SXyiwSTuiwwti -iirac3riu.'aii5lJiiijii.i,i,.!i:;Li?ii-i"j" ";' ' '."J itt" g;gswwiMjiTewiawK'irwTiCT'nrRa iKrwnanwiwKwwuTw-ftit. 7saRir -, ftMHk mBRwhw wwwfWra jus '9 THE COURIER. i;nilir iixr o JfmlVrn 7XmM. Saturday Evonlng, March 31, 1888. Tint Cimrli'r ('nil lm I'liuml A I Windsor lintel Noma Hliuul, Cnpttnl llnM Now Hliuul, (McllV DliiliiK Hull New hiiiikI. Chimin A Klddicr. IIIWO Hired, A.T. I .ciiiIiik .'' IIUIO Htri'd. Tito (lot hum NownHliuul, lit Month lit li HI. Kcllli llrt).. Ill Nmlli Hlli Hlriil. Kd. Ynninr. MSiMiNtrccl. Norici: to .nvi:iti ismts. Aihi'rllMriii( luiiimliil to nut In thol fuMirnnx curly nit iIIOt', mil Inter limn four o'clock 1'rlilny iirtiTiinon, it tho Koch In prr Hull i'M'IiIiik WIicii onlcrliiK your mix iTllMMiirnt oiil diitp tho Imalne limiiiiicoi nciinl. TIip rolli'i'lor !npt tofnrKi'l Mich order, iiiideoniplliineo with tlilrcipifl will hiivo lit trouble mul yourself luiiinyiinen. We nm dully million looiir 1M of subscriber, cmplnylmrit limn rHM'oliilly for tliittoloptir MiNO,iMiili'liili)illiiiliiHiiiiiiilvcrlUlii iiit'illimi I tin Coi'iti Hit I unexcelled. cr Dunlap Hats Spring Styl SPRING STYLES. W.R. DENNIS, Hatter and Furnisher, 1137 O Street, Whltotirumt Conl nml I.lmo Coiiiwiiiy. tciiTllfH Domwtlo er.nv Hllkn, Axtiliy MIINhiiikIi. Lnco eurtnhia at Onkloy &JCo. Pellclotw hmclu nt limun'H CnW. Spring wriiw, AMiliy ft MIIInimiukIi. Kino drew pmhIh, Ahby ft MllltpmiKh. OyMeni, frwli, hit unit lino at Hrown'H. Ank your Kniecr for lionio miulo brond. Smoko Chili Iloom clnr. llurr block. Fifty cent rIovc wile nt Onkloy St Co. Vnrty intttH unit jjIovm nt Onkloy it Co. Ciirpetn nt iKittom price nt Onkloy & Co, Trlekoy &Co.,wholoxnlonnd ivtnll Jowi'lor. Kern t HoIhtIh. ilontist'-'ilAloxumliT Hlk. Don Ciimcron, HWl O Htrcet, for lunches lllnck Kllk inlttH just received nt Onkloy & Co. Muslin underwear, now line, nt Onkloy & Co. Cnll for 18o full regular how nt Onkloy & Co. Got tlio licet. It lit LmvlttVi Dome tic 7.tW All tho Intent wntpa nml Jacket nt Onkloy fcCo. Thirty-two lueh witcen 13 1-L'o nt Onkley A: Co. Jets, JetH, Jots, In trimming nml panels nt Oakley'. Hroudclothti f 1.-5 nml ninnzon cloth nt Oak loy St Co. Hot roll nml ton blcult nt tho City bnkory overy ilny. Thousiind mllo ticket for snlo nt 115 South Tenth struct. Pure, llrnt-clns good nt llctt St Sowell's, .SO O otrvot. Oyster In every ntylo, fino mul frwli, nt Don CunieronV. Go to tho City Imkery for homo miulo lireiul. Cor. 10th nml N. Try Hutchlm St Ilyntt' Mendotn lump for domestic purpose, Our ltet fnmllica nil uso no other conl but Lenvltt's Domestic, Our May Uxi So clgnr is tho loot In tho city. Try It. Ilurr block. Canon City Conl ngnlii at tho Whltebrenst Coal mul Ltiuo Co. Tnko tho Elkhorn lined, Omnlm trnln leav ing Lincoln nt 7 n. m. Oakloy St Co. hnvo tho hiKt hlnck hosiery for laities suit children. After tho club pnrtliw, go to Urown's now cuM for n delicious lunch. Canned goods of every description nt Delhi & Sowell', 11S0 O street. lletts & Howell nro hcndiptartont for lino groceries, nt 11S0 O Mrtvt. Binoko tho Club Room clgnr nirulo by lift. Ynnnh cignr fnctory, Burr block. llcforo Insuring look up tho Mutual Llfo Insurance OoniKiny of Now York. ThoMlMouri l'nclllo rnllroiul nm freo reclin ing chair cars on nil through trains. Hutchhia & Hyatt uinko u fcKclnlty of wa sonnl hnnl nml soft wood, cut to onler. Roust Turkey, Goco nml nil kinds of ment nt Don Cmneron' overy ilny for dinner. Finest lino of smoker' iiieentclmum nrticlos at tlioHnviiuii clgnr fnctory, Hurr block. Monarch nml Lincoln brands of canned goods nt lkttsit Howell', 1120 O street. 