Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 31, 1888, Image 6

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" " (M
Tower In ClntV Oracn (o Ovrrcnnio ttin
Vorrn nf Mnrnl Cirnvltntlon I'mr l'popla
Pmlfmtnml tlio loncl Ttinl I In
Hearty ltnmtlinkt
Cmaxno, Mnrch 2.-Tho IUv. T. DoWItt
TiUmftRp, 1). D., jwntor ot llio Tabornnolo,
HrooUlyu, N. Y,, jimichwl hero tlila morning.
Hit nilijcct wnn, "Itcformntlon from Kvll
llAlttM.n wul bin text, 1'rovtTlis xxl'l, Itti
-Wlwu lmll I iiwnUI I will wxik It yet
jnln." llo fxildi
With nn lnljlit into human linltiro Mich
m no other lunn over reached, Holoiuon, hi
my toxt, nkctuliM tho mentul rtjicnitioiM of
eno who, having ntepMl uItlu friin tho ntU
of ncllUil lwliv to return. With ft rvlh
forwmothliiK better, ho nayst "When Mmll
I nwnkol When nlmll I como out of thin
horrid night nmro of Iniquity r lint weired
pon by uneradleuted habit, nnd forced
down hill by liU imwlon. ho cries otttt "I
will nook It yet agalu. I will try It onco
Our libraries nro ndonied with nn rloRant
lltcrnturo ndilrtwwl to youiiK men, pointing
out to Uiom all tho dnnKcra and jhtIIh of lifo,
oompleto ninpH of tho voyitRo, thawing nil
UioixKiku, tho qulckmml, tho khoiik Hut
upiKwo n man ha nlnwly innda Mil p wreck 5
mipposo ho U already oir tho track; Mipposo
ho ha nlready gono astray, how In ho to Ret
lxickt That l a Held uoiummtlvcly tin
touched. I proposo to nddretM inyKilt thin
evening to mich, Thero nro thorn) In thin Jnu
dlcnco who, with overy immIoii of their
agonlrwl notil, nro ready to hear thli dlsous
klon. Thoy compare UioiimoIvm with whnt
thoy wero ton yours iiro, nl cry out from
tho bominKO In which thoy nro Incarcerated.
Kow, It tliorq bo nny In thin house, como
with nn earnest purpose, yet feeling they nro
beyond tho jxtlo ot Christian lympathy, nnd
t tho Hcrinon can hardly I hi oxpoctod to
address them, then nt thin moment I glvo
them my right hand nnd rail thorn brother.
Lookup. Thero Is glorious nnd triumphant
kopo for you yot. I bound tho trumpet of
gospel deliverance, Tho church Is ready to
spread n Itnmpict nt your return nnd tho
hlcmrchs of heaven to fall Into lino of ban
sercd proeowtlon nt tho linws of your omancU
iwtlon. Ho fnr iui flod may help mo, I pro
pom to show whnt aro tho obstacles of your
return, and then how you aro to surmount
thocM obstacle.
Tho Unit ditllculty In tho way of yourro
turn is tho torco ot moral gravitation. Just
m thoro Is a natural law which bring down
to tho earth anything which you throw Into
tho nlr, so thero Is n corrcsoudiug moral
gravitation. In other words, It It omlcr to
go down thnu It U to go up; It is caster to do
wrong than It It to do right. Call to mind
tho comrade of your boyhood days somo of
them good, soma of them bad. Which moat
affected youl Call to mind tho anecdote
that you hnvo heard In tho last llvo or ton
years somoot them aro pure nudsomoot
them Impure Which tho mora easily stick
to your memory I During tho yearn ot your
lifo you havo fonuod certain uourwM ot con
duct omo ot them good, Komo ot them bad
To which stylo ot hnblt did you thomoro
atily yield I Ah I my friends, wo havo to
take but a moment ot self lniecUon to llnd
out thnt thero Is in all our souls a force of
moral gravitation, llut thnt gravitation
May' bo resisted. Just as you may pick up
from tho earth something and hold it in your
hand townrd honven, just no, by tho towor
ot God's grnco, a soul fallen may bo Httod
towurd jicnco, toward pardon, toward heaven.
Forco ot moral gravitation In overy one of
a, but H)wcr in Owl's grnco to overcomo
that forco ot moral gravitation.
