J-HT JNION SAVINGS BANK tti South 10th Street. OAPITAt, - - saoo.ooo Liability or Stockholders $400,000. RTOCMlOLDKII. J J IMIIOl'H JOHN FITZUKIIAM) JOHN H OI.AHK A H HA.YMONI) K. K 1IHOWN DAVID IlKMIOK HK MOOKK K11K11 HOHM1DT J 11 MACVAIttiANI) JOSHI'HWIIITMAN K K 1IAYDKN OHAH. HA 1MOND bllMUlll HHINNKY O K YATK8 V M HALT. 1IKNIIY K I.KW1S OW PKWKKHn OH l.AMUKHTSON M tiHMITH J MofJONKIKF O VV IIOI.imKOE T KOAIA'KUT J W ItOWMAN b.MUYKU- OHIM1IUKK nrricr.its. M K. Moonr, President. ltr.Niiv I.kwis, Vipo 1'resldent. O. II. Imiurr. CwOiler Interest nnlil on deposit of $. ami upwards nt tlio rate of B per cent per nniiiim,coiniountloilwiiil annually. Your saving account solicited. MONEY TO LOAN For a Ions or short Mine on real cstato or an proved collateral security Hank oH?n from 0:flO . in, Ui S:.'K) p. in., anil on Saturday- evenings from 0 to 8 i. in. FAST MAIL ROUTE. 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 TO Atchison, Leavenworth St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis ntul nil points South, East and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Fnrsons, Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal points in Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Pullman Slkepkiis ami Frkic Rkci.ini.no Ciiahi Cars an nil trains. H. G. HANNA, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt Agent, Gen'l Agent. Cor. O and 12th Sts. PEERLESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. Still In the front nnd nbsolutely leading nil wnpotitora. Thoroughly cqulpied for tin finest work, giving to each customer mi un qualified guarantee for all work done. All ol our work dono with neatness and dispatch We solicit orders for suburban villages ami neighboring towns, paying the express on nil order one way. iiespocuuuy, C. J. PRATT Only Excluslve'House in the City, A. M. Davis & Son., An Elkoant Stoc::. IaI-ek- Svv CARPETS 1112O Street. Call and see us in our Now Quarters. Working Classes1!?: J preiioreU tc furnish at classes with employment fcx home, the wboki of the time, or for their spare momeuts Business new. light and profitable. 1'ersons ol eltlior sex easily earn from CO cents to $3.00 pel venlng, and a proportional sum by devoting all their tiino to the business. Hoys nnd girls earn early as much as men, That all who see thit may send their address, and test the business, do make this offer. To such aa are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble o I writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Addref Gsoecik Stinson ifc Co., Portland, Maine. MONEY! rto be made, Cut this oat and re 1 turn to us, and we will send you freo. someihlmr of crcat value anr Imnortancn to von. that will atari you In business which will bring you In morr money right away than anj thing cImi In this world Any onecjw do tlio work and lit o at home. Either (ex; all ages, Sojiittrlilng new, tlwit just coliu money for all workers, we will start you ; capital not needed. This Is one of ttw genuine, Important Chauccs of a lifetime. Those who are ambllloiu and enterprising will not delay (I rand outfit frmt Address '1 hue & Co., Augusta Maine. XT f TTcan live at home, and make more money Y 1 1 1 1 at work for us, thou at anything else In X V U thl "01 Id. Capital not needed; you nr ktarted freo I jtrgo earnings sure from first start. Crwtly outfit ami tonus free. better not delay C'osbt you nothing to send us your sdilivKsnnd find out; If you are lno yor win do 10 at once II. IUixctt Ca.PortJtud, .lalue. rystaljkeam Laundry Will call for, and promptly . LP1,tnisUd to them, and finish sumo in Intent ami Itost manner. NEW MCHINERY, nnd lost fnellltles in the city, for doing sti Id ly first-class w 01 k. Our now locations nro LAUNDRY, Corner 24tli and 0 Sts. CITY OFFICE; 119 M. 12th Street. TELEPHONE No. 478. 