan plan,
but there Is not u Mrst-cluss house hero that
Is, nono to compare with tho l'axton, Mlllird
and that sort. However, the foundation of
an Immense hostelry Is now ready for a lino
structure. Some several years ago Vlllanl,
tho great Northern l'acillc man, stnttcd tc
build an S00,000 hotel and when tho sui,ht
strueturo was Mulshed, costing f.'0,000,
money gave otitand tho scheme failed. Now
capital Is lielng raised to complete the struc
ture and when done It will tho lionuty of
tho l'acillc coast.
I leave tonight for Victoria, 11. C, via
steamer, and will ho In l'ortland agnln next
week, expecting to visit Seattle and Taeoma
also lieforo returning. Will write further
rcganls tho great northwest. rU W.
. l'ortland, Ore., March '.".l.
War Sihik Coiireit.
Tho Alpha soohty of St. 1'aul's M. Ji.
church gave ono of the most delightful enter
tainments of tho season Wednesday evening,
in thochilich parlors. It was termed a war
sing concert, the program containing such
old favorites us "Kuwiineo river," "Tenting
on the Old Camping (Iround," "Marclilng
Through Oeorgla," etc., sung many years ago !
liy WIO IHiyS 111 HUH', 1HIW KIHIUII IU II". ll
Tho church was elegantly decorated, Mags,
bunting and banners lielng elegantly festooned
m profusion. The musical program was a
very Intel osting one. Such well known vo
enlists as Sirs. Weber, Mrs. Dorr, Mrs. Ray
mond and Messrs. Manner, Churchill, Camp
and lliirnhain apionrod in ono or mow selec
tions. Miss (loorgln Taylor gave a clover
imitation of tho life and drum in "Tho Olrl I
Ix'ft Hehind Me," on tho piano, and Miss
Josio I.oiigliiidgo recited "Drafted Into tho
Army." A supjier of hard tack and colfee
followed, and tho entertainment pronounced
a great success.
Delight of Literature.
First Swoot Girl That Is Just a perfectly
lovely book you loaned nlo, so full of delight
ful mystery, I'm Just enchanted with It.
Second Sweet Glrl-lm't it swooM How
far havo you got J
"To tho place whero Eleanor Is bidding
good-by to her relatives on her death bed."
"Oh, sho don't die."
"Sho don't f"
"No. Sho gets well nml marries tho young
"How charming! Hut sho was engaged to
her cousin J"
"Ho marries HIanrhe."
"Dear mo! Then whotliecomcs of ArthurP
"Ho marries Addle."
"Isn't it lovely J Hut Adello Is engaged to
"Ho dies; falls from his horso. Tho horso
was purposely scared by a vengeful valot
who afterward commits a regular murder,
"Yes, I know; gets hung. That's In tho
last chapter. I looked over that, but I
couldn't imagine what interest thorowasiu
a valet. Homo authors nowadays inako tho
last chapter miserably uninteresting."
"Yes, isn't it mean? Let's go over to
Annio Blank's a moment, Sho's going to let
mo havo ono of her books and sho said if I'd
run over this afternoon she'd bo through
with It and could tell mo all about it."
Omaha World.
Cannot Kxpuct Too Muclu
Bho (after tbo theatre) I seo that straw
berries aro on tho hill of fare, Qoorgo.
no (nervously) Yes; but thoy aro very
nour at this season of tho year.
Sho Of courso; but I think I will tako a
fow, oven if thoy uro sour. Ono cannot ex
pect strawberries to bo at tholr best in March,
you know. Llfo.
An Indian Hoy's Composition.
Hero Is a composition written by Fred Big
Horso, a smart Itl-year-old Sioux boy, who
has leen a year or two at tho Indian school
ftt Carlisle, Pa. Fred is evidently cut out for
o newspaper humorist. Tho titlo of tho com
position is '-Monkeys," and this Is what ho
writes about them: "Thero aro many kinds
of nuimuls. Monkoys and monkeys, etc. Tho
monkeys aro very much liko a monkey, too.
Tho monkeys can climb a tree liko n monkoy.