811k wrap Henriettas In tho mest oxiniUlto 1 mill's nro kliown by Ashby & Millspaugh, BenBounblo fruit of nil kinds nro siioclnl tie nt Hotta & Howell', grocors, 11S0 O street. Importl smoking tobaccos, llnest mado, to Tx) had only at Havana clgnr fuctory, Ilurr block. Tickets to point In Kansas, Missouri nml ticket via Omuha on snlo at Klkhorn olllco, 115 Bo. 10th St. Tho Mutunl Llfo Insuranco Co. of Now York. AV. II. Hastings, District Agent, room 63, llurr block. The cloth, Nowmnrket, I tho most stylish garment for spring yrwr. Aehh & Mlllspaugh how them in all itrod Iroiu W to VVt Wash gooiu wero novr w tx-autiful as this teitson. A gUuiee throtmh Ashby A: Mllls paugh' immenso stock will convlnco you of this fact. DetU & Bowoll keep tho freshest groceries to be had In the city. Everything In tho family supply lino at their store, 11J0 O tract. BqH ELK ETCHINGS. The New 4!lu1i HiiiiMt Olilnlncil--Mliiiir M .'lit Ion. Thoco.Hiiilltision liy-liiu of tho Lincoln lodge No JIH, lll niHirt nl Monday evening' wtwlun. Omiihii todgn No. JIO "III glvn n grand bull nt their room In Continental block next Wediioidiiy evening. A number of Lincoln Elksexpis'l tontteiid nnd pai'llclpnlo In the festlvlllo. Iteguliir communli'iitloii of Lincoln lodge No. Nl on Monday evening next. Hlx now ini'intier will be glvtm the llrsl degreo. Ilrother V. ('. .ehrung, exnltisl ruler of Lincoln lodge, nttonded IIiohowIoii of Onmhii No. JKIIhlsMcck nml lecelved n roynl wel come. The trustee of No. SO havo about com pleted iimingeincntH with Mr HcIiiiIkh-k for' tho leimlng of lluiWM'ond lliMirof his building, on the wiHlheiist corner of Klnvenlli nnd I street. Till will give them n HiipKr room 7,'il.' feet, a lodge room SlUlHl, with nit tho iiistiwary mtvui!' rooms, unto rooms, etc. It lseMM'lisl Hint tho club will Imi able to oblnlli posnejwloli by tho 10th of Mny, Jllut two moullm niter the orgnulJitioii of the lodge, This Is n most excellent showing for the I m by linlge. The south room on the llrstlloorof the new KlkiT lieiidiUiulei-H would Ihi mi excellent place for a caterer, who would thus senile the cut liu patronage of tho members. ly tlie 1st of May the lodge will hnvo nl least seven! v live HicmlicrM, ami of Hint mmihci fully twculy-llvo take their liinehdowii town. Ilesides these Micro would lie many who would attend nfter the theatre or the artv. The rluht man would hnvo n good thing. Miss Nettle Murray lert Thursday on all eastern trip. Mix. K H. l)unilv,Jr.,or Omaha, is visiting Mix W. II. Ogilcn. Mr It. I'. Heecher left Tuodny on n trip to Washington, H. V. Jlls Ellin Ltso left yiiHtcnlay on a visit to friends at TisMiinseh. 0 1' Dlnges nnd family hnvo returned from their trip to California. Mr .1. A. lliiekstnir has been very 111 this Week, but is reporttsl lietter Lulny. The spring term of the unlvei-slty opelietl Thursday with a gosl iillendanii. Mi. Clmiles E, Trnphageii Is visiting with friends and relatives In I'corla, III. The Ancient Order of Hibernians will glvo a ball nt Masonic Temple on Monday evening next. Miss Dnvls of Wh.sdhig, V. Vn., will ho tho guest of Mr. K. K. Haydeii tho coming wis'k. Mrs. Iml Hnrllott of Akron, Col.,lsniak Ing a very plensniit visit with her cousin, Mrs. It. O. rhlllip. Hnm McClny Is iwelvlug tho congratula tions of his many friends over his safe return from California. Messrs. Hurley, Ijitnltertson and ITtt have returned from their ipiest after tho elusive duck down in Missouri. .Mrs. Anna Zimmerman of Hutchinson, Kns., Is Hut guest of her sister, Mr. II. II. Wnro, No. 17SIK street. MIssch Mny Vnrney and Viuii Gnnnn of Trcumsch, iwild Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Dimi