TTiHYiTi TTT'1 ; 4 t ., t f 11, r " lr KJ.."" ji I " ''K V W n 8T0niES ABOUT MEN. How it WnnltltiRlon SUn I.lvrtt on Nolli VR n Yrnr. I kiK'vr of a "man nlwut town" horo, who takes n great Interest in publlo nlTalm, visits tho Capitol rviil(vly ovcry dny. is n charm intt talker, it weloomo guest at tho homo of many senntor nnd members r.f tlio house In tluirt. n " lollv cood follow." Imt ono whoso Iiihvuh of support liavo Uvn something of n mystery to hli must lutimnto companion. I Tho other Any ho applied to i nonnlor, whom wraith in counted hy tho millions, for tlio lonn of V). "I don't know thnt I shall over lo nhlo to . . - 4 ..,..- II 1.1 pay you," mm tioiion, irniiKiy i can nun Jones hocnuxo thnt la not his imino--"lmt if I ant over nhlo I proiuiso to do no." Tho wnntor wn a Rood dtvd surprised nt this unusual exhibition of candor, nod re plied In thomimo innuneri "As you nru so f rnuk," wild he. "you rnn- not object to my Imitating you. I would llko to know how you live. It Iim long liocn n mystery to mo, nml If I give you tho moiioy Iwnnt you to gratify my curiosity. Now tlont bo offended." "Not In tho least," replied .Tone. On tho contrary you lmvo it rlgiit to know. I hnvo no Income, iw nmtiy jieoplo suppoM, hut lim ply II vo on my friends. I entertnin them, do llttlo services for them, end thou draw upon them, iui 1 hnvo on you, for my iy. I hnvo never struck you ttcforo and I hojio I shall not bo compelled to do nonRnln;but just nt present I nut fliit broke, nnd you hnpenod to lw tho Unit limit I met nfter receiving my board bill, which, of course, haw to bo iwtld, for I don't wnnt to move," Tho senator's iistonlshinont may Iwttcrbo Imagined tlinn described. Hecovorlng Ills "brenth ho exclaimed i "Look here, Jones. It you llvo on your friends, as you say, why In thunder do you ttlwnys boanl nt n first class hotel I" "That's vny enough to nmwor," replied Jones, without n minute' hesitations. "If I didn't Ixvinl nt n first claw hotel I wouldn't linvu any friends." Now York Tribune, Didn't Know Ailniu. Ai Artcimts Ward won onco trnvollng in tho cars, dreading to Ihi bored nnd feeling miserable, n man approached htm, sat down and said t "Did your hear tho last thing on Itorneo Greeley P "areoloyl GreoloyP' nald Artotnus. "Ilornoo Greeley t Who is hoi" Tho man was quiet about flvo minute Pretty soon ho wild: "aoorgu Francis Trnln is klcklngupa Rood deal of n row over in England; do you think tlioy will put hint in it bastlloP "Trnlnl Trnlnf Goorgo Ffttucls Tralnl" said Artvmus, solemnly, I novor licard of him." This ignoranco kept tho mnn quiet for fif teen minutes; then ho witdi "What do you think about Gon. Grant chances for tho presidency! Do you think they will run himP "Grant! Grant! Hang it, man," said Artemus, "you appear to know moro strangers than nny mnn I over saw," Tho mnn was furious; bo walked up tho oar, but nt bvt enmo back mid saldi "You confounded iguoramus, did you over hoar of Adam!'' Artemus looked up nnd saldi "Whatwsa his other linmol" Now York CotnmorclaY Advertiser. Congressional Oratory, I asked Gon. Mnudcnton, senator from No braska, tho other day if oratory was dying out in tho senate "Tho conditions art) certainly unfnvornblo to it," ho said; "that is, ifou menu noisy declamation that might moro nu ignorant oat of door crowd. If you moon correct speech and tho nrtlstlo use of lnngungo to coDvey an Impression, there is no placo moro favorable "It is a whimsical notion of mlno that stammering promotes clTectivo oratory. I Tcmcntbor n brilliant stuttering lawyer in Ohio who nppllod for a chango of vonuo, nnd