15TA trial will convince you that tho Crystal does tlio best laundry woik In tho tnto LINCOLN AND INUTITDtl! OK IKNMASSIIir, Aborthnnn and TjrMwrllln. best and InrRMt onlleeo In tint writ, htudi'iiu prepared fur liuilm-M In from StoUmontli3. InUlvMuul Irutrnrtlon, l'ull unit ex- MjrlHicislfuclltjr. bund for college jouruub and pucluu'Uf 'if iieiimiiiolilp to 1 UXUWllDUU k UOOeii Unoolu, Mcb. (itueC SU1KN0K AND l'ltOGRESS. A BULLET PROBE WHICH 13 OPEfl ATED BY ELECTRICITY. Aocoustlenl Ktperlmenti Tlint Mny 11 Practiced Without the ICiiipliiymoiit of Costly or Intrtrnto Apparatus, by Ainntoiir ns Well n by HclontUts. Tho ro-onforeomont of sounds by tho vibra tion of confluod masses of nlr inny l readily investigated, says Sclcutiflo American, with out npjwrntui such as is commonly employed in nceoustleal cxiKtrimont. A slmplo ex periment illustrating the fact that a sound may lw strengthened by a conHucd lody of nlr lit illustrated in Fig. 1, reproduced from tho Journal alluded to. no, 1 nn-ENFOUCKMKNT or vocal bounds. Tho only requisite for this experiment Is a paper tubo 10 or 18 Inchon long nnd nbout3 Inches in diameter, or, in tho nbsenco of such n tube, a sheet of thick pncr rolled Into n tubo will answer. Tills tubo should bo held with ono end near the mouth, tho opposlto end being closed by tho palm of tho hnnd. By junking a Bound continuously with tlio volco, gradually rising in pitch, for oxnmplo by singing O, with tho volco rising from tho lowest noto it Is enable of making, toward tho highest note, a point will bo found whero tho sound is largely increased. This iucrenso of sound will occur nt the samo jiolnt in tho scalo each tlmo tho experiment is tried with tho saino tube, thus showing that tho dimen sions of tho tubo nro In somo way related to tho ro-enforced noto, nnd to that noto only. It will nlso bo noticed that tho vibrations of tho nir in tho resonant tubo not only nffect tho auditory apparatus, but nlso have sufll clont power to bo plainly pcrceptlblo to tho senso of touch, tho vibration being folt by tho hand. Via. 2 SE.JCCTIVE I'OWEll 07 A RESONANT VESSEL. Another very slmplo experiment showing tho Enmo phenomenon in a different wny is illustrated In Fig. 2. In this caso tho rcso unnt vessel consists of a vnso. Any vessel of substantially tlio samo form may bo used. Tho sizo is not vory material, but by making several trials of different vessels n particular ono will bo found which will yiold bottir results than others on nccount of being oX tlio correct dimensions. Tho ox)crIment consists in holding tho vaso obliquely in closo prox imity to tho ear, then running tho cliromatlo sculo upon any instrument having sulllclcnt rnugo, preferably upon n pluno or organ. Bomo noto of tho scale will sound much louder than any of tho others. Dy tilting tho vnso slightly in ono direction or tho other, so us to cnuso tho oar to partly closo tho mouth of tho vnso, tho resonant qualltlos may possibly bo Improved, ns the movement of tho vaso in this manner amounts to tuning tho resonator. Kloetrlcul llullet Probe. At a recent meeting of th Now York Academy of Mcdlclno Dr. Glrdncr, of New York, exhibited his telephonic bullet probo. Tho interesting featuro of this probo is that it Is operated by n curront of eloctrlclty ex tracted from tho body of tho patient him Eclf, In whom it is desired to locate a metal lio missile Tlio construction of this probo is as follows: To each of tho two terminals of a telcphono receiver, nn insulated flcxlblo wiro about four foot long is connected. At tho freo end of ono of theso wired a hollow, bulbous plcco of stool is attached. At. tho freo end of tho othor wiro is n sultablo handle, in which a probo may bo placed, nnd hold by a clamp scrow. Tho internal ar rangement of tho handlo is such that a per fect electrical contact exists between tho end of tho probo and that of tho wiro which ter minates in tlio handlo; tho samo is truo for tho end of tho other wiro and tho steel bulb. When n current of electricity is passed through tho coil in tho receiver by means of tho bulb nnd tho probo, each tlmo thnt tho current is mado nnd brokon a clicking or rasping sound is heard in tho receiver held to tho car. All sounds nro shut out except thnt heard when tho bullet is touched; nnd tho apparatus is so constructed thnt both hands nro left free. A detailed description of this probo is glvou In Tho Now York Med ical Record. Colored Mortar for Ilrlokwork. Tho Ileal Estnto Hovlow says thnt common bricks of almost nny district may boso6ortcd as to produce contrast in tint or "tono" red, nnd yellow or "cream color." This tint of tho bricks may bo prosorvod ami heightened by using mortar of tho samo tono or tint. Furnace ashes and II mo will produco a dark mortar, ouuded rod brick or red tlio mixed with limo will givo a red tono to mortar, nnd cheap mineral colors mny bo added to mortar for iofnting, Tho color of mortar Is sadly neglected, ns generally tho samo w hlto limo and sands nro used for all tones of color In brick, nnd not infrequently whito putty mortar is used for pointing tho reddest as well as tho lightest colored bricks tho