Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 31, 1888, Image 4

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    '" o
VJl -W- HSMWt M . '
IT ' -
Makes the preservation of the natural
ecth i specialty ty nil known approved
method. Gold nnd porcclnln crown
mounted on the nnturnl root.
All operations performed without pain.
aStUfactlon guaranteed,
Wo, tlio undersigned aro personally no
qunluUl with Dr. I j. Wonto, who U to lenyo
in soon nnd engage In tho pruetleo o( dontls
try In vour eltv.
Wo ran unhesitatingly recommend him nil
n thorough miustvr ot his profession, nnd wo
nro Miro that nil work entrusted to him will
U skillfully performed.
.1. UNl)KUIIIt.t.,Jt. 1).
W. W. MoMann. M. I).
J. R McAtuHs.M. H.M.I).
J, M. (JAi.l.Kiiunit, I), 1). H.
Gahdnkh, Illinois, Jnn, '."J, 1887.
116 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb.
Ladies' & Gents'
At grcntly reduced prices
First Week in April,
1043 O Street.
Philharmonic . Orchestra,
Ju IUokkow,
Mmlcul Director,
Offlco Funko's Opera
Q. II. Abciiuan,
House, OU Floor, Kronl
Will fnnilih tlrnnd or BAcnnl muslo for
And nil otlier occasions requiring (lmt-eloss inuste
rw-tiivclsl rates will lie niailo with clubs
uealrint; Urn ocliestm for too season,
lot; urn ociiesirn tor 1110 se
rates furnlnhed on application.
VTo also ilrslre to state that wo haru oiwued a
Conserratory of Husle hi our siwrtnients In Uie
opera house building, for the Instruction on
crcheetrnl Imrtniments; Tuition hours; Vn, m
II 19 uoon, aud 1 till 4 p. m. every day except
Sunday. For scholars not able to attend atifgu
r hours, special time will be kItch.
For further Information as to prices, time, etc
address or call on t he manager.
IiulldhiKS completett or In eourso of erection
rom April 1, 1W0:
ilustm-8 block. 0 R ontgoinery, 11th And N.
do do I. ' Iilliriursler, J I Hi near N.
Restaurant (Odelhi) 0 K Montgomery, N near
llBHldfilM-. J 3 ImlmfT. J nnd 12th.
do J n Maef arlaud, Q and 1 tth.
do John hruns, Uaiul lltli.
do Albert WatVlns. I) Kt Pth and 10th.
do Wm M Uwnanl, K tx-t Oth and 10th.
do Kltauthrli', 1.7th nmtN.
do J K Kml, M I), F Ik-1 10th and 17th.
do I. O St llaldn In, 0 bet lKth aud 16th.
Rsnltnrtuiu building ntSlllronl, Neb,
Flryt IlaiHlnt elmreh, 1 ttli and K strict s.
ortuary chadoi aud recolrlag tomb at Wyuka
OlHco. Rooms 83 audM
Rio hard a Bloolc.
DR. B. B. Powers,
" Gold FUlings A Speciltay
Gold, Silver and Porscelaln Crown Insert
ed on roots of teeth, Sets Inserted without
A plate. All operations flrt:cai and war
, ( pnted.
1 3140 . Street- over Elliott's.
l.w MMWBR ,v jiffi
A lfmlnr lt)tfr of Mmbrn 7Ym.
rluiwrnirrioNi Ono Year by Mall or Carrier $9,0)
HI mouths, 1, 00, TIiito month 60 Cent, Ono
month SO Ci'iiln Invarnhly In Advance.
MiVRiitiMMKirrni l(nt furnished on nppltcatlen
At the ortlca. Special rate on Tlmo ContrncU.
OoNTiMinmoNiii Hhort spicy sketches, potii, and
storlc ollcttd. Personal mul Social note nro
Mpoclnlly desirable.
t'liiNTiNiii Wo make a specialty of lino 1'rlntliiK
la nil It hrnnaliM. Hooletr work a specialty
Address nil oomtnunl6nllon tllroctto tho ofllco.
vvitsaiiL, uonntNa,
Now llurr lltoulc, Cor. Pith mid O Htrcr'.n.
' Tki.i;i,iionk:!M.