They havo long lingers liko a monkoy. Tho
monkoys havo long tails and long bodies liko
a monkey. Thoy often piny a merry gamo
and sing a morry song liko a monkoy. Onco
upon a tlino my friend and I wero young
men that tlmo wo took a trip wo started oh?
from Dakota and away wo went and then wo
wont to South America. Thero wo saw tho
nionkejs and monkeys every whero on tho
troos screaming and chattering everywhere
on tho trees. Thoy wero very cheerful liko
monkeys. Wo siw all kinds of monkoys In
Bouth America; wo caught a shipload of
them and brought them back to tho United
States and sold them for so much money.
Then wo took tho money to buy a big balloon
and it blow away. Then wo had no monkoys,
no money and no balloon." Now York Sun.
Clieupwr to Mne.
A stranger In Fort Worth, Tex., was
struck by tho sign, "Commercial Detectivo
Agency," that wns painted on tho doors of
oniccs all over tho tow n. Shaking to a citi
ren of tho place, ho asked If this agency was
not a largo affair, saying that they seemed to
havo ollleos all over town. "Ah, that Is old
Hill How trs," was tho reply "Ho llnds it
chcaer to movo than to pay rent, 'Detroit
Free Pi ess,
Mrs. Kendrleks (tho landlady) Is your
tent comfortable, Mr. Duuiley, or nro you
too near tho lire?
Duinloy No, I mn not too near tho flro,
Mrs. Kendrleks, hut I think I am cr a
Irlllo too near tho butter. Druko's Magjuluo.
The MiirrlK" or I. lent. Itenui'tt and Miss
lennle llnjilcu n llrilllant Kvont.
The social event of tho season was the mnr
rlogo of Lieut. C. A. Ilennett, of tho Third
Artillery U. S. A. and Miss Jennie Haydon,
at tho residence, of Mr. 1. Iv. Haydeii,
cashier of theStato National bank.
Tho ceremony took place at V! o'clock III tho
presence of relatives and a few friends of
tho family.
Tho bridal party was proceeded by llttlo
llesslo and James Haydeii, Isvirlng baskets
of lloweis. llio brldo camo in wlthher bro
t her, K. K. Haydeii. The groom with Mrs.
Mary H. Haydeii, the mother of tho brldo,
followed by Mr. Stuait Haydeii and Mrs.
Ashhel Patterson, brothi'r and sister of the
bride, Mr. Ashls-l l'atteisou and Mrs. Iv. IC.
llnvilcn, Dr. .1. 11. and Mrs. l'onhody, uncle
and aunt of tho bride. Tho brldo wore an
elegant dress of heavy white silk, her only
ornaments lielng tho orange blossoms, veil
and old Milnt lace, which was the gift of her
aunt, Mrs. Puilxsly. Mrs, l'atteisou worn
orooni white lace; her ornaments were dia
monds, her cot sago mid hand bouipiet were
Marshal Nell roses. Mm. IC. K. Haydon
wore a white faille franeals silk with over
dress of lace; her ornaments diamonds, her
corsage mid hand iHiuipiet, .lacipiemluot roses.
Mrs. I'cahod) wore a Parisian costume of sll
ver grey hciignlitio silk, decorated with steel
and silver Missamentarie; her ornaments
were mi iiutfquoset of jH-ai Is and rubles; her
(lowers were pink (en roses. Tho bride's
mother woio her usual slmplodioss of black
that she ndoptisl when she cntcicd (he "Or
der of Deaconess" in (ho church, wearing
(ho cross denoting her ocatlon. Tho grooru
woie the full imlfoim of aiiollleerof tho Ar
tillery. The attending gentlemen wero
dressed In the usual conventional black. Tlio
party enterisl the parlors to tho ravishing
strnlnsof the march from "Uiheugrlii," whero
they were met by the How F. It. Mitlsiuiugh
of Mhmens)lls, whocnmoilowu for (his occa
sion, having married all of (ho other incut
liors of Mrv. Haydeu's family. Mr. Mills'
paugh was assisted by How AUx Allen of
Lincoln. The service was Impressive nnd
lieuutfftil, as is characteristic of tho Episco
pal form, and was rendered Inn faultless
The decoration of tho house was the work
of K. H. Parsousof the Nebraska Floral com
pany of this city, and gavo grcatcrcdlt lohls
taste and skill. Palms nnd blooming plants
lu Kits were groutssl here and thero, nnd fes
toons of smliax,aiid wreaths of Mowers wero
susendcd from chandeliers and arched
doorways. Tho table with Its streamers of
hiullax and rlhlton and burning fairy lamps,
called for especial attention, loaded down as
It was with Itsdalnlyand substantial fare.
