Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 31, 1888, Image 5

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Boot and Shoe House
-Will Have Something to Say to You-
1214 O street.
Examine samples of our work before
ordering elsewhere.
l 1 1 1 tDEALERS IN, ESsCH
Coal and Wood.
1201 O St.
Dealer In
Drugs and Medicines
Books, Stationery, etc.
137 S. Eleventh st.
Iln W111 un IMIter.
Hetf Lonp Year letter Dear Charlie, I on
oloso my hand and heart o contributions to
your future happiness. Also a two cent
stamp. If not accepted pleaso return and
obllgo, yours in hope, Annie.
Ills Reply Dear Anulo, I huvo examined
your contrllmtlous with pleasure, but regret
that I must return them ns not availahlo,
owing to tho pressure of other matter upon
tho columns of my futuro hnppliiess. Yours
in charity, Ciimime.
Chicago Tribune,
'Do you know that delightful Mr. Ever
ord tho ono who took such high honors at
collego somo years ago? Ho is n brilliant
follow, and can converse charmingly n al
most nny subject."
"No, 1 don't know him. Is ho n lawyorP
'Lawyerl How con you ask such a thlngf
Mr. Everard Is much too refined a man to
inako his living out of other people's quar
rols. No, Indeed I IIo breeds hw-kos and
r.tnf(tmiiiiit nnd Wedding: 1Uiik An lt
lustrntcd Dpucrlptlon of tlio Now llMket
Plaits or llnlr Tlint Hlive Appeared III
Ono of thn Low Coiffure..
In tlio accompanying illustration Is shown
tho now bosket plait wound In n low coll nt
tho luick of tho head nml falling (illito Mow
tho iwK! of tlio nock. This is a nuw fashion
which Is Mm; affected moro or lew by
young Englishwomen and PnrblnuH. It Is
only ono of tho several styles indulged in
liy ladles wholticlinoto dross tho hull- ow,
nollicr English stylo, which, by tho wny, ii
-lining pntronngo with American women, Is
lio ono in which tho hulr Is nil drawn to-
-other low nt tho nnioof tho nock, nnd there
oiled into n knot, which is pulled out loom
uul lint.
Tho increased favor shown to low coiffures,
does not, in tho least, nrguo that high coif,
furoaaro out of fashion; both aro considered
correct, it being only a matter of tasto which
is selected. A vory attractlvo stylo of dress
ing tho hair consist) in tho wearing of thn
fancy combs, bout nnd small, placed oltlior
singly in tho hair, or closo togothor llko n
Suggestions for Hunter Wedding.
In theso days when both men and women
follow closely so many English styles, it may
not como amiss to tell our readers of soiuo of
tho fashions that prevail at English wed
dings, nnd which suggest pleasing changes
from old timo customs.
Tho dresses of tho pages, when Micro are
any at wedding, aro usually in tho samo
color as thoso of tho bridcmalds. In our cut
Is. represented a Georgo III costumo of
goldon brown plush with whito figured satin
waistcoat. Jabot
of old laco fastened
with a jiearl pin,
white ring and plg
tail, gold knoo
buckles, browu silk
stockings, and
shoes with buckles,
as worn at a re
cent English wed
ding in high life.
At n fashlonabla
wedding w h i 0 h
took placo n short
timo ago, tho two
pages carried silver
headed sticks (pro
Bontod by tho
bridcl, with ilowors
tied to thorn by rib
bons. At another
wodd'lng g'old
ho n dud walking
sticks woro pro-
taok's niiKsa time
Rented by tho bridegroom to each of tho
Tho nowpst things for brldomaltls nro tho
floral slippers, which hang from tho left arm
by ribbon loops, and nro filled with real
flowers put into moss nnd llxed by wire,
Thoro nro two or threo sizes, according to
tho ago of tho recipients, and tho color cor
responds with tho costumo. Sometimes tho
monogram of brido and bridegroom, or a
namo is worked in gold or silver across tho
too, but usually tho slipper is merely an
ordinary high heeled satin one. A spray of
fern or somo delicato climber falls over each
sldo, and a tin is fitted insldo. They can bo
kopt as souvenirs of tho memorable day.
AVhen tho bridegroom has a floral namo,
such as Hoso, Heath, etc., tho brldo's posy
has that flower in it; and a quaint idea of
late has boon to mount a very tiny whito
satin slipper (for good luck, as slippers aro
thrown after tho departing couple for that
purpose) on wlro, and placo it in tho center.
At tho wedding of a Mr. Itico recontly thcro
wcro threo littlo slippers put in among tho
flowers, each ono being filled with rice.