Tho next thing in tho way of your return if
the power ot ovll hublt. I know thoro nro
those who say it Is very easy for thom to glvo
up ovll habits, Idonotholtovothom. Hero
is a mnn given to intoxication. Ho knows It
is disgracing his family, destroying his prop
erty, ruining him, body, mind nnd soul. If
that man, being an intelligent mnn, and lov
ing his family, could cosily givo up that
habit, would ho not do sof Tho fact that ho
does not glvo it up proves it is hard to glvo It
p. It is a vcrv easy thing to sail down
txeam, .tlutMido carrying you with groat
foroo; but supposo you turn tho boat up
stream, la It so easy thon to row ltr As long
ae wo yiold to the evil inclinations in our
hearts and our bud habits, wo aro Railing
down stream; but tho momont wo try to
turn, wo put our boat In tho rapid just nlravo
Niagara, and try to row up stream. Tako a
man given to tho habit of using tolwicco, as
Boost of you do, and let him rcoolvo to stop,
and ho finds it very difficult. Twouty-ouo
years ago I milt that habit, mid I would
as soon daro to put my right baud in tho flro
onco to indulge In It, Why J Dccauso It
was such a torriblo struggle to get over it.
Now, lot a mnn bo advised byhU physician
to glvo up tho uso of tobacco. Ho goes around
not knowing what to do with himself. He
cannot add up a lino of figures. Ho caimot
eleop nights. It seems as if tho world hnd
turnod up&ldo down. Ho feels his business is
going to ruin. Where bo was kind and
obliging, ho Is Bcoldlng nnd fretful. Tho com
posure that charactcriicd him has given way
to fretful restlessness, and ho has becomo a
complete fidget. What power Is It thnt has
rollod a wnvo o( woo over tho etirtb. and
ftbnkon n portent ill tho heavens? Ho
lias tried to stop smoking. After n while
he says,: "I am goiug to do as I pleaso.
Tho doctor doesn't understand my case.
I'm going back to the old habit.'' And
ho returns. Everything .assumes its usual
composure. His business seems to brighteu.
Tho world become an attrncttvo placo
to llvo in. Ilia children, seeing tho dif
ference, hall tho return ot their father's genial
disposition. What wavo of color lias iluihed
blue into tho sky, aid greenness into tho
mountain foliage, aud the glow of sapphire
Into tho suusett What enchantment has
lilted a world ot beauty and joy on his soul I
Ho has gono back to smoking. Oh, tho fact
is, as wo all know in our own experience, that
habit Is a taskmaster; us long as wo obey It,
it docs not cha&Uso us; but lot us rcslut, and
we find that wo uro to bo huhod with scorpion
whips, and bound with ship cablo, and thrown
into the track of bono breaking Juggernauts.
Curing tho war ot 1813 thero was a ship set
en flro just above Niagara Falls, and then,
out Joom) from its moorings, it carao on
down through tho night, and towed over
the falls. It was taid to have been
eene brilliant boyond all description. Well,
there are thousands ot men on Uro ot evil
habit, coming down through tho rnplds and
through tho awful night ot temptation to
ward tho eternal pluugo. Oh, how hard It
la to arrest them. God only can arrest them.
n fkippose a man after five, or ten, or twenty
'" ytmrs ot eyll doing resolves to do right.
Why, all the forces ot darkness aro allied
() agslnet aim. He cannot sleep nights. Ho
eta down on his knees In the midnight and
erimt "God help mel" Hebltoshlsllps. He
grinds lt teeth, He clenches his list In a de
ajnaiaaUosi to keep hit purpose. Ho dare
aet look at the bottles in the windows of a
'Wiaastere. It isoaekMag, bitter, exhaustive,
' kaiMl to head tight with Inflamed, UutalU
' lag and werellees habit. When ho
flftjtaki ha Is eaUrely free the okl inclina
tion Ttounrn upon hlm like n pnek of
hounds with their inuuleti tenrlng nwny nt
tho Hanks o( one jxKir reindeer. In Turin
thero Is n sculptured reprtM'ntatloii of
llncvhus, tho goil of rovelrv, llo Is riding on
ft pnulhor nt full hnp. Ohl how suggentlvo.