light colored work having harmony of breadth nnd keeping, tho red portion being frittered and broken up by tho contrast botn con bricks nnd beds and Joints. KelionW in Now York City, According to a recent ostimnto Now York city educates nboutS00,000childrennuuunlly, in 181 bchool buildings, covering nu area of thlrty-flvo acres. Theso buildings placed ddo bybldo would extend more than two miles. There nro about -1,000 toucher?), and tho annual exiieuso of those schools is about $ 1,030,000. II men, tho god of mnrrlugo, wns tho son of Venus and llacehus. Ho is represented as a youth in n bulTrou colored rolv, crowned with llowere, and carrying a torch nnd u veil. A ntmlnn "Afmir of Honor." A Botuowhnt curious duel took place n fovr days ago nt KlehenelT, tho capital of tho im portant Husslnu province of llcssarnbln, A gentleman of thetiamoof Paul UanknlT nnd I'riueo Tetnnrlnll qun.Telod together nlxmt somo trivial matter nt tho "Nobles club," nnd filially determined to sottlo their dlltetvnees by n thiol. On tho following morning thoy met with their seconds nnd n sur geon on tho outskirts of tho city nnd ex changed throo shots apleeo without doing nny injury to ono another. On tho follow lug day they ngaln met, nt tho club, and after n shott coiivcrwttiou liegau to quarrel afresh with increased vigor. Growing morn nnd inoro excited the dUputont length degenerated into n regular kicking nnd lluleuu" struggle. Tho prince, who nil along had leen tho aggressor, w as In tho net of receiving n sound and well deserved thrashing, when suddenly the thin varnish of ctvillutlnti gave way, nnd nil his iiinnloand national barbarism getting tho upper hand, ho (low with a wild jell nt M. UsakolT, nnd, catching tho lnttcr'x lower lip between his teeth, bit it completely off. It Is needless to ndd that that terminated tho light. M. Txakoir is still confined to his bed, hopelessly dlsllgured for life, whllo his nether lip Is deposited ns n kind of corpus delicti nt tho police court, where tho caso will lie tried when M. Usakoir is nhle to leave his bed. Meanwhile tho prltico swaggers ulwut tho town nnd tho Nobles club Is exceedingly proud of his "lionno IkiucIio." Viciuin Neuo Krcio I'refcso, Triumph r (Irlt. Wo henrd n rnther lllustrntlvo storj lately from ono of our neighboring factory towns. An old fashioned Yiinkoo of Quaker stock, who mutt small shoo factory, indulged in a theory that nothing could pry out of his mind thnt a moral wrong was somehow per iwtrntcd ujwii thoeonununltyut largo if n woman wero nl lowed toenrn nhovo u btijiu lated sum each week. As his help was paid by tho piece, nnd ho had to keep tally In tho main with current prices, ho found tills rather hniil to ninnago nt tlniiw, Tho swift ness of ono young woman esjieclally troubled him greatly. Hho would pendst In running financially ahead of others. At last liomado n special cut down in her prices, and told bur why ho did It. Bho gave him n baleful glance, tightened her lips, nnd went on work ing. IJy Snturdny night noxt, dosplto tho cut down, she mado ten cents nbovo the week before Another week went by, w hen ho cut her down still more. Tho dnmmlNtlH proved gnmo nnd row) to tho occasion. After a week or nioro tho Quaker conscience grow "scared" nnd asked her what sho meant, "It means," said tho girl, "that you may keep on nnd I'll keep on till you havo n corpso on your hntids in this workroom, for I'm grit and you enn't conquer inol" Tho rnco ended thero, nnd tho girl wns allowed normal jny. Iloston Adver tiser. Sliding to l!ae. Pitcher Stagg, of tho Ynlo club, is deter mined that tho nlno Khali win every game It plays during tho coining season. In order that this result may bo accomplished ho is training the candidates ns candidates liovor wero trained befoie. Capt. Stagg is n genu ino Ynnkeu, and it has junt Inn dUcovered that ho has Intel been devoting his Invent I vtj mind to 11 now K'hcmo for teaching tho nlno how to slide to bases. Ho has constructed a plno f ninio 1 1 by 7 feet, covered with canvas, drawn tightly, nnil provided with an over covering of velvet carpet, and hits placed It in tho gymnasium. It is In npiwnmiico much like uglgantio woven wiro spring bed, cov ered with carisit, and its surface is clovatcd about four feet above tho ground. Tho can didates inn u distance of twenty feet or so, and then hurl themselves headlong upon this now machine. Capt. Stagg Is certain thut his now dovlco will cnablo tho men to prac tico thoaitof stealing