Tlio wlno (lowed froclv, and everyone pro
nounced I ho refreshments to lie both elaborate
and delicious. Although nt noonday, tho
windows were closed and darkened and ovory
gas Jet nhlaro with light, adding an Inexpres
sible charm (o the whole affair, tlm riven
tlou that followed was ono of tho largest andT
most agreeable ever yet given In Lincoln.
Each guest seemed to foci as If It was their
own wedding day, leaving behind them many
compliments for the gonial host and hostess,
and all manner of good wishes for tho happy
brldo and groom. Telegrams of congratula
tion wero received from Omaha, Now York,
Washington, Fort Monroe and other stints.
Tho presents wero numerous nnd costly.
Tho "souvenirs" for tho ladies wero tiny satin
bags, hand painted and enclosing slices of
tho wedding cako. Tho gentlemen received
button-hole bouipiets of choice Mowers. Tho
bride is well known in this city, Omaha and
Washington City, wheio sho has many friends
who wish her much Joy and happiness. They
left tho same owning over tho Missouri Pad
lie for a month's wedding tour, after which
thoy will 1h "at homo', to their friends at
Washington barracks, Washington, D. C.
Among the guests from abroad were Dr. and
Mrs. J. II. Poabody, Mr. and Mrs II. W.
Yates, and Miss Florence Yates, Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Yates, Mr. and Mrs. T. II, Hay
den, Hon. .1. M. Woolworth nnd .Mrs. Wool
worth and Miss Menlo Woolworth, Gen. and
Mrs. C. W. Frederick, all of Omaha. Mr.
and Mrs. Ashliel Patterson of Mason City,
la., How F. II. Millspaugh of Minneapolis,
Minn., Hew Alex Allen and Mrs. Allen, Mr.
anil Mix. E. E. Iliowu, Lieut, nnd Mrs. Dud
ly, Mr. and Mrs, C. V. Yates, Mr. and Mrs,
It. II. Oakley, Mr. and Mrs. Potviu and tho
Misses Potvin, Mr. J. II. MeMiirtry. Mr.
and Mrs. Storrs and Mr. IOiiis Stons, Mr. II
C. Eddy, Mr. S. A. liudger, Mr. II. Freeman,
O. E. Waite, Mr. Cornish, all of Lincoln.
Thegeneral reception that followed Included
all of the elite of Lincoln and continued
until (1 o'clock.
The HiirlliiKtoii I'ljns.
General Passenger Agent Emtls was In tho
city Wednesday and it is on his authority wo
announce that Nos. 1 and :.', the Chicago
Denver dyers, will 1h put on again perma
nently nor t Monday. This will lx chisjrful
ileus to travellers, for it had Isx-n rumored
that these trains would not bo put on again
They know just how to plcaso you with
oysters In every tlo ut Ilrown's Now Vienna
To the Trio vllng Public.
Please note that a suerb lino of FREE
CHAIR CARSi is now run lwtwu'ii Lincoln
and Chicago on trains Nos. A and No. i; alsc
that sleeping car ls'i'ths or draw lug looms on
the "Myers," Nos. 1 and 'J may lie reserved in
advance nt City Ticket OMIce, cornur Tenth
and O Streets. A. C. X.ihmku,
City Passenger Agent.
The ladles of Lincoln havo found it to their
advantage to buy dress goods and trimmings
of J. E. .Miller His stock this season is the
largest and lluest over shown in this city and
his grand sale hascailscd all Lincoln ladies to
wonder. The prices aro exceedingly low and
tho goods siiHirb in quality and tlylc.
What you need Is a medicine which Is pure,
elllclent reliable. Such Is Hood's Sarsapa
rilln. It possesses peculiar curative powers
Chiuuliorlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diar
linen Remtsly has cund a great many cases
of chronic dlarrluva that had withstood all
other treatment for many years. It Is tin
doubtly, ono of tho most valuable misllcal
preparations ovordlsoovored. For sale by W
J. Turner.
You will need now curtains whoiiyou get
ready to clean hoiue. Don't buy until sou
havo ms.' ii the sujioib lino for Mile by
AkIIIIV & Mll.l.Sl'AL'llll.