Tho wldo ribbon bouquets which now
adorn brides and bridemalds aro often
drawn together at tho ends and finished oil
with tusaols of jiearls or silver tinsel.
Kncngement and Wedding Illnjs.
Tho engagement ring is no longor confined
to a solitairo diamond, but may bo any
colored gem preferred by tho brido-cloct,
associated with diamonds somewhat smaller
in filzo.
Tho wedding ring, as a rule, is a band,
plain and inconspicuous, of puro gold.
It is quito tho Cushion now for tho lady to
present her flanco with n betrothal ring.
Tho ring just now in' favor for this purpose
is a gold ono, with a sluglo stouo set Hush.
l'athlou Notes.
English walking hats aro moro elaborately
trimmed than were thoso worn during tho
Largo plaids havo appeared In both wool
and wash dross goods for littlo girls.
Brtildod gowns and jackets continuo in
Fcnthor fans aro much carried with even
ing toilets.
Widows wear Byron collars and outsido
cuffs of white muslin, with hem stltchod bor
ders. Tho tournuro is decreasing in sizo as tho
season advances.
Wliut Dyiiiimlto Is T.lhu,
It may bo a matter of nows to somo of our
renders that tho much talked about dynamite
explosive, is iu nppcaruuco much llko moist
browu (.ugar. Nltro-glyceriuo, which is
formed by tho action of uitrlu acid upou
glycerine, nt 11 low temperature, explains
Uoldcn Days, is tho active agent in dynamite,
but Is mixed with bonto ubhorlx'iit substauco
to render it safer to haudlo than the liquid
glycerine. Tho absorbent material thus used
is n sillclous earth n lino whito poudor com
posod of tho remains of Infusoria, and re
sembling jmwdorod chalk. This tnkos up
two or threo 11111114 it weight of tho nltro
glycurlno without liccomiug jmsty, and tho
Ingredients are easily mixed, leaden vessels
and wooden spoons lielug used to nvoid
dangerous friction. Whonflrols applied to
this unn it burns with a strong iluino, with
out nny explosion, but when igultod by n
detonating fun), or oven by a Middun blow,
ita uxplosivo force Id tremendous.
HZ7 'iS
rTess ta.Mia
3 f mi
l'uvttor lilies freshly bloom
O'er tho conquered toiulii
Oips of InceiiKO, pure and fair,
l'our oblations 011 tlio nlr,
IVistcr (dory sudden flows
Through the jiortal nouo en 11 closo,
IVnth and dnrkucx lloo away,
Christ tho Lord Is risen today,
Bhlnlng forms aro sitting by
Where tlio folded gnrnieiits IIo;
living Mary knows no fear
Vi'lillo tlio waiting ntiKcls hoar.
"Tlioy liovo taken my Iord a way,
Know yo where lio lies today!"
Hwect tliey answer to hor cry,
As their pinions piuu her by.
Boo tlio Master stand lo greet
Her tlint woocth at his feet.
"Mary I" At tlio tender word
Well slio knows hor rlwn Ixirdl
All hor lore and Mission hrraks
Iu tlio sIiirIo woiil slio HjionkH
Hero tho suct KablHinlr toll
All her wouinn heart so well!
"Quickly ro, and tell It out
Unto others round about.
Thou hast been forgiven much;
Tell It, Mary, unto such.
Jly thy lovo within thy lionrt,
TliU my wont to them Imiwut!
Death shall touch thy soul no moro,
Christ thy Lord lias Rono before I"
What Tiny Joo Told I.lttln Nell About
I"utor Hint II Flowurs.
"Violobi, sweet violets; who will buy my
A chorus of voices In wild confusion called
UKn tho passers by to purchoso tho bunches
of spring flowers thnt had sprung up nf tor
tho winter snows to greet tho glad resurrec
tion feast.
They had taken thotr stand outsido Covont
garden, theso poor women and girls whoso
bread depended upon tho salo of their violets.
It wits growing dark, and Easter ovo, too,
and this wits their Inst chanco. If tlio ilow
ors worn not sold licforo thoy wont to their
wretched homes, thoy would bo lost, nil dead
and withered boforo Monday morning.