Tho Couhikh will not Ikj roK)nslblo for
nny debt inndo hy nuy ono In It iiniuo, un
less n written order neeompnnlo tho same,
proerry signed, of course.
Wkhhri. & DoiiniNH, Prop'r.
Of nil unprecedented wlntem tho whiter
that In nt present with in In simply unprece
dented. A Ciiioaoo girl hits uint Hon n full-blooded
Hloux Indliiu. A lnrgo iiuiiiImt ot fooln nro
Tiik Couuiku would ngnln cnll tho ntton
tlou of tho Doiuocrnt to tho foot that It owoh
nunHilogy to Mr, Burns for its unwnrrnnted
liiterforeneo with bin work on tho elty wells
nml tho delay it caused both tho contractor
nnd city,
Tiir Frolo Presso hi it Innt issuo given n
very entertaining sketch of Lincoln, together
with n router of Itn cjty ollleern from In-
coromtion to data. Tho subject matter, wo
have no doubt, In very iutcrcstluj, but bo far
tlo nnmos nro nil wc can decipher.
Tiir appointment of Mr. Thomas L. Kim
ball to bo general manager of tho Union l'a
tillc system given general witlsfuctloii. Mr.
Kimhnll hnn lieen with tho rond for yearn,
nnd standing close to tho Into T. J. Totter, Is
conversant with nil his plain, and hnn tho ex
ecutive nblllty to curry them to n successful
An oxohnngo curtly remarks; A girl's
tasto diirern according to her ngo. At six
toon sho wanU n dudo with tooth-pick shoos
nnd microscope mustache; at twenty a chief
Justice with plenty of cash; at twenty-llvo
sho would bo satislled with n member of cou
gnsHj nt thirty n doctor or preacher; nt
thirty II vo anything that wears pants, from
an wlitor up.
Tiir touchers cf tho state havo lieen enjoy
iug them-selvM at Fremont this week, whoro
tho Htato convention was held. Tho discus
sions covered n wldo rnngo of educational
subjects, nnd mustprovoof incnlculablo bonc
llt to tho profsslon of tho entire Btnte, Bpocl-
mens of school work from tho various cities
of Nebraska wero n exhibition, and nirorded
much grntlnentlou by tho excellent showing
It ih rumored that tho Now Itepubllo will
Iw converted Into a dally on or about tho 1st
of June. Tho projectors havo endeavored to
purchase tho Evening Nows, but tho proprlo
torti of that paper wero not nnxlous to sell.
Wo suggest to tho gentlemen who iironhotit
to embark in thin enterprise that they kind ot
uveu things up n llttlo by making it a morn
ing instead ot an afternoon sheet, Ueslden,
by bucking the Journal instead ot tho evening
INiIwrs it will lose as much uionoy aud gain
more ox)crieuce.
Wk regret to heotlio News tako the stand
that It is necessary for tho welfare of tho city
that republicans should bo elected to tho vari
ous municipal ollleoa. Partisanship has no
business in a city election. Tho best mun
should bo elected without reganl to his poli
tics. A good man of nny jiarty is ft thousand
times bolter lltUxl to fill nn ofllco than a bad
man of any other party. Tho Couuiku, as
wo havo Itofore stated, taken llttlo interest in
politic nnd political parties, but it earnestly
dehlres to seo clean government, uud the man
who panders to tho vicious element should Ikj
defeated overy tlmo. Our advico to all vot
er is to cast your ballot for tho lest man, bo
ho republican, democrat or prohibitionist.
A IIiiookly.v congressman, Deacon Wliltu
of Wall street fame, has bucomo disgusted
with tho tedious workings of congm and
has declined another nomination. He says ho
Is too old a man to wait for congress to roach
any bill ho might introduce, and w ill step out
for Bomo younger man. Mr. Whito is alwut
right. Congress of lato years hnn become a
refugo for jwlitloal bosses, whlppcr-snap poll
ticians and men with more money nnd "gall"
than brains, who havo no adequate concc
tion'ot their duties. Tako such men as
llolmanand Illund, men who havo donomoio
to clog tho wheels of legislation than any ten
men v ho havo disgraced tho halls of tho cap
ital at Washington. Tho truth of tho matter
it that the lower house contains too mary
number. If cufc down to uliout half Its pros
out number somo good might bo done. At
present It In nothing more than a big, unwiel
dy lKxly, capable of accomplishing something
but it nover does.