Aliiimrinenls for Next Week. Tim lloolh
llsrrett CiiKnijeiiioiit.
ham'i. ok iiwkn. 0
Tho Frank (,hieon company presented (his
old favorite (o a small house at FunUe's Mon
day evening. There aro several fair actors
In the company, but their presentation of the
drama lacked tho "go" and Mulsh of Curtis'
familiar manner. Mr. Uncoil was suliorlng
from an iilfcctloti of (ho throat and lungs,
thereby rendering criticism of his acting In
accurate. He showed great familiarity with
the part and his was a gixxl copy of (he orig
inal Sam'l. The company disbanded hero,
most of (ho tuemlstrs leaving for Now York
Wednesday, on account of Mr. (Juoen's ser
ious condition.
Never in tho history of anniNemenU In
Lincoln was there such a charmingly enter
taining and delightful play presented as (lint
of "The Woman Hater," liy Roland Heed
and his stron ir company Thtllsduy evening.
Tho company did not arrive lu the city uu'll
after H o clock on account of an accident on
the Usui, but tho atidlruce good-lnnnoreilly
waited half mi hour Uiyond tho usual time
for commencing tho Hrforiuauce It In dif
ficult to say exactly what the plot of the
play Is, ono loses track of it III thoeiijoymelit
of tho piece. Tho conusly Is rolluod, not re
lying on horso play for Its success but ap
pealing to the llucr risibilities. Mr. Heed Is
undoubtedly tlm In'st comedian on the Ameri
can stage today, not oven excepting Nat
Goodwin. Ho is essentially an American
como Han, no sing chic nnd that peculiar
quality of mai'liig a thing humorous essen
tially American. .Mr. has the gissl
fortune to ho surroiiuihsl bo a strong com
jsiuy, and especially such charming ladies as
Miss Alice Hastings and Miss Annie lowls,
whoso delightful acting add greatly to the
ploasurtCof tho srforiuauco. Mr. lUssl can
draw on this city for anything he wants
hoi oaf tor.
tho Now York society lady w ho some t lino since
made her advent on tho staue, and who has
created a furor wherever sho has apcaicd,
will occupy tho liourdsnt Funko's tonight In
"Romeo and Juliet." Mrs. Potter Is supsut
tsl by Mr. Kyrlo Hollow, ono of Now YorkH
most popular actors, add a company of great
strength. O'tcnlay's Omaha ice has tho fid
lowing tosayof .Mrs, Potter, who appeared
In that city this week:
"Mrs. Potter Is tall and slender, hut grace
ful and willowy In motion. Her face Is llnely
chiseled and clear out III Its rare ami delicate
beauty. Her prolllo Is daintily Roman, her
eyes largo and expressive, and a mass of
lovely, light brown hair frames her classical
forehead lightly, Sho has a sweet smllo and
'constantly displays hor exquisitely whlto
Hot hands aro shapely and hor lingers
taHr, It Is possibly cruel to Itemize such
licauty In this way, but In this case all look
for parti .ularizatlMii. Her Acting, about
which so much curiosity exists, was fully as
good as any one has a right to oxioct, and lu
somo of tho climaxes of "Iiyal Iovo"hIio
evinces much histrionic talent that yet pro
mlscs great things for her. Sho Is coiiscleu
tlous and painstaking, and, in conscquoncc,
deserves naught but the kindest criticism."
Tho sjMH'tnoular drama of ".oo, (he
Magic Queen," will lw produced nt Funko's
next Wednesday evening, April lit li. The
play is one which will please every class of
tlicatre-gotrH. There is a brilliant and spark
ling dialogue, conductisl chiefly by Washing
ton Knowal, a typical American, which con
tinually recalls tho spectator from fairyland
and reminds him by very practical rcmaiks
of mimduiio all'alrs. MissToma Haulonap
M.urs as Rhododendron, and Tootsle. The
balance of tho couiiauy is strong,
Hcautiful scenery and the most startling
mid realistic stage elfisi-ts lend their aid, and
the production us a whole is one lu which
every class of jiooplo who visit theaties may
Mud something to interest them. The clow
of the ship which Is wrts-ked upon a mys
tciious coast Muds Itcnuty enough Isith lu the
scenery and lu the Inhabitants to reconcile
them to their lost country. Demons also
abound In the enchanted countiy, but after a
struggle thoy are sulslued and leave the ship
wiccktsl sailors lu clover. I ho grand trans
formation weno In the fourth and last w t Is
a gorgeous pictuic which may Imi coiisiderisl
one of the master pieces of stage work.