Thcro was a girl who btood among the
crowd, holding her basket in her hand, but
not opening her lips, not joining in tho gen
eral clamor, only leaning ngainct tho wall,
and looking bo pnlo and wretched, it went tc
ouo's heart to think that thcru was such
misery in tho world as was written on tlint
fair young faco. For It was very fair, In
splto of tho tnlo it told of poverty and want;
there was something In tho girl's wholo np
IKvirauco different to tho jieoplo among whom
tlio was standing, homethfng of refinement to
which thoy wero Btrangers, and which thoy
could not understand. Thoy ran after overy
ono who paused, screaming, vociferating,
entreating; she stood In hor place, not speak
ing 11 single word, only standing thoro with
that look of muto entreaty ujion her poor,
thlu faco.
"VIOLETS, WHO WILTj but my violets!"
"Nell, why don't you speak, why don't you
run after tho gentlefolks!" said a good na
turcd looking red faced woman; "it's your
only chniico; I've got rid of six bunches in
tho last half hour."
"I cannot," answered Nell; "don't ask mo;
Indeed, indeed, I ennnot; if thoy wnnt tho
flowers thoy will como and buy them, but it's
no good to ninko them glvotholrmonoy when
thoy hnd rather keep It."
Tho woman opened her round oyes, nnd
looked nt Nell wonderlngly.
"If you'ro so mighty squeamish you ain't
likely to get on; tako my advleo, nnd don't
bo silly make tho folks buy; I tell you thoy
won't do it without lieing nxed como, run
nfter that young swell; n bunch of viletsin
his buttouholo would mnko quito a gentle
man of him."
"No, I cannot, Indeed I cannot."
"Very well, then, I will," nnd Nancy Drako
followed n young man half way down tho
street, and nt last induced him to buy somo
of her ilowors.
Meanwhile Nell htlll stood In her old placo,
and by U10 timo Nancy roturnod tho girl had
found a customer.
A littlo maiden, nliout 10 years old, with n
rcspectablo looking, whito capfied nurso,
stood licforo her. Tho littlo lndy boro about
her wholo npHaraucu umuistakablo signs of
cum) nnd luxury.
"How much nro thoy tho flowers!" bho
"Throe iiencon bunch," replied Nell, mod
"I moan how much for all of them! I
want them for tho church, you know, to put
round tho nltar Eastor Sunday."
Poor Nell could scarcely beliovo her cars
or conceal her grout Joy nt so good a ploco
of luck, its she handed tho flowers to tho
mnld, who gave her iu return moro money
than bho hud hnd for many u day.
"Flowers for the church," mussl NolL "I
wonder why they put them there. I wondor
what Easter means. I guess it Is only for tlio
quality -grand ladles nud grand littlo girls
like tho one who bought my flowers." Thus
soliloquizing nud hugging her pcuconnd hap
liluc&s, Nell hastened to make her wuy
home, Ilut finding herself In front of a
brilliantly lighted ehurch, ho patuod to
again consider the problem that had so pure
clod her. Tiny Jon, thn poor littlo hunch
back, who IIvimI round tho corner from Ilcll'i
own iiumblo home, stood thoro too, Joa wont
to Sunday school, u would know.
"What's ICanter dayp asked Nell, laying
her hand on Tiny Joe's arm. "Why Is today
Eastor ovo! I it something for thn rich
Tiny Joe's dark oyes turned wonderlngly
upon tho flower girl's faco, as ho said Im
pressively: "It's for you, It's for mo, It's for all;" and
then ho told her Iu his slinplo way of tho joy
thnt hnd como nt Christmas when tho holy
child was born In tho manger; and ho went
on to sjH'nk of (lood Friday, when Christ was
nailed uxm the cross, so that lio might tako
us all to live with him In heaven; ho told of
nil his sufferings, how ho was laid In tho gar
den grave, and thou caino tho story nf tho
Easter Joy how ho roso ngaln from tho
dead, and how ho hns gono back to his plaoo
iu hen von to ask flod to tako us thoro liccauso
ho died for us. "and oh, Nell," said Joe, when
ho had ended 11I1 wondrous tale, "never mind
how jxKir or how hungry wo nro, nnd what
jmln we havo to suffer, so long as wo think
of all that Joku boro for us, and rememlicr
tho Easter joy, how ho rose again, to show
us that after wo wnsdend we should riso
ngaln also and llvo with him for over in tho
beautiful city whero there's no mora pain."
Nell, who had listened to tho story In
breathless ustonlshmout, snldi "Can wo go
In!" and tho lioy, In reply, led hor up tho
stone steps nnd through the vostlbulo Into
tho brightly lighted church.
There were flowers, licnutlful flowers, sur
rounded by nuiulicrlcM lights. Thcro wcro
violets, her own violets, around tho clmnccl.