It Is really amusing to notice how many
editor get to using tho phrases, "tho peoplo
will not stand this thing much longer," "tho
peoplo call ft halt right hero,'' etc., until tho
Inflated creatures imagine they ure "tho
)ooplo" in reality. It is very uauitating to
the reading publia to listen to tho vuiiorlugs
of these men who sot themsolves up as tho
voice of tho jioople when tho facts of tho enso
nro, that it is nothing but tho prejudice and
opinions of ono man who has oot himself up
ns u censor This fact bus become so thor
oughly understood that tho editorial jmgo is
u more tlm power I twos in tho earlier days
of n free press, Tho newspnjier reader of to
day prefer to road the facts nnd form his
own opinions therefrom, nnd'ln tho majority
of cases, It hq is ft coiiitunt render, thoso
opinion are a llablo to bo ns correct as thoso
of tho editor,
Tiir Couuiku would ngnln Impress It upon
tho minds of tho pooplo of Llneolu that Mr.
If, J, Whhnoro should Ikj ra-aloctod to tho
KlleoJudghlp, notlwcnma lia In a democrnt
hut liccnuso ho In letter llttod for tho plnco
thnu nny nsplrnnt llkoly to receive tho repub
llenu noiulimtloii. Mr. Eddy would innko n
good executive ofticer, hut hU chance nro
not very good. No ono can dlsputo hut Hint
Mr, Whltmoro's wlm) administration has
purified tho moml atmosphere of tho city,
nnd whou wo have n Kood man In tho right
plueo, wo wxi no reason w hy ho should not bo
continued. Ills course U commended hy nit
good cltlwus, nnd wo liellovo lio will lw eon
tinned In olllco.
LlCOLN linn n society indy who assert her
nblllty of knowing overythlng ft lndy hnn on
from lootn to hnt with live minutes' nopinlr
twice, nnd tho preclso cost of each nrtlelo.
v. ii. r.
Wo havo lookoil through tho Practical
Homo Physician with much Mitinfnctlou. It
is written in an ony nnd fnmlllnr Mtylo. Wo
tnkogrontploiinurolnnnjlng that wo reganl
t an DOHwsMuit clnlmi to n tilnco In tho hoiuen
of tho (woplo that no other work within our
knowledge, on popular modlcliio, hnn1eeii
found worthy to occupy. Tho unities of tho
editor furnUli n gunrnnUw to tho jwoplo of
itn leglllmnoy, nnd Itn cIoho, concuo nnd no.
eurnto history of tho diseases rocordwl, nnd
Instructions In plain wixon, ns to tho imo or
renuMlieM, will commend it to tho common
neuso of tho general public. IU claims to
merit nn n nelentiue, prnctlcnt work, ndnpted
tothoiieods of tho jwople, on tho nuhjoctn
treated, nro of n high order, nnd wo will
Inko gront pleaouro In reeotiimendlng it nn a
household friend to nny fnmlly, nnd nn n vol
limn full of good, practical nnd wIioIohoiiio
advico. Our readers will havo tho opportun
ity In tho coining month to obtain thin won
derful work by nubscrlptlon of Mr. Cobb, tho
general agent, nt 'M'l south Eleventh Btreot,
or from his Bolicltorn who will cull on you.
Kioiirslon M'est anil Northwest.
Dally oxcurslous havo leon arranged for
over tho Union Taclllo Hallway to Ban trail
elsco. San Dleeo. Colton. Iw Angeles, Ban
Derniirdlno nud Ban Joso, California, also to
rortlnnd, Oregon, nt ).00 for tho round
trip. Tickets are good 00 days for going pan
sago nnd good for tho return trip fornix
months from date ot salo with tho usual stoi
over privileges in both directions within thoso
Tho tickets are also good by way of Den
ver nnd Bnlt Ijiko City in each direction. Tho
agent, Sir. E. II. Blosson, tolls tin milta a num
ber of our townsmen are thinking of making
tho trip soon, nnd it would bo woll for thoso
intending to go in select parties to seo lnni
and arrnngo for their accommodations.