Mr. Ocoigo II. Adams, as Washington
Kuownll, Mr. Ohailos Kenuick, its Captain
Raudull of tho wns-ked ship, and Miss
Paulino Moutegritro as oo, the fairy queen,
aio the principal actors of a strong and well
selected company.
These two great tragedians will upH-ur t
the Fiiuko on Thursiiay evening next. This
is probably tho only oppci (unity Lincoln
M-oplo will have of ever seeing these two
great tragedians in conjunction, and as the
osra house management ale under heavy
guarantee it Udiooves thov of our sp'o
who have not already ws-iirisl seats to do so
at once. The demand has Im-cii very great so
far, but thero is jet a number of choice seats
left, but thoy will soon ho snappisl up.
Fiom the Itoston Iraveller of DoeemlsT lit,
ls-ST, we are Hrmittisl to make tho following
extract regarding tho production of "Julius
Cii-sar" in that city.
Tho revival of "Julius Cicsar" at the llos
ton last evening, in which Mr. Edwin Ilooth
apissiieil as Hrutiis and Mr. I-nwrcuco llar
lettas Casnius.attraetisl a verj lurge, cul
turisl, and enthusiastic audience Itoth
tragisllaus seemed to ap)sar at their U'st lu
tliu tritgisly last night. It Is doubtful if a
iicrformauco of late j ears has Urn given tlmt
was more harmonious, more complett , nunc (
iiiR'iiigeui in inmigiii aim aiusuc in one,
and in every way more admirable, by u legi
timiite dramatic coniMiiiy organized for tuur
ing the country, than tho one Monday cmii
nig Coining together when theiv weix in
the full possession of their powers, when the
rewards of long and faithful service wire
bountifully theirs, they have set an example
of superior chaiaetor to tho atroiisof the
drama that can but prove tols) Hsitlv lu
tluei.ces for gixsl, and must live lu memory
for many years to como.
Tho iui;x'rsounttoii3 of Drums by Mr.
Ilooth and Casslus by Mr. Harrett have lieon
seen so often and commented on so frequently
that nothing further need is) said, except
that hoth were lu excellent spirits anil acini
with their customary artistic Mulsh, lutelll
geiico and careful endeavor, Mr, Ihxith Is,
IK'ihaps, a pathetic rather than a stern llru
tin, making the character one of devotion
and rending tho text In n masterly manner.
If Mr. Harrett Is evenly stiong lu any one
lai t it Is Casslus. It Ills him exactly, and
consequently the character Is inimitably
Tho audience was deelihslly demoiistiatlve
lu its applause for Messrs. Ilooth, Harrett ami
Huckloy, and at the end of the fourth uctthn
two stais were callcsl lieforo the curtain live
times. The mobs wero itiiusiinlly woll mini
agisl, and by tholr action displayed somo
kuowlislgoot what thoy wore oxpcolodjto do,
Mr. Harrett Is iinrlvallisl as a stage manager
lu this country, and his staging of "Julius
Cicsar" showed his siqMirlor ability In that
direction, Tho scenery was elaborate, hand
some and picturesque. Tho Hrfnriuiitnm was
a magiiilleleut one lu ever) particular, mid
was evidently thoroughly apprisdutisl by tho
lino audience present. "Julius Cicsar" will
Isiglvell allthe Wis'k.
Denver's ilulillee.
The osuhig of the Foith Worth roml
giving Denver an almost air lino to the lit
Mirtaut seaport at Galveston, wasati Impor
tant event In tho commercial life of capital of
the golden state. The meeting of tlm Inter
national Cattlemen's convention drew thous
ands of the lending men of Texas ami ad
jacent stales. The Mist evening 0siiiisl with
a grand ball nt the Tabor ()ora house. The
street hi front was Illuminated with liuati
descent lights of various colors for over a
mile. Fully o,(KK) tickets wore Issued.
Every pint, of this large opera house was
crowded, Tho Moor for the dancers extended
not only over the lower Moor hut far onto the
stage, and when the hour H was uiiunuucisl
for the dancing to begin, the w hole space was
crowihsl with the best iIicsmsI people of Den
ver and tho west In rich costume, nml hrll
llant personal decorations and line women.
It is doubtful whether any eastern city could
have surpassed the brilliancy of the occasion,
The crush was so gteat that an over-Moor IniII
was Inaugurated lu the rooms of the Hoard of
Trade building.