molt a brl"f visit till wivk. Mr. and Mr. (I. H. Chapman arocntcrtaln ing their relatives, Mm. D. II. Chapman nml dnughter, of Missouri Valley. Mr. nnd Mr. M. lliishuell of Osago, town, imrentsof 11. M. Iliistmell, hnvo nrrlved In tho city, nml will iiinko their homo hero. Mr. Jo. Hcott, land cniiunKsloner, and Jlr. Win. Leose, attorney general, nro liistcctlng tho new public building nt Nebraska City. Sunday' sleoi storm wo ono of tho most destrurtlvo over wltnesmsl, thousaml of trees Utlug sadly broken mid tho buds destroyed. Mr. Chn. Iiwls of Wlllsir, who spent n few day very pleasantly with tho family of Mr. W. II, Hnolling, returned homo Tuesday. Tho popular blood piirlller, Hood'Sarhapa rlllnj Is having n troinemlou sale this season. Nearly overylstdy take It, Try It yourmtlf. Mis lCdna Hwivt of Wct I'oliit, who has 1hch a guest of Mis Nellio Zehnmg for tho jvist two weeks, rcturuoti to ner nomo ! iiesdny. Tho regular inomhly reception of tlio Y M. C. A. was held Wednesday evening, and was mndo tho occasion of mi unusually pleasant evening. lr. AV. II. Ash worth, representing Iisch lh-o., has Just returned from tho Illack Hills country. Ho will start on another trip to that region Monday. Mr. H, A. Warner gavo another of his series of ball at Temple hall on Tuesday evening. Llko It predecessor It was a very pleasant nml enjoyable party. Mr. R. E. Mooro hits returned from his trip to tho l'nclllo const. While away ho visited Ban Diego, Iam Aiigele, l'ortlnud, Tncoma, Hoattlonnd tho principal citliwof that region. Quito a number of Onuilin society Hoplo will lio present nt thogerinan Thursday even ing next, n iwrtion remaining over for the ricAsant Hour Junior' lillFrIdiiy evening. Mr. J. 11. McMurtry Is homo itguiti from his visit tr thoold homo In Indiana, whither ho was culled by tho serious Mine of his hither. Wo nro glnd to Ihj ublo to unnouueo tho gentlenmn' recovery. Tho l'lonsnnt Hour Junler glvo their Inst bnll of tho sensoii nt Temple hull Friday evening. A number of guest from nbrond will iw present, nnd tho occiu-lou will 1st mi event In Roclnl circles, ns tho Junior hnvo no giijierior ius entrtniners. Tho ladle of tho Presbyterian church nro mnkliig preparations for a novel cntertnln nieut nt their church noxt Tuesday evening. Aprons of nil style will lm sold from booths decorated to repntsenttho months of tho your. Supper will Ihi Borveil from 11 to U o'clock. Tho German club will glvo their third and lastgvrinan of tho season Thuixhiy evening, April 5th. Program dancing wil bo indulged in till 11 o'clock, when lunch will bo served; after which twelve figures of tho gerinnn 111 lie danced. This promise to Ihj ono of tho mvcllukt event of tho season. Miss .May l'otvin will leave Monday for n two week' visit In Omnlm. While in tho metropolis sho will piny in a concert to Ihj given at Uoyd's otem house on Tuosdiiy even ing noxt. Mis l'otvin is ono of Lincoln' most accomplished pianist and bus many friends in Omaha who delight to hear her at overy opportunity. Mr. and Mr. Helskoll entertained tho whist club of which tlioy are member, nl their homo on E street on Thursday evening the iSM. A very enjoyable time was had by nil present." On tho Friday evening following thoy entertnlned u select number ot friends. Curd plnylng wns tho chief feature of tho evening' entertainment. Miss Allen Oakloy gavo n delightful party on Frlduy evening tho 23d, to tho Pleasant Hour junior. Tin) reputation of tho young lady a a hostcs reudom all commont unnoc-c-essary. Every ono present noted It ono of tho most ileliL'htful partie of tho season, tho only regret of tho ovonlng being that tho