Iit overy ouo who Is seeding on bnilwnysi
uiHlerstnnd ho is not riding n docllo nnd
well broken stood, but ho Is riding n mounter
wild nnd bloodthirsty, going ntn ilcnlh leap.
How innv thero nro who resolvo on n. licttor
life, and sayi "When dhnll I awnkol"
but. selnil on by' their old habits, cryi "I
will try It onco moro; I will wok It yet
ngnln I" Years ngo, them wero soino l'rlnco
ton studnutM who )ero skating and tho too
was very thin, nnd same ono warned tho
company Ixick from tho nlr hole, nnd
finally warned thorn ontlrely to lenvn
tho placo, llut ono young man with bravado,
nfter nil tho rust had topicd, cried out!
"Ono round moral" Ho snept around, and
went down, nnd was brought out a corpv).
My friends, thoro nro thounuds nnd tousot
thousands of molt lining their souli In that
way. It Is tho ono round moro,
I hnvo nlw) to say that If n man wants to
return from ovll practices Rocloty ropulfto
him. Dilrlug to reform, ho saym "Now, I
will shako olt my old nfnoclutcx, nnd I will
llnd Christian comrauloiihli." And ho ap
pears nt tho church door somo Hnbbath day,
and tho mher greets him with a loo): as much
as lo snyi "Why, you hero! You aro tho
last man I over exoclod to seo nt church!
Como, tnko this teal right down by tho
door." Instead of saying, "Good morning;
I nm glad you nro hero. Como, I will glvo
you n first rate scat, right up by tho pulpit,"
Well, tho prodigal, not yot discouraged, en
ters n prayer meeting, and noma Christian
mnn, with moro real tlmn common souso,
snysi "Glad to wo you; tho dying thief was
nnvod, nnd I supimso thoro Is ineroy for you."
Tho young man, disgusted, chilled, throws
hlmoelf on his dignity, resolved ho will never
outer Into tho hoitso of God ngiilu. l'crhaps
notqulU) fully discouraged almut roforma
Hon, besides upbyMnno highly reoiwctablo
mnn ho used to know, going down tho street,
nnd immediately tho respectable man hns nn
errand down soma other stn-ct. Well, tho
iirodlgul wishing to return takes somo mem
ber ot nChrlstlnn association by tho hand,
or trios to, Tho Christian young man looks
nt hlm, looks nt tho faded nppnrnl nnd tho
marks of dUm!ntlon, Instead of giving him n
warm grip ot tho hnnd, oUcrs lilm tho tip
ond of tho long fingers ot tho left hand,
which Is equal to striking n man In tho facet
Ohl how few Christian icoplo understand
how much forco mid goscl theio Is in n
good, honest hand shaking. Sometimes,
when you hnvo folt tho need of encoumgo
incut, nnd somo Clirldtlatj nmii has taken
you heartily by tho hand, hnvo you not felt
thrilling through overy IHier of your liody,
mind and soul nu encouragement that was
just whnt you needed! You do not know
anything nt nil about this unless you know '
when a mnn trios to return from evil courses
ot conduct ho runs against repulsions Innu
merable. Wo say of somo man, ho lives n block
or two from the church, or half n mllo from
tho church. Thero nro uoplo In our crowded
cltlos who llvo 1,000 miles from church. Vnst
deserts of indlfforcnco lietwcen thorn mid the
house otGod, Tho fact Is wo must keep our
respectability, though thousands nnd tons ot
thousands perish. Christ sat with publicans
and sinners, llut It thero camo to tho house
ot God n mnn "with l'.nrks ot disslintlonupon
hint people nlmost throw up their hands in
horror, ns much ns to snyi "Isn't it shock
iugP How thosp dainty, fastidious Chris
tians in all our churches nro going to got into
heaven I don't know, unless they havo nn es
pecial train ot cars, cushioned aud uphol
stered, each ono a car to himself. Thoy can
not go with tho great hordo of publicans and
sinners. Ohl yo who curl your lip ot scorn
at tho fallen, I tell you plainly, If you had
been surrounded by tho samo Influences, In
stead of sitting today amid tho cultured,
and tho refined, ami tho Christian, you would
hnvo been a crouching wretch lu stabloor
ditch, covered with filth and nbomtnation.