obtained it. Everything that ho said of a humorous uaturo always sounded a good deal t '-' " r lieeauso of tho obstruction of speech, u-u It seemed very ludicrous when ho said triumphantly, 'May it p-i-pleaso tho ko-ort, when I havo f-f-f-f-f-fllixl theso p-papora this lto-aso will ily away on tho wo-wo-wo-wo-ings of tho moruingl'" Chicago News, Who Would Fill Chaunecy's Place? When tho gavel of tho speaker of tho homo falls upon tho desk, at exactly 1!) o'clock each day, ft flag is hoisted upon tho polo that rises from tbo crest of tho cupola on tho houso ond of tho Capitol John Chauneoy, tho oldest cmployo, has this duty to perform. Ho came to Washington with Thaddous Stevens, "tho Great Commoner ,n and when tho latter got so weak that ho could not walk, Chauneoy used to carry hint up and down tho stairs to and front his carriage. It was to him that Mr. Btovens modo tho remark so often quoted. When ho was carrying tho statesman into tho houso ono morning as usual Mr. Btovens remarked: "Chauncey, I wonder who will carry ms when you aro gone," Philadelphia Times. A Good Suggestion. Impecunious Dudo Cholly, I'vo got to tn&ko a waiso or go to work, and I cawn't stand that, bah Jovol What would you wocommoiull Cholly You havo it nleo soft.beard. Bor row a suit of fomnlo apparel and put it on, and any dlmo musoum man will givo you n job as a boarded lady on sight. Chicago Tribune, AVortliy of Ills Hlrn. Stranger (to boy) Boy, can you direct mo to tho nearest bank! Boy I klu fcr twenty-fl cents, Btrangor Twenty-flvo cents I Isn't that high pay! Boy Yea, Blr; but It's bonkdlroctora what gits high pay, Now York Bun, Hut They're All ltotlre.l. Tho peoplo of Buffalo offer $100,000 for a successful plan for utilising Niagara falls. A great many hackmen havo discovered how to tttillso tho falls without offering any such big prise, rittsburg Chronicle, all soma or items. Tho'fhlstlo hns loen sold to Mr, Contes, owner of tho MnrJorJn. A lingo turnip, which has twolvo holds or bunches of toj, Is n Florida curiosity. CttmhrlilRo university is to establish exam inations for commercial ccrtlflentes. Tho latest Georgia wonder Is mi Insurnnco firm nt Milledgovlllo composed of two young women. Kxtermlnntlng prnlrlo dog nt so much an ncro Is tho occupation of several men at Wichita Fulls, Tex. Thoro Is n fl-yenr-old cow in Clay county, D. T,, thnt stand 10 hands high nnd wolghs 1,888 Kiinds. Circus mou nro bar gaining for hor. A resident of Ixo county, Go., hns tamed Mao Jays so thnt they will fly dowu from tho trees nnd jierch on his shoulders ns ho walks around his gnrdcu, Tourists who ro to Florida in Fehninry or March nro warned by medical men not to ro turn north lxforo tho middle of April nt tho earliest, unless thoy would risk ncoullict with pneumonia, A schooner went nshoro off Ban llucunvon turn, Cnl., tho other day, nnd thocruw wcro In danger of liclng lost. They owo tholr safety largely to n flno retl Irish setter, who swnm out through through tho breakers, seized n stnko thnt hint Ihuii thrown overboard with a row nttnehiHl, nnd succeeded in carrying it to tho shor. The Italian lleet Is lielng got ready for Im mediate hervlco, nnd In tho unguals ut Naples nml work Is going on night nnd day, proiMirlng material for rvjwilrs to tho shiis, Tho )irlitclvtl rendczvoiu of tho fleet Is nt Mnilalonn, it splendid nnchorngo protected by n group of snmll Islands, Black menslos nro raging nmong tho No 1'crces Indians of Okonagon. Tho liiollclno men treat tho dlsenso with steam under n blanket nnd it dip In tho river, n treatment attemptwl with it fatal