hour for dispersing to tbo various homes ar rived all too soon, TIIM TIIKATHICAI, WOULD. A WEEK'SREVICW AND PROSPECTIVE. i lie I'lelil of A iiiii.eiiii'iil In l.lnenlii. News About I'Iiijd, Aclurs, i:ic. TIIK IIIIIIAN I'OMKIIV COMI'AMV. One of the ls-st play of tho season was Hie one preNontisl at the I 'unke on Tuesday ceu lug last by the Arthur Itehaii Conmly com Miiiy. It was iw-K'iilhilly a society ami do mestic drama, nnd several very gissl mmals were aptly N)lnbsl. Theiowasaii agriH-ablc ubseiicu of wlshy washy tu'iitltHent and tlio hoi-sc-play that rhiiriicterire thecomislles of lloyt and otheis of his class, being Ini-icry nvss'l iclliied ami aisvillng to Him higher emotions. Tho excellence of each memhiM' was sued that ludlvl luiil mention is pro clndisl, but they me all iirllslH of a high or der of talent. Tho plot turns on the domes tie Infelicities of two MH'iety wnmi'll whose luisbatids piefcr a ipiiet evening or two nt home en -h Wis'k, which their khiiihcs' social duties will not admit of I loth wives leluin to their uncutal home, angry nml Indignant, but by the help of a cleverly managed scheme of one of the husbands, everything Is brought lo a happy eliding, nml love again reigns triumphant. H.VM'l. OK POHKN. On Monday eveiilug next tho old favorite "Hum'l of I'osmt," will Im nroscntcd nl the Fiiuke, Mr. Frank E Queen npMailng In the tllli'iolo. This play, wlilch Is onoof llieniojt amusing ever slagisl, has slixsl the test of time ami draw ii large houses wheicei- pro scntcd. Sir. Queen Is siipsirtcd by a very strong company and tho play will l -.tuged In a Hist class manner. "Hnin'l of I'osen" Is the play which gave fame mid loitune to M. II. Cm lis, but In the hands of Fiunk Queen the character has lost none of lis originality. On tho contrary II Is greatly stiengthemsl, letallllllg nil Hie eccentricities of (Jin Us with none of his faults. Scats nro now on Nile nt tho rervisl heat olllco of tho theatle. uiii.A.Mi ui:i:ii, the representative American coimslian, will iipKar at Fuuko's on'I'liui-mlay evening next, in "The Woman Hater," which was wilttcii originally for John T. Kaymoud. When Ro land Hdsl walks on tho stage looking like a newly renovated isllHon of Senator Kvarts of New York, tho fun logins, and from that time to the cud of the play It never ceases. Dels Samuel llmidy, the woman liutcr," who llistenil of iletestlug the fair sex, ns ho leads everyone to believe, was really ill love with every woman he meets and planning wedding tour nil over creation ami back again, fu ller mi Irascible exterior he carries a heart so fractured mid splhitensl by thodtirtsof cupid that It resemble the halo around a sk1 made on Ice by u hard hill. After n severe mental effort ho dually works his courage up to the proptwiug point, mid Is so jterfwtly enrnp turcd by his success that ho prosics three times in rapid succession. Of course, they ai-cept, and ho is placed in a isnitlon of such exipiislte torture in his wild desire to o enpe, that taking him to n lunatic asylum Is all that keeps him from going crazy. The whole tierforninuco is exceedingly ludicrous. Tho stippcitiug company is excellent in every rcsjicct. IIUOTII-IIAlinKTT. Tho eminent tragic Hans, Edwin Ilmith mid Lavremit Barrett w III npcur at Funko's op era house on Thursday evening, April 12th, In a grand production of tho historical trag edy of "Julius Caesar," Mr. liootli appearing as Ilrutus and Sir, llarrett as Cass I us. The management of tho Fmiko being opposed to tho system of auction snlo of seats, Inasmuch as it compels one man to step aside ami give place to nnother of heavier Ktcketbook, adopUsl the plan