It is not because you are naturally any bet
ter, but because tho mercy of God has pro
tected you. Who aro you, that, brought up
in Christian circles and wntchod by Christian
jwirentago, you should lw so hard on tho
I think men also are often hindered from
return by tho fact that churches aro too mix
lousnbout their membership nnd too anxious
about their denomination, and thoy rush out
when thoy seo a man about to glvo up his sin
and return to God, and ask him how ho Is
going to Ik baptized, whether by sprinkling
or immersion, and whnt kind of a church ho
is going to join. Oh I my friends, it is a poor
time to talk nbout Presbyterian enthechisms,
nnd Episcopal liturgies, nnd Methodist lovo
feasts, and ImptUtrles to a man that Is com
ing out of tho darkness ot sin Into tho glori
ous light of tho gospel. Why, it reminds mo
ot a man drowning in tho sen, nnd n lifo boat
puts out for him, and tho man in tho boat
says to tho man out of tho boat! "Now, if I
get you nshoro, aro you going to llvo on my
street!" Klrstgot him ushoro, nnd then talk
nbout tho non-essentials of religion. Who
cares what church bo joins, if ho only joins
Christ aud start for heaven I Ohl you ought
to hnvo, my brother, nn Illumined fnco and
hearty grip for overy ono that tries to turn
from his evil way, Tnko holdot tho samo
book with him though his dissipations shako
tho book, romemWrlng that "ho thnt con
vortcth u sinner from tho error of his ways
shall save a soul from death nnd hldo a mul
tltudo of sins."
Now, I hnvo shown you theso obstacles be
cause I want you to understand I know all
tho difficulties In tho way; but I am now to
tell you how Hannibal may scale, tho Alps,
nnd how tho shackles may bo unrlvcted, nnd
how tho iHiths of virtuo forsaken may bo ro
galncd. First of all, my brother, throw
yourself on God. Go to him frankly, and
earnestly, nnd toll Him theso habits you havo,
and ask him if thero is nny help in all tho
resources ot omnipotent lovo, to glvo it to
you. Do not go with n long rigmarole pcoplo
call prayer mado up of "ohs," mid "nhs," and
"forever nnd over, amcnsl" Go to God and cry
for help! help! help! nnd If you cannot cry
for help, just look nnd llvo. I remember in
tho late war, I was at Autlctam, and I went
into tho hospitals utter tho battloaud said to
a man: "Where aro you hurt!" Ho mado no
answer but held up his arm, swollen and
splintered. I saw where ho was hurt. The
simplo fact Is, when a man has a wounded
soul, all ho has to do Is to hold It up beforv a
sympathetic Lord and get it healed! It doea
not take nuy long prayer. Just hold up the
wound. Oh, It is no small thing when a man
Is nervous and weak and exhausted, coming
from his evil ways, to feci that God puts two
omnipotent arms around him, and says:
"Young man I will 6tand by you. Thoinount
atus may depart, and tho hills bo removed, but
I will never full yon." And then as tho soul
thinks the nows is too good to bo truo, and
cannot bellovo it, nnd looks up in God's face,
God lifts His right hand aud takes an oath,
an affidavit, saying: "As I llvo, saith tho
Lord God, I huvo no pleasure In tho death of
him that dleth." Messed bo God for such a
gospel as this. "Cut tho slices thin," said tho
wife to tho husband, "or there will not bo
enough to go all around for tho children; cut
tho slices thin." Blessed be God there is a
full lout for every ono that wants it I Iireod
enough and to sjmro. No thin slices at the
Lord's table. I remember when tho Muster
Street hospital, in Philadelphia, was opened
during Iho war, n telegram enmo, saylngt
"Thoro will bo 1100 wounded men to-nlghl ; bo
roadytolnko enroot them;" nnd from my
church thoro vent in somo twenty or thirty
men nnd women to look after these poor
Wounded fellows. As they camo, somo from
ono wirt of tho laud, somo from another, no
ono twkod whether this mnn was from Ore
gon, or from Massachusetts, or from Minim
sotn, or from Now York. Thero wns n
wounded soldier, nnd tho only quest Ion wns
how to tnko oir tho rngs tho most gently, nnd
put on tho bnndngo, nnd administer tho
cordlnl. Aud when n soul comes to God, llo
docs not ask w hero you camo from or what
your nucestry was. Henlltig for nil your
wounds. I'urdon for all your guilt. Com
fort for nil your troubles.