Mr. John 1J. Frnwloy, traveling agent,
Union rnclflc, nt Onuihn, Nob., will glvo you
any further Information In regard to theo
excursions. Parties who prefer can corres
pond with Mr. J. S. Tobbcto.O. P. &T. A.,
Omaha, Neb.
To Texas Vlu tho Missouri l'nelda 1UI1-
Ono faro for tho round trip from Lincoln
o all polnU. Tickets limited to sixty days,
nud transit limit going and returning of
flfteon days hi each direction. Excursions
leave Lincoln January 85, February 8 nnd lit),
March 7 nud 31. Double lino of Pullman
sleeping cars from Kansas City. A rnro op
portunity to visit Texas. Lowest rates over
offered. For maps, descriptive pamphlet,
rates, aud further information, call on or ad-
dress It. 1. It. MlLLAlt.
II. O. IlANNA, Oeneral Agent.
City Ticket Agent,
Corner O and liitli streets.
Urown's Vienna Coffee nnd Oyster hnuso In
tho ojiern house block U tho noutost and nob
lest retort in tho city.
For nil kliuLs of society stationery, such os
Invitation, programs, cards, menus etc. cnll
at tho Couuiku olllco in tho now Uurr block.
Largest lino ot ICoy West mid Imported ci
gars at the llurr block.
Olllco I'lirnltum For Hale.
An Improved double olllco desk, two finer o
cllnlng desk chairs, two other cano bunt
olllco chairs, etc, , for salo at n bargain. Only
ihhmi in uso four months. Good as now. in
qulro at this otUco, 1U1 North Eleventh Kt.
Homo Clienp Property,
A flno residence lot on Twenty-first street
near N for sale at a reasonable price. Also
ono in Mechanics addition, Hyde Park and
Elmwood.Will sell cheap It sold immediately
Call on or address L. Wessel, Jr., cnrx this
Dally excursions to California via tho Mis
souri Pacific ltallway. Tho tourists favorite
route. Choice of two routes going, anil prlr
ilego of returning any ono of four routes.
Descriptive folders and all information
obtained of II, O.,
Or R, I. It. M.LAn, Gon'l Pass. Ag't.
City Ticket Ag't,, cor. O and 12th sts.
Lincoln to Chicago without chango via tho
Elkhoru lino.
Muroli April May
Aro tho months in which to purify tho blood,
as tho system is now most susceptible to
lienellt from medicine. Hence now is the
time to tako Hood' Hursnparilla, a medicine
jK-cullarly adapted for tho purpose, pofsessing
peculiar curative powers. It expels every
Impurity from th blood, and aUo gives it
vitality and richness. It creates an np)otltc,
tone tho digestion, invigorate tho liver, nml
gives new life nnd energy to overy function
of tho body. Tho testimony of thousands, ns
to tho great benellt derived from Hood' Bar
soparllla should convince ovorybody that it
i ieculiarly tho best blood puritlor nud
spring medicine.
Tho new tonsorlnl aartment of Messrs.
Ilrutto & Walter, 11 Bouth Eleventh btreot,
(In Lyman's billiard hall) is whoro gentlemen
will find coiuKteut workmon to glvo n
smooth shave, nn nrtUtlu hair cut, shampoo,
etc. Try tho now place.
The lliirlliiRtiin' T.utcat,
A suerl) lino of ; chair cars now leavo
Lincoln daily, timidity included, at -I p. m. for
Chicago, without chango. A colored portor
accomiauics each car to provide for the com
fort of iKissengers, supply toilet articles, etc.
Further information may 1
olllco, comer O and 10th street.
A. C. Kikukh, City Pass. Agt.
Qo east by tho Bt. Louis and tho Missouri
Pacillo railroad and avoid nil omnibus trans
fers; nil changes made in Union dojats via
this route. Chair car free.