of a subscription sale for tho first choice of Mat. This method Is truly a satisfactory one, a u lurgo subscription sale show. On Monday morning nt nine o'clock tho doors of tho opera house will 1st ojiemsl and numlicrs given to all who have not signed the list, Tho chart will Iki placed on tho stage, and tho names of signer of subscription call ed. They will then come forward, ono by oue.aud select scut In rotation. It is cxHctcd there will tie about JUK) mimes on the list, after that number will Imi culled enabling those who havo not signed the list to select the ro- inning scut nt prices ranging from $2, $3 to f I, uccorillng to locution. Excursion parties have Ihvii made up from Hentrlco, liluo Spring and Wymore, York, Seward, Grand Island, Wuhoo, Fremont, Frlemlville, Teciuiisoh and u number of other places. Excursion pintle will each hnvo their representative present Monday to select their Heats, thus according them us good op portunities a our own people. The engagement of the llooth-Ilarrett com bination will lie tho grandest theatrical event In tho history of the west, and our people should show their appreciation of tho enter prising management of the Fmiko opera house In thus bringing hero at n heavy ex pense, these greet tragedians by turning out en nnd btanding by homo enterprises ami homo Institutions. HTA(IK TALK. Mis Lilian Olcott'MMiit against the Franco American Dramatic Agency for tho rights to IH'rform "Theodora" will 1st tried in New York ls-foro tho close of the present month, and tho plucky young actress coullileiitly ex Kcts to win her cose. Tho fastest railroad trip on record lietween Sun Antonio nnd El Paso, Texas, was niiide by th' Hooth-Ilurrett eoiiipiiny on their shh clal trnln, which consisted of tho private pal ace enr, "Junius ilrutus liootli," u Pullman slivK-r and a baggage car with four relay of engine. The distance of 710 mile wns mndo In fourteen hours. The train reached El I'uso in time for the evening performance, which was witnessed by a mckod house nt $5 each for seat. 511s Ido Fuller, who plays tho pirt of l's tuiio In "Sho" is nothing if not iimeKudent. She Is a charinlng llttlo lady persoiiully, ami It Is a well known fact that she has more friends in and out of the dramatic profession than any ono of tho young actrohM's now on the stage. Sho recently went into tho dining room of a vestibule car for dinner. Tho ser vleo wasn't very good, ami it was a long time U'foro sho was served, and as a result she took her tlmo dining. The lloor-wnlker, who wore u blue suit nnd brass buttons, objected to one young lady having so much time. Ho went into tho Miiitry,iiuido n brief ssech full of lire, nnd mid Hint ho couldn't see any rea son for ono girl taking up so much valuable tlmo In a dining-room cur. SUm Fuller henrd tho fellow and Ills Insulting remarks. Liying down her kulfo and fork sho awaited u favor able opportunity, and then called tho "IKsir wnlker." Hero is wiuu siio nim: "ir, neiu is my cunl. Present it to tho manager of our company and ho w 111 treat you nicely. I w 111 also send you ouo of my photograph. I moot bo fow gentleman attaches of horso and stoaiii cur on my travels that It' really u pleasure to meet such a churmmg gentleman ns your self. A llttlo coireo, pleaso." Ho accepted tho canl, tho itassengeiu griuuoil nnd the man looked as though mi exit through u trap door in tlio car would nlwut suit him. Embroideries in funoy edgings ut Oakloy'. BASE BALL NOTES. Lincoln to lime a Wuy.t'p Club-Sumo I'lujers on 1)11. The prosMH't.s of Lincoln' having a tattling good team for this your nro very bright. Nearly enough money his Ihvii pledged