On the second day of the Jubllisi (hero was
a procession, representing all the trades and
business of Denver. Every Interest was
represented. Th procession started promptly
at 'J p. in. and was threo hours and a half
passing a given point.
It was a splendid showing of tho enterprise
of a city, destined to become ono of tho great
distributing iwluts west of the Missouri.
Tho vaBt mineral and other resources of tho
state and tho largo tributary territory, as
yet but little dnvclojMsl, indicate a grand fu
ture for this metro Mil Is In the mountains.
deception to HUIiop lloiiiiciiin.
The Couiusclub will give a reception to
Illshop lloiinciiiu at Temple hall on Monday
evening next. Nearly thns) hundred Invltn
tlous have lxs'ii Issiusl. The (stiisIoii will
likely bo a very cnjoynhlu one for tho Catho
lic people of the city whose hospitality Is well
known. Illshop Hoiiacum (swell llktsl by all
his iNirlshloners, and the receitIon will bo a
most cordial and enjoyablo ono.
Miss May Potvin will render somo excellent
Instrumental music as woll as others of our
talented musicians, The program of exer
cises will Is) unusually Hue.
Anything (o Aecninmndute.
Husband I can't stand this, my dear.
Thoro is nothing on the tnblo lit to cat and I
actually havo not had a meal that did mo
any good for three or four days. I can't
work and fast too, that's sure.
Wlfo I know It, but what am I to do!
Tlio children aro tick and I haven't tlmo to
prepare tho meals myself.
"Tho girl can cook well enough when tho
wants to."
"Yes, but she doesn't caro now. She's go
ing away."
"Why, she hasn't liecn hero much overn
week. What's tho mattorl"
"Her room faces south and sho complaint
that sho can't sit by her window anil boo
what's going on outxlooru without gotting
"Woll, my dear, w must llvo somehow.
Ask her if sho'll stay If I turn tho house
nrouud." Omaha World.
Time to Inve.
"That farm sceno you soom to bo sneering
at, tlr," said tho indignant artist, "Is valued
at f.WO. It is genorally considered a flno
tainting. Allow mo to ask you If you aro
familiar with works of art)'1
"Not very famillnr," rophod'tho agricult
urist, who was looking through tho studio
with his wife, "but I know something about
tlio works of nature, young man; nnd when
you mako a coiv that gets up from tho ground
by putting out her forefeet first you nro do
ing something that nature never did. Como,
Nancy, lot's go." Chicago Tribune.
A Correct I)lni;nnl.
Young Physician (diagnosing a case) Tlio
trouble with you, sir, is you eat too much.
Patient Doctor, vvhut I eat wouldn't keep
a bird alive.
Young Physician nuinpl I see, your sys
tem needs nourishment; you don't eat
Patient now much It It, doctor I
Young Physician Two dollars, plenso.
Tbo Epoch.
Threading tho Stasy.
Mr Oowest (at a Chicago evening party)
Way I murk your card for tho nsxt waltz,
Miss Hrecryf
Miw llreozy (contultlng canl) Thaukt,
awfully, Mr. Oowest, you may havo tho ono
following, if you like. I beo that Mr. It.
Moor hat corralled mo for tho rt. Texas
yj. -r. .'v am
The I'rmliitcrlitti Ladles (live it Unique
The I.aillos Society of (he Preslrylorlnii
church gave a most, delightful entertainment
at the chinch parlors Tuesday and Wednes
day evenings, Airs, W. II. MeCns'ry, presi
dent of Hie society, nnd Mm Millspaugh had
general siisrvlslou of alfalrs, ami much of
the success Is due (o their Indefatigable
eirorts. Each booth was appropriately de
corated to typify ng a mouth of (he year,
and (ho elTis't on (he whole was very pretty.
March was presided over by Mrs. Lyman
and Mrs. Campbell, and tho decorations wero
suggestive of what the past mouth was
April, the month of showers, lyptlhsl liy
umbrellas, gossamers, nnd (ho like, was
under the MiMirvlslouot Mrs. Mnrllaud nml
Miss Minnie Ijitta.
May, (he ll.iwer month, was lu charge of
Mrs, McGiihoy and Miss Dona Immis,
Juno, (he month of roses, was exquisitely
dis'oratisl, being presided over by .Mrs. Scott
nml the Misses Musser.