Canon City Coal at
uud Limy Co.
tho Whltehroast Coal
Hoarseness in a child Is a sure sign of croup
and Is undoubtedly intended by naturo ns a
warning to mothers. If Chamberlain' Cough
Itemedy is given, as soou a thu hoarscne
appear, it will prevent tho croup. For sale
by W. J. Turner. ' ,
A .nlous eus:om provnlln in Uornmiiy, for
vh.' .i t'lero npjMnr no explanation, llnivs
nre in tho opular Isdlef of tho children,
triiiiHformod lor tho noneo into ovlMrous
nulmals, and you seo In tho jwvstry cooks'
win ows nul'jialsof that sixties nn largo an
life, modeled In sugar, nnd sitting upright In
n nest, surrounded by nny quantity of eggs
Tho fresh, simple minded German children
bellnvo implicitly in thin egg producing
power of tho haro; nnd when, alwut Easter
tlmo, they seo ono running aenwn n Hold, they
elnp their huudn nnd shout niter it: "llnro,
good little hare, lay plenty of eggs for us on
Kastor dayl" Implicit belief In tho hnre nn
tho nuthnr of Easter eggs docs not exist
nmong tho young oop!o of nil countries,
howovcr. Tho llttlo maiden deplctetl In tho
illustration hero given in evidently In doubt
on which to pin her faith, tho llulTy hen or
tho fleeting haro.
Sv Mi
tiik rr.nri.Kxr.n diikamkiu
It is tho custom in German families on
Easter ovo to place sugar nnd real eggs (tho
former usually (Hied with bonbons or tiny
playthings) In a nest, and then conceal it in
tho house or garden, in order that tho young
ones, who uhvays rlso nt brenk of day on that
iuiKrtnnt morning, may havo tho delight of
seeking aud finding tho hidden treasures.
Happy tho llttlo ones who nro thus taught to
nssoclato Joy nud plcusuro with tho deepest
mysteries ot that religion which among us
is too often made the harbinger of gloom
and restraint.
Rtorlos That Arn Told of This Natural
Travelers in Egypt, who profess to havo
seen the gcnulno resurrection flower, describo
It ns a llttlo ball hanging on its fragilo stom,
nnd resembling both in color and shapo n
shrunken ioppy head. Bleeping, but not
dead, tho flower is aroused by being for an
instant Immersed In water and then sup
ported iu nn upright position. Soon tho
upper Alters begin to stir. Slowly, yet vis
ibly, thov unfold, until, with jwtals thrown
back hi equidistant order, it assumes tho ap
pearance of a beautifully radiated, starry
tlowcr, not iiullko some of tho aster in form.
Hosting a moment, it suddenly, ns though
inspired by sumo now Impulse, throws its
very heart to tho daylight, curving back its
petals farther still and disclosing beauties
undreamed ot oven iu tho lovolinois ot its
II rst awaken iug.
To say that, in general effect, its nppenr
nnco resembles tho assldn flower, Is to glvo
but a jkku description, and yet ono searches
in vain for a more fitting comparison. Lack
ing entirely tho strong contrasts In color of
tho latter, it yet wears a halo of Its own, un
like nuy other in tho wholo range ot lloral ef
fects. Whon viewed through a powerful ions, ono
traveler claims tho heart of tho flower,
which, to tho naked aye, lies flooded In ft
worm, coloiiei'j light, assumes the most ex
quisite ii idescout hues, far more beautiful
than tho defined tint of tho passion flower.
Molting to tho eye in its juiciness nnd deli
cacy, yet firm lu It pure outline aud
rounded finish, it bears tho samo relation to
that chosen typo of tho great Suffering, that
Tieaco bear to passion, or that promise bear
10 prayer.
Boon tho aspect of tha flower changes. Aa
though over tho well spring of Its eternal lifo
hangs some rutbles ower forcing it back
into darkness, before an hour has passed, wo
can seo that its newly found vigor Is fading
away, Tho pulsing light at it heart grons
fainter nnd fainter slowly tho petals ralso
themselves, to drop wearily sldo by sido upon
its bosom and finally, its beauty vanished,
its strength exhausted, it hongs heavy and
brown upon sts stem, waiting for the touch
that alone can waken it agaiu.
This rare botaulcal wonder, blooming ono
moment before admiring eyes, and noxt lying
dried and shriveled, is not without it legend
ary Interest, though the odor ot its oriental
history has, by this tlmo, boon neary blown
away by that sharp simoom ot investigation,
which has already whirled so many pretty
fable aud theories into oblivion.