ami there fstittlodoiibt of securing tho bulince. Tlio Hs:iplo of Lincoln shiiu'd proter!y sup s)it tho tint club this year, and It may Imi relied iihiu that tho Vi'stern association, If enough Interest Is manifestfsl this season, will give ns a frniif his next year. There is doubtless but omi outcome to the controversy In Kansas City mid that will 1st the over throw of Mengcs' club. Lincoln Is regarded by both Hpuldlng and Morton us a river town nnd her proximity to Omaha Insure us the llrst vacancy. While tho club this year will probably not Im as strong us Itowu's Inwucl blcs, the illirereut I'lubs of the league will be more evenly matched and more Interesting games ,uiiy Im lisikisl for. A six club league is what it liHiks hko now. IiCUM'iiw'orth, St I Joniiud Hiilclilnsoii have tlclr teams about , compluUsI, ami Dcnveranil l,iic:olnare wmk lug on llieli. Either Hastings or Pueblo will make the sixth club. Hustings M'ople are willing to put up several thousand dollars if the right liiiiu will take hold mid nm it. I'lieblii Is working haiil and may secure the franchise, although Hustings is Lincoln's choice. There is plenty of gesid base ball talent to Imi had, and Mr. .1. A Keith, who Is conduct ing negotiations, has a numlM-i' of applica tions from giMsl pluycih. Contracts have Ihtii Rent to the following men for their signature: SlcAithur of Detroit, who did most of the twirling for Charleston last year, an excellent pitcher who has done some work for tho Do troll league club. Jus. Casey of St. IjoiiIs, u Hint biisemau recommended by Dave Roue, who can cover the initial bug with the best of them, ami is ulsoii giMsl hitter. Fit.siiuHinus of hist year's SI. Joe ami Denver teams, a way-tip pitcher whom the three strike rule Just suit. Larry Welch of Spilnglleld, Ohio, who played In tho Held for Hastings lut year, whoso woik our (Msiplemu familiar. Eddie Toohey, the crack left lliilder, was sigmsl ychteiday. Eddie says ho Is in lino tilm uml will ilogicut woik this year. C. .1. Dei liu of Philadelphia, a catcher, who comes well iccommrnihsl. John Huston, of Trenton, N. J., u pitcher who won considerable renown lust year us tho star twlrler of the International league. The score canl ami IxmiHi privileges are to Im leased, ns well us sim.v on the lence for nilveitlsiiig. Full particulars regarding which will Im) funiMicd on application to Sir. Keith. Omaha mid Dubuipie 0mii the base bull season at the former place Sunday, Aprils, in mi exhibition game. The regular season will oieu the 2','d with St Paul ut Omuha. New Trnln Serv li-e on Hie r.lklioin l.lnr. Train No. 12 now leaves Lincoln nt (b.Vt n. in. and runs through solid to Missouri Valley and there makes close connections for Sioux City, Chicago nnd the cast. At Fremont di rect connection U mado for Omaha. Train No. II leaves ut 10::k"i a. in. and carries u through sleeper for Chlcngo which is nt fuelled to the C. K N. W. Oyer ut Missouri Vnllny. This trnln makes connections nt Fremont for Norfolk, Chndroii, Rapid City, Douglas, Geneva, Hastings, Omaha, Sioux City, St. Paul mid Intermediate point. Olllco 115 south tOth street uml depot corner S. and 8th streets. Nnviilti' liiolm fint in in, in lilni,L fur f.