result In nearly every cose. Tho vhthM in that section havo tho dlsoatio, but It yields to trcutmunt In tholr casus. A irty of ladles and gentlemen started to explore n cave near Clyde, Ark. About 000 yards from tho mouth of tho cavern thoy on countered nu Immense nrmy of rats. Tho rats wero vicious and made n snvngo attack on tho explorers. Two of tho ladles fainted nnd had to Ikj carried out. Hundreds of tho animals wuro slain by tho men. A fow years ago ft school ma'am in Cum berland county. Mo,, was presented by hor beau with deeds to sumo California lands. Both considered them worthless; butn woman hates to part with anything, so she put thorn awny. lleoontly sho received nit offer of STiO.OOO for tho land, vnlunblo mineral de posits having been discovered, which sho promptly recoptod. Hon. llullnr In Washington. Gon, B. F. Hotter Is hero for tho present in his big stouo houso oposlto tho southern end of tho Capitol, I called there a few days ago nnd found the rooms largo nnd luxuriously furnished, tho wnllshuug with flno paintings. Ono room contains nu elegant billiard table. Tho general Is suffering from n succession of colds in tho head from which ho can got no relief. Ho Is a hurd worker ovory day, nnd has so much business on hand that ho is a slave to his eu. Ho nays tho dinner hour is tho only leisure ho has, and he has mado it nu iullexlblo rule that no matter who calls to sco hltn while ho Is nt dinner, ho will not bo disturbed, "I cnuiiut and will not soo tho dinner lloud," ho says. Aftor dinner ho goes back to his wcrk, remaining until U:U0 p. m. Thou ho is hungry and calls for something to eat. Ho goes to his sleeping room, lights all tho jets of the central chandelier, mid tlio gas lights each sldo of his bod, and piling -in reads until he falls nxloop. If ho wakes up during tho night, as ho often does, ho resumes his rend ing. Ho Is tlio Unit one up In tho morning, when ho nt onco goes to bU desk. Such I? tho dally routine llfo of ono who hns acquired wealth and Is well on in years, but who is not nble to stop business nnd tnko a rest. Thnt will only como with tho end of life, Fuller Walkor in Now York Graphic Contiiglon of llellgloua Kiuotloiu. As concerns emotions connected with religion, tho contagion of them lias been notorious In nil agtw, for good or ovll, no cording to tho character of tho religion In question. Tho intoxication of tho dances of old Mnmads and modern dervishes; tho shrieks ami solf wounding of tho priests of Bool and Cybclo; tho frenzied scenes of sacri fice to Moloch nud tho Axtco gods, and 100 other examples will occur to ovory reader. Probably those ou tho largest sealo of all recorded In history wero tho ilrst cruxados, when "I2uroo precipitated itself ou Asia" in a delirium of religious enthusiasm, caught from Fotcr tlio Hermit and Bernard of Clalrvnux. Tho outbursts of tho Anabap tists and Flagellants nnd Prophets of tho Covonncs, In Christlandom, and of Moslem fanatics under prophota and mahdls (of which wo havo probably by no moans heard tho last), and llna'ly tho revivals of various sects in England and America, and tho triumphs of tho Balvntlon Army, aro all instances of tho iort played by tho contagion of emotion In tho rollglon of tho community at largo. Fortnightly Hoviow. A Natural Inference Niagara Landlord You look tirod and thirsty. Won't you hnvo a glass of wutcrl Cautious Visitor (who has read about tbs -lli)-How much In ItJBuffalo Drift. A llcllef to lllnuuU. :ss:vN A Common Sense View. Ail amusing incident happened at a recent meeting of tho Associated Charities in Boston. A