Then, also, I counsel you, If you want to
got back, to quit nil your bad associations.
Ono unholy Intimacy will fill your soul with
moral distomier. In nil tho nges of tho
church thero has not been nn instance where
ft mnn kept ono ovll nssoclnto ami Was re
formed. Go homo todny, ojKm your desk,
tako out letter pnr, stamp nnd envelope,
nnd then write n letter something llko thlst
"My Old Comjiaiilons I start this day for
heaven. Until 1 nm persuaded you will Join
mo In this, farewell."
Then sign your iinino nnd send tho lotler
by tho first jHist, Glvo up your bad com
panions or glvo up heaven, It Is not ten bad
companions that destroy n man, nor flvo bad
comimnlous, nor throo Ixid couiinnloiis, nor
two Imd companion, but ono. What chanco
is thoro for that young mnn I saw nlong tho
street, Tour or llvo young men with him,
halting In front of n grogshop, urging him to
go In, ho resisting, violently resisting, until
nfter n whllo tlioy foroo hlm to go In! It wns
u summer night nnd the door wns left open,
nnd I saw tho process. Thoy bald hlm fas;,
and thoy put the r.ip to his lips, nnd thoy
forced down tho strong drink. Wlmt chiuico
Is thero for such n young man!
I counsel you, also, seek Christian nilvlco.
Every Christian man is bound to help you.
If you find no other human our willing to
listen to your story of strugglo, como to mo,
mid I will by overy sympathy of my heart,
und overy; prayer, nnd overy toll of my hnnd,
stand lioslllo you lu tho strugglo for reforma
tion; nnd ns I hope to huvo my own sins for
given, and hope to bo ncqulttod nt tho Judg
ment wnt of Christ, I will not botmyyou.
First of nil, hcckOod; then seek Christian
counsel. Gather up all the energies of body,
mind and soul, aud, npicullug to God for
success, declare this day everlasting wnr
iigalii8t nil drinking habits, all gaming prac
tices, nil houses of sin. Half and linlt work
will nuiouut to nothing; It must bo a Water
loo. Shrink back now und you nro lost. Push
on nnd you nro saved. A Hjuirtan general
fell at tho very moment of victory, but ho
dlpimt his finger in his oyn blood, nnd wrote
on a rock near which ho was dying: "Sparta
has conquered." Though your strugglo to
get rid of sin may seem to bo nlmost n death
strugglo, you can dip your finger in your
own blood, und write on tho Rock of Ages:
"Victory though our Lord Jesus Christ." Ohl
whnt glorious nows it would lw for somo of
theso young men to send homo to their
parents In tho country. Thoy go to tho post
olllco every day or two to see if there nro nny
letters from you. How anxious thoy nro to
honrl Nothing would pleaso them half so
much as tho news you might send homo to
morrow that you had given your heart to
God. I know how It is In tho country. Tho
night comes on. Tho cattle stand under tho
rack through which bursts tho trusses of
liny. Tho horses just Imving frisked up
through tho meadow at tho night fall, stand
knee deep In the bright straw time Invites
them to lio down and rest. Tho perch of tho
hovolis full of fowl, their feet warm under
tho feathers. In tho old farm house at night
no candle Is lighted, for tho Humes clap their
hands about tho great backlog, nnd shako
tho shadow of tho group up nnd down tho
wall. Father nnd mother sit thoro for half
un hour, saying nothing. I wonder what
thoy aro thinking of. After n wlillo tho
father breaks tho silence nnd says: "Well, I
wonder where our boy is in town to-night;"
and tho mother answers: "In no lnd place, I
warrant you; wo always could trust him
when ho was home, nnd since ho has been
away thero havo been so many prayers
offered for hlm wo can trust him still."
Then nt 8 o'clock for thoy retire early in
tho country at 8 o'clock thoy kneel down
nnd commend you to that God who watches
in couutry and lu town, on the laud und on
tho sea.