bases nnd sliding to reach them at critical moments. Tho famous little pitcher s.iys that tho nlno will bo tho best Yalo has jet produced. Philadelphia Ledger. A Ntm-y with u Moral. A gentletnau doing business down town mado nu appointment with his wife, beforo he left homo In tho morning, to meet her nt 0 o'clock in n fashionable up town restaurant, where they wero to tuko dinner. Sho reached the restaurant u few minutes loforo ho did. As soon as she entered it n man In n swallow tailed coat hastily advanced and told her in a decisive tono that bIio must leavo, for womon wero not allowed there alone nt that hour. Sho wns nonplussed for a moment, but re plied thnt her husluiud would arrive in a fow minutes. Tho mini would tuko no explana tion, but throw open tho door for hor to leavo. Sho burst into tears as sho felt tho slinino of her situation, nnd walked out to tho street, w hich sho reached Just as hor husband ar rived. In a moment thero was a pretty hot sceno in the restaurant, into which her hus band rushed, but that did not mend tho caso for her. Tlio moral of this Incident Is that bujicriutciidcnts of fashionable restaurants should nlwaya net with discretion. Now York Sun. A Ituii In riiiiiuelt, "Everybody in tho trndo 13 figuring on a groat run In llnnnel shirts this spring and Bummer," said tho proprietor of n down town furnishing goods store. "Wo liavo laid In nn immense stock. Tlio Indications nro thut wo will not 1m disappointed, and that tho flannel shirt, iopular ns it suddenly became last year, will bo four titnos as jiopiilar this hummer. Why shouldn't it bo! It is tho most bcnslhlo, conifortablu and coolest fashion that over struck this cllmato during tho hot mouths. Tho flannels used In tho better grades conio from Franco nnd Scotland. The patterns nro stripes and cheeks in nil colors. Chicago Tribune. Art In tlio Turks. "Tho Falrmount l'ark Art association,1 said an artist, "seems to bo tho victim of a series of artistic blunders. There nro now two broii7o groups on exhibition in front of tho postolllce. Ono represents n lioness with threo cubs nn unheard of thing. Tlio other group is.'Tliu Stouo Ago.' An Indian woman 1ms Just slain an animal with tho primitlvo etono hatchut. Tho weajiou consists of a wedgo shniHxl stouo driven through a plcco of wood, and the handlo Is hticngthciicd and the head secured by two metallic hoops. A queer representation of tho stouo ago, cor tainly." Philadelphia l'ress. Tlio Latest Nuisance. Ono of tho present nuisances in Now Haven Is tlio boy who wants n stamp. Ho makes tho llfo of tho uvcrngo business maun burden. A certain manufacturer of rubber stamps has offered nu Inducement to tho !) by telling them thnt nil who get 600 stain ted names can hnvo u ruluVr stamp with tho boy's nnmo on. So nil tho boys are "stamp eniy" now. A business man said recently that he had had nt least twenty boys in his storo during tho day who wanted him to stamp his mime in n book. Tho craze bus spread all ocr town among tho boys, and parents aiu lioslegcd with applications to stamp their nnmo in some ImxjIc or other. Wearied pnterfnnilllns my it is worso than tho pottugo stamp crazo nmoug the lioys, mid that they work with a friiltfuluoMi, .fill nnd diligence to get tho 600 jinnies thnt, if applied to their studies, would soon give them prize positions. lloatou "eruld. Ranson A WOIDEEML IIYEITIOI, This will Furnish the Consumer Twice the Light that is given by any other process and Saves Gas. This light can be seen at our offlcel25 1 11th St. Where Full Particulars will be given regarding its operation etc., L. WESSEL, JR. General Agent. KNOB HILL. SMITH 3 3 as 3 ! 3 " 3 io 3 W - S 3 l 3 3 l 3 l 3 x H Z Id u 3 O u. VAN oonu The foregoing plat shows the location of "Knob's Mill," the highest dryest and most beautiful building sites yet presented to the public. These lots are not high priced when their sightliness is considered; the)' arc sure to be the homes of our best people, and will always be valuable property. Street cars, already handy, will soon run by the property. The terms are thus: One-forth Cash; balance 3 Equal Annual Payment? WITH INTEREST AT EIGHT PER CENT. DRLAYS ARRDANGRROUS. The lots will be advanced twenty-five per cent, when twenty-five are sold. Buy now. Mc BRIDE & MELONE ROOM 4, RICHARDS BLOCK, Carbon Light. JL Scale, 100 M.l Inch. 4 19 if- ti 3 X M 1 It IS z a ui X CO 17 It II 11 m 14 it ia i i'T, (? i .- IK, iff ; v i i TRirr. I i t xx u Mt STRKKT. 1