Tho story of tho resurrection flower, as
given hi 1B.VJ by tho lata Dr. Dock, tho
naturalist, is as follows:
While traveling on a professional tour in
Upper Egypt, olght year before, engaged in
exploring for somo lost emerald ami copper
mines, ho chanced to render medical service
to an Arub attached to his party. In grati-
tudo tho child of tho desert formally pre
sented to hfm this how called "Resurrection
Flower," at tho samo tlmo enjoining hlin
nover to part with it. Like tho fabled gift
ot the Egyptian, it was supiKcd to havo
"magio in tho web of It." Tho doctor was
solemnly assured hy tho Arab and others of
Ills raco that It had Imjoii taken ten 'year bo
fore from tho biviut of nn Egyptian mummy,
a high priestess, nnd was deemed a great
rurltys that it would never decay if prujicrljr
carol for; that Its possession through lifo
would tend to rovivo hopo lu adversity, and,
it buried with its owner, would Insure for
him hereafter all tho enjoyments of tho
Boventli Ilea von of Mohammed, When pre
sented, this flower was ono of two hanging
upon tho samo stem. Dr. Deck carefully pro
served ono. Tho twin 8ccimcn he presented
to Duron Humboldt, who acknowledged it to
bo tho greatest floral wonder yet seen and
tho only ono ho had met with in tho courso of
Ids extenslvo travels.
For year tho doctor enrried his treasure
with him everywhere, prizing it for its in
trinsic qualities and Invariably awakening
tho deepest Interest whenever ho chanced to
display its wondrous owcrs. During tho
remainder of his life, It is claimed, ho caused
tho flower to o)cn many thrios, without caus
ing any diminution of its marvelous projwrty
or nny Injury whatever to it.
J.'CR as a Trlhulu to tho Kluc
Formerly nt tho approach of Easter all tho
hen roosts of Franco wero rnuhucked for tho
largest eggs, which were brought as a trlbuto
to tho king. At tho conclusion of tho Easter
high mas in tha chapel of tho Imvro
lackeys brought Into tho roynl cabinet pyra
mid of glided eggs, placed Iu UiskotS
adorned with verduio; ami tho chaplain,
after having blosxvd them, distributed them
lu tho presence of his must Christluu mujuoty
to all tho pcrou about tho court.
It Is claimed that rheumatism is
ornotlmns Inherited but it is mom llko
ly that the persons presumed to Inherit
It nro physlcaly constituted tho namo ns
tliolr parents nnd lmturaly susceptible
toil. If chlldicn nro dlft'orontly con
stituted from tho nflltotod parent thoy
do not "Inherit It." Hlllousncss is ns
much of an Inheritance as rhotimattani,
ns persons of a bilious tomporaiucnt
nro most susceptible to it nnd they of
courso got their tempornmont from their
parents. Other authorities claims that
rhaiinintlsmlsoatisuilbytlioprosQiioo of
urlo acid In tho blood. Othors to
taking cold when their is poison circu
lntlng in tho blood, others Hint it Is
purely and solely a disease of tho ner
vous systotn. It Is woll known that
when persons havo ncuto or iullnmmn
tory rlicuinntlsin the bowels nro iisuuly
constipated nnd the urlno Bonnty, but is
that not caused by the rheumatism
rnlhor than the cntiso of it, for when
tho bowels are kept open nnd tho In
(Innimntlou kept down, a cure Is soon
produced. Tho iniltuinuation must bo
kept down until tho pails nro restored
to n healthy condition. This is not
thoory ns n great msiny sovero enses
havo been cured in Unit way. Tho in
llammatlon being deep seated and
mostly In tho joints, It Is dllllcult to
reach and but few cxtornnl applications
will reliovo it, there is ono however
that will, and Hint Is Chamberlain's
"VS o 'n, ono nppliantlon is usual'
sutllelunt to relievo thu pain nnd only
tho worst oasos require more than one
or two lifty cent bottles to effect a cure.
It is tho most penetrating liniment
known and promptly rolluvcs tho ago
nizing pains both of rheumatism and
notirnlgiii. When tho parts can bo reach
ed ami thu l'alu Halm applied directly to
tho Kout of pain, as In cases of bumf
nud tootlineho. it relieves instnntly nnd
in cases of rheumatism only n few
moments aro required for its effect to
bo felt. To keep the Imwols open al
ways use St. Patrick's Pills as they aro
absorbed into tho blood, net through it,
purify it and thoroughly cloanso thu
whole system.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Will euro a sovero cold in less time
than by any othor treatment. It re
lieves tlio lungs, opons tho secretions,
renders tho mucus less tenacious and
easier to expectorate nnd aids nature In
restoring tho system to a healthy con
dition. If freely used ns soon as a cold
has been contracted nud bofore it lins
become settled in the system, it will
often euro what would havo boon a
cover cold in a single day. It is a cer
tain euro for croup.