Somo ono said to n Grecian general:
"What was the proudest moment of your
life!" Ho thought a. moment nnd said:, "Tho
proudest moment of my lifo wns when I sent
word homo to my parents that I had gained
tho victory." And the proudest mid most
brllllnnt moment in your lifo will bo tho mo
ment when you can scud word to your jnr
cnts In tho couutry that you havo conquered
your ovll habits, by tho graco ot God, and
becomo eternal victor Ohl despise not
parental nnxioty. Tho tlmo will como when
you will havo nolther father nor mother, nnd
you will go round tho placo where thoy used
to watch and lind them gono from tho house,
nnd gono from tho fiold, and gono from tho
neighborhood. Cry as loud for forglvpnesa
as you mny ovor tho mound in tho church
yard, thoy will not answer. Dendl Dead I
And then you will tako out tho whlto lock of
hair that was cut from your mother's brow
just before thoy burled her, and you will tako
tho enno with which your f nthor used to walk,
and you will think and think, mid wish thnt
you hod done just as thoy wanted you to, nnd
would glvo tho world if you hnd never thrust
a fiang through their dear old hearts. God
pity tho young man who has brought ills
graco on his father's naiiio. God pity tho
young man who bos broken his mother's
heart. Better if ho hud novor been born
better if, in tho first hour of his lifo, instead
of being laid against tho wurm bosom of ma
ternal teuderness, ho had boon coillued and
sepulchred. There is no balm powerful
enough to heal tho heart ot ono who has
brought parents to a sorrowful gravo and who
wanders ubout through tho dismal cemetery,
rending the hair nnd wringing tho hands,
and crying: "Motherl mothorl" Oh, thnt
today, by all the memories of tho past, nnd
by all tho hopes of tho future, you would
yiold your heart to God. Mny your fathor's
God and your mother's God bo your God for
over. Artificial Jlimeri aolng Out.
It is said that artificial flowers aro going
out of uso In England and laco coming in at
about cqunl ratio. In 18S3 tho value of
flowers imported reached tho enormous sum
ot 3,00,000 while in ISSo this fell oil to
$1,250,000. Tho increase lu tho Importation
ot loco mnanwhilo lias amounted to moro
than all theso figures of artificial llowors
togcthor. But tho odd feature ot this is that
while this inercaso goes on In importation
from tho continent, England seems bound to
lot her own laco industries languish. Tho
beautiful laco work, with its branching
sprays so suggostlvoof hawthorno blooms,
still gore on, but tho rich aud great of Britain
do not putronlzo it enough to encourage its
Increase, Public Opinion.
OU for the nhes.
Seas on tho lakes being as rough as on tho
ocean, aud Just as destructive ot lifo aud
proi-crty, it would seem the part of wisdom
for the lake marine to mako trial of oil pro
tection lu times of blow. Buffalo Courier,
tVlmt Hip I'ii rn crap 1 1 Wrltvri Ham .lotted
Down ('iinreriiltiir People of Noli-.
Queen Marghorita, of Italy, Is n capital
Hebrew scholar and ban n largo library of
Hebrew works.
Dr. Asa Gray left his copyrights and his
vnliinblo collections of plmtogruphs to Har
vard university,
While Hanker Corcoran was on his death
bed ho drow a check for $.VX) for tho widow
of a young mnn who hnd committed suicide.
Michael Teller, of Philadelphia, has not
slept lu n IkiI for luenty.Mjven years. Hols
a victim of chrnnlo nut lima, and cannot sleep
lu n recumbent jhwUIoii,
At 60 years old tho Hon. Hugh McCullocti
retains his brown hnlr nnd whiskers, only
slightly touched with gray, and does not uso
eyeglasses moro than halt tho tlmo.
Mrs Allen, wlfoof Dr. Allen, ot tho Corenn
legation, Is a pretty llttlo American woman,
who mnrrlcd her husband In Chlnn. Shu hns
two III t lo sous with her, ono ot whom wns
born In China nnd tho other In Coren, nnd on
this account they hnvo been nlckunmcd
"Llttlo Chlnn" mul "Llttlo Coren.
M. Hougucronu has ono of tho plainest
studies In Paris; n big room with ft window
and it skylight, n clock, somo old tuKtry, ft
bronro statue, throo or four cukoN, mid n lot
of iiulluHicd pictures and blank canvases
loaning ngiilnst tho wall.