July Insplnsl pad lot le feelings from tint
profuse Intermingling of the stars and strlcM.
Mis. Hislguiau piesldisl asgisldessof lllsjity,
and was assisted liy Mrs. Walto ami Mrs.
At tho August booth lee cream was served
ley Mr. Patrick and assistants. ThoiUcora
flons wore suggestive.
KoptomlKir, lu charge of Mis. Cliamlmrs and
Mrs. Frank Hall, wits guriillurod with
grasses of various kinds, and fruits and nuts
The Octolsr booth was tho homo of tho
gypsies, who weio under tho leadership of
Mrs. Piatt and Miss Harr, and all appro
priately costumed, Many embraced (he oH
porlimllyof crossing tho hands of tlio ladle
with silver and iccrliig hehlud tho mystic
vail of the future.
November represented tho solid uirt of tho
utertalnmeiit, namely tho supper, and was
well patrnnlnsl. Mr. Dr. I low man and as
sistant wore lu charge.
DoceinlK'r, presided over liy Mrs. Itewlck
and Mrs. Smith, represented santa clans time,
and dispensing sweetmeats was their occupa
January was presided over liy Mm. Harmer.
whoso assistants dliqionsod freshly jstpjieil
February was the jiostolllcn booth, ami
many missives, tender ami otherwise, wero
delivered to anxious Impilier by Mrs. Grlf
11th nnd Mrs. Dr. OrllTcu.
Tho ladle aru to Isi congrntiihittsl on tho
tucccN of their entertaliiinent, which wo
one of the mostenjoynhle given lu tho city.
Wnrm Trunin In th Snow.
"Thero nro somo funny old character!
among tho Adirondack hunters. Old Duncan
McDonald Is one of them. II like to get a
city greenhorn Into tho woods and puralyw
him with an astonishing knawlcdgo of wood
craft nml skill In trucking gnmo. Dunk ti
one of tho tllent, mysterious follow Uiat you
read alxnit. He play that on tho greenhorns.
Ono day he was out with a chap to go llshlng
through the ice. Dunk was siklug along
through tho wixmIs Just ahead of tlio city
chap when lie saw a deer' track lu tho snow.
Hostopissl short, motioned to the other fel
low to hold up and looked sharply ab tho
track, saying, 'Sshl' Then hostooped down,
picked up n handful of snow containing tbo
mark of the door's hoof, ami wild: 'Warm,
Just gone.1 Tho city greenhorn wasn't to
green hut what ho told tlio story all around
and got tho laugh on old Dunk. n San Fran
cUco Examiner.
The Ijitost Tlili.g In 1'inlfc,
Friday ownliiguiii AprJL SjMirrlng utl0;S0l
Clenrsle's CoM.
Qoorglo comes down to breakfast with a
swollen visage. Whercition mamma flays to
tho 4-yenr-oider: "Why, Ooorglo, darling,
don't you feel well! Tell mamma what tho
matter Is."
Georgle, full of influenza, replies: "No, I
don't feel well. Hofo of my eyes is loaldn',
and ono of my noses don't go." Hurjier's
A New N'ninn for Them.
Olio Sunday a lady friend of mine took
her little nleco to tho Episcopal church for
the first tlmo and placed hor In the infant'
class. On the way home the llttlo girl sold
to her aunt: 'Auntie, did they paw around
shovels in your clussl Thoy did In mine."
Itoston Olobo.
Tnttlng tlio Knot.
Thero aro hereto methods of cutting rod
tape. Would tlmt wo all had tho courugo to
adopt them! At tho beginning of tho war
tho armory gate at Richmond was closed,
and a sentinel was stationed thero to deny
admittance to Intruders.
Ouo day an old negro approached,
Negro What I gwlno halt fort
"No ono allowed in thero."
"Hut I'to 'blecgod to go. I got a noto for
db lioss."
"No ono allowed to go In there without a
"Hut I tell you l'to 'hleeged to go In. Mr.
Annerson ho sent me."
"Can't help who sent you; you can't go In."
"Well, den, ou glinmo dc gun, and you
toko do notel" Youth's Comuanlcn.
St, Paul and the Northwest.
Points in the ikUivu dlreclioiis aro rmched
lsst by the Elkhorn valley lino. Connections
are sure and the line most direct. Get ticket.s
at lift South Tenth street or depot, comer 8
and Eighth srvetts.
,. nm I
min W Sk K