JHXjr woman related how sho had struggled in privation, finding tho utmost dilllculty in procuring work, nud how sho had nt length come to tho conclusion that death was bettor than life. Sho resolved to commit suicide, when it occurred to her that If sho took her life her Uxly would bo ignonilnlously hurried to a xiuior burial. This took a keen hold of her woman's vanity, nnd tho prospect was ono by no menus to bo endured, Sho there fore set herself, with determined toll and patient thrift, to necumuluto mouoy enough to defray tho oxiwuso of decent burial. When sho had gathered, by littlonud little, tho sura necessary, it second illumination of common senso canto to her, (mil sho concluded that on tho whoto it would bo qulto as well to llvo and enjoy tho monoy as to kill herwolf for tho biilco of being burled with it, Arlo Bato In Providenco Journal A BOON TO PHYSICIANS. BerncTs Physician Office Register SfuuiAUti.nnL.n v ""(,. Ty,"H? , , , , , , , , , , ,, , ,Hi ,..,-,,, , ,,,., ,,,, niii,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, . , , tf-& J. 1L. ' if zz. 1 1 j i r i m i x v 7 " i .i n t ii n mi i. r v t z : r Jr : :i J ; - 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 r : i o i j i j j q n t v u e v u a 1 1 1 z zz Mlttt- ? .... . . ilr.lZ.J. I.OltUr - - ' - TiKUa.!.'-- iiAn y . . , . . ..... . j . " . .. . ' n j i m n 3 1 -j 3 3 n j 1 1 ( c s o r, d n o ;i r r ; ; :r : i ; zzz6! itttiii'!i-i'iii?iittvirjvrEi3!izzzz-z zzzz O 3 .. .. ... . J .J p .. .... . . - - u '.'.''."'.'." '.'. '.'.y.'.." ."""'. iii'ii i i.zzy.iy.iiiy."y.i""zizzzi" m ' i n i 1 1 j 1 1 j 5 3 i i --.: ? 2 1 1. o 6 5 r- q 5 - - r : r qp : t : z !i! u j 1 1 1 1 1 n o 3 5 s 3 a i a n r o o r, u 5 d 0 0 e s : r : z z , "t'i rz'k cipmiw cope "z z.zz.zz.z f t 'BjB 1 " Ser e'c.ji.'i . " 1 1 tin niii'tm twin intiwuiiVii'i Z ztzz ,zS' iiii?iiiiuj d (, u n w 0 u n "" , J WL rjt C.MJMV.,4 . . ,. I P i. ............ ............ ... 38 4 ic - - ... m "- .......... .. Q Z Z Mi JtZ "q? Z'ZZ'. a r"h" "" rrrrr . n 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 u j -i a :. ; 5 5 1 1 c Y-t C5sir:;:r: inftlb :?nnniiien XL nnuvi'iv.zzzzzzzz s fr . Fin J it x wrf. . Sii;mii-."i;i;niiiiiiuiiiiiiniiil, jftj ""' m:inri;7nir.iinrnnunn!iiiiT V- 1 !af i1 : - , mi HtH h 1 1 1 1 iji 1 1 1 1 1 ""F"1 ' " " y. ' UJt5 .-.. ::- -;: - m : : ' '. rw-4 0111 The nbovc cut shows Register open. The book Is prepared with especial reference to Improving the system of recording calls, visits, etc. It Is complete, simple henstve, nnd ns a labor saving method of keeping accounts, will at once commend Itself to every Physician In the land. Your attention Is called to the fact that the account ngnhut n patient I'ou an kntirk Yicah is contained within n space three Inches In width. This book Is I3xt7 Inches; contains 100 pages; each page divided Into 7 spaces, thus providing for 700 accounts, contains a condensed cash nccount showing (on one page) ensh rccclptsfro both "regular" and "transient" patients for each day In the year, besides 4 additional ruled pages for memoranda, such ns "the address of nurses, cnts" "private consultations," etc., etc. The book Is alphebctlcally Indexed on linen tabs, substantially bound Russia back nnd comers, cloth sides, spring tigc nt StCTIONM. VIEW, SHOWING AMMIGEMCNT OF ALTERNATE LONG AND SHORT LEAVES l'etur Heretic's linmurlallty. Fetor Herdlc, a millionaire lumberman, died tho other day. Not n jurist and states man llko Lord Brougham, ho bids fair to bocomo immortal for a similar reason, namely, by attaching his name to a novel and convenient stylo