AIIhtI I'mrer, n convict In tho Michigan
pcnltentlnry, escaped, and n rownrd wns
offered for his capture. Ho communicated
with his wife, who was having ft hard struggle
with jsiverty, nnd Induced her to deliver hlm
up mid get tho reward. So bIio did, and
Frnzlcr Is happier than ho has been for years.
Llko nil nctors nnd nctresses of foreign
birth mid education, Mine, Modjcska shows
her nntivu iiiifnmlllarlty with tho English
tongue much moro strongly oir tho stage than
on It, It is in the little ordinary couverso
of overy day lifo that ouo'b imtlvo tonguo
asserts Itself tho most strongly in both Idiom
and accent.
Ernst von Wcchmnr, of Berlin, claims to
havo Invented n flying mnchlno that will
innko It jierfectly jiosslblo fpr humanity to
competo with tho birds. Tho nppnrntus Is
ugly, tho wings being nbout thirty feet by
two, mid tho Isxly supported by nlr cushions
ns well ns by tho wings themselves.
Frank Stockton is not satisfied with tho
ordinary fnmo of n clover story teller. Ho
wants lo Ist'ouion benefactor nnd philan
thropist, and has Invented an Illuminated
key hole, that will enable men to go homo nt
any hour of tho night nnd bo nblo to get in
without rousing tho neighborhood.
When tho Into D. It. Locko, "Nnsby," of
Tho Toledo Blade, was ullvo, ho took pnr
tlcular prlduiii tho fact that nono ot his
buildings hud over Iwen damaged by flro. It
is n singular fact that sluco his death three of
his best edifices erected by hlm In Toledo
hnvo caught lire, anil In each lustuuconttho
top of tho building.
Three years ago n hnrsh voiced mnn, John
Stclncr by name, stood on Stato street, Chi
cago, offering "Twenty-four sheets of noto
Wer for u nickel." Today, It is stated, ho Is
tho owner of tho lending stationery store in
a town ot 15,000 inhabitants In Iowa; and bo
mado his start selling ti quire of writing npcr
for llvo cents on ono of tho busiest streets lu
Samuel J. Tllden never spoke of his wealth,
but it was variously cstlmuted all the way
from f 1,000,000 to 10,000,000. His executors
havo lately stated In court that his assets
havo footed up 5,V,000 in real nnd iwrsonnl
property. It wns also admitted that nfter
tho legacies provided for in tho will nro paid
over f 1,000,000 will remain for tho erection of
three public libraries contemplated by Mr.
Tilden lu Now York, Yonkers nnd Now
Lebunon, where ho wns Ixiru.
Tho iKistmistrcwi of tho Iown assembly is
Mrs. Hunter; Iter nssistnnt is Mlsx Murray,
The enrolling mid engrossing clerks in tho
sennto uro Miss Stuttsmnn and Mrs. StulL
In tho hoiiso tho enrolling clerk is Nettio E.
Lorlmer; tho engrossing clerk, Mrs. Heist.
A woman hns tho Hsltlou of il(srkeeei' lu
tho Indies' gallery of tho house, nnd little
Miss Wright Is ono of tho house pages. A
number of women servo ns coiiimitteo clerks.
In writing of Mrs. Potter, ono is willed
upon to treat of n M range mixture of pretty
womanhood mid Imd art. .Mis, 1'otter bus a
most pleasing x'ion, und sho would seem to
hnvo been endowed with what HuIjio hoi
termed tho gift of churui. Sho had In abun
dance tho golden blown bnir w hleh Apulems,
tolling of Fotls, hnslmiiiortnllml; her eyes
nro furtive, und furtive eyes havo always a
strango fascination; her tlguro is slight nl
most to glrllshiiess. Without wishing to
nppear in tho rolo of uu interpreter of tho
designs of divinity, wo cnmiot lorbcur sug
gesting that it must nppear to nil who hnvo
seen Mrs. Potter und huvo sat under her uo
ing that Mrs. Potter wasciuitod to adorn a
domestic circle.
Activity of London Vecretiirlnus.