Sold at W. J. Turner's.
New Sewing Muclilno for Halo.
I havo n first class now sowing machino
nover lieou used, of the latest invention nud
with nil tho modern appliances that will bo
sold at n big bargain. Address Jo-Jo, care
this olllco.
llnuni tho Town.
Leavo a paper wrapper with a threo cent
stamp on with H. O. Huuuu, citytickotngent
of tho Missouri Pacillo railway, and havo a
"Lincoln Illustrated" mailed to yom friend
east, freo of charge.
Through slcc)crs to Chicago are run nnd
all eastern connections made by tho Elkhorn
Valley and Chicago and Northwestern rail
road. Try this elegant route. Ofllcos, 115
South Tenth streets and dejtot, corner S and
Eighth streets.
Chicago & Northwestern mllcago tickets
sold to auyono at Elkhorn ofllco, 115 South
Tenth street and depot comer S and Eighth
McMurtry's addition on K street, below
Nineteenth, is ono ot tho slghliest in tho city,
its w ell as being rlgnt in tho centre of tho
fastest growing iiortlou. Call at his olllco bo
low tho Capital National Hank and secure ono
ot thes lots.
Only via tho Missouri Pacillo railroad can
you got freo reclining chair cars through to
Atchison, Kansas City, Chicago, Bt. Louis,
Tcrro Hauto and Indianapolis.
Lincoln Iluckund UngKUge I.lno.
Telephone No. 201, meat market, 037 O
street, or No. iWl livery barn. Order slates
at sumo places aud U. P. ticket ofllco, corner
Eleventh nnd O street. Hack stands, Capi
tal hotel and meat market.
Wedding stationery, Invitations, programs
anil all lino printing our specialty. Call ard
boo 8(ociiuoiis of our work. Wessel & Dob
bins, Uil North Eleventh street.
Ills tho only Hue runnlnn directly tliroiu-li
Denver ami Halt Iiko City, enrouto to Han
Francisco and othor California points, nud Is
known ns tho "Heenlo Line" to thu I'nelllo
coast. The llurllimton lUiuto runs over Its
own track every duy lu tlio year. Comploto
trains of Pullman Palace Car and Elegant
Day Coaches lirtwcon
Denver and Chicago,
Denver and Kan. City,
Denver and Omaha,
Kansas City and Peoria,
Kansas City and Chicago,
Lincoln and Chicago,
Lincoln and St. Louis,
Lincoln and Peoria,
Lincoln and Kan. City,
Making direct connections In Union Depots
for all points North. East, Mouth and West.
It Is tho Pioneer Pining Cur I.lno between
MtS'ourl river unit Chicago. Meats only 73c.
The HurllnuUm PIiiIuk Curs wero built ox-
protsly for tlio somen and aro managed en
tirely In tho Interest of our patrons.
Via tho Ashland Cut-oir, muklng direct con
nection with trains for Ht. Paul, Minneapolis
Chicago aud all points East and Northeast.
The diagrams of the Lincoln-Chicago sloop
er via this popular rout aro at City Uillee.eor
O uud (Otli st., whoro berths may bo scoured
m nuy iiiiiu
A specialty U madu of Ocean Hteainshlii Tick,
ets, nndpnrlliseonU'iiiplHtingatrlp to tlm old
country or desiring to KMid fhr their friends should
not fall to correspond with u. Our rates nro thu
lowest, and our facilities unequaled, as woiropro
seat each and oveiy line crossing tho Atlantic.
V B. EUSTI8, p.und T. Agt., Lincoln
O, P, aud T. Agt., Omaha.
General Manager, Omaha.