Thcro wcro bright hymns, moro beautiful
than tho flower girl had over heard In hor
Ufa Everything soomod to tell of tho Easter
Nell understood littlo of tho sermon, but
nil seemed to scak of thn samo thing, and ns
she wished to know more about it she de
cided she would go to school the next night
nnd lieglu to learn. And m sho did, proving
long licforo the ywtr was out ono of tlio most
diligent of tho ninny pupils who attended
tho night school.
In this short tnlo it cannot bo told in de
tail how tho girl, naturally quick and intel
ligent, gradually roso from her humblo sta
tion as n violet girl to 11 respected teacher In
that snmo school. All will beliovo, however,
that Nell in aftcrllfonovcrKnwaswoctviolot
without recalling that Eastor ovo when, hand
in hand with Tiny Joe, sho resolved to livo n
new life a llfo removed from poverty and
Tho R'nson of Eastertide, which originally
brought thanksgiving nnd joy of a religious
nnturo only, has como to bo observed by tho
younger portion of humanity as n fitting timo
in which to exchange friendly and even lovo
tokens in the wuy of bonbounicres and othor
gifts more or less remotely rolnted to tho
feathered trllx) and its products. Tho Idea of
fabricating imitation eggs in sugar, precious
metals and choice Krcolains is of compara
tively recent origin. But their manufacture
has liccome, not only in Franco and Ger
many, but iu New York us well, n source of
important traffic. About tho beginning of
December tho leading factories of bon bons,
both abroad and in this country, begin their
preparations for Easter.
Not only nro tho bonlions themselves in
somo degree works of art, but tho bags,
baskets ana boxes made, to contain them aro
still moro so. Theso latter aro models of
tasto and elegance. For instance, a basket
formed of straw, satlu and flowers, the bot
tom of which is covered with a laco pocket
handkerchief, as though it woro simply a
graceful addition to tho satin lining on which
repose tho egg shaped bonbons. Dut this
handkerchief costs a good many dollars, and
thus somo lovesick swain is enabled, when
sending a lady bocmlngly a few score of de
licious Ixmbons, to mako her a hnndsomo
present In tho most dcllcuto jiosslblo way. A
silver egg that opens in half on touching
somo mysterious spring forms a plonslng re
ceptacle for a jowelod brooch, simulating nn
Easter lily, or, if one feels so inclined, to colo
brato this second Now Year's day, a betrothal
This custom of sending presents nt Easter
originated In Franco, m hero it for a timo was
tho fashion for a gentleman to send tho
younger relatives of his flnucon lwx or bos
ket of cliiileii ImnlKUts, From this tho cus
tom grew to Ilowors nnd IkiiiImuis to the
llnnco herself, nud tho receptacles for the
flnncrxnud boiilxm liocnmo iivrotind more
oh'Iimo, and Dually cudil in tlio concealing
of costly lirenMits in the Knsti'r ) ackugo. In
Now York l'anter card, ! voks in dec
orative bindings, Mlvur covered prayer
lxM'kx, and'H uf jou-'i-, simulating
early kpn.i', i1 u ix nud bird iuv numbered
with foihloiiublo nud popular lister ulfia.
mr Mi
- AT
Special attention will be paid to
Stock Large.
Assortment Complete.
All the New Shades.
All the New Fabrics.
145 South Tenth Street
- s1
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 123 N Street.
Meals 25 cts. $4.50 per week.
"Verdiot : of :
Nebraska Floral Company,
121; North 12th Street.
Woven Wire Bed Springs at $2.00.
Husk, Matresses, Cotton Top at $2.25.
GUILES, . 1 2 10 0 Street
- And now ready for inspection at
John Morrison's
All the Finest Qualities and Latost Patterns in stock. I have
the finest cutter in the city and guarantee satisfaction. Cal
and see my goods and work.
121 North Eleventh street.
Union - Pacific -Railway,
The Overland Route.
Shortcst and Safest
"The Overiand Route'
Take tho overland tlyor and save one day to all l'aelllo const points.
Huunlui; Into Union Depots nml eoiiueutim; with tlio fust limited trains of all linos for a
points east, north nnd south. Throuith tickets on iikmIitii day coaches, llnguugo ohcolco
throuiili to distillation from all points east In the United States and Uauudn.
Sleeper accommodations reserved In through l'lillniaii Falace cars from the Miss u
river lo the Pacific coast.
E. B. SLOSSON, Agent.
l(VU O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
First Vice-I'reildent. Ass. Oon, lus. nud Ticket A3L Oen. Posi and Ticket Aff
TI - IE -
tl"ie : JPeople
Telephone 682.
Route to all points in
Washing 'n