Vegetarian projmgnndlsts were unusually
activo in Luudou last summer. There is n
society dovoted to this "ism," and during tho
6eusou vogetnrinn dinners wero given to city
missionaries und their wives, members of
leading professions, clergy, physicians, farm
ers und others. At or.n dinner (XX) gucstn
were entertained. Vegetarian dinners worn
given to tho Salvation Army, Coiigiogntioniil
clergymen, Baptists, Unltarluiw, Wesloyans,
Posltivlsts, Quakers, Good Templars nnd tho
poor nt city missions. Thoro nro twenty
thivo vegetarian restaurants in London,
exclusive of vegetarian "homes," whero vege
tarian travelers aro accommodated. Several
seaside vegetarian homes luu o been estab
lished, and ono of them is called "Cerealla."
Good Housekeeping.
TIxo Arliiuuiur Traveler Mini.
Do you know OpioRead when you seo hlmf
If you do not, you would never ausjiect that
ho was ho. Tall, big boned, rambling gnited,
and careless of iiersounl appearance, you
would say ho Is n big, honest faced nnd wholo
Bomo looking what? Not quite a farmer,
not a raftsman, hardly n river captain, cer
tainly not nn author. But talk with him
half an hourl Ho has had his eyes opon a
good dcul in his life, and wlillo ho has not
paid much attention to putting on stylo him
self, ho has been how other jieoplo do it and
lias figured out tho why of it. In other
words, ho knows, ns a creatlvo novelist must
know, what constitutes a symmetrical con
sistent human character. A VillisB, Hawkins
in Chicago Times,
Slelijli Ibices In Iliitsln.
Tho ladles of tho aristocracy of St. Peters
burg have organized a serlia of sleigh races
in which they uro to bo tho drivers. lCuch
will have her own color, und the competitors
must bo not less than 0 years ot ago, nor
moro than 40. Entries are limited to the
arUtocracy, and the prizes aro very magnifi
cent. Now York Commercial Advertiser,
Iluctm; In England,
Racing in England is rather a profitable
business for those who uro fortimntu enough
to win. Two million two hundred and twenty
five thousand dollars are to bo exju'iulod on
tho British turf during tho present season in
stakes alouo. Chicago Herald.
Finest: Production.
Medicinal & Family Use
The G. M. Jarvis Company
is located at San Jose, in the lovely Santa Clara Valley, and
the picturesque Santa Cruz Mountains, a region that grows
every variety of grapes known on the favored Rhine o n
the sunny slopes of the Mediterranean.
In this beautiful, fertile valley the purple, golden ' and deli
cious grapes arc ripened to perfection, and among these deli
cious harvests of vineyard products arc made their
Choice- Port, Golden Sherry, Muscatelle and
and from the Reisling Wine they 'distill the
Which is now the standard of purity and excellence in this
country. We were awarded
at Illinois State Fair 1872.
at World's Fair, New Orleans.
We have taken Seven First Phizes, and have in our
possession seven Gold Medals from State Fairs of California.
The great assayer and chemist of San Francisco says: "I have
ibmitted your Brandy to a most searching chemical analysis
and find no adulteration, no fusel oil. It is a remarkably pun'
of San Francisco, says: "I have analyzed the Jarvis Reihlin-,'
Grape Brandy, and find it pure and a genuine good article'
The followinis from the well-known Analytical Chumis
of Chicago.
Gentlemen. I have made complete analyses of your
Wines and Brandies. These tcsrs show me that they are not
only strictly pure but that they contain all the essential quali
ties so much admired by leading wine chemists.
Analytical Chemist Chicago Med. Col.
All testify to the purity, wholesomeness and high standard o
the Jarvis goods. They are known the world over and have
become deservedly popular for '
The goods are always to be relied uponj prices low for
first class article and put up in packages convenient for all,
Their Rich Bartlett Pear Cider
s a most delicious, healthy and
popular, drink ever offered. Made from the Ovcr-ripe Bart
lett Pear, boiled down and filtered through charcoal. Jt wi
not ferment or spoil.
San Jose, Cal.
Family Supply Agent for Lincoln, Neb.
nutritious, as well as the mos
39 N. State St. Chicago.
Traveling Salesman.
tt'H 1" J"iJTrTiii'Mi)iwMwiMaCT"iiwmiimtrtiit
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waiHt 3wmmm'nm' 1