4-!. ! IJlillMllltMJ
Tho Importance of purifying tho blood can
not bo overestimated, tor without puro blood
you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every ono needs a
good mcdlclno to purity, vltallzo, and enrich
tho blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's
Pom ill a i Sarsaparllla. It strengthens
rCUUIIcU ntui ouiu, up tm, gygtcm,
creates an appetite, and tonos tho digestion,
whllo It eradicates disease Tho peculiar
combination, proportion, nnd preparation
ot tlio vcgctahlo remedies used giro to
nood's Sarsaparllla pecul- "rrt Itcolf
lar curatlvo powers. No " I too IT
othcrmcUlcliiohas such a record of wonderful
cures. It you havo mado up your mind to
buy Hood's Sarsaparllla do not bo Induced to
tako any other instead. It is a rccullar
Mcdlclno, and Is worthy your confidence
nood's Sarsaparllla Is sold by nil druggists,
Prepared by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masj.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Old dead troth rnnUIn
ktho qnlntcxacnco of blood
Ipolfonl Who cnti (mallow
It, gushing out of old Icelh
at eyiTjr moil nnd bo
heslthyr Tlicco teeth sro
dead, ulcerated, unh-atlliy
frequently cuo a moiled
ico. tjnoum cerUIr: bo
extracted and replaced wlUi
cood, artlnclal Iccth Hint
neverache. Can be extract
ed without pain. No hum
The nlxive cut shows the teeth of a man 45
years of see, from Dr. Hell lu 1831. We meet
with this sfTtctlou In the teeth lu various formi
aud degrees. The ends ot tho crowns seem
verj soft, having a low decree of vitality and
wear down showing a dark yellowish cupped
spoMn the center. Many are to foollth ss to
M" '.hat molar teeth sro of llttlo account,
.ui ret them go by default; after which all
the force ot tha muscles are extended to the
front teeth, wearing them down rapidly.
The best, and only remedy, Is to cover and
buildup the ends with gold and platinum,
which wears like steel and saves them many
years. Wo msko a specialty of lino gold work
on building them up, contour fillings, etc.
A. 21
Cuts A and B are from Jolm Tomes, of Eng
land. "
A Twolncliors with notches In the ends.
B shows thoprgsbapid teelh wlthyrllowlsh
pits In the ends
For such teeth we haro two remedies: First
To fill Urn pits In the cads with gold. Sec
ondExtract them and replace them with
jrtlllcUl teeth. Hut the houes absorb away
rapidly to that they will need resetting fre
quently We make thu llucu nillfi ltl teeth In the
We uie Justle' and White' pttcnt teeth,
with long, heavy plut, mounted ou ttrong
elastic plttrs. Thoie who patronize us will
not be troubled with broken teeth and cricked
plate, canker tore moutht, etc.
To loose tho front teeth, It to looto half
tho power ot speech, and more than halt the
Dltsaied Quins.
Tke teeth turn black and die, the .ram bleed M
the ilMitcst touch, ulcerate, the toetli lootcn an4
fall out, Uie breath U horrible.
1208 O Stroot,
un ueitapia Transit, caies up diseased (roraa,
Ui &ns t Uth that tobacco will not tarulth
Uoiuy loaned on long or short time at Iowa
ites. Ofilce In Richards' Block, room ,
Take elevator on Eleventh street entrance.
Homffiopatliist Physician,
Telephone No, 685.
163 South 1 tth Street, Likcolm
Drayage and loving.
Desires to Inform the public that his equip
ment for moving Household Gwods.Pianos"
Safes, Mnrchnndlsc, Heavy Machinery,
etc., Is the best lu the city. Special men
and wagons arc kest for the removal of
Pianos and Household Goods,
Which are always handled by competant
and experienced help, and the latest npnlj
nnces used for handling Safes and otlier
heavy goodt, Call, address or telephone
Telephone 1 1 1 Ollice 917 O St
N. R. HOOK, M. D.,
drlnary and Rectal Diseases a Specialty,
Treats rootnldlseoso hy IJKINICrMUim.Mr
PAINI.KS3 HYHTKM. , Olllco, roViS Vil, 31iJ
l'.'l llurr 11 ooW. Tu-irth m..i .....'. '"i5."a
telephone 6W. llpsldnuco 1029 Q .treet. "Phi, "mj
Onieo hours, a to 1-2 a.m. a 1,7 T..i -" 'J.1"'
Imn.Ut. HAs.. ... -' w I III 1 U n
P m
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J 11 iiuiii
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