(im. bluing with plain silk or satin, beautiful cf- tecis, Asuny iv .Miuspaugn. Sir. J. A. Keith is having his cigar uml news stand at the Windsor hotel entirely re modeled. A neat place for tho dlspluyiil of paHTH, a cabinet In which to keep the cigars moist, ami the cutting uway of the partition under tho stairway are the most noticeable Improvements. ' Tho Stewart concert company guvo two very Hue concerts at the Congregntlonul church on Monday and Tiio-day evenings tf this week, mul were gn.otcd with very lurgo uudlcnccs, 1st. 1'aul uml the Northwest. Points In the above directions nro reached U-nt by tho I'.lkhoiu valley hue. Connections nro sure and the line iuiiiliiis,t. Get tickets ut 115 South Tenth street or depot, corner iS nnd Eighth srectts. Muny old soldier who nail contracted chronic diarrhoea, while in the service, have since Ik-cii iieriiintieutly cutis! of It by Cliam- bcrhiiu Colic, Cholera uml Dianhoca Hcint dy. For sale by W. J. Tiu ner. Sir. A. E. Howard, the attorney. Is now located in rooms ii, I'upltol block, over I'uion Savings haul;. Mr. Howard is the best read nnd most utile ot tho younger ineiulwr of tho bill', nnd any case entrusted to his care will Imi vigorously pushed. Ho has boju very miccocful so far lieforc the tribunals of Jut tlce, mid bus u bright career before him, Pattern suits, plain or striped to match in tho most novel designs and the choicest color iugsuioshowu by Ashby iV Slillspuugh. A general rehearsal of tho Judas Mnccn bens chorus wns held ut the Coiigicgutlnuul church las: evening. Excellent progress is being made. An Imperative Necessity. What pure air Is to an uiilinnlthy loenllty, w hut spring cleunlng is to the neat house keeiM-r, so is Hood's Sursaparillii to every iMxly, at this bcasou. Tho ljily nwsls to U thoroughly rcuovntwl, tho IiIimmI puritlcd and vitalized, tho germs of disease destroyed, Scrotuln, Suit Rheum, and all other IiUmmI disorder nro cured by Hood's Snrsnpurillu, the most popular and successful spring modi cine. r OlillKliih'. "1 say, lsty, stop that ox." "1 havn't got no stopper, sir." "Well, head him them." 'He's already bended, sir.." "Confound your Impudence, turn him!" "He's right side out already, sir." "SMak to him, you ruscnl." "Good morning, Sir. Ox." THE YOUNQ PEOPLE. A Yniiiiuriter Who Dill Not Tnh to lloiirdlni; Home I.lfc. Llttlo Fred 1) nnd Ills father nnd mother wo a going to hoard w.tli o nelghltor for two weeks, while the hoiw wa undergoing ro-jtali-H. Fred wn delighted ut tho prostect. "Slumrnn," ho s-'ilil, 'didn't J oil say I must thank GimI for overy good thing I" "Ye. Fml." "Shall 1 thank him Usvauso wo are going to board 1" "Yes, If you llko." When tho two weeks had expired, nnd tho last dinner nt tho iKxirdlng house had been eaten, Fred leaned liock in his chair, uml heaving a long sigh of relief, said, in tho hcuritig of tho hostess: "Now lot's thank God wu'vo got through boardlug."--Uostou Globe. WE - ALWAYS - LEAD. First in the Field. As heretofore at the opening of the Spring Season, we arc first to announce that our Elesunt Soda Fountain Is now in running order and despensing the very Finest : and : Purest : Syrups. We have all the latest llavors and our syrups arc strictly pure juhI home made. Mineral Waters, (linger Ale, and other popular beverages served. Call and see the beautiful fountain and try our luxurious soda. Mc&rtfnir. & Sou, DRUGQISTS, Montgomery Block, Holbrook & Bonbright BOOKS, STATIONERY, Wall Papers Window Shades, Special Attention given to Designing whlch'wc do Free. 234 Soutt Eleventh. St. Samples nnd Specifications without Charge. EASTER HATS, EASTER GLOVES, EASTER TIES. CORRECT STYLES J. C. KIEL'S, latter and Furnisher, O and Elevontli stroots. SPRING -IN- GREAT VARIETY. STOCK COMPLETE ASHBY & MILLSPAUGH. JOYCE, CHOICE MILLINERY, 123 North 15th Street, GRAND DISPLAY -OK Orit NEW BI'UINO STOCK Parasols, Gold-Headed Umbrellas, JACKETS, BEAD WRAPS. Elegant Silks and Dress Goods, TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. O. R. OAKLEY & CO. Cor. Eleventh and N Sts. WRAPS OMAHA.