of carriage. In Wash ington tho "Ilerdiu" has become an "institu tion," und tho merits of tho conveyance, modlflod us it may bo to meet local condi tions, will probably lead to Its general intro duction ut n btreetvehlclo for hire. Now York Commercial Advertiser. Turning n Itefmctory Convict, A flro coniMtny was summoned by tho prison olUelnls ut Mobllo to turn a stream uponiireinu'tory prUoncr, who was armed withnduk. Wbilu ho was attempting to dodgo t lw h, cold wutor tho ofllcers rushed Uoii him and overpowered hUu. Chicago News. 'V If f: Prices, 700 Account Office Register, $5.00. 1400 Account Office Register, $8.00 BERND'S POCKET REGISTER. Its Advantages are as Follows: .... -- Tansfcrgi'S ' 'exiiig. , . ng of Patient's name for entire 3d. It enables you to keep the run of your accounts without referring to auxiliary books. .th. Can he commenced nt any time during the year. 5th. The price Is far below the cost of keeping accounts In the old style, viz: 2 Visiting List, Journal nnd Ledger this 'ook combining nil three. This cut shows book open, with exumle similar to tfoil shown ubow. Cipher code Is embossed in gilt on Inside of cover. The RegUter when closed Is 4x7 Inches, convenient she to carry In pocket. The lines of the short leaf arc adjusted to the long. When the short leaf Is turned to the right, .the first half year Is visible. The Book Is Gilt Edged, bound lit Black Seal flexlbtc with Inside pocket and clastic tablet. Contains condensed cash account, showing nt n glance Receipts front Regular and Transient Patients for entire year besides eight Memorandum Pages, Pencil and Holder, nnd Is closed by a Silk Elastic Band. Extracts from a Few of the Many Letters Received, I nut gratified to say that for the first time In long years of practice, I am able to keep my accountsIthout having to suffer the drudgery of cumbersome book .keeping Dr. 11. Tuholskc, St. Louis. It Is just the thing I want. Dr. G. Swan, Hartford, Connecticut. The book is a treasure to any busy Doctor, it saves an amount of tedious work at the end of the month which is particularly agreeable. Dr. E. A. Cliapoton, Detroit, Michigan. I have lost enough this A. m. to pay for the book.havlng to make out an account In haste. Dr. Jno. Boardman, Buffalo.N.Y It is by far the most complete work of Its kind I have ever met with shall take pleasure In recommending it to my friends in the profession. Dr, S. II. Chester, Kansas City, Missouri. I regard it as the only Register in use adapted to the Physician's requirements. Dr. J. T. Kent, St. Louis, Missouri. For the past fifteen years I have used several kinds of Registers, all very good, but none beginning to compare with that purchased from you. Dr. W. C. Barker, Hummellstown, Pennsylvania. I have found It useful and exceedingly convenient. Dr. Benj. T. Shlntwcll, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I mut congratulate you on the Introduction of such .1 perfect method every member, of the profession should extend to you their appreciation by adopting the same.-Dr. Win. Bird, Chester, Pennsylvania. I would not do without It for fifty dollars a year. L. W. Clark, Rushvllle, Illinois. PRICES,03 Account Pocket Register, $3.00. 440 Account Pocket Register, 4.00. mmmmmmmmmmmmesmammm dJUTUU S m mioiJjiuyftliaiH B f I D J I, o II , x B llfl Hl.ll . ll JJ IJUII p f' WESSEL .,mV' if V New Burr Block. j'- 4. ViWV t, V M r,' , j '. AiLaHLW, tun. ; 'x & DOBBINS, Western Agents, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. "? H, 1 o ," j itr'rf" ,mnw iiiiiwiisiiisfiiTssjsitiwjtWiiMiMisflffi'fW - s - afV ,"'